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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500030015-7
JPRS ~/1030~
- 5 February 1982
~ USSR R~ ort
CFOUO 2/82)
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JP~S publications contain information primarily from foreign
= newspapers, periodicals and books, but also from news agency
~ transmissions and broadcasts. Materials from foreign-language
sources are translated; those from English-language sources
are transcribed or reprinted, with the original phrasiag and
other characteristics retained.
Headlines, editorial reports, and material enclosed in brackets
are supplied by JPRS. Processing indicators such as [TextJ
or [Excerpt] in the first line of each item, or following the
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processed. Where no processing indicator is given, the infor-
mation was summarized or extracted.
Unfamiliar names rendered ~?honetically or transliterated are
enclosed in parentheses. Words or names preceded by a ques-
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Other unattributed parenthetical notes within the body of an
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The contents of this publication in no way represent the poli-
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JPRS L/I0306
5 February 1982
- (FOUO 2/82)
Progress at Kola AES in lOth Five-Year Plan Deacribed
STANTSII, Nov 81) 1
Soviets Publish Map Showing Electric Power Stations, Netwoxks
(P. G. Grudinakiy; ELEKTRICHESKIYE STANTSYI, Jun 81) 6
Utilizati~n ~f Nuclear Fuel
Use of Floating Atomic Power Stationa in Northern Regions
(A. I. Golovin, et al.; ATOMNAYA ENERGIYA, Aug 81) 18
' Mobile Tranaformers Moved by Sled
(A. G. Kucher; ELEKTRICHESKIYE STANTSII, No 11, 1981) 26
- a - [III - USSR - 37 FOUO]
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- UDC[621.311.25:621.039].004
Moscow ELEKTRICHESKIYE STANTSII in Russian No 11, Nov 81 pp 2-5
[Article by engineers A. P. Volkov and B. A. Trofimov: "The Kola AES in the lOth
Five-Year Plan"]
(Text] The Kola nuclear electric power station, a pioneer of the nucl~ar power
industry, has been included among the operating stations for eight year�s. During
this period, the station`s collective accumulated a great deal of experience in
mastering the output of the units which have been commissioned and the prototype
- power equipment. The collective has gained experience in training operational
personnel and has occupied a leading position among the progressive collectives
in the indusrry.
Particularly significant successes were achieved during the years of l-.he lOth Five-
Year Plan. In comparison with 1975, the generation of electric power f rom Che
same power units increased by a factor of 2.7, the specific consumption of conven-
tional fuel was reduced by 23 g and the effi~iency increased by 2.4 percent.
The qualitative improvement in the technical and economic indicators baGically
came about due to the increase in the installed capacity utilization factor, which
- in 1980 was 0.935 as opposed to the des~gn f igure of C.8. Ovez the co~.irse of the
five-year plan, the cost per kWh of electric power was reduced by 62.1 percent.
The cost is 0.633 kopecks per kWh as opposed to the de~ign figure of 0.717.
The expenditure of electricity for auxiliary power was reduced by 0.03 percent last
year, which made it possiUle to supply an additional 2.2 million kWh of eLectric
power to the consumer. O~~er the f ive-year period, we conserved 53,7~5 of conven-
tional fuel and 30.4 million kWh of electric power,
In the lOth Five-Year Plan we implemente~ an important program for the construction
of housing and the commissioning of facilities for trade, health care, culture and
education. Living conditions for station workers were improved, and their profess~onal,
~eneral educational and cultural levels rose. The collective's successes were given
a higti appraisal Ly the party, the gavernment and the administration of the USSR
Ministry of Power and Electrification,
A~cording to the results of A11-Union socialist competition, the Kola AES collective
- in 1978 was awarded the challenge Red Banner ef the USSR Central Committee, the
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USSR Council of Ministers, the All-Union Central Trade-t1nion Council and the
_ Komsomo.l Central Committee, and the award was recorded on the A11-ihiion Board of
Honor at the Extiibi~ion of Achievements of the National Economy of the L`SSR. The
- collective was 12 times awarded the challenge Red Banner of the USSR Ministry of
Power and Electrifi~ ;tion and the Central Committee of tfie industry trade c:nion.
A group of workers at the Kola AES were presented with high government awards,
amonr whom were: loading-machine operator S. ri. Loginov--Order of Lenin; senior
reac~or-compartmen[ operator Yu. T. Begesh--Order of the Red Banner of Labor; cen-
tralized repair shop supervisor L. B. Studer..ikin--Order of Friendship ~f Peoples,
senior turbine machinist V. A. Novikov---Order of the "Badga of Honor"; decontamina-
tion A. M. Pushkina--medal "For Labor Valor"; flaw-detector operator
~I. P. ~forokko--medal `~For Labor Excellence".
Labor productivity in the years of the lOth Five-Year Plan rose by a factor of
2.5 with ~z 39 percent average increase in salaries. The relative numbzr of adminis-
trative and technical personnel has been reduced by 16.3 percent, while personnel
turnover has been reduced by a factor of 1.5 and in 1980 amounted to 3.3 percent.
