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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407142/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R000540030007-6 r~uK urN~c in~, ~~~r. u~i.~ JPRS L/10299 3 February 1982 ~ Woridwide Re ort p N{~RCOTICS AND DA~GEROUS DRUGS CFOUO 6/82) ~ FBIS FOREIGN BROADCAST INFORMATION SERVICE F'OR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500030007-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500430007-6 NOTE JPItS publications contain information primarily from foreign newspapers, periodicals and books, but also from news agency transmissions and broadcasts. Materials from foreign-language sources are trans?ated; those from English-language sources are transcribed or reprinted, with the original phrasing and other characteristics retained. Headlines, editorial repcrts, and material enclosed in brackets [J are supplied by JPRS. Processing indicators such as [Text) or [Excerpt] in the first line of each item, or following the last line of a brief, indicate how the original information was - processed. Where no processing indicator is given, the infor- mation was summarized or extracted. Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or transliterated are enclosed in parentheses. Words or names preceded by a ques- tion mark and enclosed in parentheses were not clear in the original but have been supplied as appropriate in context. Other unattributed parenthetical notes withiri the body of an - item originate with the source. Times within items are as given by source. The contents of this publication in no way represent the poli- _ cies, views or attitucles ~f the U.S. Government. COPYRIGHT LAWS AND REGUI.ATIONS GOVERI3ING OWDTERSHIP OF MATERIALS REPRC~li~,:ED HEREIN REQiJIRE THAT DISSEKINATION OF THIS PUBLICA'!'ION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONI,Y. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500030007-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R400540030007-6 FOR OF'FiC1AL USE (~N1.1' JPRS L/1029~ , 3 February 1982 WGRLDWIDE REPORT NARCOTICS AND DANGEROUS DRUGS (FOUO 6/82) CONTENTS AS IA HONG KONG Reorganized Custams Service Helps Counter Drug Smugglera (Tommy Lewis; SOU7Ii (~iINA rDRNING POST, 22 Dec 81) 1 Stiff Prison Sentences Given To Deter Drug Traffickers ~SOUTH QiINA MORNING POST, 19, 26 Dec 81) 3 Imposed by (liief Justice Based on Quantity Inwlved Smuggling of Drugs Into China by Air, Sea Increasin~ (Tommy Lewis; SOUTH QiINA MDRNING POST, 28 Dec 81) 5 Attendance at Methadone Treatment Clinics ~~1 Slightly - (Renu Daryanani; SOU~i CHINA rDRNING POST, 1 Jan 82)........... 6 B riefs Drugs Aboard Freighter 7 , Raw Opium Seizure 7 NEW ZEALAND Paper Backs Australian Drug Inquiry in New Zealand (Editorial; THE PRESS, 1 Dec 81j 8 - PAKIS TAN Briefs Drug Abuse Discussed 10 - a - [III - WW - 138 FOUO] FOR OFFICiAL USE OIofLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500030007-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500030007-6 r~ec ~rr~~.~AL uar, t~iv~Y THAILAN D Deputy Prime Ministzr Cites Costs of Drug Abuse (TAWAN SIAM, 22 Sep 81) ll BPP Operations Around Ban Hin Taek Described (SIAM RAT, 5 Sep 81) 12 Background of Khun Sa's Ties With RTG Noted - (SIAM RAT, 24 Oct 81) 1.5 ONCB Report Lists Tribal Villages Cul tiva ting Poppies (DOI THIM NGAN SIAM MAI, 7 Nov 81) 19 _ Briefs Heroin Smugglers Seized 21 Austrian Held for Heroin 21 Convicted Nbnk Arrested 21 LATIN AMERICA BOLIVIA President Stressea Fight Against Narcotics (Radio Illimani Network, 19 Jan 82) 22 - Briefs w Drug Traffic~Cer Extradition 24 Cocaine Laboratory Raid 24 Customs Confiscates Cocaine 24 B RAZIL - Briefs Cocaine Seized 25 Drug Ring Dismantled 25 COLOMB IA Briefs Found 26 Marihuana Seized, Traffickers Arrested 26 - Coca Plants Confiscated 26 MEXICO Calles Speaks at Drug Seminar (Jose Vilchis Guerrero; EL SOL DE MEXICO, 2 Dec F31) . 27 - b - FOR OFFICIAI. USE ONLY . APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500030007-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R400504030047-6 FOR ~OFFlCIAL USF. ONLY Pilot Refuses To Transport Drugs, Qiildren Kidnapped (EXCEISIOR, 28 Nov 81) 29 Psychotropics From Hamburg Seized at Veracruz (Rafael Medina Cruz; F%CEISIOR, 1 Dec 8? ) . . . . . . . . . . 30 Break-up of I.arge-Scale Drug Growing, Processing Ring Described (EL DIARIO DE NUEVO LAREDO, various datea) 32 13 ~'oppy Growe rs Cap ture d PJF ' Comb' Are~ - Plantations Destroyed Official Impri~onment Orderad Probe Intenaified - Trafftckers Selling Drugs f.o~r Weapons Sentenced (EL DIARIO DE Ni1EV0 I~AREDO, 14 Dec 81) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Trafficker Killed in Monterrey ~iospital ~ (EL DIARIO DE NUEVO LAREDO, 9 Dec 81) .41 Decline in Drug Tra~ffic Reported in Sinaloa - (EL SOL DE SINALflA, 15 Dec 81) 42 Briefs ' Youth Addiction Increasing 43 - Crackdown on Secret Runways 43 Marihuana T,cafftcker Released 43 Poppy Growers Claim Innocenc~ 44 Army Antidrug Campaign Oontinued 44 ~eroin Trafficker Caugtit 44 Prison Officials Accused 45 Traffickera Caught in I~bnterrey 45 Pill Seizurea Reported 45 ~ Bar Association Inquiry 45 Large Marihuana Seizure 46 Former Official Drug Suapect 46 Police, T`raffickers in Shootout 46 NEAR EAST AND NORTH AFRICA IRAN ~ri2fs Drug Arrest 47 - Mashhad Opium Seizure 47 Hemin Seizure in Raaht 47 - c - - FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500030007-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R400504030047-6 rvn vr~IlJ1qL U7r. UIVLY WEST EUROPE GREE CE Drug Traffickera, Users Arrested in Piraeus _ (ELEV'IIiERQTYPIA, 24 Dec 81) 48 Briefa Heroin Traffickers 49 , , - d - FOR OFFICIAL USF. ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500030007-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R400504030047-6 HONG KONG REORGANZZED CUSTOMS SERV~CE HELPS COUNTER DRUG SMUGGLEAS - Hong Kong SOUTH CHINA MORNING POST in IIZglish 22 Dec 81 p 25 - (Article by Tommy Lewis~ [Excerpt~ A reorganisation and hide them in toilets 'where expansion of the Custortu t6ey would be picked up by and Excise setvice has dn?~ ncket cantacu worlnng helped counter new meth- at ~he airpon. This method ods ado ted b dru smu - ~ ~ncovered and a few sei- _ P Y 8 S zurss were rtudc. glers. Several people. including An ealarged invatigation some airpon worlcers, were - aad marine tlat has 6elped arrated. - in the coatinuin$ battle at the Custonu ofiicen believe borden aad w~thin Hong� d?at drugs are still coming - kong. into Hongkong by air, snd Officen have cracked havt ban doing their best to down oa a aew route usod by taraet suspected couriers re- smugglm to get drugs here. turnmg to Hongkong. . Instead of sending drugs Bnt tbry pnrtut body- direct from source countria. search all arrivin~ passengers. wme smu~glen have sarted and they have besn tryiag to use Chmae ports as ste~ thar bat not w anga genu- ping stona. ine travellen. . T6e new route was di~cav- '[t u atimated that tlhere ered when Thai asstoms men about 8.000 passrnaen arrive made two ~~izura of drugs from suspectod drug pocts bound for China. but believed ach day, and only about 25 ' ~obe i~ nded eventuaUy for ~~t of thetn are body- Two ~uriers, a Hon~kon~ A bumper harvat in t6e raideat and a Thai woman. ~en Triangle this yar believed to be memben of ryndicata with links here, are b*ouBht fan of a big drug stiU being detained in Bang� smuggling increase. kokforinquiries. During the past .11 Dapite the new route. ~toms officers have drug smugglen are still using bad 6elp in the drug battle - Kai Tak airpoct, and crying from polia Natootia Bureau ne~v methods all the time to detoctiva locally, aad from bat che customs checks. , ~aw enforament agencies False-boetomed suitcases wor~dwide. �w ere popular cariy this year, Ovet this periad, customs bu: wfien nurturous courie~s offian xized a total of usins the method were arrat- ~~�88 w~~n~ of danger- ed, racketars maae their Ws drugs w~th a market value oourien switca to concealing of 559.3 million. and made drugs within t6sir bodia. 680 arresu. Then another switch was Tha made so far made. this year have atready ex- Courien would bring the total quantity seiz- dru~s iato the arrival lull and ~~~t yar. Thii year's many success- 1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500030007-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R400504030047-6 ful interceptions of drugs at the airport, che post office and in the harbour brou~ht ta light new and sophisacated rrsethods of rnncealment. Drugs were found conceal- ed inside cans of abalone, bars of soap, tins of ginseng, hollowed-out rambutan fruit. metal cylinden and in ma- chinery spare ~ru. Co-operation From the local Customs Invati$ation Bureau recently helped in t~e seizure of 2.8 kilograms of - heroin base and the arrest of . ~ix people by law enforcement agencies m Paris. Customs officen in Bang- kok also arr~ttsd two women and seized about l0 kilo- grams oF No 4 heroin in. Sep~ tember as �a result of intepi- gence passed to them by the Customs [nvescigation Bu- reau. �~.1t7;. ~ j .i�r~. _ ~ , ~4t' ~ ~1 � ~ ~ ~ " . ~ r- _ . ~ ~r ' ~ ~ � ! , ~ 5:..~~.... . . ~ Falae-bottomsd hair aeam jero filled with druys one of the finds by customs m~n at Kai Tak airpon. . CSO: 5320/9109 , 2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500030007-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R400504030047-6 - HONG KONG - STIFF PRISON SENTENCES GIVEN TO DETER DRUG TRAF'FICECERS Imposed by Chief Justice ' Hong IGong SOUTH CHI?QP, r1~RNING POST in English 19 Dec 81 p 17 [TextJ Thc ~hief lustice, Sir building. He eme:~ed some wr'apped in a S10 note. Denys Roberts, yaterday ~S minuta later w?th a case After inquiries, the offi- imposed sentences ranging and a plastic bag. cen sTarched two flau in the T6e officers intera ted from nine to 14 yean in him and found dan ePous Hunghom district where thra cases oF ession of g more drugs were seized. P~ drugs in the plastic beg he In one of the flats, in ~tin dangerous drugs for the was carryiag. purpose of unlawful traf- Ot then led the oft?cers to On Street, officen foun f'tcki and manufacture a flat in Tse Wan Lane the utensib connected with the R8 mtnufacture of dangerous of dangerous drugs. same area where his wife and ~Ng+, Ng'admitted that the Io sentencing the defend- children were living. There place had earlier ban usedl ants, Sir Denys said tl~e were about l l kg of drugs in fordtug manuCacturing. courta had emphasiscd on a~iOOm� The atimatod value of the many occasions t6at for this Or also led the offi.ars to dru~s seized was 5850,000. type of drug offences, a deter- another flat ia Granville In another case, a 26-ye~r- rent sencence was normally Rond w6ere another quantity 'old tttan, Ho Kuen. was sen- necessary. of drug~ was seized. teno6d to nine yqrs' impris- It was asential in the onment on twa counts of pos- interest of society that propk 'me drugs seized, if con- ~Ag dangerous ~~ugs for should be discouraged from ~etted into~ heroin, had a unlawful trafticiting. taking pert in drug traffick- s!