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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 FOR OFFICIA1. USE ONLY JPRS L/ 10257 15 January 1982 Translation INDUSTRIAL ERGONOMICS Ec9. by S.I. Gorshkov ~BIS FOREIGN BRGADCAST INFORMATIOIV SERVICE FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 NOTE JPRS publications contain information primarily from foreign newspapers, periodicals and books, but also from news agency tratismissions and broadcasts. iiaterials from foreign-language sources are translated; those from English-language sources ara transcribed or reprinted, with the original phrasing and other characteristics retaineci. Headlines, editorial reports, and material enclosed in brackets are supplied by JPRS. Processing indicators such as [Text] or [Excerpt] in the first line of each item, or following the last Line of a brief, indicate how the original information was processed. Where no processing indicator is given, the infor- mation was summarized or extracted. Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or transliterated are enclosed in parentheses, Words or names preceded by a ques- = tion mark and enclosed in parentheses were not clear in the original but have been supplied as appropriate in context. Other unattributed parenthetical notes within rhe body of an item originate with trie source. Times within itsms are as given by source. The contents of this publication in no way represent the poli- cies, views or at.titudes of the U.S. Government. COPYRIGE:T LAWS AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING OWNERSHIP OF MATERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE THAT DISSEMINATION : OF THIS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICTED FOR QFFICIriL USE ONLY. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R400504020026-6 Hou oHFtCi.aL usE oN1.Y JPRS L/10257 15 January 1982 INDUSTRIAL ERGONOMICS Nloscow PROIZVODSTVENNAYA ERGONOMIF.A in Russian 1979 (sigried to press - 26 Jun 79) pp 2-209, 298-312 [Annotation, introduction, chapters I-IV, VI and table of contents _ F-rom book "Industrial ErgonomicG" edited by S.T. Gorshkov, USSR Acac'emy oF Mediral Sciences, Izditel'stvo "Meditsina", 6,700 copies, 3)_2 pages] CONTENTS Annotation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Iritroduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 I. Oriuin and Essence of Ergonomics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 II. blethods of Studying an Ergonomic Systein . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 _ tII. Eiygienic Criteria .,f Ergonomics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Tv. Psyciiophysiological Criteria of Ergonomics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 VI. Tne Contribution of Ergonomics to Research on Labor Hygiene, Piiysiology and Psychology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15:: Eiib].i.ocjt-anliy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157 i,onLc:iiCs [or.iginal] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165 - a- [1- - USSR - C FOUO] FOR OFF'[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/42109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ANNOTATION ' � Successful development of ergonomics has been basFd, to a large degree, on its inte- grated approach to the study af the "man-machine-industrial environmen-e'syst:em, an approach calli�..g for analysis of the many factors characterizing this system .in action. The purpose of integrated analysis in industry is to reveal undesirable factors and to brin:a them in line with the re4uirements of ergonomics. The book "Industrial Ergonomics" reflects the fundamental staqes in the development of the mutual relationships between man and technology, the tasks of ergonomics and the methods used in ergonomic studies. The hygienic and psychophysiological criteria that must be accounted f.or when planning industrial equipment and organizing work- _ places are analyzed. As distinct from other monographs concerned with ergonomic solutions to questions of purely operator forms of labor, this book focuses on the eomLatibility of industrial equipment design with human anatomical, physiological and psychological capabilities in different industrial sectors: machine building, tube rolling, textile industry conveyor lines, leather production and haberdashery and organization of the labor of computer operators. This monograph is intended for hygienists, occupational pathologists, physiologists and labor psychologists. The book contains 39 tables, 85 figures and a bibliography of 91 rez"erences, INTRODUCTION Scientific-technical progress, growing automation und mechanization of industrial i,rocesses and introduction of new equipment into enterprises have altared the nature of labor and the nature of the mutual relationships between man and technology. As ' a result ergonomic resesrch having the objective of integrated analysis of working conditions and improvement of mutual relationships in the "man-machine-industrial eiivironment" system is acquiring increasingly greater significance with every year. - L. I. srezhnPV noted in a speech to the I6th Congress of Trade Unions that the party ~ views reequipment of industry as the decisive means for improving working conditions and trailsforming all production operations into onss that are safe and comfortable 1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONY.Y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500024026-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY to man. These are precisely the conditions that must be guaranteed to the working man in socialist society. The pvrpose of ergonomics is to create an objective environment providing conc.i- - tions which would permit the process of social labor to proceed, speaking in the words of Marx, with the least expenditure of energy (by the producers), and in conditions that are most worthy of their human nature and are adequate to it. _ This objective could be reached only on the condition that we create man's ob;ective environment--that is, the technology supporting i:im--with reliance upoi: thn. entire system of knowledge of man and w=th full account of his anatomical, physiological and psychological features. This means that the objective of ergonomics is to opti- mize man's position in the "man-machine-industrial er.vironment" system, to humanize technology while achieving correspondence between the design of industrial equipment and wor.kplace organization on ane hand and man's anatomical, physiologicaZ and psycho- logical features on the other. Consequently the principle of "correspondence," which is implied by ttie unity of subject (man) and object (nature, technology) in labor, is the fundamental principle of ergonomics. ~ In the USSR, ergonomics is now developing in predominantly three nirections--technical est.heti.cs,engineering psychology and industrial ergonomics. Technical estnetics has enjoyed the greatest development in our country. Tts objectives are artistic design of equipment and industrial esthetics. The main objective of engineering - psychology is to study the relationship between the design of control consoles supplied - t:o the most important national economic facilities (atomic, hydroelectric and thermal electric power plants, airports, power supply systems and so on) and the particular features of information percepti.on and processing by operators. Tine objective of in- dustrial ergonomics is to implement the principle of correspondence between the design of production equipment contained in factories, plants, r.iines and other enterprises and man's anatomical, physiological and psychological featur~s. The process of gradually replacing man's production functions by technological resources has achieved sp;;,r_;-,1 significance in the modern scientific-technical r.evolution. However, the succa:.-3 of scientific-technical progress, in addition to making labor less toil- some and eliminating manual labor, often creates conditions that can lead to violation of the "correspondence" principle. The reason for this lies in the difficult} of accounting for man's anatomical, physiological and psychological features in the design of complex ttiodern equipment, which imposes high requirements upon man's psycho- physiological characteristics. In a number of cases this is promoted by our insurfi- _ cient knowledge of man's features--of his anthropoznetric characteristics--in applica- tion to khe problems of ergonomics, his power and speed potentials, the unique features of afferent synthesis, and the laws governing information perception and processing. What we consequently observe among individuals servicing many forms of equipment is an uncomfortable working posture, exertion of too much effort, the necessity of lerforming a large quantity of operations and a higher volume of infor- mation to be processed. Conditions for, the arisal of monotony and hypokinesia are often created. Z'he design of industrial equipment may be brought into correspondence with human features only if we know what these features are--that is, if we account for the "human factor" in the planning and design stages. _ In the long range, ergonomics will be an important means for raising the reliability, effectiveness anc3 economy of production. However, there are still many difficuities 2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 FOR OFFICIAL USIE ONLY in the path of its development, especially ones of methodological nature. They are basically associated to a great extent not with anthropometric problems of organizing the workplace but with the problems of informational interaction between man and modern complex equipment, which are also discussed in this monograph. The materials presented in this book were obtained by colleagues of the division of labor physiology and ergonomics of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences Sca.entific Research Institute of Labor Hygiene a.nd Occupational Diseases in integrated physio- _ logical--ergonomic research on the appropriate enterprises. Some of the material was also obtained from experiments conducted when it was found necessary to simulate a particular production situation. . 3 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY : I. ORIGIN AND ESSENCE OF ERGONOMICS - Scientific-Technical Progress and the Origin of Ergonomics = Within 60 years, the Soviet Union has completed a tremendous technological revolu- ti,,n and implemented a broad program of the national economy's reequipment. Today as never before, the progress of science and technology is most intimately associated with social progress: They interact with one another, acceleratinq mar.- kind's movement toward communism. Science is playing a contiriually increasing role in the life of society, transforming production, administration and the life of the individual. It is transforming more - and more into a direct productive force; it is becoming embodied within new equipment and production processes, and in our knowledge of man an3 of his work cap hilities and skills. Before our eyes, entire industrial sectors and new forms of material production have been born of the womb of science. The reequipment of all sectors of the national economy, which is proceeding on the basis of modern scientific achievements, is accomganied by growth in the productivity and culture of labor. Scientific labor is penetrating more and more into the sphere of material production, which is now requiring the participation of, besides laborers, a large number of scientists and specialists. We are witnessing the merger af science and pro3uction, of scieritific and productive labor, which is acceierating the rate of scientific- technical progress. Stimulating progress in engineering and technology, science has promoted introduction of ever-larger amounts of new, highly sophisticated machines and mechanisms into production. It would be sufficient to point out that just in 1977 alone, 4,000 models of new types of machines, equipment, apparatus and instruments were created ' in the USSR, as compared to 3,600 in 1976; moreover the USSR.produced 236,000 machine tools, 569,000 tractors, 734,000 trucks, 41,500 excavators and mucli other equipment. Scientific-technical progress has led to formation of a number of new industrial szctors such as petrochemical, electronics, atomic energy and production of ultrahard, polymeric and other materials. Fu11 astomation and mechanization of production is a general direction of technical progress. There are now more than 60,000 mechanized flow and automatic lines, more than 15,000 fully mechanized shops and more than - 3,000 fully mechanized enterprises in industry, and each year more than 6,000 flow and automated lines are being placed into uperation. 4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/42/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY One of the most iinportant objectives of our science is to solve the theoretical problems and develop the concrete means and resources of improving control of equip- ment and of productian, economic and social processes. - The Pxtremely swift development of science and technological progress are transforming man's life, his leisure and, what is especially important, his labor. Introduction of the achievements of science and technology into production through mechanization and automation of production processes and through the use of programmed devices, calcu- lating and problem-solving machines, electronic computers and automated controZ - systems (A8U's) in production are altering the conditions and nature of man's labor. A:: a consequence, modern science and technology are raising a new social and philo- sophical problem--the relationship between "man and technology." In addition to social and philosophical aspects, this problem also has the important biomedical aspect, which permits us to examine this problem from its narrower, bio- medical aspect, namely as a"man-machine-environment" problern. In this statement of - the prcblem, the broader concept "technology" is substituted by the narrcwer "machine" and, moreover, the concept "environment," which is closely associated with man and machine, is added. Thus this problem assumes a position equal with those of anthro- . pology, physiology and lalicr hygiene. Here, "machine" is understood to imply "machine design," and when put together wiiyh man and environment, the resulting concegt signifies working conditions, the convenience of servicing and controlling a machine. In other words the social-philsophical problem "man-technology" has now become one of optimizing the relationship between man and techn.ology, or one of humanizing technology. This problem has acquired the special name of ergonomics. The Greek roots of the term "ergonomics" are "ergon"--work, and "nomos"--law. V. M. Munipov (1970) explains this -term as follows: Ergonomics is a science studying man's functional possibilities in labor with the purpose of creating optimum working condi- tions for him--that is, conditions which, while making labor highly productive and reliable, would at the same time ensure the necessary comfort to man and preserve his strength, health and efficiency. The Polish scholar Jan Rpsner offers a some- what different but similar definition: Erqonomics is an applied science having the purpose of adapting labor to man's phYsical and mental possibilities in order to ensure the most effective work--work which would not be hazardous to human health and which would be performed with a minimum outlay of biological resources (73). What these and a number of other definitions of ergonomics basically boil ciown to is that.the purpose of ergonomics is to humanize labor by accounting for man's functional possibilities. In this century of scientific-technical revolution, it is no longer enough to study some single aspects of labor. The entire labor process--that is, tlie entire "man-machine-environment" production system--must be evaluated i.ntegrally, turning special attention to its main link--man. B. F. Lomov (1966) notes: "It is only on the condition that the characteristics of the machine and the environment are made cor_sistent with man's characteristics that we can count on high effectiveness and reliability in the labor process, and consequently, on high labor productivity. fiumanization of technology and the working environment--this is the noble principle _ which ergonomics has proclaimed." If we accept the basic premise of ergonomics--adapting the objective environment (the implemenLs of labor) and the surrounding conditions to the anatomical, physio- logical and psychological possibilities of man, then we could assert that the roots of ergonomics extend deep into the past. E. R. Tichauer notes: "Ergonomics is 5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 FOR UFFICIAL USE ONLY probably just as old as man himself." It could be said that when man Y;::gan using stone tools, adapting them to the shape of his hand, sgontaxieous development of ergonomics began. In 1473 Ellenbog noted in his treatise that chemical substances and improperly designed equipment have an undesirable effect un human health. In the 17th century Ramazzini focused on the undesirable influence a strained work posture has on persons in many occupations. At the beginning of the 20th centry, in 1911, Gilbreth noted that as with the health of a laborer, the economic success of an enterprise depends on man's interaction with the environment. - Ergonomics began taking on the clearer outlines of a modern science during World War I, but the most tangibla need for broadening research in ergonomics arose during World War II in connection with intense technological development. It was discovered during that period that military technology often exceeded man's psychcphysiological possibilities, as a result of which it could nct be utilized effectively, it t.znded to break down, and accidents occurred. An integrated approach must be taken toward the entire "man-machine-environment" system with the purpose of ensuring optimum working conditions. Such an appraach requires contact between the technical sciences and the science of man and his labor. In connection with this need's arisal, in 1949-a group of scientists in England repre- senting different specialties made it their goal to study the "human factor" in the working environment, at production. Somewhat later the "ergonomic research society" was created.' In the USA at that time, this problem was mainly within the province of psychology. A society to study the "human factor," which came to be called "human engineering," arose in 1957 in the USA. - The concept "ergonomics" was first suggested by the Polish natural historian V. Yastshembovskiy, who published the work "The Traits of Ergonomics--That Is, the Science of Labor" in 1857 in the weekly PRIR/JDA I PROMYSHLENNOST'. In our country, - during the 1920's, when a rather conside.rable amount of attention was devoted to studying man's activity in an industrial situation, V. N. Myasishchev proposed iso- lating the study of labor as a special scientific discipline--ergology (the teaching on work). V. M. Bekhterev proposed calling.this discipline ergonology. But i:his scientific direction 3id not enjoy adequate development in those years. Following the war, in the late 1950's, introduction of automat3on connected with swift develop- = ment of science and technology made ergonomic research necessary. This research began developing on a new scientific foundation. Presently ergonomic research is being conducted systematically in manp of the world's countries. The bulk of it is being carried on by European countries (England, Bulgaria, Hungary, GDR, the Netherlands, Italy, Poland, Itpmania, FRG, France, Czechoslovakia, Switzerland, Sweden, Yugoslavia). Ergonomics views the "man-machine-environment" system as a single whole, within which - it would be inadequate to study just some one link, since all of the links interact with one another. What is needed is integrated research, conducted by different scientific disciplines. Because this system functions in specific production condi- ' tions, these conditions must be studied, all the more so because, as we know, the conditions of the production environment are determined to a significant extent by the work of machines. For example factors of the production environment such as noise at the workplace, dust and gas contaminants in the environment, and frequently the - 6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R400504020026-6 FOR QFFICIAL USE ONLY thermal factor depend on the work of machinery. If these factors exceed maximum permissible limits, they may have an undesirable influence on the body of the worker. Hence arises the need for conducting hygienic research with the purpose of eliminating this influence. Ergonomics includes anthropometric research. Sucli research is necessary to ensure correspondence between the parameters of the workplace and production equipment undergoing planning on one hand and man's an�hropometric ar.d biochemical character- istics on the other. It must ensure proper design axid arrangement of controls on equipment, and so on. When planning and designing control consoles and, in particular, information displa1s, we must not only ensure their sensible arrangement, but we must also account for the absolute a-d differential sensation thresholds of the visual, auditory and other - analyzers, and their capacity. All of this is necessary so that the operator would react correctly and promptly to work signals, so that the flow of incoming signals would not exceed man�s psychophysiological possibilities. This problem is being worked on by specialists in engineering psychology. - The relationship between ergonomics and labor physiology is of major concern in crgonomics. There are many tasks for labor physiology to complete--evaluating the irifluence exerted upon workers by the correctness of workplace organization, the convenience of equipment maintenance and the effort applied to manipulate equipment controls, and determining the sensibility of work movements, the size of the physical _ load and the degree of nervous tension. Artistic design, which follows ergonomic analysis of an industrial article, has -mportant significance. The artist-designer must consider the comments and recommen- dations resulting from ergonomic research. The main task of artistic design is to create a machine or a machine tool which would correspond to esthetic requirements, produce positive emctions and create a good mood. And as we know, a good rnood has a positive influence upon the individual's performance. Examining some methodological problems in the development of ergonomics, V. P. Zinchenko, A. N. Leont'yev, B. F. Lomov and V. M. Munipov (1972) note that its arisal was a natural process in the development of scientific knowledge, in the course of which the sciences are undergoing not only differentiation but also inte- gration, mutual penetration. Anthropology, physiology, psychology, labor hygiene and the technical sciences all interact in ergonomic researc:h to soive the problems of optimizing human labor in modern production. Because so many sciences are in- volved, some aiithors (90; Roger, 1959) call ergonomics a multidisciplinary or inter- disciplinary science. Lrgonomic analysis of labor does not mean duplication of individual physiological, psychological and hygienic studies. Ergonomics relies upon these sciences, it accounts for the degree of their importance in each concrete case, and it pursues its objective--ensuring optimum effectiveness in the function of the "man-machine- eiivironment" system--ori an integrated basis. Now that a certain amount of experience has been accumulated in ergonomic research, certain qualitative changes can be discerned in the objective of ergonomics. Today, 7 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY c_rqonomics is corrective in nature. The task of corrective ergonomics is a practical orie--providing an ergonomic evaluation to some concrete "man-machine-environment" system with the purpose of raising its effectiveness. However, ergonomi.cs is also _ beginning to participate .in planning: It is subjecting human labor to multifactorial, integrated study with the purpose of developing integral optimum criteria to be used as a basis for planning effective "man-machine-e.nvironment" systems and ensuring the system's high productivity, precision and reliability, its correspondence to man's anatomical, physiological and psychological possi.bilities, the individual's minimum exertion and tiring, and a positive emotional influence upan him. Ergonomics is presently enjoying extensive development. Conferences and symposiums on ergonomics are being conducted in our country as well as in other countries. International cooperation in ergonomics is developing effectively among socialist countries. The first International Conference of CEMA and Yugoslav Scientists and Specialists on the Problems of Ergonomi.cs was held in Moscow in 1972. The second conference. was held in 1975 in Burgas (Bulgaria), and the third was held in 1978 in ' Budapest. The all-union conference "Designing Machines, Mechanisms and Equipment With Regard to the Physiological and Hygienic .Criteria of Ergonomics," held in November 1969 under the sponsorship of the Council of Ministers State Comnittee for Science and Technology and the AUCCTU, promote d establishment of a correct understanding of the essence of ergonomics and its mutual relationships with other sciences. The resolution adopted by this conference states: "...planning and design institutes do not always consider the influence of physiological, hygienic and psychological factors when designing new machines and mechanisms. At the sanie time, experience shows that solution of the problems of ergonomics, which relies upon integrated research in labor hygiene, physiology and psychology, the theory of machine design and the requirements of labor safetX and technical esthetics, in many ways promotes improvement of labor conditions in industry, easier labor and its greater productivity." Technical progress and its economic impact will become inereusingly more dependent on development of different sciences, including ergonomics, and on the pace and scale of introduction of its achievements into all sectors of the national economy. Z'he Mutual Relationships of Man and Technology--the Fundamental Problem of Ergonomics. Main Stages in the Development of These Mutual Relationships. The Tasks of Ergonomics. It was noted above that ergonomics is usually taken to mean the mutual relationships between man and technology from the standpoint of the correspondence of the design of technical devices with man's anatomical, physiological features. From this stand- point ergonomics is a particular case of the mutual relationship between man and technoloqy. The mutual relationships of man and technology (from the'political, economic, - ergonomic and other points of view) are subordinated to the basic laws of Marxist- Leninist Yhilosophy. These include, first of all, the law of constant development of these mutual relationships, the law of development of the subject (man) and the object (nature, technology) in the labor process, and the law of objectivization of the personality (the subject) in the result af labor--that is, "transformation of - the ideal into the real," and subjectivization of the result of labor in the person- - ality (in the subject)--that is, the law of change of the personaliL-y (the subject) itself in the process of labor. 8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500024026-6 FOR OFFIC'fAL USF: ONLY It was mentioned above that.from the standpoint of these laws, the main objective of ergonomics is to create an objective environment in which the process of social labor would proceed, using �Marx' words, "with the least expenditure of energy (by the producers), and in conditions that are most worthy of their human nature and are adequate to it."