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JPRS L/ 10225
30 December 1981
USSR Re ort
CFOUO 26/81)
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~ JPRS publications contain information primarily from foreign
newspapers, periodicals and books, but also from news agency
transmissions and broadcasts. Materials from foreign-language
sources are translated; those irom English-language sources
are transcribed or reprinted, with the original phrasing and
other chnracteristics retained.
Headlines, editorial reports, and material enclosed in brackets
are supplied by JPRS. Processing indicators such as [Tex*_]
or [Excerpt] in the first line of each item, or following the
last line of a brief, indicate how the original information was
processed. Where no processing indicator is given, the infor-
mation was summarized or extracted.
Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or transliterated are
enclosed in parentheses. Words or names preceded by a ques-
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Other unattributed parenthetical notes within the body of an
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The contents of this publication in no way represent the poli-
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JPRS L/10225
30 D~cember 1981
(FQUO 26/81)
Survey of Developments in Cy bernetics by Editorial Board 1
_ Computcr Scrvicing and Repa i r Fundamentals . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ 23
Possibility of Using MIR-2 D igital Computer in Hybrid Computer
Sys tems � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ~ � � � � � � � � � � � � 35
- P~inciples of Hardware Diagnostics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Interface for Programmable rnstruments in Experiment Automation
Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Macroconveyor Computations of Functions on Data Structures 47
- Computers With Structural Re aliz3tion of High-Level Languages. 49
- Some Questions of Problem-S o lving on Computers With Par.allel
Organization of Computations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Prospects and Problems of De veloping Automated Process Control
Systems Based on Microproc c.ssor Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
_ Prospects for Ueveloping Te c hnology of Printed Circuit Board
- Production lri Building Ins truments . . . . . . . , , . . . ~ ~ ~ , ~ 82
Experience of Assimilation o f Base Technolagy for Printed Circuit
- Board Manufacture at Leningrad Electromechanical Plant Production
_ Association. . . , . . . . ~ . . . . ~ ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 86
~ - a- [III - USSR - 21C S&T FOUQ]
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Lxst of Soviet Ar~icles Dealing With Software . . . . . . . . . . ~ ~ . 9(.J
_ Modeling Program Development an~? Maintenance at Cowputer Centers. 94
Creation of Software Based on Use of Packages of Applied Programs 95 ~
Multilevel Structural Design of Programs: Formalization of.. the
Method Sphere of Applications. . . . . . ~ . ~ . . ~ . ~ o ~ ~ , , 100
Investigation of Methods of Solving Optimization Problems and
Their Applications. . . . . . . . . . ~ ~ , ~ . ~ . , ~ . . ~ ~ ~ , . 1?5
Review of New Book on Multiple Programming Techniques 111
Computer Networks in Control of Systems Development . . . . . . ~ . . . 114
Automated Data Processing in Ferrous Metallurgy . . . . . . . . ~ ~ ~ ~ 123
Ferrous Metallurg}r Automated Data Processing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
Computer Design Automation Conference Held . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . 143
- 8tti All-Union Conferencc on Contx~ol Prablems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
- Modeling Devcloping Systems: Work of Conference Reported 152
4th Al1-Union Seminar 'Parallel Programming and High-Productivity
Structures' � � � � � � ~ s � � � � � � � � � � � � � ~ � � � � � � � 16~.
3rd Seminar 'Interactive Systems' . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . 164
International Exhibition 'Communications-81' in Mc~scow. . . . . . . . . 168
Table of Contents of Journal 'KIBERNETIKA', JuZy-August 1981. 171
Table of Contents From Journal 'ELECTRONIC MODELING',
September-October 1981. , . , . . , . , ~ . . , . . . , , . . , ~ , , 173
Problems of Cybernetics: Control of Systems Development. 175
- -b-
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Kiev KIBERNETII{A in Russian No 4, Jul-Aug 81 pp 1-12
[Series of com~ents by members of editorial board~
[TextJ This anniversary issue of the journal KIBERNETIKA, issue No 100, is dedi-
cated to the 26th Congress of the CPSU, a great event in the life of our country.
In the short comments below, members of the editorial board discuss plans for
- carrying out the tasks given to cybernetics scientists by tfie Congress for the
11th Five-Year Plan.
V. M. Glushkov, academician and editor-in-chief of the ~ournal.
tncrainian cybernetics scientists are directing all their efforts to carrying out
the program of action adopted at tfie 26th Congress of the Communist Party of the
- Soviet Union. The concern for preservation of the peace obligates us to make
every effort to see that peace on earth is preserved.
Workers in science face enormous tasks in the llth Five-Year Plan: Improving
computer hardware and control systems, constructing new cybernetics systems
capable of efficiently aiding human beings in many spheres of activtty, in con-
trolling highly complex instruments and mechanisms, production of output, and
planning and designing large systems. The most important challenges facing
researchers were reflected in the materials of the 26tfi CPSU Congreas. They are,
first of all, the construction and empl~yment of systems of different levels and
purposes, in particuiar the OGAS (Stat~ Automated System for Data Collection and
~ Processing), which is expected to serve as a tool for decision-making in manage-
ment. The development of promising types of hardware, especia~ly recursive
computers constructed on entirely new principles for organization of computations
~ and computer components, is one of the central challenges in building highl~
productive computer hardware. Other very important tasks are tfie building and
practical introduc[ion af robot-manipulators and other cy6ernetics syatems with
artificial intellect and setting up automated design systems for various tech-
nical objects and structures such as airplanes, atomic reactors, construction
elements, and the like.
The sphere of application of computers is expanding enormously. For this reason
it is important to standardize computer hardware, improve human interaction with
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computers, and develo~ domestic appli:ances witfi liuiltin mi.crocomputers and mini-
computers. ~
Withou[ theory practice is blind. Soviet scientists today are afiea3 of foreign
scientists in many aspects of theoretical cy~aernetics. The latest advances of
theoretical science, along with the development of ineans to automate tlie process-
ing of results from scientific investigations and experiments, should give rise
to a new stage in creative scfentific thought azd accelerated introduction of the
results of scientific research in practice.
Yu. V. Kapitonova, doctor of physicomathematical sciences.
- Raising the efficiency of use of computers and computer software depends on the
_ quality of personnel training. The production of comput~ng macliinery is develop-
ing very swiftly today, but the training of skilled computer user~ is still ,
. plainly inadec~uate. Work to improve the qualifications of computer users is one
of the most iWportant ways to raise labor productivity. At the same time we
must raise the "intellectual" level of the computers themselves. It seems to me
that computer-based artificial intellect systems that provide more comfortable
conditions for human beings when they are given ~obs now done by human beings can
also be a means to raising the productivity of both physi~al and mental labor.
- Information plays a very important part in the contemporary world. Artificial
intellect syster,:s as mean~ of producing, processing, and transmitting informa-
tion should become as necessary to people as the telephone, radio, and television.
