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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500030011-1 N'UN UH'H'IC'IAI. USH; UNLY JPRS L/ 10302 4 February 1982 USSR ~~Re ort p TRANSPORTATION cFOUO 1 is2~ FBIS FOREIGN BROADCAST IiVFORMATION SERVICE FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500030011-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R000540030011-1 NOTE JPRS publications contair. information primarily from foreign newspapers, periodicals and books, but also from news agency transmissions and broadcasts. Materials from foreign-language sources are translated; those from English-Ianguage sources are transcribed or reprinted, with the original phrasing and other characteristics retained. Headlines, editorial reports, and material enclosed in brackets [J are suppli.ed by JPRS. Processing indicators such as [Text) or [ExcerptJ in the line of each item, or following the - last line of a b:ief, indicate how the original informatio~ was processed. Where no processing indicator is given, the infor- mation was summarized or extracted. Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or transliterated are - enclosed in parentheses. Words or names preceded by a ques- tion mark and enclosed in parentheses were not clear in the original but have been supplied as appropriate in context. Other unattributed parenthetical notes within the body of an item originate with the source. Times within items are as given by source. The contents of this publication in no way represent the poli- cies, views or attitudes of the U.S. Government. COPYRIGHT LAWS AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING OWNERSHIP OF MATERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE THAT DISSEMINATION OF THIS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICTED ;OR OFLICIAL USE ONLY. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500030011-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500030011-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY JPRS L/10302 4 February 1982 iJSSR REPORT TRANSPORTATION (FOUO 1/82) CONTENTS MOTOR VEHICLE Method for Planning Road Construction in Western Siberia (P. G. Purtov, V. A. Rybakov; NEFTYANAYA PROMYSHLETINOST' SERIYA "NEFTEPR~IYSLOVOYE STROITEZ'STVO" REF'~4TIVNYY NAUCHNO-TEKHI~IICHESRIY SBORNIK, No 9, 1981) 1 Brief s Traffic, Traffic Gorrm~issions 7 OCEAN AND RIV~R � Soviet Book on Statistics of Ocean Transport (M. I. Bruskin; STATISTIKA MORSKOGO TRANSPORTA, 1979) .....a. 8 1 - a - [III - USSR - 38d FOUO] APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500030011-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500030011-1 . MOTOR VEHICLE , ~ : UDC 622.276.006:69.652 METHOD FOR PLANNING ROAD CONSTRUCTION IN WF.STERN SIBERIA Moscow NEFTYANAYA PROMYSfiLENNOST' SERIYA "NEF'TEPROMYSLOVOYE 5TROITEL'STVO" REFERA- - TIVNYY NAUCHNO-TEKHNICHESKIY SBORNIK in Russian No 9~ 1981 (signed to press 9 Sep _ 81) pp 2-5 [Article by P. G. Purtc~v and V. A. Rybakov (Giprotyumenneftegaz ~.State Institute for the Desigii of Oil ar:d Gas Enterprises in Tyumenskaya Oblast]): "On the Proced- ure for Forming a Basis for Building Roads During ~the Conquest of West Siberia's Oilfields"] [~xcerpt] Substantial f'unds are invested each year in developing the road net of West Siberia's oil-recovery regions. During the past 10 years expenditures for building motor-vehicle roads was 13 to 2U p~r~cent or more of the total capital in- vestment for building oilfield facilities for Glavtyumenneftegaz [Main Administra- tion for the Oil and Gas Industry of Tyumenskaya Oblast). Since the start of the conquest of the oilfields, more than 1,200 kilometers of hard-topped roads have been put into operation. However, the requirement for such roads is much greater. Failui�e to provide enough roads of high passability slows 1:he pace of buildup of tr.e oilfields, leads to additional capital construction costs, increases operat- ing expenditures, mandates a larger motor-vehicle fleet, and promotes premature wear of transport equipment. The !ag in road construction in West Siberian oil regions can be explained by Lhe hign rate of growth in the amounts of oil recovered, the large scale of construc- tion work in areas with a poorly developed economy, inadequate development of con- - struction organization capacity, and a lack of local labor resources. One of the mast impoi~tant~measures necessary for developing a large fuel and power complex is the planning of capital construction in accordance with the resources - and capacity of construction organizations, that is, avoiding the emergence of dis- proportions. Moreover, additional steps must be taken to expand sharply the scale of capital constructiori. Main attention should be paid to increasing the produc- tion of building materials and to reinforcing construction organizations with per- sonnel and th� required equipment. Improvement of planning work is of great importance. For this purpose, it is de- sirable ~:o prepare dr~afts of the plan for the main directions for economic and so- cial development for lU years, with breakdown by year for the first 5-year period but as a whole i'or the.second 5 years (for capital investment), and also to intro- duce a syst:em of' scientifically sound technical and economic norms and standards. 