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k Approved For Release 2005/11/21 : CIA-RDP78TO5439A000500160069-8
Approved For Release 2005/11/21 : CIA-RDP78TO5439A000500160069-8
--Office of
OS[-SD f 65-6
June 1965
N? 436
Soviet Spoon R~st B Radar Probably a Knife Rest B Modification. .
Japan Plans to
Develop a Communication Satellite System . . . . . .
Soviets Expanding Strong Research Program in Seismic Engineering.
Polish Human Centrifuge for Studies of Gravitational Forces . . . . .
Center for the Soviet Plowshare-Type Program . . . . . . . . . . . .
25X1 D
Japanese Develop Rocket-Borne TV System for.hleteorological
Purposes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Soviet Research and Development on the Desalting of Water
Soviet Research and Development in Selected Fluid Separation
Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Second Prominent Soviet Meteorologist Identified as a Member of
the Comrnittoe for the Exploration and Utilization of Space . . . . .
Quality of Soviet Satellite Studies of the Ionosphere Probably Low
The Soviet SA-2 Surface-to-Air Missile System . . . . . . . . . . . .
Soviet Capability in Bathymetric Surveys for Submarine and Anti-
submarine Warfare . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
25X1 B
NSA review completed
SLD 65-6
June 65
- i -
Declass Review by NIMA/DOD
Irkutsk Scientific C inter to Emphasize Earth Sciences . . . . . . . .
Soviet Specialists in
Lenin Prize . . .
Vacuum Diffusion Bonding Nominated for 1965
Successful Laborato y Synthesis by Chinese Communists of'a High-
Strength Ion Exchange Resin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Advance in German Nuclear Propulsion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Figure 1. Spoon R st B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . following 2
Figure 2. Knife Rest B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . following 2
oLlowing 8
Ifollowing 8
Schematic Design at New Soviet Controlled Thermonuclear
Reactions Researc Device . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . following 28
Figure 1. Compar son of Orthogonal Coordinate and Critical
Direr on Inertial Guidance Concept . . . . . following 32
Figure 2. Hypothe ized Mechanization of SS-7 Guidance
systex-O . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . following 32
SID 65-6
June 65
Defensive Systems Division
25X1 D
25X1 D
25X1 D
The Spoon Rest $, a Soviet early warn-
ing radagr. rn y be more widely deployed
SID 65-6
June 65
- I -
I L.1 1D
The ratio of deployed Spoon Rest B to
Knife Rest B radars in the USSR end
satellites was believed to be about Ito
30. contributed significantly
-to the Radar Order of Battle.
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Approved For Release 2005/11/21 : CIA-RDP78TO5439A000500160069-8
Ballistic Missiles and Space Division
The Japane a Science and Technology
Agency (STA) tas granted eight Japanese
companies ap roximately $700,000 to
initiate a proram to develop a com-
munication satellite. the satellite launch
vehicle. the guidance system. instru-
mentation. and necessary ground facili-
ties. The prggram schedule. i.e., the
orbiting of 31-pound communication
satellite at n altitude of 620 miles
between April 1970 and April 1971 is be-
lieved within Japanese capabilities.
The reason for the Japanese decision
to develop a c mmunication satellite are
not readily a-parent inasmuch as Japan
is a signator of the international com-
munication satellite agreement. One pos-
sibility, however, is that Japan sees the
satellite as means of enhancing her
sc)entific reputation in Asia. Japan may
also be looking for profits in that they
may anticipate the possibility of the in-
ternational group utilizing the Japanese
.satellite in its program.
The companies involved in the pro-
gram are Nippon Electric. Hitachi.
Mitsubishi Electric, Tokyo Shibaura
Electric, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries.
Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries.
Matsushita Electric Industrial, and
Nippon Oils and Fats. Some of these
companies already are involved in the
previously announced STA artificial
satellite and launch vehicle research and
development program. There are, un-
doubtedly, many areas where an inter-
-ill hi:- of mutual
25X1 C
SID 65-6
June 65
- 3 -
5X1 C
Gene z
For the past twelv
have had a vigorous I
in seismic engineer;
formation indicates
parading. The voluir
veering research
Soviets exceeds th
country and is only
United States and
outstanding discover
by the Soviets. but su
program may lead
coveries in the futur
A large part of
zoning the seismic
earthquake intensit
pleted. Maps have b
these zones and, pr
years. the Soviets
rogram of research
ng* and current in-
s program is ex-
e of seismic engi-
conducted by the
t of any Western
approached by the
apan. Thus far no
ies have been made
ch a strong research
I to significant dis-
e Soviet program of
areas for expected
en compiled showing
sumably. construc-
U.S. seismologists
earthquakes to prof
tive earthquakes. bu
seems to be fairly
theoretical wave s
* Seismic engineer
effect of earthqu
structures and
estion some of the
as using very minor
t to larger destruc-.
the overall program
ffective. Zoning and
sics of the Earth,
rag is the study of the
Lkes on man-made
e determination of
measures to prevent damage.
The Soviets conducted laboratory re-
search on the effect of strong seismic
waves on buildings. dams, canals and
other structures. For this research.
the Earthquake Resistant Building In-
stitute at Ashkhabad has built an ex-
perimental three story brick building
mounted on springs, but costs were
higher than other arftiseismic construc-
tion. In addition, this institute has two
vibration platforms of 4400-pound and
10-ton capacities. Using the large vibra-
tion platform, experiments have been
made on a scale. model (1/20) of the
Kara Kum Canal. Two large East German
presses of 100- and 200-ton capacities
are used as pulsing vibrators for testing
structural members of large buildings.