�at value of S10 million. Ho. w6o pleaded guiity, ing. ha addod. Mother defendant, a 36- W~ amsted by ofticers frc~m Seetenced to 14 yea:~s was ~pr-old former seart?an, Ng the Narcotics Bureau on June a lorry driver, Or Shui-po Wing-shing, was sentenced to 30 on the roof of the Ocran (34). 12 yean' imprisonment whea Terminal ~fter his movements Or piea~led guilty to one he pleaded gwiry to posscss- during the day ;had ban charge oF .p~sseasing l 1.166 ing 5.576.8 gracns of a mix- watched. kg of a mixture of esten of ture of salu of esters of mor- morphine for the purpose of phine, pouasion of patt one They found two bags of unlawful trafftcking and two po~son connxted with the dangerous d~ugs Neighing charga of pasession of dan- prtpatation' of dangerous� 893.47 grams of a mixture of gerousdrugs. drugs, manufacturing dan- salb of aten of morphine in T'he court was tol~' that on gerous drugs, and po~sessioa bu ~ar� � 1 u I y 1 I, cu~t~ms uf ficen ~ of dan~erom drugs. Ho took the polia offiars mounted an oburvation in i~g was arrated on July 9 to ~n address in Reclamation Granville Road. Tsimshatsui, w6en custortv offian inter- Strat where drugs weighinQ and saw Or Ieaviag a building cepced him outside the Hung- 1,517.73 grams of a mixture and getting into a car. hom Bay Centro. oF salts of aters of morppine ~ He drove to Tsz Wan wereseized. S6an w6ere he entered a They Found on him a The drugs bad a total quantity of danQerous drugs worth of 5600,000. 3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500030007-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R400504030047-6 Based on Quantity Inwlved Hang Kong SGUTH CHINA MORNING POST in Engli;:, 26 Dec 81 p 6 [TextJ Two Thai nationals who ishment will be meted out to arrived in Hongkong with them by the couru if chey heroin worth a total of indulge in this evil but lucra- S 1.3 million were sent to tive trade which has thc most rison bv ~ir Justice Jones appalling social and family tn the ~ High Court on consequences;' the _ judge Thursda said. The court heard that the The court was told that dru was hidden in the� false Sae arrived in Hongkong S from Bangkok on luly 8. He bottoms o~ plastic hair cream was stopped and searched by jars� ;.ustoms oFficers at Kai Tak Sae Eng Penglee (41), Airport ~nd was found with who pleaded guiity to pcusa- 36 plastic jan of hair cream: sion of the drug for traffick- T'hese had false bottoms ing, was sent to prison for 10 which contained 1.449 kilo- years. grams of a mixture contain- Amorntakoisuwech Kiti- mg 1.289 kilograms of heroin. chai (27). who was convicted The drugs had a street value - by a jun� after a trial, was of 5652.000. . sentenced to i I years. Customs officers question- The judge nuted that on ed Sae and in consequence of the back page of the South what he told them went with _ China Morning Post that day him to the premises 'of the - was a report Italian whu Kar Fong Trading Company was sent to Prison for 25 in Jordan Road, Yaumati. years in Bangkok after cu:~- Later th9t day Kittichai viction on a similar char~e. came into the premisa, He said chat :?~e ~nl~cy of where he had a room. He said _ the Ho,~g~tong courts was to he had arrived in Hongkong impos.� heavy sentences for the day previously: the of(ence, which was of the utmost gravity. Customs o(ficers found in his room another 36 plastic He referred to the fact !ars oF hair cream with false that the Chief Justice and bottoms. These contsind Court of Appeal in Hongkong 1.451 kilograms.of a mixture had laid down a tariff af containing 1.164 kilograms of recommended sentenca ac- hetoin. T'hese drugs also had, cordin~ ~o the quantity of a street value of 5650,000. drugs ~nvolved, and said that the two defendants had been Kittichai denied that the found with a very substantial drugs belonged to him and quantity. . said someone else had put them in his room. - "Drug offender~ should ~ make no mistake, severe pun- He was convicted by a � ~ury after a retirement of just � over an hour. CSU: 5320/9109 � 4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500030007-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R400504030047-6 HONG KONG .I - SMTIGGLING OF DRUGS IN'I'O CHINA BY AIR, SEA INCREASING Hang ICQng SOUTH CHINA MORNZNG POST in ~hglish 28 ~ec 81 p lfl [Article by Tommy Lewis J [Text~ Narcotics ~ racketeers~ where drugs lew enforc~meat China thaa to bave them are taking advantage of officers had for years socceu� smuggied directly to Hong- China's inexperienced cus- fully interc~pted traft,ckers lcung. . toms afficen to smuggle and courien. When the drugs arcive in dangerous drugs into t6at C6ina ihould also~~et up China. smuggDen beGeve. countc b air and sea. ~ ~ nationtl trainia~ cen'tre, ~ey caa then be more easily Y Y the�experienced Asian narcot- ~~~n~ ~nto Hon~Jcon The narcotics u~ then dih ia agents said. ,by the land route, because o~ tributed to Asian countna T6ey claimed that if ti t- h~p~ at aon- bordering China which are er measura were not ta~en auspect Chinese border suspatod oF being drugs ex~ saon, drugs rackeears miQtR cherkpoinb. portpointa. � use China'e weaknai in ~y~ new dru~s route has C}fI11A, a member of the detadon to step up their ae� ~dy baa ooted by cus� Customs Contro! Counal tivida and use that country ~ offioers in