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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020046-4 - FOR OFF1C'IAL USE ONLY JPRS L/10277 ~ 25 January 1982 - USSR R~e ort p = MILITARY AFFAIRS cFOUO 1 ~82~ _ . FBIS FOREIGN BROADCAST INFORMATION SERVICE FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020046-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020046-4 . NOTE JPRS publications contain information primarily from foreign necaspapers, periodicals and books, but also from news agency transmissions and broadcasts. Materials from fo~eign-language sou~ces are translated; those from English-language sources are transcribed or repririted, with the original phrasing and other characteristics retained. Headlines, editorial reports, and material enclosed in brackets are supplied by JPRS. Processing indicators such as [Text] or [ExcerptJ in the first line of each item, or following the last line of a brief, indicate how the original informa.tion was processed. Where no processing indicator is given, the infor- mation was summarizea or extracted. Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or transliterated are enclosed in parentheses. Words or names prec~ded by a ques- tion mark and enclosed in parentheses were not clear in the original but have been supplied as appropriate in context. Other unattributed parenthetical notes within the body of an item originate with the source. Times within i.tems are as given by source. The contents of this publication in no way represent the noli- cies, views or attitudes of the U.S. Government. , COPYRIGHT LAWS AND REGUI,A.TIONS GOVERNING OWNERSHIP OF MATERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE THAT DISSEMINATION OF THIS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAL USE Oi~1LY. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020046-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500024046-4 _ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY JPRS L/10277 25 January 1982 USSR REPORT MILITARY AFFAIRS c~ouo i/s2~ ~ CONTENTS ~ AF~fEL FORCES Book Excerpts: The Kiev Military I7istrict (KRASNOZNAMEI~INYY KIYEVSKIY, 1974) 1 i Book Excerpts: Military Topoer.aph~ handbook (SPR.AVOCHNIK PO VOXENTdUY TOP~JGRAFII, 1980) 16 GROUND FORCES . French Source on Soviet ArmcrP3 Of~ensive Tactics (Jacques Friedberg; ARMEES D'AUJOURP,'HUI, Nov 81) 20 = STRATEGIC ROCKET FORCES Book Excerpt~ss Biography of Marshal Nedelin ~ (NEDELIN, 1979) 27 DOSAAF AND MILITARY CC~II3SARIATS Book Excerptss Militaxy Topography Training Manual (S KARTOY I K(~NIPASCJM, 1981) 32 MILITARY SCHOOLS AND ACADII~IIES ' Book Excerptss The Suvorov Military School (SWOROVSKOYE VOYENNOYE, 198~-) 36 - - a - [ III - USSR - 4 FOUO] APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020046-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/42/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020046-4 FOR OFFI( . - ARMED FORCES , BOOR EXCERPTS: THE KIEV MILITARY DISTRICT Kiev KRASNOZNAME[JNYY KIYEVSKIY in Ruseian 1979 (signed to press 15 Dec 78) pp 1-2, 5-8, 386, 401-415 [Annotation, table of contents, introducti.on and ctiapter excerp� from book "Red Banner Kiev: Essays on the History of the Red Banner Kiev Mi,'_itary District (1919-1979)", by group of auth~rs,�2d editiou, revised and supplemented, IPdatel'- stvo politicheskoy literatury Ukrainy, 75,OQ0 copies, 416 pages] [Excerpts] Editors: I. A. Gerasimov~ V. V. Shcherbttskiy, V. T. Dement'yev, Yu. P. Terent'yev, S. I. Postnikov, A. P. Andreyev and L. M. Goncharov Authors: G. I. Serebryakov, Candidate of Historical Sciences (director); B. N. Buyskikh (deputy director); A. A. Vovk, Candidate of Historical Sciences; I. ~l. Volkov; G. I. Degtyarev; Ye. K. Lauronin; K. V. Makovey, Candidate of Military Sciences; 0. V. Moiseyev, Doctor of Historical Sciences; D. D. Pikha, Candidate of Historical Sciences; A. F. Pluzhnikov; B. I. Svyatishenko; N. A. Soloveykin; G. T. Fedorov, Ca:ididate of Historical Sciences; P. P. Tsvirkun, Candidate of Historical Sciences; A. D. Shenin, Candidate of Historical Sciences; and I. A. Shishkov. Annotation: The authors present the history of the KVO [Kiev Military District], which this year celebrates its 60th anniversary, in a popular scientific form. They cite' vivid examples of valor, courage and heroiam of d'.3trict personnel displayed in Eighting against