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JPRS L/ 1 0382
12 March 1982
Worldwide Report '
(FOUO 5/82)
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JPRS publications contain information primarily from foxeign
newspapers, periodicals and books, but also from news agency
transmissions and bruadcasts. Materials from foreign-language
sources are translated; those from English-language sources
are transcribed or reprinted, with the original phrasing and
other characteristics retained.
Headli:zes, Pditorial reports, and material anclosed in brackets
are supplied by JPRS. Processing indicators such as [Text]
or [Excerpt:) in the first line of each item, or following the
last line of a brief, indicate how the original information was
processed. Where no p*-ocessing indicator is given, the infor-
matian was summarized or extracted.
Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or transliterated are
enclosed in parentheses. Words or names preceded by a ques-
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Other unattributed parenthetical notes within the body of an
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The contents of this publication in no way represent the poli-.
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407102109: CIA-RDP82-00854R000500040028-2
i , FOR OFFI( ,
~ (FOUO 5/82)
i I
~ Foreign Missions To Be Allowed To Operate Radios
j (Kijio Sakakibara; SANKEI SHIlMBUN, 19 Feb 82)
Cormnunications During llth Five-Year. Plan
(Yu. B. Zubarev; RADIOTEKHNIKA, Nov 81)
Intelsat To I,aunch Three More Satellites in 1982
(Pierre Zangereux; ATR COSMOS, 18 Jan 82)
Cormnunications Switching: Zevsls, Objectives, Activities
.Ne�v-Dec 81)
- a -
JPRS L/10382
12 March 1982
[III - WW - 140 FOUO]
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OW221051 Tokyo SANKEI-SSIMBUN in Japanese 19 Feb 82 Morniag Edition p 1
y [By reporter Kijio SakakibaraJ
[Text] The Posts and Telecommunications Ministry has decided to revise the wire-
less telegraphy act to perm:it foreign embaseiea and iegations in Japan to have
their own radio communication facitities. The decisic.~n w,'ill be included in a bill
of amendments to the act which is bping prepared by the Ministry foi Submission to
the current diet session. The '.evision is also designed to enable Japanese diplo-
matic establishments abroad to have their owa wireless communication facilities,
under the "principl.e of reciprocity," so that in the future such communication
disruptions En that which happened to the embassy in Poland can be avoided. All
communications with the Japanese Embassy in Warsaw were disrupted for nearly a
month due to the suspension of general circuits under the martial law rule.
According to the Posts and Telecommunicatione Ministry, there was a atrong request'
from the Foreign Ministry to authorize foreign diplomatic establishments to oper-
ate their own radio stations.
Article 5 of the present wireiess telegraphy act stipulates that "a foreign govern-.
- ment or its representatives" are not licensed to operate a radio station; under
the principle of diplomatic "reciprocity" Japanese embsssies abroad'also were not
= allowed to havE: their own radio facilities by tihe goverriments of the respective
Japanese embassies abroad have thus been depending solely on general communciations
circuits for their comunicationa with the Foreign Ministry in Tokyo. Troubles .
occurred in re:cember last year when the martial law rule in Poland susper.ded
operations of the ger.eral circuits for nearly a momth, cutting all contacts with
the embassy and causing problems in the efforts to protect Japanese nationals as
well as in other areas.
This prompted the Foreign M3nistry to review t'ne need for the nation's embassfes
and legations abroad to have their own radio communication facilities, and to,
strongly ask the Posts and Telecommunications Ministry to revise the wireless
telegraphy act. As an initial stEp, the Posts and Telecommunications Ministry
decided to delete the phrase "a foreign government or its representatives" from
the text of article 5 of the act. Possible amendments to other related articles
are also under study.
CSO: 4120/163
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Moscow RADIOTEKHNIKA in Ruseian Vol 36, No 11, Nov 81 pp 4-5
[Article by Yu. B. Zubarev, USSR deputs minister of coannunicat3.ons]
[Text] The 64th Anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution has now
passed. During tliis year, the entire country has lived under the influence of
the 26th Congress of tfie Cammunist Party of the Soviet Union, which simnmarized the
results of the lOth Five-I'ear Plan and adopted national development plans�for
the llth Five-Year Plan. Major tasks fiave been placed before Soviet Science
in terms of accelerating scientific-technical progr.,ess and impraving the
welfare of the Soviet people; specific tasks have lieen defined-for individual
Uncler the guidance of the direct:tves of the 25th CPSU Congress, communications
workers achieved major successes during tfie lOth Five-Year Plan: they fulfillled
assignments witli respect to tfie most important Cerhnical-econamic inclicators, they
improved the efficiency and quality of operation of conanuntcations facilitiies, and
fulfilled and overfulf3:11ed assigrments for the development of technical faci-
lities. A significant step was Taade in creating nationwide�Unified Autatnated
Communications System (YeASS). The extent of long-distance telephone channels
increased in 1980 by more tfian a factor of 1.9 over 1975, and a numtier of critical
cable and radio relay links were put into operation, including a multichannel
rad3o relay link along the Baykal-Amur Main Ra3:lroad Line.
