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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500074436-0
JPRS L/10590
16 June ~982 ~
f, ,
IJSSR Re ~rt
_ , ~FOUO 7/82a
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_ JPRS publications contain information primarily from foreign
newspaper;;, perioaicals and books, but also fra~ news agency
transmissions and broadcasts. Materials from `~reign-language
sources are translated; those from English-language sources
are transcribed or reprin;:ed, with the original phrasing and
~ other characteristics retained.
Seadlines, ~ditorial reports, and material enclosed in brackets
are supplied by JPRS. Processing indicators such as [Text]
or [Excerpt)� in the first line of eacYc` item, or following the
last line of a brief, indicate how the original information was
processed. Where no processing indicator ia given, the infor-
mation was summarized or extracted.
Unfamiliar names ~endered phonetically or transliterated are
enclosed in parentheses. Words or names preeeded by a ques-
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Other unattributed parenthetical notes with in rhe body of an
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The contents of this publication in no way represent the poli-
cies, views c~r at.titudes of the U.S. Governm~nt.
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JPRS L/10540 ~
16 ~une 1982
- (~ovo 7/82)
n~ ~
Exeerpts ~om Book on Higher ~iilitary-Political 3chools
Excerpts From Book on the ~Neman~ Training Fxercise
(NII~IAN--"NEMAN", 1980) 13
- a - [III - USSR - 4 FOUO]
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Russian 1981 (signed to press 31 1~ar 81) pp 1-2, 13-28, 9~
[Annotation, table of contents ~nd selected chapters f�rom book "Az Aid to the
Higher Military-Political School Applicant", c~mpiled and authored by l:'rt~lonel
B. N. Voskresenskiy and Colonel V. M. Sementsov, Voyenizdat, 50,000 copies, 96 pages]
jTex~] This manual contains a li~t of the higher mi~itary-political schools and
their addresses, it explains the conditions and order of admission to them, and
it describes the progxams of the entrance examinations and ~he testing procedures.
It is intended for those who have decided to devote their lives to the honorable
and noble profession of officer-political worker.
Contents Page
Successors of the Leqendary Coma~i.ssars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Which School to Choose? . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Achnission Rules and the Order of Selection, Preparation and Ent~y .
into Higher Military-Political Schools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Conditions for Admission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -
Order of Candidate Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Preparation of Candidates for Entrance Examinat~ons . . . . . . . . ~ . . . 22
Entrance Examinations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 2 3
The Order of Enrolling Candidates as School Students . . . . . . . . . . . 25
The Programs i.n USSR History, Russian Language and Literature,
Geography and Mathematics in Preparation for Competitive Entrance
Examinations of Higher Military-Political Schools, and Some .~dvice
on the Testing Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
The Proc~ram in USSR History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -
TYxe Program in Russian Language and Literature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
The Program in Geography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
Z9ze Program in Mathematics . . . . e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Literature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
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Which Scho,ol to Choose?
HighQr military-political schools prepare officer-political workers for all arms
of service and branches of troops. Thus on firmly resolving to become a military
man and a political officer, and to enter a higher military-political school for
J this purpose, the future student must clearly determine the arm of s.ervice or branch
of troops~in which he would wish to serve.
Examples of higher military-political schools which prepare poliCical personnel for
all arms of service and braaches of troops are:
Novosibirskoye vyssheye voyenno-politicheskoye obshchevoyskovoye uchilishche imeni
60-letiya Velikogn Oktyabrya [Novosibirsk Hiqher Military-Political Combined-Arms
School imeni 60-Letiye Velikogo Oktyabrya], 630103, Novosibirsk, 103;
Simferopol'skoye vyssheye voyenno-politicheskoye stroitel'noye uchilishche [S:mfcr-
opol' Higher Military-Political Construction School], 333037, Si.mferopol', 37j
L'vovskoye vyss~ieye voyenno-politicheskoye ordena Krasnoy Zvezdy uchilishche
~ [L'vov Order of the Red Banner Higher Military-$o.titical School], 290028, L'vov, 28f
Leninqradskoye vyssheye voyenrio-politicheskoye uchilishche protivovozdushnoy
oborony [~ningrad Higher Air Defense I~ilitary-Political School], 198324, Leningrad,
~ Kurganskoye vys'sheye voyenno-politicheskoye aviatsionnoye uchilishche [Kurgan
Higher Military-Pol~tical Aviation School], 640025, Kurgan, 25 (oblast).