1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500030011-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500030011-1 Ministries and agencies should engage in m~aking up draft plans. Bi�anch-oi'-indusLr~y institutes are doing the basic work of determining the prospects for developmc:~lt ul' the branch. Giprotyumenneftegaz is engaged in making up integrated schemes for de- veloping and siting ail-recovery enterprises and facilities in West Siberia, in- - cluding determination of the requirements for roads and their enginee:ing catego~- ies. The essence of the method, which can be used also in ott ~r oilfield regions of the country, consists in making up a scheme for development of the road net for a long-term period, which is caordinated with plans for developing the region's oil industry. The content. structure and method of preparing the scheme are as follows. 1. The prospects for developing the oil industry in the region, that is, the geo- logical-engineering nature of the fields and the main parameters of their develop- ment,are determined: the number of producer we11s put into operation; the inven- tory of producer wells; the amounts of o'_1 recovery and drilling; and the fields that are producing at the start of the plan period, as well as those that are to be introduced during the plan period. For the longer term, promising areas and struc- tures are taken inte accoun~~. 2. Tlie characteristics oi the transport network adjacent to the oil-recovery region are given: t~e railroads; navigable waterways; ports and docks; airfields with runways; and the highways that link the oil-recovery region with industrial centers, ports, railroad yards, airpoi�ts and large populated centers. The through- put ot' the transportation routes and the possibility of expanding them and increas- ing their number are evaluated. Then an outline map is prepared and the transport lines are plotted. 3. The condition and development of the road net in the oil-recovery region are evaluated. The characteristics of the existxng network of roads are given: name; ~ length; engineering category; by whom and when the design and budget-estimating documentation was approved; the cost of construction--total, and specific cost per 1 kilometer of road; and the purpos~ of the road. Data on the total length and the dynamics of the amounts of construction of the roads are cited. The extent to which the oil-recovery region and individual oilfields are provided with roads is evaluat.ed. The capacii.y (potential) of construction organizations engaged in the erection oi.' roads is cited, and the potential for supporting road construction with building materials is indicated. 4. The basic pri?iciples for developing the road net in the oil-recovery regions are determined. Classification of the road network into interoilfield, intraoil- f'ield and access roads to individual facili.ties and to well clusters is made the bdsis for developing the road network. A strategy of the transport service for the various regions and groups of wells is planned, and the basic directions for freight traffic volume are chosen, giving consideration to the existence of trans- port routes, as confirmed by design documentation. The road net that is erected in a region being developed for the first time should combine maximum effeetiveness with the shortest length and the least cost of construction. The following condi- tions satisfy the indicated principle: - new, developing f'ieldti should get reliable year-round transport links with base locations, communities, rotating-duty settlements, bases for production-equipment servicing, and the existing network of transpo:t ties of the oilfield region,from the very start o{' drilling-c,ver ;vork, when the greatest requirement arises f'or construct.ioii and indusi:ria.l i'reight; 2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500030011-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500034411-1 - the fields that are most important f'or~ carryinR out the mandated plans for oi1 re- covery--and among them are those located in situations least favorable for trans- por~t service--will receive pref'erence when priorities are established for transport ties; wnen priorities and the amounts of construction are established, preference should be given to highways over intraoilfield roads and access roads, since the former serve the larger number of customers and are of decisive importance for transport development of the region; ~ annual growth in amounts of road construction should be uniform to the extent pos- sible in order that the buildup in capacity of road-construction subunits may be smooth; and - studies on ereetion of the ne~work of intraoilfield roads and access roads previ- ously performed must be refined, since the original for the developmcnt of some fields may have been changed or refined. 