Raising th~ "intellectual" level of computers inevitalily involves m3king their
functions, and therefore also their design, rnore complex. This requires that we
set up industrial lines for au*_omated production of computer components, tfiat is,
circui*_ry and program equipment. This presupposes, in turn, tfie development of
the theory and syst~ms f.or designing computers. The division of digital au*_o-
mata theory at the Institute of Cybernetics or the Ukrainian SSR Academy of
Sciences is working on the development of such resources. We hope *hat the re-
- sult~ of our research will be of benefit to the economy of the country before
the llth Fiv~-Year Plan is over.
A. A. Letichevskiy, doctor of physicomathematical sciences.
Cybernetics science is developing in cluse interaction with applied problems,
= he]_pin~ accomplish key national economic tasks rel~ted to the development and
introdiiction of compu~ers. Meeting the great challenges set uown by [he 26th
- Congress of the CPSU for society demands further improvement in comput~er
hardware and creating new structures of cc~mputer~ and new methods of organizing
computing processes to make maximum use of the potenttal of contemporary tech-
- nology for manufacturing computer hardware.
The development and use of multiprocessor systems revived tfie theory of parallel
computations, stimulating a transition from the ~tudy of abstract models ~ar re-
moved from any real systems to solving practical problems. The principle of
macroconveyor organization of computations in multiprocessor systems, dis~:overed
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by V. M. Glushkov, led to a fundamentally ne~z solution to th.e problem of effi-
cient use of general-purpose systems witTi large numbers of processors. Further
study and application of this principle is opening new prospects for the de-
velopment of tiie theory of computing processes and drawing in relat~d fields sucfi
as methods of numerical ar~alysis, artificial tntellect, and the like.
While working on applied protilems, we nnust keep tTie prospects for development of
fundamental knowledge in view. The algebra of algortthms, tfie theory of data
struct-uies, recursive computations, and other branches of tfie applied theory of
_ algorithms constitute the ti.eoretical basis for the developing field of matfie-
_ matical science, which must work out and refine the general method of sol~;ing
the problems of analyzing, synthesizing, and optimtzing algorithms, identifying
_ special classes of algorithms by putting abstract matfiematical models in concrete
form. As a specific example of such development we may point to the transition
from studying flow charts of free data algebras to study~ng flow charts of
algebras of data defined b} systems of identities (ahstract types of data).
The principal source of the problems of tha_ applied theory of algorithms is ex-
perience constructing a system for automated design of tfie hardware and software
of computers based ~n high-level languages tfiat appraximate the languages of
mathematical definitiions and problem formulaCion. One of the promfsing lines of
work in this field is the development of ineans and methods of theoretical set
programming based on the formalized language of practical mathematics and includ-
ing deductive means among the instruments used to design algoritfims.
Yu. M. Yermol'yev, corresponding member of the Ukrainian SSR Academy of Sciences.
The changes that have taken place in stochastic programming in the last five years
~ are remarkable. This relates above all to further development of direct sto-
chastic methods of solving complex problems of investtgatin.g large-dimensionality
~per.ati.ons. Efficient procedures have been developed to solve a broad range of
problems of planning stocks, network optimization, agricultural production, two-
stage problems of stochastic programming, and various other problems that have
- special structures of constrain.ts. Solving practtcal problems necessitater~ a
further expansi~n of the class of optimizable functions. Techniques of mtnimiz-
~ ing slightly convex, generalized differentiable, ancl Lipshits functions were in-
vestigated. A very general methodology of proofs was worked out to investigate
the convergence of nonmonotonic optimization procedures.
Broad investigation of E-quasigradient optimization techniques was done, and
methods were constructed for solving minimax problems which did not require
- precise computation of the generalized gradient oz the function of the maximum.
The applied problems. of controll_ing industrial processes and dynamic and organt-
zational systems where the structure of tTie ob~ect being optimized develops
gradually led to working out numerical methods of nonstationary optimization.
- Numerical techniques of solving stochastic prolilems of opti~ization hy distri-
butiori functions that satisfy all common consf~raints were worked aut.
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- 'I'l~~~rc was intensive development of algorithms for snlving stochastic miniaiax
problems and problems with complex regressian functions.
' In connecti~� with the development of packages of applied programs, great sig-
nificance was given to investigati~ig the effectiveness of numerical methods of
� nondiffer:~ntiable and stocliastic optimization. The asymptoti~ behav~or of
stochastic optimization procedures in tiie class of convex large-dimensionality
problems and resistance fo random error in raw data wer~ studied.
Numerical metho3s of nondifferentiable and stochastic optimization without compu~
tation of subgradients were develop~d. It was ~hown that in many pr~actically
' important cases it is possible to substitute co~.aputation of stochastic finite
differences for computation of generalized gra,dients. Ftnite difference proce-
dures were developed which to a significant degree generalize known techniques
of stochastic approximation and are applicable to solve complex stochastic
mi~~i,~ax problems.
_ The Institute o� Cybernetic~ of the Ukrainian SSR Academy of Sciences has now
developed a package of applied programs for stochastic and nondifferentiable
optimization which is designed to solve rough extremal problems of nonlinear and
stochastic programming. The r~ackage functions Lnder control of the YeS [Unified
System] opecating system and pe rmits work in the automatic (batch), interactive,
and multiprocess modes. Plans envision a second version of the package, oriented
to solving conditional extremal problems, by 1985.
L. A. Kaluzhinin, c~oct~r of physicomathematical sciences.
The development of computers and the broad opportunities for their appli.catioi~
are especially important today, in the age of the scientific-technical revolu+_~ion.
The decrees of the 26th CPSU Congress envision concentxating efforts on solving
such important problems as the develapment of mathematical theory, increasing its
use for applied purposes, and improving computer technology, its basic elements
and software, and means and systems for data collection, processing, and trans-
The second half of the 20th century has seen the ever-expanding intrusion of
mathematics science and technology. Whereas in an earlier day the principal
users of tt~e re:;ults of mathematical theories were almost exclusively mechanics,
physics, and the branches of engineering related to them, today mathematics finds
application in chemistry, biology, economics, linguistics, and in the branches of
cybernetic engineering - in the work of designing automatic and using automatic
devices. This change and the expansicn of its area of application have led to the
forrr.ulation of a number of new problems in mathematics itself. The greatest
change in focus within mathematics, we feel, is the increase in the importance of
the fields of discrete mathematics. Whereas in the 19th Century and early 20th
_ Century the analytic disciplines - differential and integral equations, varia-
tion calculus, and th~ others were paramount for practical application, today
algebra, combinatorial analysis, number theory, mathematical logic, and others
play an equal role, The growth in the significance of these disciplines can be
- observea by ttze number of proiects and publications.
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A great deal of attention today is h2ing given to solving profilems of alge~ra and
comliinatorial analysis on computers. TTie profi~lems that are arising are of great
theoretical and practical interest.
I. N. Kovalenko.
With the development af cybernetics systems it becomes increasingly important to
analyze and synthesize their efficiency and reltability with due regard for ran-
dom factors. The theory of random processes, adapted to describing the action of
real systems, and development of tiie analytic apparatus for inv~estigating theut"
are timely for solving these problems. Significant results have been obtained in
these areas in recent years. Many concrete mass-service schemes have been
studied, in particular those tt~at take account of the specific charac*eristics
of the operation of computers in computer systems. Attempts are underway to
compose algorithms for calculating the characteristics of mass-servic systems
within the framewo:k ~f generalized mathematical schemes. The static modeling
technique has acquired a l.arge role and become the basic calculation method j.n
systems research. Software systems for static syscem mcdeiing have been dev:Lsed.