Near Tashkent a "polygon" of shells
of buildings of different types of con-
struction, common in central Asia, is
being erected. Explosions up to 500 tons
of HE will be set off later this year at a
depth of 65 meters and about 150 meters
from these buildings to determine the
seismic effect. Similar experiments cur-
rently are being conducted at Dushanbe
with 10-ton charges at 5 meters depth
and 100-ton charges at 20 meters depth.
According to the Soviets, about one-
fifth of the USSR is subject to "noticeable
seismic influences." The Soviets spend
SID 65-6
June 65
25X1 - 4 -
G tTr t? T: T
over 60 million rubles every year on servation of human life and buildings.
special antiseismic measures for pre- 25X1
SID 65-6
June 65
- 5 -
Life Sciences Division
The first direct involvement of a bloc
country in the Soviet bioastronautics
program is noted in a report that the
Institute of Aeromedicine, Warsaw. is
building a human centrifuge which is to
be used by the Soviets -- and probably
by the Poles -- to study some of the
effects of gravitational forces en-
countered by man in spaceflight. There
apparently has alreadS' been a limited ex-
change of personnel between the Institute
of Aeromedicine and its counterpart
Soviet facilities. Many complaints had
been made previously by the bloc coun-
tries that they had been left out of the
Soviet program.
The centrifuge and an associated com-
puter facility are to be installed in a
building attached to t a institute and are
to become operations in the fall of 1965.
The facility probably will be used to con-
duct experiments relating to the physio-
logical effect of changes in the gravita-
tional forces on the bones, muscles, and
reflexes of living subjects, and thus-may
reduce the work load on the centrifuges
such as those in the USSR at Tomilino
and the cosmonaut training center.
The Polish centrifuge. which is to have
two phases of motion, apparently will
have an advanced capability for receiving
telemetry signals from subjects inside
the centrifuge cabin. -The Poles appear to
have solved the difficulty of weak teleme-
try signals in an electromagnetic field
which has been a problem with the Soviet
centrifuges. The electromyographic
signal particularly will be studied to
determine muscle tone and effectiveness
in a changed gravitation field which is
ted to blem of weightless-
SID 65-6
June 65
- 6 -
Nuclear Energy Division
25X1 C
The first Soviet confirmation of the
existence of a Plowshare-type program
in the USSR and a specific institute in-
volved in it was made recently by Dr.
Sergey I. Drozdov to
25X1 C I who attended an international
conference at the Siberian Department
of the 'Academy of Sciences. USSR. Dr.
Drozdov. of the Institute of Atomic
Energy in hloscow. stated that this
institute has a program for nuclear
explosions for peaceful uses.
The Institute of Atomic Energy (IAE)
has had a hitory of involvement in all
aspects of th Soviet atomic energy pro-
gram, both classified and unclassified.
Formerly Laboratory 2 of the Academy
of Sciences. ~t is now subordinate to the
State Committee of Atomic Energy which
* Plowshare is the U.S. designation for
the program II involving peaceful uses of
nuclear explosions.
controls unclassified Soviet atomic
energy work. Despite this subordination,
however. the institute is believed to have
.close ties with the weapons program,
whose scientists would be expected to
develop the explosive devices for a
Plowshare-type program. Thus the in-
stitute appears to be the logical choice
for the administrative center for a Soviet
program of this type. Because of its sub-
ocdination, the IAE provides an unclas-
sified installation from which to publish
and exchange Plowshare-type informa-
tion with foreign countries.
Dr. Drozdov further stated that experi-
mentation with explosions also was being
conducted at the Siberian institute (sic),
but did not go into detail. This is believed
to be the Institute of Hydrodynamics of
the Siberian Department of the Academy,
a center of research in the use of con-
ventional high explosives. The work of
which probably has plowshare-type ap-
SID 65-6
June 65
- 7 -
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25X1 D
Next 2 Page(s) In Document Exempt
Approved For Release 2005/11/21 : CIA-RDP78TO5439A000500160069-8
s ion
In January 1965. Tokyo University's
Space and Aeronautics Research Insti-
tute successfully ground tested a newly
developed TV camera to be used in rocket
research of the upper atmosphere. The
Japanese reportedly will use this camera
to look back at- the exhaust trail as the
rocket rises through the atmosphere.
This information. in turn. will be used
to calculate wind velocities in the upper
atmosphere. The Japanese expect to
flight test this TV system on a Kappa-9M
rocket in June 1965.
The use of a TV camera on board a
rocket to study upper atmospheric winds
is a novel approach, and it probably will
be quite useful. At the present time,
ground photography provides the most
detailed information available on wind
velocities and vertical wind shears in the
high atmosphere. It is relatively inexpen-
sive but requires generally clear skies.
Use of the TV system should largely
eliminate the clear sky limitation and
allow wind observations to be made under
a wider variety of weather conditions.
According to the Japanese announce-
ment, the TV camera which they have de-
veloped utilizes a vidicon tube. The TV
pictures will be transmitted to the earth
on a frequency of 890 megacycles, and
a 3-meter parabolic antenna will be used
for reception
- 9 -
General Sciences Division
The Soviet desalination development
program is smaller in size, effort, and
capital investment than the program of
the United States and appears to be 3 to
5 years behind current US developments.