5. The i;echnical and operational characteristics of the roads and the indicators that characterize the length, the traffic intensity of the transport equipment and the engineering category of the road ~re determined. The length of the roads depends upon the scheR~e for developing the oil industry and for the regional siting of the oilfields, production facilities and supply bases, railroad yards, docks and river por�ts, airports and communities. The length of each specific road is estab- lished as the result of sixrveys or by the desk method in accordance with the appropriate cartographic and aerial-photography information, taking selection of the shortest distance into consideration. ~ Traffi.c intensity on a r�oad IE is determined by a summing up of the traffic of freight transport Ir, rotating-duty (passenger) transport Is and special I~ transport: ' 1 ~ =1 r-~-1 ~-~'jc: average daily intensity of freight transport traffic is jr= QO~'~ motor vehicles/day, T�9cN'Kr�Ka where (~oa~ is the total amount of freight hauled on the road in the year being computed; ~ T is the number of workdays for freight transport per year (T = 3U0 days); 4cp is the average long-term freight-load carrying capability of a truck , (q = 9.5 tons); cp Kr is the utilization coeff'icient of a truck's load-carrying capacity (Kr - 0.9); and . Kn� is the utilization coef;icient per truek run (Kn - 0.55); 3 ~ ~(1R OFFiCIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500030011-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/42/09: CIA-RDP82-40850R000500430011-1 the inten5ity of tr~ii'fic f'or rot~t;ing-duty pcrsonnel transport is: !d= N' ~a motor vehicles/day 9�Y ~ where !ve is the ~iaily number of rotating-duty personnel haulings on the road in the year computed; Ka is the share of buses in rotating-duty personnel transport (for West Siberia 1:a = 1) ; _ q is the average seating capacity per bus, perso ns (q = 20-32); y is the utiliza~:ion coefficient of sea~ing capacity (Y = 1); and ~ is the vehicle-run utilization coefficient. The intensity of traffic for special transport in West Siberian oilfields is 6-10 percent of ~;he intensity of the freight transport traffic. In the calculations it is assumed that I~ = 0.08I~ vehicles per day. ~ The amount of freight hauling is determined by direct computation of the require- ments for freight for all stages of the operating cycle during assimilation of the oilf'ields (drilling, the building of oilfield facilities, and oilfield operata.on) in accordance with the norms for expenditures for freight and indicators for the amounts of drilling, construction and pror.iuction operations. For each road the amount of freight haulage is found, totaling up the requirements for freight for all customers (the oil, cons~ruction, timbering and other branches). Q~~au~ L=1 g; � Zri ~ 1-~ K�~~) thousands of tons , i where it is the number of freight customers; g~ is the standard far freight consumption for the j-th customer; Zpj is an absolute indicator that determines the total freight requirement for the j-th customer (the amount of drilling, the introduction of pro- ducer wells, the inventory of groducer wells,-and the volume of SMR [construction and installing work? and so on); Knv is the coeff'icient that considers freight i'or other customers (10-3U percent, depending upon the significance of' the road in supplying the region), bases for ATK's [automotive transport offices], PTO's and K's [production-equipment secticns and offices] and RMM's [machinery repair shops], nonindustrial construction, and other agencies and branches of . the national economy. 1'hc: amount of hauling of rotating-duty personnel by road de~ends upon the reported r~umb~r of workers .