enemies of our Motherland during the Civil and Great Patriotic wars. The book's pages cover the training and life of personnel in postwar times and ehow how they preserve and augment the grand military traditions. Table of Contents: I~or the P~wer of tite Soviets (1917-1920) - Chapter One. October in the Ukraine 11 - The Red Guard and Chervonnoye Cossacks 11 Fraternal Help 15 Chapter Two. Birth of the District 21 _ From Insurrection to a Regular Army 21 The Staff Begins Work 24 - 1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020046-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020046-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Political Conditioning of Fighting Men 29 On ~ao Fronts 31 Chapter Three. In the Flame of Battle 37 - Against Uenikin and the Petlyura Personnel 37 Again in ~Ciev 42 In the Concluding Phase 47 9 Build-Up in Combat Might (1921-1941) ~ Chapter Four. In the First Po~twar Years 51 'I'he Army Cuts Ba~k 51 Elimination of Gangsterism.........~ 54 Training Began 56 Soldiers Write to I1'ich b0 _ Chapter Five. Military Reform 64 _ Organizational Changes 64 Conversion to a Territorial S~stem 69 - Preparation of. Command Cadres 72 Strengthening Party Inf luence 73 Patron Ties 76 _ Chapter Six. On a New Basis 81 . Re-Equipping the Troops 81 Mastering the Equipment 86 Exerciaea and M~neuvera....~ 91 Within School Walls 98 Ideological Persuasion 101 Chapter Seven. Facing Stern Teate 112 The District Becomes a Special Diatrict 112 Iti Cumpaigns of Liberation 118 ~ Un the Fiery Line 125 New Directions in Combat Training 127 On the Eve of War 135 A People~s War is Under Way (1941-1945) Chapter Eight. E~t a Diff icult Time 143 2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020046-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500024446-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY . 1'roops of Southwest Front Enter Battle 143 Tank Battle 160 On the Line o� For*_ified Areas 168 The District Mobilizes Forces 171 Chapte.r Nine. Heroic Defense of Kie~ 178 - The Enemy Tears Toward the City 178 Un the Tactical Approaches 182 A Heroic Outpost 19U Chapter Ten. Obeyin~ the Soldier's Duty 199 On the Dtiepr Li~ie 199 Fighting on ~he Flanks 206 The Situation Gro;as Acute 214 Hatred for the Enemy Grows 219 Iron Steadfastness 2'L1 Chapter Eleven. The Ukraine Calls 224 Forward, to the West! 224 Five Fronts Attack 232 Hello, Dnepr-Slavutich! 238 ~ Partisan Attacks 243 The Li~eration of Kiev 249 Chapter The Diatrict is Restored.... 254 Mission of ths Day 254 Everything for the Front 258 The Trust was Justified 266 Pride in the (;reat Victory 269 - Guarding the dchievements of Socialism (1945-1979) Chapter Thirteen. From War to Peace 277 Frontlinesmen Return Home 277 On the Experience of the Great Patriotic War 285 Realignment of Party-Political Work 291 ~ Chapter Fourteen, The Revolution in Military Affairs 29:. Demand of the Times 298 Mastering New Weapona 300 ~ - 3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020046-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R400504020046-4 - FOR OFFICiAL USl= ONLY - To the Hearts and Minds of Soldiers 306 Traditions Live 313 ~ Pages of Athletic Glory 325 Chapter Fifteen. Together with the People 330 At the Native Party's Call 330 Merited Honor 337 The District's SOth Anniversary 352 Constellation of Heroes 356 Courage and Nobility 359 Chapter Sixteen. True to Lenin's Behests 364 A Source of Inspiration 364 Lieutenants Join Formation 371 The Deed Follows the Word 375 In a Single Family 380 Chapter Seventeen. Always in Combat Readiness 386 Emulation ~f an Exploit 386 To New Successes 391 Report to the Great October 396 - Indissoluble Ties ........................................................o... 401 The Chronicle Continues 405 (IntroducCion:] '1'he ~ncient .Lands of the Ukraine. ecorched by fierce wara, lie on both sides of the Dnepr-Slavutich in the southweatern part of the Soviet Union. Sona of the Ukraine steadfaetly defended their land for many centuriea against forays by foreign invaders. The Ukrainian people's atruggle against oppressora and for national independence became more decisive and succeasful following their reunificat:.on with _ the Great Rusaian people. The 325th anniversary of this historic event is being celebrated thia year. The union of fraternal peoples was fil.led with new