* Marx' directive could be fulfilled only on the condition that we create man's objec- tive environment--that is, the supporting technology--with reliance upon the entire system of knowledge of man, and with full censideration of his anatomical, physio- - logical and psychological =eatures. This means that the task of ergonomics is to = optimize man's position in the "man-machine-environment" system, to humanize technology, to achieve correspondence of the design af production equipment and the - organization of workplaces with man's anatomical, physiological and psychological � features. Consequentiy the principle of "correspondence," which is implied by the unity of the subject (man) and the object (nature, technology) in labor is the fundamental principle of ergonomics. Ergonomics is presently developing in USSR in thrse directions--technical esthetics, engineering psychology and ergonomics specifically, or industrial ergonomics. That part of ergonomics which is concerned with the grounds for hygienic, physio- logical and psychological requirements on the design of industrial equipment--that is, industrial ergonomics--had still not enjoyed brQad development in our country. Iri light of the decisions of the 25th CPSU Congress, which foresee creation of r..ew, progressive fechnology, the role of industrial ergonomics must grow. It is the task of industrial ergonomics to implement the principle of correspondence of the design - of industrial equipment ir_ factories, plants, mines and other enterprises with man's anatomical, physiological and psychological features. Although ergonomics itself formed as a new scientific direction just 20-25 years ago, the mutual relationships between man and technology have a long history from the standpeint of the fundamental principle of ergonomics--the principle of "correspon- dence." The diverse implements of labor used by man in his work, beginning with the rough - stone implements of primitive people and ending with modern machinery, represent the implements of production which, jointly with t'Lie objects of labor--that is, ;ointly with that toward which man"s labor is directed, malce up a most important socioeconomic category--the resources of production. - Together with the people placing them in motion in the produczion of material blessings, the resources of production make up the productive forces. Productive forces are the most important motive and revolutionary element of production. Develop- ment of production begins with changes in pro3uctive forces, and mainly with change and development of the implements of labar. Development of the implements of labor, ' meanwhile, is intimately associated with develoPment of man. *Marks, K., "Kapital" (Capital], Vo)_ 3, Moscow, Politizdat, 1955, p 833. _ 9 EOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/42109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 N'UK urric.iwi, uSr. uNLv - Man's origins lie somewhere in the beginning of the present Quaternary Period of the earth's history. The transition from fossilized humanoid monkeys to man proceeded through a number of intermediate beings combining 11--he traits of monkeys and man-- - man-moniceys, or Pithecanthropes. Manufacture and use of the first implements of labar are associated with the Pithecanthropes, which lived, according to difforent sources, 2-10 million years ago. Primitive stone scrapers and drills have been found in the same strata as the banes of the Pithecanthropes. Since that time man's ancestors developed an erect posture and, as data collected by anthropologists show, it was precisely from this time that tool-using became a cause of man's swift trans- formation, particularly of his skull and brain structure. Thus arisal of labor was a powerful impetus to development of the brain of the first people. Complete skeletons of adults and children of other human ancestors--the Neanderthals-- were discovered in the lowest strata of cave deposits in Europe, Asia and Africa. The Neanderthals, who lived 300,000-500,000 years ago, possessed stone and bone tools. They apparently also had wooden tools. The first modern people are the Cro-Magnons, who lived 100,000-150,000 years ago. Their implements of labor, made from horn, bone and flint, were very diverse, and they bore carved ornamentation. The techniques used to manufacture tools and household objects were more sophisticated than those of the Neanderthals. Cro-Magnons knew how to grind and drill, and they were acquainted with pottery. They domesticated animals, and they made the first step toward farming. They lived in a tribal society. Cro-Magnans and modern man make up the apecies Homo sap2ens--intelligent man. . The advent of man was one of the greatest turning points in ;:he development of nature. - This turning point occurred when man's ancestors began making tools. Man began to . differ fundamentally from animals only when he began to manufacture tools, even the most simple. Some animals, monkeys for example, often use sticks to knock fruits down from trees and to defend themselves against attack. But no animal has ever - made even the most unsophisticated implement of labor. The conditions of day-to-day life encouraged man's ancestors to manufacture tools. They were able to dedure from experience that sharpened stones could be used for defense or to hunt animals. The process of placing the spontaneous forces of nature under control proceeded extremely slowly in those ancient times, since the implements of labor were primitive. The first implements of labor were in a sense an artificial extension of human organs: - The stone was a fist, and the stick was an outstretched axm. As man underwent physical and mental development he was able to create more- - sophisticated tools. Sticks with sharpened ends were used in hunting. Then stone tips began to be attached to the sticks. Axes, stone-tipped spears, and stone _ scrapers and knives appeared. These tools made the hunting of large animals and development of fishing possible. Stone continued to be the principal tool making material for a very lonq time. The era dominated by stone tools, which lasted hundreds of millennia, is called the Stone Age. It was not until later that man learned to make tools from naturally occurring metals, beginning with copper. Being a soft metal, however, copper did not enjoy broad use in tool making. Consequently tools began to be made of bronze 10 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (an alloy of copper and tin) and, finally, iron. In correspondence with this, the Stone Age was followed by the Bronze Age, and then the Iron Age. The earliest signs of pro-Asian copper smelting have been traced back to the 5th-4th millennium B.C. ' Copper smelting appeared in South and Central Europe in about the 3d-2d millennium B.C. The oldest traces of bronze, which were found in Mesopotamia, date back to the 4th miliennium B.C. The earliest traces of iron smelting were discovered in Egypt: They date back prior to 1500 B.C. The Iron Age began in West Europe c-ibout 1000 B.C. The transition from stone to metal tools significantly broadened the limits of human labor. Invention of the blaclcsmith's bellows made manufacture of iron tools of unprecented strength possible. The iron axe made it possible to clear trees and brush from farmla.,.d. 'I'he wooden plow with an iron plowshare permitted development cf relatively large areas of land. All of this promoted arisal of social division = of labor, separation of the craftsman from the farmer, which brought about production + directly for the gurposes of barter. Man's first tools were a simple "extension" of human hands. Many tools used today are also an "extension" of natural human organs. From tYiis standpoint these tools fully satisfy the principle of "correspondence." However, as the transition pro- ceeded from individual creation of tools for personal use to mass production of tools for barter, the possibility for making tools correspond to individual human features dwindled more and more. A fundamenta]ly new factor came into being in the mutua.l relationships between man and technology following transformation of hand tools into machines. The most important unique feature of the latter is that they are less an "extension" of natural human organs and more a substitute for them. Marx said: "Invention of a swivel support marked creation of a mechanical device which replaced not some particular tool but man's hand itself."* This substitution of the hand by a machine represents objectivization of the subject's natural powers; at the same time, penetration of the object into the environment of the subject in a sense comes to completion in the machine. Transition to mechanical i_ndustry marked a complete technological revolution in production. The propulsive power of the first machines was man himself or working animals; then appeared machines which were brought into motion by a water engine. The mechanical loom was invented in '785, fully displacing hand weaving by the middle of the 19th century. The first textile factories were built on the barilcs of rivers, dnd the machines were placed into motion by water,wheels. After the steam Engine was developed, ways to apply it in transportation were found. The first steam locomotive was created in the USA in 1807, and the first railroad was built in England in 1825. By this time mechanical hammers, presses and machine tools--lathes, milling machines, drills--were invented. New industrial sectors came inta being--machine building - and metallurgy. Steam turbines were created in the 1880's. A new type of engine was invented--the inteYnal combustion engine, first the gas engine (1887) and then - one using liquid fuel--the diesel engine (1�393). A new powerful force came into - being in the late 19fh century--electricity. Machines meant mechanization of labor. Use of machines facilitated tremendous growth of labor productivity and reduction ofthe cost of goods. Processing an identical quantity of cotton into yarn with a spinning machine required 180 times less working time in the 19th century than did hand spinning. = tMarks, K., "Kapital," Vol 1, Moscow, Politizdat, 1955, p 391. 11 FOR OFFICIAL USE ODiLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/42109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 FUR UN'h'ICIAL USE UNLY The process of gradual substitution of natural human functions by technological resources attained special significance in the present scientific-technical revolution. In- troduction of control consoles during the scientific-technical revolution has im- parted a new quality to the mutual relationships between man and technology--the possi.bility for separating production control from production processes and replacing direct observation of a production process by observation of warning systems on a control console. When computers are used, it is also unnecessary to-observe warning devices, because the computer can analyze the incoming signals and transmit the appropriate instructions to working organs. Such separation of the operator from the real course of a production process, its substitution by a system of co3es, means that the operator acts, in the opinion of psychologists, concurrently in a real world and in an artificial world--one of signs, codes, models and symbols. He is deprived of the possibility for directly perceiving the objects under his control, inasmuch as they are separated from him in space or their direct observation is hazardous. Z'he operator senses fully real responsibility and undergoes fully real emotional experiences, but his states are the product not of the real world, acting directly upon the operator, but rather a certain information model of this world. Every model, especially a meager, simple one created with the assistance of various resources of expression--form, color, symbolism, possesses some degree of uncertain- ty. In the end, an operator working on a orie-to-one basis with an information model adapts himself to the model and ceases to perceive it-objectively--that is, as a model of the real world, and he begins to perceive it as the object of his activity. Sometimes this may result in substitution of real motivation by feigned motivation, in loss of alertness, and in apathy. As a result the activity of an operator in modern automated control systems cannot satisfy the efficiency and precision requirements. The main reason for this - is that information models are structured on the basis of the logic of the realities they reflect, and not on the basis of the sort of activity the operator - engages in with these realities--that is, to put it another way, not in correspondence with his physiology and psychology. All of this creates new problems in adapting the labor of an operator. Moreover computer functions are now beginning to penetra.te into the subjective domain--the human domain, the domain of the physiological processes of higher ner- vous activity. In other words the computer objectivizes certain "mechanisms" of human thinking, such that it is becoming capable of replacing, and is already successfully replacing, some of the former's manifestations. A most important conclusion connected with this is that if information models are to satisfy this highly important requirement of the "correspondence" principle, research will have to be conducted on the objective structure of operator activity-- research that must be placed at the basis of the design of information models. The grounds for subsequent development of ergonomics are substantiated in decisions. of the 24th and 25th CPSU congresses, which have posed the task of creating and introducing fundamentally new tools, materials and technical processes superior in their technical-economic indicators to the best Soviet and world models, and the task of replacing manual labor by machines on a broad scale. In terms of labor specifically, the task is to improve working conc;itions further. Because the docu- ments of the 24th and 25th CPSU congresses link acceleration of the rate of 12 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407102109: CIA-RDP82-00854R000500020026-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY technc~log.ical progre.,:sa i n al l sectors of the national economy with improvement of work.ituJ conc3itions, we will havc- to expand research aimed at optimizing man's position in the "man-machine" system in application to the conditions in different industrial sectors, and primarily in metallurgy, chemistry, mining industry, power engineering, machine building and so on. The proceedings of the all-union conference "Designing Machines, Mechanisms and Equipment With Regard to the Physiological and Hygienic Criteria of Ergonomics" develored these guidelines further by formulating the following basic requirements on industrial ergonomics.* 1. Machines and industrial equipment must be designed in such a way that they would not be a source of unfavorable sanitary-hygienic working conditions--that is, their design must correspond to the hygienic requirements in terms of maintaining - the sanitary-hygienic working conditions of the workplace at the level of the standards established by public health legislation. = 2. .bchines and industrialequipment must be designed in such a way that they would pexmit maintenance in comfortable work postures, and ensure that the efforts exerted aii3 the trajectories, speeds and quantities of joint movements would be within physiologically permissible limits. 'I'he requirements of industrial ergonomics also include those stemming from normal operation of human senses--for example, physiologicall_y substantiated angles of vision, levels of signal intensity and ~ volumes of perceived and processed production information. What this means con- cretely is that equipment 3esign must correspond to the anatomical, physiolt:.jical and psychological features of the structure and function of man's organs and body. These are the prPmises that have been placed at the basis of research conducted by industrial ergonomics in various sectors of industry, and at the basis of the accu,-nulation of scientific data to be used to form the content of industrial - ergonomics. The "Ergonomic System" Concept. Classification of Intrasystemic Relationships. It was shown in the previous section that the mutual relationships between man and technology have bEen so closely related and interdependent with allstages of histori- cal development that they now form a single system which, from the standpoint of necessary correspondence of industrial equipment and the design concepts it embodies with man's anatomical, physiological and psychological features, may be referred to as an "ergonomic system." The concept "ergonomic system" means that man, using a particular implement of labor or servicing a particular piece of industrial equipment, becomes a link in a"man-tool" or "man-machine" system, or of a"man- technology" system in general. The inseparability and unity of this syatem stem from the fact that withput man, no tools and na production equipment would be possible, that tools arose simultane- ously with man, and developed together with him. *Scientific Council on the Problem "Labor Protection" under the USSR Council of Ministers State Committee for Science and Technology and the AUCCTU. 1971. 13 FOR OFFICiAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 _ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Thus tlie cr.gonomic system is one of the most important concepts (principles) of ergonomics. - Constant development of the ergonomic system, which we traced in the previous section and which is, moreover, not simply constant development but constant and accelerat- ing development, is the second most important property of the ergonomic system and of ergonomics as a whole. 7."he Stone Age,which was typified by the m�-)st primitive anc' the roughest ir,plements u: labor, lasted about a mxllion years, auring which time ordinary chunks of stone were transfonned into nothing more than polished chunks of stone, which were then secured to sticks to make stone axes. The Bronze Age lasted about 3,000-4,000 years, and during this axes, knives and spears did not change in riature, remaining as they had been in their stony form, becoming only more beautiful in their ornamentation. The Bronze Age quickly gave way to the Iron Age. In 3,000 years, the assortment of tools was basically enlarged only by the addition of farming tools--the plowshare and the sickle; nevertheless this was enough to r.aise the successfulness of farming dramatically. Much was added to the assortment of household utensils and military gear in the Iron Age. The 18th century--the century of the industrial revolution-- provided the people of our planet with the loom, the spinning machine and the water wheel. The 19th century--the century of industrial mechanization--gave us the steam engine, the internal cornbustion engine, the electric mntor and a number of machine tools intended for mechanical metalworking. In just its first three-fourths, the 20t1i century--the century of the scientific- technical revolution--gave man radio, television, aviation, rocket technology, - nuclear technology, the electronic computer, the control console, automatic lines, the conquest of --pace, and much, much else. This examination truly does confinn the notion-that the ergonomic system is charac- terized not by simple constant development, but mainly by constan,tly accelerating development, which is very important to an understanding of the unique features of the ergonomic system that are typical af this period of scientific-technical revolution. The third main characteristic of the ergonomic system, mentioned in the previous section, is the principle of "correspondence" between the design features of pro- duction equipment and man's anatomical, physiological and psychological features. _ This was the principal feature in the characteristics of the ergonomic system tliroughout all stages of development of the mutual relationships between man and technology, but it acquired extremely important significance in the time of accel- erated technical progress, when machine designers first addressed requirements which could not be satisfied without an exact knowledge of man's features--that is, when ergonomic requirements developed by specialists--physiologists, psychologists and hygienicists--became necessary. An example of the need for precisely this approach can be found in the difficulties that arose in development of jet aviation. The speeds that were achieved were so great that were pilots to orient themselves on the basis ot their own senses during - flight, they would constantly be late in performing the needed control reactions - due to the limited speed of nervous reactions. 14 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Having defined the basic characteristics of the ergonomic system, we must now - consider its cantent. An ergonomic system's content is defined as the list of units it contains for production purposes. To determine the content of the ergonAiaic system, we must once again proceed from the historical standpoint--that is, with a consideration for the stages through which the .:iutual relationships between man and technology have passed. Most authors examining this question answer it from the point of view of the typical mutual re- lationships that have evolved in our times. In this connection N. P. Benevolenskaya (1972) points out that a number of authors (B. F. Lomov, N. V. Onopkin, M. F. Frolov, J. Rosner and others) view the ergonomic system as a two-unit system--"man-machine" or "man-technology." Many authors believe it consists of three units--"man- technology=environment" (K. K. Platonov, B. F. Lomov, V. F. Venda). N. T. Prikhod'ko introduces a fourth unit into the ergonomic system--the collective. Benevolenskaya believes the ergonomic system to consist of four units: "man-- machine--environment--object of labor," or even five: "man--machine--object of labor--environment--persons involved with the system besides the operator or present within the machine's zone of action." The correct answer to the question as to the content of an ergonomic system may be found by considering the history of the ergonomic system itself. Considering the developmental stages which the mutual relationships between man and _ technology have undergone, we may presume that the content of the ergonomic system would never be established once and for all, but rather that it would change in keeping with the stages of development of the mutual relationships between man and technology. For a million years of man's existence these mutual relationships were limited to orily two units--man and simple implements of labor--that is, the scraper, the axe and the spear. In this "man-tool" ergonomic system the working conditions were predetermined by the natural conditions of the habitat, and they did not depend on the quality of the tools. But even at this stage the nature of man's mutual relationships with tools depended in some respects on the properties of the object of labor--that is, on what the particular tool was applied to. Even at this stage the heaviness of the tool and the power generated by the individual de- pended on the sort of tree that had to be chopped down with the axe, the sort of soil that had to be worked with the primitive wooden plow, and so on. Therefore it would be more proper to include man, the implement of labor and the object of labor within the content of the ergonomic system in this early stage. Benevolenskaya justifies the need for including the object of labor within the = ergonomic system under modern coriditions in the following way: The object of labor-- that which we refer to as worked articles and earth,transported cargoes and so on-- significantly influences the intensity and nature of factors arising in work with a;nachine, and in a number of cases it may itself be a source of these factors. As an example the properties of a block being riveted (the object of labor) may change - the vibration level at the grip of a riveting hamcr+er by 20 db. When coal in a seam is moistened, the amount of pressure a worker must maintain on a pneumatic drill decreases by 5-7 kg. Higher firmness of coal means not only an increase in the vi- bration levels and the pressure that must be applied, but also longer exposure to vibration and noise and a higher physical load. While a person working softer coal introduces the tip of his drill into it for a period of 3-4 seconds and then rests for 1-2 seconds, a person working with firmer coal alternates such 1-2 second rests 15 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 FOR OFHICIAL IJSE UI+ILY - with a drill working time of 15-20 seconds, which dramatically alters the structure of the operator's working time. Consequently when we subject machines to ergonomic evaluation, we must consider what the objcct of labor-does to change the character- istics of the machine, and possibly to injure the operator. ' Following creation of the metal smelting furnace, which was the source of high temperature, radiant heat, various sorts of gases and dust, besides man, the imple- ments of labor and the object of labor, the ergonomic system came to include the "environment" as well--that is, the sum total of the conditions which are created ry the system's operation and which may enter into interaction with its links, and mainly man. In later stages of the mutual relationships between ma.n and technology, the surround- ing environment became the most important link of the ergonomic system. Regulating the state of the environment, as an inherent part of the ergonomic system, became a tremendously significant problem. Much significance was attached in such regulation to setting hygienic standards--that is, the permissible levels of environmental conditions, and to developing measures that would keep these levels within the standards. Benevolenskaya explains inclusion of a fifth term in the ergonomic system--persons drawn into the system or present within its working zone--in the following way: "Persons drawn into the system indicated above but not connected with the control, use or maintenance of the machine represent a special group in this system. 7.'his group is divided into four levels: machine-microcollective, machine-macrocollective, machine-region, machine-population, at each of which unique mutual relationships, associations and tasks exist. As a ruie the number of persons involved in this way significantly exceeds the number of operators. Research has shown that a special danger arises at the first level, where persons drawn into the system may be sub- _ jected to more-intense influence from 'machine factors' than the operator, receiving no compensation for the possible deterioration of health." We can agree completely with Benevolenskaya's ideas. Let us illustrate this with some examples. Weavers and spinners are assigned to specific looms and spinning machines in modern weaving and spinning shops. Besides the weavers and spinners, all other workers of the shop--foremen, auxiliary workers, strippers, loaders, removers--are exposed to loom and machine factors (noise, vibration). This happens because the looms and spinning machines, being firmly cemented to the shop floor, form a single oscillating and = resonating system together with it. And while a weaver or a spinner experiences vibration due to direct contact with the parts of the loom or machine, all of the other shop personnel experience vibration due to contact with the floor. In chemi- cal industry en*_erprises, all leaks in the joints of equipment, being sources of - contaminants that spread through the air of the entire shop, also influence all of the shop personnel, and not just the opeators; in cases where these contaminants are discharged by the shop's stack into the atmosphere, the surrounding population is affected as well. Thus we arrive at the conclusion that the ergonomic system is a complex concept. It includes man, machine, object of labor, surrounding environment, and persons drawn into the system. Figure 1 shows a diagram of the ergonomic system as defined by Benevolenskaya. 