~ccessary for daily service at all ~~torkplaces at the oilfields a55oci~ited with the giver~ road, and upon the principles of organizing the ~ FOR OF'FICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500030011-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500030011-1 i ~ i HOa OFFIC'IA1. USF. ONI.Y ~ rotating-duty personnel hauling. The daily number of haulings of rotating-duty personnel by road in the computed year (persons) is: n N,= E r~n�K~A�KD(i-~-K), ~a! where ~~II is the scheduled manning of workers necessary for servicing the field, for construction work, drilling,~and so on; Kcs~ is the coefficient for converting the scheduled number of workers to the reported number (K~A = 60 percent); Kp is the coefficient that considers the delivery of rotating-duty per- sonnel to work and return (lip = 2); and ~ j( is the coeff'icient that considers the daily haulings of rotating-duty workers (K = 1/16)*. The rated worker manning for each field is determined by the formul.a _ :~a=ns N+n~ N~+ ~ where n~~~;~ is the standard for the number of workers for drilling and for oi1 - recovery (in accordance with industry or regional norms); II~ is the norm for output per worker in oilfield construction work ~ (according to output per day per~ worker in the region's construction organizations); y is the amount of' development drilling, meters; is the active ir~ventory of development wells; and V~ is the amount of SMR [con~truction and installing work] during build- up of the oilfield facilities. 1'he technical category.of the roads is established in accordance with average daily tr~ffic intcrisity. According to 5NiP [Construction Norms and Regulations] II-D.5-72, wt~en designating road categories for a common network, the calculated intensity is considered to be the intensity expected in the last year of the prospective period, and, for roads that service the technological hauling for the industrial enter- prises, t.he calculated intensity is taken from a computation of their full capacity. *Rotating-duty workers, who are sent to the oilfields from rotating-duty personnel settlements are hauled daily, full sLrength, by road, and one--sixth ~re hauled to the eommunities (based upon the terms for gradual exchange of all workers who stay iri the rotating-duty personnel settlement, over a period of 6 days). 5 FOR OFF(CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500030011-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500030011-1 For roads that service oilf'ields, the highest traffic intensity is noted during the period in which the field is drilled over and oilfield facilities are built up, when the greatest amount of freight is required and the maximum amount of construc- tion and installing work is being performed. 6. Road construction volume for the long-term period is determined on the basis ~f calculations made in accordance with the requirements of the regi~n's oil industry - and the principles for developing the road network. The computed requirement for - road construction is compared with development during the preceding period, the roadbuilding-organization capacity that is necessary is determined, and measures for fulfilling the road construction pr~gram are planned. A listing and the amounts of construction work adopte~~1 (consistent with ~he ca- pacity of the roadbuilding organizations) far the construction of highways and oil- field roads and the necessary capital investment are cited. The dynamics of the planned amounts of construction of highways, intraoilfield roads and access roads by year and by five-year period are given. COPYRIGHT: Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut organizatsii, upravleni- ya i ekonomiki neftegazovoy promyshlennosti (VNIIOENG), 1981 11409 CSO: 1829/55 6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500030011-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000504030011-1 1 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY MOTOR VEHICLE BRIEFS TRAFFIC, TRAFFIC COI~IISSIONS--On the basis of a regulation by the USSR Council of , Ministera of 2 February 1976 an interim administration traffic safety commission . was founded, to which belong f~rst deputy chairmzn of the union councils of min- isters (chairmen of the republic zraffic commissions) as well as deputies of many USSR rninistries, republic committees and those of centrally placed top leaders. The number of personal (private) cars aow exceeds 120,000 in the ESSR. Driver training qualification is inadequate, traffic discipline is often lacking. [Bq A. Salum, traffic commission aecretary of the ESSR Counci~. of Ministers] [Excerpt] [Tallinn TEHNIKA JA TOOTMINE in Estonian No 9, 1981 pp 24-25] _ [COPYRIGHT: Kirjastus "Perioodika", "Tehnika ~a Tootmine", 1981] CSO: 1815/9 7 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500030011-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500030011-1 FUR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - OCEAN AND RIVER SOVIET BOOK ON STATISTICS OF OCEAAi TRANSPORT Moscow STATISTIKA MORSKOGO TRANSPORTA in Russian 1979 (signed to press 22 Nov 79), pp 1-2, 240 [Annotation and