HongIcong. (CCC), shculd givr. morc as t supping ,~tone in t6e p~b~, statioaad at border intenaive ttaining w cust~ams trantfer of tbe~r ille~al car- cAeckpoiats, have been alert- oflicers, many of wham ha~ goes to more lucntive cnar� ' '�never seen aarootia before," fu.w, eit;~er in the rogion a In ~ cecent month~. ~oma- axording w veteran drugs ovenett - w6ero drugs ue _~bly opium tnd fig6ten from'several Asian in~rat demand and fetch h~ _~Ve ~ K~ by countria. b~ pn ' Maau mariae polica offiar~ . They, claimed t6at Cbina's "Cbina, which is'not oan- from fishln~ junlu returninQ - customs officers are at~ tidetedtu~pectaia,narooda jromChiaa.sonrc:auid. _ praent concentrating moro' ;x~rt ~;nt at the cwmeat, ~~d mean anotbet on tax on goods being wkem, y~ ~Q �tuation route. tot narcotia enterin` into the country. . ~ chan~e if the authortda Honslwna - whereaa ptevi The C6inese aad ne~lat-~ ~~not increaee tl~eir vi~t~ ouily, Macau'~ drugi ed to search for ccacealed ~a~e, thty c~aimed. - trtfl';�ken had bad to depecrd narcoti~x - contraband hid- ~ y~~ ~ Haa~bon~'~ syndic~tes for den. in tinned foods, by body dN~ ~~~ments - rnaln� t6eir narcotia iupp~ia. concealmeat. hollowed-ont I Nas 3 and 4 hetoin bound Oifici~b ia China 6ave~ fruit, false-botwmed suitcasa Cb~ _ y~d been intet- not revealed ~rhat pteveative and hair-cream jars, all weU br .t.~i a~-r ~pw~y ~ a~a t6ey are tried and detectable metbods ~ at Don Muang airport iq talcin~ to stap tnfCekin w6ich hsd eacily been spotted . tbrou 6 their ~onn bo~ by customs ofFicen in Ho~- ~n~' b iu aad b srs. kong as well other Asian 'Th~ No 4 heroin wu bo- Y But oaly last month. countria. lieved to have beeo routed for C6ina revalod tlsat a number Drugs agents claim that ~arkeu in Amatica. aith of le - ineludIn Chi- many of China's customs ofto- whic6 C6ina has aa air link. ~ ~ cers are inexperienced in"de- The ~Io 3 heroin wu be, ~roe~ boah Hon~koa~ida d txting dru~s and say that lieved to have been Maxu - had been rounded they need more intemive Hongicong�bound. ~n Gaan~doa~ in ooanea traimng to spot narcotia Narcodcs fighten siid t~on with crimin~l acdvt- smug~lers� arrivin~ in Cluna. t6at the uaftic's Icingpins be- ~yp.~~ espec~ally thoee trom t3ai- }ieve it a less risky for couri- iMthties iacluded land. ~ ers to bring their deadly car- rob - aed dealin in 'this training could in- `ow from ThaiLnd iuto ~ cJuda vi~its to otber oounvia ' CSO: 5320/9109 5 ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500030007-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500030007-6 HONG KONG ATTENDANCE AT METHADONE TREATMENT CLINICS DOWN SLIGHTLY ' Hong F.,ong SOUTH CHINA MORNING POST in English 1 Jan 82 p 7 [Article by Renu Daryanani] [Text ] Anolher bumper ctop of inethadone clinia are a valu- The decline in atiendanca opi~tm is ezpected from the sble way to obtain cheap ro- s6ould also be.san in cortaec- Golden Triangle this lief;' Mr said. , tion with the increase in ar- mont6 and next montk~, ~4 bis review on Tuesdey resu of dru~, offenden last the Commissioner for ~ P~~a opvauons thii year, yeac, he sa;d. Narcotics. Mr Peter Lee ~e Commusioner of Police. The total number arrested has warned. tt(eadanca ~ a~ ethadone minart ffe~nas~las4yaar i` � 1 The barvat could yield treaement eGnic~ 6ad dropped an~ 5,251, and for major another 600 tonna - the by 2.06 per cent compared to offences by 20.7pe r ant to amount reaped early last yeac 198U� 2,461, over the 1980 figures. - if rrop conditions remain Mr L,ee said the decrease Law enforcement and favourable, Narcatics Buresu comp to about 100 people tresunent f2ciGdes for the a(Fa~ ~r, and the avenge attendancx at atimated ~{0,000 addicts in But it ~a areatia! t6at the the anua is about 7,C00 a Hongkong must go hand in ~vat pricx o! dnigs stays dsy. hand, MrLa said. high to kap down the addict 7'6is small drop u encour- Two new methadone population, Mr La ~aid. a n~ bxause sina the early clinia will opcn on Moaday It is an unjatuoate fact 1~70s, w6ea drug Prices fell, in Shatin and Yuen Long, that heroin addicu prefer the number ot clinic attend- bringing the total number of ~ c6eap heroin to cheap metha- iaca went down proportioa- clinics to 22, he said. , doae," he said. ally, he said: Methadone is the main The wholaale pria of 100 'Thu last yar hu been form of treatment providod grams of No 3 heroin now is e~cceptional. Although tbe by the Government. about 57,000, rompared wit6 drug prias have decliaed "What we narmally. try to SS,000 in early 14'79. from tbe heishu in 1979, at- do is pravide facilities for ad- When the efkcu of t6e tendanca are remarkahly dicts near their homa and 1979 drou~ht in the Golden weU up." Mr Lee said. Placa of work so that a clinic Trianale hu local mukeu in The a~~ra~te daily attend� i~ ne.~rby when they get with- about JulY, the pria shot uP a~a+ ot , tha cGnics were drawai symptoms. Otherwise toS23,000. 