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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
January 11, 1957
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MEMMMDUM a Chief. Finance Division ATITNTIQN I Monetary Branch SUBJECT 10 Disbursement by Treasury Check Approved For 2001/03/04 :CIA-RDO 879RQ 10 17 SAE'C =5 COPY ,.& of 5 U 3 1957 .1 It is kindly requested that a U. S., Treasury Check be dray In favor of the compoW listed hereu!der in the .aunt stated, which wi a! be applicable to the contract or agreement shown,, The c tract number and :invoice identification muit appear on the check., b, Aunt :. 691.41 25X1A5 1 a ~r,~?~=~, e iheci t be dated ..__ _,[ .195'! - 2~ Perticent documontat.:?,m 1:'C_d wNEAMOctit n With this c: aresi ied transaction which has not been included in Compt.,ral"te ?s3 Instruction No. '32 (Notice No, 2".), after appraval by the DCI 15 December 1956', is on tile In ? he Office of the P o. ect Comptroller,. The pay nt requested is based progress made by the cc;ntractor to date and should be processed apaiis.at General Ledger Aron ,t. N - f tilled "Diaburseuents of Appropriated Funds Chargedb':.c+ tax a onf'identl . 3 .ds Al 0,tmeuts Awaiting DC.I C eswttftcati a a } ho A` l ant 3vi thol app " . cab) a to t"hi.s, request is 6 -50 (07.9 c heoI., shou d be dated as Htated t to aofi?n ?k }-rn.,r 4~ ;,?:. a~ rya at ~a ... ryas sal P 'et;,pe., If w: % t 21 25X1A9a zedGG (;art jn O.f inor DOCUMENT NO. NO CHANGE IN CLASS. ^ DECLASSIFIED CLASS. CHANGED TO, TS S 0 020/2- NEXT REVIEW DATE: AUTH: HR lU-2 DATEI ~~REVIEWERI_06454Q Approved For ReleaNOTMj703/04 : CIA-RDP81 B00879R000900090035-0