The acY~ievement of high technical and economic indicators is a result of the collec-
tive's persistent and ~ystematic work, the active utillzation of the ~chievemeitts
_ of sc?_ence and techn~logy and progressive experience. In 198U alone we implemanted
or~;ani~ationat and technical measures having an economic impact of 1.5 miliion
rubles, rationa~.ization suggestions having an economic impact of 595,000 rubles
- and inventions with an impact of 554,000 rubles. During the lOth Five-Year Plan,
the overall impact of ineasures directed at increasing technical progress was 15.3
million rubles.
We implemented a syste.m of operations to improve the water-chemical regime: we
have aeveloped and introduced a new regime which makes it possible to improve the
corrosion-protection of the equipment in the stagnant�-water regime; we have developed
and introduced hydraulic processin~ of the coolant, which makes it possible to
extenci the duration of the f uel cycles by 15 effective days due to the removal af
corrosive precipitates from the fuel rods: we h~zve developed and introduced a new
operational water-chPmical regime which has also improved considerably the radiation
state of the equipment ii1 the first circuit.
_ Work is ~onstantl.y under way at the AES to imgrove operational maneuverability and
maintenance. Together with workers from the All-Un ion Inst~Itute of Heat Engineering
imeni I~. L. Bzerzhinskiy, we have conducted experimental research and introduced an
operational regime which makes it possible to stop individual operational loops f~r
- repairs. T}iis malces it possible to generate, on the average, an additional 120
- million ki~]h of electric Power annually.
'I't~e renovation of the seal connecti.ons on the high-pressure cylinder and the change-
over from nozzle steam distribution to valved distribution has made it possible to
increase the reliability and economy of the turb ine unit.s and to switch from a
_ three-year to a four-year maintenance c.ycle. The automation of control over. the
waL-er-chemical. regime in the secor.d circuit made it possible to servicp newly com-
m:lssioticd power unj.ts without increasing the number of laboratory chemists. Work
is being done ~o create an automated system of production control (ASU AES). A com-
puter center will be commissioned in 1981.
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Qne of the major directions of the collective's activities is the protection of
the anvironment. During the lOth Five-Year Plan, we introduced more than 100 mea-
sures regarding the protection of the environment and the efficie~zt utilization
of natural resources at a cost of 5.27 million rubles. We built and introduced
- purification facilities for oil and grease-fouled discharges ~s well as other puri-
fication facilities for the settlement.
A considerable amount of wor'~c ~s being ~3one at the AES by members of the scientific
and technical society, a council of jun::or specialists, the Al1-Union Rationalizer
Societv and the "Znaniye" society. The economic impact from just the introduction
of perscnal creati~;e plans on the part of Scientific and 'I'echnical Society members
- amounted to 265,000 rubles in 1980. The plan of Yu. N. Pytkin, senior engineer
in the physics laboratory, was submitted for an honorary certif icate from the A'_1-
~Jnion Scientific and Technical Society and the Cent~al Administration of the Scien-
tific and Technical Society of the Power and Electrification Indu~try.
The overall economic impact from the introduction of rationalization proposals
and inventions amounted to 10.3 million rubles during the five�-year plan. The
All-Union Society of Inventors and Efficiency Fxperts [VOIR] was awarded an honorary
certificate from the VOrR's Central Council "For Ear1y Creation of a Savings Fund
in the lOth Five-Year Plan."
Based on the results of socialist comperition, a:nong the best rationalizers were:
N. V. Ovdin--machinist on the modular control panel and author of two rationalization
proposals with an overall economic impact of 43,000 rubles: V. P. Chernyy--electric
welder in the TPK shop [expar.sion not provided] and author of six rationalization
- proposals to increase the reliab ility and operational efficiency of the equipment;
_ A. A. Matveyev--~senior engineer in the physics laborat~ry and coauthor of *lie inven-
- tion "A Method for Increasing Fuel-~ycle Duration" (with an econamic impact of.
more than 600,000 rubles) and two rationalization proposals for operational control
- over the burn-up of fue1.
The work team in the metals and welding laboratory was recognized as che best crea-
tive team. The team is composec3 of senior engineer Yu. A. Rychkov, technician
N. P. M^~~ukko and flaw-cietector operator V. V. Kl~mov. They are a11 authors of
four rati~~nalization proposals to improve metal monitoring and are the creators
of de~ices and equipment for remote monitoring of inetals in the equipment.
Deputy chief engineer V. I. Pashkevich was submitted for award of the titl.e "Honored
Ynventor of ~he RSFSR."
At the Kola AES, 46 studies were carried out in accordance with contracts for crea-
tive cooperation with scientific research operations.
The next 5cheduled generating unit has been built. It began generating power on
''4 ~f~~rch 1981. This is a great vi.crory ior the collectives of can~~truction and
nstallation, start-up and adjustment, scientific, design and plan~.ning organizations
;s well as *h~ ~p�_rational personnel at the Ko1a AES.