Although the Soviets h a v e competent
scientists doing excellent research in
desalination. their accomplishments in
terms of pilot plants. hardware, and de-
velopment of economical processes have
not been significant_ The lack of apparenty
significant Soviet accomplishments may
be due to their primary concern with the
removal of salts from brackish or low-
salt-content water. This is a less difficult
problem than the removal of salts from
sea water, which i$ the major concern off
related US technology.
Pure water requirements for steam4-
powered electrical generating plants and
for the chemical ndustry provided the
original impetus for Soviet desalination
research. More recently, there has been
a growing demand or industrially usable
water in a few rapidly developing areas
in the Soviet Union. This has been respon-
sible for inerei ing Soviet research
efforts to develop conomically feasible
methods for desalting brackish waters.
The processes of freezing. reverse
osmosis, hydration, and biological treat-
ment have been given only limited study
in the USSR, but ion exchange and elec-
trodialysis processes have received
considerable Soviet research attention.
An electrodialysis plant of unknown size
is reported in operation in Alma Ata. The
prospect of using nuclear power as a
source of thermal energy has rejuvenated
Soviet interest in distillation as a large-
scale method of salt removal and has
diverted interest from other methods.
Research on multieffect evaporation
(distillation) with film and drop conden-
satibn, and on prevention of scale, is now
being carried out on a level comparable
with that of Western research. Successful
research has resulted in three medium-
size. fossil-fuel-fired distillation plants
in operation at Shevchenko. Baku, and
Future Soviet desalination develop-
ment will continue to emphasize distil-
lation, electrodialysis, and ion exchange
processes, with concentration of effort on
the use of nuclear reactors as sources of
electric power and of thermal energy for
saline water distillation. 'Considerable
- 10 -
SID 65-6
June 65
technical assistance is expected from the
US as a result of the two-year US-USSR
joint agreement on cooperation in nuclear
desalination scheduled to start in 1965.
The USSR plans to build at Shevchenko on
the Caspian Sea a 1,000-megawatt ther-
mal, fast nuclear reactor coupled to a
desalination plant; the plant is to have an
eventual fresh water output of up to 50
million gallons per day. However, this
reactor represents a 200-fold scale-up
of present Soviet reactor technology, and
it is likely that there will be slippage in
the projected completion date of 1969.
The Soviet desalination program was
small and slow moving up to X062 when
it was transferred from the control of the
State Committee for Chemistry to the
State Committee for Utilization of Atomic
Energy. The transfer reflects Soviet ef-
forts to elevate the national status of the
program and the intention to develop the
use of nuclear power sources for desa-
lination purposes.
Soviet woj-k on distillation appears to
have concen$rated on prevention of scale
formation o heat transfer surfaces, a
problem int mately associated with dis-
tillation. They have had some success in
preventing ale build-up through use of
chemical a d ion exchange treatment of
feed water, nd crystal seeding of water
in the evap rator. The Soviets realize
that presen distillation practices is too
expensive i terms of fuel consumption
to be utili ed in the USSR on a large
scale. However, they believe that if scale
formation can be controlled sufficiently,
distillation is the only method sufficiently
developed to be adaptable to large-scale
operation. Present Soviet plans contem-
plate the use of dual-purpose fast nuclear
reactors which will supply electrical
energy as well as thermal energy re-
quired for distillation.
In the USSR, lime is being used in-
creasingly to precipitate calcium and
magnesium salts from saline or low-
salt-content waters prior to distillation.
A thermochemical refinement of this
process, a combination of precipitation
and ion exchange, also is finding favor
with the Soviets. Initially it was developed
by them as a method of softening boiler
feed water but it is now being used to
pretreat saline water fed directly to
evaporators in the distillation process.
The method is designed primarily to
control scale formation.
The Soviets have made satisfactory
use of chemical methods for desalting-
ion exchange being the principal one used.
Ion exchange resins now being used in the
USSR are quite similar in function to
those made in the West but are not as ef-
ficient and apparently are in short supply.
Soviet developments in ion exchange re-
sin technology have not shown any recent
-major gains.
Electrodialysis holds great interest
and potential for the Soviets. They seem
convinced that the method represents an
economical approach to solving their im-
mediate problem of removal of salts from
brackish water and are aware that exten-
sive Western research has shown the
method to be very satisfactory for low-
salt-content w a t e r. Using published
Soviet scientific literature as a measure,
more Soviet research and development
- 11 -
SII) 65-6
June 65
I 25X1
work has been done on both ion exchange
and electrodialysis than on all other
methods combined. The Soviets appear to
be considering the more extensive use of
electrodialysis for removing salts from
boiler feed water used by electric power
plants. Extraction, crystal hydrate, re-
verse osmosis, ion osmotic, and biologi-
cal desalting methods are in very early
stages of research in the USSR.
Actual operating S o v i e t desalting
plants include; a 1.5-million-gallon-per-
day fossil-fuel-fired distillation plant at
Shevchenko utilizing a seeding method to
reduce scale; a 0.9- to 2.25-miltion-
gallon-per-day distillation plant at Baku
utilizing thermochemical treatment of
feed water; and a. 0.5-million-gallon-
per-day distillation plant in Krasnovodsk
believed to have been operating since
1946 in conjunction with an electric power
station. In addition, an electrodialysis
plant of unknown size has been reported
in Alma Ata.
Of considerable significance is the am-
bitious plan of the Soviets to utilize a fast
nuclear reactor of 1.000-megawatt
thermal capacity, to be built at Shev-
chenko, to provide both electricity for
general use and steam for desalting
water. This reactor represents a 200-
fold scale-up from their BR-5 research
reactor. It will be several years before
this becomes a reality.
