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APPROVED F~R RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500020027-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY JPRS L/10258 15 January 1982 US~SR Re ort _ p ECONOMIC AFFAIRS - ~FOUO 1 /82) FBIS FOREIGN BROADCAST INFORMATION SERVICE - FOR OFFII:IAL U;iE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020027-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500020027-5 NOTE JFRS publications contain information primarily from foreign newspapers, periodicals and books, but also from news agency transmissions and broadcasts. Materials from foreign-language sources are translated; those from Engl~sh-languag~e sources - are transcribed or reprinted, with the original phrasing and other characCeristics retained. - Headlines, editorial reports, and material enclosed in brackets are supplied by JPRS. Processing indicators such as [Text] or [Excerpt] in the first line of each item, or following the last line of a brie�, indicate how the original information was processed. G,:zere no processing indicator is given, the infox- mation was summarized or extract~d. _ Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or transliterated are enclosed in parentheses. Words or names preceded by a ques- tion mark and enclosed in parentheses were not cleaz in the original but have been supplied as appropriate in context. Other unattributed parenthetical notes within the body o~ an item originate with the source. Times within ~tems are as _ given by source. = The contents of this publication in no way represent the poli- cies, views or at.titudes of the U.S. Government. . GOPYRIGHT LAWS AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING OWNERSHIP OF MATERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE THAT DISSEMINATION OF THIS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020027-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-04850R000500020027-5 _ JPRS L/10258 ~ 15 January 1982 USSR REPORT ECONOMIC ArFAIRS ~ (FOUO 1/82) _ CONTENTS ECONOMIC POLICY, ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT Deve~opment of Economics in Light of "l6th CPSU Congress (N. P. Fedorenko; VESTNIK .~KADEMII NAUK SSSR, ivo 9, 1981)... 1 Def.inition of National Economic Yot~ntiaZ Proposed (E. C~rbunov; VOPROSY EKONOMIKIr Sep 81).. 11 Th~ory's Tasks in Advanced Socia~.ism Out~ined (V. Medvedev; VOPROSY EKONOMIKI, Nov 81) 23 Aganbegyan Book on Management Reviewed (G. Popov, Ye. Kocherin; VOPROGY EKONOMIKI, Sep 8i)......... 36 REGIONAL D~VELOPM~;NT - Success, Problems in Introducing New System (N. Santeladze; VOPRO:,1 EKONOMIKI, Sep ~l) 41 Managen,ent of Large Production-Economic Complexes (A. Kochetkov, et al.; VOPRUSY FKONOMIKI, Oct 81)........... 53 - a - [III - USSR - 3 FOUO] ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020027-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007142/09: CIA-RDP82-40854R040500020027-5 ,j ECONOMIC POLICY, ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT D~VELOPMENT OF ECONOMICS IN LIGHT OF 26TH CPSU CONGRESS Koscow VESTNIK AKADEMII NAUK SSSR in Russian No 9, 1981 pp 29-37 /ArLtc� l~ by Ac.idemic.i~ln N. 1', l~edorenko: "The 26th CPSU Congress and the Tasks of Lconomic Science"/ /Te.xt/ In March at the general meeting of the Economics Department the Main Direc- tions of the Wory, of the Department on the Development of Economic SciPnce iii Light of the Decisiors of the 26th CPSU Congress were approved. This document, it seems to us, provides the institutions of the department with reliable guidelines in their activity, si.nce it is directly connected with the final program materials of the congress and with the main principles and instruction,s, which are contained in the Accountability Report of the CPSU Central Committee, which was heard at the = congress. "The tasks which life advances," Comrade L. I. Brezhnev emphasized in � ~ this report, "require the development of theory, economic science, its approxima- tion of the needs of economic practice. The mobilization of the creative potential - of our entire society is needed. The understanding of the arising problems should increase and the available means should be identified and used better in th~e center and locally, in all the lint:s, in all the units of the national economy." Important, responsible ~natters await Soviet economics scholars, as well as all the Sovlet people. Alonfi with all the people they will take part in the fulfillment of the of the llth rive-Year Plan. The party and the government have the right to count on the effective assistance on the part of economic science in the solu- tion of many difficult social and national economic problems. As is known, the congress resolved to begin the preparation of a new edition of the CPSU Pr;gram--an edition in which the most importnat changes in the 1_if.e of SoviPt society and in world social development and the most important tasks oL the building oE communism should receive thorough sci~antific reflection. This circumstance is increasing more and more the imporrance of research on the economics of mature so- cialism, the laws of its development into socialism and especially rhe demands on _ the quality of polit.Lcal economic research. Many problems, which await solution, - have accumulated in rhe political economy of socialism, the question of the social consequances of the scientific and technical revolution requires much attention. Compreiiensive programs of basic research, the implementation of which began during the p~st S-year plan, remain the main form of the organization and coordination of - ~f~e w~rk along the entire fror~t of economic science. In all there are six of them. [ wiil mention how ti~ese programs are formulated and who is directing the work on rl~eir Eulfillment. 