~ 3
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l:n connectior. this, w~ should note that the 3esign of the new power unit,
rieveloPed by the Leningrad br.anch of Teploelektroproyekt, is qualit~tively different
from tne designs for units previously put into operation. Characteristi.c of this
new unit i.s the application of a modular system for the production equipinent and
standard structural elements of precast reinforced concrete; the utilization of 450
~:ewly de~el.oped pieces of equipment which, in the opinion of the design's author~,,
should increase the reliability ::~nd operational econoury of similar power units,
standardtze the equipment and structural elements and reduce censtruction times.
The design For the third ~enerating unit differs in its more extensive utilization
of auto:na~ed produc_tion-process equipment. An au~omated control system for the
unit with new-generatioa data-processing compurers is be~ng used as the basis of
the system.
'i'his auton~:ted can[rol system includes a system of aueomatic regulation using auto-
~natic ~lectronic regulators, remote control devices and the fu11 scope of operational
protection equipra~nt as well as data-processing and control computers. This system
has made it possible to eliminate cumbersome control panels, since the macl?ine
- 2~eriodically "runs through" the sensors for a11 parameters and signals when there
is a ir,alf.un.ction in any of them. Whi1e doing so, the machine records
= the time, t:he magnitude of the error and the number of the parameter. In addition,
- the macl~ine recorcis a certain numb~r of values using the basic recording devices.
'f'h i s n~alces it-. possi.ble to f_ ree the personnel from watching over a great many instru-
ments ~~ud recording their readings.
The data-p~ocessing co:nputer also gerforms as an "advisor" for the operator. In
subseqtient stages, the machine will also be charged with generating-unit control
'~he gower-equipment builders also approached the delivery of equipment in a new
way. The t~ew equiprnent differd in its high-quality manufacture, stemming from
the application of improved raw materials, better technological effect:Lveness and
int~nsiFied monitoring of manufacturing quality at its various stages.
'Chc:re is nu cloubt that the apcrations personnel at the Kola AES contributed much
- to puttin~ ttie station into operation. They worked l~and--in-hand with the builders
and installation workers, solving the problems thaL arose and helping to carry
~ out thP
Th~ successful erection of the new power units at the Kola AES has also be~tn possi-
bte i.n recent vF~3rs because this urgent All-Union Komsomol construction pr.~ject
is at the cencer of a~tention of the Komsomol and party organizations. In a persis-
- tent and effective msnner, they helped to ~o1ve the most complex issues regarding
the s~ipply of materials and equipment and, most important, qualified construc.tion
cind i.nstallation personiiel.
The start-up of the power unit at the Kola AES confirmed the tradition or advancing
devel.opment of th~ electric-power industry on the Kola Peninsula. This makes it
pc,s~ihlc~ ~o solve problems regarding the further development of industry, transport,
agr�I.ciitture, the electrification of home life and service spheres. It will also
~ improve ttie fuel-and-power balar~ce of our country's northwest sector.
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~ Even more complex tasks face the collective in the current f ive~year plan. Chief
among them are:
devel,op the design output of the third po~er unit, commissioned during the first
quarter of 1981;
complete the constructic*.i and i.nsure the start-~ip of the fourth power unit in 1983;
insure reliable, economical and steady operatian of a11 Kola AES power units in
the power system.
The workers, engineering and techriical personnel and staff of the Kola AES are
filled with resolve to car4-y out these tasks succeasfully. We have a11 the necessary
_ conditions and resources for this.
COPYRIGHT: Energoizdat, "Elektricheskiye stanteii", 1a81
CSO: 8144J0431
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a va~ v~�r uu~ v~~u~
Moscow FLEKTRIC1iESKIYE STANTSII in Russian No 6, Jun 81 pp 70-71
fArricle hy P.G. Grudinskiy, professor, council of senior power engi-
neers: "Map 'Lenin's Path for the Flectrification of the Scviet Union "_7 *
/TeYt/ 'Che Soviet Union has celebrated the 60th annivereary of Leain's
electrification plan - the famous GOELRQ.
Pr:i.o~:- ro r_his date the Main Administration ~f Geodesy and Cartography
of tl~e USSR Council of Ministers published a multi-color map of the
Soviet Union sh~wing the most important electric power stations and
nerworlcs. The map is rightly called "Lenin's Parh for the F.lectrifi-
cation of the Soviet Union."
V. l. Lenin was keenly interested in maps that showed electrification.
In tiis comments conc~rning the publication of an atlas Lenin demanded
that it con~ain a map showing electrification. In a letter to G.
t4. Krziiizhanovskiy that dealt with preparation of documents to acquaint
men:~~ers ef ttie 3rd Comintern Congress with the electrification plan he
wri,te: "there u~ust be included (in the Lobbies~of the congress) 1) a
_ map showi~~g electriricati.on with a brief text in three languages; 2)
also, regiunal maps; 4) and a map of the mor.e important local, small
and ne~r electric power stationa. And there must be a brief (16 - 24
paf;es} brochure in three languages and an abstract on the "electrifi-
* Scient~iFic advi.sors G. A. Illarionov and V. Yu. Steklov. Text by
V. Yu. Steklov. Moscow. Main Administration of GEOdesy and Cartogra-
phy of the USSI~ Council of Ministers, 1980
�~{y V. I. Lezin, Complete Works, Vol 52, pp 163, 165.