SID 65-6
June 65
- 12 -
I 25X1
2 25X1
General Sciences Division
The Soviets have a large and compre-
hensive effort in the study- of fluid
separation techniques.** Their theo-
retical studies of these chemical engi-
neering unit operations compare
favorably with those of the United States.
except for distillation in which the USSR
is considerably behind. The Soviets are
particularly competent in adsorption
theory and in its application to equilibria
and mechanisms of adsorption, and to
the structure of absorbents.
* A more detailed paper on this subject
is available on request.
** The separation of fluids. i.e. gases
and liquids, is an essential operation of
the chemical, petroleum and nuclear
energy industries. It is accomplished
by various means such as distillation.
adsorption, absorption and solvent ex-
traction. The evaluation of Soviet fluid
separation capabilities is important in
determining their ability to progress in
these industries.
In general there seems to be poor com-
munications between Soviet theoreticians
and engineers and in applied aspects,
Soviet fluid separation efforts are in,.
general three 'to five years and, in some
instances, ten years behind the United
States, except for specialized nuclear
applications. In the extraction of nuclear
materials using aqueous media, the
Soviets are probably on a par with the
United States with regard to the theo-
retical aspects but they still lack con-
siderable experience in application. The
use of computers to assist in complex
separation calculations and for auto-
mating and controlling plant separation
processes is in an early stage in the
USSR. The Soviets can be expected to
maintain their high level of com-
petency in the fundamental aspects of
fluid separation processes and to
continue to narrow the gap between
their level of achievement and that of
the United States in the applied
SID 65-6
June' 65
- 13 -
Published Soviet literature for the
period 1960 to early 1964 contained
more than 700 , articles relating
to various aspects of the general sub-
ject of separation of fluids by chemical
engineering techniques. About 40 per-
cent of the Soviet work relates to absorp-
tion and adsorption, about 30 percent to
distillation. and about 15 percent to sol-
vent extraction, with the remainder on
such miscellaneous suwects as diffusion,
centrifugation, and -evaporation. The
USSR is committed to a large and com-
prehensive effort in the four areas of
fluid separation discussed in this study.
Theoretical concepts usually are
presented by mathematicians with little
appreciation of industrial problems. Al-
though much fine theoretical work has
been supported by data obtained from
laboratory equipment, considerable de-
velopment and testing usually are neces-
sary before conclusions based on
laboratory-scale systems can be applied
In their theoretical studies the Soviets
keep abreast of Westef n developments
and are quite competent with respect
to fluid-separation theory. However,
most of the Soviet applied work in fluid
separation lacks originality and is imita-
tive of Western studies carried out a few
years earlier.
The Soviets are competent with regard
to adsorption theory and its application
to adsorption equilibria. mechanisms,
and absorbent structures. In much of
their work, efforts have been made to
correlate the. adsorption data with
various. theories and also to reduce the
data to mathematical equations useful
for describing and predicting adsorption
behavior. Two Soviet scientists. M. M.
Dubinin of the Institute of Physical Chem-
istry. Academy of Sciences, USSR and
A. V. Kiselev of Moscow State University,
have achieved world-wide reputations for
their studies of the theoretical aspects of
adsorption phenomena. Dubinin and co-
workers have carried out extensive
studies aimed at predicting the adsorp-
tion of a wide variety of gases and vapors
and also the adsorption properties of
adsorbents of various characteristics
and porous structures. These scientists
have used adsorption theory as an aid in
predicting adsorption equilibria and in
the development of methods for synthe-
sizing adsorbents with specific adsorp-
tion properties. Kiselev and co-workers
have experimentally studied adsorption
properties and structures of a wide range
of adsorbent materials to change their
basic structures and selective adsorp-
tivity. In attempting to obtain' a basic
understanding of adsorption, Kiselev has
re-examined fundamental principles to a
greater extent than have U.S. workers.
Much of the applied research under-
taken by the Soviets in the adsorption
field duplicates earlier work done in
the West. For the most part the Soviet
studies were carried out on a small
SID 65-6
June 65
- 14 -
laboratory scale, and in many instances
involved only slight modifications in
operating conditions. The lack of
adsorption- isoti erm and capacity data
on their own adsorbents has slowed down
the Soviet work with pure gaseous hydro-
carbons and their mixtures. The Soviets
now are actively characterizing their
adsorbents, but in this respect they are
five to ten years behind the United States.
On the other hand, they have been actively
investigating molecular sieves and their
use for gaseous separation. They have
studied the application of such sieves
for removing trace atmospheric con-
taminants from controlled environments
for manned space missions.
The Soviets have been very active in
basic absorption research during the
last five years. Physicochemical, hydro-
dynamic. and mass-transfer relation-
ships were 'developed from absorption
experiments conducted under a large
variety of operating conditions in many
different types of absorption equipment.
Many of the Soviet studies were directed
toward obtaining a better understanding
of the absorption mechanisms and also
toward providing mathematical expres-
sions that wpuld permit better equipment
design and' prediction of absorption
equipment performance. Much of the
work appears to have been an extension
of existing Western work. The Soviet
work has shown technical competence;
however, they have originated few new
developments in absorption technology.