16 FOP OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500420026-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Key: ~ (C(2 (F>,Y~~~~ / >N / U3 Y ineNC I usiN`, ie r.na3 awu+n > c: Iliuu~n~~ / ~CMCIl:MUII/ / 4) Figure 1. a"Man--Machine--Object of Labor--Environment" System , 1. Environment 4. Object of labor 2. Man (operator) 5. Persons within machine's working zone 3. Machine, machines 6. Effects not associated with this system When the content of the ergonomic system is defined in this way, it is very important to correctly classify the associations within this system. Such classification is necessary so that we could understand the internal organization of the system, deter- mine its vulnerable links and predict its behavior in different operating conditions. In keeping with the content of the ergonomic system, three main characteristics should be laid at the basis of this classification: the operator's associations with the machine and the object of labor, and his interaction with the working condi- tions. When we study the operator's associations with the machine, we must keep in mind that these associations are maintained primarily through .informational interaction between the operator and the machine. In this case, infor:national interaction itself accounts for the particular features of the input functions upon which transmission of infor- mation to the human senses depends, for the particular features of the control func- tions performed by the central nervous system and dependent upon its state, and for the particular features of the output functions, which in most cases are realized by means of man's sensomotor organs and muscular system and ahich also depend on functional state. Jan Rosner distinguishes three stages of informational interaction. 1. Perception of information either by direct observation of the production process� or by observation of the readings of monitoring and measuring instruments reflecting the parameters of the production process. Perception is achieved by means of sense organs, which transmit obtained information to the individual's central nervous system. This phase of the labor process (perception of information and its transmission to the central nervous system) is within the sphere of action of physiological and psychological laws. 17 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 1.4ueun~nn cpcAa APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R440500020026-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY _ 2. Processing (transformation) of the obtained information occurs in the central nervous system and leads to adoption of a particular decision. Little is known yet about the decision making mechanism. Not only the information entering from without _ (from the machine, from the environment) but also internal information influences the nature of the decision, its correctness and the swiftness with which it is adopted. Internal information comes from the memory, which stores information and instructions received previously. In addition to information contained in the ind.ividual's memary, intuition, which influences decision making, also plays a great role:. "Stress" situations, or states of nervous tension that reflect the body's reaction to injury and shock, and psychological difficulties such as fear, a state of intense arousa:L and so on, play a role in inforntation processing and decision making. 3. Thi~ last stage of the labor process is transmission of the adopted decision to organs and implementation of this decision. This last stage is called con- trol, and in a"man-machine" system it is achieved by exerting an influence on the machine's controls with the purpose of making the necessar.y changes in the process occurring within the system. In this case the output is represented by man's opera- ting orgEtns, and the input is represented by the machine's controls. Thus perception, decision making and implementation of the decision form a closed structure of interaction between man and machine in the ergonomic 5ystem. Interaction between these two basic elements of the system--machine and man--essentially consists of information transmission and control on the basis of the feedback principle. In addition to informational interaction between operator and machine, there are other types of interaction characterized by the working posture of the operator servicing the machine, the effort expended and the speed, trajectory and quantity of movements required, as will be discussed in detail below. A classification of intrasystemic associations must also include the associations between the operator and the object of labor and the associations between persons drawn into the system, and especially the conditions created within the system. As far as associations between the operator and the object of labor are concerned, they are achieved through the machine, and they basically 'have an influence on the degree to-which informational interaction is expressEtd or on the hardness and intensity of the work of the operators. Before we can classify intrasystemic associations subjectively, we must analyze them correctly. Such analysis begi.ns with description of the system and subsequent appli- cation of hygienic, phsyiological, psychological and special ergonomic methods of analysis. 2'his will be discussed in greater detail in the course of the material's presentation. 18 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500024026-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY II. METHODS OF STUDYING AN. TFtGONOMIC SYSTEM _ As follows fram our analysis of the content of an ergonomic system and the classifi- cation of intrasystemic associations, the methods of ergonomic analysis must be _ aimed at establishing how man is influenced by the factors arising within the " ergonomic system, such that recommendations aimed at optimizing man's position in the system could be de veloped. Specifically, the analysis methods must be aimed at: studying the working conditions and revealing the design shortcomings of the produc- tiun equipment that worsen the working conditions, such that by their elimination - the working conditions could be improved; evaluating workplace organization from the standpoint of ensuring a normal work posture and permissible speeds, trajectories and quantities of movements and efforts necessary to service the production equipment; studyii?g informational interaction between the operator and machine. 2'hus the methods of s tudying ergonomic sys::ems include hygienic methods concerned with the working conditions, physiological methods used to study physiological state, anthropometric methods to determine the body's anatomical dimensions and special ergonomic methods to study the design features of serviced equipment. Hygienic methods used in ergonomics are essentially the same used in conventional hygienic research. Physiological methods, which are used to study physiological state, are also the same ones employed in research on labor physiology,, the one difference being that in ergonomic research, more attention must be devoted to ~,rocedures for evaluating the state of the motor apparatus, the nervous system and the sense organs. In this conilection hy;ienic and physiological methods will not be described in this section. Anthropometric Methods of Analysis Special instruments are used with anthropometric methods of analysis--Martin�s anthropometer and an angle gage. Many tables of anthropometric data axe available. They contain more than 300 different indicators pertaining to different ar.atomical ~ dimensions of the human body. In practical ergonomic research, however, only a small part of the existing anthropometric data are used to evaluate the correspondence of workplace dimensions and working instruments to the dimensions of the human body. Standard 22315 was proposed in the GDR for this purpose. It includes 12 anthropo- metric indicators, namely body height, shoulder height, thigh length, knee height, thigh height, upper arm length, forearm length, width at the shoulders, seated body height, seated eye level, seated shoulder height and standing eye level. 19 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/42/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 rvn Vrri%.iMi, vzr, voua.r Having critically evaluated this standard, the ergonomics laboratory of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences Institute of Labor Hygiene and Occupational Diseases developed its own proposais for a standard on anthropometric indicators used in ergonomics. Z"hese proposals are represented in tables 1-3 and in figures 2 and 3. Table 1. Anthropometric Dimensions Used in Ergonomics, in Centimeters USSR GDR Measured Men Women Men Women Posture Dimensions NLc7 NL6 M M Use in Ergonomics Standing Body length 167.8�5.8 156.7�5.7 171.5 159.8 To determine tool (height) height for work while standing, and the height of the work space Body length 213.8�8.4 198. L+7.6 - - To determine verti- with up- � cal reach with the stretched purpose of locating arm controls Deltoid 44.6�2.2 41.8�2.4 - - To determine work- shoulder place dimensions width Length of 64.2�3.3 59.3�3.1 - - To determine forward arnl re ach stretched forward* Length of arm stretched to the side* Shoulder length 62.2�3.3 56.8�3.0 of 32.7�1.7 30.2�1.6 35.5 32.7 To determine height of controls and height of work surface Leg length 90.1�4.3 83.5�4.1 92.8 85.8 " Thigh - - 44.4 43.0 " length ' Standing 155.9�5.8 145.8�5.5 159.8 149.1 To determine height eye level . of work surface and location of displays, and the field of view Shoulder 137.3�5.5 128.1�5.2 141.7 132.1 To determine height point of work surface height ' and height of con- trols *With hand clenched into a fist (grasping position). 20 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500420026-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Palm point height Sitting Body length Height of eyes above floor Height of shoulder above floor Height of elbow above floor Knee height Body length above seat 51.8 3.5 48.3 3.6 - 130.9 4.3 121.1 4.5 - 118.0 4.3 109.5 4.2 - 100.8 4.2 92.9 4.1 - 65.4 3.3 605. 3.5 - - To det: rmine grasping zone - For machine oper- ation and other jobs, selection of cab height in machines, combines, tractors, etc. - To determine height of work surface and locations of warning signals and displays - To determine height of work surface and lever control zone Height of eyes above seat Height of shoulder above seat Height of elbow above seat Length of forearm* 50.6 2.4 46.7 2.4 - - To determine height of work chair 88.7 3.1 84.1 3.0 88.4 84.3 To determine height of machine tools, controls, dis- plays 76.9 3.0 72.5 2.8 772. 73.6 To locate controls and displays, to determine height of work surface 58.6 2.7 56.0 2.7 59.1 56.6 To locate control.s, to determine height of woric surface 23.2 2.5 23.5 2.5 - - To locate elbow rests, to deter- mine workplace height 36.4 2.0 33.4 1.8 35.5 32.0 To determine for- ward reach and workplace dimen- sions 1 Length of 104.2 4.8 98.3 4.7 - - To locate manua outstretch- controls ed arm Thigh length 59.0 2.7 56.8 2.8 - - To determine seat dimensions *With hand clenched into a fist (grasping position). 21 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R044500020026-6 MOR UM'N'1(:IAL U5E UNLY Table 2. Basic Dimensions of Human Harid a) I107MCp, CM (2) Tu 11:1 I tilic. s " 1101160nbuwn(3) 1(42i)CnIIIIn I(5) 11nil+enmun,n q 2(1 18.5 17 9 8,2 7,fi l1 12,1 11,2 9,9 7,8 7,3 6,8 : l . 7,3 (i,G 5,8 12,1 11.2 9'9 Note: When protective gloves are worn, the width and thickness of the hand are increased by 1-1.5 cm. Key: l. Points on Figure 3 4. Average 2. Dimension, cm 5. Least 3. Greatest Table 3. Basic Dimensions of the Human Head P03N!{1, CM Tovntt us pHC. 3 ~3~unn6onbumil k t~)cpcAnutl - (5)enaMem:uitfi A 23,3 21,8 18,5 I'i 16,5 14,8 13,1 l; 20.2 18,8 1 ti,8 I' - - 11.2 Il 1:4 'q 12 9,7 I I 13 I(),8 8,2 K 6,5 --G,8 JI 7,6 G,:I 4,9 DI - - I'l,5 11 13,4 I i"l lU Key: 1. Points on Figure 3 2. Dimension, cm 3. Greatest 4. Average 5. Least 22 ' FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500024426-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY n~ is I I Figure 2. Human Body Dimensions Needed in Ergonomics (See Table 1) ~ G - - Il i ` -7- ~ ' rut 1� ~ ali, Q - ' ~ . i- - ~ , - i. - n - - - - o--.~ 124 n - i ; _ ~~,1 ` o ~ ~ ~ . � ' glove ~ 1~ - i - I ~ Figure 3. Basic Dimensions of the Head and Hand (See Tables 2 and 3) 23 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R400504020026-6 ~ r'uK 0H1-11LIAt, uaE uNLtr As we can see from these data, use of six for the hands and 10 for t.he head - seen for the purposes of ergonomics. for the torso are stated in Table 1. 28 anthropometric indicators for the torso, (44 anthropometric indicators in all) is fore- Concrete uses of each anthropometric indicator _ Every anthropometric characteristic is known to be a random variable having a normal - distribution represented by the gaussian curve. Knowing the probability distribution and the average of a characteristic (M) and the standard deviAtion (Q), we can deter- mine the percentage of people for whom that anthropometric characteristic fits within in a given interval. For example 99.7 percent of all characteristics having a normal distribution, or to put the same thing in another way, 99.7 percent of all people fall within the NL 3Q interval. The following relationships are valid for a normal distribution: The interval NL 26 corresponds to 95% " NL1.656 " 90% - " NL1.156 " 75% It M�la " 68% " M�0.676 " 50% " NL0.32cy " 25% - Using these data, in each case we could calculate the percentage of people having dimensions in keeping wiih a particular structure (a seat, a cab, a console, etc.). The methods of special ergonomic analysis may be subdivided into different forms depending on their purpose. It should be kept in mind, however, that special ergo- nomic methods of analysis are still in their developmental stage. The greatest diffi- _ culties lie in evaluating the workplaces of machines such as tractors and combines, and cabs housing control consoles. The difficulties encountered here by ergonomists will be discussed below. The dimensions of equipment are given as metric and angular measurements to permit assessment of their correspondence with the anatomical dimensions of the human body. This is easily done for a simple office desk or chair. However, ergonomics has yet to scientifically siabstantiate the choice of inethods for determining the linear and angular parameters pertaining to the location of controls and the work seat, and the dimensions and shape of levers, pedals and so on, for example in tractar cabs. Methods of Determining the Quantity of Nbvements, Their Speeds and Trajec*_ories There are considerable difficulties in evaluating the speeds, trajectories and nvmbers of movements made by the arms or legs when servicing a particular piece of production equipment. What we use here are tensometric (recording force and time characteristics) and potentiometric sensors (recording' biomechanical parameters and movements of controls), requiring employment of special amplifi_ers and recorders. We can describe as an example a system for mechanical time-and-motion studies pro- posed by P. I. Gumener. It uses a rheostat sensor, contained within a bridge circuit, and a recorder (Figure 4A). The sensor consists of a variable resistor (470 ohms) 24 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY one strip secured to its shaft and another to the main body of the resistor. One of the sensor strips, along which wires are secured, is fastened to the operator's shoulder, and the other is fastened to the forearm in such a way that the shaft of the variable resistor would be in line witn the axis of the elbow joint (Figure 4B). Three multistranded conductors are braided into a single cable 2�meters long having a plug at its end. When the operator must be disconnected from the instrument for a short period of time, rather than removing the sensor the operator need only remove the plug from its socket. This is especially convenient when we study not all of an operator's work but only individual moments of it. The conductors leading from the sensor to the recording instrument may be of any length (20-30 meters and more). A recording N-370 or N-375 ampere voltmeter is used as the recording instrument. This instrument is simple, and it may be assembled in the laboratory.from readily avail- - able components. Figure 5 shows an example of recordings made of different work operations. V I I I x- ~ I , _ 4 R:i ~ ~-w- I - - m A --o (Z Z I I I ~ a_~ I L~- I-- - - - D 13 vz A Figure 4. Circuit of an Instrumen'. Used for Mechanical Time-and-Motion Studies: A: R1--variable resistor (470 ohms) of the mechanographic sensor; R2-- variable resistor (470 ohms) used to balance the bridge; R3--variable re- sistor used to set nominal voltage; B--battery, mA--N-370 AM recording milliampere voltmeter; D--mechano- graphic sensor; V1, V2--voltmeter terminals; B: position of sensor for recording movement mechanograms - Wli(:n necessary, a multichannel system for group mechanical time-and-:notion studies may casily bu assembled from such single-channel systems. Such a system (Figure 6) cari be used to simultaneously study several opeXators or record the work of several joints. A multichannel system consists of 8-14 rheostat sensors and an N-102 or N-700 loop osciloyrapYi, which can be connected to terminals I-II, III and so on - (see Figure 6). An exampie of a recordinq made during a group mechanical time-and- = motion study is shown in Figure 7. '2n this variant of the instrument the - 25 FOR OFFICIAL US1E ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R004500024026-6 FOR OFFiCIAL USE ONLY ~ u - ki Mv a . b C d c e' f e Figure 5. Mechanical Time-and-Motion Study of Work Operations in a Mechanic's Shop (I) and a Carpentry Shop (II) : I--principal operations: a--filing; b,e--cutting; d--working tin with a mallet; auxiliary operations; e--tightening a vice; f-- - taking measurements. II--principal operations: a--planing; b--sawing; c--filing; auxiliary opexations: d--sandpapering; - e--taking measurements mechanochronograms must be processed by hand. However, Gumener also descri.bed an - instrument ir.tended for automatic mechanochronogram recording (1967). A tensomyographic method for determining muscle tension when working with various controls, developed by V. I. Golovan' (1972), can be used successfully to record the movements of joints and to keep track of muscles performing a movement. In this method muscle tension accompanying a natural work process is recorded by tensoresistor sensors securAd to the subject's skin over the target muscles with adhesive strips. The sensors are secured firmly enough so that they would not slip over the surface af the skin, but not so firmly that they would constrain the joint's movement or 26 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 . FOR OFFI('lAL USH: ONLY [ ~ r , Figure 6. Diagram of the "GM-1" Instrument for Group Mechanical Time- Time-and-Motion Studies ~ ; c t~vvWlivv~''u', e i ,Figure 7. Group Mechanical Time-and-Motion Study: a--metal cutting; b--chopping; c--sawing wood; d--planing; e--measuring parts - 27 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE O1WLY disturb circulation in the musc].e. A light cable up to 25 meters long with a plug at its end is secured to the subject's belt to permit free movement around the machine. A TA-5 amplifier is used to amplify the electric signal picked up from the strain gages. Change in voltage picked up by the strain gages is recorded by a multiCOmpo- nent K-12-21 oscillograph, which is a general-purpose electromagnetic instrument capable of optical recording on photographic tape. The tensomyographic method 'Zan be used to obtain data characterizing the tension of different muscle groups and the extent of their participation in work movements, the quantity of the work done, the rhythm of movements and the dynamics uf fatigue development. _ Researchers making biomechanical observations on an individual in the course of ergonomic research often need to know the number of arm movements. N. A. Kokhanova and G. I. Barkhash (1972) used an ordinary pedometer for this purpose. As we know, pedometers are used to count the number of steps an individual takes. They record vertical jolts occurring while walking. Kokhanova and Barkhash adapted pedometers to record the number of arm movements in both the vertical and horizontal directions. To record horizontal movements, the pedometer's spring was removed from its post (Figure 8Aa), as a result of whicn its weight (Figure 8Ab) could make a horizontal movement which would actuate a counter. Two pedometers are fastened to thz individual when the distal division of the right and left forearms must be studied. One of them is located on the backside of the forearm, and it records horizontal movements, while the other is fastened perpendicularly to the first in order to record vertical arm movement. To make it easier to secure the pedometers to the arms, they are in- serted into a special holder with their reset knobs facing each other (Figure 8B). 'I'he authors used this method to record the number of arm movements made by two groups of grinders performing circular and slot grinding. The research showed that in circular grinding, the number of vertical movements made by both arms during a shift averaged 6,260 and the number of horizontal movements averaged 6,058, while with slot grinding the number of vertical movements averaged 4,063 and horizontal move- ments averaged 5,110. The temporal dynamics of these data are shown in Figure 8C. The results provide additional objective information on the activity of the human motor apparatus during work in the course of a shift.. Cyclography* Cyclography permits a more-accur.ate biomechanical evaluation of the movements of " different body joints in ergonomic research. Cyclography affords a possibility for determining all of the main biomechanical indicators of joint movement--trajectory, speed, acceleration and muscle force. , The cyclographic method essentially entails registration of point images of the move- ment trajectory. For this purpose lamps (from a pocket flashlight) are secured to the points of the body to be analyzed. The light of these lamgs is periodically interrupt- ed by a special device--an obturator. When motion picture photography is employed, successively taken frames assume the obturation function. Rubber straps with sockets are the most convenient for securing the lamps to the subject's body (Figure 9). Lamps are located above the centers of the joints between *This description is borrowed from the book "Praktikum po fiziologii truda" [Hand- - book on Labor Physiology] (K. S. Tochilov, Editor), Izd-vo LGU, 1970. 28 _ FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/42/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY . C.. r i~n 4 411 It IU I'J 14 IG IH?U ~ 4 40 I{p~�MU 1~4t1 I~ h11 fl 11~1 / 111 I1111 Figure 12. Parametric Graph of the First Differences and Speeds in Relation to Component y (A). Parametric Graph of Second Differences -uidAccelerations in Relation to Component y(B) Key: 1. Meters/sec 2. Time, 1/40 sec 6. Calculate the speeds in relation to components x and y. For this purpose find the differences between the coordinates o.f the points (the so-called first differ- ences--A'). The first differences are calculated for an interval of four points-- that is, the coordinate of point 0 is subtracted from the coordinate of point 4, and the result is written, together with its sign, opposite the coordinate of point 2; next the data ior point 1 are subtracted from the coordinate of point 5, and this result is written opposite point 3, and so on until completion. In this case it would be convenient to use a template (see Figure 12A). The data are entered into a table, and then on a graph of the first differences in relation to the movement component (x and y). The first differences (A') are converted to soeed in relation to, for example, component y (Vy ) using the following formula: v A'1 )i)o m/sec, IX 35 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000504020026-6 FOR OFFI(;IAL USE UNLY where P, --interval betwec:n poiit coordinates (4 in our case) ; y--number of points in 1 sec (40 in our case); 1,000--for conversion of millimeters into meters. Example: If the first difference (A?) is 20 mm, then the speed in relation to movement component y at the given moment would be: ,10 1/y ' q2x IIHH) 0,2 m/sec. Similar caZculations are made for component x, and the results are graphed. The speeds need not be calculated for each point of a trajectory. It would be suffi- cient to apply, to the graph of first differences, an additional scale of speed values at the intervals calculated by the formula and corresponding to the values of the first differences. 7. Calculate accelerations. Acceleration (W) --that is, the rate of change of movement speed--may be interpreted as the speed of change in speed. Therefore every- thing said about speeds may be applie.i to acceleration, in which case we introduce the coricept of second differences (Al') on analogy with the concept of first differ- ences. The first differences are the raw data used to calculate the second differences. The second differences are also calculated for every fourth point, though on the basis of the first differences and not the photographic measuring template. The obtained values are entered into the table. Second differences are converted to acceleration values (W) using the following formula: f V - !Ky 1, m/sec2. y 51X Itl()1 A graph of the second differences (Figure 12B) is set up similarly as the graph of first differences, and an additional scale for the acceleration values calculated with the formula is applied on it (in m/sec2). ' This ends the kinematic description of the movement. 8. Calculate the dynamic characteristics--the muscle power required to surmount inertia and gravity. Inertia (F1) is equal to the mass of the segment (m), which is itself equal to the weight of the segment (gm) divided by gravitational acceleration (981 cm/sec2). Inertia opposes both components of movement--x and y(forward and upward). Muscle force (F) is expressed in kilograms. In the case of surmounting gravity, p X IVy, , 36 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY where p--segment weight, kg; [ly--acceleration achieved during movement in relation - to component y. This formula can be used to calculate forces corresponding to accelarations. Muscle force to surmount inertia (F1) must be applied to both movement components--x and y. It also is expressed in kilograms. Fi = I'i., -I- Fly. In this case /`X : : ntWx / y m Ivy, where m--mass of the segment and rod; Wx and Wy --acceleration achieved move- ment in relation to components x and y. Thus the total force in relation to component y is equal tothe sum of forces Fp + F1, while only F1 is applicable to component We limit. the description of muscle forcz only to movement component y because the kinematic characteristics of speed and acceleration are also analyzed only in rela- tion to component y. The absolute values of the variables indicated above are ob- tained using known formulas. For speed for example, at each point we have I/ V ~'xz __-Vyr-~ for acceleration we have I% tY/XZ 1- lt!y'~ � 9'. The dynamic r.haracteristic of movement is expressed by the muscle forces applied to the segment's center of gravity (in our example, to the center of gravity of the hand and rod). This indicator may be calculated on the basis of cyclographic data if the movement is opposed only by gravity and inertia (as in the case of lifting the rod). Gravity is equal to the weight of the segment, and it is directed vertically downward. Consequently the muscle force required to surmount it must be applied upward in the direction of movement component y. - The technique described above for planar cyclophotography is intended for recording individual movements, or their phases, out of a series of repeating movements (other- wise the movements would superimpose over one another). If a successive series of movements must be analyzed, they would have to be photographed on moving film with a motion picture camera (naturally, this method can also be used to record individual movements or their phases). With motion picture photography, the number of frames taken per second must be known. The photographic measuring template is obtained by plotting successive points of the trajectory of movement on graph paper, Yrojecting tYie film frame by frame onto the exact same place on the graph paper. This work must be done with special care so that subsequent calculations would come out correctly. The advantage of motion picture photography is that in addition to permitting micro- ar:alysis of movements, a possibility is created for observing the progress of a move- ment in slow motion (using a high frame frequency), which is especially important to studying work procedures. 