content and became one of the decisive factors in the atruggle for reorganizing society on a socialist basis with the victory of the Great October Socialist Revolution, when the workers overthrew the exploiting classes and took power into their own hands. Led by the Party of Lenin, the fraternal peoples acted as a single front against the interventionists an3 internal counterrevolution, which raised their hands to - the historic achievements of the working class and peasantry. From October 1917 through March 1919 fierce class battlea took place in the Ukraine against the bourgeois-nutionn.list Central Rada. German occupiers, the hetmanate and the Pet- lyura Directory. At that time there wae a process of development and consolidation of Soviet puwer in the Ukraine, and a rsgular Red Army was fort.^.ed. ~4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020046-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020046-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The Kiev Mil3tary Diskrict wae organized in March 1919 in the central part of the Ukraine on the baeis of local entitiea of military control. This was one of the important activities of the Communist Party, which under Vladimir I1'ich Lenin's leadership was conducting an organizational development of the armed forces of the young proletarian state. Prominent party, state and military figures took an active part in the struggle for the power of the soviets, in the creation and strengthening of armed forces in the - Ukraine, in formation of the Kiev Military District and in troop management. Prominent mi]_itary leaders worked in the district in different years: I. Kh. Bagra- niyan, V. K. Blyukher, N. F. Vatutin, A. A. Grechko, A. I. Yegorov, G. K. Zhukov, M. P. Kirponos, P. K. Koshevoy, V. G. Kulikov, K. S. Moskalenko, K. K. Rokossovskiy, S. K. Timoshenko, I. F. Fed'ko, V. I. Chuykov, I. E. Yakir and I. I. Yakubovskiy. The district was a border district for a long while, and this placed an imprint on the troops' life and combat training. Commanders, fighting men, Folitical entities and staffs struggled persistently to increase combat readiness and master new models of combat equipment. Many test exercises with the partic~pation of large masses of troops were conducted in the district in pr~war years. The combat train- ing, which took place in a situation approximating actual conditions of combat actions to the maximum, was A good school f or development and maturity of fighting men, commanders and political workera. - The district off icer corps demonstrated boundleae devotion to their people, the Communist Party and the Soviet government, and mature m3litary proficiency in the - ste:n tests of the Civil and Great Patriotic war~s. Rank-and-file soldiers and the - NCO's fought the hated enemies courageously. The names of many true sans of the ~ multinational Soviet people who performed exploits on the soil ~f the Ukraine, now ~ a quadruple-order Soviet Socialist Republic famed for its industrial might, well developed agriculture and outstanding successes in science and technology, have - become legendary. Labor victories of Ukrainian workers became possible thanks to the wise Leninist policy of nationalitiea, which united the peoples into a single _ powerful Soviet Union. "The unity of the multinational Soviet people," said CPSU CC General Secretary, Chairman of the Presidium of the USSR Supreme Soviet L. I. Brezhnev, "ia as at~rong as diamonde. And as the diamond hasan iridescent facet, so the unity of our people aparkles w~'th the diveraity of ita component nations, each of which lives a rich, full-fledged, free and happy life.t1 'The grateful memory of the lik~ainian peoi~.le sacredly preaerves the names and heroic deeds of ttie defendera of the socialist homeland. Cities and villages of the Ukraine have set up more than 2,000 museums where exhibits and documents have been . c.ollected abuut the exploits of Soviet aoldiers. Memorials have been erected and monuments aiid obeliska set uu in honor of their utter dedication to the Motherland And their cuurage. A Leature of the district is the fact that over 20 military educational institu- t.ions of varying profiies are located here. Military schools, other schools and courses have prepared tens of thousands of officers f or the Soviet Army who arp spe- cialists in their work, capable indoctrinators and strong-willed commanders. Among 1. L. T.. Brezhnev, "Leninskim kursom. Rechi i stat'i" [With a Leninist Course; Speeches and Articles], Vol. 2, Moacow, Politizdat, 1973, p 95. 