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Approved For Releaser000/09/08 : CIA-RDP80-01341A000200010004-4 pr REFERME1 My memorenda 31 *wet 1972 f the Office o 1. organization and and contains a. reeeemendati 1 2 APR 1972 Finance proval. 2. The proposed organization and etaffin structure attaChed Tab A incorporates the changes outlined in the referent memoraridai copies of which are attaehed as Tao B and C. Also included are minor position grade dhanges with offsetting changes necessary to avoid an increase in our averaee grade. Most of the grade Changes proposed for PT 1973 were also included in the proposed FY 2972 Staffing Complement and were previously reviewed and tentatively approved by the Position Nbeeeement and Compensation Diviaion (PMD). However, since the PY 1972 grade changes yeuld have resulted in an unacceptable increase in the Office average grade, the former Director of Finance in discussions with am representatives iyithdrev his request for in adings and made suCh other grade changes az were necestary to conform to the FY 1972 average grade of GS-08.9632 authorized fer the Office. 3. The proposed TItaffing Complement attached as Tab A Includes not only minor organization and ataffing changes but also refleetz position adlustments necessary to reduce the present Clfice of 25X9 Finance ,ceiling to that programmed far n 1973 (i.e. 25X9 The S ag Complement proposed does not change either the present number of positions at the CS-14 level and above or significantly alter our present average grade. In fh-Ct the average grade is reduced slightly, from GS-08.9629 to G2-08.9618 Attached as Tab D for copparative purposes is & summary tale reflecting the current and proposed positions at each grade. Approved For Release 2000/09/0app3-RDP80-01341A000200010004-4 cAr. Approved For Release4000/09/08 : ,80-01341AC100200010004-4 4, it is recommended that the proposed organization and staffing structure for the Office of ina.nce as reflected in Tab A be approved. Thomas B. Yale Director of Finance Attecbments: Tab A - Proposed Staffing Complement Tab B & C - The Referent Memoranda Tab D - Grade Summary The recommendation in Paragraoh 4 is approved: John if Coffey Deputy Director for Support Distribution: Orig - Office of Finance 2 - D 2 - OF/SS ,:Or Rkkeise cf0134 CILL ? Date 80-01341A000200010004-4 25X1 A Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP80-01041A000200010004-4 Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP80-01341A000200010004-4 25X9 Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP80-01341A000200010004-4 Next 11 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP80-01341A000200010004-4 Approved For RP?base 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP80-0141A000200010004-4 Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP80-01341A000200010004-4 Approved For Release 2e00/09/08 : CIA-RDP80-01341A01#200010004-4 20 MAR 1977 2.:Lz1oztvar)um FM; Duty Director for Support SUBJSCT Craardzation of the Office of Pinance 1. I am proposing for your consideration minor chans in organization of the Office of Finance. A chart reZleetiltL changes ig attached (Tab A). Also attached, for canDarativou'epocs? is a, copy of the current orzanization c , hart for this Office L). 2. he olint en: zos I am "roposing aro surizarized o5 Xollowa: a. Modification of the =ltiple Duty Director concept by eliminatinE, the three directorates aa acp- orate organisational entities. b. Separation of the financial exialysis from the intra-Govemmental liaison function. c. :Catablishment of two new positions of Assistazt to the Director of Finance one concorned vith Intro- Cavernmental liaison and fundirz, and the other concerned' with policy plannine and financial analysis. believe these ebanes will streamline. thc chain of command, will res'alt in overall improvement in our firancial =Apart activities, end will provide for more effective ut1li4at1o2 of senior personnel resources. 