Information of greaier detail an the names of hiqhe.: military-p,olitical schools and
on the specialties political officers can study ir. these schools can be obtained
from the headquarters of military units and from military comnissariats.
~ It is evident from the names themselves of the hiqher military-palitical schools
- that each of them trainspolit~cal officers in specific specialties: combined-arms,
tank, ~onstruction, naval and so on. For example the Novosibirsk WPU [Higher
' School] trains political workers for motoriz~d rifle subur~its,
the Simferopol' school trains personnel for con$truction uni~cs, the Leningrad
school trains personnel for the air defense troops and the Kurgan school trains
personnel for air subunits. Some higher military-political schools provide instruc-
tion in tk~o s~oecialti~s. The same WPU may train po].itical officers, as an example,
for tank and artil~er.y subunits or for. engineer troops and signal troops.
Graduates of all highc:r military-political schools except L'vov zre appointed
deputy co~nanders for politic~l affairs in companies, batteries a.-~d subunits equal
; to them. Graduates of ~he L'vov WPU work in cultural and educational institutions
and on the editorial st:affs of military newspapers.
What disciplines are studied in these schools? A large part of '.:he tra~ning time
i~ aevoted to ~the social sciences, Students study CPSU histcyry, Marxist-l,eninist
philosophy, scientific coaanunism, political evonomica, USSR history, the hist~ry
of the international crnr,munist, worker'~ anc~ nat?onal liberation movement, USSR
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- international relations ar~d foreign policy, scientific atheism and the fundamentals
of Marxist-I,eninist ethics and aesthetics, the theory and practice of party-politi-
cal work, military psychology and pedagogics, Russian, Soviet and foreign litera-
ture and other subjects.
The social sciences develop the student's com~nunist philosophy and nurture his
- ability to withstand all forms o~ bourgeois inf~luence, and they are the foundation
of a scientific understanding of the essence and nature of modern warfare, of the
laws and trends of armed conflict, of the development of nulitary affairs, of per-
scnnel traininq and indoctrination and of the ways of achieving victory over the
enemy. Z'he ideological conviction of the soldiers is the foundation of steadfast-
ness, and the door to heroism. Ideoloqically persuaded soldiers will never lose
confidence in the triumph of the cause in behalf of whicb they fight and shed
their blood, no matter the sort of trials and deprivations they must endure. Con-
firn~ation of this can be found in the heroic history of our party, the w~rking
class, the Soviet people and their arn~ed forces.
If he is to be a good indoctrinator, if he is to knowledgeably p~netrate into all
' aspects of the life and combat activity of his subunit, and if he is to enjoy re-
spect and authority among the personnel, the political worker must possess firm andl
- sound knowledge in military affairs. "As indoctrinators," said M. I. Kalinin,
political workers "must not only know how to give good speeches and they must nat
only be able to answer questions posed by soldiers, but th~y must also be their
example in political and moral respects and have a comple~e knowledge of military
Students of higher military-political schools acquire military knowledge by
studyi:~g many military-technical disciplines: ~actic;s, fire training, materiel
and the rules of operating combat equipment, topography and others. They work with
communication resources, andthey ittq~rove themselves physica].ly and in drill. Each
student leaxns to drive a motor vehicle and, additionally in a naval school, a
- motorboat.
Mastery of modern complex combat equipment requires a firm knowledge of the exact
science~: higher mathematics, physics, electronics and theoretical mechanics.