_ The special significance ~f asymptotic techniques of calculating systems chax-
acteristics for systems research has been recognized in the last decade, chiefly
thanks to the work of Soviet mathematicians. Thus, tfie theory of calculating
highly reliable systams has been worked out and significant results have been
obtzined in the theory of consolidating the states of random processes. Eut all
of these techniques require ela6orate software for practical introduction. At
the present time the corresponding packages of applied programs are being de-
- veloped at the Institute of Cybernetics of the Ukrainian SSR Academy of Sciences.
Use of the capabilities of contemporary multiprocessor systems is a proflising
direction for systems research. Specifically, it is very convenient to realize
' static modeling algorithms on ?-ecursive-type computers because the organization
of data exchange in such mach~nes corresponds to the real processes being
Finally, we should note one more interesting area, the development of algorithms
for deriving formulas for the characteristics of mass-service systems using com-
puters base~ on the ANALITIK algorithmic language. The introduction of such
techniques can save an enormous amount of "manual " work on formal conversions,
which s*ill take a great deal of time.
Our cyberneticsscientists are studying many aspecta of the ttieory of mass service
and reliability and are making their contritiution to the overall. process of em-
p.loying mathematics and cybernetics in our co~ntry*s science and tecltnology.
V. S. Korolyuk, academician of the Ukrainian SSR Academy of Sciences.
At the present time mathematical models tfiat use tlie theory of random processes
play a significant part in many diverse ar.eas of cybernetic research. Tfierefore,
the problems that arise in the theory of random processes and tfieir applications
wiil continue to be timely. Delimitation and development oE the theory nf tfiose
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classes of random processes that are most adequately applicable to analpsis of
complex stochastic systems is especially promising. TEie desire for an ade-
_ quately complete mathematical descripti.on of ttie functioning of stochastic ,
systems necessitates ~he use of increasingly complex mathematical models, and
ther~fore also of more complex medical apparatus. In this way a two-sided
_ situation arises: the more accurate tfie matfiematical model is, tfie Iess possi-
bility there will be of receiving practically efficient conclusions; at t}ie same
time, the simpler the mathematical model, the less reliable conclusions based
on analyzing it will be. One of the effective ways to overcome this contradic-
tion is to construct fairly precise mathematical models tfiat take into account
all significant aspects of the processes under consideration, with subsequent
simplification of the model substantiated by mathematical theorems. Develop-
_ ment of the method of phase consolidation of stochastic systems is an illustra-
tion of this approach. One of the timely problems of contemporary systems '
dnalysis is the development of similar methods of simplified analysts based on
profound mathematical ideas. ~
0. S. Kulagina, candidate of physicoma~hematical sciences.
The problem of automating various types of processing of texts in natural language I
is one of the timely scientific problems invalved in tiroadening the use of com-
puter machinery. Among the diverse tyFes of automatic text processing systems
(for exampl.e, question-answer systems, systems to translate from certain
languages to others, and the like) are language processors that analyze and syn-
thesize texts. Language processors usually have three types of software:
linguistic (vocabularies and grammars), mathematical-algorithm (algorithms and
formalized representations of data and algorithms), and programs. The develop-
ment of differeflt types of software should proceed in a coordinated manner withir
the framework of a single mathematical model that describes the structure of the languages and their functioning. The models developed at ~his point em-
brace chiefly morphology and syntax, but only partially the semantics of natural
languages. Further progress requires fairly complete models of natural lan~uages
that take account of :heir specific features such as complexity because of the
large number of objecrs with individual properties, indete~inacy of branches
(transf~rs), the lack of precision with respect to many sets and relationsTiips
, (includin~ norms of correctness), the inequality of similar phenomena and con-
structions which is felt as a preference for certain ones over others and is
difficult to express in authorize/prohibit terms, and so forth. Experience with
the construction of. systems for aiitomatic text processing has shown quite clearly
thar the formal ~rammars proposed ~y N, C~omsky are not an adequate means of
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1~~?R c~1~t~ic't:~t t~~1~' c~N1.1
- hypot~etical structures and architectures, permit us to draw some conclu-
- sions:
- Paralleling algorithms are defined by solution methods and
depend greatly on tfie structure and arcfiitecture of the
multiprocessor computer (volumes o� main memory of each
- processor, number of communications channels among proces-
sors and between processors and second-step memory, the
availability of damper memory, the volume of seconc-step
memory, the ratio of tbe speed of an individual processor
and the volume of its main memory, the length of a machine
word, and so on);
- The very same structure and architecture of a multiprocessor
machine may give rise to many different versions of parallel
- - The ease of paralleling an algorithm with sequential compu-
tations does not always mean that it is wise to use it as
the basis for formulating parallel computation algorithms
on a multiprocessor computer, especially for problems with
. large volumes of computation;
- The critical resources for solving problems with large volumes
of data processing are the number of communications channels
and speed of exchange in them, the volume of tlie main memory
_ of each processor (at a given speed) and of damper memory,
and the numbe: of input and output units;
- The problem is not so much paralleling arithmetic and
logical operations as it is organizing the calculation of
problems that require processing large volumes of data,
that is, organizing parallel operations at all levels;
- At the present time there is a critical need to work out new
- theoretically substantiated numerical methods of solving
- different classes of mathematical problems, techniques
whose essential features take account of the parallelism of
- computations at a'l1 levels;
- For each of the classes of mathematical problems considered
there is ati optimal (with a maximum acceleration coefficient
and a maximum efficiency coefficient) configuration of the
structure and architecture of the multiprocessor computer
depending on the solution algorithm and volume of data
processed. Increasing the number of processors beyond the
optimal number leads to a certain acceleration of calcula-
tion time, but the efficiency coefficient�drops.
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t~~~~t ~i~~~~~~~~ t ~?~v~ ~
The necessary configuration of the multiprocessor machine sh~uld be shaped, the
machine solution ~lgorithm constructed in an automatic mode, the problem
- solved, and the reliability of the solution obtained evaluated according to
the prob~em, the solution method, and the r equired volume of data processing,
which can be estimated a priori.
This approach to so1-Jing applied problems on electronic compuXers of rearrange-
able structure and architecture makes it p o ssible not onlq to evaluate the
auality of ::;lutions, but also to raise tfie efftciency of the machinery being
1. V. D. Ilichev, "Matrix M:.~hods of Synthesizing the Dynamic and Elastic
Characteristics of Linear and Conservat ive Design Elements," UCHEN. ZAP.
TSAGI, 1975, 4, No 2, pp 93-lOfi.
2. J. Miklc,sko, "Synteza a analyza efektivnych numerickych algorimovr' [Synthesis
and Analysis of Efficient Numerical ti_'_gorithms], Bratislava, VEDA, 1979, 220
; pages (in Czech).