Thanks to the expansion of tfie netwoxk of communicattons channels and construc-
tion of long-d istance telephone exclianges:, the 1eve1 of automation of long
dtstance telepfione communications, to which more than 60% of city telephone sub-
scribers now have access, has increased. Most rayon centers have automatic
telephone communication wTtfi t~~eir oblast centers. The assignment �or the
develc.~pment of telephone cammunications� in cities and rural areas was overful-
f illed : the number of network stibscriliers increased Tiy atiout 6 million. The
assigrrment to douBle tfie network used to receive newapaper columns pfioto-
telegrapfiically at-decentralized printing locations was fulfilled ahead of
schedule. Tfiis metfiod in contrast to delivering newspaper plates by air, has
accelerated the printing of newspapers at remote locations andTnade it inde-
pendent of weatfier, tfius speeding their deli'very to readers. For example, the
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newspaper PRAVDA is now delivered to 90% of subscribers on the day it is pub-
lished. Prototype message switching centers (TsKS-T) have been put into opera-
ion. The indicators for bringing channel switching capacities of the Nationwide
Data Transmission IJetwork (OGSPD) and telegraph network have been overfulfilled,
and the subscriber telegraph and Telex network have been expanded. The develop-
ment of radio broadcast and television stations has made it possible to provide
the first radio broadcast program to the entire country, and the second program
to 80% of the country; territory containing 86% of the country's population is
covered by television broadcast. Tlie entire televtsion transmitting network
provi3es color transmission, and the network which fee,;rt central television pro-
g*:ams via the new "Raduga", "Ekran" and "Gorizont" ccrmmunications satellites has
been expanded significantly. The wire broadcast network continued its develop-
~ ment, with over 80 million wired-radio outlets in place by the end of the Five-
Year Plan, including 40 millien three-prvgram outlets. A aignificant amount
of work has been done to develop postal enterprises and enterprises of Soyuzpechat':
a large number oil new post offices and caaemunications departments have lieen put
into operation, 108 3unction enterprises have lieen mechanized, and 99% of city
delivery sections have been switclied over to mechanized delivery.
The need for accelerating the scientific and teclinical progress: of all branches
of the economy stands out in the resolutions of the 26th Congress. With respect
to communications, this is especially emphasized on the part of f orming the
national.unified automated communications system. During tlie 10th Five Year Plan,
the USSR Ministry of Communicaticns together with the Ministry of Industrial
Communications Facilities and the Ministry of the Electrotechnical Industry
accomplished a great deal of work in creating new technical communications
facilities which will provide the basis for further development of communica-
tions during the I1th Five-Year Plan.
In order to develop the primary backbcne communications network, high-capacity
coaxial cable transmissionsystems liave lieen created: the K-1920-P, which trans-
mits, over a normal cable (2.6/9.46n) with four type KMB-4 tubes, 3840 voice-
grade channels; and the K-3600 system wfiich permits groups of up to 17,500
channels to be accomodated on a type KMB-8/6 cable. The 4 and 6 GHz KURS radio
relay equipment allows up to 720-1300 or more telephone cliannels to be organized
over 4 to 6 working trunks, as we11 as televtsion transmission. The MIDW-40,
"Gruppa", "Orbita-RV", "Ekran", "Moskva" and other geostationary satellites,
which carry television, telephone, radio broadcast and newspaper column channels,
have been developed for the backbone system. The "MolniyaF" system, which trans-
mits via satellites in high e1lipCical orbit, which makes it possible to trans-
mit programs and maintain telephone communications with higli-latitude locations
in the country, is still in operation.
Beside the previously leveloped K-300, K-120 and K--60 analog communications
systems, intra^oblast primary networks are making extensive use of the newly
created IRM-120 time-multiplexed systems for a standard balanced caBle (to re-
place or augment the K-60) and the IKM-480, wfiicfi uses a small coaxial cable
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(1.2/4.6 mm), which can carry digital signals at 8.448 and 34.368 Mbps (120
and 480 telephone channels, respectively). This equipment has undergone testing
on specially buikt.-experimental communications links. Since the testing indi-
cated satisfactory results of operating the new communications sytems, they
have been recommended for industrial production. Radio relay equipment opera-
ting in the 2 and 8 GHz range has been created for these systems which can carry
300 voice grade c4annels or television channels in the RURS trunk, and "Oblast""
equipment f or teitphone communication.
New digital IKM712 (soon to be IKM-15), IKM-30, "Zona", and IKH-120 (which saves
significant amounts of cable and copper) are in extenaive use for local, city
and urban telephone networks. Time-saultiplexed rad3:o relay link equipment will
be introduced - the "Elektronika-11Ts" which operates in the 11 GHz range and
has a 8.448 Mbps pcm multiplexing sy.stem. This system is now being tes.ted on
an experimental link.
Switching equipment is an important component of secondary cammunications
networks. During the 11th Five--Year P1an, new quasi:electronic stations which were
developed late in the lOth FiveTYear P1an and fiave lieen put into production, will
be put into operation along with the already well-developed K 50/200 and 100/2000,
ATSK-U and AMTS cross�-bar awitchtng equipment already in use in a11 branches of
communications (rural, rayon, city and long distance). Ttits includes the "Kvarts"
excfianges Por city and long dtstance communications, and tAe "Istok" for rural
and rayon networks.
Channel switching equipment in d irectrdialing, subscriber telegxapli and data t=ans-
mission systems wi11 conti:nue to be introduced tnto teleptione comrAunications.
In addition, a message swttching system a new fiigfily efficient fielegraph com�-
munications system - wi11"a1so be introducedmore extenaively. The tirst years
of operation have alread.y affirmed its tiigli tectlnical and operational imdicators.
The new "Kurok" electronic telegraph switching exchange, which is expected to
be put into operation by the end of the Five-Year Plan, is also under develop-
ment. Telegraph equipment is being improved signif icantly: the development and
a.ssimilation of 50 and 100 liaud electrameclianical alphanumeric teletype machines is
reacfiing completion. Tiie use of ink-type facs3:mile machines ("shtrikh") will be developed furtfier. The development of radio broadcast and improvement of its
quality will occur primarily on the tiasis of existing technical facilities, as
well as re-equiping existing stations. In order to develop television networks,
a graul, of fiigh performance rcmote-controlled unattended transmitters has been
created: ttie "Wmen'-2", tlie ATRS-5/1, television relays, etc.