37 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Using Motion Picture Photography to Study Movements Motion picture photography is used in labor research to detextnine the time of indi- vidual procedures and work movementsand to evaluate the efficiency of work movements, procedures and postures. The duration of individual procedures is determined from tlie number of frames on the movie film. If the work procedure is represented on 240 frames and the shooting speed is 24 frames per second, the duration of the proce- dure can be determined by calculation: Procedure duration = Number offrames for procedure _ 240 _ 10 sec. Filming Speed 24 To evaluate the efficieiicy of work procedures and postures we lay a sheet of graph paper over the screen of an editing table, and the starting positions of both hands are marked on the paper. Then the film is advanced two or three frames, the new position of the hands is marked, and so on. The direction of movements and pauses - in them are indicated concurrently. After the procedure is recorded in this way, ~ the points representing movement of the hands are joined together: a broken line for the left hand and a continuous line for the right. Thus we obtain a cyclogram of the movements. Following this we use a curvimeter to measure the relative length of the movement paths. Figure 13 shows a cyclogram of two spinners, one less ex- nerienced (Figure 13A) and one more experienced (Figure 13B). A curvimeter would show that the lenath of the movement path of the less experienced spinner mending a broken thread is 130 percent of the path length of the more experienced spinner. Correspondingly the mending time is 13.1 percent longer for the less experienced than the more experienced spinner. ~ i i  ~ ~ A t> . Figure 13. Cyclogram of the Hand Movements of a Less Experienced (A) and - More Experienced (B) Spinner Mending a Broken Thread: Continuous ].ine--movement of the right hand; broken line--left hand 38 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 . '--ti ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - In this way, we can also casily determine the effectiveness of teaching the best work procedures. Thus after being taught efficient procedures, the path lenqth of the hand movements of a furrier decreased from 6 to 4.5 meters. Because movie film can be viewed more than once, we can study and make work procedures and hand movements more efficient; by viewing a motion picture film, we can reveal and pin down unnecessary, extra procedures and movements, and thus get r:.d of them. S. Zhunda, the author of this modification of the me thod, believes that by using an intermittently switched-on movie camera we can also apply the "instantaneous obser- vation" method. , Measurement of Forces Measurement of the forces exerted by an operator while he is servicing equipment is often a necessity in ergonomic research. However, the methods of taking these measurements are still unsophisticated. '1"he importance and need of such research - stem both from the fact that physiological research has indicated a direct dependence between the amount of muscle force applied during work and functional changes in the body, and the fact that a measure of the forces required for control of equipment may serve as a basis for developing recommendations on their limitation. Of interest in this connection is a method for recording forces applied to production equipment developed by M. M. Speranskiy (1972). It entails recording the amount of force applied (by the palm and fingers) during the use of a control lever using several flat miniature sensors secured to the palm side of a special glove (Figure 14). In this case the object to which the force is applied may vary--the handle of a hand tool, a control, an article being worked, an article of athletic gear and so on. The sensitive eleznent of the sensor consists of conductive rubber possessing the property of being able to decrease its resistance when compressed in volume. In - this connection the sensor is designed in such a way that the tensometric element would be compressed by a force perpendicular to the surface of the sensor. Changes in the resistance of sensors joined together into bridge circuits elicit voltage changes in the latter which are amplified by a dire ct current multichannel transis- torized amplifier and recorded by a high-speed multichannel recorder. 7.'he sensor's design protects the recording system from artifacts that may arise due to movement - of the hand and fingers. Within a certain range, the voltage (current) at the amplifier output grows in proportion to the force applied to the sensor. The resulting dynainograms are subjected to quantitative evaluation (in kg) on the basis of the calibration of the recording system. 'I'his method can also be used successfully to evaluate the quality of seats. The quality of a seat depends on how uniformly pressure is distributed over the surface of the gluteus muscles. The nature of this pressure's distribution can be determined by distributing a large quantity of Speranskiy sensometric sensors over the surface of the seat and subsequently recording the pressure applied to different parts of the seat surface. The shape of the seat surface may be altered in correspondence with this pressure distribution, so as to achieve more-uniform distribution of loads on different surfaces of the gluteus muscle s. In a number of cases conventional dynamometers can be used to determine the forces exerted on used equipment. Thus for example, dynamometers are used successfully to evaluate forces applied when manipulating control sticks, steering wheels and so on; a particular example is the spring dynamometer used by the State Motor Vehicle 39 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/42109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 FnR OFHI('IAL USF. ONI.Y - ~ s p � � � ~U � ` 4- \ ~ � \ ~ � ~ \ ~ O \ � _ ~ a � .._.i . Figure 14. Distribution of Tensometric Sensors Over the Surface of the Palm in M..M. Speranskiy's Method Inspection to measure the force necessary to turn the steering wheel of a motor vehicle. This spring dynamometer is secured to the rim of the steering wheel. The force generated when turning the wheel is shown on a scale marked on bushings on which the dynamometer rests. Preserace of two springs permits measurement of forces in ranges from 0.9 to 2 and from 2 to 10 kg. Yu. G. Shirokav and V. P. Silant'yev proposed a method for quantitative evaluation of loads experienced by the hands. They designed a tensometric device that could differentiate the points of application of forces, in kg, reveal the loads with regard to the time of their action upon the muscle (indicator I, equal to the product of force P, kg and the time of its action t: I= PXt kg�sec) and evaluate tYte loads simultaneously experienced by many muscle groups of the arm. By determining indicator I, kg�sec, we can describe the loads both on individual muscles of the hand and on entire muscle groups during work. Figure 15A shows a diagram of the device used to conduct myotensometric research. This method is based on measuring forces by means of tensometric converters--tenso- me te rs . The device consists of a sensitive element--a glove (Figure 15B), to which thin metallic plates with o_lued-on tensometric resistors are secured within tha zone of - the muscles to be analyzed. The leads of all of the tensometers are located on the back sicte of the glove, and they are connected by a long cable and plug connection to a bridge block, in which each tensometer is the leg of a correspondi_ng bridge. 40 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407102/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R000500020026-6 FOR OFFIC'IAL USE ONLY C1) (l) ilia- ~~iniai (l~~ra-19iritai 1 iuH o , iiHtl- 3,4 ne ,2U 12 2 1 - - - i ( I ~ I L--- WP25E M1 N92 Ns~10 (3) q it ~taT`M1SaM . (4) B - Figure 15. Tensometric Sensor Connection Circuit: A--bridge block; B--tensometric glove; 1-10--tensometric sensors Key: 1. Power 3. ShR25 2. Signal 4. To sensors Type PKB sensors without hysteresis and with resistance R depending insignificantly on temperature t, �C, may be used. 'Phe essence of the method is as follows: As a result of forces experienced by different regions of the hand in the course of physical work, electric bridge un- balance signals are fed separately to the inputs of a direct current multichannel amplifier--a UPT, from the output of which the signals are fed to a recording block - (a cat}xode-ray oscillograph or recorder). Before recording begins, a special device is used to "calibrate" the sensometers which are subjected to a previously'known force PeaZ kg� 41 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500024026-6 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The analysis of the myotensogram may be both qualitative and quantitative. - Tabular Method for Evaluating Workplace Organization Among the methods for evaluating the organization of workplaces at which production equipment is serviced, tabular analysis of the correctness with which handles, buttons and other fixtures are located on a control console has great significance. The chief problem usually solved by the method of tabular analysis is that of clari- fying when and in what sequence the operator manipulates different controls. In other words it is used to deternnine the number and sequence of the operator's con- tacts with different controls. In this method, controls are coded by means af certain symbols, and these symbols are entered across the tap and down the left - column of a table (Table 4). Then the work of an operator is observed, in the course of which all of the operator's contacts with the controls are recorded in succession. After the observations are all made, the total number of the operator's coiitacts with different controls and the sequence of these contacts are determined at the bottom of the table. Table 4. 7'able of Contacts ` . Opranw ynpann- enui) IA I11 ~ C! IJ ~L I,: I G [I[ I I I J I K 1 1. n - s 4 2 io 9 s- 7 s _ ll 3-- 1 'l - 5- 7- 14 10 - 4 I - 4 20 12 - 15 3 4- 15 U 2 2 4- 7 lfi - 10 - 5 9- I: 10 20 7 - 7 6 17 21 10 12 - . r 9 5 12 IG 7- 8- 13 20 G 8 - 6 8 - 3 8 20 9 11 - 7 15 lU 17 - 3-- - 18 4 - I 7- 3 21 13 $ S J - 14 4 5 10 - 20 18 5--- - K - lU - 9 12 - 9 a - - - 3 - 15 - - 20 - - - - - (2flncno CDA3Cfi 96 42 78 55 110 90 62 74 57 76 44 38 Key: 1. Controls 2. Number of contacts We can see from tY2e example of tabular analysis shown in Table 4 that the operator made the largest number of contacts with the control with the code letter E. In Lorms of their sequence, they are usually combined into successive control manipu- lations--[,I, L�'C and so on. Hence we can conclude that control E must be located in tlie most optimum zone, and the controls which the operator manipulates most fre- N. VIVLY . N-4 Fiqure 20. Location of a Person and Equipment Undergoing Testing to Determine Basic Permissible Conditions: 1--pneumatic drill; 2--pressure gage recording applied pressure; - 3--measuring platform; 4--pressure gage recording - compressed air pressure; 5--compressed air pressure regulator; 6--friction absorber; 7--tool simulator; 8--contact ring The biomechanical conditions of maintaining an asymmetrical posture can be described by the amount the body's center of gravity is displaced to the right and by the amount muscle static tension is increased due to inadequate visi.bility. A posture would be undesirable from the biomechanical standpoint if the spine is tilted in relation to the horizontal plane (a), if the shoulder girdle and pelvis are tilted laterally in relation to horizontal, and if compensatory scoliosis of the spine arises in the cervical and lumbar divisions. N. P. Benevolenskaya (1972) 'studied pulsed--action mining equipment (rivetinq, chopping and pneumatic hammers).with testing units at the USSR Academy of Sciences Institute of Mining (Figure 20). A mock-up of a grinder was developed at the ergonamics laboratory of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences institute of Labor Hygiene and Occupational Diseases (38). This mock-up simulates the work of a g.rinder with the purpose of establishing the optimum - location of the grinder's controls,and the forces exerted by the operator (Figure 21). Method of Evaluating Informational Interaction.* The methods of ergonomic evaluation of informational interaction between and operator and a machine are an important but little-studied area. An operator's work involves *Described in "Prakti;;um po fiziologii truda" [Handbook of Labor Physiology], edited by K. S. Tochilov, LGU, 1970. � 48 FOR OFFICIA L USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY a E G � , Figure 21. A Study Performed to Optimize a Machine Tool Operator's Work Posture by Changing Locations of the Principal Controls on a Mock-Up: 1--mock-up: a--existing work posture, b--improved work posture, c--optimum work posture; 2--electro- myograph - recognition of displayed signals; therefore we must know the rate at which his sense organs, and the visual analyzer in particular, perceive and process information. The recorded time of a choice reaction to a certain visual stimulus consists of the time required to receive the information in the visual system, the time to form a motor reaction in response to the obtained information and the time required for the signal to travel efferent pathways to acting organs--that is, the measurement of the choice reaction time does not differentiate between information processing time in the visual and motor areas. The temporal characteristics of the work of the visual system itself may be studied by presenting a visual image for a certain length of time and determining the quantity of information obtained by the observer during this time. This procedure is what is used in psychophysiology to measure the rate of visual perception. A tachistoscopic method can be used to measure the rate of visual perception. Tachistoscopy is short-term presentation of images. A tachistoscope is an instrument displaying an image for any desired length of time. Because man's visual system includes a working memory that retains an image of an - ob;ect for more than 250 msec following its disappearance from the field of view, - when images are presented by means of conventional tachistocopes without an attendant 49 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500024026-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY n ~ (1) 1. /lM Cll , . . _ IU Jnu: ~2~ Q/ (3) Y0 r1a�/j ' ..%`xx---xx ~ 5 ~uic x ?.O x � ~ 40-00D ~ ~ p 3 p~~c x � O t.i1 ~ x o ~ � 0/ ou /6Q 10 'lll Y(1 40 50 liU 70 (lU 90 (4) B Figure 22. Diagram Showing Presentation of Test and "Attendant" Images (A): t--test image exposure time. See text for explanation. Depen- dence of Average Quantity of Information (I) Received by the Observer on Image Presentation Time (t) (B)a Sets of three, five and ten images had to be identified (V. D. Glezer, A. A. Nevskaya, 1964) Key: 1. Binary units 2. Binary units/sec 3. Figures 4. Msec 50 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/49: CIA-RDP82-40850R040500024026-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY image, the time allowed for their identification is not really limi-ted. If following presentation of a given image, called a"test" image, the subject were to be shown another called an"attendant" image, the first '("test'�) image could be "erased" from the working memory, thus switching the visual system to solution of a new task. Z'he exposure time of this image would reflect the time required by the visual system to process information about it. S. S. Siklari was the first to propose a method for determining the time required by the visual system to identify an image. He used television apparatus to present images. This method was later improved. Then A. A. Nevskaya designed an optical device permitting smooth change in exposure time from 3 to 700 msec, something the television apparatus could not do. Observation is monocular in tYLis case. The Leningrad University laboratory of labor physiology developed a s~:milar binocular observation device permitting presentation of an iinage for from 6 to 200 msec. The image is projecte d onto a screen by two general purpose projectors. A slide is secured in a convergent beam of light directly behind the last lens of the condenser, near the focal plane of the projector's lens. This sl.ide is projected onto the screen by the projector lens. At the same point the light be:am is interrupted by a curtain secured to a relay. When a pulse of one duration or ariother is fed to the relay the "test" image comes on and the "attendant" image goes o:Ef; after this time expires the "attendant" image is flashed back on. The exposure time is set by means of an ELS-1 electrostimulaLOr. The device's principle of operation is shown in Figure 22A. While the "test" image is being presented the "attendant" image is shut off, and vice versa. An attachment permitting measurement Df the latent period (LP) of the combined sensory-speech reaction has been made. Different sets of images can be presented to an observer for aparticular amount of time by means of this method. The object of the observer is to determine and name the presented image. Following this, a formula is used to determine the average quantity of information obtained by the observer in a given pre:aentation time. When the presentation time is long, no mistakes are made in identification and the quantit1 of received information corresponds to the quantity given. If time'is short, the observer is unable to receive all of the necessary information, and he gives wrong answers. Here is an example of calculating the average quantity of information received by an _ observer in an experiment with a test object presentation time of 56 msec. Four lines of different lengths were presented: 1, 2, 3 and 4 angu].ar degrees. All images (x) were equiprobable. A table describing the distribution of responses in relation to the given presentation time was compiled on the basis of the obtained responses (y) (see below). The averagc quantity of information recaived by the observer during this presentation _ time can be calculated using Shannon's formula: l=1/x-}-lly- //X,yo 51 = FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102/09: CIA-RDP82-40854R000500020426-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (1) Orncri.t (Y) (3) x - T~GTI B"r u 2 3 4 ai1C 1 10 0 0 0 `l 12 2 O II 0 Q I 12 - 3 0 0 11 I U 12 - 4 0 0 0 , 12 U 12 13ccr0 ...(3) IU II 11 13 3 48 Key : 1. Responses 3. Total 2. "Don' t know" where 1 iC --~1'X I()921'1 --entropy of the probability distribution of the presented iwges*; lly=---ZI'y I0f;1 1'y --entropy of the probability distribution of the subject's responses; 1(z,y= -~~~'.,y 10f,lz !'X,y --entropy of the joint probability distribution of arisal of image x and response y. Because all four images are equiprobable in the � expe riment, - !/x Iog;4= 2 binary units (bits) 11 fly ~ I l0g'~ h 8 . . . _f - 48 1092 8) 2,20 bits ' /(x y=-EpX, y 1092 Px, y IQ ll) 2 2 � 12 lo~,r,, 4g- I- , log~ 49- "I- . . . 7F logz 12 - 2,37 bits Thus the average quantity of iiiformation in this case would be 2+2. 20-2. 37 = 1.83 bits per presentation. In other words in 5.6 msec the subject receives only 1.83 bits - of information out of the signal's total information of 2 bits. The calctzlations are similar with other presentation times. - The obtained data are used to plot the dependence of the average quantity of informa- tion received by the subject on the image presentation time. Figure 22B shows the results of experiments with different sets of images. 2'he quantity of information _ tlie human visual system is capable of processing and transmitting in a unit of time _ *The P log P values needed for the entropy calculations may be taken from the tables in the book "Veroyatnost' i informatsiya" [Probability and Information] by A. M. Yaglam and A. I. Yaglom (Moscow, Fizmatgiz, 1960). 52 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500420026-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - is its capacity. Channel capacity (C) can be determined by the formula: C =I . t - where I--average quantity of infoz;aation, bits; t--time, in seconds, during which this information is received. For example we can see from Figure 21B that 2 bits were obtained in 41 msec; hence C= 4Q bits/sec; or if 2.7 bits are received in 55 msec, C= 49 bits/sec. The slope of the curve reflects the capacity of the visual system in binary units per second. The image identification time and the capacity of the visual system can vary within certain limits depending on the dimensions of the images presented, differences in the brightness of the visual field, the thickness of lines on the images and so on. Therefore depending on the factor under analysis, care must be taken to keep all experimental conditions as constant as possible. 53 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY III. HYGIENIC CRITERIA OF ERGONOMICS Physiological Basis of the Biological Action of Factors in the Production Environment Ons of the most important: objectives of ergonomics is to come up with requirements . on production equipmerit clesign and workplace organization which, when satisfied, would ensure optimum liygienic conditions in industry. These requirements are founded on physiological data describing the particular biological effects of hygienic factors upori the human body, and the hygienic standards based on these data. Among the problems associated with the biological action of hygienic factors, the most important include the laws of the body's reactions, reflecting the informa- tiveness of the operating factors, the laws gover:ing the strength and time of their influence, the particular dynamics of the body's reactions to the influence of certain hygienic factors and the laws of the body's adaptation to operating factors on the basis of information received by functional integration systems. A knowledge of these - aspects of biological action is what would pernut us to confidently approach evaluation of production equipment design and workplace organization in industry. Let us succes- _ sively examine these most general laws of the body's reactions to the influence of factors in the production environment. Biological Action of Hygienic.Factors Depending On Their Informativeness The mutual relationships between living organisms and the environment have great significance to the vital activities of such self-regulating systems. These mutual relationships are structured upon perception of effects coming from the environment, their transformation and coding into nerve impulses, transmission of the latter through diverse nerve pathways and formation of responding reactions. It is believed in this . case that environmental effects introduce certain infonnation i.nto the body, the content of which determines the response. ~ There are presently believec] to be three possible means of information transmission: transfer of information together with an information carrier, the matrix form of information transmission and transmission of information via special communication channels. All of these information transmission methods are said to occur in living organisms when they interact with environmental factors. We will see below how these methods of information transmission manifest themselves in the organism in the course of formation of responses to the effects of hygienic factors. 54 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 FOR OH'FI('IAI. USE ONLY As Shalyutin pointed out (68), if we are to determine the quantity of information con- tained in a given effect, we must know the quantity of qualities characterizing this effect, for example the energy it brings with it, its dose, concentration, repetition - rate, duration etc. These qualities are what determine the modality of the effect. Next we need to know the number of possible gradations or steps in each quality. Shannon's fonnula, which accounts for these data and has its origins in information ~ theory, can be used to calculate the amount of information contained in each effect. ~ The formula has the form I= n1092m, where n is the number of qualities possessed by o an effect, m is the number of gradients of each of its qualities, and log is the base 2 natural log ari-thm. Effects bearing the same information may also differ in reZetion ta their code--that is, the relationship between n and M. Thus at n= 3, m= 2 information would equal 3: I= 310922 = 3. However, at n= 1 and m =8 information would also be equal to 3 units of infonnation (bits) : I= llog28 = 3. Using these data and knowing the particular features of a given effect, we can calcu- late information contained in a given hygienic factor. Thus Shannon's formula allows us to calculate the quantitative value of information introduced by a particular effect into the body. Given the enormous significance of the possibilities for quantitatively accounting for information using Shannon's formula, it shou].d nevertheless be pointed out that many features of hygienic factors are ignored when their biological action is evaluated in this way. Thus for example, when we consider the energy (intensity, dose, concen- tration) of a given effect, we ignore its possible signaling significance. If the appropriate conclitional associations are developed, a signal having a negligible energy level or negligible dose and concentration may elicit an unusually violent response. In precisely the same way, stress reactions elicited by particular effects do not adhere to specific energy and intensity (dose, concentration) relationships. On the other hand purely mathematical representation of information cannot account for possible changes in formation of responses due to changes in the initial funetional state of the body, for example changes in attention level, presence of dominants, tiring and so on. All of this indicates that a purely mathematical approach to = studying the biological action of hygienic factors without accounting for physio- logical data cannot ensure a correct understanding of the relationship of a given effect to a particular response. In this connection we will attempt to demonstrate _ the dominant role played by the physiological approach to understanding the informa- tiveness of hygienic factors. - Much research is presently being carried out on differences in the informativeness of the continuous and int:rmittent action of many industrial and environmental factors on the body. An example would be the stable and discontinuous (intermittent) action of production noise. Although we know from experience that the intermittent, flickering action of noise, light, heat and so on is subjectively perceived by man as a stronger and more un- ploasant influence, scientific research on this problem has not yet led researchers to any firmly established explanations for this uifference. But at the same time physiological science possesses a numbe.r of established facts which 55 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500024426-6 ruK urriLInL unM urvLx _ allow us to approach, from a scientific standpoint, the question as to why inter- - mittent action is more informative. \ We ehould first of all point out the fact that as long ago as in 1843, the well _ known physiologist E. De Bois-Reymond established in research on the action of direct current on a nerve that the latter is stimulated not so much by the intensity or the ' power flux density of direct current as'by the rate of their change. In other words 136 years ago Du Bois-Reymond formulated the law of infomativeness of the action of direct current not as I= kF�t--that is, not as a proportion between the informa- tiveness of direct current of intensity (F) and the time of its action (t), but rather in the form I =kdF/dt--that is, as a proportion between the informativeness of the action of direct current multiplied by the intensity of the operating current, and the time of its action. We can see from a mathematical standpoint that in the second case an effect may achieve greater informativeness not only by increasing the intensity = of action but also by varying the rate of its change in time. Thus the data of Du Bois- Reymond and mathematicians suggest to us a direction of research in which reliable ideas on the greater informativeness of intermittentll acting factors may be obtained. Du Bois-Reymond's law, however, says nothinq about the role played by the frequency with which certain effects are interrupted in relation to their informativeness. Nevertheless such data do exist in physiology, among which N. Ye. Vvedenskiy's data on parabiosis and on the optimum and pessimum levels of stimulation should receive priority attention. Effects wYiich are interrupted at a frequency lying within opti- mum limits have -the greatest force of action, and the greatest informative- ness to the organism. This premise is fully valid in relation to effects such as - constant current and the like--that is, nonoscillating effects. Another criterion is used by physiologists wishing to evaluate differences in the informativeriess of oscillatory effects such as, for example, sound and light, operating continuously and intermittently. This criterion is the critical flicker fusion frequency. We know that intermittent light ceases to be perceived as flickering light at a flicker frequency varying within 25-50 light flashes per second, depending on the individual features of the organism's state. 