5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020046-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02109: CIA-RDP82-00854R000500020046-4 N'Ul{ Ui''N', u~~ UNLY ~ those who began their combat career here were army generals N. F. Vatutin and I. D. Chernyakhovskiy, marahals artillery Yu. P. Bazhanov and G. F. Odintsov, generals A. Ye. Borovykh, A. G. Kravchenko, V. D. Kryuchenkin, V. D. Lavrinenkov, I. V. Pan- - filov, P. G. Shafranov and many others. Bistrict tro~ps and military educational institutions and the collectives of mili- tary enterprises and establishments, which are an organic component of the USSR Armed Forces, take an active part in all ma~or events involving the strengthening of national defensive might. The pr~vates, NCO's, officers and generals of all generations, brought up by the Communist Party, serve their people and the great cause of communism selflessly. In the postwar years as before, the Kiev Military District was the initiator of many famous patriotic undertakings which contributed to a comprehensive strengthen- ing of the Armed Forces' might and the defensive capability of the Soviet state. Its troops participated in ma~or exercises and maneuvers. The more advanced models of combat equipment and w2apons were tested here and new theoretical propositions of tactics and operational art were checked in practice. All this served for the further development of military aff airs. The Soviet Motherland appraiaed the military efforts of personnel highly. The Kiev District~ many of ita combined units and units, and military educational institu- tions were awarded orders, memorial banners, and ~ubilee Lenin honor scrolls. Grand revolutionary and combat traditions of heroes of the Great October Find of the Civil and Great Patriotic wars live and multiply among the troops. Histrric resolutions of the 25t~ CPSU Congress, adoption of the new USSR Constitu- tion and celebrations in connection with the 60th anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution and our valorous Armed Forces generated a ne~ surge of energy in district personnel. The Motherland's defenders are steadfastly mastering combat proficiency, they are strengthening military discipline and effi.ciency daily, and they are sacredly implementing Lenin's behests and the Communist Party's demands for a further comprehensive increase in the defensive capability of the land of developed socialism, and an increase in combat readiness of units and combined units. Rallied closely about the Leninist Central Committee of the CPSU and the Soviet government, diatrict personnel are ready to perform their patriotic and interna- tional duty with honor at any minute. This book tells about the establishment. devel~pment and activities of the Red Ba~tner Kiev Military District. It wae written by a group of authors on the basis of archivc~ materiale, official documents of the USSR Minietry of Defense and of party entities, military-ecientific literature and memoirs. The editoiial board and group of authora were given great assiatance in working on the book by the Agitprop Directorate of the Main Political Directorate of the Soviet Army and Navy, the Military Science Directorate of the USSR Armed Forces General Staff, the Military Science Department of the Main Staff of the Ground Forcea, Main Personnel Directorate of the USSR Ministry of Defense, the Institute of Military History, the Central State Archives of the Soviet Army, the Institute of Party History of the CC CP of the Ukrain~, the Institute of History of the Ukrainian SSR Academy of Sciences, of�icers of the district staff and directorates, and the Military Science Society of the Kiev District Officers' Club of the Soviet Army . 