The development of a11 communications branches during the 11th Fiveryear Plan
wi11 thvs occur to a significant extent on the basis of new technology. In
addition, besides introducing new facilities which have already been created, it
remains to develop and create new, more sophisticated communications technology.-
The main tasks in this area are determined by a gcal-oriented integrated pro-
gram which provides for the creatid.n of the nexi generation of coaxial cable
systems - the K-10800 frequency multiplexed s,ystem, the IKM-1920 time -mul t iplexed
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system, as well as mastery of the production of IKM-480 equipment. An im-
portant direction for technical progress in the area of developing transmission
systetns is the creation of a fiber optic communications system. Experimental
optical links carrying digital streams at 2.048 and 8.448 Mtips which were created
during the lOth Five Year Plan liave indicated the applicability in principle of
the components and optical caliles wliich have been developed. During the llth
Five-Year Plan, fundamental problems of creating equipment and cables for oper-
ational fiber optic links must lie resolved so tliat tliey can be introduced ex-
tensively by the end of tliis, and the beginning of the 12tYi Fiwe-Year k'1an.
The integrated program defines tasks o� developing and producing equipment, as
well as a number of indicators regarding the volume of i'ntroduction, which im-
poses def inite obligat3:ons for the construction of new communications facilities
on the part of introducing new tecfinvlogy.
Work is underway to create the new generation of "Elektronika-svyaz radio relay
equipment f or oblast communication linlts in a11 frequency ranges allocated for
those purposes. The development 3:s being done on the Basis of thelatest
achievements of domestic radio electronic.s,.microminiaturization and stripline
technology. It is expected tliat tliese wi1l be i'ntroduced extenaively by the
end of tliis Pive-Year P1an.
The tasks imposed by the 26th CPSU Congress are grandiose. Soviet comnunicators,
recognizing the responsibility they bear for the further development and per-
fection of communications facilities and systems and their role in managing the
national economy, wi11 app7.y a11 of tlieir efforts and knowledge in order to
fulfill honorably the plans of the party and of the people.
COPYRIGHT: "Radiotekhniica", 1981
CSO: 5500/1015
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Paris AIR & COSMOS in French 18 Jan 82 p 33
[Article by Pierre Langereux: "Third Intelsat 5 Satellite to be Operational in
March 1982"1
[Text] The third telecommunications eatellite (F3) of the Intelsat 5 series,
launched 15 December 1981, will be put into service in March 1982 over the Indian
Ocean. Initially, the satellite will be positioned at 15 degrees East to be con-
trolled by Telespazio's earth station at Fucinc (Italy). Subsequently, it will
be repositioned over the Indian Ocean at 62 degrees East, over the Atlantic Ocean
to replace the Intelsat 5 satellite currently in service which will then serve the
Indian Ocean region. The telecommunications demand in this region is growing very
rapidly--to the point where the 6,000 telephonE circuits cvrrently being provided
by Intelsat 4A are close to saturation. The new Intelsat 5 satellite (1,870 kg)
will have a cagacity of 12,000 telephone circuits and two TV channels,
Intelsat states that its satellites (Intelsat 4A and Intelsat 5) currently in
service are carrying around two-thirds of the world's transoceanic telecommunica-
tions traffic and almost all overseas television transmissions.
The next Intelsat 5 satellites will be launched this year from Cape Canaveral
(Florida), using NASA's Atlas-Centaur rockets. The fourth Intelsat 5(F4) is to
be launched in March 1982 and the fifth Intelsat 5(F5) in May 1982. The sixth
satellite, which will also be the first of the improved Intelsat 5A version, will
be placed in orbit in December 1982. .
~ Intelsat plans to launch a total of 15 Intelsat 5 and 5A satellites, six of which
; during the next 2 years. These will be followed in 1984 and 1985 by six more
, Intelsat 5A satellites. These launchings will be divided up between Ameriaan
; Atlas-Centaur rockets (10 satellites: Fl to FS and F.'9 to F13) and European Ariane
; rockets (5 satellites: F6 to FS and F14 to F15).
In 1986, the first satellites of the new-qeneration Intelsat 6 series (40,000
telephone calls), the buil:-r of which is to be selected in March 1982, between
Hughes Aircraft and Ford Aero;oace. These satellites will be launched by the
5huttle or by Ariane 4. COPYRIGHT: A. & C. 1982
CSO: 5500/2096
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Turin ELETTRONICA E TELECOMUNICAZIONI in Italian Nov-D2c 81 pp 227-234
[Article by Paolo de Ferra, doctar of engineering, central director of STET [Tele-
phone Finance Corporation], Rome: "Switching in Italy: Levels, Objectives, Activi-
ties"*; "Summary" as publifted in English]
[Text] Summary--Switching in Italy: Levels, Objectives, Activities. The situa-:.:.
tion of Italian telecommunications is firstly considered, and in particular the
evolution of the last two years. The present guidelines, oriented to a future
unique multiservice network, are then described. Indications are given on the
conversion process (in the network and production plants) from analoque to digital
techniques,.mainly regarding switching (transit exchanges and local exchanges).