Various absorption theories have been
proposed by both Soviet and U.S. re-
searchers. but these theories are
admittedly limited to explaining the
absorption process. The Soviets have
exerted considerable effort at obtaining
a "better understanding of the funda-
mentals of absorption column per-
formance. V. G. Levich, Corresponding
Member, Academy of Sciences, USSR, of
the Moscow Engineering Physics In-
stitute. an outstanding authority in sur-
face phenomena, has presented an ex-
haustive mathematical treatment of the
movement of drops and bubbles in liquid
media. The Soviets are competent and
well informed regarding most of the
theoretical aspects of absorption tech-
In the important area of absorption
plate and tray design, studies at the
leading Soviet chemical engineering in-
stitutes indicate that the Soviets lag in
the evaluation and utilization of new
tray design. in the utilization of more
modern processing equipment or tech-
niques, and in process know-how. In
contrast to U.S. practice. the Soviets
make very little use of computers for
carrying out absorption calculations or
for use in plants carrying out absorption
operations. N. M. Zhavoronkov and co-
workers at the Dioscow Chemical Tech-
nology Institite imeni U. I. Mendeleev,
the most active Soviet organization in
applied absorption. have studied absorp-
tion in both standard packed columns and
new rotary-type spray equipment under
a variety of operating conditions. These
efforts extended earlier U.S. research
to take into account the area factor by
using carefully stacked packing to arrive
at more meaningful mass-transfer co-
efficients. The Soviets have done no work
in the development of new. more efficient
SID 65-6
June 65
- 15 -
absorption equipment, but seem to be
involved in catching up on a variety
of perforation- and drip-type plate de-
signs of Western origin.
The Soviets keep abreast of the theo-
retical aspects of liquid-liquid extrac-
tion, expending considerable effort on
research involving the related theories
of mass transfer, extraction kinetics,
and hydrodynamics. They are particu-
larly active in the development of re-
Iated mathematical expressions. Lead-
ing Soviet chemical engineers P. G.
Romankov, A. N. Planovskiy. V. V.
Kafarov, and A. M. Rozen have con-
tributed considerably to understanding
the extraction process. So far, they
have only been able to copy rather than
to develop advanced equipment such as
packed columns, rotating disc extractors
and injector columns.
scale applications, the Soviets are
probably on a par with the United States
in the theoretical aspects of aqueous
solvent extraction systems for the
separation of fission products. However,
the Soviets definitely lag in the applica-
tion of solvent extraction in the petro-
leum, chemical and petrochemical indus-
tries. Competent groups under B. N.
Laskorin of the Institute of Organic
Chemistry imeni N. D. Zelinskiy and
V. S. Shevehenko of the Moscow Institute
of Chemical Technology imeni D. I.
Mendeleev are active in other types of
applied extraction.
The Soviets have done very little in
the development of improved extraction
equipment. A belated Soviet follow-up
of Western equipment developments was
evident in the case,of centrifugal ex-
tractors, pulsed extraction columns, and
sieve plate columns.
In" the area of industrial applications of
liquid-liquid extraction. the Soviets are
quite poor with the exception of projects
in the field of nuclear energy. The appli-
cation of solvent extraction to the re-
covery of uranium from ores, to its sub-
sequent purification and to the process-
ing of the radioactive materials from
nuclear reactors represents the most
highly developed Soviet solvent extrac-
tion technology. However. since the re-
cent developments in this field both in
the United States and the USSR are clas-
sified, a valid comparison cannot be
made. However, in,almost all instances.
U.S. published work in this field pre-
dates Soviet work. Although they still
lack considerable experience in large-
The bulk of the Soviet theoretical work
on distillation is aimed at developing
better mathematical and thermodynamic
relationships for correlating and extend-
ing phase equilibria data and more pre-
cise mathematical representation of the
fluid flo%% and mixing characteristics for
various types of distillation equipment.
Soviet effort in distillation theory is
directed toward refitting well-known
equations. whereas U.S. work is directed
toward the development of completely
new, less restrictive correlations. There
are a few very competent Soviet distilla-
tion theorists, but they are so occupied
with keeping up with Western develop-
ments and keeping other Soviets up to
SID 65-6
June 65
25X1 - 16 -
date that they produce few original con-
Research and development in applied
distillation are concerned with new
equipment design and performance and
other industry-oriented topics. Although
the Soviet applied effort in distillation is
more extensive than their work in the
theoretical phases of this field, the re-
sults are even less noteworthy. The
most prolific research worker in the
applied aspects is 1. N. Bushmakin of
Leningrad State Universityt who con-
centrates on packed columns, The Soviet
distillation progress is hampered by in-
- 17 -
accurate tra -efficiency predictions, a
factor n ry for proper design of
distil equipment. Practically no
innovations in distillation equipment have
originated in the USSR, and the Soviets
have been slow in adopting Western im-
proQLTYients in this field. in the in-
dustrially important fields of azeotropic
and extractive distillation the Soviets,
have made little progress -- partly be-
cause of a poor understanding of the basic
phenomena involved. To overcome these
deficiencies, the Soviets are emphasizing
applied research on such topics as liquid
overflow devices and downcomer design.
SLD 65-6
June 65
General. Sciences Division
M. 1. Budyko, Director of the Main
Geophysical Observatory in Leningrad.
recently has been identified as being a
member of the Committee for the Ex-
ploration and Utilization of Space (CEUS)
of the Academy of Sciences. USSR.
Budyko is the second meteorologist
known to be a -member of CEUS; K. Ya.
Kondratyev, Rector of Leningrad State
University. is Vice Chairman.
