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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050029-0 E'QR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ JPRS L/ 10453 13 April 1982~ - U~~R Re ort p ENGINEERING AND EQIJIPId~ENT - CFOUC~ 3/82) = F~IS FOREIGN BROADCAST INFORMATION SERVICE - F~R OFFICIAL USE ONLY _ i ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050029-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500050029-0 = NOTE ~ JPRS publications contain information primarily from foreign nzwspapers, periodicals and books, but also from news agency transmis~ions and broadcasts. Materials from foreign-language - sources are translated; those from English-language sources are transcribed or reprinted, with the original phrasing and ~ other characteristics retained. Headlines, editorial reports, and material enclosed in brackets are supplied by JPRS. Processing indicators such as [Text] or [Excerptj in the first line of each item, or following the last line of a brief, indicate how the original information was _ processed. W'here no prucessing indicator is given, the infor- mation was summarized or extracted. Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or transliterated are enclosed in parentheses. Words or names preceded by a ques- - tion mark and enclosed in parentheses were not clear in the original but have been supplied as appropriat~ in context. Other unattributed parenthetical notes within the body of an item originate with the source. Times within items are as given by source. The contents of this publication ?n no way represent the poli- cies, views or at.titudes of the U.S. Government. COPYRIGHT LAWS AND REGULA.TIONS GOVERNING OWNERSHIP OF MATERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE THAT DISSEMINATION OF THIS PUBLICATION ~3E RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050029-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050029-0 JPRS L/10453 13 April 1982 USSR REPORT ENGINEERING AND EGIUIPMENT ~ (,'~'OUO 3/8 2 ) CONTENTS NUCLEAR ENERGY . Improving Reliability and Economic Efficiency of Thermal ~ and Nuclear Power Planta 1 - Construction of Nuclear and Organic-Fuel-Fired Power Plants $ Research and Development of Materials for Nuclear Fueion Reactors 10 TURBINE AIJD ENGINE DESIGN Turbodynamos 24 - NAVIGATION .AND GUIDANCE SYSTEMS Man as El~ment of Follow-Up System 31 - FLUID MECHANICS ~ Influence of Small Amounts of Poly:aer Additives Introduced ~ Into Stream on Hydrodyna~Tic Characteristics of Flat ~ Airfoils 35 Thermodynamics, Heat-and-Mass Transfer in Low-Temperature - APParatua 44 ~ - a - [TI~ - .USSR - 2].F S&T FOUO] FQR ORFICIAL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050029-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050029-0 NUCZEAR ENERGY � � TMPROVING ~'ELIABZI.ITy [~Tp ECOPlOMIC EFFICIrPICY OF THFRMAL AND NUCLEAR POi~IER PLANTS ~ Moscow TRUDY MOSKOVSKOGO.ORDENA LENTNA T ORDEN~, OKTYABR'SKOY REVOLUTSIT ENERGETI- ~ CHESKOGO INSTITUTA, TEMATICHESKIY SBORNTK: POVYSHENTYE NADEZHNOSTI I EKONOMICH- , NOSTI TES I AES in Russian No 503, 1980 (signed to press 10 Feb 81) pp 2, 173-179 ~ [Annotation and abstracts from collection of papers "Improving the Reliability and ~ Economic Eff3ciency of Thermal and Nuclear Power Plants", edited by Doctor of Technical Sciences Professor N.G. :assokhin, Moscow Power Tnstitute, ~ 500 copies, 179 pages] [Text] In this collection are presented articles by associates of the departments of nuclear electric power plants, thermal power plants, engineering thermal physics, power plant steam generators, automated systems for controlling thermal proce~ses and of the theoretical fundameritals of heat engineering relating to studying questions of th~ reliability and ~conomic efficiency both of individual systems and of modern thermal and nuclear power plant units as a whole. Included in this collection are the res~ilts of both experimental and theoretical research covering a broad range of questions relating to the technology, design and operation of thermal and nuclear power plants. Much attention is paid also to studying the reliab311ty of individiial nulcear power plant systema and to model- dynamic pro~esses originating in tl.lem under transient conditions. This collection is intended for scient.ific and engineering and technical personnel _ working on problems of the design and operation of thermal and nuclear power plants. UDC 621.311.22 USE OF CHELATES FOR CI,EANING LOW-CAPACTTY BOTLERS AT OPERATING PARAMETERS [Al~strart of article by Rassokhin, I1.G., Monakhov, A.S., Ryabova, L.V., Dik, V.P., Voronov, V.N. and Mayor.ov, M.F.] (Text] Recommendations are given ~~n the use of chelates (Trilon "B") for cleaning deposits from the inside surf.aces of low-capacity boilers of the DKVr type, ~ as the result o� washing "in opera~tion," 3.e., without lowering operating para- _ meters. Washing is achieved by d~lspensing into the boiler's feed water Trilon B - 1 = f.~OR OFFICIAL USE ONLY : . I ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050029-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007142/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000540050029-0 F4R OFFICIAL USE ONi,Y in a quarit:ity of 1.5 to 2 times the stoich~ometric, for the purpose of combining witti hardnE~s~ and iron cations present in the feed water, as well as for dissolv- ing previoi~sly f~rmed deposit~ and converttng them into a complex easily soluble form conven.ient for the removal of impurities with the blowdown, which is increased to 10 percent. The feasibility of performing a washing cycle "in operation" for low-capacity boilers is demo:~strated. - UDC 621.311.25:621.039 QiJESTTONS RELATING TO TH~ HEAT ENGTNEERING RELIABILITY OF WATER-COOLED POWER REACTORS - [Abstract of article by Kabanov, L.P. and Re;Tr.ah= V.] [Text] Arj. ana~ysis is made of a three-dimensional calculation scheme for estimat- _ ing heat engineering reliability. The results are given of a calculation for reactors o~ the WER-440 and WER-1000 type. UDC 621.311.25:62t.039 ES'iIMA7''LON OT THE PERFOKMANCE RELTABTLITY OF THE SHELL OF A NUCI~EAR i'OWER PLANT REACTOR _ [Abstract o:L- article by Kuznetsov, V.D. and Tsimmer, A.] [Text~ A procedure is presented for calculating the rel~ability of the shell of a nuclear power plant reactor by using the probabilistic approach. An attempt is to take into account the existence r,f flaws in the she11`s ma.terial and the dynamics of their development. The procedure makes it possible to takP ac- _ count the influence of such factors as the nature of operation, features.of ef- �ective loads and embrittlement of the material. UDC 621.039.53 TWO-NI~TAL CREVICE CORROSTON OF STRUCTURAL STEEL UNDER CONDITIONS OF NEUTRAL WATER PARAP'~T.ERS WITH TH~ FEEDTNG OF OXYG~N [Abstract of article by Tolstykh, A.N. and Lipanina, A.A.] [Text] The results are given of a study of the two-metal crevice coxrosion of sreel specimens in a loop with the following parameters of the medium: pressure of 0.6 MPa, temperature of 428 K, traveling speed nf inedium (condensate) of 0.