6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020046-4 APPROVED F~R RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020046-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Dia~racn maps of the Great Patriotic War period were drawn up from the originals developed by G. I. Degtyarev on the basis of documentary materials of the USSR Ministry of Defense Archives. Chapter Seventeen: Always i:l Combat Readiness Indissoluble Ties The past decade in the district's history is characterized by a further consolida- tion of ties between the people and the Army. Military personnel take part in congresses of the CP of the Ukraine and the Komsomol and in the work of party, Komsomol and soviet entities. They are elected to the CC CP of the Ukraine, to the Republic Supreme Soviet, and to local soviets of people's deputies. The Communist Party and government of the Ukraine devote constant attention to the development of buainesslike~ creative ties between the workers and ~�ilitary units. - They delve into the life and combat training of the personneJ and give necessary assi::tance in increasing combat readineas, improving material and living conditions and o~ganizing political indoctrination work. In early May 1977 leaders of the - Ukrainian Communiat Party and government comrades V. V. Shcherbitskiy, N. M. Borisenko, A. P. Botvin, A. F. Vatchenko, G. I. Vashchenko, A. P. Lyashko, I. Z. Sokolov, V. A. Sologub, V. V. Fedorchuk, V. Ye. Malanchuk, Ya. P. Pogrebnyak and others visited Unit "X." They were accompanied by Col Gen I. A. Gerasimov, commander of the Red Banner Kiev Military District, and Lt Gen V. T. Dement'yev, member of the military council and chief of political directorate. Residents of the military post greeted the dear guesta cordially. The unit commander reported the status of combat readiness. He said that the guardsmen were confidently ful- filling socialist pledges in competition for a worthy celebration of the 60th anni- versarv of the Great October. Party and government leaders attended a tactical exercise and familiarized them- selves with the life and living arrangements of the personnel. They gave high praise to the guardsmen's combat schooling. V. V. Shcherbitskiy chatted with commandere, political workers and the party and Komsomal activists. He told about the international situat3.on and successes of the Soviet people and toilers of the Ukraine in fulfilling resolutions of the 25th CPSU - Congress, and dwelled on matters of the need for improving military proficiency and a further increase in combat readiness. Shcherbitskiy passed on a warm greeting to the personnel from the CPSU CC General Secretary, Chairman of the Presidium of the i1SSR 5upreme Soviet Comrade I~. I. Brezhnev and from USSR Minister of Defense Mar SU D. F. Uetinov. He conRratulated the soldiera on Victory Day and wished them new - Rll(.C('_Hy in 4CCE?RKI:IIEIl~i1~ iIIIC~URFiL Jefenses. 'L'tie mee~inge between leaders of the party and goveYnment of the Soviet Ukraine and tlie solcliers are vivid proof of the indeatructible unity of the party, people and Army. They help the fighting men and cammanders prepare even better for armed defense of the socialist homeland. A traditional friendship has formed between cadets of the Donetsk Higher Military- Political School of Engineer Troops and Signal Troops and the production collective of the Donetsk Machine Building Plant imeni Leninist Komsomol of the Ukraine, the - Mine imeni Gor'kiy, the Kirovskaya Mine and the Trudovskaya Mine. There are firm 7 F~1R (1FFTf'T~T TiCF f1NT.V APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020046-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020046-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY sponsorship ties between personnel of the Kiev Garrison and collectives of the Arsenal imeni V. I. Lenin, the Leninskaya Kuznitsa Plant ~d others. Kolkhozes and sovkhozes sponsor mi?itary subunits. There are no units in the district which do not have their sponsors. The soldiers' relations are developing with creative organizations and figures of science and the arts. Some 20,000 activities have b~~en conducted in the district in the year of the 60th anniversary of the Great October through the efforts of scientists� ~nd wcrkers of culture. Science and Technology Days have turned into a unique military-techr.ical lectur~~ bureau. 