V. I. L.enin, Comple~e Works, Vol 52, pp 250-251.
. 6
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For severai. years the Main Adminietration of Geodesy and Cartography
has been performing a valuable service by publisning m.aps showing elec-
Thie new map reflects the status of electrification in the USSR as of
- 1980 and its development in the near future. It includes diagrams
which show the growth rates of thQ electric power industry, tine conaump-
tion of electric power by the leading sectora of the nationa~. economy,
the electrification of railroada, and so forth. A diagram showing the
GOELRO electrificatio.n plan occupies a special place in this publica-
. tion.
The map shows the period or year that the power station was built,
what kind of power station it is (TES, GES, hLS), which power stations
have a rated capacity greater than one nillion kV, and what electric
power stations are being built ar~d the high voltage ele~tric power
transmission lines that are being erected. It also makes note of the
basic trends in Soviet power engineering - the powerful hylroelectric
po~er stations in Siberia, the atom.ic electric power stations in the
west and in the central regiona of the Sovie!' Union. It also shows
the mainline lines for intersyatem ties and che routes of the 1,I50 kV
AC and the 1,500 kV DC power lines.
'ThQ electrification mag clearly reflects the statua and future develop-
ment of the atomic power industry.
A quick glance at the map enables one to grasp the enormity of. what
has been accomplished by the Soviet Uninn b; pursuing Lenin's path
from che GOELRO plan ta the present.
The Unified Power System has encompassed the entire Soviet Union, co-
vering the USSR with a dense network. The eystem's powerful electric
power stations are spread throu;hout the Soviet Union. Electric power
mainlines are being built which will be linked with powez systems of
Asia and t~e Far East into the NationaJ. Unified Electric Power System�
In 1978 the National Unified Electric Power System's electric power
_ stations praduced 75 pQrcent of all Fower produced in the Soviet Union.
At the end of the IOth Five-Year Plan this ind:.catc,r reached 88 per-
cent; and by the end of the ]lth Five--Year Plan it must exceed 95 per-
cent. We are close to realizing V. I. Lenin's great idea on the cre-
ation of the directiveanfromdthee23rd, 24thrande25th party congresses.
supported by
The rich information of the ma~ is augmented by the text in a separate
brochure, which was written by V. Yu. Steklov, who is known for his
publications on the history of electrification. The brochure provides
a brief ~eview of the development of Leninist ideas on electrification.
It provides data on the more important stages in the construction of
electric power stationa and networka and their joining together into
electric power systems. Emphasis is given to the dynamics of develop-
ing the electric power induatry and to tlie leadin~ principles for the
key periods. There is an outline of the principles of Lenin's teach-
ings on electrificaCion and their effect in the basic stages of creat-
ing the National Unificed Electric Power System.
_ 7
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r'vx ur~r~l~i~ u5~; UNLY
'lize dia;:~:am aud map of the development of the eleccric power industry
, and the explanaeor.y information make it posaible to come up with a
con~~lete pictuYe of Soviet eleckrification.
The map an.d l.he explanatory brochure are especially useful for SdvieC
pr~~pagancia agitators, st~!~�ents, cechnicians and enginPers at power en-~
c..:~~prises. IL waul:i be useful to display this map in each pawe�r indus-
_ tr.v erganiz~~tiea and in eac~d of their ked Corners for the education and of Soviee power specialists and Pngineers~
C01~YKIGH'i': Energoizdat, "Elektri~cheskiye stantsii", 1981
CSO: 1822/52
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/Translation of section entitled "Utilizatiun of Nuclear Fuel" fxom
book: "Novovoronezh Atomic ~lectric Power Station imeni 50 Year.s of
the Soviet Union - Flagman of the Soviet Ar.omic Power Industry", by
V. K. Sedov/
/Taxt/ The core of a reactor is an object of constant observations
and research directed at increasing the relative intensity of the fuel
elements, equalizing the irregularities in rhe radius and height of
the core and increasing the depth of *_he burning of the nuclear fuel.
As a result the thermal capacity of th~ core is increased f.rom 760 MW
~ in the first power unit to 1,375 MW in the third and fourth power units
without changing the size of the reactor`s core. This became possible
primarily by equalizing the field of the release of energy and adopt-
ing a liquid regulation of reacti~ity using boric acid. The surface
~ of heat exchange of the core has been increased in power units 'l, 3
and 4. In each fuel assembly there are 126 fuel elements jtvelJ cvith
~ a diameter of 9.1 mm instead of 90 fuel eleme.nts with a diameter of
10.2 mm, which are used in the first power unit. The irregularity
coefficient of the release of energy for the radius of the core is x�e-
duced from 1.8 to 1.25-1.35. The duration of the operating periocl of
the reactor is increased from 210 to 280-320 effective 24--hour periods,
which with consideration of the coefficient of use of the rated capa-
city and duration of t.he downtime of the power unit for reloading and
repair makes it possible to replace the nuclear fuel once a year.