Budyko, internationally recognized as
one of the most capable and promising
Soviet meteorologists, is best known for
his work on the heat budget of the earth-
Deterrrrination of the earth's heat budget
is an important meteorological objective
which can be approached by meteoro-
logical satellite measurements. The fact
that both Kondratyev and Budyko are
members of CEUS suggests that the
Soviets are working on a meteorological
satellite program which includes experi-
ments related to the earth's heat budget,
particularly measurements of the earth's
thermal radiation in the infrared portion
of the spectrum.
In addition to Kondratyev and Budyko.
A. A. Blagonravov is known to be the
Chairman and I. V.0 Milovidov the sci-
entific secretary of CEUS. Other Soviets
who have been identified as members of
CEUS include L. I. Sedov, G. L.
Grodzovskiy, Yu. N. Ivanov, V. V.
Tokarev, G. Ye. Kuzmak, N. J. Lavrenko.
V. K. Isayev, V. V. Sonin, U. Ye.
Okhotsimskiy, V. A. Sarychev, O. G.
Gazenko, V. A. Zlatoustov, and A. P.
Troyevskiy. The-Soviets reported when
CEUS was formed that it would be com-
posed of about 50 scientists and engi-
neers; however, the names of the re-
mainder of this committee have not been
SID 65-6
June 65
- 18 -
General Sciences Diviston
Soviet studies of the ionosphere using
the Cosmos satellite series are believed
to be of low quality. Investigations are
made of electron content and irregulari-
ties which are of importance in providing
information fdr fuller understanding of
long range radio communications and
the cause of short wa qc radio blackouts.
'Fhb Soviet satellite experiments.
utilizing the common'y-used techniques
of single frequency Flraday rotation and
differential Doppler of coherent frequen-
cies, reveal a number of limitations. Un-
necessary assumptions are made about
the earth's magnetic field, time varia-
tions are ignored. the ionosphere is con-
sidered to be only a two-dimensional
inhomokenous medium, and only a limited
amount of data are analysed. The
approach used by the Soviets permits the
data to be treated more easily. but leaves
considerable uncertainty in the conclu-
SID 65-6
June 65
- 19 -
Defensive Systems Division
With Contributions By
The Soviet SA-2 system. the most ex-
tensively deployed surface-to-air mis-
sile (SAM) system in being, constitutes
the major air defense weapon of the
USSR and the European Satellites. It is
also installed or being deployed in eight
other countries. both Communist and
non-Bloc. Since its initial deployment
in 1958, the SA-2 system has been
upgraded frequently. With further re-
visions in the design of the system and
subsequent modification of the deployed
units, the SA-2 will probably continue to
be an essential component of the Soviet
Bloc air defense system for the next
The existing SA-2 system poses a
serious threat to all operational Western
attack and reconnaissance aircraft, ex-
cept those flying at very low altitudes.
As deployed in quantity and depth, this
Reprint of Conclusions and Summary
of OSI-SR/65-18. 3 May 1965. SECRET/
weapons system has a potentially high
kill probability against medium- and
high-altitude targets operating at
velocities up to Mach 2 with a reduced
capability against faster targets. The
SA-2 has been previously reported to be
effective against targets flying between
Recent design
changes, which may not have been ex-
tended to all units, probably will pro-
vide a system capability against targets
flying as low as 1,600 feet. Withdegrada-
tion in maximum intercept range and
lethal radius. the SA-2 system probably
can be employed successfully against
targets flying at altitudes somewhat
under 1,600 feet. Low-altitude capability
will vary somewhat from site to sitede-
pending upon terrain.
cent modifications in Me 1--A MJNU
radar suggest further efforts to reduce
25X1 C
25X1 C
- 20 -
SLD 65-6
June 65
kveapons systems, and the other draw-
backs are compensated largely by the
great number of deployed SA-2 sites.
The major Iimitations of the SA-2 sys-
tem are its inability to cope with high-
altitude. high-speed targets at long
range; marginal effectiveness against
very low altitude targets; inability to
handle more than one engagement at a
time per site; and long reloading period
following the expending of the six mis-
siles on the launchers. Additionally.
while the system is transportable, it
requires 4 to' 6 hours to disassemble a
site and a similar period to set up in a
new location. The first two limitations
presumably are problems which' must
be overcome by the employment of other
The Soviet SA-2 system has been
designed to emphasize simplicity in
operation and high kill probability
against single targets through inten-
tional limiting of intercept range and
application of weapon redundancy. De-
sign features of the system include con-
servative engineering practices, a mini-
mum of automatic procedures, and fairly
simple operation that can be carried out
by relatively unskilled operators. How-
ever. the system does require large unit
strengths and. apparently, an extensive
maintenance, effort involving skilled
The SA-2 system, probably first de-
ployed in 1958. is the most widely de-
ployed SAM system in* the Communist
Bloc. At least 1.100 SA-2 sites have
been identified in the Soviet Bloc (about
950 of them within the USSR) and in
Communist China. North Korea. and
Cuba. Approximately 20 additional sites
are deployed in such nonaligned coun-
tries as Indonesia. Egypt, India.
Yugoslavia. and Afghanistan.
The SA-2 system is transportable and
is relatively simple in design and opera-
tion. Unlike the earlier SA-1 system. all
components of the SA-2 system. including
the missile launchers and radar, are on
wheels. The design concepts on which the
SA-2 system is based are different from
those followed by the United States in the
design of the Nike systems. Whereas the
Nike systems have multiple radars for
target and missile tracking and as a
source of missile guidance signals, the
SA-2 uses one radar, the FAN SONG, for
these functions. The use of one radar
alleviates to a large extent the problems
of parallax. boresighting. and synchroni-
zation which a surface-to-air system
would normally encounter.