table of contents from "Statistics of Ocean Transport," 2d edi- tion, revised and expanded by M.I. Bruskin, Izdatel'stvo "Transport," 3,000 copies, 240 pp.] [TextJ Approved by t~e Administration of Educational Institutions and the Ministry of the Ocean Fleet as a teaching aid for students at higher ocean-gaing educational institutions who are specializing in operations and economic engineering. The teaching aid reflects the basic principles in the overall theory of statistics, as well as containing a detailed exposition of the quzstions of the methodology and practice of the statistics of ocean transport. Special attention is devoted to questions df computing the system of indicators and e~raluati~lg the effectiveness of the operational activities of the fleet and porta. It cites examples that charac- terize the theory and practice of the statistica o� ocean transp~rt and the role and importance of an automated cantrol system. The current edition discusses all the changes in the practice of statistical accounting which occurred after the pub- lication of the first edition in 197],. . ' The book is intended for students at higher ocean-going educatienal institutions, and can also be uspd by workers in ocean transport in their practical activities. Four illustrations, 75 tables. Mikhail I1'ich Bruskin - Statistika morskogo transporta Editor L. A. Vatulyan Cover design by Ye. B. Shapalina Technical editor N. B. Usanova . Proofreadera L. Ye. Rozhkova, T. A. Mal'tseva IB No. 1217 8 FOR OFF[C[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500030011-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500034411-1 . FOR OFFlCiAL USE ONLY Sent to typesettir_g shop 12 Jul 78. Signed to press 22 Nov 79. Number of copies printed, 3000. Price 90 kopecks.. Izd-vo "TRANSPORT", 107174, Moscow, Basmannyy tup., 6a ~ Copyright: Izdatel'stvo "Transport", 1571. Table of Contents Section I: Principles of the Overall ~heory of Statistics Chapter [Page] I Sub~ect and method of statistics 3 II Organization of statistics in the USSR 7 III Statistical observation 12 IV Summarizing and grouping of statistical data 18 V Absolute, mean, and relative values in statistics 2.5 Absolute values ~ 26 Mean values 26 Relative values 34 VI Indexes and dyn~mic aer ies 38 Indexes 28 Dynamic series 38 VII Graphic method of depicting statistical data 48 Section II: Statistics of Ocean Transport VIII Statistics of shipments 52 Tasks and organization of accounting of shipments 52 Quantitative indicators of freight shipments 53 The factor of accountiing in the statistics of shipments 55 - Grouping of statistical indicators of shipments 56 Statistical and time-effective reports on the shipping of �r.eight and passengers 64 ~ Statistical indicators of container and packet shipments 87 - IX Statistics of the availability and operation of the ocean fleet 91 Statistics of the availability of the ocean fleet 92 Statistics of the use of the ocean-going transport fleet 99 Accounting for the distribution of the time budget of transportation shiga when anchored in ports ~ 132 X Statietics of the level of tPchnical equipment and the operational � activities of ocean ports 140 Report on the availability ar~d actual use of re~oading camplexes . (PK), moorages, and waretu~usea 140 - Accounting of the availability and use of port reloading equipment 14~+ Report on the operation of *_he reloading equipment 148 Motor truck transport 150 Statistics of ship turnover at the porta 152 StAtistics of loading and unloading operations 155 Statietics of ship processing in ports 165 9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500030011-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R440500030011-1 XI Dispatcher and time-responsive accounting of the operation of the fleet and ports 169 XII Stat ist ics of labor and wages in ocean transport 17 6 Organization of labor statistics 176 Statistics of number of workers, their makeup and movement 179 Grouping of workers by types of activity 183 Accounting of turnover and replacement rate of workers 187 Statistics of wages 190 Statistics of labor productivity 194 = XIII Financial statistics of the basic activities of stea~mship agenries and ports 196 XIV Statistics of other types of activities in ocean transport 203 Statistics of operation of industrial enterprises 203 Statistics of material-technical supply 2~$ - Statistics of fuel expenditure 209 Statistics of capital investments 211 XV Stat~.stics and automated system of control of ocean transport 214 XVT Economic analysis of statistical data 226 Copyr ight : Izdatel ~ stvo "Traneport", 197 9. 5 07 S CSO: 1829/44 END 10 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY , APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500030011-1