Over the long period of time that the Novovoronezh AES has been in
operation a significant amount of experi~nce has been amassed in the
use of nuclear fuel in reactors.
Nuclear fuel is reloaded once a year i.n all p~wer +inits. The yearly
planned preventive maintenance of the equipment is done at the saine
time that tt?e reactor is refueled. At the AES they have succesefully
assimilated the practice of refueling with the u:?loading of the nu-
clear fuel from the core and removal from the reactor of the internal
housing devices in order to control the condition of the internal sur-
faces of the reaCtor housing and the internal housing devices.
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r~x ~rr l~irw u~c, v1vLx
C~n ~h~ bas ~ s of tiieir design features the water-cooied reactors require
a Li~ll sto~; for refueling in the core.
- 'i'he ~uel ~~i~.arly �U tons of appropriat~ enrichn?enl. for each type of
~eactt~r) thr:is~ has been losded into the reactcr i.s adequate for the op-
erat~on of ~l;e pocaer unit at capacity for 30U to 350 24-hour periods.
Ar'. ~~r usir~~ u,: =ha.s time and exhausting ~the supply of reactivity it is
ne.ce5sa�ry t:o refuel. On a reactor that has been stoppcd and cooled to
~,t tc:~up~l'3.i.',1,-e o~ ~FO to 70 degrees C a depressurization is performed by
r. emo~:ing cove~ and then using a reloading machine according to spe-
ci.a1 ~~rograms ~on~~ on a computer the reFueling operztions are carried
~ out~ 'I'he rl,t.~l assemblies which have the least remaining ~mount of
?35t! i.sot.op~~ ~ia `uel elements, or the greatest burning of 235U, are un-
~oadcd from the r~actor and fresh fuel is loaded into it. During the
ref-�eling opera~?_c~n in accordance wittt an estimate approximately one
third of the f~ze1 assemblies is reloaded. This is enough fuel for the
reac:`or until. the next refueling in a year. In this manner, each fuel
ass~ait;bly wor.k.s in the reactor over a three-year period.
Thc~ refueli9.~:h core basket and recharging c~ver with SUZ drives .
( ,
_ 4
- J3 g
~l !1 ,Y
l U 1~
~ ti.gur~ 2. Diag�ram of Steam Generating Unit of ABV=1.5: 1--expansio~~ tank;
2--cores 3--st~am generatorr 4--SJZf 5--separatort 6--ateam to
turbinej 7--feedwater inlett 8--cooling unit of decontamination
and cooling systemi 9--pumpt 10--electromagnetic filter; 11--ion-
gxchange filter~ 12--rermet filterJ 13---regenerative heat exchanger
Nfar-c3r~ve;~, cha ABV-1.. 5 YaPPU c;ontains :
~ nt.L~m expansion tank ~quipped wi~h elec~ric heaters and designed to maintain
rr :iuir~~d p~rz~sure (72 absolute ~,tmosgheres = 7.26 MPa) in the first circuit over
the ~nri_x;e ran~e of coolant temper~ture variation from noz~nal to operating (approx-
mdt+ely 29(1�C) i
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a coolant decontamination system for thP first circuit that inc].udes mechan-
ical, electromagnetic and ion-exchange filters;
scheduled, emergency and repair cooling systems;
a separator drUm with pipeline system that link it to the steam generatosc
section and that cuts off the natural coolant circulation channel of the second
normal and emergency delivery system of the first circuit, storage of spent
fuel assemblies, a recharging machine and miacellaneous auxiliary systems and de-
vices that ensure operation of the YaPPU during prolonged autonomous operation of
a floating AES.
A distance of 1,000 mm is pmvided between the core and the lower end of the steam
gene:rator sections to restrict activation oi the second circuit. All leads from
the reactor are made without a cover. Based on the condition of locating two
ABV-1.5 YaPPU, two turbogenerators, s~arting diesel generators and misc911aneous
equipment on board a floating AES, the main dimensions of the AES Sever were taken
as follows (Figure 3).
Overall length 83.6 meters
Width 21.0 meters
Depth to main deck 3.7 meters
Transport draft when travelling
along a river 1.94 mete-rs
Draft during operation 3.03meters
The floating AES Sever is not self-propelled. It is towed to the operatin_g points
and is installed in natural dams or specially erected shore cuts protected from the
effect of water and ice and also pgrtially from the effect of wind.
Taking established practice and the proapects for development of prospecting me-
thods into account, we proceeded from c;onditions of energy support for deep explor-
atory drilling for oil nxid gas when using two or three dril~ing rige operating
simi~ltaneously, separated up tc 25-30 km from the AES and supplied with electric
power by means of LEP [Overhead power ~ransmiasion line] or cables designed for a
w lt~ge of 6 and 35 kV when salecting the output of these AES. It was shown that
the required output of a floating AES eho~~ld comprise approximately 6,000 kW when
using drilling rigs for wells up to 5 km deep. This output will also be adequate
for supplying pnwer ta housing and production bases when pzospecting for solid
After prospecting or exploratory wella hava been drilled in a given region or when
further drilling is carried out using mobile gas turbine electric power stations
operating on the fuel found (gas, condensate or oil), the AES Sever can be moved
to new regions.