Study of a foreign language (English, German or Frencii) is mandatory for students
~ of higher military-political schools. The ntrmber ~f these disciplines and their
volume are deterntinEd fo~ eacn WPU in accordance with the particular military
specialty for wh~ah the political worker is trained.
Higher military-political schools are staffed by experienced officers and highly
qualifi~d instructors. They are candidates and doctors of sciences and lecturers.
After gxaduating from mi~itary academies, they served for a long period of time
in the troops, where they acquired a considerable amount o~ practical experience,
and now they are sharing their knowledge with students.
- All o f the conditions have been created for the students to study successfully.
_ The schools possess spacious auditoriums, well outfitted classrooms, study rooms
and laboratories libraries and reading rooms, and a modern base for field lessons.
al,inin, M. omr_iunisticheskom vospitanii i voinskom dolge" [Communist
Indoctrination and Military Duty], Moscow, 1967, p 415.
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The cultural and educational work done at the schools is large in amount and sub-
stantial in content. Amateur art collectives have been created in every subunit.
� Various circles, art and literary societies and culture universities function under
the sponsorship of the school clubs. Films are shawn and visits to theatersr
museums and exhibitions and meetinqs with scientists, writers, actors and other
scientists and artists are organized regularly for the students. Old Bolsheviks,
heroes of''the Civil and Great Patriotic wars, veterans of the Soviet Armed Forces
and the leading industrial and agricultural workers speak to them.
The schools have establisheri close ties with enterprises, institutions, schools,
institutes and local party and Komsomol organiz~tions. Fute~re po3.itical workers
sponsor many schools and Pioneer detachments, they lead clu*~s of young friends of
the Soviet Army and Navy, they conduct lessons in military defense circles, and
- they conduct lectures and discussions on the combat traditions of tize Scviet Artned
F~rces for young peo~le.
Much attention is devoted to mass sports in the schools. The students participate
in various sports sections (soccer, volleyball, hockey, qymnastics, sharpshooting,
skiing, boxing, weight-lifting and so on)= there are stadiums, gymnasiums, athletic
_ fields, ski areas and water sports stations availabls to them. During their years
of study in the schools, most students become outstanding athle~es and comprehen-
sive].y trained ranked sportsmen.
Good heusinq and persona3. conditions have been created for the students. Schools
posse~s spacious, brightly lit c?onaitory-barracks, dining halls, st+;-dent cafeterias
- and various shopping centers. Every subunit has a lounge with television sets ~
and radios, and games, musical instruments, newspapers and journals are available.
~ 'Phe conditions for study~ the leisure opportunities and personal conditions are
~ agproximately the same in all higher military-poli*_ical schools. Z'hey are all
located i. the country's majnr economic and cultural centers, in large cities.
But this should not be the main factor to be considered when choosing a school.
, The right choice would be made only in the event that the young man has thought
seriously about the nature of his work after school, its significance, the difficul-
ties and deprivations of military service and the particular features of a politi-
cal officer'~ work in a particular arm of service or branch of troops.
What are the conditions for admission to higher military-political schrols? Whom
may they accept?
~ Admission Rules and the Order of Selection, Preparation and Entry 'tnto Higher
Military-Political ~chools
Conditions for Admissior
Higher military-political achools are classified as being among th~ country's
, nigher educational institu*ions.
The tern~ of study in schooJ.s is 4 years.
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A graduate of a higher military-political school is awarded the military rank of
lieutenant and an all-unior_ diploma attesting to completion of a hiqher military-
political education.
~ 7'he schools accept privates, seamen, NCOs and extended-service petty officers,
graduates of Suvorov military and Nakhimov naval schools and younq civilians from
- 17 to 21 years old, extended-service servicemen not more than 23 years old after
2 xcars of extended service, and seagoing and shore-based warrant officers r.ot
more than 25 years old who had sezved at warrant afficer.or officer posts for not
- less than 2~ears; such persons must have declared their desire to becotne officers,
they must possess high moral, pol~.tical and work qualities, they must have a com-
ple~ted secondary education, they must have received positive performance reports
in service, work or study, and they must be of suitable health for study in school.