2'his cr.itical flicker fusion frequency is said to be an indicator of the lability of the visual analyzer. The critical fusion frequency for sound is 40-100 interruptions of sound per second, while according to some other data it is within 90-140 interruptions per second. It becomes obvious from these data that differences in the informativeness of con- tinuous and intermittent effects may be discovered by interrupting the factor under analysis wzthin the limits of its critical flicke.r fusiori frequency, since a stimulus with a highE:r frequency would be perceived as continuous--that is, as stabie, with its informativeness equal to that of a continuous effect. Evidence that inter- mittent action is capable of increasing the informativeness of a factor under analysis may be fouzd in experiments performed by S. I. Gorshkov and Ye. A. Guseva back in 1932. As had been hypothesized, when a nerve in a neur.omuscular preparation with its circulation iYitact was stimulated by a frequency of 200 oscillations per second, the muscle reacted with minimum contraction. However, when this minimum stimulus was interrupted 20 times per second, during these breaks in stimulation the muscle reacted with a contraction having an intensity that was, judging from the myogram, 50-100 times greater than in response to the initial stimulus; consider this in light of the fact that following the interruptions, the frequency of the stimulatory pulses remained equal to 100 pulses per second--that is, also at the minimum level (Figure 23). r. 56 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R440500020026-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Figure 23. Results of Stimulating a IJerve in a Neuromuscular Preparation at a Frequency of 200 Pulses Per Second, and by 20 Pulse Traiiis Per Second With Five Stimuli in Each Train: Dramatic intensification of muscle contraction can be seen Key: 1. 200 in 20 trains e f � n 4 1'iguro 24. irradiation of an Assimilated Rhythm in the Rabbit Brain (EEG Recorded in the 40th Minute Following the 5tart of Stimulation of the Right Sciatic Nerve): 1--1 second time marks; 2-3--EEG's - of the anterofrontal and posterofrontal cortical regions; 4--respiratory center potentials; 5--pneumogram, stimulation marks Ptlysi.ological data provide a way for narrowing down the frequency of interruptions at which the biological action of intermittent stimulation is greater than that of continuous stimulation. Other features of the central nervous system's reaction must be considered here, particularly its ability to assimilate a rhythm. 57 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 _-F~ 1 10 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 ruK urrAq-thil u13G wvLr Assimilation of the rhythm of external effects was first described as a phenomenon by A. A. Ukhtomskiy at the Third A31-Union Congress of Physiologists in 1928 in his report "Rhythm Assimilation in Connection With the Teaching on Parabiosis:" Ukhtomskiy demonstrated that the functional mobility of nerve centers, receptors, muscles and other excitable formations may be altered by rhythmical stimulation, and that rhythm assimilation has important coordinating significance to the activity of the central nervous system and the integral organism. Later on, iJkhtomskiy's students and colleagues showed that an activity rhythm may be imposed upon anyorgan by exter- nal rhythmical stimuli (Figure 24). Thus a rhythm of bioelectric activity may be imposed upon the cerebral cortex by rhythmical light and acoustic stimuli; this method is now being used extensively as a means for evaluating the functional state of the cerebral cortex. Rhythmical effects can be used to change cardiac and respira- tory rhythm, blood pressure and motor activity in man. Everyone has experienced assimilation of the rhythm of march music, or has observed involuntary.motor acts within himself during a concert. - Electroencephalographic research has shown that if a rhythmical light or sound stimulus is turned on at the time an EEG is being recorded, some of these stimulation frequencies that are close to the frequencies of the EEG are assimilated and can be revealed in the recording. As a rule those frequencies of light and sound stimuli which correspond to the levcl of the subject's functional state are assimilated best. At the same time, light and sound stimuli can be used to impose a stimulation rhythm upon the subject's central nervous system and thus shift his functional state in one direction or another. Slow d- and 0-rhythms (1.5-3 and 4-7 oscillations per second) are known to correspond to a decline in functional state of thE central nervous system, the a-rhythm (8-13 oscillations per second) corresponds to a resting central nervous system, and the S-rhythm (14-35) and y-rhythm (up to 90 oscillations per second) correspond to heightened activity of the central nervous system. Hence impo- sition of an external stimulus having a certain rhythm may promote establishment of a particular level of the organism's state. Consequently the significance of inter- - mittent stimuli may depend on the rhythm with which they are interrupted, and on whether or not this rhythm coincides with a certain rhythm of bioelectric activity in the cerebral cortex, typical of the current state of the organism. These physiological facts allow us to approach, with valid scientific grounds, organization of research on intermittent and continuous effects and analysis of the obtained results: Thus the physiological effects demonstrate that the frequency of pulsations in exter- nal effects has informative significance, as a rhythm assinulation factor, basically within the limits of the critical flicker fusion frequency, and that the most pro- nounced biological action is observed at frequencies assimilated by the oi�ganism's excitable formations, and particularly when the external rhythms correspond to the rhythms of the bioelectric activity in the cerebral cortex. While rhythm assimilation phenomena may be enormously significant to detexmining the informativeness of factors in the surrounding and work environment, work on this problem has only just begun. There are-absolutely no scientific data in the litera- ture on the particular ways rhythm is assimilated or on the particular features of the pulsating action of chemical, thermal, tactile and other effects. As was shown, however, these problems have a direct bearing on the informativeness of their . 58 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R400500020026-6 ) (2) ,rrf~~M~t.C) Af; e ---1 150 biological action, particularly when we consider that these and other effects are Crequent sources of information from the surrounding and work environment, owing to wliich they should become an object of special investigation. It must be pointed out specifically in regard to the biological action of noise that the present information on noise has to do only with the biological action it exerts when adequately perceived by the hearing organ. However, as we can see from Figure 25, noise acts not only through the hearing organ but also, when it attains a certain intensity, through the entire body surface, as is shown in the upper part of the figure. According to experimental data published by S. I. Gorshkov and R. M. Nikol'skaya (1978), the threshold for perception of 2,000 Hz acoustic oscillations through the body surface when the organ of Corti is damaged is 120 db, while the threshold for 10,000 Hz is 110 db. In this case, as we can see from Table 6, percep- tion of noise through the surface of the body, without the ear's participation, pro- duces manifestations of its biological action upon the state of the organism which differ fundamentally from the changes caused in the state of the organism by percep- . - tion of noise through the hearing organ. 10 104 _ 102 `\A I _i 10F2 10l - 10~ - (1 L - ' CnMfpqMOCTN FOR OFFI('IA1, USF. ONLY ~ oPo o"`V u(d11H - - - - - - ~A ; \ ~ ~ - - - - - ~ - - - - />O ~ (5) - 0 p p p O O O O O O 0 cA u) o 0 0 0 0 o O 0 Cy ir) O O O O v Cv tn p O (3) ru 11,30 110 90 70 50 30 10 Figure 25. Sensitivity of the Human Ear to Different Frequencies of Airborne Oscillations ((Vegel'-Gil'demeyster) Curve, From _ A. A. Ukhtomskiy): See text for explanation. Key: l. ergs/(cm2�sec) 4. Pressure sensation threshold 2, db 5. Audihility threshold _ 3. Hz While changes in the state of the nervous system occwrring in response to supra- threshold, one-time, 1-hour ac:equate noise with a frequency of 2 or 10 kHz elicited a one-time lengthening of the latent time of the reaction to painful electrocutaneous or clevator* stirnulation only on the day of *"Elevator" stimulation is defined as stimulation of the vestibular apparatus by a sudden fall. 59 FOR OFFiC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Table 6. Comparative Data on the Particular Features of the Biological Action of _ Acoustic Stimuli Perceived Adequately (by the Ear) and Inadequately (by Other Than the Ear) . Physiological Indicator Latent time of re- action to electro- cutaneous stimula- tion Latent time of "elevator" re- action Pulse frequency Respiration ire- quency Bioelectric activity: Cortical regions Reticular formation Means of Perception of Acoustic Effects Adequate Inadequate Monophasal lengthening of latent time oh :the day of exposure BipYiasal lengthening of latent time: lst phase-- on the day of exposure, 2d phase--on the 33-6th days after exposure Decrease Usually an increase Activation No change Increase Decrease Inhibition on 3d-4th days PronounCed activation on the 3d-4th days exposure to it, suprathreshold, one-timE, 1-hour inadequate exposure of the body surface to this noise (the organs of Corti of the experimental animals were destroyed) elicited biphasal lengthening of the latent time of the reaction to thP same stimulus, with the first phase occurring on the day of sound exposure and the'secoi:3 phase occurring on the 3d-6th days after exposure, which in the opinion of the authors is a consequence of a transition of the response from the analyzer level to the level of physicochemical chain reaction. We can also see from Table 6 that while the pulse frequency decreases in response to adequate noise stimulation, it increases in re- sponse to inadequate stimulation. We can also see distinct differences in the respira- tory frequency and in the EEG's recorded from cortical regions in the reticular forma- tion. The authors point out that depending on differences in the means of perception of sounds and the pathways of their propagation within the organism, the nature of their action upon body functions changes. On the whole, the nature of the action of inadequately perceived acoustic stimuli is similar to the previously studied nature of action of low frequency ultrasound perceived by man, rats and rabbits through the entire body surface without participation of the hearing organ. This action has two phases, with the second phase falling on the 4th day after exposure. The second phase, which coincides in time with biochemical changes, is obviously associated with development of chain reactions. As far as the parta.cular ways inadequate acoustic stimuli and ultrasound influence autonomic functions, particularly the pulse frequency, are concerned, they are associated with differences in the pathways of prop agation of 60 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500420026-6 FOR OFFICIAL USIE ONLY s(-nsory efft,c:t:,, and wiUi absence of ephaptic* influences on the nucleus of the vagus nerve when acoustic and ultrasonic oscillations are inadequately perceived. Attention should also be turned to the fact that these data actually extend the Vegel'-Gil'demeyster curve (see Figure 25) in the direction of greater frequencies, such that we can determine the location of point A at which auditory sensitivity, which decreases as the oscillation frequency increases, intersects the curve for in- adequate sensitivity to acoustic stimuli. An important property of this point is that within its vicinity, adequate and inadequate sensitivity are quantitatively equal, and a stimulus located at this point has a double effect upon the body--adequate and in- adequate. Beginning at this point, adequate sensitivity becomes less inadequate. This point is also apparently the starting point for reading ultrasound values on the Vegel'-Gil'demeyster curve. Another point on the Vegel'-Gil'demeyster curve is point Z, at which the two branches of the curve intersect on the left, in the low fre- quency range. Infrasonic oscillations obviously begin left of this point. Stimuli corresponding to this point are also of considerable interest to physiologists and ergonomists because they would affect both adequate and inadequate sensitivity simul- taneously. Beginning with this point, and to the left of it along the trend of the Vegel'-Gil'demeyster curve, sensitivity to inadequate infrasonic stimulation becomes grcater than sensitivity to adequate auditory stimulation. Significance of the Intensity and Time of Action of Hygienic Factors to Formation of Responding Reactions Going on to tiieproblems associated with the intensity and time of action of hygienic factors upon the boc'y and foi-mation of responses to these effects, we must keep in mind - that the overall quantitative evaluation of this interaction must account for three types of quantitative dependencies: intensity-effect, time-effect and intensity-time- effect.. Investigation of these dependencies showed that the intensity-effect associ- ation may manifest itself in different ways. In some cases a response to the action of a hygienic factor increases in proportion to growth of intensity (concentration, dose), which is graphically represented by a straight line. In other cases the in- tensity-effect dependence manifests itself more intricately: Slight changes in in- tensity may elicit greater changes in the response, and vice versa. At the same time the curve describing the intensity-effect dependence may have an S shape in many cases (Figure 26). As far as the time-effect dependence is concerned, it has the same form as the intensity-effect dependence, since on the whole the time of action of any hygienic factor is proportional to the intensity of action, which was demon- - strated quite well in conditioned reflex experiments performed by I. P. Pavlov's colleagues. Intensity-effect and time-effect dependencies of this sort may be inter- preted as a manifestation of the laws of optimum and pessimum stimulation (as defined by N. Ye. Vvedenskiy). The case in which the expressiveness of a response to a hygienic factor grows as intensity or time of action increases is nothing more than the preliminary stage of parabiosis, which is in fact typified by growth in a - responding reaction as the intensity or time of stimulation grows. In this case the operating hygienic factor remains at a weak stimulation level as the intensity (dose, *Ephaptic influences are those which arise owing to the proximity of excited formations. - In this case an ephaptic influence would arise owing to the proximity of the centers of the vagus and auditory nerves to the medulla oblongata. 61 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 FOR UF'M'1(:IAL USE ONLY concentration) or time of its action increases. If the nature of the reaction is described by a sigmoid curve, the response subsequently achieves the balanced stage - of Vvedenskiy's parabiosis, and as the strength and time of action of the hygienic factor increase, the expressiveness of the response does not change; then the sigmoid curve reaches a plateau. Of course, it is much more difficult to reveal Vvedenskiyts laws in the intact organism than in an isolated nerve or a neuromuscular preparation owing to mutual superimposition of responses occurring simultaneously at different levels; nevertheless the sigmoid curve is obviously nothing other than an expression of the optimum and pessimum. Figure 26. Sigmoid Dependence of a Response on the Intensity of an Effect: Area A----yraw:h in response; B--gradual decrease of the response's increment during growth in intensity, and transition of the response to the balanced phase; ordinate-- expressiveness of the response; abscissa--inteiisity (dose) of the operating factor Because of mutual superimposition of reactions occurring at different levels of integr.ation, the paradoxical phase of Vvedenskiy's parabiosis cannot be revealed - in the intact organism in response to the action of hygienic factors, though in many cases the paradoxical phase can be revealed by measuring the latent time of reflex reactions or the intensity of responding reactions. It is always observed in rela- ' tion to these indicators in research on the dynamics of conditioned reflex development in experimental animals subjected to the most diverse factors. We can cite as an example M. N. Konovalov's data (1965) from.research on the biological action of low - frequency ultrasound, and S. M. Pavlenko's data (1976) from research on the effects of chemical factors. Thus we can conclude that although the intensity-effect and time-effect laws are masked by mutual superimposition of reactions occurring at different levels of inte- gration, nevertheless detailed analysis can reveal their subordination to the general laws of the stimulation optimum and pesZirnl_un. Iii regard to the relationship between the intensity and time of action of hygienic factors required for attainment of a certain response, for example a threshold response, a lethal outcome or some toxic effect manifesting itself as the beginning of illness - or as certain changes in the state of certain body functions or systems, in all of 62 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY tliese cases detailed analysis of the phenomena would show that they follow a hyper- bolic law, usually expressed by the equation a i = j- - 1- G, where i--intensity of action; t--time of action; a and b--constants. Presence c,f constants a and A, vrhich differ fer different cases of the hyperbolic law's application and for different forms o= effects, means that extensive research must be performed before the law can be established. However, the strictly mathe- matical form of the intensity-time-effect law permitted the French physiologist (L. Lapik) (1909) to develop a method that significantly simplifies dete nnination of a concrete form of the hyperbolic law. As a strict mathematical curve, the hyperbola can be plotted on the basis of two points. Lapik found a method for determining these two points to be used in plotting a hyperbola. These points are the well known rheobase and chronaxie. The r_heobase is defined as the threshold intensity of a long-acting factor of the surrounding or work environment, and chronaxie is defined as this factor's minimum time of action for achieving a threshold (or some other) effect at an intensity of action equal to double the rheobase. Braces in Figizre 27 show the rheobase and chronaxie values. Using these points, we can plot an intensity- time curve for any effect and for any excitable formation. As we can see, Lapik's _ suggestion of the r}ieobase and chronoxie is nothing other than a means of mathematical simulation of the intricate process of determining the intensity-time-effect law, and the intensity-time-effect curve itself allows us to discern the relationship between development of a response to a certain effect and the particular features of the _ operating factor, and to predict, at any time, the reaction that forms in response to a certain effect. After the intensity-time-effect curve is established, we can use it in particular to predict the consequences of possible efforts to improve working conditions, and thus ensure their high usefulness, as had been donein relation to predicting the consequences of protective measures against radioactive effects. In the latter case this involved establishing the 50 percent lethal dose of ionizing radiation. It is, as we know, 500 r for general irradiation. Doses at which certain symptoms of radiation sickness arise have been established. Now a personal dosimeter keeping an exact record of the irradiation dose is furnished to all workers in a11 institutions in which exposure to ionizing radiation is possible. In these cases the intensity-time-effect law has enjoyed full application. There are indications that hygienists are closa to establishing a maximum load, beyond which a transfer to other work is mandatory, in relation to another hygienic factor-- silicosis. In this case a relationship has been established between accumulation of a dangerous quantity of stone dust in the lungs on one hand and the dose of this dust - in the atmosphere and the time of working under these conditions on the other. Establiskiment of this relationship has made it possible to determine the safe time of work in a work zone subjected to stone dust; this is done by keeping a record of the dose and the time of presence within its zone of action. It follows from the above i;hat by keeping track of the intensity and time of action of factors in the work and surrounding environment and by establishing the intensity- time-effect curve, we can create new and important prospects for studying their bio- logical action and the basic principles of hygienic prediction of the corisequences of preventive and, in particular, ergonomic measures. -2 63 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 lo 9 8 7 G. - J ' - 4- 3 2 . FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (3) f Hnepoona no ypaeneiiHio i1=t0 a=(0 0=0 ~'1) XponaitcHe Poo6a3a (2) I 2 3 A 5 67 �3 9 10 1 - Figure 27. The Hyperbolic Law Key : 1. Chronaxie 3. Hyperbola for it = 10, a= 10, b =0 2. Rheobase Biological science has established another form of nonspecific interacticn between the organism and hygienic factors, namely the general adaptation syndrome discovered by Selye. This syndrome is a stress reaction, and according to-Selye himself, it may be defined as the sum total of the qeneral features of the reactions of living organisms to all stimuli that have a tendency to disturb the dynamic homeostasis of psychological, biochemical and physiological processes. If stress factors operate intensively and for a long period o.f time, they.will elicit a large number of re- actions which Selye referred to as the general adaptation syndrome. These reactions fall into three phases: the alarm reaction, the resistance phase, and exhaustion. Particular Dynamics of the Body's Reaction to Hygienic Factors The first thing that should be pointed out here is that formation of responses to nroduction factors requires a certain amount of tizne. Z'his time, which extends from the start of action of a particular effect to the moment a response to it arises, has come to be called the latent time. It may vary frow fractions of a second to many hours and even days, depending on the nature of the effect and of the body's response. Because it is during the laterit period that all aspects of the body's response are formed, this latent time is believed to be'one of the most impor�ant physiological indicators of response formation. In the intact organism, a short time is typical for formation of responses to effects perceived by exteroreceptors J (eye, ear., receptors of pain, touch, heat and cold, olfactory and vestibular analyzers and so on). The latent time of these reactions (Table 7) is within the limits of the duration of responses associated with control"ling production equipment. As we can see from Table 7, visual and auditory receptors react the fastest, the vestibular analyzer reacts more slowly, the temperature analyzer reacts even more slowly, and the slowest reaction is exhibited by the olfactory analyzer. Concurrent- ly the slowest reactions arise in response to radiated heat and cold. The receptors for these effects are in subcutaneous veins. 64 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R400504020026-6 FOR OFFICIAL USIE ONLY 'tablc 7. Latent Timc for Different Sensomotor Reactions Latent Reflex Reactions Time, msec Tendon reflexes Hancl extensor Knee-jerk reflex Achilles reflex Biceps relfex To painful electrocutaneous stimulation To auditory stimulation To light stimulation Central part of retina Periphery of retina To auditory and light stimula- tion, with a choice (differ- ~ entiation) - To painful thermal stimulation To thermal contact stimulation To cold contact stimulation To thermal radiant stimu- lation To cold radiant stimula- tion Vestibulomotor reactions To positive angular acceleration To L-he right To the left To negative angular acceleration - To the right - To thc left ~ To positive linear acceleration To negative linear acceleration To olfactory stimulation by vapor from: - (Relin) Linol2um Wood chip panels 65-70 70-100 120-190 140-160 100-120 140-160 160-180 180-220 220-340 360-400 500-80Q 350-450 Authors S. I. Gorshkov, Ye. G. Zhakhmetov S. I. Gorshkov S. I. Gorshkov, N. A. Kokhanova 1000-1400 2-5 min 260-270 260-270 270-280 250-260 270-280 360-380 320-340 S. I. Gorshkov A. V. Kolesnikova G. A. Antropov 900-1000 700-800 900-1000 65 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY S. I. Gorshkov, G. A. Pronin APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R400504020026-6 FOR OFFIClAL U5E UNLY Responses by skeletal nluscles are fast. As a counterweight to this, we can cite tYie �act that responses by the heart taking the form of change in pulse frequency, the size of the vessel lumen, blood pressure, skin temperature and sweating--that is, responses controlled by the autonomic nervous system--are slower. Their latent times are in the seconds. These data, shown in Table 8, were compiled from material in a candidate dissertation written by Yu. F. Khvorov for the Ivanov Medical Institute (1973). Table 8. Latent Times of Some Autonomic Reflexes Latent Latent Tndicator Analyzed Time, Sec I ndicator Analyzed Time, Sec Latent time of the cardio-ocular reflex in responsn to change in pulse frequency 5. 