3,000 from 1976 to July t6ey may go b4ck to drugs," The drou~ht lasted two 1979. ~~~d� yean. durinQ w6ich the annu- When the drouQ6t set in, Mr Lee uid the polia and al opium crop waa only l50 attertdanca shot up to 5,000 cnstoms service had done well taana. a day that July. co ~ap prica this high. "Hut the present priu i~ "While the attendance fie- Last yaar, th~~r drug sei- 9ti11 about ~0 per ant higher ura deciinod last year, they rures were up from 1980. _ tban it was before the have not declined by.nearly as 1'he foUowing seizures drougb~ and it's ~till very muc6 as I expected ' Mr La were made last yar: 103 expens~ve in relatioa to the ~id. ldiae of opium (86 kilos in waga of the average drug About 71 per cent of those 198Q and 18 ~ilos in 1919) addict in Hon~konR. ~oing to the cliaia are regu- and 59 kilos of heroin (76 "TAough t ere is mae ac- r atteodanu, he said. Idla in 1980 and 129 kilos in tivity in the drut matkat, t6e 1~%79~- � - CSO: 5320/9109 6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500030007-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500430007-6 HONG KONG BRIEFS DRiJGS AB01~RD FREIGHTER--Cust~ms officers from the Anti-Smuggling Division we re this - morning searching a Tha~-regist,ered freighter after two pounds of dehydrated pre- pared opi~un, worth about $32,OO1'i, was seized. The opium was found in a false ceil- - ing compartment inside the crew~~' cabin in the freighter, Mah II, which plies regu- larly between Hangkong and Thai.l.and. Two Chinese crew members were arrested in connection with the seizure and are assisting customs officers with their investi- _ gations. One of the arrested men, aged 53, will be cnarged today with possessing _ dangerous drugs for unlawful traffickinq and is expected to appear in South Kowloon Court. The other seaman, who was detained last night, is expected to be released ~ when in~errogations are completed. The vessel arrived from Bangkok yesterday af- ternoon and was raided by customs officers as a part of a routine search of all freighters arriving from Thailand. Customs officers said last night they would - search the freighter again today and possibly tomorrow to make sure they had faund - all the drugs. [TextJ [Hong Kong SOUTH CHINA MORNING POST in English 23 Dec 81 p 15] RAW OPIUM SEIZURF.--Police have arrested nine people and seized about 18.2 kilograms of suspected raw opium worth about $370,000 in a raid in Yaumati. Acting on a - tip-aff, officers from the special duty squad of Yaumati police station raided a restaurant staff quarters at 47 Man Cheong Building, eighth floor, Ferry Street, about 10.50 pm on Christmas Eve. Eight men and a woman inside the premises were arrested. Some raw opium and a quantity of paraphern~lia usually associated with the manufacturing of dangerous drugs were taken away. No charges have yet been preferred against the people arrested, whose ages range from 23 to 35. [Text] [Hong Kong SOUTH CHtP1A MORNING POST in English 26 Dec f31 p 1] CSO: 5320/9109 , : ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500030007-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500430007-6 rtEw z~rro PAPER BACKS AUSTRALIAN DRUG INQUIRY IN NEW ZEALAND Christchurch THE PRESS in English 1 Dec 81 p 20 [Editorial: "Australian Inquiry in N.Z."] [Text] The arrangement under which an Australian inquiry into the "Mr Asia" drug ring may conduct some of its hearings in New Z~aZand may be unprecedented but it seems a sensible one. Drug-running is an international business and if tw~o coun- ~ries of such similar institutional structures as New Zealand and ~ustralia cannot - co-operate, the advantage would go to the drug ring. The point about similar in- stitutional structures is an important one, however; it would not be practicable for a country with a different approach to justice and procedure to be granted the same facilities. If a New Zealander or an Australian were wanted on a serious criminal charge in the other country, he w~ould be extradited. In the instance of the Australian Royal Camanission of Inquiry into Drug Trafficking sitting in Australia; there is no way in which New Zealanders or the citizens of other countries can be compelled to ap- pear before the commission; yet in the "Mr Asia" affair there was New Zealand and Australian involvement. The mechanics of the trafficking need to be learned so that steps can be taken to avoid a repetition. The inquiry would be appallingly incomplete if only the Australian activity of the drug ring could be considerad. More than that: if New Zealand failed ta co-operate to the full, the failure w~ould appear churlish, if not suspicious. if it comes to New Zealand, the Australian commission will be appointed as a com- mission under New 2ealand law. This would be necessary for several reasons. One is that in summoning any New Zealand citizens, if that has to be done, the inquiry has to have the backing of New 2ealand law. A second reason is that any New Zea- land citizen who gives evidence before the inquiry has to feel the protection of New Zealand law. Although there is little difference between the laws of Australia and New Zealand on the conduct of commissions of inquiry, New Zealand citizens still have to be certain that their legal rights are being protected by the law that can be enforced here. Because the Australian commission would in effect become a New Zealand com- mission, New Zealand will have full accesa to the evidence that is presented to the commission. Some thaught might well be given to arranging the secondment of a New Zealand judge to the commission for the term of any inquiry in New Zealand. 