Military-political school~ accept only CPSU members and candidate members and
Komsomol members who have displayed an interest in political work, on recommeridation
of political organs of the Soviet 8rmy and Navy or rayon (bity) Komsomol committees.
The age of candidates, the time of service in the rank of shore-based and ~eagoing
warrant officer and the time of servic~ and the post presently occupied are
reckoned as of 1 September of the year of admission to the school.
Orcier of Candidate Selection
Servicemen desiring to enter a hiaher military-political schooY must submit an
application up the chain of comanand over the signature of the com~nander of the
military unit. Z'he following information must be provided in this application:
ranDc, last name, first name anc~ patronymic , the post nresently occupie3, year
- and month of birth, education and the name of the higher military-political school
into which entry is de~ire3. The following are attached to the application: a
secondary education dc+cument (a notorized copy of an attestation, record, certifi-
cate or diploma), a party perfornnance report (for CPSU members and candidates) or
a, Komsomol performance rep~rt (for Komsomol n?embers), an employment performance
report, three certified photographs (cvithout headwear, 4.5X6 cm), an autobiography
_ and a copy of the birth certificate. First-term and extended-service servicemen
- addxtionally attach the following to the application: autobiog-raphy, service per-
foz~nanc~ report, record of service card and a copy of the birth certificate.
Fixst-term and extended-service servicemen must submit *_h~ir application prior to
25 March of the year of admission, wr.ile shore-based ar~d seagoinq warrant officers
- m,~.~t submit it not later than 1 December of the year, preceding the year of admission.
On receiving applications from servicemen declar_ing their desire to enter a
military-political school, unit commanders, i,rlstitution and service chiefs and
their deguties for political affairs must iriterview each applicant; medical appoint-
ments are made f~r those who satisfy the ~~onditions for admission with the purpose
of determining their medical fitness foc study in a military educational institu-
Documents are submitted up the cb.ain of command to tre political directorates
~ (sections) of the districts, gr~ups of fo~ces, fleets, armies and fl.otillas, not
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later than 1 JanLary of the year of admission to the school for ahore-based and
seagoing warran� officers and not later than 10 March for first-term and extended
service servicemen.
~onfirmed~attes~ations are attached to the personal files of shore-based and eea-
- going war~ant officers.
Political.directorates carefully study the documents of nominated candidates, they
determine whether or not these candidates ~atisfy the conditions '=or admission,
and they ar.rive at a decision in relation to each candidate.
The decisions made r,y political directorates~are brought to t~;a awareness of
- shore-based and seagoing warrant officers not later than 1'~eb::uary of the year of
admission to the school, while first-tertn and extended-service servicemen are made
aware of the decisions not later than 25 March.
Lists of shore-based and seagoing warrant officers selected for training are sent
together with the documents and the decisions of the political directorates to the
- personnel organs of district, group of forces, fleet, arn~y and flotilla political
directorates by l February, while the documents of first-term and extended-service
servicemen are sent to the appropriate higher military-political training institu-
~ tions nct later than 25 March.
. Young ~ivilians submit applications to the rayon~ military com~ttissariat at the
place of residence prior to 30 c~pril of the year of admission.
The following are indicated in the application: last name, first name and patro-
nymic of the applicant, the year and month of birth, home address and the name
(and the profile in the L'vov WPU) of the highex i~u litary-political school for
which entry is desired. T'he followinq are attached to the application: autobio-
- graphy, performance report from the place of work or study, party performance re-
port (for CPSU members and candidates) or the Komsomol perfornaance report (for
Komsomol members), a se~ondary education document (students presently enrolled in
s~condary schools must submit a transcrzpt of current grades), birth certificate,
a certificate from the military medical comanission indicatinq fitness for admission
to an institution of higher education, and three certified photographs (without
headwear, 4.SX6 ctn).