Of the five different FAN SONG models
which have been identified, three of them,
FAN SONGs A, B, and probably D. operate
nd appear to be essentially
similar to each other. The other two
models. FAN SONGs C and E, operate
and appear to differ
SLD 65-6
June 65
- 21 -
significantly from the I nodels and (ii) six launchers arranged in a
from one another. Regardless of model. ring around the FAN SONG; (iii) one
the FAN SONG radar is a track-while- Guideline missile per launcher and pro-
scan type which combines target and visions for 6 additional missiles in hold
missile tracking functions in one radar positions; (iv) missile transporters;
along with the missile guidance function. (v) operational vans. including separate
The antennas. transmitters. receivers. ones probably for power distribution.
tracking circuits, and guidance com- control. computer, and generators;
puters and transmitters utilize combina- (vi) an acquisition and identifiation
tions of standard techniques. The radar section. usually SPOON REST A radar
system relies
matic tracking
An SA-2 site consists of (i) a FAN SONG
tracking and guidance radar, which
Mercury Grass communications van.
(viii) support equipment; anti (ix) admin-
istrative and housing faciRties.
The performance characteristics of
the SA-2 system with the FAN
SONG radar are believed to be as ollows:
Liautieal miles
L-ilautieal miles
Maximum missile guided flight time 55 seconds
Missile flight distance (before
Missile intercept capability:
Maximum altitude
Minimum range
on manually aided auto- and 1FF equipment of the SCORE Ei0A1ZU
in fulfilling most of its A type with associated equipment; (vii) a
About 1,600 feet
(possibly lower,
depending upon
terrain condi-
tions and target
About 85.000 feet
5 to 6 nautical
SLD 65-6
June 65
- 22 -
Maximum target speed intercept capa-
Number of targets which can be en-
gaged simultaneously
Number of missiles which can be con-
trolled simultaneously
The Soviet-stated probabilitie4of kill for
1. 2. and 3 missile firings against a single
target are 70. and 97 percent, respec-
tively. within the estimated range and al-
titude limitations noted above.
The specific performarac-
teristics attributed to to the FAN
SONG SA-2 systems by the USSR are
unknown but are estimated to be similar
to or better than those of the FAN
SONG SA-2 system..
proved SA-2 system probably has
been increase to an estimated maximum
range of about 27 nautical miles.
Certain important characteristics of
both the ystems are
not known- (i) detailed
sequences and times required for track-
ing aced firing and (ii) some missile de-
tails relating to the radio fuze, the auto-
Mach 2 with a re-
duced capability
above this ve-
loc ity
I (group targets
can be engaged
when closely
pilot, and the receiver/transponder sec-
tion. Additional unknown aspects of the
the twin pare is dish re ec ors a
are mounted on top of the horizontal
scanning antenna of the FAN SONG E.
and the extent of limprovements
over the sys em. the most likely
explanations of the purpose of the twin
dishes on the advanced FAN SONG E
are that they act as an electronic counter
countermeasure (ECCM) modification or
that they serve to enhance the detection
capability of the radar against small
targets. The former purpose is believed
the more likely. However. these dishes
may be for a completely different pur-
The Guideline m-issile in the SA-2
system uses a microwave radio fuze
for detonation of the warhead after it is
armed by the guidance link from the
FAN SONG. A considerable amount of
detail on the missile-associated elec-
tronics, however, still is not fully known.
SID 65-6
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- 23 -
In November 1963 a modified Guideline tainer engine had been modified, but the
missile (Mark III) was identified at the extent and purpose of these changes are
SA-2 site at G)au, East Germany. The unknown. Significant physical charac-
configuration of the missile and probably teristics of the three known models of
the propulsion patameters of its sus- the_ Guideline missiles are as follows:
Length (ft.)
Diameter (ft.)
Total weight (lb.)
Burning time (sec.)
Thrust (lb.)..
Length (ft.)
Diameter (ft.)
Total weight (lb.)
Thrust (lb.)
59.400 to
depending on
ambient air
temperature of
-40?C to + 50?C
Duration of thrust
' Assumed to be the same as Mark I.
The SA-2 system has been upgraded
frequently since its initial deployment
in 1958. Technical improvement-, have
been noted in each successive model of
the three SA-2-associated Guideline
missiles that have been detected since
1957_ The five different versions and
I of
the FAN SONG radar also probably re-
flect improvements. Hence, the system
probably has been developed to meet a
number of different operational situa-
tions in as simple a manner as possible
and at the least possible cost. Further
improvements expected in the system
include (i) an increase in the missile
booster thrust, (ii) a provision for
launching the missile when the FAN
SONG is I- I and
(iii) the inclusion o an automatic lacility
SID 65-6
June 65
- 24-
to handle some of the tasks presently
. p'er?ormed by human operators. pair-
ticularly in the critical fire control
The SA-2 system has some serious
limitations -- in particular, the inability
to track more than one target or corn-
pact group of targets at the same time
and the lack of good very low level
coverage. For the earlier
versions,, a long time between detect on
and firing (up to 40 seconds) and a short
"readiness" time (25 minutes) before
recycling (which takes 10 to 15 minutes)
were reported. These limitations for the
version may have been reduced
the development of the newer
I systems.