9cademicians, leading scientists of scientific research institutes of the Ukrainian SSR AN [Academy of Sciences], and leaders of industry and agriculture tell the sol3iers vividly and figuratively of the achievements of Soviet science and technology and offer advice on improving equipment operation and on increasing the effectiveness and culture of military ' labor. Questiona of maes deieilse work hold a epecial place in sponsorship ties, They are conetantly the focus of attention of rApublic, oblaet, city and ray~n party, soviet and Komsomol organizations. The ~oint conduct of courses, seminars and activists' meetings on preparing the youth for serv~ce in the Armed Forces has become a good tradition. A noteworthy ritual of sending off drafteES for active military service has originated. This becomes a mass popular holiday with good, thoughtfu~ preparation. _ It has become the tradition in the settlement of Rakitnoye, Kiyevskaya Ob~ast, to send off future soldiers at the memorial erected in honor af the soldier-victors. Fierce fighting went on here during the war. Each itime the young boys go off to serve in the Soviet Army they go to the lines where their fathers and grandfathers - fought the hated enemy to the death. Rallies are held here. At one of them Hero SU Cal (Res) V. I. Kozlovskiy and Hero of Socialist Labor P. P. Sukhetskiy, delegate to the 25th CPSU Congress, spoke to the future privates. Domna Ivanovna Shevchenko, the mother of Hero SU Aleksandr Shevchenico, who repeated the exploit of Gds Pvt A. Matrosov, also spoke waztn, emotional ~aords. Such send-offs are arranged in a ma~ority of the cities an3 villages of the Ukraine. Vivid arid memorable, they generate deeply patriotic feelings in the young boys' awareness ~nd a desire to become steadfaet, courageous, ideologically conditioned defender~ of the Motherland. The mil.itary unite' tiee are growing etronger with echoole of cities and villages. Servicemen sponsor tektinikums, vocational-technical schoole and boarding echools. Detachments of young friende of the Soviet Army and military-technical circles have been set up with the active asaistance of military personnel. Many Komsomo~ mem- bers work in schools se Young Pioneer leaders. The Zarnitsa and Otlenok military sports games are conducted with their help. "Lessons of Courage?" topical evening and morning gatherings, and mass tours of the youth to places of revolutionary, combat and labor glory in which servicemen, officers and generals in the reserve and retired take an active part~ have become widespread. Councils of veterans- countrymen make a great contribution to the noble cause. Many interesting activ- itiea have been conducted by collectives headed by reserve officers i. T. Kopylov, S. G. Kshenyakin, A. M. Lerman, Ye. A. Pakratov and G. L. Chumacher.ko. 8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020046-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R400504020046-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - 'I'f~e dl~trict hae established close contact with republic and oblast radio and tele.- visiuii ~urnmltteea and press entities. Broadcaste and publications on matters of military-patriotic indoctrination are carried out under plans drawn up with th2 participation of commanders, political officers, military commissariat workers and military journalists. ~n Sundays television broadcasts "The Soldier's Glory." It lasts an t-.our. One hears the words of heroes of the Soviet Union, veterans of the Soviet Armed Forces, officers and generals, and draft-age and predraf t-age youth. Once a montt~ the broadcast "Soldier's Valor" is heard on the program of the radio "Young Guard." The radia journal "Senior Classman" and the grogram "Star is Our - Password" also enjoy popularity among the youth. Military commissariats perform productive work. Relying on the he:1p of party, soviet and trade union entities, they arrange meetings of persons outstanding in combat and political training with draftees, contests in applied military sports, and they carry on correspondence with units where youths they have called up are serving. DOSAAF organizations are com~at assiatants of the military commissariats. Motor transport personnel, parachutiats, radio operators and so on are prepared in their training centers. Every third draftee sent into the Armed Forces from the Ukraine has a military-technical specialty. DOSAAF organizations of Voroshilcv- gradskaya, Dnepropetrovskaya, Donetskaya, Kiyevskaya and Cliernigovskaya oblasts showed their best side in this wark. liased on results of competition, the district's mi~itary commissariats have held leading places ici the Armed Forces for a number of years. The Donetskaya Oblast Military Commissariat won first