8 . APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500030007-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500430007-6 Th~e question of precedent is important, but should not be too daunting. The al- ready-well-established formal and informal links between New Zealand and Australia made this decision easy. The New Zealand Attorney-General, Mr McLay, was ap- pYoached informally by the Australian Attorney-General, Senator Durrack. Mr McLay consulted the Prime Minister, Mr Muldoon, on the point, and it was all settled reasonably. Whether other countries with similar institutions would be able to make similar arrangements is a question for them if the need arises. Because of the special relationship between Australia and New Zealand in many matters, particularly the freedom with which people come and go between the two countries without restraint, the facility with which a commission of inquiry can cross the Tasman may be excep- tional. Were New Zealand to initiate a similar inquiry, its business would almost certainly be unfinished if it could nat have questions answered in Austz~alia. Pro- - vided that any inquiry is held here under New Zealand rules, there seems to be no serious objection to taking advantage of what is common to the laws and practices of both countries to bring to light matters that are of concern to each. CSO: 5320/9110 9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500030007-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500430007-6 PAKISTAN BRIEFS DRUG ABU5E lliSCUSSED--Federal Finance Minister Ghulam Ishaq Khan has stressed the need for intensified effurts at the international level to curb the scourge of narcotics. He said that drug abuse, addiction and trafficking are increasing at tlie internation;~l level. During his meeting with U.S. Assistant Secretary of S~.~Ce Clyde Taylor, hc~ said that Pakistan lias enforced stringent punishments witV~in 1.imits for drug addiction ~ind trafficking. Dominic L. Dicarlo applauded I'akistan's eEforts in this regard and assured his government's as~istance in this campaign. [Text) (BK150432 Karactii Domestic Service in Urdu 0200 GMT 15 Jan 82J CSO: 5330/4598 10 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500030007-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500430007-6 THAILAND DEPUTY PRIME MINISTER CITES COSTS OF ARUG ABUSE ~ Bangkok TAtJAN SIAM in Tliai 22 Sep 81 pp 3, 10 _ [Text] Gen Prachuap Suntharangkun, deputy prime minister, stated that the narcotics has an adverse effect, both directly and indirectly, on national secruity, especially internal peace and order, since drug addicts are ringleaders in crime. From the aspect of the economy there is great hartn to the country. At present there are about 500,000-500,000 addicts. Each one spends 50-60 baht per day for the purchase of drugs. Calculated for a whole year this amounts to 10 billion baht, not including the appropriations for suppression operations. Besides, the drug traffic diminishes the prestige of Thailand because foreign nations understand that Thailand is the site for production and one of the main trading centers. However, in remedying the problem the government has taken steps to obliterate it completely, particularly in the areas of prevention and suppression. For control ~ and correction it has requested aid from foreign countries, for to carry out this task successfully it must receive cooperation from every side. 9615 C S0: 5300/4527 11 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500030007-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500430007-6 THAILAND BPP OPERATIONS AROUND BAN HIN TAEK DESCRIBED Bangkok SIAM RAT in Thai 5 Sep 81 p 7 [Text] The drug suppression operation of tlie Border Patrol Police (BPP) must be called a blue ribbon ~ob by the BPP District 5, Amphoe Mae Chan, Chaing Rai Province, which demonstrated force by seizing opium, making ~ensational news on the pages of the press. For up to now it had not happened that anyone or any nar.cotics suppression unit could confiscate the raw material, that is the opium, for the production of heroin along with the production equipment, in great quantities. This Golden Triangl.e is well known in opium-heroin traffic circles in Thailand and worldwide. The Golden Triangle covers the southern part of the Shan State, Burma, continues to the LPDR, and extends to the northern part o� Thailand that borders on Burma, Amphoe Mae Sai and Amphoe Mae Chan of Chiang Rai Province. Z`wo heroin production sites were destroyed by the BPP Region 3 force on 10 and 12 August 1981. The first site was Doi Huai Mak, Amphoe Mae Chan, Chiang Rai Province, about one km from the Burmese border and 10 km west of Ban Hin Taek, Amphoe Mae Chan. In the second operation the same BPP team destroyed opium production at Ban Huai Yuak, Tambon Pa Sang, Amphoe Mae Chan, Chiang Rai Province. The seizure and destruction of both heroin production locations were the respon- sibility oE the BPP Region 3 Headquarters, where a basic force under the command of Police Maj Gen Wichai SJichathanaphat, BPP Region 3 commander, carried out the operation L-o the end. ~ This success brought honor to the unit in performing their duty with pride. Never- - theless, a great deal oE heroin will flow out into Thailand where millions of Thai yout}~ will be destroyed, their energies wasted. It is killing Thai in cold blood. The terrain on the Tha~-Burmese border in the north is steep dense mountainous ~ungle, especially the Golden Triangle area. It ia easy to infiltrate and to hide for those ill intentioned toward the nation. The terrorists like this kind of territory, ~ust like the smugglers or the drug traffickers. All these murderous groups use this region as a sanctuary until they escape. Besides the terraine which supports the ravaging of national