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Approved For Rp~ase 2002/05/01 :CIA-RDP80-01341A0200060006-7 NOTE FOR: Director of Finance SUBJECT ~ : ~ Management and Services Directorate Surplus ' Procedures 1. .Aster you have met with the individuals concerned please call m.e so that we know (1) whetlicx they Dave ag~:eed to retire or (2) you fow~d it necessary to presc~~~ the suxL~lus_ letter:. I will thexi ari-at~ge iox Mx. nxrnvx~.inan to sign the surplus znenzora.nduin (attach.atenc IL) to tl~e Dizector of Persouziel which also transmits the su~~~1us decLal~.tion (attaclunent li} signed by Nr: Brow~unan. I have retained both lettea.-s for his signature, You will receive copies as soon as 1V:x. 13~,?~~vnman has signed them. that aster you discuss the surplus m.attcr with the you direct /~ 2 To retzin as systematic procedure as possible, we suggest ~' them to see your F oi~n '[^_PY/Suppo;~k~~~e~wlno will arxari,ge Sor ~ 25x1A ~a1i appnint~~i~nti with r. x tlla rci;~.~:e.tltnl~t#s~ix~e~ 1~~..v~eiv~~, - ~~J ~~' ~ ?tfieo of pex~onn`e1, whit e e ~ appropriate. Your Personnel dS.ficer/ ~.,~~ ~ 3a J Suppo~ Officer is being asked to then notify nle so we can sclieclu~e tike s on a Directorate basis.. This step is critical ('~t`n ,~s 3~~ ~ 25X1A bc~ause M~.~~office and the retirement A.~ffairs Division need to schedule appointments because of the volume involved. We waz~ to create as organized situation as possible under the cix~umstances. . 25x1 A 3 ~ ' ~ X can- assist you in any. other way, please let me know. Approved For R,~Ff~,~yy~~~1~d~tafalp~~+~CIi4-R~.P80-q,~34~A-b00~dt~~eC~0006-7 ~~lwf i~ktld ~. ~~~~,r+.J ~~i :~ .MM ~.r+A i~~.Jdr ~fuR L. dP+IYi,U Approved For Rp~ase 2002/05/01': CIA-RDP80-013410200060006-7 I~1E.tii0~l1GDIM FOR:. D3.rector o.~ ~erso:~nel. SUi33"r.CT xn accordance with p~.ra~rapn b . (2 } ? ox: x ior~~rard herewith m;~-? declarati.on o~ ~date} that i?i7'. . r r exces$ to the manpower.requz.remen4s o~ this ~i~rectorate. Approved For Release 2002/05/01 :CIA-RDP80-Q1341A000200060006-7 Approved For Fuse 2002/05/01' :CIA-RDP80-01341A~200060006-7 , STATINTL . ; lti accordance with para~a~~h b. ~:L} a ~ ~~7u1 ~taicit~~ itlto is excess to .the manpower requixe~ien~s of this Directorate and ~ so cor~sideratian the. current and ar;ticipated sr.anpnwer requiz-cr+~er.t;u of this :Directorate, , as well as the performance, nature ~af ~t~oxvice, gl.lal.if) ca'tiana and grade of. Prr. , X herby determine th~~L? ,-cr. . ,, r3~al~xe bum as ~axca~a: ,,~ , , .:. Approved For Release 2002/05/01 :CIA-RDP80-01341 A000200060006-7