place twice, second place twice and third place once; Dnepropetrovskaya Oblast Military Commissariat won first place twice, ~nd second and third place once each; and Chernigovskaya Oblast Military Commissariat won a second place and won third piace twice. They were presented with Challenge Red Banners and a challenge prize of the USSR Ministry of Aefense. For taking a - prize place three years in a row, the Chernigovskaya Oblast Military Commissariat = received tt~e Ministry of Defense Challenge Prize for permanent retention. Assistance to the local populace is an age-old tradition of the district which arose back at the dawn of its birth and which was strengthened in subsequent years. ~ This nuble quality shone with new facets in the 1977 harvest. That year the Ukraiiiian agricultural toilers grew a ma~or harvest of grain, sugarbeets, potatoes and other crops. Ttie state was sold 1.127 billion poods of grain and over 50 million tons of sugarbeets. I)15trict mutor transport ~~ersonnel also made their contribution to the labor vic- _ tc~ry ~~C tlie Ukrainian people. Best rebulta in transporting the harvest werc~ ac:}~ic~vc~c1. ln vuriuu5 yc~nrs, by Lh~~ subunite headed by officers A. P. Borzenkov, P. I,. Gu~tyrit.ul 1(n, V. M. Kov'y~ir. ~ Yc. V. M~ger, L. S. Motovitakiy, A. Ya. Rodionov and V. 1. S~~rctienko. Ttie l.eaders were commended by the Presi.dium of the Ukrainian ~ SSR Suprenie S~viet, the KomGomol CC and the Ukrainian Komsomol CC. Combat engineers eti~joy great respect among the pogulace. Their help is extremely iiecessary to this day. The rusty h~ritage of the war is discovered here and there. tn just the last five years combat engineers have visited 17,000 points. They have neutra7.ized hundreds of thousands of dangerous explosive ob~ects. Among people of this courageous profession are officers V. A. Mironov and N. S. Romanov, who have - ~een awarded the Order of Red Star. 9 FOK OFF IC IAI. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020046-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R400504020046-4 r ox o~Ficu~i, USE UNLY Celebrations dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Soviet Ukraine left a deep trace in the awareness ot district personnel. Meetings, evening and morning gatherings, lectures, briefings and talks about successes of the Soviet people in building communism and about the magnif icent victories of the party in implementing - the L~ninist policy of ndtionalities took place in combined units, units and mili- tary educational institutions. District personnel are proud of the fact that the Ukraine--an equal among equal Soviet republics--is making a worthy contribution to strengthening the economic and defense might of our Motherland, the Union of Soviet Social ist Republics. A parade of Kiev Garrison troops took place on 24 December 1977. Passing along the Kreshchatik in parade formation, the best representatives of the distri.ct demon- strated fraternal feelings toward the Ukrainian people, who are heading constantly and con�idently toward co~nunism along with all peoples of the multinational social- ist state. Their labor is under the reliable protection af valorous Soviet mili- tary personnel. - The Chronicle Continues The jubilee year of 1977 went down in history as a vivid, unforgettable page. It - gladdened everyone with remarkable successes in military labor and in the life and work of subunits, unita and military educational institutions. Such is the custom that a good predecessor must~have a worthy successor. Personnel of units which were initiators and leaders in co~npetition in honor of the 60th anniversary of the Great October again turned to all personnel of the USSR - Armed Forces with an appeal to continue the ~ubilee compet~ition in 1978. The motto of the struggle is inspiring: "Reliably defend the socialist homeland, be in con- stant combat readiness, persistently master weapons and equipment, improve your combat prof iciency and make the year of the 60th anniversary of the USSR Armed Forces a year of vital military labor." And peraonnel of the Taman' Red Banner Order of Suvorov Guards Motorized Rifle Division imeni M. I. Kalinin suggested stepping up the intenaity of competition for foremost combined unit. Guardsmen of the order-bearing combined unit where Lt Col M. I. Rudachenko is chief of the political department