security there are other problems such as minority groups and an ill-defined border. This makes the Thai-Burmese boundary very important. Government officials must realize these problems and be interested sincerely in solving them. 12 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500030007-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R400504030047-6 The reporter himself does not understand why both these heroin factories were - located in Thailand, since the Thai do not support the oplum trade. But there is no puzzle about Burma, for Burma has many minorities who make their living ~ raising opium and selling it because opium brings a good income. Some minorities make the opium trade their occupation since they take the money to buy weapon8 td fight the Burmese govenrment, for the establishment of independent states. Ttie Burmese government has used suppression forces against the minori.ties with continual struggle in the Karen State, Khaya St3te, and the Shan State. Under these circumstances then the Thai-Burma border is the location for heroin. factories for ease of trade and transport into Thailand or for fleeing into Thailand if they are hard pressed by Burma. It might be th~t since the demarcation between the two countries is nor_ clear narcotics factories will be unintentionally located in Thailand. Howe~:er, this problem might not arise if our forces operating along the border perforna their duty ~ in the area of their responsibility. What must be considered is the group of Khun Sa or Chang Chi Fu, who is influential and is the leader af the S.U.A. (Shan United Army) forces in the Shan State, which seeks to liberate the Shan State from Burna. Khun Sa has a base for his force in Ban Hin Taek, Amphoe Mae Chan, Chiang Rai Province. Khun Sa has many heroin factories on the BLrmese border with Thailand. He is the world ranked heroin king. His relatives and most of the families of his group live in Ban Hin Taek. There- _ fore, it can be surmised that the two heroin factories, which the BPP Company 2, ; Amphoe Mae Chan, seized on 10-12 August 1981 belonged to Khun Sa since they were situated only 10 km west of Ban Hin Taek. But at the same time from another viewpoint perhaps these factories were not Khun - Sa's, because he does not want to displease the Thai. If Khun Sa is hostile to Thailand, it will be difficult for his force to live peacefully in Ban Hin Taek. He wants to develop Ban Hin Taek as a supply base for his army. From evidence at the time of IChun Sa's former arrest, it appeared that he had not even one opium or heroin installation in Thailand. - In that csse, the heroin factories on the Thai border that the BPP Company 2 seized on 10-12 Autust 1981 must be preeumed to belong to the Chinese Haw of the 93rd division. The behavlor of this group has shown that they have profited from the opportunity offered by support frou~ the Thai government ta traffic in heroin and smuggled goods, within the radius of Headquarters 04, which has supervision. Many times these Chinese Haw evacuees took over state powers by setting up an illegal customs collection post at Ban Nong Uk, Amphoe Chiang Dao, Chaing Mai Province, bringing hardship upon the people. Besides this, the Chinese Haw in Amphoe Chiang Dao monopolized the selling of goodr~ along the border, preventing the Thai traders from buying or selling, because there is never enough money to satisfy them. They have enraged the Thai people along the border where the Haw Chinese are living. The cleverness mixed with frgud, of the Chinese Haw evacuees, who live outside the control of Headquarters 04 has made many of them rich, with money in the bank and property worth millions of baht. These people do not pay taxes to the state and in :nany ways their activities are indirectly destroying the national economy. This is a problem for Headquarters 04 and those who administer the nation to resolve as a matt~r of urgency. 13 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500030007-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R400504030047-6 Wliile the reporter was gathering this information, he received an anonymous threat warnin~ him not to "touch the 93rd Division". He did not understand the reason. The story of the BPP is better. The reporter is happy at the success of the narcotics suppression operation of BPP Company 2, Amphoe Mae Chan. Their action makes clear that though the terrain is very difficult, no matter how dense the jungle and steep the mountains, this cannot conquer the staunch spirit that motivates Ferformance of duty. This drug suppression fight proves that the BPP can reach - every square inch of the border, having a sense of accomplishment, and many ti~es they have given their blood and their lives for the success of their tasks. If every company along the border had the spirit that support such action, like BPP Company 2, Amptioe Mae Cha;~g, Chiang Rai Province, we believe that they could destroy the range of drug traf`ic from the Golden Triangle that passes south into Thailand. This would obstruct the army of Khun Sa, the caravans of the Haw Ctiinese, and the groups of independent Muser soldiers in the Golden Triangle. It would sap their strength and leave them crumbling in the end. But the BPP, working a,lone, could not succeed because narcotics traffic is worldwide. Information must be coordinated with working units on a world scale. For example, in this heroin seizure, besides working with Thai officials concerned, there should be coordination with the US drug enforcement units. Of great importance is that the government - must dampen the fire from the winds, because the drug traffic in the Golden Triangle has clearly disrupted friendly relations between thailand and Burma. Since Khun Sa conducts the trade for economic reasons, to build his army for liberation from the Burmese government, we must close the border with continuous military operations by the BPP, to destroy those units wor.king the world narcotics trade ~ in the Golden Triangle. These are the results that would benefit the nation. 