~"he passport and the military card or draft registration card are presented to the
admissions commission on arrival at the higher military-political school; students
of ~econdary schools (vocational-technical sch~~ools, tekhnikums) must also furnish
an attestation or diploma of secondary education.
young people whose parents are servicemen or employees of the Soviet Army in the
groups of forces must submit their applications for admission to military-political
schools througn the appropriate selection commissions of the groups of forces
prior to March of the year of admission. The documents are drawn up and the candi-
- dates are sent to the schools by the commanders of the military units at the place
of service or work of the parents.
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The rayon military commissariat thorouqhly studies the documents o~ each candidatp,
interviews each candidate and then subtnits the names of persons satisfying the con-
ditions of admission for examination by a medical commission to determine medical
fitness for admission to schaol.
After candidates applying for school are examined by medical com~ni.ssions, the docu-
ments of those deemed fit are submitted to the oblast (kray, city) military
commissariat not later than 15 May.
The selection comtaissions of oblast (republic, kray, citg; military commissariats .
also carefully and thoroughly examine the docwnents of the candidates submitted,
interview them, subject them to another medical examination and announce their
decision to them within 10 days. The documents of selected candidates are sent
to the appropriate militarX schools by 1 June.
The deadlines for announcing the decision of the schoc~l chief on admission to the
~ntrance examinations and the time apglicants are to arrive for them are: 15 March
for shore-based and seagoing w~rrant officers, and 15 April for first-tenm and
extended-service servicemen, through the appropriate personnel organs of the
political directorates which had selected the candidates for tzaining; 1 July for
young civilians, through oblast (kray, city, rayon) military commissariats.
The schools concurrently send lists of rejected candidates, indicating the reasons
for rejection, and they return their documents.
The documents of graduates of Suvorov military and Nakhimov naval schools are sub-
mitted to higher military-political schools directly by the chiefs of these schools
in accordance with tl~eir approved plans.
Servicemen who had formerly applied to a school but failed the entrance, examinations
~ or placed low in the competitive selection process may be included amona the
candidates for training and permi.tted to take entrance examinations in subsequent
periods of admission to the school, but not more than three times.
Preparation of Candidates for Entrance Examinations
Preparation of serviceman candidates for entrance examinations is organized and
~~rported by commanders of military units and chiefs of services (institutions)
in accordance with the programs of the entrance examinations and the accompanyinct
instructions on testing procedures.
The programs of entrance examinations in general educational disciplines are
published annually by the USSR Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Edu~ation.
From the moment servicemen are approved as candidates for traininq, they are not
to be reassigned, except when promoted to higher positions, they are. not to be
sent on long business trips, and when possible they are not tn be assigned to
' various details on days off and holidays.
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Shore-based and seagoing warrant officers that are candidates for admission ~o a
school are excused from commander lessons, using this time to prepare for the exam-
inatio~ns.: Moreover they are provided two free evenings a week on work days to
prepare fpr the examinations.
Thirty-day training rallies are conducted in May-June in the garrisors and forma-
tions to prepare first-term and extended-service servicemen for the examinacions.
Young civilians prepare for.the entrance examinattons on their own at their place
of residerice.
Travel orders are issued to servicemen for the entrance examinations by unit
commanders and the chiefs of services and ~nstitutions in response to invitations
from the school chiefs; travel is to be scheduled sueh that servicemen would arrive
at the place of examination 5 days before examinations begin. .
Prior to leaving �or the entrance ex.aminations, serviceman candidates must underqo
repeat medical examination, they must make the change of com~nand according to the
established practices, but their names are not removed from the unit's rolls until
they are registered as school students.
The medical log bearing the decisions of the mi.litary medical coirnnission concerning
� ~the first and second medical examinations is either sealed and hand-carried by
the serviceman or sent to the schools, to arrive there by the time of the service-
man's arrival.