1 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020027-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-04850R000500020027-5 - FOR OFFICIAI. USE ONLY "'I'I~~~ I:c�un~~in[c� Pr~~bl~~ms ol' Mciture SocLalism ~ii~cl the Laws of Its Development Into Com- muni5m"--C~rrespondin~ Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences Ye. I. Kapustin, di- rector. "The Elaboration of the Theory and Methods of the Planning and Management of the Sociaiist Economy"--Academician N. P. Fedorenko, director. "The Program of Research on Problems of Demography"--Corresponding Member of the USSR. Academy of 5ciences T. V. Ryabushkin, director. "Regional Economics and the Distribution of ~ tlie Productive Forces of the USSR"--Academician N. N. Nekrasovy director. "The Laws of the Uevelopn?ent of the :dorld Socialist Economy, the Problems of So::ialist Ec:onom- ic Integration and tt~e Development of Long-Term Economic Relations of the USSR With the Socialist Countries"--Corresponding Member of ~he USSR Academy of Sciences 0. T. _ Bogomolov, director. "The Law~ a~~.i Trends oi the Development of the Economic Sys- ~ tem of the Capitalist and Developing Countries and the World Capitalist Economy; Problems oE rhe Foreign Economic Relations of the Soviet Union With These Coun- tries"--A~~ademician N. N. Inozemtsev, director. In light oi the decisions of the 26th CPSU Congress it is planned to organize the ela~oration of the new program . "Theoretical. Problems of the ~fficiency and Intensi{ication of P~oduction." As was indicated, p~litical economic research, the inerease of its scientific level and the extension oF th~ analysis of tlle real processe~ of socioeconomic development ucliecl upoii in tlie book (Ciiapter 19) , but only in the verification of t.l~~~ uxecu~iun oC clecisious. However, reducing the role of control merely to the ve r i I- i ca~ i_o?1 o E execution is l~ardly correct, since bo th the composition of a l an L1L1CI ~lie preparation oF a decision, in a word, the entire management process i5 also in need of control. 'L'tie iiiclusion ot the question of the role of the garty organizations of associations and enterprises in the chapter on the participation by workers in production man- 38 - FOR OF'FICI,s?L USE ONI,Y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020027-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020027-5 60R OFFIC:IAL USE ONI_Y agement also seems to us to be debatable. Of course, there is an important as- pect in tlle work of the party organization whicli is connected with involving workers in management. But the chief functions of party organizations are control over Clie work of administration, the selection and placement of cadres, educational and ideological work, and tl~e immediate organizational wark connected witl~ solving crucial economic and social problems. The creation of associations has brougYit - much that is new into the work of party organizati.ons. It would liave been useful to have exami.ned ali oL this in a special chapter. 'Che concluding fourth section oI the bool-: (Chapters 17-21) examines cadre policy, tlie organizalion of labor, the making of manaoerial decisions, the analysi.s of the economic activities of enterprises, and ASU /~utomated control. systems%. `Phe be5t cliapter in this section, in our. opinion, is the chapter on ASU. Especially useful. is the description of advanced experie.nce in ttie field or the creati~n of ciutumatecl management sys~ems on the ba~is ot computer.s: in particular, this con- ccrns [L?c "Barnaul" ASU. lt .is known that a amounL of work is now being carri~cl out in the cowitr.y on the clevelopment of ASU. But it is by no means being conducted as effectively as is necessary. 1'he development of an ASU for the Barnaul Kadio Ylant is of especial interest. An inte~ral approach was adopted for the preparation of the information system Eor the "Barnaul" ASU. Here, the central _ part of ttie ASU which is connected with the planning and management of production is a single one and is not broken up into individual subsystems. Tlie experience whicli was gained in tlie creation of the "Barnaul" ASU made it possible ~o move on to the development oF the "Sigma" ASU--tiiis is an ASU of a new generation which is based on computers oE a single series and wliich possesses adaptive properties which make it possible to adapt it easily to diverse praducL-ion and economic con- clitions, above all, to Lhe enterprises oE the machine building branches oE in- dustry. llozens of enterprises in tl~e country have 110W embar.lced upon Lhe introduc- tion of the "Sigma" ASU. The ctiapters on ttie managerial decision, the organization of the labor of the dir- ector, and on the analysis of economic activity ar.e well written. True, the chap- ter on the selection, placement, and education of. cadres is a descrip~ivecharacter. - In gecieral, tliere is a lot of material in tYiis section wllicti would have been just- ilied iE tliis were a traditional textbook oriente