3. The grade structure proposed for the senior staff (I.e., t5up.z.r- gra4es) la consistent with that curretly authorized for the Office of Finance and, it addition,. enables us, to restore the well-descrd c.111 fully-justified supererode (1.346) for the position of Chief, 1,4-)netary Division. The suporgrade positions wneler the proposed nev structurc:,. and those currently authorized under theexieting structure are noted on tc.; charts attached as Tabs4% 4. Subject to your anproval in vrinciple, I would like to :I.:vcrilemt ? the major porbion of the Iwovoad Lewstruct,ure at th13 and to Incorporate the position and ora,onlzational chenzes In the pro- posed 17isca1 Year 1973 Staffinz Connlemant or the Office of..2inance ulach is due in early Aril 1572. The proposed Staffivz Cozolons will Ve sUbmitted within our currently authorizoa average crace and oar l'ae.,:11 :car 1973 et:11111'z, and will reflect no 1r:en:lace in the nuer of psitio-sz the GS-14 lava and above. Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP80-01341A000200010004-4 Approved For Release 160/09/05 t CIA-RDP80-01341AM200010004-4 5. With re*oct to the curre..17.ttay au:thozizocl averace grL,ae for thia Offices it ohouldbo :noted that uldard affidm4.tzao.,,nt will be required within tl-ze next year cr'r tho Data Center (M'IC) 'becomes operational. A X nentiontcl bricfly rebruAl7 1972 meetizz durinz the prolininary review of- tho program NAM; i'sor each DD,A3.offico fo: 3ca1Yoar 1.974? ta,1;d., izd in the Office c incocontribution to your Ii al .7191- Proorara Ilemorandwas exj2.,act that the :1et of the :DYZo t1.4,zCco reciutm zorae ralzr. of o f courees with a r4.1sultallt increaG4.1 in the &rade low' of zar:;,:::.of ?ositionai, Wfoiroses, greater ricoa orcv?,.:)eriorioca rconri capable of riore aophisticated rcLanalyzis and. review whilf.: r,OsallilValerita for iower-zraded i:teroonnel PLarco ana aceaunti43 function3 aro ezcpzI.cted. todii.a.rjOh, ACtICM t n.,,eognize the atIticipated ehanf;e in ti:,..,,:117.Ax of ova. ice 4.i,i course be (lrred untii wc: have coriao ezDericLce onw''.:.441-1to Zormal propesta. 6. 1 will be glad to meet with you .at your coce totilccu3J the proposed or3a14.zatior; stricture arid roaated peroC4.nlei az8,-.LL;nriiroz.itz;? DirectorQ4Finn:zee At""%g'4,01=nts Tab A ..14'o22osed Orgr(.11:ization Char Tab - Current Oraexiizatior4 Mart Distribution: Orig & 1 - Addee 3 - op/ss LEY/pj 120 'Aar 1972) Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP80-01341A000200010004-4 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP80-01341A000200010004-4 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP80-01341A000200010004-4 Approved For Relate 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP80-013444000200010004-4 Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP80-01341A000200010004-4 Approved. For Release1421500/09/08?:-CIA-RDP80-01341Adeb200010004-4 31 March 1972 MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director for Support suBacT Organization of the Office of Finance REFERENCE My memorandum dated 20 March 1972, subject as above Jack: 1. This will serve to supplement the referent memorandum and our discussion last Tuesday concerning the changes I am proposing in the organization of the Office of Finance. 2. As indicated in the referent memorandum, I propose to eliminate the three Directorates in the Office and would ho:2e to have each of the two Deputy Directors become sufficiently know- ledgeable about the overall activities of the Office to be able to function across the board as alter ego to each other and to the undersigned as necessary. This is not to say, however, that we will revert to the cumbersome procedure existent in prior years where everything from the line divisions and staffs passed through each succeeding echelon. While the undersigned as Director of Finance will of course be responsible for all activities of the Office, it is my intention to assign to each of the Deputy Directors functional areas for which they will be responsible. ? 3. The attached chart reflects by dotted lines the general 25X1A areas of responsibility I propose to assign to the two Deputy Directors. Specifically, as Deputy Director of Finance, will continue as Chairman of the Career Service Board and will for the immediate future continue to oversee the liaison activities, which will be centralized in the staff of the Assistant to the Director for Liaison. He will also take over my former Financial Operations duties as they relate to the decentralized B&F offices, the overseas stations, and the Monetary, Compensation and Tax, and Certification and Liaison Divisions. The liaison activity as presently envisaged will be handled 25X1A by a small staff of three officers headed by . Over the longer term if a realignment of the workload dictates, the Deputy Director for Special Activities may assume responsibility for overseeing the liaison activity. . 