2� 0. 3 Latent time of vessel lumen dila- tion reaction in response to dosed physical load 1.2 � 0.1 Latent time of vessel lumen con- striction reaction in response to dosed physical load 7.8 � 1.0 Latent time of change in pulse frequency in response to dosed physical load Latent time of sweating reac- tion in response to dosed physi- cal load 4.3 � 0.2 8.9 t 0.9 Format?.on of responses to the effects of facto rs perceived by other than the sense organs proceeds even more slowly, as can be de duced from the time of arisal of E)ar�ticular responses in different body systemso In this case the intensity of the oE)eratiilg factor also plays an important role in the rate of formation of the response. As we can see from Figure 28, which is based on R. M. Nikol' skaya' s data (1978) and which shows the dynamics behind the concentration of hexuronic acid in the aorta of albino rats poisoned by inhalation of dimethyldioxane (as percentages of control), when the dose is large (0.35 mg/liter) a significant increase in hexuronic acid does not occur until the 19th day after poisoning, while with a smaller dose (0.04 mg/ liter) a significant increase in hexuronic acid is not observed until the 91st day Eollowing the start of poisoning. This figure also shows the phasal nature of the ctiange--the difference ~.n the direction of changes occurring in response to different cioses of the operating factor. This is an indicatian tha.t phases of compensation and toxic action follow one another. Eiowever, the phasal nature of certain changes may also be the result of transition of formation of a response from one functiz)ning system to another. Such a transition occurs, for example, in response to radioactive emissions. Immediately following irradiation, a response arises in pronounced form at the level of the central nervous 66 FOR OFFICIAL USE (iNLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000504020026-6 FOR OFFIC(AL USE ONLY ~ 120 Ilo 100 90 no Key: Figure 28. Dynamics of the Concentration of Hexuronic Acid in the Aorta of Rats Inhaling Dimethyldioxide (Percent of Control) 1. Control 2. Mg/liter 3. Days of poisoning 4. Recovery system, as may be de duced from the dynamics of the latent time of the reflex reac- _ ti-ons. However, following a latent period of 2-3 weeks these changes in the state ot the central nervous system give way to other manifestations of radiation sickness, ones manifesting themselves in the particuZar dynamics of changes in blood composition. The transition of the response's formation from the level of the central nervous _ system to the level of physicochemical reactions is also observed in relation to the biological action of low frequency ultrasound and other hygienic factors. . We can see from the a.bove that tlze dynamics behind formation of the body's responses to factors in the work and surrounding environment are extremely crucial to an under- - standing of their b iological action, and thus their hygienic standardization, which is at the basis of any protective measures, including ergonomic., that may be developed. Laws of the Body's Adaptation to Hygienic Factors Based on Our ldeas About thc Body's Functional Systems Some laws governing formation of the body's responses to factors in the work and _ surrounding environment were presented above. However, if we look at these depen- _ dencies of the body's reactions, taken separately, we are unable to discern the path- way for Which integration and interaction of different systems and organs in their responses to an effe ct. This process has been viewed differently in different stages of the development of biological and medical science. There was a time when our understanding of this process was based on the idea that individual organ systems - act independently during formation of a response to an effect. Z'his is the well known theory of cellular pathology created by R. Virchow. Starting with a false interpreta- = tion of the cellular theory, from the very beginning Virchow rejected the organism's 67 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/42/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 FOR Uh'hlClAL USL UIVLY - integrity and its unity with the environment, and he asserted that a complex organism is a set of cells reacting independently to environmental factors. Owing to the efforts of, especially, Soviet physiologists, pathophysiologists, clinicists and hygienists, this idea gradually gave way to growing acceptance of the notion that ttLe organism is in unity with the environment, that the organism's reactions are integrated. The reflex principle of integration was founded on this idea. F The theory of functional systems developed by P. K. Anokhin is a further development of the idea that the organism's reactions to environmental factors are integrated, and of the reflex principle of integration. 1'he essence.of this theory is that any compensation of the body's disturbed functions--that is, recov~n_� of its homeostasis-- can be achieved only by mobilization or integration of a signiiicant number of physio- logical components, located in different parts of the central nervous system and the working per'.Fhery but always united functionally on the basis of the final adaptive effect needeci at the given moment of interaction with factors of the sttrrounding and work environment. This vast functional association of variously located structures and processes, existing with the~purpose of producing an adaptive effect, is what Anokhin called the "functional system." Functional systems may be inborn (species-specific), acquired in the course of individual development and created for one-time reactioii to some single effect, a stress factor for example. Inborn functional systems include those supporting the organism's vitally important functions--respiration, circulation, digestion, reproduction and many others, while acquired functional systems are those which support the habits of the organism and which are developed through training and learning. An association of many body systems may be created in extreme situations _ in response to stress factors. Functional systems may occur at different levels of intey~r.ation: the population, the organism, the system, the organ, the tissue, the cell and the molecule. 'Phe population level of integration occurs whenever the effect of a factor of the surrounding and work environment directly affects the population of an entire region and when responses are genE.cated simultaneously in many organisms within this region. An example of such reactions would be adaptation - by people moving to northern regions tor a long period of time. Reactions at the level of the organism include changes in its performance and its health, for example in response to recent acceleration. The systemic level may be represented by adaptive _ chaciges in a certain isolated system or simultaneously in a number of functions-- for example the cardiovascular system and the thermoregulatory system. Understanding the cellular levE:l of integration raises no difficulties. In this case we have in mind the responses of cellular structures, mitochonclria for example. Research at the molecular level. is presently the main achievement of biological and medical science. Memory processes and transmission of hereditary information are associated with the molecular mechanisms of nucleic acids. We can see from this section that adaptation to the effects of factors in the work scid surrounding environment occur in the organism with a consideration for the in- formativeness of the operating factors, the laws governing the intensity and time of their action, the particular dynamics behind formation of responses and the mechanism of integration of the manifestations of all particular aspects of the studied factors. By considering all of these general characteristica of the organism's reactions to - hygienic factors, we can scientifically substantiate standards for such factors and develop ergonomic recommendations concerned with the design of production equipment and the organization of workplaces. 68 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500024026-6 Hou ON�N�ec�ini, usw: orvLv Ttie Ergonomic Approach .to Standardizing Factors in the Work Environment One of the principal requirements of industrial ergonomics is the premise foreseeing that the design of machines and production equipment must not be a source of undesir- able sanitary and hygienic working conditions. What this means concretely is that equipment design must correspond with hygienic requirements in regard to maintaining the sanitary and hygienic conditions of the workplace at the level of the standards established by public health legislation (So I. Gorshkov, 1971). In accordance with this premise, an ergonomic approach to standardizing the factors of the work en-vironment must regard the following: In the case conditions deviating from the established standards are discovered in a particular production operation, steps must be taken to improve the design of the production equipment, such that the standards for the involved hygienic indicators would be met. ' According to GOST [All-Union State Standard] 12.0.003-74, hazardous and harmful production factors affecting a worker at his workplace are subdivided into the Eollowing groups depending on their nature of action: physical, chemical, biological and psychophysiological. Physical factors are in turn subdivided into the following subgroups: the temperature oF equipment and materia.'11. surfaces; air temperature, humidity and circulation, its _ ionization, and its dust and gas content; levels of noise, vibration, infrasonic oscillations, ultrasound, static electricity, electromaqnetic emissions, and the intensity of electric and magnetic fields; a dangerous amount of voltage carried by _ an electric circuit may come in contact with the human body; natural and artifi- cial lighting; brigtitness of light; direct and reflected glare; pulsations in light flux; contrast; level of ultraviolet and -Lnfrared radiation. The chemical fa^torc group is subdivided into the following depending on the nature of the effect on the human body: general toxic, irritant, sensitizing, carcinogenic, mutagenic and influencing the reproductive function; these factors are also subdivided in relation to the means by which they enter the human body: through the respiratory tract, the digestive system or the skin. The biological factors group includes biological objects which cause injury to workers - or make them ill: microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, RZC1CettsZCl, spirochetes, fungi, protozoans) and macroorganisms (plants and animals). The psychophysiological factors group is subdivided into the following subgroups in terms of ttieir nature of action: physical overloads (static, dynamic), hypodynamia, },sychotic:ural overloads (mental overexertion, overexertion of analyzers, monotony of labor, emotional overloacis). Many of these factors, especially biological and psychophysiological factors, do not have clear maximally permissible levels of expression, while the norms of some others require clearer definition. Data on hygienic indicators associated most often witli the workplace are presented below. If a given factor is not dependent upon equipment design, its indicators at the workplace must be within optimum limits. 69 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500024026-6 ruK urrl*.iAL U.5G qJIvLY Air in the Work Zone This section is based on SN [Construction Norm] 245-71 and GOST 12.1.005-76, which contain the general sanitary and hygienic requirements on the microclimate and on the concentration of toxic substances in the air of the work zone. The microclimate is represented by a complex of physical characteristics imparted to an enclosed space by meteorological factors; these physical characteristics pre�- determine thermal exchange between the body and the environment of the workplace, and they include the temperature of the air, its humidity and circulation, and the temperature of surrounding objects (equipment and structures within the room). Micro- climate standards are closely associated with the heaviness of labor. In accordance with the existing classification, all jobs done at enterprises are subdivided into three heaviness categories. Light physical work (category I) is representec.l by jobs perforined while sitting or standing, or jobs associated with walking but not requiring systematic physical exertion, or the lifting and carrying of heavy loads; energy expenditures have a maYimum of 150 kcal/hr (172 j/sec). Moderately heavy physical work (category II) is represented by jobs involving forms of activity requiring energy expenditure from 150 to 200 kcal/hr (172-232 j/sec)-- category Ila,and from 200 to 250 kcal/hr (232-250 j/sec)--category IIb� Category contains jobs requiring constant walking, and jobs performed standing or sitting but not requiring movement of heavy loads. . Category IIb contains jobs associated with walking and with carrying small loads (up to 10 kg). Heavy physical work (category III) is represented by jobs associated with systematic physical exertion, and particularly with continual movement and transport of sizeable loads (over 10 kg); the energy expenditures are greater than 250 kcal/hr (293 j/sec). Optimum microclimatic indicators for the workplace are shown in Table 9. Workplace requirements that need to be considered include the temperature of heated surfaces, equipment and enclosures, which must not exceed 450C; for equipment having an internal temperature of 100�C or lower, the surface temperature must aot exceed 35�C. If for technical reasons it is impossible to meet these temperature requirements near the sources of significant radiant and convective heat (heating and melting units, molten and red-hot metal and so on), measures to protect workers from possible overheating must be foreseen: water-air showers, screening, highly dispersed spraying of water on irradiated surfaces, radiator-cooled cabs or surfaces, break rooms and so on. Air showers must be foreseen at permanent workplaces at which workers ::re subjected to radiant heat totaling 300 kcal/m2�hr and more. Hand warmers must be foreseen at workplaces involving continual contact wet and cold objects (for example frozen meat cutting and fish dressing). 70 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Table 9. Optimum Norms for Temperature, Relative Humidity and Rate of Movement of Air in the Work Zone of Production Buildings (GOST 12.1.005-76) Season of the Year Cold and transitory periods of the year (outside air temper- ztture below +10' C) Warm part of the year (outside air temper- ak"ure +10�C and ~ higher) Work Category Light- I Moderately heavy--Ila Moderately heavy- IIb Heavy--III Light--I Moderately heavy--IIa Moderately heavy--Ilb Heavy--III Relative Tempera- FIumidity, ture, �C % 20-23 60-40 18-20 60-40 17-19 60-40 16-18 60-40 22-25 60-40 21-23 20-22 60-40 60-40 18-21 Fi0-40 Air Movement P,a�te, m/sec Not More 'I'han 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 As Zinchenko et al. (32) validiy note on the basis of published data, a dynamic climate typified by certain variations in its indicators that train the body's thermoregulator apparatus and imp.rove the tone of the nervous system should be - created in production. It has been established that "mild, comfortable temperatures" and "hothouse conditions" may oper-ate as amonotonous stimulus, eliciting an inhibi- tory state. However, the differen.ce between the air temperature at the floor surface and the temperature at head level must not be more than 5�C. A discussion of microclimate requires mention of an ergonomic indicator: On the average, a 1�C deviation of air temperature from the standards corresponds to a 1 percent decrease in labor productivity (19). The group of chemical factors encountered in the air of a work zone is represented by toxic substances and aerosols of predominantly fibrogenic action. Hygienists of recently developed maximally pe nnissible concentrations for 646 toxic substances and 57 aerosols. In view of the large numbers of substances contained in these two groups, we will not list them here, instead referring the reader to the GOST cited above. We do believe it necessary, however, to turn the reader's attention to the approach which must be taken when several toxic substances exhibiting like action are simul- taneously present in the air of the work zone. In this case the sum of the ratios between the actual concentrations of each of them (C1, C2, C,n) in the air of the work space and their PDK's [maximtun permissible concentrations] (PDK1, PDK2, PDKn) must not exceed unity: PDIC + p~ + . . . + PDK ` 1. i 2 n 71 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 ruK urriLIAL ubr. uivLY As a rule, toxic substances of like action have similar chemical structure and nature of biological action upon the human body (B. D. Karpov, 1976). When several toxic substances of unlike action are simultaneously present in the air of the work zone, the PDK's are treated in the same way as if they were acting indi- vidually. Illumination This section is based on standards SNiP II-A.8-72 and SNiP II-A.9-71, and papers written by F. M. Chernilovskaya (1971, 1976). In this case we deliberately limited our standard lighting indicators to visual work classes I-VI, which are encountered most frequently at stationary workplaces. 2`he productivity of each worker is directly dependent on the efficiency of the particular form of lighting and its intensity at the workplace, since these are factors governing the effectiveness with which the visual and motor systems function, and tlie state of the certral nervous system. Three fo-rms of lighting are used in production buildings: natural, artificial and combined. The action of natural light upon the human body is typified by diversity of form and level: We encounter biological action, which is a product of phylogenesis and ontogenesis, psychological action responsible for the direct visual relationship to the environment, and the effect of natural light on production, dependent on the uniformity of illumination. Natural lighting is achieved in production buildings through lateral light openings, 1,rindows (lateral lighting) and through overhead light openings and lanterns (over- head lighting). Combined lighting is used in multiple-bay buildings: Lateral lighting is provided to places in a building with overhead lighting located farthest from the lanterns. Combined lighting is employed in buildings that do not provide enough natural light for visual work--that is, inadequate natural lighting is always supplemented by artificial lighting. Tne level of natural illumination at workplaces is defined by the coefficient of natural illumination (e), and it indicates what proportion diffuse light from the sky contributes to illumination at a point of evaluation within a room. As with illumination in general, this coefficient is standardized primarily depending on the nature of the visual work done (Tab1e.10). Artificial lighting is subdivided into general, local and combined. General light- ing is intended to illuminate the entire room; it may be uniform (when jobs of the same kind are performed throughout the entire area of the room and when the density of workplaces is high) or localized (when bulky shadow-casting equipment is present and when directional light is required). Local lighting is intended to illuminate only the work surfaces. Combined lighting consists of general and local. Its best use is with high precision jobs, and when fixed or variable directional lighting is reaiiired. 72 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R400500020026-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Table 10. Values of e for Production Rnoms in Keeping With the "Work Surface Conditions" (SNiP II-A.8-72) Characteristics of Visual Work Least Dimension of Object to be Visual Work Distinguished, mm Class Value of e in Presence of Natural Illumination Overhead and Combined Lateral Work done: Highest preci- sion Very high pre- cision High precision Moderate pre- cision Low precision Rough Less than 0.15 I 0.15-0.3 II 0.3-0.5 III 0.5-1 IV 1-5 V More than 5 VI 10 3.5 7 2.5 5 2 4 1.5 3 1 2 0.5 Luminescent lighting is becoming universally accepted in modern production to illuminate workplaces, no matter what the method for ensuring standard illumination in the work zone. This problem is solved uniquely in each concrete case. An example of such a solut'ion can be found in Chapter V of this collection--development of a new workplace for a sewing machine operator. Luminescent lamps are low-pressure gas-discharge mercury lamps, the inside surface of which is coated with a layer of phosphor. When the lamp is turned on, electric energy in the mercury vapor is converted to the energy of shortwave ultraviolet emissions with 254 and 185 nm wavelengths. Phosphor transforms ultraviolet radiation into visible light, the spectral characteristics of which depend on the composition and method of preparation of the phosphor. High economy is an advantage of luminescent lamps: Their light output is 324 times greater than that of incandescent lamps. Moreover luminescent lamps have many hygienic advantages over incandescent lamps. Their glowing surface area is larger, meaning that they provide more-uniform light within the field of view of the workers. They produce little radiant heat. Their emission spectrum is close to that of natural daylight (for LYe and LDTs lamps), and hence they praduce an almost-natural color. Luminescent lamps create favorable conditions for illumination of the visual organs as well as the human body as a who1i. Luminescent lighting helps to reduce eye fatigue, to improve the functional st, of the central nervous system, to raise labo.r productivity and to improve pr, �ict quality. There has been interest shown in recommendations by F. M. Chernilovskaya (1971) to vary the intensity of illuminatior in a production room during the day, as a reflex factor improving the general performance of the individual, delaying the onset oF fatigue and relieving it if it is already developing. These recommendations now await ttieir technical development. 73 FOk OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 FOR UFFll'IAL USk: UIVLY Different types of luminescent lamps distinguished by the spectral distribution of the light flux are now being produced. 1. Daylight lamps (LD) are close in the spectral characterstics of their emissions to those of diffuse daylight. 2. Daylight lamps with improved color reproduction (LDTs) are closer to natural light in the spectral composition of their emissions. 3. Type LYe luminescent lar.ips are closest to the spectrum of natural sunlight. 4. White lamps (LB) produce emissions with a lower concentration of blue-violet rays than daylight lamps. 5. Tt1e emission spectrum of cool-white lamps (LKhB) occupies an intermediate posi- tion between those of LB and LD lamps. 6. Warm-white lamps (LTB) produce a light with a pinkish white hue. 7. DRL lamps (mercury arc luminescent) ar.e high-pressure lamps with corrected chromaticity intended for rooms with a ceiling height greater than 12-14 meters; their use would be unsuitable in rooms less than 6 meters high. 8. DRI lamps are high-pressure mercury iamps to which metal iodides have been added. They were developed out of DRL lamps, the chromaticity of their emissions is improved, and they are one of the most economical sources of general-purpose light. LLuninescent lamps are used predominantly in multiple light fixtures. This makes special wiring patterns which reduce pulsation of the light flux possible. Table 11 shows the norms for the intensities of artificial illumination at workplaces, in correspondence with the visual work class and the contrast of the object of discrimination in relation to its background. As a rule, gas-discharge lamps (luminescent lamps, DRI and DRL lamps) should be used in a general lighting system for production rooms in which class I-V jobs are done. A conbiried lighting system should be used with class I'IV, Va and Vb work. A general lighting system can be used when it is technically impossible or unfeasible to install local lighting. As a rule, gas-discharge lamps should be used zn general lighting within a combined lighting system, irrespeative of the type of light source employed for local lighting. The illumination provided to work surfaces by general light fixtures in a combined syatem must be 10 percent of the standard for combined lighting, but not less than 150 lux when gas-discharge lamps are used. 74 FOR OFF(CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407102109: CIA-RDP82-00854R000500020026-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ ~ (o -4 a~i 00 ' 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 00 0 0 0 o 00 00 0 Ln r-I ~4 41 -p N.a Ul oU ) U-1 N o O o [t' Ln un N I- o 0 tIl f'7 Lfl M M N M N r-i o .11 41 b zs tr -,I v 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 ~ o ~ o 0 ~ �~+J +J 4 ~n o0 o 0 0 0 0 Ln 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 00 00 r` 'n 1~>1 LnIV M rl d~ M N rt N r-I r-I O �r-1 Ul Hua ro I ~4 a ai ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ g ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ) � tT (0 lJ X �ri .14 b~ �r1 tT �~i X �~-i C ~ �-i .k b~ e �ri .eC �ri .X b~ �~-I 0~ I 3 �rl rd ~G �~-1 tT �r1 �rl = FC 9 Sj N ~1 'd i-1 �ri 'L3 S-1 �rl ~ 'L7 S-I 'b ~1 �rl RJ 1~1 �ri R7 p ~ -1 e- ~ Sd �rl ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ A~ c7 ~ A W ~ A~ A Pq ~ ~ A A c.r~ A W ~ A~ A PO ~ A W t~ H PO a z 10 rcs v w 11) v C: r ~ OA.~ O tA �.-1 O ~ tn 4-) :5 rd 0) ~ 0 v~ ~ 'U 'd 4 ~ ~d ? ,d b trNIC o+ e 3 rU b tr, = rd 3' S tr~ a c + 3 3 tr b x e 3 c x G O�n tn c: a q U ~ p i 4. U ~ 'L7 UI ~i r~ (ts a o rti .4 ~ 2s ra A u b rts A ~ 'd ~ Un O ,rq ~ a ~ cn ~ U ~ r-I (a x cn H H ~ H :j N O (o H H H N 3 U ; x ~4 o ~ k O A 0 ~ ~ ~ i~ rd t O ~ +j v 4J N ~ M U1 z �rl U �-1 Q ~ . 0, +J A ~ +J Ln i M ~ Ln ~ lp O�~ r-i ~ . O ~ +1 ~ o m � 0 p ro a A a - a ~ I o r-, H w ~4 O O 'A U 0 I 3 N ~ S14 A ~ ~ w ~ U v ~ u~i ~ ~ w ro Y~ o ~ z> ~ ~ . ~ ~ -ri o x ~ a x ~ 75 FOR aFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500024026-6 ruK urriiL inL unr. Urv1,11 O O 00 O O O Lr1 Lcl O u'1 O O O -1 r-i N r-i ri r-i r-i O O 00 O O 00 1 1 I d M M N ro b 9 , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' a ~ a ~ o ' a + ) - ~ x~ x ae � � . �,I b = ro ~4 b s4�H b s~�H= ro b u ro ~ ~ ~4 (dQ) ~ p ~ A f A 0 f A rt N 4-1 U P J Q �rl 4 4J V +1 N 0 O z �.i U +1 N k 'o N U1 z Z +J - O ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N U �rA �.