3. M. A. Fianklin, "Parallel Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations,"
IEEE TRANS. COMPUT., 1978, 27, No 5, pp 413-420.
4. B. A. Rosser, "A Runge-Kutta for All Seasons," SIAM REVIEW~ 1961, 9, No 3,
= pp 417-452.
- 5. L. F. Shampine, and H. A. Watts, "Block Impltcit One-Step Methods," MATH.
COMPUT., 1969, No 23, pp 731-740.
6. T. L. Jorden, "A Performance Evaluation of Linear Algebra Software in
_ Parailel Arck~itectures," in "Performanc e Evaluation of Numerical Software,"
edited by L. D. Fosdick, Amsterdam, 19 7 9, ~p 56-76.
7. F. En51ou (editor) ,"Mul'tiportsessornyye Si~temy i Parallel'nyye
Vyct~isleniya" [Multiprocessor Systems and Paralle~ Computations], Moscow,
_ "Mir", 1976, 383 pages.
8. V. K. Zeyzenberg (editor), "Vychislite 1'naya Tekhnika za Rube2hom v 1976 g."
[Computer Technology Abroad in 1976), Moscow, "ITM i VT AN SSSR", 1977,
210 pages.
9. V. K. Zaydenberg (editor), "Osnovnyye Kharakteristiki Tsifrovykh
Vychislitel'nykh Mashin" [Basic Charac t eristics of Digital Computers],
rioscow, "ITM i V'f AN SSSR", 1977, 63 pages.
- l1,i76
CSO: i863/16
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r~ik c?i~rtc~t:>> t~~r. c~~i.i'
UDC 62-52.001"313"
Moscow PRIBORY I SISTE~yTY UPRAVLENIYA in Russian No 8, Aug 81 pp 1-2
- [Article by B. B. Timofeyev, acade~nician of the UkSSR Academy of Sciences, in the
section "Autumated Control Systems"]
[Excerpts] Using m icroprocessors in the traditional areas of application of compu-
- ters in automated process control systesns is tied intimately to the process of de-
centralization of control that began long before the appearance of microprocessors.
It i> characteristic not only of automated process control systems and has two
interrelated aspects: territorial distribution and hierarchical control.
The neci~ssity of territorial distribution of control hardware in automated process
control systems is dictated to a considerable extent by the deficit in cable pro-
- duction. Remoting of information processing equipment directly to receivers-sources
and transmis~ion of compressed, preliminarily processed information are required.
- Implementation of nierarchical systems under the conditions of continuously growing
complehity of control problems allows raising reliability and improving control dy-
namics, simplifying software, and affording the possibility of putting control sys-
tems into operation piecemea_1.
Unfortunatel.y, our microprocessor hardware developers are repeating the traditional
architecture of computers too literally in their developments when the need for
developing multimicroprocessor systems is so obvious. The fact is that transducers
make up a large percentage of the hardware of modern automated process control sys-
- tems and their outputs signals require processing by complex algorithms. These in-
clude various Er.eqt~~ncy, phase (including synchros and inductosyns) and other trans-
ducexs. The question of connecting up ti~ese transducers is tied closely to the
problem of developin~ an eff:icient architecture of modular microprocessor components.
'1'lie c~nnection problem for these transducers can be solved by incorporating special-
p~irpose passive functional elements in the composition of microprocessor hardware,
i.c~.. by expanding the nomenclature, which is not always justified economically
because batch production declines.
- hfore pramising are .isolation in automated process control systems and standardiza-
tion of some simple autonc~mous regulators implemented by using active programmable
modules of modular complexes. These modules must be built on the basis of special-
purpose single-board microcomputers that include facilities for input/output of
analog and discrete signals.
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1~(1R (N~1~'l('1.41. l~til~' (1N1\'
A`~ ' ilEt?~?'
J'ro~;rc~ss i.n this direction depends entirely on progress in LSI and VLSI engineering
and Cecl~nology. This, in turn, requires the joint efforts of the i.nstrument-building
and electronics industry to develop a unified nodular system of microprocessor cqri-
trol hardware, without in any way reducing the efforts on finishing the development
and adjustment of Froduction of existing microprocessor complexes. This unified sys-
tem is to contain a set of speciali2ed single-board microcomputers, means of normal-
~ ization and galvanic separation and a ramified set of designs and panel instruments.
And this unif ied system is tu allow, by the design route without substantial outlays
for engineering labor, developing flexible and highly reliable multimicroprocessor
control systems and instrumental process complexes for automating the design of_such
systems, including highly efficient facilities for pragramming and debugging.
COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Mashinostroyeniye".
- "Pribory i sistemy upravleniya", 1981
CSO: 1863/256
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~ ~,t ~ i ?i ~ i
UDC 681.2:621.38:776:"313"
Moscow PRIBORY I SISTEMY UPRAVLENIYA in Russian No 8, Aug 81 pp 29-30
[Art~cle by engineers V. R. Truntsevskiy and I. P Belikov, in the section "Tech-
nology of Building Instruments": "Printed Ctrcuit Board Production" (beginning of
a topical series)]
[Text] Existing technology for manufacturing printed circuit boards [PCBs] and any
of its varieties on m2thods of manufacture are Based on the so-called subtractive
technology, i.e. the technology of obtaining copper conductors by removing (etching)
f.rom blank areas the copper layer covering the substrate. This technology no longer
meets the high r~quirements associated with miniaturization and first of all with
broad integration in the fiela of electronic elements since it does not permit ~
manufacturing minute and precise tracks for conductors [1].
In addition, the subtractive technology of manufacturing PCBs requires making more
efficient use of inetal because of the growing demand for it. Therefore, process
engineers are faced wit:h the problem of finding new engineering solutions that must
provide for saving materials and meeting the increased requirements of designers
of microelectronic apparatus.
One such engineering solution is the multilayer printed circuit assembly u~hich,
being a subsequent qualitative evolution of conventional PCBs and px'eserving a11
their properties, have their own merits that promote an ever Broader application of
them in solving the prohlems of complex miniaturization of microelectranic apparatus,
According to f~reign data, as early as in 1973, almost half of all PCBs used in com-
- puters were .nultilayer PCBs (MPP).
Multilayer PCBs now have limited application in the Minpribor [Ministzy of Instru-~
ment Making, Automation Equipment and Control Systems]. The increased te~hnological
requirements that occur in the production of multilayer PCBs, the lack of moBility
of. the technological process, the extremely long production cycle in manufacture,
the labor-intensive monitoring of the internal layers and limited repairability are
~ largely restraining the application of multilayer PCBs in the products pf instrument
manufacture. However, computer hardware developers are now tasking process engi-
neers witli assimilation in the Minprihor of the technology of manufactuxing multi-
layer PCBs in connection with the need of applying them in new products.
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r.~ec ,~rl1~ l ?l l .]l�. ll.\1.1
( n ti~c� ].lth I~ ive-Year Plan in the plants of the Minprihor, the main development
will be on the combined ppsitive method with advance plating of holes and a pro-
tective technological tin-lead alloy coating. Dry alkaline-~ater-developed film
photoresists of the types TFPK, SPFV and SPFVShch, as well as SPF-2 film photo-
resists processed in organic solutions, will find extensive application in�the pro--
cess of photochemical printing to ob~ain t;?e printed circuit pattern. This method
will permit manufacturing printed ~ircuit boards with a density of placement of
150-300 holes per dm2.