The necessary complex of machinery and devices that ensure fulfillment of adjust-
ment (preventive maintenance, repair and so on) operations, improving the
21 '
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' - 2 JI .
~I 1 /0 Il
~ ~ ~ ~ Id
/ Oi ~
~ �
, ~ ~
_ ;
- IS !4 /4 11 IZ la i6 6 8 3 ' J6 0 74 ,f 16 6 8 C
- - ~
~ ,o O
~ ~ ~ .
lJ S J� ^ 6 4 B I7 b' 1~ 11 S 9 1� 6 d
Figure 3, Arrangement of Equipment on Floating AES Sever: a--longitudinal
profilej b--holdi c--upper deck; d--main deck; la--right YaPPU;
~b--left YaPPU; 2--equipment room (room for regulating operations);
3--auxi.liary room of YaPPUS 4--spent fuel storages 5 and 6--ap-
paratu~ for concentration and hardening of liquid wastes of high
ancl loo~ activity, xespective'lyj 7--sanitation control pointj 8--
�~urbogenerator section~ 9--control station; 10--room for electric
~istributing devices; 11--cable roomj 12--room for waste tank and
air lift pumpsi 13--auxiliary diesel electric station section;
14--auxi?iary boiler sectionj 15--workshops and sto~s; 16--labor-
ato.ries; 17--service-housekeeping rooms; 18--observation station
recharging of speni: TVS [Fuel assembly~ from the reac~or to the storage depot for
cooling and subsec~xent transfer for reprocessing or burial, is provided onboard a
floating AES with regard to ~he pro~.ongQd period of autonomous ~peration (no less
' than 810 years a possibility of redeployment ev~ery 2-3 years) under the com-
~ plex natural-c~.imatic ~nd economic conditions of the Arctic. The storage depot is
designed ~o receive three sets of spent 'i'VS (two scheduled and one emergency). The
rr-_charginq mach~rie, gaz~try and earternal crane and d~ ~ferent technical accessories
~nsure reception ~nd loading of fresh fuel and unloading of spent TVS and solid
radioactive wastes.
The provided apparatus for concentration and burial of liquid radioactive wastes
sre ciesigned for tcta~~. repzrocessing and concentration of ~11 high- and low-active
wastes to a dry state. ~~hey can be atored at the AES in the form GF a dry residue
and then removecl fmm it as part of solid rad~.oactive wa~tes to central burial
Complax autama~tion of the control and monitoring sys~tems of YaPPU operation and
also the remaining systems and machinery is provided on the floating AES Sever.
It is suggested ~hat 42 persons will service this AES. A total of five duty~ shifts "
~f watch pers~nn~l--four shifts of workers and one reserve--is provided. Besides
the duty sYl~f~~ the daytime shift 3ncludes supervisory and repair personnel.
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As is known, a considerable part of the mass of any atomic-powered vessel is the
YaEU (Atomic power plant]. The m~ss of the latter is determined mainly by the
mass of the biological shielding, the presence of which leads to an appreciable
increase of displacement and consequently to an increase of the draft of the ves-
sel~ F~r example, the draft of the floating AES Sturgess (one water-cooled boil-
ing-wa~er reactor with output of 10 MW (electricity)) constructed in the Unit~d
States is equal to 4.~ meters [5]. It is obvious that this AES can be used on a
3.imited number of reservoira, which sharply reduces the possibilit�~ of using it,
especially for the needa o� geological prospecting.
Therefore, the princip al difference of the functions of the YaEU on an atomic-
- powered vessel, where it is the propulsion plant, and on a floating AES, where the
- YaEU operates only wnen the station begins operation at a site, was taken into ac-
count when developing the AES Sever. This circumatance permits one to allocate two
main functions of biological shielding of a floatinq AES to aupporting the noxmal
Yadiation situation: during operation of one or, both reactors at a requixed loca-
tion and with shutdown and cooled-down reactors during redeployment of the station
to a new site.
According to this, the biological shielding of the floating AES Sever is divided
into two parts: an inherent a.~cessory of the YaPPU transported during redeployment
as part of the station and remwved from the AES prior to its redeployment and new-
- ly installed after arrival at the new operation site.
Transpo rtable shielding provides radiation safety during redeployment of a floating
AES, i.e., with 3hut-down reactors, while total shielding supports the radiation
situation in rooms anc~ in external surroundings that meets the radiatian safetp
regulations (NRB-76) with one or two operating reactors. With one operating re-
actor, fuel recharging and repair operations on a shut-down reactor are possible.