The topic problems are considered, concerning network planning, common channel
channel signaling, digital subscriber lines. Some recent trends in system evolu-
tion are shown, with particular mention to both UT 10/3 of ITALTEL and the con-
centration of activities on a system of Italian origin. With reference to
telephony, a chapter illustrates the results of electronic exchanges in operation,
the technological activities in software (mainly high level languages) and in
hardware (mainly microelectronics) and to the most recent switching system
developments. Another chapter describes the new telecommunications services:
circuit and packet-switched data, teletex, videotel, slow-video, videoconfer-
ence, etc. Special mention is given to the philosophy of a multiservice inte-
grated network, that is a network open to the interconnection of systems, even of
different nature. [End of Summary]
* This article is the translation into Italian of the paper presented by tl:e
author at the "International Symposium on Switching" Montreal (Canada),
21-25 September 1981. This paper was Staly's contribution to the opening and
orientation session of the 5ymposium. During this session, authoritative
representatives of the seven most advanced countries in this sector (Canada,
France, Germany, Japan, Great Britain, Italy and the United State3) presented
papers describing results achieved and the telecommunications developmental
outlook in their respective cotxntries.
Typewritten manuscript received 5 October 1981.
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1. Introductior.
The switching situation in Italy and the outlook for its development were dis-
cussed by Prof D. Gagliardi in the opening session of the ISS [International
Switching Symposium] held in Paris in May 1979. The memorandum presented on ttlat
occasion contain� much information that adequately describes the Italian sittia-
tion.1 The cocicluEions reached in that document can be very concisely summarized
- as follows:
Switching Outlook in Italy as of May 1979
--A certain number of manufacturing firms;
--Switching centers almost exclasively of the electromechanical type (a'few
semielectror:ic automatic transit-tra'cfic switchers);
--Scattered use of digi.tal techniques in transmission systems.
--Direct change from electromechanical to digital systems;
--Specifications oriented toward future develapmental changes internal to the
systems. Objectives: .
--Introduction af digital techniques to the extent of 50 percent in the urban
area and 80 percent in the interurban area by the year 2000;.
--Concomitantly progressive introduction of new services beginning in the early
--Rapid,evolution of international switching for every type of service.
Frequent references will be made in this paper to the foregoing memorandum, with
the twofold aim of confirming the foregoing orientations and of pointing up, in
some cases, new initiatives that have been undertaken since then from the stand-
point of speeding up and better rationalizing the implementation of those plans.
2. Telecommunications Growth
As regards telephony, at the end of 1978, there were in Italy 11.4 million sub-
scribers and 17.1 million telephone sets. At the end of 1980, there were 13.0
million subscribers and 19.3 million sets.
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In ter^s of ratios to population, these figures represent a growth of from 20 sub-
scribers and 30 sets per 100 inhabitants in 1978 to over 23 subscribers and 35
sets per 100 inhabitants as of m'_d 1981.
_ These figures can be related meaningfully to the GNP [Gross National Product] per
inhabitant. Figure 1 shows, in this respect, how Italy stood at the end of 1979
by comparison with some other European countries. The area of each dot is pro-
portional to the absolute telephonic component of the GNP for the country to which
it relates.
This situation brought about the drawing up of the Italian telecommunications plan
for the 1980's. Governmental bodies, social forces, manufacturing concerns and
operating agencies are constantly trying to achieve a balance among �actors of
diverse natures: Economic, financial, service, empl.oyment, and so forth.
Pressures for accelerated growth stem from various factars. These include: The
substantial current backlog of requests for subscriber services, involving in many
cases long waiting periods; the conviction that telecommunications are an important
infrastructure, essential to rhe improvement of the quality,of life and to the
production of higher levels of income, particularly in peripheral and less devel-
oped localities; energy savings; and the need to shore up the telecommunications
industry, thus attenuating unemployment problems. On the other hand, the upward thrust on growth is being moderated by the need to
ensure the economic balance of the system thrnugh adequate while not excessive
rates for services as well as by the need to pace the:rat;es of growth of plant
initially to conform to the capacity of in.dustry for converting to the production
of modern systems in large quantities. In summary, the currently planned growths
in subscriber services are shown graphically in Figure 2, which also shows in
lighter lines, the previously projected growths announcedin Paris. Under current
projections, service densities in 1990 will be 38 subscribers and 57 sets per
100 inhabitants.
Figure 2 also shows traffic projections. Interurban traffic in particular is -
expected to grow; an increase of over 160 percent in international traffic during
the 1980's is being projected. .
The 1980's will also see an expansion of mobile radio services: conversational,
vehicular paging and personal message. The first of these types of service is
actively used in most of nor.thern and central Italy's major cities and highways
and its use is spreading to Southern Italy. The second type is in active use
throughout Italy. Terminals for these two types of service now number 2,500 and
and are expected to total some 28,000 by 1990. T',s third of these types is still
in the experimental stage; our projection is that by 1990 around 5 percent of the
population in urban areas will be served by terminals of.this type.
Telex service is also expected to increase substantially durinq the 1980's, from
the current 38,000 subscribers to 95,000 by 1985 and 150,000 by 1990. The pro-
jection, however, is meaningful only until 1985, in that, thereafter, new services
will be available such as teletex, facsimile, word processing and others,that will
adversely affect the further expansion of telex service.
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_ As regards data services, the figures -iven in Paris are confirmed. The number of
_ terminal installations increased from 50,000 in 1978 to the present total of
80,000 and is expected to grow to 250,000 by 1990. Based on a ratio of 2.4: 1,
subscriber should total around 600,000. Tbis figure includes datafax
terminals (facsimile between data network subscribers):;it does not include,
however, videotex terminals.
For the latter type of service, called VIDEOTEL in Italy, the grojection is around
350,000 terminals by 1987. The service is still in an experimental stage, as will.
be discussed later, and is expected to be made available to the public by 1983.
Experimentatian is also undec way,and will be discussed further below, on other
services such as teletex, Fiow-scan video and telecoriferencing. Substantial use
of these services, howeve.:, is not foreseen until the second half of the 1980's
and a projection of the number of terminals is not yet available.