and which was famed in the war years were first in the district to support the patriotic initiative. Through the district newspaper they ~ called on their contemporaries to improve military and political knowledge stead- ' fastly, to develop ~ersistently one's communist convictions and high maral- political and combat qualities, and Co maintain at a high level the readiness to def end the achievements of socialism.l The guardsmen set forth concretely their program of action. The baeis of their plan was Lenin's direction not to dwell on - what had been achieved but to go forward and achieve more. - The military council and pol itic~l directorate supported the guardsmen's initiative - and expreased firm conviction that diatrict personnel would unfold the struggle to implement resolutions of the 25th CPSU Congreas even more vigorously and'would mark the new training year--the year of the 60th anniversary of the USSR Armed Forces-- with ehock military labor and a further increase in combat readinese of units and combined units. l. See LENINSKOYE ZNAMYA, 23 November 1977. - 10 - . , APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020046-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000504020046-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY A wave of competition spread in a broad stream in troop units, military educational institutions and at construction sites. Displaying high patriotic sentiments, the personnel made heightened soci.alist pledges. Commanders, political entities, staffs, and party and Komsomol organizations took advantage of the abundant experi- ence of the jubilee year to do everything to ensure that the enthusiasm generated by resolutions of the 25th CPSU Congress, adoption of the new USSR Constitution and celebration of the 60th anniversary of the Great October was reinforced and that the responsible tasks set for the Armed Forces by the party and government were successfully fulfilled. The Letter of the CPSU CC, USSR Council of Ministers, AUCCTU and Komsomol CC to party, soviet, economic, trade union and Komsomol organ izations and workers of the Soviet Union entitled "On Developing Socialist Competition for Fulfillment and Overfulfillment of the 1978 Plan and Intensification of the Struggle for Increasing Effecti.veness and Quality of Work" had a beneficial effect on organizational and - ideological work in those days. It was discussed at managemen t conf erences, in political entities of combined units, units and military educational institutions, and in party, Komsomol and trade union organizations. The party's call to work even better found a fervent response in the hearts of soldiers, workers and employees and multiplied their energy in the struggle to achieve higher results in military .labor and in fulfillment of production plans. The 19th district Komsomol conference held on 9 February 1978 was a noteworthy event in the life of the youth. It examined the queation "On progress in fulfill- ing resolutions of the 25th CPSU Congresa and the 17th Komsomol Congress on communist indoctrination of the Army youth and ways of further increasing the _ activeness of Komsomol organizations in high-quality accomplishment of tasks assigned by the USSR Minister of Defense for 1978, and on a worthy greeting to the 60th anniversary of the Soviet Armed Forces and the All-Union Leninist Communist Youth League." Capt V. G. Dobrovol'skiy, assistant chief of the district political directorate for Komsomol work, gave a briefing. The agenda of the day was dis- cussed in an atmosphere of efficiency, fundamental criticism and self-criticism. Delegates demonstrated the fervent desire of Komsomol members und young soldiers to znark the year of the 60th anniversary of the Armed Forces and Leninist Komsomol - with a further increase in combat readiness, an improvement in the quality of com- bat schooling and comprehensive mastery of new equipment and weapons. - District commander Arm Gen I. A. Gerasimov; Lt Gen V. T. Dement'yev, member of the mi.titary council and chief of the district political directorate; district chief oC staif Lt Gen S. I. Postnikov; A. S. Chumak, chief of the administrative organs - department of t~te CC CP of the Ukra ine; Ma~j Gen Avn V. I. Korolenko, deputy chief c~f th~ personnel ciirectorate of the Main Political Directorate of the Soviet Army ,