~ - m/s. Oxygen content--0.1 to 0.4 m~Z/kg. The size of the gap in assemolies.was not grea~er tihan 0.1 mm. Studies were made of specimens of grade 20 steel in com- _ Uination with s~ee1 of grades OKh18N10T, AS-9 and EP-53 for 1500 h. It is demon�- strated that the rate of corrosion of grade 20 steel reaches ~,~aximum values of 0.037 g/mZh in c.ombination with grade AS-9 steel minimum values of 0.025 _ g/m?h in contac~ with grade OKh18N10T steel. Pits up to 70 micxons deep were = present in grad~ 20 steel after testing, and there were nu pits in the other ma- terials tesCed. a 2 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050029-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050029-0 ~ UDC 621.311.25:621.039 ' USE OI~ REI,IABILTTY METHODS ~OR A CO'MPARATZ"VE ANAi~XSTS OF NUCLEAR POWER PLANT SAFETY SY'STEMS [Abstract of ar'C~~c'le by Kabanov, Z.P, and Makarovskiy, P.L.] [Text] A comparative analysis is made of the reliability of the emergency cooling = systems of RBMK-1000 and SGHGJR reactors by means of the Md0001 program, which analyzes reliability by means of the "Pailure tree" method. UDC 621.039.53 STUDY OF THE CORROS20N RESISTANCE OF PEARLTTIC STEEL AS APPLIED TO THE OPERATTNG _ CONDTTIONS OF THE CONDENSATE ~EED SECTTON OF STEAM POWER PI~AN'~'S ' [Abstract of article by Tolstykh, A.N. and Ten, A.] ~ [Text] The results are given of a sCudy of the corrosion resistance of pearlitic steel in an experimental loop at a temperature of 428 K wi::h a rate of movemen~ of the condensate of 5 m/s for 1500 h. It ia demonatrated that under conditions = of neutral water parameters with the feedir~g of 10 to 30 ug/kg of oxygen the cor- rosion of grade 20 steel reaches 0.144 g/m2h. UDC 621.039.58 _ STABILITY OF A REACTOR OF THE POOL TYPE OPERATTNG UNDER CONDITIONS OF SURFACE ROILTNG [Abstract o� axticle by Ratnikov, Ye.F., Vlasov, V.I., Mokrushiy, S.A., Radchenko, R.V., Shagalov, A.G., Shtoyk, A.G. and Ismagilov, R.Sh.] [Text] The hydrodynamic stability of the channels of an IW-2 reactor is dis-- cussed. Tt is demonstrated that conditions are possible under which the reactor operates unstably. The appearance of instability in the core can result in the origin of heat stresses and the failure of fuel elements. Tt is demonstrated that for determining the region of stable operation of a reactor it is necessary to - develop methods of fix3ng conditions for boiling of the heat transfer agent. UDC 621.311.25:621.039 MODELTNG OF DYNAMIC PROCESSES IN A NUCLEAR POWER PLANT [Abstract of article by Kuznetsov, V.D. and Romanov, Ye.V.] [Text] The dynamics of a reactor are discussed, taking into account six groups of delayed neutrons and reactivity feedback. The results are given o~ the calcula- tion of some accidental procesaes, ia particular, with de-energiz3ng of the main circulating pumps. 3 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050029-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500050029-0 - 1~'U!t Uh'FtC:IA~ ~1~~: U1~1,Y T~,~C 621.311.25:621.039 ~XPERtMCNTAL STUllX OF THE MCCHANTSM ~'OR EJ`ECT~QN 0~' THE WATER HEAT TRANSPER AGFNT WITI~ TWO-WAY OUT~'LOW [Abstract of article by Dement'yev, B.A. and A1'-Bakhili] [Text] The results are given of an exper3.mental study of hydrodynamic processes in sudden ejection of the water heat transfer agent with two-way outflow tr~~m a high-pressure vessel, simulating the shell o~ a water-cooled reactor with intra- shell equipment. The mechanism for ejection of the boiling heat transfer agent and the influence of various factors or~ dewatering of the vessel are discussed. UDC 621.311.25:621.039 D~TI;ItMINATION OF NONSTATl'ONARY '~iATE 0~' FLOW OF A BOILTNG HEAT TRANSFER AGENT , [Abstract of article by Dement'yev, B.A. and A1'-Bakhili] [Text] 'The procedure and the results are given of a determination of fihe non- stationary rate of flow of a boi?ing heat trans~er agent when it is ejected from a high-pr.essure vessel. An approxima.tion equation which describes the nonstation- ary z~ate of flow is given. - UDC 621.039.526.53:669.24 INFLUENCE 0~ NICKEI, ON THE CONVERSTON ~'ACTOR OF T~'AST REACTORS [Abstr.act of article by Kalafati, D.D. and Groshkov, G.I.] ~ [TextJ A study is made of the influence o~ nickel, contained in the construction materials of fast reactors, on the conversion factor for several heat transfer agents. It is demonstrated that the conversian factor is reduced considerably with an increase in nickel content. The conclusion is drawn that in selecting construction materials for fast reactors it is desirable to be oriented toward - grades of steel and al.loys with a low nickel content, especially for steam-cooled reactors. UDC 621.311.22:639.025 SUPPLY OF HEAT FROM TH~ PRIMARY CIRCUIT OF WATER-COOLED POWER REACTORS FOR COVERING THE PEAK HEAT DFMAND 0~' A NUCLEAR HEAT ANA POWER PLANT [Abstract of article by Abramov, A.I., I1'chenko, A.G. and Kayekin, V.S.] - [Text] A scheme is presented for covering the peak heat demand of a nuclear heat and power plant with the heat of the primary circuit of a reactor. Por a nuclea~ heat and power plant with a reactor of the water-cooled pnwer reacfior type, a pro- cedure is given for determining the amount of ad,justed expenditures for nuclear fuel tak:Lng into account the change in the heat rating of the reactor and the size of the reactivity marfiin while holding constant the values of the flow rate FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050029-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050029-0 of the heat transfer agent, the length o~ the reactor's lifetime and the critical heat demand safety ~actor. The results of technical and economi.c calculations are preaented. ~ UDC 621.311.22s639.025 - CHOICE OF SEPARATING PRESSURE FOR EXTRACTION TURBINES OPERATING ON SATURATED STEAM [Abstract of arti,cle by Abramov, A.T., Tishin, S.G. and T1'chenko, A.G.] [Text] The results are given of calculations for selecting the optimum vaZue of the separating pressure in systems of nuclear heat and power plant steam turbine plants of the TK,-4,50/500-65 type, with high attached condensation cagacity. It is demonstrated that the value of the separating pressure in systems of these plants can be selected to be the same as for nuclear power plant condensing tur-~ bines . UDC 621.1:621.311.2 OPTIMIZATION OF DISTRIBUTION OF REGENERATIVE HEATING OF WATER IN A NUCLEAR POWER PLANT � [Abstr.act of article by Ryzhkin, V.Ya., Tsanev, S.V. and Sarvate, S.] [Text] A pracedure 3s discussed for making an analytical determination of the optimum distribution of the regenerative heating of the feed water of nuclear steam turbine plants operating on saturated steam. For the sake of comparison, the results are given of a determinati.on of the optimum distribution of heating of water by means of alternative cal~uiations. UDC 621.311.25:62I.039 AERODYNAMICS OF VENT TUBES [Abstract of article by Gavrilov, Ye.I. and Yakunin, A.V.] � [Text] In a nuclear power plant radioactive gases are blown off from the equip- - ment of tha first circuit, pass through a apecial gas cleaning system, are thinned with ventilati.on air and are emitted in the atmosphere by means of vent tubes. Aerodynamic systems are suggested for vent tubes which make rare~action possible over the enfiire height of the gas venting ahaft. ~ UDC 621.311.25:621.039.681.332/333 _ STMiJLA'PTON ON SMALL COMPUTERS IN REAL TIME OF ELEMENTS.AND SYSTEMS OP THE FTRST CIRCUTT OF .A NUCLEAR POW~R PLANT WTTH 'WER-440 UN~TS [Abstract of article by Plyutinskiy, V.