The transportable part of the shielding is designed with regard to the requirement
of� redeployment of a fZoating AES evary 40-45 days after the reactors have been
shut down. This time is cansidered as that required to prepare the station for
movement. Transportable shielding is designed to ati:anuate the residual radiation
of the fuel assemblies in the reactor and during storage of spent TVS and also ac-
tivation radiation of the structures and equipment of the YaPPU. The active equ~p-
ment of the YaPPU is located in the vessel of the floating AES as compactly as
possible and with regard to its use as biological shielding components to reduce
to a maximum the mass of the transportable shielding. The radioactive equipment--
reactors and storage of spent TVS located between them--are shielded by a layer of
lead and are loc~ted in a tank with borided water. This shieldir.g provides
access to the equipment and fittings of the first circuit for, inspection and repair
- when the reactors are shut down. The thickness of the lead layer is shaped as a
- function of the direction, intensity and ~nergy apectrum of the radiation and com-
prises 3-7 cm. The thickness of the water layer varies from 85 to 170 cm. The
= total mass of the transportable shielding is approximately 200 tons. The less ac-
tive equipment of the YaPPU (expansion tanks, cooling system and so on) is used,
as was mentioned, as shielding components of more active equipment,
The second part of the shielding removed prior to redeployment is the main compon-
ent that ensures attenuation of the radiation of operating ~eactvrs. i~lhen it is
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re~r,~v~d, -cYi~ draft of the floating AES comprises approxima~ely 2 meters, which
p~rmits i~: to ~travel over man;~ internal waterways of the northern and northeastern
regions of the USSR, ~specially during the period of high water levels, i.e., dur- flocds .
According to the foregoing, tt:e reactors are installed in special shafts located
in tanks of ~he transportable shielding, while the miscellaneous active equipment
_ o~ the YaPPU (expansion tanks, decontamination system �or the first circuit, ion-
er.change fil~ers, evaporation apparatus of radioactive wastes and bubbling tank)
are car,f~.gurEd into blocks and located in shafts located in the main part of the
- shiElding. The shafts 4re covered above by protective plugs. Top ~ttachment is
- pr.ovided for all che equipment to improve repairability.
The SUZ drives are led directly to the reactor compartmont and are covered 4~ith a
special hermetj.cally sealing cap. 2'he volume of the cap is included in the her-
~netically se~led space of unservi.ced rooms (sha~ts) of the YaPPU and prevents ac-
tive steam from et~tering the part of the reactor compartment being serviced during
amergencies when the pipelines of the first circuit are unsealed.
Deae�rators are located on the upper deck ta provide the required pressure head to
t:he feed pumps . AZ1 the remaining equipment is arranged in groups by designation
fsee i'~gure 3). This arrangement permits a considerable reduction of the length
af i:ne pipzlines and unprov~ment of operating conditions.
Workshni~s and labc~ra~ories and also an auxiliary diesel electric station with
output of 400 kV, emergency electric power station with output of 100 kV and an
auxil.i.ary boiler plant operating on diesel fuel and used during distillations,
during installation of the st ation at a new site and suring prepara~ion of it for
redepl~yment, are provided on a floating AES. Ht~using quarters for the crew on-
hoard duri.ny towing are located on the floa~ing AES. Fiousing is not provided for
t.he opera~ing personnel, based on the experience of developinq the floating elec-
tric povrex s~.ati_on Severnoye siyaniye.
The advanL-ag~s of electrified systems for exploratory drilling indicated above are
- rnanife:~tr~d rega:cdless of the types of fuel used by autonomous energy sources. Ad-
ditional, very important advantages of electrified exploratory drilling systems--
a considarable reduction of the total volumes of work in transportation of fuel
and ocher yoods, construction of production bases for expeditions and parties,
i:ernparary housic~g vi.llages and branch repair-machine bases and as a result a con-
- siderablp redu.ction of the need for a work force--appear when floating AES are
used. As a result one can expect a raduction in the cost of dril ling exploratory fur oil and gas in northern regions with the optimum operating conditions
of floating AES by approximately 20 percent compared to the diesel version and one
can expect an increase of labor productivity by 25-30 percent. Floating AES can
satisfy the most diverse conditions of geological prospecting work.
'I'hus, the economic effectiveness, an increase of labor productivity, improvement
of environmental protectfon, operatic~nal. autonomy and high reliability permit one
~o conclude that introduction of floa*fng low-power atomic power s tations into
geologicul ~r~specting work is feasible,
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1. Zhil'tsov, V. A. et al, ATOI~IlVAYA ENERGIYA, Vol 26, No 5, 1969.
2. Andrey~v, P. A., A. M. Marinich and Yu. A. Sergeyev, ins Proceedings of IAEA
Symposium on Small- and Medium-Power Reactors, Vienna, I11FA, 1971.
3. Abramov, V. M. et al, Report No 713 at the Fourth Geneva Conference, 1970.
4. Kotov, A. P. et al, in: "Opyt ekspluatatsii AES i puti dal'neyshego razvitiya
atomnoy energetiki" [Experience of Operating Atomic Power Plants and Ways for
Further Development of Atomic Power Enqineering], Reports of Jubilee Confer~ence
Devoted to the 20th Annivereary of Atomic Power F.ngineering, Vol 2, Obninsk,
Izc-vo FEI, 1974.