All candidates arriving for the exaaiinations are provid~d space in a dormitory
(barracks), food, and training aids and literature.
Entrance Exanunations
- School candidates are given entrance examinations by examination commissions
appointed by the school chiefs.
Entrance examination admissions commissions remain in session from 20 July to
20 August for shore-based and seagoing warrant officers and from 15 July to
5 August for first-term and extended-service servicemen and young civilians.
Traveling admissions commissions are created by order of the USSR Minister of
Defense each year in the groups of.forces and in some military districts for the
purposes of admitting applicants to the qraduate examinations. Traveling admissions
aommissions remain in 5ession from 5 June to 5 July.
Military servicemen must arrive at the working locations of the traveling admissions
- commissions 5 days before their work begins.
Before the start of the entrance examinations all candidates must undergo medical
- examination by the school's military medical comnission. Candidates deemed unfit
for training in the school by this comanission are not permitted to take the
entrance examinations, and they are sent back to their former ~lace of service
(young civilians are returned to the military commissariats).
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Applicant3 to h~gher military-political schools take entrance examinations in the
followinq disciplines:
USSR history (oral); .
gu.aaian language and literature (written composition on one out of three or four
- topics from the aecondary school li~exature program and sociopolitical topics);
geography (oral);
' mathematics (oral).
- Applicants to the L'vov Higher Military-Political School ta'ce an oral examination
in Russian language ar:d literature i.n place of the oral examination in mathematics;
they also un%lergo an interview within the specialty of their chosen profile--
journalism or cultural-educational work. Candic3ates that have not been interviewed
cannot take the entrance exan?ination.
Applicants to miZitary schools who had studied Russian languaqe in the secondary
school under the natic;nal school program may write a brief statement or a dictated
text in place of a composition.
In addition, candidates must undergo certain practical tests to determine physical
ficness: Servicemen must perform the exercises of the USSR Armed Forces Military-
Sports Complex, while conscripts and young civilians must perform the exercises of
~ the All-Union "Ready for Labor and Defense of the USSR" Physical Culture Complex.
- Persons who have graduated secondary school with a gold medal or received a diploma
with honors on graduating from secondary spe~:ial educational institutions need take
only one exa~.u.nation (oral or written) of the estaY~lished entrance examinations at
the discretion of the higher military political school to which they are applying.
If they score a qrade of "5" in the examination on this discipline, they are re-
leased from further entrance exazninations and enjoy prefe~ential selection for'ad-
mission ~o the school in comparison of other persons who had scored "5" in all
entrance examinations. If they score "4" or "3", these candidates must ~ake the
examinations in the rest ~f the disciplines included in the entrance examinations.
' The name of the discipline and form of the entrance examination are determined for
the above-indicated individuals by the schools, and they are announced to the~m to-
gether with the decision pemtitting them to take the entrance examinations.
Oral examinations are heard by not less than two instructors.
Candidates who receive an unsatisfactory grade in one of the subjects of the examina-
tions are not permitted to take further examinations, and they are returned to their
former p.laces of service or to the military commissariats at their places of resi-
- dence.
If an individual receives an unsatisfactory grade, he cannot take the examinations
again with the purpose of raising his grade.
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If due to health or some other reasons the candidate is unable to take the
- examinatic,ns, he is obligated to report this to the examination commission before
the examinations st~rt. Candidates who fail to appear at one of the examinations
at the scheduled time without valid reasons are not permitted to take further
Military servicemen returned to their units from the entrance examinations for
unworthy behavior or for refusing to take the examinations for no valid reasons ~
a~y later~on be included among candidates for training by decision of the command,
though not earlier than after 2 years.
The results of the entrance examinations are.scored separately for each subject
with grades of "5" (five), "4" (four), "3" (three) and "2" (two).