1. Promote friendly relations, on a firm bssis, between Thailand and Burma. 2. Help to free the world's people from the great destr~ction of narcotics. 3. Destroy the relationship of the Haw Chinese 93rd Division with the Chinese caravans in the Golden Triangle and destroy the influence of the 93rd Division over the indep~ndent Muser soldiers and th.e connection with certain politicians who play a role witti the 93rd Division. Tt~is is a major problem tiiat occasioned threatening worda to leave the subject alone. So tl~en ttiis is courting trouble. But if it is a threat to a man who has a moral ~tandard, the r.eporter would be crazy to touch it if there is more news. 9615 CSO: 5300/4527 1~ 14 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500030007-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R400540030007-6 _ ~iAILAND BACKGROUND OF KHUN SA'S TIES WITH RTG NOTED Bangkok SIAM RAT in Thai 24 Oct 81 pp 19-21 (Article: "Will Khun Sa's State Power Remain or Disappear?"] [TextJ "Thailand once had a policy of using minority forces as a buf.fer against the expanding influence of outside threats. But it can be seen that this policy can not be used and is of no use in the present situation," stated an officialof the national news agency to SIAM MAI. At 1700 hours on 7 August, there was a clash between Thai forces - and Shan State forces, a minority group in Burma that lives in the mountains in tt-~e area of Ban Kophaya Samakhi, Mae Kham Commune, MaE Chan District, Chiang Mai Province. Approximately 100 armed troops crossed into Thailand and surrounded a Thai force. The clash lasted the entire night. Concerning this Thai force, a news source stated that it was composed of [Unit] 513 rangers from P~ngthongchai District, Nakhon Ratchasima Province. The Third Army Area sent the 7th Infantry Unit, 3rd Battalion, and the 2nd Company of the Border Patrol Police went to provide support. "Before the clash broke out, there was a disagreement between the KMT le~~ders and so the forces of another group moved down in order tc> join the Shan State forces. Burmese troops put pressure - on the Shar~ State forces and so they had to fl~e into Thailand, resulting i.n the clash mentioned above, "which was just coincidental," stated thi:~ military news source to SIAM MAI. The leader of this Shan State force is an important person named Chang Si Fu, or Khun Sa. He also has a Thai name, which is Chan Chang Trakun. He is a Ho Chinese. As for the name Khun Sa, Burma namPd him this during the period when he served as the leader ~ of Burmese governmenrt volunteers, whose aim was to suppress the Shai~s. He was also once a soldier in a KMT unit. Later on, 15 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500030007-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R400540030007-6 ~ whc~n :some e 1 emenl s of these f orces in Burma returned to Taiwa:?, Khun Sa joined General Li's KMT forces, which ~ e knowr_ as the 3rd Army. In the periond 1962-1969, Burma trained Khun Sa and made him the leader of the volunteers for the suppression of Shan rebals. ~ But Khun Sa used this position for his own personal gain by engaging in opium trafficking and he gained great influence. fie gathered together his followers and established a force to transport opium and produce heroin. He set up checkpoints ~ to collect taxes illegally and he formed his own personal army, which is called the Shan United Army, or SUA. Its stated goal - is to win independence for the Shan State. The Burmese government looked for a way to stop this. Khun Sa was arrested in 1969 - and the volunteers were disbanded. But Khun Sa's forces were unwilling to give up their weapons and so they turned against the Burmese government. _ Then in 1973, these forces kidnapped Russian doctors, who were serving as advisors to Burma in accord with the Medical Cooperation Program, in order to bargain with the Burmese government for the reelease of Khun Sa. Burma sent out even larger suppression forces and ttiis scattered Khun Sa's forces and ~ent them retreating into Thailand. Burma asked Thai officials to help find a way to negotiate with Khun Sa's group for the release of the two Russian doctors. Air Chief Marshal Tawi Chunlasap concluded negotiations at the end of the year. As for Khun Sa's forces, they have grown from a small force of approximately 800 men to a force of about 3,000 today. Khun - Sa has fled the suppression a~tivities of the Burmese government and established his headquarters at Ban Hin Taek in Mae Chan Uistqrict, Chiang Rai Province, which is near the Thai-Burmese borc~er. Some of his forces act like civilians but tr;ey have , hid~en their weapons iri places where they are readily available �or use. Some oF his men have posed as Chinese KMT soldiers uf Tuan and General Li and had identification cards made in