3. Evolution of the Network
- The.need has long been recognized for an integrated services digital network
[ISDN (in Italy, RNIS)], even though as a long-range objective, rather than having
different networks for different services. For many years, however, it was pos-
sible to introduce digital equipment only into the transmission sector. Only
- recently have hardware and software technologies evolved to the point of rendering
digital switching systems economically viable, pa.rticularly with respect to
local switching.
This means that only beginning now will it be possible tc start the large-scale
deployment of those local exchanges throughout the country that are basic to the
building of an effec'tive ISDN. Then, by interconnecting these exchanqes via a
superimposed digi*_al network, it will be possible to offer subscribers, on a
graduGl basis, those advanced services that an ISDN can provide. A certain length
of time will necessarily be involved, however, in the evolution of these two pro-
cesses, in the penetration of the market by these new digitalized systems, and in
their gradual adaptation to grov'iding not anly telephony but other. serviees as
Under these circumstances, the need to accommodate demands for new services(parti-
cularly switched data services) has led to the prior introduction of specialized
facilities. On the other hand, it has also been considered necessary to avoid
future incompatibilities between Current facilities of this nature and the future
network structure. The solution was actually to first draw up the basic specifi-
cations for the future ISDN. The most important characteristics and connotations
were identified and are now sufficiently consolidatedand tested. These character-
istics and connotations subsequently became the basis for specifying the special-
ized facilities.2
In short, our evolution toward a network characterized by a high degree of inte-
gration of the various IS.DN services is proceedinq along the following guidelines:
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--Large-scale digitalization of existi.ig plant facilities;
--Specialialized faailities to accommodate demand for new services without delay;
--Compatibility of specialized facilities with the future requirements of the
4. Digitalization of Plant Facilities
As regards transmission facilities, the degree of penetration of digitalized sys-
tems at district levels will be about 44 percent by the end of 1981. This figure
is expected to be around 70 percent by 1985, through the use of digital systems
on physical bearer facilities (copper or optical fibers) flr on microwave links..
For longer distances, the process of digitalization is already under way. It will
proceed initially on the basis of 70- and 140-Mbit/sec systems, going to
higher-capacity systems subsequently. Signif icant development is also projected
in the urban areas, where an intensive digitalization program has been started,
using micro-caaxial cable techniques. 19-GHz microwave links and.:.optical-fiber
links are to follow very shortly.
With respect to optical-fiber systems, experimentation on various.applications
has been under way for some time now. Planning calls for putting numerous pilot
plants in service on live traL-fic over the next 2 years. Optical fibers are ex-
pected to replace copper gradually not only in urban and.district areas but also on long-haul systems. Their application may well be limited (even in a country.
the size of Italy), only for reasans of: policy, by digitalized satellite systems,
as will be mentioned later.
As regards switching, at the time of I5S 179 the introduction of time-division
or frequency-division local exchan4es with capacities of 1,000-2,000 lines, suited
particularly for containerized use, had already begun. As regards interurban
exchanges, about 15 percent of their terminations were of semielectronic tech-
nology. As of today, the number of small-capacity electronic exchanges of this
type has grown. Figure 3 shows the localities that will be served by various tens of thousands
of lines by the end of this year. 8txt what is more significant is that in 1980
the digitalization of trunk switching was initiated; the putting into
service of a Proteo TN16 exchange in Milan and an AXE exchange in Naples. As
Figure 3 also shows, the digitalized trank-switching exchanges are rapidly
_ proliferating, and by the end of this year the various manufacturers operating
in Italy will have already installed or be in the process of installing 10 ex-
- changes of this type.
As regards trunk.switching,, it is expectc-I that the process of conversion of
production will be completed by 1985: This is to say that, beyond that year, no
trunk equi.pment will be furnished that is not digital-technology.
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The key point, however, remains that of local digital switching, and it is in
this highly relevant area that the procFSS of "" mentioned above and
a solidly based replacement plan will be maximally pres3ed. Figure 4 provides a
Comparison between today's projectio:is as regards production of local exchanges
and the modest ones exhibited in Paris. Correspondingly, it is projected that
by'the end of the 1980, 30 percent of all subscriber lines will be connected to
digital exchanges.
It is easy to imagine what impacts this acceleration process will have on planning
of the interconnecting networks in metropolitan areas as well as in the areas of
medium- and low-density subscriber services.
On the one hand, the digitalization of certain parts of the network tends to set
off a chain reaction toward a more rapid digitalization of other parts of the net-.
work; optimization can also affect the allocation of transmission-line stages, the
scaling of exchanges in tandem, the aliocation of facilities, the organization of
maintenance operations, and the advancement of dates by which new services can be
made available. On the other hand, the axistence of r_ondigital plants very far
yet from being amortized, and the financial effort required to replace them, tend
to burden and slow the process and to maintain the "status quo" (at least to a
break-even point). The results can vary widely according to specific areas and
different situations. Hence, the choice of a suitable technical and economic
digitalization strategy constitutes for the Administration one of its most press-
ing problems.3 Obviously, the principal factor is the competitiveness of the
digital local exchanges.
Another important aspect of our planning has to do with our ability to effectively
offer something more than basic telephony or POTS [Plain Ordinary Telephone Ser-
vice]; that is, new and sophisticated telephonic services, data services, and so
forth. If digital switching modules are to be installed nationwide for these
purposes as well, our planning must take into account the existence, by the end
of the 1980's, of new-technology modules in every locality of a certain size.
Their interconnectidn will then be a requirement of some importance, particularly
as regards CCS [Common Channel Signaling].4
It is expected that a nationwide CCS network will be in place by the rnid-1980's
and able to interconnect a significant number of exchanges distributed throughout
the country (Figure 5). In view of the current'multiplicity of conventional
signaling systems, our objective is to achieve a uniform telephonic signaling
method based on the CCITT No. 7 system** and capable of satisfying the demand for
services other than telephony.