Since in the early years of the 11-th Five Year P1an the demand by Minpribor plants
for dry film phntoresists cannot be fu11y met, it is planned to use the FPP type
liquid photoresist which will be applied to blank boards with advance plated holes
on U861M type rolling units. In the process, the necessary thickness of the photo-
resist layer is achieved.
Efforts are now underway to improve this technology.. Thus, it is planned to elimi-
nate the operation of chesnical metallization of holes from the pxocess which will
not only eliminate the use of a metal (palladium dichloride), but also
r.edtice the manufacturing cycle and raise qualtty.
The semiadditive method of manufacturing PCBs has been developed in the sectox to
produce PCBs with a density of placement of 400 holes per dmz and highex' (with a
C.1-0.2-mm width of printed conductox's)..
This technology differs from rhe existing subtractive in the application of the non-
foil dielectric STF.K_-1.5 TU.:~.M0.50,9.091-78 and in the considerafile reduction in the
volume and time of etcY~ing, which makes it possi~le to obtain subst3ntial savings in
copper, reduce the width of printed conductors (having eliminated etchings of thesn)
and reduce costs for purification structures. On the whole, there wi11 be a 5 to
20 percent gain in value compared to the subtractive technology [1].
This technology will be developed along the path of mastering the so-called photo-~
form method and making use of dielectrics with ultrathin foil (to 5 micxometers).
It is assumed that when the photoform method is used to manufacture boards, pxoduc-
tion costs wi11 be 25 to 30 percent lower than when photoresist is used. This
methnd allows obtaining a higher density of circuitry with the same board technolog-
- ical characteristics.
An advantage of semiadditive technology is the c~pability of reusing laminates when
defects occur in manufacture by stripping the circuit and reapplying the conductox's.
- The firm Photcircuits estimates that 0.5-0.8 million m2 of boaxds per year are now
produced iti the United States by the method of semiadditive technology (2]; major
Amer.ican manufacturers of ul*.ra~hin foil estimate that boards in which ultrathin
Foil is applied now account fc,r 5 to 10 percent of the total PCBs produced in the
United States ~2].
Effor.ts are also underway in ~ur country to develop a dielectxic with ultrathin foil.
It is planned to st3rt series production of it in the llth Five-Xear Plan [3].
Assimilation by Minpribor plants of the combined positive method and semiadditive
technology of PCB manufacture wi11 allow shifting suTisequently to the assimilation
of new types of these technological processes without any restructuring of production.
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E~ok c~NN�~ci,~~. v~t~: c~rv~.v
'Cl~e ~~vcr incre.~sln~ ~~umplexity and continuing improvement of instruments and compu-
ter liardware is leading to the necessity of making various adjustments to wiring
layouts even under the conditions of series production. But making changes to a
printed circuit is a lengthy process, According to the data of foreign specialists,
the share of expenses for developing a board designed for wiring of 80 integrated
circuits (IS) is about $7,000 [4J. This sum of fixed expenses is due to the partic-
ipation in the implementation of a considerable number of skilled associates and the
lengthy duration of the manufacturing cycle. Therefore, for small-scale series pro-
duction o~ r~gh-density wired boards and accelerated development of prototype instru-
ments and computer hardware, application of fundamentally new manufacturing wethods
is called for: thin-conductor wiring (of the multiwire type) or K-6 technology
which havethe same advantages of printed circuitry but are free of the shortcomings
of the subtractive tecnnology, are technologically less labor-intensive, and a~ford
a reduction in the requirements for precision of manufacture and materials used;
but t}~e main thing is that the pr.oduction cycle is shorter and they are more
suitable for autom~~tion of design and manufacture.
Tlle tt~in-conductor method of wiring in practice can be based only on dry processes.
Tt~e mettiod precl.udes the use of phototnasks and the process of photochemical
printing and etching.
Multiwire cir.cuitry allows successfully replacing multilayer PCB'.s when circuitry
is hi~llly complex.
Foreign data indicate that the design cycle is 10 weeks for multi~.ayer PCBs, 8 weeks
Eor double-sided plated boards~ but just 1 week for multiwire; manufacture of the
boards takes 4, 2 and 1 week(s) respectively [4J. Approved de~igns of boards manu-
factl~red by the method of conducting wiring, when series prod~:ction is necessary,
can casily be switched to the traditional technology of princed wiring and in a
shorter time. According to data of foreign specialists, fixed costs in manufac-
t�ring boards with 80 integrated circuits by one of the methods of conducting wiring
(solder-wrap) are $700-$1070 ~4]. Thus, it is advantageous to employ methods of
~ondt~cting wiring with small-scale series production (especially experimental)
where the capa6ility of making changes without additional outlays is exceptionally
The technology of thin-wire circuitry will be developed with the solution of the
following prohlems:
improvement of the method for obtaining contact connections;
determination of tYie optimal technological conditions of layout of conductors,
limi.t-.iti.on and features for achieving maximal productivity of automated manufacture
oC conductin~ wire boards;
dev~lopment of algorithms for the process of automated layout of conductors for
- n�meri.c controlled machine tools equa.pped with special layout devices; and
development of special machine tools with ChPU [numerically programmed control]
for. (piston~rovaniye) and la~out of wires.
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Alt th~� ~tturts ~la~?uecl tu b~ perfurmed in the llth Five-Xear Plan have been
incorporated in a comprehensive program for raising the level of the technology
for producing PCB's; its implementation by the end of the five-year period will
allow obtaining an economic eff ect of 25.2 million rubles and conventionallq
releasing ~ver 2,900 personnel.
In subsequent articles the authors will go into more detail on suecific questions
associated with the technological processes of manufacturing PCB's and the
special technological equipment provided for by the comprehensive program.
1. Kaganov, Ye. A.; Kochetov, Ye. P.; Kravchenko, A. S. and Maksakov, E. P.,
"Additive Methods of Manufacturing Printed Circuit Boards," ZARUBEZHNAYA
CUPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Mashinostroyeniye". "Pribory i sistemy upravleniya", 1981
CSO: 1863/256
- 85
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I~t1K ~11~l1~ l~1 l'~I~ ll\1 \
UDC 621.38:776
Moscow PRIBORY I SISTEMY UPRAVLENIYA in Russian No 8, Aug 81 pp 30-31
[Article by engineer G. M. Tsetkov]
- (Text] The problem of assimilating production of automation equipment and fourth
generation computers with the application of LSI, VLSI and microprocessors is in-
extricably entwined with the broad introduction of the positive combined method of
manufacture that GOST 23751-79 recommended as the base technological process for
production of printed circuit boards [PCB's].
Discussed in this article are the features of the new technology for PCB manufacture
by the combined method with advance drilling of holes and use of film photoresist
and positive screen printing, as well a~ the experienc2 of assimilating and imple-
menting this technology in series production on domestic equipment at the enterprise
that was one of the first in the sector to practically resol've this problem, the
YO LI:MZ [L~ningrad Electromechanical Plant Production Association].