0 ? Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : C1A-RDP80-01341A000200010004-4 'APPrthred P6r. Release WOO/09/08 : ,CIA-RDP80-01341AM200010004-4 4. It ifJ ?v4y intowItion to hav, nrcctor of the Aecola?:4tJ t r?aas;:;, to o7e:e o.f tho' mdarainea wa;..; -- Dc.7uty Director contilwa aato thr,4 tho :Oota,rd oe f:OrStooc.,nd 5. WDlie tWo t>Tznv:?t7,. cli.rootion and guidxac,43 to tho to handle =tors withie?,tcci I to bo directly ibie to All of nu roquiriLz Dolley deoix1oz,. 6. convoalence to a7x;o in - to -14IAlozont in t0 OZZico of Viv.ozzg:,.. Thozac; Yalel Diroct.or of V1=1= Attaabavnt atatod above Distribution: Orig & 1 - Addee w/att 2 - OF/SS DEY/pj (31 Mar 1972) Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP80-01341A000200010004-4 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP80-01341A000200010004-4 Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP80-01341A000200010004-4 Appraved For ReilWase 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP80-01W1.1A000200010004-4 Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP80-01341A000200010004-4 25X9 Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP80-01341A000200010004-4 Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP80-01341A000200010004-4 Approved For ReleasV2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP80-01341*00200010004-4 25X1A 25X1A 31 March 1972 MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director for Support SUBJECT : Organization of the Office of Finance REFERENCE memorandum dated 20 March 1972, subject as above Jack: 1. This will serve to supplement the referent memorandum and our discussion last Tuesday concerning the changes I am proposing in the organization of the Office of Finance. 2. As indicated in the referent memorandum, I propose to eliminate the three Directorates in tne Office and would ho-7;e to have each of the two Deputy Directors become sufficiently know- ledgeable about the overall activities of the Office to be able function across the board as alter ego to each other and to the undersigned as necessary. This is not to say, however, that we un revert to the cumbersome procedure existent in prior years where everything from the line divisions and staffs passed through each succeeding echelon. While the undersigned as Director of Finance will of course be responsible for all activities of the Office, is my intention to assign to each of the Deputy Directors functions._ areas for which they will be responsible. 3. The attached chart reflects by dotted lines the genersl areas of responsibility I propose to assign to the two Deputy Directors. Specifically? as Deputy Director of Finance, will continue as Chairman of the Career Service Board and will for the immediate future continue to oversee the liaison activities, which will be centralized in the staff of the Assistant to the Director ? for Liaison. He will also take over my former Financial Operations duties as they relate to the decentralized B&F offices, the overseas stations, and the Monetary, Compensation and Tax, and Certification and Liaison Divisions. The liaison activity as presently envisaged will be handled by a small staff of three officers headed by 11111111111 Over the longer term if a realignment of the workload dictates, the Deputy Director for Special Activities may assume responsibility for overseeing the liaison activity. Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP80-01341A000200010004-4 Approved For Relebsb 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP80-0134000200010004-4 4. It is my intention to ha,,,e ? as Y'):fTuty 25X1A Director for Speeial Activities, coniAnue toOVOr ti".C4 e.fd t Of the Aceowats thaCci1Syntelas and. in.r:1-,,tt as at ywesentl .mnd also to take owr cosff.;?; of' 'the sD,Nzica the undersigne.d. wns fors:or:1y deo:oly il:-.7aved withhii ;VA. Deputy Director (e.G.? Travel Cor1tt) e*e,'ino continue a3 Chaiman Of both the Crtcrri::;,ja:,:,,,,-lt ReI,dew tIo Board a Review for Shortages Lossaso While X ULexpec,!:. the WO ie t 0 DrOVICLe 4.irc;;Ct 10Y). adgUiCLallee to the o:k7ani'z,utio?...uit to handle Yro,ttors arising within their ?,:''4.-4-40.,461ona1 w.7eaa, to be dircotly accessible to all of likY se,hior ?facers On requiriag, policy deeision. 