~., Koloskov, Yu.V. and Gribanova, Z.K.] 5 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050029-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050029-0 ~~v~~ va a�a..aria. vu... v.c~.s [Text] The use of the mode approach to the operation of a nuclear power plant wi~.h WER-440 units in creating simulator~ based on sma11 computers is discussed. The results are presented of calculations of the dynamic characteristics of various models oP the WER-440 reactor wi.~h var3ous operating modes of the - nuclear power plant and the use of a large integration step for differential equations. - UDC 621.039.524.44 MATHEMATICAL MODEL OF CIRCULATION DYNAMICS IN A LARGE SHELL-TYPE BOILING WATER ~ REACTOR [Abstract of. article by Plyutinskiy, V.T. and Leppik, P.A.] [Tex~] A linear mathematical spatially distributed model of the natural circula- tion loop in a large shell-type boiling water reactor is discussed. The conditions for interchannel and loopwide hydraulic stability are formulated. � UDC 621.176:53.Fi.248.2 PROCEDURE I'OR A CH~CK CALCULATZON OF A COiVDFNSATION INJECTOR [Abstract of article by Shpil'rayn, E.E., Sevast'yanov, A.P., An, I.V., Buturlinov, A.V., Grigoryan, A.B. and Solov'yev, A.A.] [`1'ext] A nrocedure is presented which is constructed on the basis of the experi- mental data described in the paper. An analysis is wade of the st�ructure of the flow and of the measured static pressure field, liquid phase velocity and acoustic characteristics of the stream. The conclusion is drawn that a structural transi- tion exists from a steam drop flow to a foam bubble one. A system of 18 differen- tial equations of conservation with corresponding closing rel~~tions is suggested for the laminar flow section. The systems of equations presented make it possible - to cal.culate flow parameters in the injector's mixing chamber from assigned initial parameters and a known geometry. ~ � UDC 621.176:536.248.2 CALCULATION OF TH~ COEFFI�IENT OF VEZOCTTY OF THE MTXII~G CHAMBER OF A CONDi~.NSATTON - TNJrCTOR WITH CENTRAL rEEDING OF SUPERHEATED STEAM [Abs~ract of article by Shpil'ra�Tn, E.E., Sevast'yanov, A.P., An. I.V. and Solov'yev, A.A.] ~Text] The parameters of the main effects determining the value of the coefficient of velocity of a mixing chamber, Q~k , are discusse~: the shock wave in the region of the exit section of nozzl~s and ~he shock wave at the center of the mixing chambc~r. ~'riction losses of the two-phase stream against the channel wal? are ~ calculated, taking into account the diatribution of mixing losses (shock losses) - rOR OFFIC~AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050029-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/42/09: CIA-RDP82-40854R040500050029-0 - over the length o~ the mixing ~hamber. Qn this basis a seu~emp~,rical relation- ship is obtained for calculating ~k~ , va11d in general Porm for the cTass of injectors with the central feeding o~ ~uperheated ~team at supersonic velocity. = Agreement with the experimental data is sat~sfactory. UDC 621.039.57g.001.5 STUDY OF THE CONVECTTVE HEAT EXCHANGE CRTSTS IN ~IPES AT LOW VE~OCTTIES 0'~ THE STEAM-AND-WATER MTXTURE [Abstract of article by Smirnov, O.K. and Afonin, V.K.] [Text] The results.are given of a regression analysis of data obtained on the convective heat excfiange crisis boundary and convective heat exchange coefficients in the supercritical region ].ow velocities of the steam-and water mixture in pipes. A comparison is made of data with a calculation according to the familiar empirical relationships. - UDC 621.039.514 PHYSICAL PREMISES FOR ACOUSTICAL DIAGNOSTS OF MODTFICATTON OF FLOW CONDITIOI~S OF A TWO-PH?,SE MEDTUM [Abstract of article by Proskuryakov, K.N.] [Text] The results are given of a theoretical and calculation study of the dependence of acoustic vibrations in a two-phase flow on flow conditions. It is demonstrated that an increase in the acoustical capacity of the heat transfer agent results in the appearance of a negative component of acoustic resistance and is conducive to the amplification of vibrations. COPYRIGHT: Moskovskiy energeticheskiy institut, 1980 8831 CSO: 1861/154 -1 7 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050029-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050029-0 ru~c uhr~~.iAL u5~, uNLY CONSTRUCTION OF NUCLEAR AND ORGANIC--~UEL~~TRED POWER PLANTS Moscow STROITEL'STVO '~EPLOVYKH EZEKTROSTANT5TY NA YADERNOM I ORGANICHESKOM TOPLIVE in Russian No 180, 1980 (signed to px'ess 12 Aug 80) pp 2, 132--133 [Annotation and table of contents from book "Construction of Nuclear and Organic- Fuel-Pired PowEr Plants", edited by Professor poctor of Technical Sciences V.B. Dubrovskiy and Assistant Professor Candidate of Technical Sciences N.Ya. Turi:hin, Moscow Order o~ the Red B~.nner o~ Labor Engineering~Construction In- stitute imeni V.V. Kuybyshey, 1000 copies, 134 gages] [Text] Articles are published here, representing the results oi research on the. protection, strength and economic characteristics oL- construction d~signs of nuclear and tliermal p~wer plants, and articles devoted to studying the aftereffects of citemical, mechanical and structural changes talcing place in a number of con- structi.on materials in the work process, and to study of the technical and economii indices of the construction of thermal and nuclear power plants. Intended for scientific personnel and engineer.s specializing ~n various areas of the planning and construction of power plants, as well as for students enrolled in the course "Construction of Therma.l and Nuclear Power Plants." . CONTENTS Page Koltun, O.V. and Lavdanskiy, P.A. "Determination of the Bulk Weight of Concrete Shields in Designing the Shielding for Nuclear Power Plant Technological Equipment" 3 - Koltun., O.V., Lavdanskiy, P.A. and Shekhovtsova, V.D. "Influence of the Quantity Factor in the Production of Assembly Elements on the Cost of their Manufacture Under Conditions of the Construction of a Nuclear Power Plant" 6 Pergamenshchik, B.K., Zholdak, G.T. and Volkova, L.V. "Thermal Condition~ of Shielcling Structures of a Nuclear Power P1ant " 10 llubr.ovskiy, V.B� and Muzalevskiy, L.P. "Decisive Parametexs and Criteria oC the Radiation Resistance o~ Concrete" 1~ Berman, G.M., Bolberov, A.A. and So1ov'}rev, V.N. "Zn~l.uence o~ Process Structure on the Radiation Resistance of Epoxy Compositions" 24 8 FOR OF~ICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050029-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R004500050029-0 D'yakov, Xe.M. and So1ov'yev, V�~. '~~n~~uence o~ ~xxadiat~,on on Radiation Aging o~ ~o7.yethylene" 28 Popov, N.N., Zharnitskiy, V.I. and Belikov, A.A. "New 1~ethod. o~ Calculat~ ing Ferroconcxete Strucfiures in the Elastoplastic Stage" 39 Turchin, N.Ya. and Makarin, L.V. '.'