The progressiveness of technology is generally recognized and stesns from the
capabil.ity of manufacturing PCB's with increased density of wiring, improved quality
and reliability, less manual labor~ and broader application of equipment for
automation and mechanization of production. But, as is well known, this process is
being introduced into series production slowly.
T}~e base method for PCB manufacture was introduced in the Leningrad Electromechan-
ica]. Plant Production Association in 1977. The necessary prerequisites for its
intr.oduction were created thanks to the large amount of laboratory work and engi-
neering preparation of this p.r.ocess. Thus, PCB's were standardized and their type
sizes reduced to two main ones: 1.5 x 110 x 140 mm(type A boards) and 1.5 x 140 x
235 .~nm (type B boards); photomasks of the manual layout were processed and manufac-
tured by the more precise machine method on the "Minsk-2004" and "Minsk-2005"
The V-479 type domestic machine tools with program control were modified and are
now used to drill the PCB's. The boards are d~illed in batches of three to four
- units, and the last board is not drilled, but placed first in the next batch to re-
- cluce hurrs at the drill entry and exit. Drill bits are hard alloy twist with a
durability of. no less than 2,500 holes. Holes are not counterbored. If the size
of burrs exceeds 0.04 mm, then smoottiing is necessary, which is done on a unit for
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hydroabrasive trimming of the holes. Chemical preparation of the surface in a com-
plex with mechanical smoothing is performed on the domestic U759M type jet-,module
In chemical metallization, a combined solution of activation containing 0.2-0.4 g/1
of PdC12 is used. The stability of operation of the combined solution is S-6 months.
The solution is analyzed and adjusted twice a week.
After activation, the boards stand in a solution of accelerator (250 g/~. HC1).
The solution of chemical copper plating is prepared on the basis of Seignette salt
with a low-concentrated content of the main components with a stabilizing additive
of thiosulfate of sodium. Twice a day the solution is analyzed and adjusted for
the basic components, and filtered once a shift. The stability of operation of the
solution of chemical metallization is 1.5 months.
Sulfuric acid electrolyte of copper plating is used for preparatory electroplating
by S-7 micrometers. Bonding strength of the chemical copper tio the foil is
4C0-500 gs/cm (as defined by OST 4G0.054.223).
Prior to application of the film photoresist, preparation of the surface of the
copper layer is required; this consists in mechanical conditioning of it by wire
brushes made of 0.15-nun diameter stainless steel, cleaning in a two-percent alkaline
solution, washing and drying in a special unit.
- A dry film water-developed photoresist, brand SPFV (OAYu.504.022TU),is applied with
a KP6346 type laminator and the U862 type unit with 110� C temperature of the heat-
ing ~lements. The blank boards are fed without preheating. The effective time of
exposu:e to the LUF-80 lamps is 3-4 minutes, and to the DRST-1000 lamps is 1.5
minutes. The photolayer is developed in the jet~nodular unit by a one-percent
soda ash solution.
The coating of copper and tin-lead is applied in standard electrolytes in automatic
electroplating machines. A Kh606 type ampere-hour meter is installed in one of
the tanks.
The photoresist is r.emo�~ed in a ten-percent alkaline solution at normal tetnperature
- within 3-S minutes. The nroblem of salvaging the spent solution and scraps of f~~m
completely has not yet been solved. Etching is done in an amtaonium peroxysulfate
Palladium plating of the thin strip leads is done directly on the copper printed
conductor by the group method in a special unit in standard aminochlorid~: electrolyte.
- For the palladium coat, the ::urface is prepared by chemical and mechanical methods.
The copper conductors are polished in a special G6-228 type unit.
A method of positive screen printing has been ~ssimilated with 15 board posittons.
Used for screen printing is a single-component, alkali-washahle, ST7..12-51 brand~*
_ yellow ink that after drying at 90-100�C (within 20-30 minutes) acquires resistance
to acid electrolytes and cures the action of Etching solutions based on cupric ~
chloride, ammonium persulfate and ferric chlorida. The lnk has fine print
* (TU 29-02-740--77) 87
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1~'~?F2 t?!~l~IC'1~1 1~~1~ i1N11
~~ruE>~�rt I~~:: :in~l Iti ;~~~~~I l~~cl wLtl? ui~iuu~il masking machines and with PTP-3 type semi-
automatic machines ~ising polyurethane squeegees. Blue ST3.13 brand ink (TU 29-02-
489--74) was also tried for positive screen printing. The ink is resistant to acid
and alkaline electrolytes and dries in 8-10 minutes with a hot-air (60�C) blower or
infrared dryer within 1.5-2 minutes at 100-110�C in the operating zone. However,
tliis ink has an important shortcoming: Only organic solutions can wash it cff.
To preclude conductor peeling in the PCB produc tion process, before applying ink,
the surface has to be treated with qilartz to improve ink adhesion to it or electro-
polishing of the boards has to be introduced during chemical copper plating.
Ink layer thickness is 30-40 micrometers. In deterr~ining the effect of the bagic
- factors of the printing process on the graphic chara:.teristics of the image, the
optimal conditions of pressure, rate of printing and slope of the squeegee must
be established.
Sr_reen masks are made by the direct method using the liquid photopolymerized
composition "Fotoset-Zh" (TU 6-15-01-138--77).
The technological process of making mask print f orms is as follows: a form frame
with the screen tight on it is placed on glass coated with lavsan [Soviet equiva-
lent of Dacron], "Fotoset-Zh" is poured on cent er of screen, it is covered with the
photomask (previously coated with a five-percen t solution of paraffin in white
spirit), smoothed out in thickness using a squeegee, and the excess solution is re-
- moved with a pad. The layer on the screen must be even, without bubbles or wrink-
les. Then the form is exposed by LT'F-80 lamps for 15-20 minutes.
The time for making forms is reduced considerab ly with this technology. This
method allows regulating the '�ness of the copy layer. The photopolymerized
- composition ensures obtai~:.:.:.o ~.,::~,s with clear edge of the printing element.
Repeated use of screen masks is anticipated because they are made on screens of
stainless steel Na. 004. The precision of screen printing ensures a
pattern with width of conductors and distance b etween thesa of 0.3-0.4 mm.
On ttie whole, implementation of the base techno logical pr.ocess for PCB manufacture
has made it possible to:
improve the quality of drilling of holes and chemical metallization of the boards
since thP oi~erations are performed on blanks no t coated with protective lacquer; in
tlie process, controlling the quality of performance of these operations is eased
ext~nd tt~e workinfi life of the solutio~.s for chemical metallization;
acc~lcrate the manufacturing cycte by removing a number of operations for photo-
prin~ing processe~ (coloring, chemical hardenii?g~ thermal hardening) and applica-
tion and removal o~ the protective lac~uer;
reduce manual labor thanks to mechanization and aitomation of the operations of
zppl.ica~ion, development and removal of film photcresist~ and redacing to the mini-
mum the necessity of performing the retouching ope.'ation;
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I~c)It c11~ FIC'1:11. 1 ~~I~ (/N1.1'
almost completely eliminate technological losses in photoprinting operations,
which accounted for about 30 percent of the total ?~sses when a light-sensitive
esnulsion based on polyvinyl alcohol was used; moreover, the capability of effi-
ciently repairing rejects has emerged with full recovery of the labor spent on
hole drilling;
increase production efficiency and reduce the labor-intensiveness of"PCB manufac-
ture by 25-36 percent; and
increase the density of wiring of the printed elements to 0.2-Q.3 mm with itaprove-
ment of the quality of the rinished boards, which is confirmed by the ob~ective
test made on the special automatic machine for checking the circuitry of printed
boards 3eveloped at the Len~ngrad Electromechanical Plant Production Association.