Still another important aspect is that of the distribution network or, in other
words, that of the digital subscriber lines. Two categories of multiple-service
subscriber lines have been specified in the ISDN structure5: That of large private
A CCS system recommended by the CCITT for international linlas and.designed to
_ be used also domestically within the various countries.
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- digital networks with access via a 64-kbits/sec multiple-channel structure, and
that of small private netwo-rks wizh access via a limited number of indiuidual
subscritaer lines (including the single-line case). Both types are being studis"-
and tes'tec, especially as regards their architecture and requirements for -erti-
5. Systems
Traditionally, the telephone switching systems installed in Italy are supplied
by four manufacturing companies that have existed in Italy for a long time com-
plete with research units as well as production units: ITALTEL (of the STET
Group); FATME (L. M. Ericcson); FACE (ITT [International Telaphone and Telegrapfi
Company]); and GTE. The largest share of the market is that ITALTEL, with over
50 percent. To this list must also be added TELETTRA, a recent entry in the
area of switching. �
With respect to the situation as of ISS 179, each of these manufacturers has in
the intervening 2 and 1/2 years, had undertaken to develop and perfect his own
products, to create- new devices, and so forth. The results achieved by them
have given rise to various interesting contributions submitted to ISS '$l.
First, however, due cognizance must be taken o� some important accomplishments and
new orientatibns that have taken p];ace between ISS 179 and the present..
From the standpoint of technical evolution of products, the event that appears
most interesting and promising for the 1980's is the intraductian of a new ITALTEL
product--the so-called UT 10/3 exchange, which is the first second-generation
product of the PROTEO family. Ttao substant3va contributions submitted to ISS 181
constitute its certificate of b3rth.5,6
By comparison with the preceding generation, the birth of which dates back to.
the ICC [International'Conference on Communications] held in San Francisco in
- 1975, the UT 10/3 represents a noteworthy departure. This departure clearly has
some of its origins in the technological evolution that has taken place, above all
in its use of VLSI cVery-Large-Scale Integration] components and in the architec-
ture of its controls. But important origins of this departure also spring from
a reexamination, together with the SIP [Italian Telephone Company], of the system
specifications. The result was a new systemic approach, oriented toward the ISDN,
highly modular, flexible and suited for use in networks in general and not only
the Italian one.
Figure 6 gives some idea of this exchange. An exchange of this type is currently
- being tested in SIP's "Volta" central office in Milan. An assembly line, to an
appreciable degree automated, is expected to be in place shortly. On this basis,
a certain number of exchanges of this type can reasonably be expected to be in
service in the network by the forthcoming ISS 184.
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While Italian industry went about proving itself capable of independently design-
ing its own products, the extent of the efforts necesscry to adapt existing sys-
tems to the demands of national managements as well as to independently aevelop
original systems became increasingly evident. An important decision was taken
in this regard by the appropriate governmental bodies. The decision was aimed at
coagulating all such activities around a switching system of Italian origin, even
though this might mean by way of agreements between national and foreig n manufac-
turers. Generally speaking, there is now a trend toward a reduction in the number
of systems. In short, in compliance with the mentioned decision, an agreement was worked out
and was signed between ITALTEL and 7�ELETTRA, providing among other things for
cooperation between the R& D laboratories of the two compar.ies in the forthcoming
development of the above-mentioned second-generation system.
6. Tests, New Devices and New Developments
The purpose of this chapter is to furnish basic information and a few comments
regarding the technical actirities that have taken place in Italy between I5S '79
and the present. Chapter 7 will furnish further information and comments on
parallel activities devotec~ to new services.
TPSts: As shown in Figure 3, the introduction of the first electronic exchanges
was purposely distributive over the national territory, thus involving vast sec-
tors of the operating organization. This made it possible to obtain data in
actual practice and over a broad base with regard to the response of the equipment
and of the organization in terms of service-restoration-time patterns, with re-
gard to utilization of employed personnel, and so forth.
The point that warrants underscoring, particularly as regards the exchanges devel-
oped within the STET Grou,?*** is that the introduction into the network constitu-
ted only the final, though highly important, step in a long procESS. During the
preceding steps, from the drawing up of the specifications to the production
stage and on to the testing phase, throughout the ogerating structures, there
were created numerous interactive nuclei of persons, who are now prepared to draw
on the findings of these field tests and to put them rapidly to fruitful use. A
- typical example is the speed with which the results of the initial live operating
tests were converted into significant improvements in restoration times and in the
efficiency of the personnel.a
New.Devices: In this domain as well, the close cooperation among the various
functional units, in the form of rapid interactive reactions between one unit and
another, produced fruitful results. For example, there was the joint development
of new devices based on SDL [Specification and Description'Language] for opera-
tional uses such as the verification of completeness of a specffication, the
maintenance of software, and so forth. Now, the same devices are being used in
manufacturing applications, in view of their utility as aids in the development
of software.9
'"he STET Group has the advantage of a structure similar to, though differing
ii, size and environment from, that of the Be11-System, comprising within
itself functional R& D, productional and operational capabilities. '
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Reciprocally, a system based on an SDL editor, a CH1LL concurrent compiler, and
a comtuand language des'onated L-CHILL was developed by IT~,.LTEL as a supporting
_ device in the design and development of software. Now, this same system will
enable the user to operate independently on data structures as well as on operg-
tional programs.l0
7n general, the two important factors are: The close interaction among R& D structures, pMfiictional as well as operational, and the experience gained in the
development of innovative projects. With respect to the latter, it was proved
once again that to gain a-true,,understariding of the!~qreater.or lesser importance
of implications relating to a given sector, an essential condition is that one
_ actually constr;uct something within that sector. Still within the doma-in of software-development devices, TELETTRA has enhanced its
own capabilities in the domain of engineering methods relating to software pro-
ducts for large systems. A high-level language for this purpose was developed'and
has been used sinc.e 1980.11
Lastly, as regards the production of hardware, the prime importance of acquiring
the capability for developing LSI [Large-Scale-Integration] components has been
confirmed. It is cor.respondingly and equally important to be capable of designing
new architectuies that will maximize the advantages that can lae derived frorri~the
use of these components. Particularly active in this regard are the SGS and the�
CSELT [Telecommunications Research and Study Center].12
New Developments: During the past 2 and 1/2 years, substantial further efforts
have been,devoted to the study and development of new products and to the improve-
ment of existing ones.