6. I will be glad to meet air with you aald To'attl.::::s tec, yaar convenience to dlscuils in Greater detaIl the ehalT.2:e3 I to implement ia the Office of rinaaee. ThrMA3 B Director of Finance Attacienent . - As stated ab:)ve Distribution: Orig & 1 Addee Watt . 2 - OV/SS DEY/pj (31 Mar 1972) Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP80-01341A000200010004-4 25X1A Approved ForRelease 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP801Y1341A000200010004-4 Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP80-01341A000200010004-4 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP80-01341A000200010004-4 Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP80-01341A000200010004-4 Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP80-01341A000200010004-4 SUBJ3Cr MAR 1972 Organization of the Office of Finance proposing for your conaideration minor changes in the of the Office of Finance. A chart reflecting the proposed tached (Tab A). Also attached, for comparative purposes, the current organization chart for this Office Crab B). salient changes I am proposing are summerized ao fellows: a. Medification of the multiple Deputy Director ept by eliminating the three directorates se *eve organisational eetities. b. Separation of the financial analysis function from the intre-Governments1 liaison function. c. Establishment of two new positions of Aaistent to the Director of Finance one concerned with intraGoveremental liaison and funding, and the other concerned with policy planning and financial analysis. believe these changes will streamline the ebain of can, will result in overall improvemert in our financial support activities, and will provide for more effective utilisation of senior personnel resources. 3. The grade structure proposed for the senior staff (i.e., super wedges) is consistent with that currently authorised for the Office of Finance and, in addition, enables us to restore the well-deserved and fully-justified supergrade (11S-16) for the position of Chief, Monetary Division. The supergrade positions =der the proposed now structure and those currently authorized under the existing structure are noted on the charts attachee as Tabs A and B. 4. Subject to your approval in principle weld like to implement the major portion of the proposed nev management structure at this time and to incorporate the position and organizational Changes in the pro- posed Fiscal Year 1973 Staffing Complement for the Office of Finance mtaoh is due in early April 1972. The proposed Staffing Comp/meet will be submitted within our currently authorized average grade and our Fiscal Year 1973 ceiling, and viii reflect no increase in the number of osittoris At the G8-14 level and above. Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP80-01341A000200010004-4 ? Approved For Release 2000/09/08: CIA-RDP80-01341A000200010004-4 5. With respect to t d sveige grade far Office, it should be noted tiat upvax 1probably be required within the next year or io idn the Dt e:gement (DMC) becomes operations/. Aa Imentioned briefly mt Your 11 february 1972 meeting during the preliminary review of the budget and program plans for each DD/S office for Fiscal Year 1974, and aa empha- sized in the Office of finance contribution to your Fiscal Year 1974 Program Memorandums ww expect that the impact of the DM on this Office wills inter alias require some realignment in the mix of our staff re- sources with a resultant increase in the grade level of some aft= positions. We forego, greater need for experienced personnel wile are capable of more sophisticated financial analysis and review while our requirememts for lower-graded personnel currently engaged in routine finance an6 actoumting functions are expected to diminish. Action to recognize the anticipated change in the mix of our positions will of course be deferred until we have some experience on which to 1.0040 a formal proposal. 6. I will be glad to meet with you at yow couvenierce to discuss proposed organization struoture amd reit personnel assigements. 