COPYRIGHT: I~datel'stvo "Mashinostroyeniye". "Pribory i sistemy upravleniya", 1981
CSO: 1863/256
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Moscow ALGORITMY I PROGRAMMY in Russian No G, Jun 81 pp 1-126
[Following is a listing of Soviet entries from ALGORITMY I PROGRAMMY ("Algorithms
and Programs"), a bibliographic publication of the USSR State Committee for Science
and Technology. This listing is from No 6, 1981]
[ ~:xcerpt s ~
2297. "Teoreticheskiye osnovy kompilyatsii" [Theoretical Fundamentals of Compila-
tion]: collection of scientific works, Novo sibirsk State University, Novosibirsk,
198Q, 171 pages, bibliography at end of articles.
Study of the theoretical fundamentals and applied aspects of the formal description
and effecti~~e implementation of programming languages.
Key words: method, PASCAL, MEDIFOR-2 ~.nowledge display ianguage, RELYAP rerational
programming language, LISP, ALGOL, M-4030, YeS computer, R6U60 minicomputer, macro-
generators, KAMAK [CAMAC], physical oceanographer's package of applied pro-;rams,
single-variah ~e~,,,polyno a~s, program correctness, language processors, compilation.
2302. Sychev, A.I. "One Method of Automatically Controlling an Archive of Meteor-
[[Jorks of the West Siberian Regional Scientific Rasearch Institute, No 49, Questions
RelatinK to Re~ional. Climatology and Mechan ization of the Processing of Meteorolo-
_ ~;ical Information], pp 115-117, references 7.
Creatlon of a filter for detecting gross errors based on taking into account the
chan~;e in mete~~rological elements during adj acent observation periods, detecting
_ ce.rtain maximurn deviations and the dates corresponding to them, and implementing
this in ALGOL.
- 2313. 7.J.obin, V.A. , Sverdlov, L.Z. and Shadrin, A.D. "Use of a Computer in Per-
formance of Work on the International Certif ication System," ELEKTRONNAYA TEKHNIKA,
ing, Series 8, Quality Control, Metrology, Standardization], No 6(84), pp 64~68,
references 6.
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!~(/R ()h'h'l('IA1. It~;H' P m o
~ ~ o m~,-+~ o a "~o ~ c~''a ~
~ ~ r,) ]t; U~ O V1 U O f~ ~d i: P4 rl n-1
r-I U
_ p
_ ~
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the ef~iciency of ASU by standardizing won~ on the planning and technology of soft-
ware creation.
At present work is being done in tha.t direction t.~ the 'fisentrprogra.mmsistem" Sci-
eztific Production Association (Kalinin)~ the "Lenelektrcnmash" Scientific Produc-
tion Assaciation (Leningrad)~ the GNTPI VT (Kazan'), the Scientific Reseaxch Plan-
ning Institute of Automa.ted Control Systems (N1PI ASU, Volgo~rad) and other organi-
In practice a varian~t of softwase development is selected by the ASU user and de-
veloper togeth~. An analysis shows that the quality of the solution of that ques-
tion depends to a great degree on the level of occupational training and qualifica,-
tions of the participants in creation of the ASU and, in pa.rticula.r, on the quaZ~.-
fications of the programmers. For example, if at an enterprise specialists who created.a software system for another enterprise are acting as the developers,
then, as a rule, the variant of software development is repeated. Therefore im-
provement of the organiza.tion of control of the f~.ind of ~.lgoritlvus and programs
and, in particular, the development of a system of estimates of the rea.diness of
all standard. software {prima.rily PPP~ will permit dete~�mi.ning the rationa.l vaxiant
of software creation under the specific ASUP conditions.
The PPP represents a system characterized by a technical and informa.tion ba,se and
- program and organizationa.l softarre. As a result of the fact tha.t each package is
oriented toward one class or another of computing systems~ the time and cost chax-
- acteristics of PPP adaptation and opera.tion will depend to a great degree on the
technical~base existing at the enterprise developing the ASU (the computer confi~ux~a.-
tion, the operating s si:em, the int~eractive facili..ties, the computer mode of opera-
tion, the stores, etc~. Each PPP assumes the presence at the enterprise ~if defin-
ite forms and methods of informa.tiori organiza.tion and its collection, prepaxation
and perforation; in add.i~ion, as a rule, the information ca,rriers, the file formats
and cha,racteristics, the opera.tiona.l and flow technology of proessing, etc, are
fixed. The entire aggregate of software of a given package ha.s a strictly deter-
mined architecture reflecting the informational and fluxeticnal relations of the
programs in the PP (programs flanction, of or~aniza.tion and serving without data.,
input-output, of da,ta monitoring and transmission, organizing~ etc). In the dis-
semination of packa,ging, besides transmission of the program texts (~rint-outs of
them on ma.chine media) a large volume of worit is done in connection with improve-
ment of documentation for the PPP (besides correspondence of the documentation to
the standaxd it is necessary to develop methodical g:iides on the atta.chment and use
of the package), maintenance, instruction of users in work with the paakage and
other types of work.
COPYRIGHT: G osudarstvennyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut nauchnoy i
tekhnicheskoy informa.tsii (GOSINTI), 1981
- 2174
cso: 1863/33 ~
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- i
UDC 51:681.3:OQ7
Kiev KIBERNETIKA in Russian No 4, Jul Aug 81 pp 42-65
[Article by V. M. Glushkov, G. Ye. Tseytlin and Ye. L. Yushchenko]
[Excerpts] Intensive studies on programming technology are underway today.l
Work [11] gives a thorough analysis of the bastc problems that arise in tTiis
field and notes the significant contrihution to i.ts development made by the
Institute of Cybernetics of the Ukrainian SSR Academy of Sciences: the method of
: formalized technical specifica[ions [18, 191, R-technology [5, 6], and structural
progra~ing based on systems of algorithmic algebras (SAA) [10, 22]. The ap-
paratus of SAA proposed in 1965 is adequate to tlie conception of structural pro-
= gramming which has received universal recognition and broad distribution in
recent times [27, 28, 35, 52]. The distinguishing characteristics of the SAA
apparatu~ in comparison with other well-known algorittimic systems (for example
_ [32]) lies in t~a possibility, owing to its programming orientation, of solving
' ~he problem of a uniform formal description of tfie structures of the algorithms
an1 the programs associated with them in the process of their 3oint development.