~i .C N ~I U) Rl 3 ro cr ro~ _ a= ro 3 ro a~ ro rn= ro ro�r-, ~ ro M .Q u v ~ Ln ~ Ln i ~ ~ 4J a) s4 2 a z o o �H -i >y N cn N U -I a ~ s 9 '-i 76 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500024026-6 FOR OFFICIAL USIE ONLY Local lighting requires light fixtures with opaque reflectors with a shielding angle not less than 30 degrees. Reflectors with a shielding angle of 10--30 degrees may be used in light fixtures if they are located below the worker's eye level. Noise Noise is a factor that accompanies almost all production operations today, and its presence remains a reality despite the efforts by designers and developers to eliminate or at least limit it. There is an extensive Soviet and foreign literature on the effects of noise on the human body. The pattern of its influence is distinguished by high polymorphism: from its primary influence upon the central nervous system and *..he accompanying broad spectrum of asthenic sLates and action upon almost all body systems, to organic injury of the auditory nerve. According to published data, noise can reduce labor productivity by 60 and even 40 percent. - The genPral requirements on safe noise levels are spelled out in GOST 12.1.003-76. This standard establishes the classi.fication of different noises, the permissible noise levels at workplaces and the general requirements associated with the noise characteristics of machines, mechanisms, transportation resources and other equipment (referred to in the subsequent discussion as machines) and with noise protection. Noise is subdivided in relation to its spectrum into wideband, having a continuous spectrum with a range of more than one octave,and tonal, with audible discrete tones in i_ts spectrum. Noise is said to be tonal if the intensity of one tiiird- octave frequency band is not less than 10 db greater than that of the adjacent bands. , . Noise is subdivided in relation to its temporal characteristics into constant, for which the acoustic intensity does not vary by more than 5 db�A during an 8-hour work day, and variable, for which the acoustic intensity varies by not less than 5 db�A in the course of an 8-hour work day. Variable noise is subdieided in turn into: continuously fluctuating in time; intermittent, with acoustic intensity dropping sharply to the level of background noise, and with intervals of 1 second and more ir. which the noise intensity remains constant and above the level of background noise; Pulsed, consisting of one or several acoustic signals, each with a duration less than 1 sec and with their acoustic in- - tensities differing bv not less than 10 db. 'rne equivalent (in terms of energy) acoustic intensity, in db-A, as defined by GOST 20445-75, character.izes variable noise at workplaces. Wideband noise is characterized by permissible levels of acoustic pressure in octave frequency bands, acoustic intensities and equivalent acoustic intensities in db�A at the workplaces (Table 12). 77 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 FUK Uh'hll,'lAL UJt V1VLY Table 12. Permissible Acoustic Pressure Levels and Acoustic Intensities at Pzrmanent Workplaces in Industrial Enterprises (GOST 12.1.003-76) Acoustic Inten- Acoustic Pressure Levels, db, in Octave Bands sities and Equiv- With Following Mean Geometric Frequencies, Hz alent Acoustic Workplaces 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 Intensities,db�A The rooms of 71 61 54 49 45 42 40 38 50 design offi- ces, account- ants, compu- - ter program- mers, labora- tories for theoretical work and for processing experimental . data, patient admission rooms in med- ical centers Administrative 79 70 68 58 55 52 50 49 60 rooms, offi- ces Observation and remote control - rooms: - Without vocal 94 87 82 78 74 73 71 70 80 telephone communication With vocal 83 74 68 63 60 57 55 54 65 telephone � cocimunication Precision 83 74 68 63 60 57 55 54 65 assembly rooms and sections; tYping , of fices L.aboratories 94 87 82 78 75 73 71 70 80 intended for - experimental work, rooms containi.nq noisy com- puter units 78 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 Pcrmanent work- 99 92 i>laces and work zones in production rooms and on the enterprise territory Permitted until 103 1 December 1979 in con- ditions typi- fied by high noise levels and rec;uiring implemE: ta- tion of special noise re- duction measures FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 86 83 80 78 76 74 96 91 88 85 83 81 80 $5 90 Technical noise control resources can be applied with the purpose of reducing noise at the workplace to a pernlissible level: reduction of the sources af noise in machines, application of production processes satisfying the maximum peYmissible level require- ments, structural soundproofing measures, remote control of naisy machines, manda- tory use of personal protective resources by workers when the noise level at the work- place is greater than 85 db�A; organizational measures (sensible work-rest schedule, limitativn of time workers are exposed to noise). Vibration Being a factor of the production environment, vibration is enc:ountered in most in- dustr.ial sectors: as a means of transferring energy to and ac:ting upon a processed object (compaction, molding, pressing, drilling, loosening, transpor.tation etc.), and as an accompanying factor of movable and permanently instELlled mechanisms making rutary or reciprocal motions. Oscillatory movement is createcl by oscillations of interacting equipment parts, the article being worked and othc:r elements. In this conriection thc resulting oscillatory movement is aperiodic, arid it often has a pul- - sating or jerky nature. Vibration is subdivided cepending on the nature of contact between the worker's body and vibration into local, transmitted through the worker's hands, and general, transmitted through a supporting surface to the standing or sitt-ing worker. Certain jobs may cause a worker to be exposecl to combined vibration, with .local or general vibration dominating. Vibration has an unfavorable mechanical influence upon the body at 3-30 Hz in connec- tion with the presence of resonance peaks related to both the entire body as a whole and individual parts of it; it is also connected with the posit:i.on of the worker during work. As the oscillati_on frequency rises (above 30 Hz), transmission of 79 FOR OFFICIAL U5E ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R400504020026-6 FOR 4Fb'ICIAL UtiE UNLY vibration over the human body weakens. in this connection local nervous and reflex disturbances begin to dominate (vascular, neuromuscular, skeleto-articular and other disturbances). Wtiile local low intensity vibration has a favorable action upon the human body and is employed in medicine, intensive and prolonged exposure to vibration in production :-onditions leads in a number or cases to development of occupational pathology-- v: hration disease. When a worker is subjected to general vibration of varying parameters, pronounced changes occur in his central and autonomic nervous systems, cardiovascular system, metabolic processes and vestibular apparatus. Restric ;iotis on vibration at the workplace can be found in the following guidelines: local--C.,OST 17770-72 and others, general--SN 245-71, 1102-73 (tables 13 and 14). In addition there are now a number of narruw-profile public health norms applicable to agricultural and motor transport mechanisms, to seagoing and river vessels, to railroad transport and so on. Table 13. Permissible Vibration Levels for Hand-Operated Machines (GOST 17770-72) _ T5j-- i'pauiviiiuc 11a::TOr1.1 AOllyCillNUfl NOlll'GBTI'114WIH /1\ OHTaI1111J% IIOJIOC, fll CNOPOCTL , Cpeiuine ru Me1p11'1ecKUe (6) ypouwi ,iac10rw aK� (3) ~4) Jteficr- suun1~ix no� Aeflcreyautne 311a� nya- noc. Ilt mi�ame ecpxiwe veuxe. n+/c uuix sueve- M�n. nr, 81 5,6 :1,2 5,00� 10-2 120 7  G 11.2 22,4 5,00 � 10-2 120 31,5 22,4 45 3,50 0-' 117' 63 45 90 2,50 � 10-2 114 125 90 180 1,80�,10' 2 111 ?SU ISQ 355 1,20�10'-2 108 .500 355 710 0,90 � 10-2 105 11100 710 1400 0,63�iu--2 102 - 2000 1400 2800 0,45� lU-2 99 lIn the octave band with a mean geometric . frequency of 8 Hz, only the oscillatory speed of hand- operated machines with a turning or cyc ling rate less than 11.2 per second is considered. . 1. Mcan qeometric frequencies c, E octave bands, Hz Liiniting frequencies of - octavc bands, EIz - 3. Lowcr 4. Ilp[)er 5. Permissible oscillating speed 6. Virtual values, m/sec 7. Intensities of virtual values, db 80 FOR OFFICIr,: USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Table 14. Permissible Values for Workplace Vibration Parameters (SN 245-71) U j(nH rep+olwvecKnx x OCKOALKIIMIt I'BpNOHfPIBCKNMN I - 111111 RO1iC60Ili1n C nonnrapMOin+vecKUx KO- COCT3tllIAlOtI(NMII NAH CIIlIO[1fI1NM CfIGKTPON ~ 6~ nC68i11111 ( G% exuc~ioAcTpiric� e CPCllltl'K08Ap8T11RCCKOC 9118- 9CIIIIC NOJIC6d7CJILilOA CKO- (7) p ~ellll'1111AC NSIC n f (3) po cTx 4ECT0� aMnnuTyne (mi- { C (If CKO6N0%) 4aCTOTW ypoouu (IIC) Te, r~l NOOUr snanenuc) ` - UKT001iWX IIOAUC, Clj BO~p~j~~~L1, MM/C I OTIIOCIITCIIb- Il0 nopora( ~ II(CIIIIA, MM fll�PCMI 6 � IO-6 MMIC 2 11,2 ' 107 13 3,1100 1,6 2,2200 2,0 1,2800 2,5 0,7300 2,8 0,6100 3,2 0,4400 4 . 5,0 100 4,0 0,2800 (2,8 - 5,G) 5,0 0,1600 5,6 0,1300 _ 8 2,0 92 6,3 0,0900 (5.6 - 11,2) 8,0 0,0560 10,0 0,0450 11,2 0,0410 - 16 2,0 92 12,5 0,0360 (11,2 - 22,4) 16,0 0,0280 20,0 0,0'l25 22,4 0,0200 , 25,0 0,0180 31,5 2,0 92 31,5 0,0140 (22,4-15) 40,0 0,0113 45,0 0,0102 50,0 0,0090 63 2,0 92 63,0 0,0072 (~Ci 90) 80,0 0,0056 90,0 U,0050 Key: 1. I'or oscillations with several 5. Intensity (db) relative to a threshold harmonic components or with a of 5�10-5 mm/sec continuous spectrum 6. For harmonic and polyharmonic _ 2. Mean geometric and limiting oscillations (in parelitheses) frequencies 7. Frequency, Hz of octave barids, fIz B. Movement amplitude (peak value) , mm - 3. Mcan squarc aalue of oscillating spced 4. Virtual value, mm/sec t, 81 FOR OFFICIAL USE G . APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500024026-6 MUK urrll..lAL uJC. VIVLY Preventive measures aimed at reducing the effects of vibration upon the worker's body should primarily include replacement of production processes characterized by dangerous vibrations with safe processes, and eliminating the worker's contact with vibration ar its influence upon him. There is a boundless range of possibilities for inventiveness in this area. Effective ways to reduce vibration include developing tools producing lower vibration and requiring less muscle force for their operation, using various shock-absorbing devices and subjecting existing equipment to planned preventive maintenance. Special emphasis should be laid on hygienic preventive measures that call for specific work-rest schedules dependii,q on the intensity of vibration and the nature of the work, and on thPrapeutic and preventive measures aimed at raising the body's protective capabilities and performance. Concluding this section on the ergonomic approach to standardizing factors in the production environment at workplaces, we should once again emphasize that the existing standards are being made stiffer as biological facts are accumulated. Evidence of this can be seen in the relative swiftness with which GOST's are superseded (5 years)-- that is, the man--machine--production environment" ergonomic system is undergoing CUI1t1I1llOllS optimization. industrial workers no longer need to be persuaded that failure to comply with the hygienic requirements of ergonomics meanspoorer working conditions, lower efficiency and labor productivity,.and occupational pathology. _ Z ~ , - 82 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY IV. PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGICAL CRITERIA OF ERGONflMICS Dimensional Considerations at the Workplace Correspondence of production equipment design and workplace organization with anthropometric data and man's physiological and psychological possibilities is an important prerequisite of optimizing interaction between man and equipment in a "man-machine" system. Assurance of this correspondence promotes better individual - performance and higher effectiveness in fulfilling a production assignment. It would be interesting to note that the design of production equipment in application to the "human factor" had been the focus of attention as far back as in the 15th century. Thus in 1473 Ellenbog noted that improperly designed equipment has an undesirable effect on human health (cited in (90)). - Today, owing to growing technical complexity of machines and mechanisms and the increase in their operating speeds, ergonomi.c requirements on equipment design and workplace organization are rising. _ Physiological studies have shown that failure to comply with these requirements means work in an uncomfortable posture, arisal of undesirable physiological changes and earlier development of fatigue. The principal work nostures are sitting and standing. For a number of jobs the sitting-standing is the most suitable. When planning for a particular work posture, the designer should base himself on the size of the muscle forces applied, the precision and speed required of movements, the nature of the work being done, t}ie minimum energy expenditure and the maximum productivity of movements. Preference in the choice of the principal work posture should be given to aitting - over standing. A sitting posture is less tirina, since owing to alower center of gravity over the supporting area, the body's stability is higher; this decreases the muscle tension needed to maintain the posture, hydrostatic pressure and the load imposed on the cardiovascular system. Work movements are more precise when the work is done while sitting. The amount of weight lifted during seated work must not exceed 5 kg. Work standing up is found to be preferable when the operator must move about freely in the course of a shift, when the work involves production equipment such as grinders, - machines, looms, heavy presses and sa or, or when the work consists mainly of tuning or adjustment. When standing, the individual enjoys maximum field of view and mAximtun possibilities for locomotion; hP c2n perform movements of greater amplitude, - 83 FOR OFFICIAL U5E ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 FOR OFFICIAL LJSE ONLY and he can generate larger forces (more than 10 kg). When a workplace is organized For work in standing position, controls and various indicators may be located along a broader front. It snould be kept in mind, however, that work in standing position increases the load on the muscles of the lower limbs and on circulatory organs, and it raises the pulse rate. Figure 29 shows the levels of muscle bioelectric activity in a relaxed standing position. Activity levels are designated, in decreasing order, by solid shading, - cross-hatching, dots and crosses. As we can see from the figure, *_he muscles in the vicinity of the ankle joint exhibit the greatest activity: t.he tibialis interior, the peronius longus and especially the gastrocnemius. Muscle bioelectric activity is less pronounced in the vicinity of the knee joint, and even less so about the hip joint. Although the size of the recorded biopotentials is 50a1l incomparison with that at maximum possible tension, the tension of the muscles is nevertheless greater in standing posture owing to the high center of gravity and the small supporting area. As a result the enerqy expenditure associated with a standing posture is 6-10 percent greater than that of a sitting posture. I . � . . ~ + � . ~ q E3 Fiyurc 29. Muscle Bioelectric Activity During Relaxed Standing (26): A--front; B--back 84 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 FOR OFHICIAL USIE; ONLY During work, the posture is varied depending on the nature of the work movements associated with the particular production operaticn, and its physiological cost varies correspondingly. If the individual must work with his hands stretched forward, to maintain this posture he must raise the tension of muscles of the pectoral girdle and torso. Standing erect with hands stretched fozward increases the tone of the biceps by 25 percent over that when the arms are lowered. Tone increases by 70 percent when a 2 kg weight is held in the han8 (V. S. Farfel', 1956). When the body is slightly tilted the energy expenditures iiicrease by 20 percent, while when it is tilted significantly thc1 increase by 45 percent in comparison with a relaxed erect posture (0. H. Nemtsova, 1940~. Remaining in the same posture for a long period of time may be tiring to the body due to the constant static load imposed on certain muscle groups; this is especially manifested in an uncomfortable work posture (27; S. I. Gorshkov, N. A. Kokhanova, O. M. Mal'tseva, 1970; N. A. Kokhanova, A. A. Abdikulov, 1978; Yelizarova,V. V., 1979). Iit seated work, static tension is experienced mainly by the neck, pectoral and back muscle groups. Stooped shoulders, traumatic radiculitis, spondylosis and other problems may arise in response to extended work in a forced posture (48, 87, etc.). Static muscle tension disturbs normal circulation in the muscles, causes stagnation of blood, deforms the locomotor-bearing apparatus and so on. Extensive work while standing can lead to varicose veins, flat feet and so on. In many cases a workplace permitting work in a sitting-standing posture may be more sensible. Under these conditions the worker can voluntarily change his posture, as a result of which the loads on different muscle groups are redistributed, and circula- tion is improved in those portions of the body in which it had.been inadequate owing to static tension of muscles helping to maintain the needed pcsture. Changes in posture introduce a certain amount of diversity in the performance of monotonous - work. In order that work can be done in a comfortable, correct posture, anthropometric data must be accounted for when planning production equipment and workplaces; it should be kept in mind in this case that these data differ for the populatians of different countries, and they may even differ for people of the same nationality but residing in different regions of a country. Ttie limits of workplace zcnes have been established on the basis of anthropometric data and researcn oci ttie laws of the locomotor system's work. Different authors divide work zones into several zones-�-from two to seven, giving different names to tliem. But all au,:hors agree ori the main zones--the optimum zone aiLd the reachable zone. Work within the limits of these zones ensures an optimum work posture--that is, a tree and relaxed posture, one in which the torso is not tilted to the side. The worker's body stays vertical in this case, or tilted foxward slightly, up to 10-15�. [t should be noted, however, that lengthy work within the reachable zone involving frequent arm movements is tiring, because this raises the tension of muscles ia the pectoral qirdle and the shoulder and increases tne energy expenditures. Moreover rnvemenLs made by outstretched hands are not distinguished by high precision and r;Ew.,d. Work movements in which the lzmb is maximally flexed or extended are energet- - i.cally and neurologically unprofitable because when a limb is moved to one of its limiti.rig positions the lever arm of certain muscles increases, as a result of which tli~~se must exert greater force to surmount the resistance of 3I1tdCJUTllst 85 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 HUR UHN7l;lAL UbN. UIVLY muscles. In this connection there must be an optimum, most comfortable zone in each workplace, within which work may be performed throughout the entire shift wit;:out significant tensing of muscles (M. I. Vinogradov, 1969). Because incompatibility of the parameters of a workplace to anthropometric data - manifests itself in the body's physiological reactions, which often indicate stressing of functions and development of fatique, the basic workplace parameters must have a physiological basis. After they are afforded the proper physiological grou.zds, they may be introduced into practice confidently. The physiological grounds of some work zone parameters may be determined.through investigation of workplace models. Laboratory research has been conducted using specially developed experimental testing units permitting simulation of a workplace intended for a sitting or a standing gosture (V. V. Yelezarova, N. A. Kokhanova, E. F. Shardakova, 1978). Testing units with horizontal work zones were located at a height optimum for easy work while sitting (750 mm) or standing (1100 mm). The workplace for seated work was supplied with a chair having an adjustable seat and back and a footrest. The work zone was simulated in the vertical plane by means of a collapsible experimental testing unit (38). The experimental testing units were divided ynte three zones, within which the work movemeats were planned depending on the precision of the work being done, the fre- with which production operations were repeated, the sizes of the applied forces, the importance of the controls employed and so on. Tlie efficiency of the movements performed and oF the locations of controls in the horizontal plane were determined by the time it took for the hand to reach simulated controls located in different sectors of the zones. In their initial position the hands of the subjects were at the edge of the work surface, 7-8 cm apart. Because controls are sometimes switched by the worker in production conditions without visual monitoring, the precision of hand movements made without visual participation was studied depending on the location of controls. This research was conducted using ttie procedure suggested by Kekcheyev and Pvzdnova (cited in (60)). Iii a study of the efficiency with which controls were located in the vertical plane, tyic subject responded to an arbitrary signal by raising his hand as fast as possible irom its initial position to a control located at a particular height. The biopoten- tials of muscles taking part in the hand movements were recorded in this case. It was established from simulation of the zones of seated work in the horizontal plane that the riqht and left hands reached controls locat.ed within zones I and II, aiid especially within zone I, the fastest (Figure 30A,B,C). When hands were moved from their initial position to controls located in zone III the time required to complete thc assignment increased significantly in relation to all sectors within ~ that zone. This time increased to the greatest extent when the control was located beyond the zero line (point 6). When the hands are moved in this direction, the subject turns his body to a certain extent in the same direction. In this case the Y 86 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R440500020026-6 F()R OFFI('IA1, l1SF: ONI.Y tlle movement time was 234.5 �6.7 msec for the right hand and 245.5 � 4.5 msec for tlie left. Calculation of the average speed of hand movement showed that as the control is moved farther away from the margin of the work surface, the speed of the movement rises. - Hand movements within zone I were the most precise. They were least precise wheri the target points were located in zone III, especially if they were behind the zero line. In this case the right hand mi.ssed by an average of 27.9 � l.l mm, while for the left hand the figure was 32.4 � 1.3 mm. The amount the hands missed the target - points in zones I and II differed significantly from the errors recorded for points in zone III (p 40 ~ I ' r A ot ~ ~ Figure 44. Manual Controls: A--levers; B--hand wheels As with other controls, hand wheels that are used especially often should be located within the optimum work zone. In addition to manual controls, foot-operated controls can be made to place various mechanisms and production eguipment into operation and to make adjustments. Pedals are the principal form of foot controls. They are used when sizeable muscle forces are required (more L-han 9-13 kg), to reduce the load on the arms, and to achieve economy of control time when a large number of controls must be manipulated and when the work does not require considerable adjustment precisxon. A designer planning pedals and locating them at the workplace must consider that the force generated by the leg depends on its position. A seated operator exe:rts the greatest force when his leg is extended forward with an obtuse angle at the knee. If the seated individual is able to force his body against the back of his seat, he can significantly increase the pushing force of his leg. The force developed de- creases as the angle at the knee decreases. Maximum force can be developed when the pedal is located not more than 100 mm from the midline of the operator's body. The' pressure the leg can apply decreases as we move farther from the midline (Figure 45). 0 io 20 :10 40 50 60' 70 uc> oo ioo no kg -~--~17'~---1 10' 0, ~ ia� Figure 45. Change in Pushing Force of Leg With Growth in Distance From Midline 111 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 MUK urrilLIwl, wr, unLr 0 I 30' ~ Figure 46. Basic Types of Pedals Pedals would best be located symmetrically. Each leg can control not more than two pedals. A pedal may be depressed by the entire Poot, by its middle part or by the , toes (Figure 46). ~ The design of a foot pedal should account for the fact that the ankle should not be turned more than 30� in working position. The optimum ampl-i:ndo or ankle motions is ~ within 10-20� above the horizontal and 20-300 below; in this case the pedal stroke must not exceed 130-150 mm in seated work and 300 mm in standing work. Avoiding pedal control in standing position is recommended, since in this case the _ weight of the body would have to be shifted to one leg as the pedal is being pressed. Maintenance of a stable position would require additional muscle effort. As a result the muscles of the legs and body tire more quickly. - If pedal control in position cannot be avoided, the height of the pedal above the floor must not exceed 150 mm. At the end of its strc,ke, the pedal should be level with the floor. The optimum force applied to a pedal by a standing operator is 10-15 kg. This force is decreased to 8-3 kg during seated work depending on which part of the foot is - used to depress the pedal. The pedal width must correspond to the width of the sole (not less than 90 mm). The minimum length of a pedal used for short periods of time is 60-75 mm. If a pedal must be kept depressed for a long period of time, its 1F;ngth may be 280-300 mm. 2'he shape of the pedal may be square, rectangular or oval; in all cases the pedal surface must _ make qood contact with the sole. Impartinq a rippled surface to its surface is recommended. A special rim is made on its surface to keep the foot from slipping off of the peaal when considerable force is exeri_ed. Some Characteristics of Ergonomic Requirements on the Design of Equipment to be _ Operated by Women Physiological requirements on the design of production equipment are governed by - the characterstics of its use, and they the comfortableness of the work posture, the amount of effort exerted, the speed and trajectory of work movements their number per unit time and the character.�istics of information interactions. 112 FOR OFF'ICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-04850R000500020026-6 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONY.Y 'chese requirments are basicallv common to male and female operators, but ones such as comfortabl.eness o� the work posture, the proportiona of workplace dimensions and forces necessary to perform production operations depend on the anatomical and physio- logical features peculiar to the sex of the operator. Thus the proportions of work- place dimensions would differ for men and women depending on anthropomorphic indica- tors. According to anthropological data the height of inen and women in the USSR differs by 11.1 cm (men (M)--167.8, women (W)--156.7), body length with an upstretclled arm differs by 15.7 cm (M--213.8, W--198.1), the length of the arm stretched to the side ' differs by 6.2 cm (M--72.3, W--66.1), the length of the arm stretched forward differs by 5.7 cm (M--74:3, W--68.6), leg length differs by 6.6 cm (M--90.1, W--83.5), eye leve? 3irfers by 10.1 cm (M--155.9, W--145.8) and so on. 