With regard to the PROTEO system, mention has already been made of the second-
generation UT 10/3. Concurrently, however, first-generation products, including
the CT 2 terminal exchange and the TN 16 transit exchange, have undergone consi-
derable technological improvements. The TI 2 exchanqe for transit and operator-
assisted services is also now being upgraded by the introduction of a higher-
capacity digital-connection network to meet the special requirements of ITAL-
Aside from the PROTEO system, two further activities in this domain merit special
--The upgrading of the operating and maintenance performance characteristics of
the digital transit exchange developed by TELETTRA;14
--The related development, within the STET group, of a system designated the ESCT
for the real-time supervision and control of the existing long-distance telephone
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- 7. More Advanced Telecommunications
As mentioned above, it is planned to offer new services commensurately with the
gradual introduction of digital urban exchanges. For certain services, however,
specialized facilities will be introduced on an advance basis.
As regards data, as was indicated at ISS 179, the introduction of circuit-switched
as well as packet-switched data services, with adequate availability of optional
features, will begin in the early 1980's.1
As of today, it is planned to put into service during the initial months of 1981
a first circuit-switching network that will be known as the RFD [Telephone and
Data Network]. The related plants, including interconnections with the telepholze
network, are now in the test phase. The transit exchanges are located in a few
large cities; the remote-controlled concentratars are installed in 87 important
localities throughout the country. A new type of concentrator, using digital
technology and particularly suited to networks of this type, is currently under
development by TELETTRA.16
_ Paralleling this, orders have been placed with industry for three hubs and several
dozen ACP's [packet adapter-concentrators] for delivery by 1982 .
The distribution of data services subscribers is expected to be as follows in
Subscriber terminations: (Thousands)
--on circuit-switching network 8
--on packet-switching network 12
--on direct links
--on the switched telephone network and RFD 40
Total 120
As has been indicated above, all new service developments are being undertaken .
from the viewpoint of their integration into the ISDN. For example, the above-
mentioned ACP's were developed by CSELT and ITALTEL in such a way that they will
be easily absorbed into the ISDN.17
Fundamentally, in the design of the ISDN, the telecommunications network may be
viewed as transparent lake into which the information can be transferred (digital
corinectivity) but not limited to this. With technological evolution, new
"islanc7s" will surface within the network (Figure 7) and will justify the alloca-
� cation of facilities in it for such as packet-treatment of inessage-oriented
communications services, and thus even the memorization and treatment of the
informational content.
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On the one hand, this involves a series of efForts to rationalize the allocation
of necessary facilities to the individual services and to enforce a strict
standardization of interfaces and equipment specificationse On the other hand,
this is the only way the public network can be made effectively an open network
offering maximized facilities for communication between individual terminals, and
between terminals and the facilities of the nettaork. This is the concept embodied
in the term OSI EOpen System InterconnectionJ, in the sense of a network open to
interconnections between systems even though these may be systems of differPnt
- natures. In this concept, all new services are viewed as part of a sinc,le ser-
vice, namely, the public telecommunications service.
Italy devotes substantial resources to the pursuit of an international standardi-
xation, convinced as it is that every unilateral initiative constitutes not an
advance but rather a delay of progress.
Particular attention is being devoted to subscriber and network interfaces:- Two
contributions submitted to ISS 181 refer to work currently being done toward a
rationalized standardization of subscriber accesses to the ISDN.15,18 One contri-
bution is devoted to multiple-service CCS.4 Another refers to current develop-
mental work on adapting a digital telephone-switching system (ITT 1240) to stan-
dardized interfaces for other services.19
Other work currently under way is being devoted to experimentatioii.
As regards teletex, a service test is in the course of preparation in the form o�
an electronic mail experiment. After an initial phase limited to post offices and
to a few large-scale subscribers, the service will be extended gradually to other
With regard to facsimile, once the standardization phase has been completed tktere
are no plans as yet to include specific facilities for this service in the net-
Worthy of special mention is the experimental work to be done on VIDEOTEL and on
its potential market in the Milan area beginning in the first half of 1982. The
future standard has not yet been decided; far the moment, experimentation is being
based on Prestel technology, with a view te rendering it more "open" to accommo-
date also interconnections between data banks and VIDEOTEL centers via the net- .
work. The experimental phase will involve some 1,000 subscribers and some 100
information providers. The service is expected to be made available to the public
by 1983. Still regarding video services, developmental work is proceeding on a slow-scan
video system using a 256 x 256 standard and 64-kbit/sec transmissi.on with reduced
redundancy. It is expected to find applications in the field of-remote surveil-
lance (for example, vehicular traffic intersections) or in association with tele-
conference services, and so forth.
In the field of images in motion, plans call for the start of an experimental
videoconference within a few months. Two subscriber videoconfererice rooms are
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being 'pr.epared--one in Rome and one in Milan. Speed of transmission will be
i Mbits/sec. Ope:dng thus is the "diqital wideband" era, the era of spee'.'s great-
ly ex,_-eeding 64 kbits/sec. Such speeds will be found useful in the future ic: not
only images in motion but also for other video services (for example, the projec-
t?.on of slides during teleconferences) and for updating of files, etc.