- It shoulci be noted that this pr~blem is comparable in sfgnificance to the problem
of joint designing of the hardware and software of contemporary computers [15].
- Fui�ther development of the mathematical foundations of structura"1 progr_amming was
embodied in the method of multflevel structural designing of programs ~56, 23J,
which combines modified SAA [54, 22] with formal models of languages j9, 20].
The development of progLams using tFie multilevel structural program design
method consists in a formal description of them in terms of regular SAA cfiarts
at each le~el of design and formalization of the process and level-~iy-level
transfeLs by constructing an outlet in the corresponding grammatical model. An-
_ other important advantage of the multilevel structural program design technique
- 1See "Tr. I. Vsevoyuz, Konf. po Tekfinologii Programmirovaniya. Kiev-79"
[Works of tfie lst All-Union Conference on Progra~ing Technology. Kiev-79];
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is that it is ~oordinated with other welldcnown programming tecfinologies [5, 19,
50, 34]. This makes it possiinle to use this tecfinique in tFie fiigfiast stages of
development of algorithms and programs, whicfi makes it possifile later to use
the developed apparatus for formalization af data structures and the language 8nd
program means available in the well-~kno~r? tecfinologies.
The prese.nt article is a survey or results obtained ~zithin tfie framea~ork of
structural programming using the multilevel structural program design technique,
_ an important direction in theoretical and system programming. In particular we
will present results that were given at the all-Union seminar "Structural
= Progr.amming in Systems of Algorithmic Algebras Kiev-81.r2 (Works [54, 69, 23]
were also devoted to development of tfie mathematical foundations of tfiis line of
Section 1 pre.sents the conception of structural design grammars, wfiich is the
basis of the multilevel structural program design metfiod. The article proposes
a classification of inethods of program development according to ascending,
descending, and mixed sr_rategies. The problem of multilevel partial verification
of programs, their transformation, and documentation in the process of develop-
ment ~~d further accompaniment is formulated on the basis of *he structural
- design grammars apparatus. The multilevel structural level program design method
is illustrated with a series of programs being designed~
Sectton 2 is devoted to developnent of tlie tools of structural programming by
the multilevel structural level design technique. Zhe linguistic and program
means which are its foundation are presented. We review the protilem of multi-
level optimizing translation within which the rNL'TIPROTSESSIST system is being
developed. This system is oriented to automation of structural parallel pro- by the multilevel structural program design technique.
Results from application of the multilev~l structural program technique
to problems of symbolic procesaing are given in section 3. There is a descriptton
of the process of structural design of the PARTRAN (multilevel parallel conveyor-
type translator) system and components of minicomputer and microcomputer software.
Section 4 gives an abstract model of a homogeneous computing system [29, 30, 39].
Formal means of structural design of parallel programs based on the apparatus of
modified SAA ars developed. The article gives results from designing components
of homogeneous computing systems software and multimachine complexes. The problem
- of automating the deveicpment of stmulation modeling systems for communicattons
networks is reviewed.
Section S is devoted to results of structural designing in automated control sys-
tem problems. The architecture of the TEI~iNOLOG system is revie~red. Tfits syatem
is oriented to automating the process of technological preparation for production
applying the multilevel structural program design technique. Tfiere is a formal
description of the process of structural design of programs to process large files
within the framework of a typical automated control. system problem. Prospects
2See "Scientific Information" section of this issue of tfie ~ournal.
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010023-0
I~()R (1H'1~1('IA1. 1 ~~1~: ()NI.Y
~u, ?urtl~~�~ ~I~w~~l~~~~uu�ut ut a~plltcJ atruc~ural. programming hy the multilevel
structural program design method are outlined. Ftgure 1 below illustrates the
interrelationship of the theoretical and applied aspects of ~tructural pro--
gramming by the multilevel structural program des~gn mettiod.
The results presented in sections 1-3 and 5 were obtained under direction of the
authors of this survey. ~
Ac~mpvamNwe ?+odenu
Hunemunpoqoccopa6 ~
TQOp(lA N0L11101JyU- ~ ~ QOpUA ~0,7NO/16�
MPmod ~ .
Mcnn~ )
aNnnucm Nw~mur~ napmpaH MO wu~ur MO OBC e.womt
~5) 4e[um 7 3BN ~9~ ~10
Figure 1. Piultilevel Structural Program Design and Its
Key: (1) Abstract Models of Multiprocessors;
(2) Theory of Modified SAA;
(3) Theory of Formal Languages;
(4) Multilevel Structural Program Design Method;
(8) Minicomputer Software;
(9) Software of Homogeneous Computing Systems;
This approach to setting up subsystems for operational accounting for production
was successfully used in setting up a subsystem of the automated control system
of the Mikhaylovsk Mining and Concentrating Comhine. Tfie su6system was formu-
lated independently by the structural and nonstru~tural approacfies (see Table 3
below). In addition, it should 6e noted that tTie structuxal approacli made it
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-04850R000500010023-0
, F()R ()FF9~'IA1. [ 1fiF. ONI.Y
Tabla 3.
Feature of Development Structural Approacfi Nonstructural Approach
Total. Development T~ime 91 Days lk2 Days
. Development of Algorithms and P'rograms 24 Days 52 Dap~
Full-8cale Debugging 5 Aours 12 Hours ~
Volume of Complex 560 Operatfons 753 Operations
possiUle to obtain understan3able prog~ams that are easily modified and convenient
ro accompany.
In canclusion we will observe that as applied structural progra~ning by the multi-
' level structural program design technique develops fLrther it is contemplated thar
the following will be worked out:
- apparatus for context control o.E output to structural de-
sign grsmmars to insure a flexit:le in~terface between the
program modules under develop~ent and to see that efficient
- decisions are made in the process of tfieir structural design;
- system of multilevel parallel verification and transformation
of the circuits of the structured programs on the basis of
_ further development of the ANALIST package;
- multilevel interactive optimizing translation-type system
from the fa~nily of SAA-charz languages based on further
_ development of the MUL'TIPkOTSESSIST system;
- the PARTRAN system, components of homogeneous computing systems,
_ minicomputers and microcomputers, and the TEKFIIdOLOG system in
which the MUL'TIPROTSESSIST system will be used as a tool;
- formal apparatus for deacribing the functioning of a collective
of developers in the process of compiling large program com-
plexes by the multilevel structural program design method;
- course of programmed teaching in the multilevel structural
program design method based on the STOK system.
23. V. M. Glushkov, G. Ye. Tseytlin, and Ye. L. Yusficfienko, "Problems of Analyaie
and Synthesis of Structured Parallel Programs," KIHERNETIKA, 1981, No 3,
p~ 1-16.
_ 54. G. Ye. Tseytlin, "The Problem of Identity Transformations of tfie Circuits of
Structured Programs with Closed Logical Conditiens, parts 1-3," KIBERNETIKA,
1978, No 3, pp SO-57; No 4, pp 10-18; 1979, No S, pp 44-51.
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500014023-0
i�~~~i ~?i~ii~~i~i i~~i ~?~vi~
b~). ll. Y~~. 'l'at~ytllTi, "Ay~~l~rm:~tica