5. Chase, G., TF~ MILITARY ENGINEER, Vol 58, No 382, 1966.
COPYRIGHT: Energoizdat, "Atomnaya energiya", 1981
' CSO: 8144/~96
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500030015-7
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500030015-7
_ UDC 621.311.42.027.3-182.3(571.651)
Moscow ELEKTRICHESKIYE STANTSII in Russian No 11, 1981 pp 70-71
(Ar.ticle by A. G. Kucher, engineer, Magadanenergo: "Sled-Mounted Transformer Substa-
tlOI15~~ ~
[Text] Under the conditions prevailing in the Far North the overwhelming majority of
35 t;V suUstations have transformer capacities up to 6300 kV�A. As a rule, customer
connec:tions are few--three to five. But mining industry customers characteristically
employ mobile electric transducers. As a result we see 6 kV lines extending farther
and farthcr from substations, and it eventually becomes necessary to put in another
sul~station at a nPw location, which involves difficulties in planning and design, the
provision of equipment and the construction of a specifically zero cycle.
The construr_ti~n process usually breaks up the surface layer of the soil, and the
permafrost thaws despite the gravel spread over the area around the ORU [outdoor dis-
tribution systemJ after the completion of construction operations. Al1 strip fourida-
tions and concrete slabs consequently begin to "float" and to sag and buckle; condi-
tions in Chukotka therefore require the construction of deep pile-supported foundations
ai~.d the expenditure of scarce canstruction materials and metal in order to preserve the
substatEon's zero cycle.
I ~ . - iVf f T_ .
' . . . ~ ~ . k ~~�a~6i~ ' I li
. . . , ~ ' q y,'k[ ~
� \ i~~~.~+ _ . ~~J'
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t . , ' ~ i -
,..W' , :�p
~ s~ ~
' ~ j i ' ~
~ _ , ' ~ i . ~k
~ -y ~ � . , ..M
. � . ' J.* vt',~
t- . . . "~'~L: . ' ^ ~j
Figure l. General view of mabile Figure 2. Helicopter view of mo-
- sled-mounted.35/6 kV substation bile sled-mounted 35/6 kV substa-
W1L'I1 180Q kV�A transformer (ver- tion with 2500 kV A transformer
sion without VM-35, on line-trans- (version with VM-35).
former unit).
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500030015-7
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If the substation IIAS to be moved to a new locat:ton the equipment, switching devices,
busbars and metal construction can be r2-used; but a11 the foundations have to be re-
- built and the old ones left behind.
The northern electric-power systems of Magadanenergo decided to conduct an experiment.
Together with the Bilibinskiy ore-dressing combine, the network production org9niza-
tion designed and built a mobile sled-mounted 35/6 kV substation (Figures 1 and 2) to
supply electric power to mine sites during major repairs of permanent step-down sub-
stations. In Chukotka the equipment i~n outside installations can be repaired or painted
only in the summer, since the climatic conditions in the Far North do not permit this
in winter. The short summers, however, are periods of intensive operation for mining-
industry complexes, and they cannot permit substations to be shut down and electric
power to be turned off. Switching this function to a mobile substation has made it
possible to shut a permanent facility down at a favorable t~me and perform repairs
with equipment completely de-energized.
Since northern power-system specialists have not gone in for simplification in designing
ancl equipping the mobile subst~tion with devices and units for switching, automatic op-
eration, protection and metering, it has proved an entirely reliable source of e.lecrric
- power in no way inferior to a permanent facility. The Bilibinskiy ore-dressing combine
very quickly began to empluy a version of the mobile substation as a main power source.
The only component requiring construction in installation of the mobile substation is
the ground circuit, which under permafros: conditions, as a rule, takes the form of a
deep shaft sunk by a special method employed by VNII-1 Mintsvetmet [All-Union Scientific
_ Research Institute-1 of the USSR Ministry of Nonfe�rrous Metallurgy].
The Bilibinskiy ore-dressing combine has begun to fabricate mobile substations in place
_ of permanent facilities at the sites of new mines, and, without any decrease in relia-
bility, ttiis has made it possible not only to accelerate the insta:Llation
of neca power-supply systems, but, by realizing a saving of rou~t~iy 40,000 rubles per
single-transformer substation, to do it more cheaply as well.
If it becomes necessary, the mobile substation is easily transported over winter roads
or over the tundra by one ur two bulldozers. The substation receiving ~antry is then
Foldecl into a travelling position and does not interf~re with movement. Tlie substat.ion
r.iay be put i.nto operation in a new location within miiiimal periods of time provided a
gro~md circuit is ready.
Aclvantages of the sled-mounted substation would also inrlude. the fact that the surface
- soil cover uncier the sled remains unbroken, which preservation of the permafrost
rebime and a stabl.e horizontal position for the substation platform.
'rhe minimum capacity of the transformer mounted on the mobile substation is 35/6 kV,
f,300 k~~�A.
If it becomes necessary to increase the number of outgoing lines, external distributi~~n
boxes may be mounted on supports attached to the sled platform.
~ To reduce the cost of supplying electric power in the Far North, consumers with unstable
power transducer locations should be provided with mobile, sled-rnounted transformer sub -
COPYRIGHT: Energoizdat, "Elektrict~eskiye stantsii", 1981
CSO: 1822/34 END
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500030015-7