25X1A Attachments Tab, A - Proposed Organisation Chart Teb B - Current Organisation Chart Die bution: Ori g & 1 - Addee 3 - or/ss DEY/pj 120 Mar 1972) Thus B. T Director of Marco Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP80-01341A000200010004-4 Approved ForZelease 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP8Cm01341A000200010004-4 Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP80-01341A000200010004-4 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP80-01341A000200010004-4 Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP80-01341A000200010004-4 Approved For'bRelease 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP8Ole1341A000200010004-4 Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP80-01341A000200010004-4 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP80-01341A000200010004-4 Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP80-01341A000200010004-4 ,..-'ij pproved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP80-01341A0M200010004-4 Office of Finance Staffing Complement - FY 1973 OF/SS 1213 Key 25X1A 12 April 1972 In accordance with our telecon of 11 April 1972, attached is the proposed Staffing Complement for the Office of Finance for FY 1973 as well as a summary of points and positions by grade. 25X1A Executive Officer Office of Finance Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP80-01341A000200010004-4 Approved For Release48 P6A-R44.04040110,44AaatI200010004-4 ISUBJECT: (Optional) FROM: OF/SS 1213 Key EXTENSION 2972 NO DATE 13 April 1972 TO: (Officer designation, room number, and building) DATE OFFICER'S I COMMENTS (Number each comment to show from whom to whom. Draw a line across column after each comment.) ? RECEIVED FORWARDED INITIALS 1. D/Pers 5E-56 Hqs. Harry: Attached pursuant to our 2. d telecon of late yesterday is the proposed organization chart for the Office of Finance which Jack . Coffey and Bob Wattles suggested you have your people look over for appropriateness of graphic ar- rangement (and for eventual inclusion in . The dottea lines on the second chart show our ' informal organization and illustrat the broad general areas of respons-4 ibility I plan to assign to the two deputies. Copies of my memor- andum to Jack outlining our re- organization intentions and objectives, which have been dis- cussed with and agreed to in principal by both Jack and Bob, are also attached for your back- ground information. Tho s .Yale , g D/Fin i P e 4. 25X1A . . 7. a. 9. 10. i 1 1 . 12, . 11 14. 15. Auul uved 'Fur R'lecter217615/09/08 : IA-RC:IPSO-OA 34dAt1002001711.11004-4 004 4.0 10111%."*4 SECRET CONFIDENTIAL , UNC A 'IALh ? - - SECRET ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET _ SUBJECT: (Optional) FROM: OF/SS 1213 Key EXTENSION 2972 Na 'DATE TO: (Officer designation, room number, and building) DATE OFFICER'S INITIALS COMMENTS (Number each comment to show from whom to whom. Draw a line across column after each comment.) RECEIVED FORWARDED 1. Mr 25X1A L6-- --,:,--v.,:2 7 ' /4'-'1 To 1 & 2 -- Attached for your review is our proposed FY 1973 Staffing Complement. The changes we have incorporated our summarize in the attached list of changes. Request that you look this over carefully to insure that all of the changes meet with your approva The attached package is ready to go to Mr. Coffey as soon as he gives us an unofficial approval on our proposed new organization structure. To 3 -- If you would like to sign this now we will hold the package until you give us the green light. EO/Fin 25X1A nal Annn9nnn10004-4 2. Mr Si ? - 4'17 1 . Mr. Yale 4. 5. 6. T El. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. A mekifte ...1....,ri C."i. Deilani,nces_InnninainR ? ria_gnpv_oi FORM 3-62 61 0 UE PREVIOUS El EDITIONS SECRET CONFIDENTIAL INTERNAL fl USE ONLY UNCLASSIFIED 1. - - - ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET SUBJECT: (Optional) Proposed Office of Finance Staffing Complement for FY 1972 FROM: OF/SS 1213 Key EXTENSION 2972 NO. DATE 12 April 1972 I TO: (Officer designation, room number, and building) DATE OFFICER'S INITIALS COMMENTS (Number each comment to show from whom to whom. Draw a line across column after each comment.) RECEIVED FORWARDED 1. DD/S 7D-26 Hqs. I have incorporated the title changes we discussed this morning in our proposed Staffing Comple- ment attached as Tab A. As you suggested, I will get together with Harry Fisher on our proposed chart to see if we can come up with a better arrangement. I will of course again check with you on the final version we come up with before submitting our chart for inclusion in / ,)/ Thomas B. Yale D/Fin 2. 3. . 4. 5. 25X1A 6. 7. . . 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP80-01341A000200010004-4 Fooik 6 I 0 USE PREviOUS SECRET CONFDENTIAL r--1 INTERNAL CL,AS r, 1 1 EL ?, I USE ONLY