~nformation System and System ~or Quality Control of Work in the Construction and Preparatian ~or Entryr into Service of Thermal Power Plants" 49 Pavlov, A.S. "Optimization o~ Circulation ~'low Rate at a Thermal Power Plant with Cooling Towers" ~ 59 Makarin, I,.V. "Designing Series-Produced Thermal Power Plants f~r an Energy Complex" 6~ Yegorova, M.V. "Some Questions Relating to Specialization of Production" 72 Korsun, Yu.N. and Makarin, L.V. "Influence of Design Solutions for Boiler Rooms of Series-Produced Thermal Power Plants on Assembly Tndicators of Low-Strain Beam Systems of High-Capacity Suspended Steam Generators" 77 = Turchin, N.Ya., Ma1'kov, V.V. and Shishkin, V.V. "Procedure for Determining Actual Specific Labor Costs in Construction.of Thermal and Nuclear Power Plants" 86 Mal'kov, V.V. and Shishkin, V.V. "Measurement of Labor Productivity Utiliz- ing Fu11-Scale Indicators" 92 Turchin, N.Ya. "Classification of General Plans and Preliminary Determina- tion of Areas to be Set Aside for the Construction of Thermal Power Plants with 300-MW Power-Generating Units" 100 Zmiy, S.N. "Technical and Economic Substantiation of Choice of Optimum Solutions for a Construction Ma.ster Plot Plan" 108 Volkova, L.V., Pergamenshchik, B.K. and Kim, K.N. "Study of the Character- istics of High-Plasticity Concrete Mixtures" 113 Pis'menskiy, V.K., Gudin, M.G., Pergamenshchik, B.K. and Spirkin, V.Ya. "Pressure of a Concrete Mixture" 119 Nictiiporuk, I.I. "Question of the Choice of Designs for Ash Conveyer Lines for a High-Capacity GRES" 127 COPYRIGHT: MISI ira. V.V. Kuybysheva, 1980 II831 ~ CSO: 1861/149 - 9 _ FOR OFFICIAL USE UNLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050029-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850ROQ0500050029-0 -i R'vri Vl'Sl~I.IHL U4Si. V1YL1 I i'' UDC 669.018.29:621.039.5/.6 RESEA.ftCH AND DEVELO~'MENT OF MATERTALS FOR NUCLEAR FiTSTON REACTORS ~ Moscaw TSSLEDOVAN:~YE I RA.ZRABOTKA MA.TERIALOV DLYA REAKTOROV TERMOYADERNOGO STNTEZA in Russi~~i 1981 pp 2, 172^183 ~ I [Annotation and abstracts from collection of articles " and Development of Materials for Nuclear gusion Reactors'', edited by Academician N.V. Ageyev, Tzdatel'stvo "Nauka", 183 pages] . [Text] At the present time one of the most impo~~ant tasks facing our country.'s scienfiists and engineers is the creation of a new energy base based on the utilization of thermonuclear power eng3neering. The creation in the very near ~uture of demonstration and industrial nuclear fusion reactors with and inertial plasma. confinement has already now become a reality. However, in order to solve these problems it is necessary to create and study ma.ny classes of construction materials able to function under the very severe conditions of thermonuclear reactors. The present collection is made up of original articles on fundamental problems - of solid-state radiation physics as applied to problems of creating for nuclear fusion reactors, developing construction materials, etc. Individual sections o~ the co7,leetion are devoted to studying the bulk and sur~ace radiation properties of various metallic and other materials; also included are original articles on ~materials-science problems relating to pulsed thermonuclear reactors. This edition is intended for a wide range of researchers and practical workers - working on scientific and engineering problems of cnntrolled nuclear fusion. _ UDC 539.12.04.:621.039.616 STUDY OF THE TNFLUENCE OT ALL~YING ON THE RADIATION RESISTANCE OF MOLYBDENUM _ [Abstract of article by Ka.lin, B.A., Skorov, D.M. and Yakushin, V.L.] [Text] A study is made of the cathode sputtering and blistering of grade MChVP - vacuum-melted molybdenum and alloys TsM10VD, TsM6 and Mo - 0.6 to 2.4 percent by weight V- 0.03 percent by weight C when exposed to helium ions. Sputtering was carried out in a low-pressure helium glow discharge and blistering was studied under exposure ~o a monoenergetic ion beam with energy of 20 keV at a temperature 10 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050029-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500050029-0 of 330 K with ~.,dose o~ 5�1017 ions/cm2. Tt fs demonstrated that alloying rioly~~denum with slight additions o~ vanadium, bvron, aluminum and carbon does not result in considerable changes in the erosion coeffic3ents of alloys and in blister-formation parame~ers as campared with pure molybdenum. Increasing the conCent of vanadium in th~ Mo-V-C system result s 3n some reduction of the a11oy's , ~ sputtering coeffzcient. ~ UDC 621.039.532.21 ~ RADIATTON ALTERATION OF PROPERTTES 0~' GRAPHITE CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS IN THE RANGE OF 70-950 �C TO FLUENCE 0~ 2.5�1022 n/cm2 [Abstract of article by Virgil'yev, Yu.S. and Kostikov, V.I.] [Text] Data are given on radiation alteration of the physical properties (dimen- - sional stability, heat conduction, strength, creep, etc.) o~ construction graphite for a wide temperature and neutron fluence range. The influence of several technological factors in the producfiion of graphite on radiation resistance is discussed. - It is suggested that the data presented can be used for a preliminary estimate - of the working capacity of graphite under conditions of a fusion reactor. Tt is furtherm~re noted that selection of the optimum working tiemperature in addirion to selection of the grade of graphite will make it possible to reduce radiation disturbance of its properties arid at the same time to extend the period for the - functa.oning of graphite in a fusion reactor. . UDC 620.172.251.2 . - PROCEDURE FOR STUDYTNG CREEP OF MATERTALS TN THE PROCESS OF THERMAL CYCLING [Abstract of article by Skorov, D.M., Kalin, B.A. and Fedotov, V.T.] _ [Text] As applied to proposed temperature-time parameters of the operation of fusion reactors, a procedure is suggested for studying creep with the temperature - changing in cycles, making it possible to conduct tests under temperature condi- tions controlled with high precision and to compare anisothermic tests with re- - sults obtained at constant temperatures. A description is given of a high-vacuum unit, of a model of special design heated by the direct passing of electric current throu~h it, and of the flowchart of the program for calculating on a computer anisothermic creep curves, arid the results of a study of niobium a11oy ELN1 are given. UDC 621.039.634 PROBTEMS OF CONSTRUCTTON M,ATERTALS ~OR THE ~IRST WALL OF A k'USTON REACTOR ASSOCIATED WTTH VOT,UMETRxC RADIA,TTON E~~ECTS [AUstract of article by Kazakov, V.A. and Shamard3n, V.K.J - 11 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY . APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050029-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050029-0 N111K +Ut~'H'1l:lAL U~~ UNLY [T.ext.