The subject of diqital wideband is being pursued diligently also because of the
current unavailability of distributional digital facilities at high bit rates.
This, among other things, imparts a stimulus to the study of a satellite capable
_ of providing wideband digital connectivity over the entire national territory.
The design of a satellite of this type is currently under way, to provide wideband
services and to serve as an alternate facility for the carrying of any other type
of signal, and particularly telephony (for example, in case of natural disasters).
To enhance its competitiveness, the satellite system should be equipped with a
switching capability that can be shared, as necessary, between ground stations and
the satellite itself.20
8. Conclusions
The current status of switching in Italy have been set forth, as well as the
developmental work that has been done or is being done in this sector. The infor-
mation submitted on this topic to ISS '79 has been usec7 as a benchmark. The
correspondence between the evolution under way and the previoasly indicated l,ines
of advance has been confirmed.
The fact is that these lines of advance are still: being closely monitored and
brought into convergence by government bodies, social forces, manufacturing firms,
and operating agencies in an ongoing effort to f ind a balance among various .
factors of diverse natures: Economic, finanaial, service, employment and so
forth. New actions undertaken recently in this domain, toward acceleration and
greater rationalization, have been discussed.
Studies, projects, and results with regard to the technical aspects of the situa-
tion have also been discussed, reference having been made to the numerous contri-
butions of Italian origin submitted to ISS 181.
1. Gagliardi, D., "Telecommunications Switching in Italy: Present Situation and
Development Prospects (ISS 179)." ELETTRONICA E TELECOMUNICAZIONI No. 5,
1979 p 187. 2. Mossoto, C. and Micciarelli, A., "Technical Aspects in the Implementation
of a Public Switched Network for Data (ISS 179)."
3. Mazzei, U. and Biciocchi, E., "Prospects and Strategies for the Digitaliza-
tion of Loca1 Areas of the Italian Network (ISS 181).
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4. Romagnoli, M. and Others, "Prospects for a CCITT No. 7 National Common
Channel Signaling Network .(ISS '81)."
5. Parod~,'R, and Others, "Evolutionary Steps Towards an Integrated ServiceG
~ Digital Network (ISDN) (ISS 181)." I6. Galimberti R. and Others, "PROTEO System: An Overview (ISS 181)."
~ r.~.
I 7. Dal Monte, S. and Israel, J., "PROTEO System UT 10/3: A Combined Local and
Tall Exchange (ISS 181)."
8. biagnolfi, G, and Others: "PROTEO System.7'est and Operating Experience
(ISS '81)."
9. Saracco, R. and Others, "Application of CCITT SDL for Software Development
and Its Maintainability (ISS 181)."
10. Rosci, G. and Others, "CHILL Programing System: Implementation and Opera-
~ tional Aspects (ISS 181)."
11. Borsotti, A., "A Method for Engineering and Production of Large Software
Systems (ISS 181)."
i 12. Melindo, F. and Others, "LSI Components for Digital Line Stages (ISS 181)."
13. Balducci, R. and Rizzo, G., "PROTEO System: TI-5 Exchange for Direct Dialing,
and Operator Services (ISS 181)."
14. Carra, S. and Morganti, M., "AFDT1 Operation and Maintenance (ISS '81)."
; 15. Tiribelli, P. and Others, "Maintenance and Operation Upgrading of the Italian
; Telephone Network by Means of Real-Time Control Systems (ISS 181)."
16. Ciccotti, M. and Others, "SLN: A Time-Division Subscriber's Line Stage for
Digital Exchanges (ISS 181)."
, 17. Corsi, N. ancl Others, "Design and Performance of Subscriber Access Equipment
_ for Packet-Switched Networks (ISS 181)."
' 18. Montemurro, R. and Villani, F., "Customer Access to the ISDN Facilities
(ISS 181)." 19. Treves, S. R. and Tolusso, G., "Text, Image and Data Integration in a Dis-
' tributed Control Digital Voice Switching System (ISS 181)."
20. Preti, R. and Others, "Integration of a Satellite Switched System with the
Terrestrial Network (ISS 181)."
CGraphs and illustrations follow3
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el Va% oJi`cl'I.IAL UJC Vl\a.r
~3 ac
� 6R
Key: l. Subscribers per 100 inhabi-
2. GNP per inhabitant - in
$ thousands (1979).
Areas of dots are propor-
tional to the total numbee
of subscribers in their
respective cauntries.
Fig 1- Telephone subscribers versus Gross National Product (GNP).
Key: ~
- 1.
Millions of inhabitants.
Total calls.
Local calls.
5. Billions of calls.
6. ISS 1979 forecasts.
Np'(~ ~
~N lAl
i PREVISIONI 155 1979
i9eo 1985
Fig 2- Subscriber and trafi ic forecasts.
,s9o i
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l. Small local exchanges.
2. Digital transit exchanges.
Fig 3- Electronic switching centers (December 1981).
z 20
� o
KeY : W 40
l. Conventional-technology Z
subscriber lines. W
r 60
2. Digital-technology sub- ?
scriber lines. Z
3. ISS 1979 forecasts. ow
� WW
'j 10
( 3 ) 4 PREVISIONI I551979
BO u
50 =
~ 1980 82 gq B6 89 1990 972
Fig 4- Forecasts of local exchanges to be provided.
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1. District peripheral area.
Fig 5- Fundamental structure of CCS network.
Fig 6- Camponents of UT 10/3 switcher.
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Fig 7- Model of ISDN.
; Key:
1. Access to the network or specialized facilities.
i '
CSO: 5500/2097 END
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