'I'hese rather noticeable ~ differences would also mean pronounced differences in the proportions of the dimen- sions of a workplace intended for work while standing. The same sort of differences between men and women apply to seated work. Body length differs by 9.8 cm (M--130.9, W--121.1), eye level above the seat differs by 4.4 cm (M--76.9, W--72.5) and so on, which has a bearing on the organization of a workplace for seated work and on determination of the reachable zone and the clearances re- _ quired. According to S. I. Gorshkov's data, cited below, the brakes on wool spinning machines used to stop the spindle with the purpose of inending broken strands of yarn are ].ocated just 4-6 cm above the knee. However, this sl.ight excess is quite enough to make it necessary for spinners to raise their knee to this height in order to depress the brake and mend a broken yarn strand while standing uncomfortably on one leg. Because the spindle tie rod on spinning machines used to process cotton yarn is located 5-10 cm below hand level, the standing spinner must incline her body to an uncomfortab].e position 60� below the horizontal in order to mendbroken strands. In cotton production this operation is performed 2000-2500 times in a shift, which means a siqnificant static load on muscles of the spinner's torso. , The amount of effort exerted by particular muscle groups during use of equipment must be determined on the basis of dynamometric data. However, these are different for men and wo;len as well. - The gripping force of the right hand differs for men aid women by 16.4 kg (M--38.6, W--22.2), the strength of the right iliceps differs by 14.3 (M--27.9, W--13.6), the flexing force of the right hand differs by 6.2 kg (M--27.9, W--21.7), the flexing force of the right thumb differs by 2.9 kg (M--11.9, W--9.0), standing force differs = by 62.1 kg (M--123.1, W--71.0) and so on. Differences in the one-time weight lifting limit and in the amount cf weight that can be handled within a shift are associated - with these differences in the strength of the muscle groups of inen and women. Thus whil.e tr,e recommended one-time lifting limit for men is 20-30 kg and the shift norm ~ for wcigtit handling at the level of the work surface is 10-15 tons and at the floor leve1 is 4-6 tons, the figures for women working under the same conditions aze not - mc,re than 40 percent of the figures for men. 113 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/42/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 rOx urriCiAL uSE unLY '1'he,e anci o0iur dil fexciices between men and women must be accounted for when design- ing Production equipment, since otherwise the physiological requirements on the proportions of workplace dimensions and on work effort would not be met, resultirng in uncomfortable work postures and in the need for women to exert effort that is too tir�inq. Some otner characteristics of the ergonomic requirements or~ the desigh of production equipment intended for use by women must also be considered. `1'hese differences between the male and female body are being considered now in the planning of the "Volzhanka" tractor intended to be driven by women. The dimensions of this tractor's cab and the wo rkplace, the locations of the levers and the amo;ant of force required to operate them, and the zones of visibility are being planned with a consideration for the indicated characteristics of the female body. These differences should obviously be considered in the design of many other forms of equipment as well. Number of Operations Required in the Use of Production Equipment The number of operations perfornned during the use of production equipment is the most important ergonomic characteristic of the mutual relationships between man and equipment, and it is an indicato r of the heaviness and intensity of the work. How- ever, therc are no substantiate d standards applicable to this area today. Nor has an approach been found ta dete rmination of the principle upon which standardization of this ergonomic indicator should be based. The "Unified Requirements on Scientific Organization of La.bor" compiled by the Scientific Rssearch Institute of Labor (1967) contain recommendations indicating that the maximum physiologically grounded repeti- tion of operations is 180 per hour. In this case an operation frequency from 181 to 300 times per hour is said to be high, a frequency from 301 to 600 is said to be above average, and a frequency more than 600 times pe r hour is called very high. An excessive frequency of ydentical production opera- tions makes the work monotonous, consequently leading to development of inhibition in the central nervous system, a decrease in the speed of work movements and a drop in labor productivity. But the se recommendations are in very considerable conflict with facts concerninq the numbe r of operations performed durinq the use of different tvpes of production eQuipment. Inspection of firmly established facts concerning the number of operations perfo rmed in different production conditions would show that winders perform 500 operations per hour while servicing winding machines, while cotton yarn spinners may perform up to 300 or more operations per hour if the fre- quency of strand breaking is h:A -Th. Bulldozer and excavator drivers also perform an enorznous quantity of operations. The operator of an excavator surplied with a larae tiumber of control levers moves the latter 12-16 times in a single work cycle (20 seconds), and more than 15,000 times in a shift, which is equivalent to about 2000 operations in 1 hour of work. According to V. N. Kozlov's data the number of work mc.vements made by a Lractoroperator in 1 hour of shift time while plowing exceeds the ~E: commendations of the Scientific Research Institute of Labor. Despite the fact that production operations proceed in a strict sequence, the con- trol consoles of a number of machines are still designed in such a way that each operation must be controlled separately by the operator. This is so even at modern automated enterprises, for examp le in automatic tube rolling mills. In such shops, an operator working the control console of an annual furnace moves levers on the coiitrol console 12 times to fee d one billet into a piercing mill. This succession 114 FOR QFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007142/09: CIA-RDP82-40854R040500020026-6 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONY.Y of movements is repeated with each of 250 billets processe3 in 1 hour ot work. Thus - the operator of such a console makes a total of up to 3000 repetitive lever move- ments in 1 hour while simultaneously performing other production operations that will be discussed in greater detail below. Operators working on wine bettling lines perform up to 2000-3000 reaetitive manual operations per hour. In addition to these - instances in which the actual number of performed operations greatly exceeds the recommended standards based on the "Unified Requirements on Scientific Organization of Labor," cases are known in which it is very difficult to perform much fewer operations than the number suqgested by these recommendations. Thus weavers mend _ warp strands 50-60 times per hour with great difficulty, even though not more than 35-40 mendings per Y:our was adopted as the maximum permissible quantity back in 1961 at the First Conference on the Problems of Labor Hygiene and Physiology in Textile Industry, held in ivanovo. Table 18 [missing from this translation] provides a detailed summary of ttie actual iiumbers of repetitive operations associated with differerit types of production equip- ment. This great diversity of the actual numbers of operations performed in tYie - course of different production procedures and their great deviation in both direc- tions from the standards contained in the "Unified Requirements on Scientific Organi- zation of Labor" indicate the need for studying this question and, in particular, the need for examining the physiological ideas about rate and rhythm typical of an indi- vidual. performing repetitive actions, about the significance of the rate at which - different neural reflex reactions proceed, about the differences in the complexity and time of different operations encountered in production and about the significance of these data to the permissible number of such operations during the use of production equipment. I, MM ~ (i ^ 7 ' _ I 1, msec I'igure 47. Isotonic Contraction of the S;-~rtorius Muscle in Response to Different Loads: Numbers above the curves indicate the load, Ip = 27 mm, temperature 00. Ordinate--contraction magnitude; abscissa--time after application of a single stimulus (28) 115 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 100 ^UO 30U APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ON.Y I I 11 i~ i~ 1 ` I ~ I 1 I \ '11 \ 'I 4.0 ~l) I 3.0 ~ 2.0 .-L~_ ~ i~ iu :io 50 - . _`L) Figure 48. Rate of Tetariic Contraction as a Function of Load (Given Equal Initiz.l Length): Ordinate--contraction rate; abscissa-- load (Hill, 1938) Key: 1. cm/sec 2. gm Let us first of all examine some of the physiological characteristics of muscl.e activity. We should turn our attention first of all to the fact that the duration of a single muscle contraction is not constant, depending instead primarily on the size of the load imposed on the muscle (28). We can see from Figure 47 that the larger the load, the greater is the time between the moment a single stimulus is applied and the beginning of its isotonic contraction. An increase in the time between the moment of stimulus application and the beginning of muscle contraction does not mean an inc7_ease in the latent period of the muscle's contraction; instead, it indicates,e time required to develop tension in the muscle necessary to surmount the load applied to the muscle is added to the latent period. The greater the load, the greater is the time, as Figure 47 shows. i4hile at a load of 0.95 gm this time is about 20 msec, at a load of 12 gm it reaches as much as 200 msec--that is, ' a magnitude which becomes a significant factor in the rate of muscle contraction. The rate of muscle contraction also depends on the siz2 of the load. As we can see from Figure 48 the rate of tetanic muscle contraction decreases as the load increases. - According to calculations made by A. V. Hill (1938) this dependence is hyperbolic and is described by the formula. (P-1-a) (V-1-L) =-G(/'o+n) =cotst, where V--rate of muscle contraction in the presence of load P; Pp--weight at the limit of the muscle's lifting strength; a and b--asymptates toward which the branches of the hyperbola tend. For.the case of the curve shown in Figure 48: a= 14.35 gm (357 gm/cm2); b= 1.03 _ cm/sec (0.27 Ip/sec); Pp = 66 gm (here, Ip is the resting length of the muscle).. 116 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 FOR nFFIC1A1.. USF ONi.Y Physialogical data concerning the optimum rnythm of muscle contracti.on and its dependencF on the size of the load are of considerable interest. As we know, this question was studied by Hill. It is presented here as amplified by A. A. Ukhtomskiy , (1954) . Studying initial heat formation, Hill came across the fact that under otherwise equal experimental conditions the most widely diverse muscles, when stimulated by different methods, exhibit constancy in the relationshi,p between heat formation and _ the product of the length of muscle fibers and their maximum tension. 2`his constancy is expressed by the formula 1I = GLc, where H--heat formation; b--proportionality factor; L--length of muscle fibers; c--maximum isometric tension. - Because the product LT represent a muscle's energy of elastic tension--that is, its mechanical potential, we can write tne equation 1VO b,l_t, where bl--proportionality factor; Wp--muscle's mechanical potential. Compariiig these two expressions, we may conclude that heat formation in a muscle serves as a measure of not its dynamic work but rather its elastic tension--that is, its mechanical potential. The energy of a muscle's dynamic work (isotonic contrac- tion), meaiiwhile, is a certain fraction of its mechanical potential. Theoretically, all 100 percent of a muscle's mechanical potential may be used for mechanical work. For practical purposes, however, part of the mechanical potential is expended to surmount the muscle's internal friction--that is, its toughness. This fraction is transformed into heat, and the greater the toughness in the muscle and the faster the muscle contracts, the greater is this fraction. One can be persuaded by passive stretching of a muscle that the smaller tl is--that is, the shorter the muscle deformation time, the greater is the amount of heat liberated due to stretching. Representing the coefficient of muscle toughness by we get the following expression for the actual amount of energy realized in the forru oi mechanical work: lr~ lr~o � ~ . Elence we can see that W approaches Wp as: first, muscle deformation decreases-- - tliat is, as opposition to contraction rises; second, as the toughness coef-ficient, - Wt11Ct1 is actually capable of decreasing in response to massage and exercisi1ig of muscles, decreases; third, as the rate of muscle contraction decr.eases. We can derive a larqe amount of new information from these data on the physiological - properties of muscles, and mainly on muscle efficiency. To calculate this efficiency, w42 would need to know the total amount of energy released in the muscle in the period of initial heat formation in response to stimulation. This total should 117 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500024426-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONf.Y consist of: 1) mechanical potential Wp, to which the constant quantity of heat released by the muscle upon release of tension corresponds; 2) the amount of heat re- quired ta maintain tension .for time t, associ.ated with liberat.ion of lactic acid. (Khartri) and Hill followed the course of total heat formation depending on time of teiision t. It is expressed (Figure 49) as almost linear growtih of heat formation in response to growth in t; the higher the mu-crle temperature, the faster heat forma- tion grows, but no matter what the temperature of the muscle, heat formation begins at the sam~~ constant value corresponding to the lowest t. This constant, shown in Figure 49; equals 1.S ~1 - 6 . y O Figure 49. Magnitude of Initial Heat Formation and the Dependence of Heat Formation on Muscle Temperature Keeping in mind that potential energy developed in a muscle owing to stimulation exhibits an identical dependence on Lt, and namely Wp = LT/6, Hill believes it possible to physically interpret the constant point of the ordinate's intersection (see Figure 49) as corresponding to the thermal equivalent of muscle mechanical potential - at maximum tension. As far as the slope of the liiie representing the dependence of heat formation on growth in time t is concerned (see Figure 49), it clearly implies that for every muscle temperature there is a unique proportion between heat formation associated with accumulation of lactic acid and the time of this accumulation. Let us call this proportion (or in this case the slope of the conditional lines drawn) b. Then the general trend of total initial heat formation would be expressed as a function - of stimulation time in the form of a simple equation for a line passing the ordinate at point Wp arxd slope b, which is constant for each temperature: G~ Wo I-Gt. 118 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2447102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500424426-6 FOR OFFICIAI. USE ON1.Y It would not be difficu'Lt to determine b from the amount of oxygen consumed during maximum isonietric contraction. Delayed heat formation, which implicates an entirely different chemical process than that of initial heat formation, is appraximately equal to the latter in a stretchecl muscle. Consequently total heat formation in a muscle during stimulation would be: (1--2 (tY/o-I-GI). - Tnen the ratio of realized energy W to total heat formation G would be: k IV IV0 - t . - 2(1C/, -I- Gt ) Certain conclusions can be made from this expression. Obviously as time t decreases the numerator on the right side decreases, and when Wp = k/t, it becomes zero. On the other hand as t increases the denominator grows, tending toward infinity. This means that there must a maximum productivity for each t--that is, for each rate of work, such that slower work, and faster work even more so, would inevitably cause a declirie in productivity. Hill determined the factors for man in special experiments: W= 11.18 kg/mm, k(toughness coefficient) = 2.7 and b= 5. Then for man, W/G takes the form of the equation 2.7 W 11,1A- i U 2(I1,18 -f 51) w u o 1% / Ff-r- F'iqure 50. Muscle Efficiency and the Dependence di the Optimum on the Rate of Contraction and the Size of the Muscle Force: See text for explanation 119 w fr.l, ~a FOR OF'FIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ON4.Y 'I'lu:ri- arc, Lwc, varial,lcs in this ccluation, W/G and G. We plut W/(.' on tlic urciinatc - and t in the form of a curve (Figure 50) having a critical point with coordinates 1,1/4. The branches of the curve drop downward asymmetrically to either side of this point, very steeply in the direction of decreasing values of t(that is, in- creasing speeds) and gently in the direction of increasing values (that is, decreasing speeds). The coordinates of the critical point (1,1/4) tell us that maximum muscle productivity corresponds to development of an active process within the muscle once per second; optimum productivity, meanwhile, is 1/4, or 25 percent. These calcula- tions, made by Hill, were confirmed by data obtained by Benedict and Cathcart indi- cating that an inuividual does the most productive work on a bicycle when he pushes the pedals 60-70 times a minute; maximum prod,uctivity, in the seiise of inechanical work, has been estimated for man at about 25 percent by former and recent researchers. Important ccnclusions can be derived about the role of forces in the work of muscles from the expression for W/G. We know that when maximum force is exerted, the working muscle develops tension in all of its fibers, while at submaximum force only a certain fraction of the fibers contained within the muscles are tensed. Let n be a certain fraction of muscle fibers, tlie total being 1. Obviously the mechanical potential for n active fibers would be nWp; let heat formation be G= 2n(Wp+bt); let the loss due to muscle toughness remain as k/t; that part of the tension energy utilized in the form of inechanical work would be W= nWp-k/t. Hence productivity would be w nlVo- ~ nl~n-- n(Wo- ) G" 2n(lK/a hl) `ln( Wji 4!) - 2~t~t) k lVo - nt 2( Wo+bt) . If for this last equation we plot curves (as we did above) for different n, we would get Figure 50--a series of curves with continually decreasing amplitudes and critical points, and aisplaced more and more in the direction of greater values of t(in the direction of slower work) as n--that is, the force applied--decreases. Tliis means that if lower force is applied in work, the latter is always less productive as well. As the forces applied decrease, the productivity optimum decreases to slower rates of work. As forces increase, the productivity optimum rises to higher rates of work. But even here the most advantageous frequency of a( _ive states in a musc3.e at maximum force is once per second. Such are the physiological principles rehind our ideas about the most.optimum condi- tions of muscle work, at least in terms of muscle processes taken in isolation. But because muscles are only one of the elements of man's complex motor apparatus, there are some unique c;iaracteristics in human motor activity, which.will be examined below. The discussion thus far has shown that processes that may influence the rate at which production operations are performed and the frequency of their repetition occur in the muscles themselves. Characteristics of nervous system functions have an even greater influence. 120 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-04850R000500020026-6 FUR OFFICIAI. USE ONLY Every work action is an act involving the participation of a z2flex arc. Therefore the characteristics oL an excitation's propagation through a reflex arc would reveal _ tYiemselves in the temporal parameters of work-associated actions. The most important furictional c;haracteristic of the reflex arc is the existence of a latent period be- tween the moment of arisal of a stimulus and the beginning of the responding motor - reaction. The duration of the latent period of motor responses is mainly a factor of . the response rate. According to S. I. Gorshkov's data (1963) the duration of the latent period depends on the analyzer responsible for the qiven motor reaction, on the composition of - neurons participating in the reflex arc and on the properties of the conducting pathwa: s . The more distally the muscle group which is the target of a response is located, the greater is the latent pPriod of the 1-esponse, for example to a visual stimulus. In tliis case the increase in the latent period woula correspond to the increase in the length of the motor nerve that transmits the signal to the muscles; this increase would be precisely proportional to the rate of propagation of the excitation along -the nerve. Thus the latent time of a response by the leg to a light stimulus is 20-30 msec longer than that for a response by the arm. The difference in si;ce of the latent period is more pronounced in relation to different points of application of the signal stimulus. Thus the latent period of a reaction to a thermal contact stimulus applied i.o the wrist would be 200-300 msec longer than that for a thermal contact stimulus applied to the shoulder. The difference in latent time of a painful stimulus applied to the wrist and shoulder would be 50-100 msec, In both cases the latent time increases due an increase in the distance the afferent impulse is trans- mitted from the place of stimulus application to the appropriate ceiiters in the brain. The greatest lengthening of the latent period is observed in a choice reaction, where the subject must determine which stimulus he must react to. In this case the in- crease in the latent period is 100-300 msec. In addition, faster responses are also possible. A decrease in thP latent period is observed in the response to a stimulus preceded by a warning siqnal, and to a stimulus that had previously been tracked--for example the moving pointer of an instrument or - a light spot, with the reaction beyinning when the moving pointer or light spot reaches a certain position. In both cases the response i.s faster by about 100 msec. Thus response time can vary within l;road limits degending on the analyzer responsible for the response on the length of the sensory and motor pathways, on the nature ef the signal, on the need for signal choice, on presence of a warning sigr.,l and on some other features of the situation within which the response occurs. We havc been discussing muscular and reflex mechar.isms of change in response rate. It should be kept in mind, however, that tiring, arousal or inhibition and presence of external influences may also have a noticeable effect on human responses. This will be discussed specifically in our analysis of concrete occupational qituations. The time of a response also depends on the action within which this response ex- prosses itself and ori the portion of the body participating in the response. These data are SrIOWII in Table 19. 121 FOR OFFICIA[. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-04850R000500020026-6 H'uK urriCIAL wt uNLtr The trajectories of motor reactions also play a great role in their duration (Table 20). Table 19. Dependence of the Length of a Response on Its Nature NLinimum Response Nature of Response Time, msec Pressing down with the palm 330 Moving the fingers 170 Pressing with the r-iand 720 Flexing and extending: - Arms 720 - L-egs 1,330 Pressing a pedal 720 Turning, bending the body 2,000 Walking (taking a step) 700-1,400 Table 20. Time Spent on Motions Depending on Trajectory Length Time Spent, Type of Motion msec Extending arm, mm 25 70 50 140 More than 300 210 Placing an object Not in a precise spot 360 Forcefully, not in a precise spot 720 With great force 1,800 In a precise spot 550 Forcefully in a precise spot 900 . With great force 2,300 Moving an object more than 180� 210 Pressing on an object 720 y Compressing an object with the fingers 720 Taking an object that is Light and easy to grasp 70 Light but hard to grasp 140 Light but from among other objects (depending on dimensions) 300-800 Wrapping fingers around an object 200 - Transferring from one hand to the other 200 122 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500020026-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONY.Y Taking apart Effortlessly 180 With slight foroe 360 With significant force 1,100 Pressing Witi*. the toe 360 With the foot 720 Taking a step sideways without turning 700-1,400 Turning the body While sitting 720 W.ith a step to the side 700-1,400 Bending over 1,000 Unbending 1,000 Sittin5 down 1,400 Standing up -1,800 Taking a step 75-80 cm long ~ 600 Note: The time indicated in all of these - include the latent period of the reaction; spent on the motion itself is considered. examples does not only the time These data can be supplemented by the results of special experiments performed at the ergonomics laboratory of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences Institute of Labor _ Hygiene and Occupational Diseases by S. I. Gorshkov, G. I. Barkhash and E. F. Shardakova. The dependence between the duration of movements and the number of - joints participating in the movements was studied in these experiments. The experi- ments are di .agrammed in Figure 51. In Figure 51A, the di.agram labeled 1 shows the joints of the human arm labeled as follows: a--index finger, b--hand,.c--forearm, d--upper arm, e--torso. This figure also shows the starting position of the arm for determining initial latent time. The latter was determined for a subject responding � to a light or sound stimulus by depressing the key of a reflexometer with his index finger with barely noticeable force. Position 2 in Figure 51A shows that in this - case the initial position for dete_-mining the reaction time was with the index finger raised as high as possible above the surface of the reflexometer's key. In position 3 the entire hand was initially raised as high as possible, in position 4 the entire forearm was raised as high as possible, in position 5 the entire arm as far as the _ shoulder joint was raised to the maximum, and in position 6 the entire arm was raised at the shoulder joint as high as possible with the entire body tilted back. In all cases the subject had to quickly depress the reflexometer key with his index finger. In Figure 51B the diagram labeled 1 shows the joints of the human leg, labeled as _ follows: .a--big toe, b--foot, c--lower leg, d--thigh, e--torso. The initial latent time of the reaction to light and sound was determined in position 1 with the subject depressing the reflexometer key with his big toe with barely noticeable pressure. In position 2 the starting position for determining reaction time was with the big 123 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500020026-6 rVec vrrit,int, uor, vivi,Y I i e e 6 C d e 3 a .ti a 6 ~ d i i a i ~ / a . ~ . / 6 ]4e 5 6 C. 2 d d Ve A a i ~ i ~ 8 C ' e' d b 6 e f e I b ~ - ~ - ~ 1 e 2 e ~ e C ~ b ~ d c c, c i a ~ a � +a 6 6 6 d 6 6 Figure 51. Experiments Conducted to Study the Dependence of Latent Time on Distance Traveled by Joints: See text for explanation of positions 1-6. Broken curves show motion trajectories (A-B) toe raised as high up as possible above the key, in position 3 the entire foot was raised to the maximum, in position 4 the lower leg was raised as high as possible, in position 5 the thigh was raised to the maximum, and in position 6 the entire leg was raised as high as possible at the hip joint with the torso tilted back. The results are shown in Table 21. As we can see from these data, the time of the motar reaction increases as the number of joints participating in the movement increases. Z'hus for example, if the index finger is raised the reaction time to light is raised by 36 msec, the reaction time to sound is raised by 29 msec, and the time of the choice reaction is raised by 29 msec--that is, it takes 29-36 msec to move the raised index finger down 124 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500020026-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONY.Y _ Table 21. Dependence of Motor Reaction Time (msec) on the Nature of the Motor Component Key: ~1) (2) PeaKquu nD]NIkIIN (c M. 118 CDl'T (J) 113 7ByK (4) O1.160pa (rj) (111C. 61) Mtm ( p Mtm I p Mtm I p (6) PyKa 1. 186't-9 (7) 168fG 225t6 2. 222i5 (;p. 1�--2 197f3 Cp. 1-2 254f9 Cp. 1-2