~ A review of the published data has establ;Eshed de~inite prpgress both in del:e:rmination of the probable woxlcing parame~ers o~ the first wa11 in fusion reactors of vari~us designs and in unders~anding o~ the features o~ radiation effects which wi11 take place in fusion reactors. The most complicated problems involve volumetric radiation damage. They are similar to a great extent to those discovered and studied in sufficien~ detail in ma~erials used in fission reactors. A who"le series af e~erimental s~udies indficate the possibility of a more drastic manitestation of some already known prnbZems, such as, for example, high-tempera- ture ~radiation embrittlement and swelling of nickel-containing steel and alloys under conditions of the use of the first wa11 of a fusion reactor. These radia- - tion effects are intensified on accoun~ of the high concentrations of helium formed in the majori_ty of elements on account of nuclear reactions caused by neutrons with energy of 1G MeV. The possibil.ity is indicated of realistic tech- nological and design solutions to a whole series of difficulties in the selection an~ recommendation of materials for the first generation of fusion reactors. _ 'Phe complexity of materials science problems associated with volumetric radiation effects and the diversity of ways of solvir_g them necessitate a comprehensive approach for the purpose o� finding the most economical and safe variants of designs for the blanket of a fusinn reactor. UDC 533.924:539.12.17 STUDY OF PROCESSES OF SUBLIMATION OF SOME CONSTRUCTTON MATERIALS [Abstract of article by Fedichkin, G.M., Bondarenko, G.G. and Shmykov, A.A.] ['rext] Bp the method of microweighing under high vacuum, measurements are made of the rates of sublima.tion of grade EP838 and 316 steel, the "Nimonik" alloy (50 percent gamma phase) and a beta-titanium alloy over a wide temperature range. Kinetic mechanisms are obtained for processes of the sublimation of volatile com- ponents from the alloys studied. Tt is established that processes of the subli- mation of volatile components of these alloys are limited by diffusion of these components toward the sublimation surface. Individual activation energies are = calculated. It is demonstrated that the manganese in EP-838 steel (E = 45.7 kcal/mole) is sublimated at the highest rate at working temperatures,aresulting ; in the appearance of impermissible ferromagnetic regions on the surface of the material. Based on the results obtained, an estimate is made of the contribution of sublimation processes to the total erasion of construction materials. UDC 539.12.04:621.039.616 TNrLUENCE OI' T.NTEN5TTY OF ION FLUX ON RADIATION EROSION OF MATERIALS [AUstract of. article by Ka1in, B.A., Pol'skiy, V.T. and Skorov, D.M.] [Text] An analysis is made of. the influence of tlie intensity of a beam of light ions an the heating-up temperafiure of an irradiated target and its radiation destruct3on as applied to fusion reactors. Heating-up temperatures are calculated from a four~.h-order heat balance equation for various cases of heat removal of 12 . FUR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050029-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050029-0 . . . . ~ . . . _..`9 - the target. An estimate is also u~td~ o~: the possib7.~ migration o~ bubbles of introduced. gas ~rom the depth to tl~e sur~ace o� the target. ~l'he calculations - presented de~nonstrate that erosion of the surface on acrount of the gas bubble migration mechanism depends ~::bstantially on heating up of the target and results ~ - in the appearance of relief in the form of a spongy or acicular struc- - ture or the surface of the irradiated target. UDC 539.12.04:621.039.616 _i ~ . STUDY OF MASS T$ANSFER MECHANISMS IN A'COVERING - GAP - FIRST WALL' SXSTEM AS APPLIED TO ~'USION REACTORS [Abstract of article by Kirilin, N.M., Shulov, V.A., Skorov, D.M., Yevstyukhin, A.I. and Ka~lin, B:A.] . [Text] A thermodynamic and kinetic analysis is made nf the an alloy-covering system _ with the presence between them of a gap f:tllec~2with a_rgixture of active gases (hqdrogen, oxygen, etc.) with pressure of 10 to 10 atm. Elements with an atomic number of less than 14 and their compounds are discussed as shielding materials, and alloys based on vanad3um, molybdenum and niobium and stainless steels as materials for .the first Wai1. It is demonstra~~u that alloy- ing high-melting metals with Ti arid Si (for niobium) suppresses the mass transfer of atoms of alloys to the covering over the 800-1200 �C temperature rnage. From the viewpoint of mass transter, of the shielding materials considered preference is to be given to compounds based on aluminum. UDC 533.924:539.12.17. DEPENDENCE OF RADIA.TION EROSION OF OKh16N15MZB STAINLESS STEEL ON THE DOSE I~I IRRADIATION WITH HELIUM IONS WTTH ENERGY 0~' 20 keV [Abstract of article by Ka.lin, B.A., Kirilin, N.M., Skorov, D.M. and Chernov, I.I.] [Text] A study is made of the radiation erosion of OKh16N15MZB stainless steel in the austenitized and 20-percent cold-strained states when irradiated with helium ions with energy of 20 keV at 200 �C over the dose range of (10 to 500)� �1021 ions/m2. It is demonstrated fihat in the dose range studied the maximum er.osion coefficient was on the order of 0.5 at/ion when irradiating with a dose of 1�1022 ion/m2 and was reduced~with an increase in the ion dose. With irradia- tion doses higher than 2�1023 ions/m2 the total erosion coefficient practically equals the steel's sputtering ratio. The influence of pretreatment on erosion of the material is reduced with an increase in dose and is practically lacking with high irradiation doses of (4 to 6)�10~2 ions/m2. ~UDC 669.27:537.534.9 FIELD-TON AND ELECTRON MTCROSCOPE STUDY OF THE SURFACE OF TUNGSTEN TRRADTATED WITH HELIUM TONS ~ ~ _ 13 - TOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050029-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850ROQ0500050029-0 � V~� v~ ~ Y~.~1~u ~+vwe V1~u� [Abstract of article by Dranova, Zh.I., M~:khaylovskiy, I.r1., ~ivovar, L.I. and - Tostolutskaya, G.D.] , [Text] By the methods of electron and field-ion microscopy studies were made of changes in the structure and microrelief of the surfac~ of tungsten under the - effect of irradiation with helium ions. A study was made by means of an electron microscope of. the influence on blistering of the original structure o~ the mater~ ial formed as the result of � and recrystallization annealing. Comparison of structures formed on the surface of tungsten as the result of irradiation at room temperature and as the result of irradiation with subsequent annealing demonstrated that no substantial d3.fference was observed in the nature of scouring. Measurements were made of the thickness of the scoured layer as a - function o~ tha ion energy and a comparison was made of the thickness of covers with calculated values o~ the mean free paths of helium ions in tungsten. By means of a field-ion microscope a study was made of the atomic topography - of single crystals of tungsten irradiated helium ions with energy of 0.1 to 3.0 keV over the dose range of 1011 to 1017 cm 2. Tt was established that with an irradiation dose of 1011 to 1012 cm 2 the change in microtopography as ~he result of the radiatio~? effect is two orders of magnitude greater than the form-alteration effect caused by~ erosion. Early stages of blister formation were observed with doses of 101 cm 2 and higher; the blisters measured 102 to - 1U3 t~. A study was made of the microstructure of irradiated tungsten by means of the method of field~controlled layer-by-layer sublimation. UDC 533.924:539.12.17 = MAGNETO-OTPICAL STUDY OF ISOLATION OF THE ~ERROMAGNET,IC PHASE ON THE SURFACE OF SOME CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS FOR FUSION REACTORS _ [Abstract of article by Krincha.k, G.S., Nikitin, L.V., Bondarenko, G.G. and Fedichlcin, G.M. ] [Text] By the ma.gneto-optical method a study is made of isolation of the ferro- magnetic phase on the surface of chrame-manganese austenitic steel after various kinds of heat treatment. 