The Order of Enrolling Candidates as School Students
~ The admissions commission makes a decision to enroll candidates as students or
- to return them to their places of origin on the basis of the documents and a per-
sonal interview with each candidate separately.
Graduates of Suvor~av military and Nakhimov naval schools are enrolled in higher
military-political schools without taking the entrance examinations.
Graduates of Suvorov military and Nakhimov naval schools seeking admission to the
L'vov Higher Military-Political School are interviewed in their spe.cialty by the
selected department--jourrialism or cultural and educational work.
In addition, persons who had graduated successfully (with grades of "g~od" and
"excellent") from the first and subsequent years of civilian institutions of higher
education in specialties cor.responding to the profile and specialty of the given
school, and persons who satisfy other reguirements for admission to military edu-
cational institutions may be enrolled for the school's first year course without
entrance examinations, after undergoing the appropriate interview.
The following aa:e accapted ahead of competing applicants if they rece~_ve positive
- grades in the entrance examinations:
persons awarded orders and medals of the Soviet Union for personal acts of heroism
or for high achievements in combat ~nd political traininq;
first-term and extended-service servicemen who had been outstanding soldiers of
combat and political training (for not less than a year) and who had been declared
to be so in an order published by the military unit.
- Caiididates who successfully passed the entrance examinations are accepted on a
competitive basis.
Competitive selection o� candidates from among shore-based and seagoing warrant
officers and first-term and extended-service servicemen is conductecl separately
from young civilians, on the basis of the total number of poi.nts, a;; determined
from the grades received in the entrance examinations and th~ arithrnetic average
of grades in all ~isciplines, as shown on the secondary education document.
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If the applicant possesses several secondary education documents, he is yiven the
right to choose the document to be considered in competitive selection.
For persons who furnish secondary education documents (diplomas, certificates)
that do not show grades for specific disciplines, the arithmetic grade point
average is d~signated as "3" (three). If a diploma with honors is furnished, the
arithmetic grade point average is designated as "5" (five).
Among persons with the same total number of points in disciplines covered in the
entrance examinations, the folluwing are shown preference in competitiv~ ac3mission
to a school:
shore-based and seagoing warrant officers havin~ considerable practical experience
in the service or having had l~ng experience as political workers, and first-term
and extended-service servicemen who have a class rating in their specialty;
candidates submitted for training on the basis of all-union Komsomol passes issued
by formation (unit) political sections or by rayon and city Komsomol committees,
and leading laborers and kolkhoz farmers;
graduates of specialized boarding schools and youth military-patriotic schools;
young civilians who had been awarded honorable mentions after graduating from
secondary school, who present docum~ents attesting to active participation in
school and other, circles and in Olympiads, competitions and review~ sponsored by
institutions arid organizations of higher education, and who achieve the best re-
sults in a physical fitness test satisfying the requirements of the "Reacly for
I,abor and Defense of the US5R" complex:
Enrollment of candidates as students is announced in orders published by the
school chiefs.
Serviceman candidates who are not�accepted in the competitive selection process
are returned to their former places of service, while young civilians are returMed
to the, rayon (city) military com�nissariats at their places of residence. The
personal files and other documents of these candidates are returned to the appro-
- priate military units, services (institutions) and military commissariats together
with the reasons for rejection.
School chiefs and chairmen of traveling admissions commi.ssions have the right to
return the following candidates to their places of service or military commissar-
iats: those not satisfying the conditions for admission and unsuited in relation
to health--before the start of the entrance examinations; persons receiving un-
satisfactory grades--in the course of the examinations; persons coimnitting breaches
of discipline and refusing to take examinations--before examinations start, and
in their course.
Shore-based and seagoing warrant officers admitted to th~ school are enrolled for
study as ~f 1 September, while young civilians and first-term and extended-service
servicemen are enrolled as of 5 August.
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During their term of study, each year the students are given two-week vacations in
winter, and on completing the school year they are given a month's leave with paid
~ round-tripr