The inability of the SA-2 system to
track more than one target at a given
time is due todesign restrictions. Hence.
to improve this particular charac-
teristic. the complexity of the system
25X1 C
SID 65-6
June 65
- 25 -
would have to be increased to a large
The re orted 40-second timelag for
the system between detection
and iring of a missile cannot be ex-
plained. The capability of the system
could be handicapped severely if this
40-second period occurs at a critical
time. It is probable that 40- seconds is
an average figure rather than a mini-
mum required time.
The 25-minute limit on the readiness
state of the SA-2 system appears to be
necessitated by overheating of missile
components. A 10- to 15-minute re-
cycling time is needed, apparently to
allow the critical components to cool.
If the problem of overheating is solved,
the readiness time probably could be
extended until some other factor, for
example. gyro precession, becomes the
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General Sciences Division
The Soviets have the capability to con-
duct very accurate bathymetric surveys
in their own coastal waters which could
aid significantly their antisubmarine
warfare (ASW) forces in these waters.
They have carried out many bathymetric
surveys in the Bering Sea and in the
Kurile Ridge -- Sea of Okhotsk area,
and there is some evidence that they
have conducted such surveys to a lesser
extent in the Arctic. The Soviets do not
now have the capability to conduct bathy-
metric surveys off the U.S. and U.K.
coasts accurately enough for a very
precise system for submarine naviga-
tion. However, in these areas they have
collected bathymetric data which could
be used for a? less precise system that
provides navigational position accuracy
of t 1 mile. These data also would be
useful in the submarine forces for
evasive purposes.
The lack of a long-range navigational
system that could provide position ac-
curacies of about t 100 yards is the
Soviet's most serious deficiency in con-
ducting very`,gccurate bathymetric sur-
veys throughout the world. The Soviets
have developed some native capability
to produce echo sounders needed for
bathymetric. surveys, but they still tend
to rely to a large extent on Western de-
vices. Soviet development of precision
depth recorders (PDR) and precision
graphic recorders (PGR) lags that of
the West. The Soviets can be expected
to conduct additional precise bathymetric
surveys in their own coastal waters. They
probably will increase their surveys off
the U.S. coasts, especially those off the
Pacific coast. Nevertheless, the Soviets
will not be able to conduct precise sur-
veys off the U.S. coasts until they im-
prove their electronic navigational capa-
bility. There is no evidence than an im-
SID 65-6
June 65
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General Sciences Division
The Soviets are developing a scientific
center in Irkutsk which will emphasize
the earth sciences, including geology.
geophysics. geochemistry, and geog-
raphy. The establishment of such a re-
search center could improve consider-
ably Soviet capabilities in the earth
sciences, and their ability to exploit
the minerals and other natural resources
of the region. The center, to be similar
to but smaller than the one at
Novosibirsk. now has eight research
institutes, a computing center, a control
and measuring laboratory, and a library.
Seven Soviet scientists, led by Dr.
Nikolai Kazakov. have been nominated
for a 1965 Lenin Prize for "Develop-
ment of the Method, Technology, and
Equipment for Diffusion Welding of
Metallic and Nonmetallic Materials in
* Vacuum diffusion bonding is a process
foi: joining materials in a vacuum by
utilizing pressure and heat. It is used
with high-melting-point metals which
cannot be. easily welded or brazed. with
dissimilar materials whose coefficients
of thermal expansion vary considerably.
and with porous structures where a we ld-
ing or brazing operation would cause un-
desirable liquefaction.
General Sciences Division
Vacuum." Dr. Kazakov is head of the
Laboratory for Vacuum Diffusion Weld-
ing of the Moscow City National Economy
Council for Scientific Research.
Recent Soviet published research, in-
cluding that of Dr. Kaz_akov, has included
advanced work on the vacuum diffusion
bonding of porous niobium to dense
molybdenum. Such compacts would be
used as filters for liquid metal coolants
in nuclear power plants. The Soviets also
have investigated the vacuum diffusion
bonding of dissimilar metal thermo-
elements which could be used for
thermionic power converters, and of25X1
tungsten to steel for
engine applications.
SID 65-6
June 65
- 33 -
Nuclear Energy Division
Personnel at the Nan-Kai University at
Tientsin, one of the major centers in
Communist China for work on ion ex-
change resins, succeeded in 1964 in the
laboratory synthesis of a porous high
strength ion exchange resin. probably
for use in processing nuclear fuel. The
reported physical properties of this
resin, which include high mechanical
strength. high ion exchange speed,
chemical stability and radiation re-
sistance, suggest that it was developed
for processing irradiated reactor fuel.
In the past. Communist China has im-
ported other ion exchange- resins from
Japan and possibly other countries.
Nuclear Energy Division
The West German Association for
Nuclear Energy Exploitation in Ship-
building and Navigation has been
granted approval by the United States
for the lease of up to 3,300 kilograms
of uranium enriched to 2.3 to 4.9 per-
cent U-235. The material will be used
in the nuclear propelled surface ship.
Otto Hahn, a 16.000 dead-weight ton
ore-carrier. now being built by the
of fuel will permit the Germans to
complete this project. The Otto Hahn,
the hull of which was launched in
mid-1964, will have a 38-megawatt
(thermal), pressurized water re-
actor which will provide 10,000
shaft horsepower. With the com-
pletion of this vessel (now sched-
u led for late 1967), West Germany
will become the third nation to
SID 65-6
June 65
- 34 -
Solar Investigations and Related Space Developments,
OSI-SR/65-18. Soviet SA-2 Surface-to-Air Missile System, 3 May 1965,
25X1 C
_OSI-RA/65-6. Soviet Biomedical Telemetry. 12 May L965
- 35 -
sID 65-6
.June 65
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