'rhe ferromagnetic phase was not detected on the original samples which had been electropoli~hed, but after vacuum annealing the appearance of a ferromagnetic alpha phase was observed caused by the sublimation of austen- itized components. Quantitative characteristics of the selective sublima.tion of these components are given, obtained by the method of microweighing under high . vacuum. For the purpose of studying the kinetics of the alpha phase formation ~ process taking place, temperature measurements were made with a specially created - ma.gneto-optical apparatus making it possible to study surface magnetic character- istics under conditions of high vacuum and high temperatures. A comparative ana- lysis is made oi processes taking place in materials of various compositions and the poss3bility is indicated of the appearance of a thin ferroma.gnetic layer in the course of utilization of tl~e first wa11 of a reactor. , 1~. ~ ~ FOR O~'FICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050029-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/42/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050029-0 UAC 662.747:546.17.:533.9;537.525 - INTERACTION OF CARBON (GRAPHTTE AND DTATZONA) COATI'NGS WTTH THE HYDROGEN PLASMA OF A GLOW D'tSCHARGE [Abstract of a~t~cle by ~'edoseyev, D.V., Deryagin, B.V., Tolmachev, ~(u.N., ~ Bukhdvets, V.L., Varnin, V.P. and Teremetskaya, T.G.] [Text] It has''been proven that the application of a coating of an acetylene- - hydrogen plasma~-to char substantially reduces the rate of gasification of the char in a hydrogen plasma~ The dependence of the rate of gasification of a - carbon coating in a hydro~en plasma on the temperature has a 550-900 �C section in which the reaction rate is reduced with an increase in temperature. The depth of. penetration of the reaction into a layer of diamond powder coated with graphite does not exceed 1 mm with a particle size of 100 to 125 microns, which ~ is associated with the rapid recombination of hydrogen atoms in the powder layer. ~ In the interaction of polycrystalline graphite with a hydrogen plasma. the amor- _ phous component is gasified first, whereas graphite crystals are gasified at a considerably slower rate. UDC 539.9.082:533.924 BLISTERTNG IN VANADIUM WITH SUCCESSIVE IRRAi)IATION WTTH HYDROGEN AND HELIUM TONS [Abstract of article by Guseva, M.I., Z}rkova, N.M., Ionova, Ye.S., Koltygin, V.M., Krasulin, Yu.L., Kurakina,.T.S., Nedospasov, A.V. and Rozina, I.A.] [~ext] A study is.made of the influence of preliminary and later implantation of H ions on helium bl3stering in monocrystalline vanadium. The considerable in- fluence of irradiation with hydrogen ions on erosion of the surface has been proven and the introduction of hydrugen causes embrittlement of the surface of vanadium, resulting in the opening of blisters along the outline of.shells. UDC 621.032.573 MATERIALS SCIENCE QUESTIONS IN THE PROBLEM OF PULSED FUSTON REACTORS [Alistract of article by Gryaznov; G.M., Yevt3khin, V.A., Kosukhin, A.Ya., Zanegina, O.A., Mosin, A.P. and Gurov, A.D.] [Text] Factors of the effect of a thermonuclear microexplosion on materials of the first wall are discussed in condensed form. Key trends of studies relating - to the theoretical and experimental investigation of materiala are indicated. tTDC 533.924:539.12.17 STUDY aF THE PROCESS OF BLISTERTN~ QF ALUMTNUM AND STAINLESS STEEL IN IRRADIATION WITH HELTUM IONS ' [Abstract of articl,e by Bondarenko, G.G. and Vasi1'yevski}~, V.V.] i5 FCR OFFICIAL USE �ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050029-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-04850R004500050029-0 ,~~~rc ~~rre~.iwa, u~a v~v,~r [Texr] An e].ectron ~nicroscope study is ma,de o~ erosion o~ the surface o~ poly�- crystal.line aluminum, and s~afnl.ess steel of austenitic class E~--838 under the effect o~ helium ions with energy af 10, 20 and 175 keV. The ~ma.terials were irradiated in the "Vezuviy" [Vesuvius~ heavy ion accelerator, as we11 as dire.ctly in the column of an EF2-Z6 field-emission microscope by means of a special attacliment . A study is made of the influence of postradiation annealing on the nature of - form modification and scouring of the surface of EP-838 steel. It has been pr.oven that lncreasing the temperature of the irradiated sample to 1200 �C re- sults in an approximately sevenfold increase in the surface erosion coef~icient. A study is made of the inf.luence of ~article energy and the irradiation ~ose on the nature of radiation damage to ehe surface in polycrystalline alumtnum. Tt is demonstrated that with 1ow energies of helium ions (5 to 10 keV) the domi- nant process is physical erosion. c~f the irradiated surface, and with increased _ ene~gies (20 to 30 keV) the blistering effect. Tn the 5�1017 ta 1.7�1018 ions~ /cm` range increasing the 3rr~diation dose results in an increase in the surface - erosion coefficient by more than an order of magnitude. ~ UDC 620. 19 MATERTALS SCTENCE QUESTIONS RELATIIVG TO CRFATTON OF LIQUTD METAL SYSTEMS ~OR PULSED FUSION REACTORS [Abstract of article by Gryaznov, G.M., Kosukiiin, A.Ya., Koloskov, D.M., ' Loseva, N.V. and Yevtikhin, V.A.] (Text] Possible corrosion processes in a construction material - lithium system are discussed. The influence of various factors responsible for the per.~etrability of an alkali metal and corrosion is demonstrated. A determi:nation is made of the necessary cAnditions and requirements, confirmed by fuil-scale circuit tests, making possible the reliable working capacity of materials of liquid metal systems with lithium. - An analysis is made of working conditions for ma.terials of the blanket zone of _ a pulsed fusion reactor. The possible in~luence of factors of the microexplosion of a D-T target on the materia'ls af the first wa11 and blanket zone is demon- strated. The key trends of studies relating to materials science research are _ delineated. UDC 539.12.04:621.039.616 STUDY OF RADIA'I'TON EROSION OF MATERIALS TN CYCLIC IRRt~DIATION WITH IONS ~ [Abstract o~ article Uy Begrambekav, 7.,.B., Kalin, B.A., Korshunov, S.N., Skorov, D.M., Skulanov, S.B., Te1'kovskiy, V.f~. and Yakush3.n, V.L.] [Text] A study is made of the radiation blistering of grade NIChVP molybdenum and grade VE;L-2 vanadium c~hen irradiated with helium ions with energy of 20 keV 16 , FQR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050029-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-40850R040500050029-0 in a dose o.~ 2~IO1e ions/cmZ over a wide rang~ o~ $ngles o~ incidence of ions and with a cyclic mode of irradiation. Simulation o~ the range of angles of incidence o~ ions is accomplished by~ evenly turning the target in the process of irradiation around an axis perpendicular tc~ the incident ion beam. It is demon- strated that the irradiation. of materials oti�er a wide range of angles of incidence of ions resul~s in reduction o~ the eroston c~efficients of the materials because ~ of the breaking of blisters and changes in blir~ter formation parametera. . UDC 539.234 PASSING 0~ BEAMS OF HTGH-ENERGY ELECTRONS THROUGH A QRAPHITE FOTL [Abstract of article by ~'edoseyev, D.V., Vnukov, S.P. and Statenkova, Ye.V.] [Text] Graphite foil--a material produced as the result of '.:he pyrolysis of methan~ and axPtylene--is vacuum tight and thermally stable and therefore ca~n be - recommended for the windows of high-energy electron accelerators. A calculation pr~esented ~f the passi:~g of a fairly powerful beam of relativistic - electrons (approximately 2 MeV) through graphite foil has demonstrated that it can transmit pulses of up to 3�109 J/m2. UDC 539.121.72 - HIGH-INTENSITY NEUTRON GENERATORS [Abstract of article by Tel'kovskiy, V.G.] ~ [Text] Methods of produc3ng intense (greater than 1013 n/4~r) neutron flux with energy on the order of 14 MeV are discussed. Circuits of neutron generators with these parameters developed in our country and abroad are analyzed, utilizing the reaction for the fusion of deuterium and tritium ("solid.state" and "gas" - targets) and the reaction fo�r fusion of lithium-7 a.nd deuterium. In the case of neutron generators with a solid-state target (ions of deuterium irradiate a metal target saturated with tritium), design solutions for neutron - generators are di.scussed, as well~as the physics of processes taking place on the irradiated surface (including queations relating to confining the tritium in the target). Tn the case of a gas target (ions of deuterium bombard a supersanic stream of ~ tritium), processes of heat transfer from the reaction zone, the problem of the entry of a powerful ion beam into a dense gas target and poasible design sa- lutions for neutron generators axe discuased. Possibilities of the ~reation and the features of neutron generators with a lithium target are discussed and the posa3.ble circuit of a neutron generator is given. Based on an analysis o~ the results, directfions of �uxther studg required for _ the creation of high-intensity neutron generators are pointed out. . FOR OFFICIA7L USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050029-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 20Q7/02/Q9: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050029-0 . F~(lR Uw'FICIAL USE UNLY UDC 533.2 PROCL'SSES OI~ A~F'EC`~ ~01~'1~TTQN A~I`TA AI"~T~'iTSZON TN MOLY~DENUM UNDER CQNDTTTONS OF IRRADIATION WT~H I,OW~~.NERGY It,~N~ QF HX'DRQGEN, 'DFTJTER~VM AND HEI~TUM [Abstract ofl articl.e by Zakharov, A.P.] ~ [TextJ By nieans o~ electron microscope methods, structural changes are: traced in surface lapers o~ molybdenum irradiated with 1ow-energy hydrogen io~~. In studying processes of the penetration o~ hydrogen through a metal unde~~ conditions of the piasma. of a glow discharge, the e~fect of the radiation-accele,rated diffu- sion of hydrogen has been discovered, caused by fihe formation o~ an internal inter.stitial atom - hydrogen atom dynamic complex with a dissociation energy of - ~ approximately 2 e'V. New possibilities for studying the distribution of light implanted ions are offered by the method of layer-by-layer analysis by means of erosion with argon ions. Because of its application it has been possible to fix the position of l.ons in the lattice of a metal with various irradiation tem- - peratures and to reveal the phenomenon of the redistriUution of helium found in - vacancies as the result of reaction with SAM-N complexes. UDC 681.32:548.4 INFLUENCE ON HARDENING OF THE ALTGNPIENT OF RADTATTON DEFECTS IN THE SUPERLATTTCE _ [~.bstr.act of article by Ibragimov, Sh.Sh., ICirsanov, V.V. and Tyupkina, O.G.] _ [Text] By means of a modified ~"ormen-Meykin model the particular case of the dis~ribution of radiation defects in front of a moving dislocation is discussed, namely, their ordered arrangement (the so-called superlattice of defects). Since de:Eects in experimentally observed superlattices are nonur_3form in size, it is to be expected that in interaction with a moving dislocation they wi11 behave differently. Within the framework of the model used an attempt is made to take thls effect into account, by introducing two sizes of point obstacles and distributing them randomly over points of the superlattice. UDC 620.193.6:539.219.3 RESULTS OF STUDYING TH~ PROPERTTES OF NTCICEL=FREE STATNLESS STEEL UNAER CONDTTTONS CHARACTERTSTTC OF A 1~USTON REACTOR [Abstract of article by Barannikova, G.A., Vaulin, L.N., Gol'tsov, V.A., Guseva, M.T., Latyshev, V.V., Prokof'yev, Yu.G., Saksaganskiy, G.L., Sotnichenko, A.L. and I'efelov, P.A.] [Text] The results are presented o~ studies of ~he properties of chrome-manganese steel 06Kh17G17llAMS (AS9) and 06Kh17G15NAB (AS43) performed in connection with stl~dying the poss:i.bility of us3ng these steels in designs of fusion reactors. In particular, experimental da~a are presented on the change in the mechanical characterisrics o:~ these stPels 3n the temperature range of 20 to 700 �C after being irradiated neutxons (dose of 8�1020 n/cm2, ~.rradiation - 18 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050029-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050029-0 tempexature a~`65Q �C) and on a~~udy~o~ shoxt~t~u~e ~ar~gue ~n Che 20-600 �C ~ temperature range undex vacuu~n and ~n fiydrogen. Data aze a:Cso presented on the erosion reais*ance o~ the steels studted when irradiated with hydTOgen and he7,:tuzn ions and on their gas di~fusion and magnetic _ characteristics. . UAC 539.9.082:533.924 PROBLEMS REZATTNG TO TIiE PTRST WAZL OP :E'USTON REACTORS ~ [Abstract of ar*.ic1e by Guseva, M.T., Martynenko, Yu.V. and Plesh3.vtsev, N.V.] [Text] ^4ajor processes on the surface of the first wall o~ a thermonuclear reactor--a tokamak--are discussed. A calculat3on is made of the rate of ero~ion o~ the wa~l of a T-20 tokamak under Che effect ot' bombard~ng ions (atoms), D, ' T and He . Tt is demonstrated that the main physical process responsible for e~osi~n of th~ surface of the firat wa11 is erosion of the wa11's material by D, T and He ions. Ways of protecttng the first wall from erosion are discussed. UDC 539.9.082:533.924 STUDY OF EROSTON OF THE SURFACE OF CHROME-NICKEL ALLOYS IN BOMBARDMENT WTTH HELTUM AND HYDROGEN IONS [Abstract of article by Busharov, N.P., Gusev, V.M., Guseva, M.I., Ionova, Ye.S., Mansurova,.A.N., Chelnokov, O.T., Afrikanov, T.N., Morozov, V.N. and Fefelov, P.A.] [Text] Studies are of radiation damage to the sur~ace of Fe-Cr-Ni alloys . - in bombardment with ions with energy o� 40 keV at various temperatures. At ~ Tirr re~iond - 200 �C scouring of layer.s is observed and the erosion rate reach~s ppr ximately 1 at/ion, and at 500 �C blisters form on the surface. - Maximum erosion of the surface. takes place at Tirr about 39~ of inelting point." Erosion cuefficients of these alloys are measured for ions wi~h energy of 10 keV. ~ UDC 621.791.85:669.018.8 ROLE OF RADIATTON-STTMULATED PHASE TRANSFORMATTONS TN CHANGING OF THE PROPERTIES OF FUSION REACTOR MATERIALS [Abstract of article by Bystrov, L.N., Ivanov, L.I., tTstinovshchikov, V.M. and Tsepelev, A.B.] ['i'ext] The question of the influence of radiation-stimulat~ed struc~ural phase transEormations on the mechanical properties of fusion reactor construction ma- tE~rials Is discussed. A study is made of grades 316 and EP838 stainless steel. A study is made o~ the kinetics of a change in the electrical resistance of 316 steel under the effect of electron irradiation with energy of 2.3 MeV in the temperature range o~ 100-400 �C and the possible mechanism for changes observed in electrical resistance is discuesed. 8y the actfive tens3on method and a stud.y of creep a measurement is made o~ the mechanical characteristics of 316 and _ ~9 ! FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050029-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050029-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY EP838 steel. irradiafied with electrona in ~he austenitized and cold-strained states. The conclusion is drawn th$t there i~ the pc+s~ibility o~ ~the con~iderable influence of radiation-sti~nula~:ed di~~'us3.on processes on changing of the properties of austenitic stainless steel in the process of operation of a fusion reactor. UDC 533.924:539.12.17 STUDY OF RADTATTON EROS~ON 0~' N~OBTL'21 AZLOYS ' [Abstract o~ article by Ka1in, B.A., Skoxov, D.M. and Shishkin, G.N.] - [Text] An electron m3.croscope study is made of failure in ion bombardment of the surface of alloys of the system Nb-Zr-C having undergone tests for 1-percent creep in Li. irradiation was with helium ions with energy of 15 ke~F over the = dose range of (0.5 to 10)�1018 ions/cm2 at 700 �C with a beam current of 0.4 mA/ /cm2 Tt is dem;:ZStrated that the ~rocess of blister forma.tion takes place with doses of (5 to 10)�1017 ions/cm' and practically does not depend on the tech- nological characteristics of the alloy. With an increase in the dose to 5�1018 ions/cm2 and more radiat~.on erosion is determined basically by sputtering. - The alloys tested prior to irradiation ~or an extended period under a load in lithium tend toward 1oca1 erosion with th.e formation of craters measuring 200- 700 UDC 620.17:537.534 COMBTNATTON OF EXPERIMENTAL APPARATUS ~OR STUDYTNG RADIATION-VACUUM AND PHYSICO- MECHANTCAL CHARACTERTSTTCS OF ~'[JSTON REACTOR CONSTRUCTION MATERTALS [Abstract of article by Karasev, B.G., Komarov, V.L., Prokof'yev, Yu.G., Saksaganskiy, G.Z., Serebrennikov, D.V., Spirchenko, Yu.V. and Fefelov, P.A.] - [Text] A brief description is given of the designs and technical chara~:teristics of experimentation stands for study~ng erosion resistance of the sur~ac~e., water tightness at high temperatures and the mechanical characteristics under conditions of. static and cyclic straining, of const.ruction materials whieh are promising for use in fusion reactors. The SVICh stand has a hydrogen ion source with energy from 20 to 80 keV, current density of the beam at the tar~et of 0.01 to 0.1 A/cm2 and background pressure in the measuring chamber of 1�10 ~ mm Hg. . The MKT stand has been created �or irradiating materials with ion beams with a mass spectrum from 1 to 40. The ion energy is 0.1 to 20 keV, the beam current is a maximum of 5 mA and the background pressure in the target chamber is 1�10-10 mm Hg. The posslbility 3s provided of irradiating the target simultaneously with two ion beams vf di~feren~ types. The TYeST and LUCh stands are designed ~or studying the water t~.ghtness o~ mater- ials at high temperat'urea, including by takfing into account nonequil~bxium con- ditions and the stxes~ed-strained s~ate o~ the mater~;a1. 20 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050029-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050029-0 The Ts~KT., stand has b~en crea~ed ~ox aCudy~~ng tlt~ ~:n~l.uence an tna.ex~als of - static and cyclic mechan~ca7. ~.oads a~ ~var~ous t~ntpera~ux~s~ ovex ~he range of -260 to 1Q00 QC. 7.hvestigation o~' the behavfox o~ u~tterfials wfith vartation in strain ~orces and temperatures o~ samples accord~ng to a specif:ic program 3s p~evided for. ~ - UDC 539.9.082:533.924 INFLU~NCE OF ORIENTATTON ON ~ROSTON 0~ MONOCRY~TALLTNE VANAAZUM UNDER BOMBARDMENT WITH HELTUM TONS 1 [Abstract o~ a~ticle by Guseva, M.T., Zykova, N.M., Tonova, Ye.S., Koltygin, V.M., Krasulin, Yu.Z., Kurakina, T.S., Nedospasov, A.V. and Rozina, T.A.] [Text] Studies are made of radiat~on damage to the surface of monocrystalline - vanadium under bombardment with He ions with energy of 10 and 40 keV. Tt is de~onstrated that with a dose of 0.5 curies/cm2 in the case of irradiation with He ions with energy of 10 keV, on a{100}, {111} and {110} surface bli~ters are formed with undamaged sizells, whereas after implantation with 40-keV He ions, other condi~ions being equal, on these planes mul.tilayer scouring is observed, and strorig anisotropy of blistering and flaking occurs. - UDC 621.039.553 PROSPECTS FOR USING ALPHA ALLOYS OF TTTANZUM AS A CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL FOR THE FIRST WALL OF THE ZOW-TEMPERATURE DISCHARGE CH1~IMBER OF A FUSION REACTOR [Abstract of article by.Al'tovskiy, I.V., Gorynin, I.V., Kozhevnikov, O.A., Lemke, N.G., Od:Lntsov, N.B., Odintsov, V.N., Parshin, A.M., Privol'neva, A.S., Syshchikov, V.T., Ushkov, S.S., ~efelov, P.A., Chechulin, B.B., Yakovleva, T.A. and Yaroshevich, V.D.] ~ [Text] The results are presented of a studq of grade VT1-0 technically pure titanium and of the alpha alloy PT-7M in the original state and after neutron irradiation with fluence up to 2�1021 n/cm2 (E > 0.85 meV). It is demonstrated that the alloys studied possess radiation resistance and preserve their ductile properties at a suf~ic3.ent 1eve1 both under short-term and extended test- ing. The conclusion~is drawn that in terms of combination of physicomechanical properties low-a11oy alpha alloys of titanium.satisfy the requirements imposed on construction materials for d3scharge chambers of fusion reactors and are pro- mising for use in these structures. ~ UDC 533.924.:539.12.17 HTGH-NTCKEL ALLOYS OF THE CHS-42 AND CHS-43 TYPE AS MA.TERIALS FOR THE FTRST WALL OF FUSTON REACTORS [Abstract o~ article by BannykYt, O.A., ~oryn~n, T.V., Ibragimov, Sh.Sh., Tvanov, A.T., Kozhevnikov, O.A., Lapin, A.N., Lopatina, O.A., Makhlin, N.A., Parshin, A.M., Pen'kov, G.A. and Y'aroahevich, V.D.] 21 FOR OFFICIAL U5E ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050029-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500050029-0 ~'Uii U~FIQ:~AL ~15~ UNiY ['tex~1 ~1u;~~ti.ozls ~xe di~cuas.ed r~la~in~ ~o h~,$h-~icke7, a7.7.oys o� the ChS-~+2 r.ttzd ChS-43 ty~e. as constxu~w~:on mat~x~a7.s ~px ~he ~irS~ wa~~ o~ a~usion reactor ovex a hroad temperature xange, Aata are presented on the xadiation resistance ox these alloys, ob~ained on the basis of both reactor and simulation tests. Thes