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Approved For Release 2003/07/6,9PCMCIar80-01065A000400020005-7 Security Information REPORT TO THE NSC ON NATIONAL PSYCHOLOGICAL PROGRAM GENERAL The Central Intelligence Agency, in conformity with NSC 10/2 and 101'5, has developed covert programs on a world-wide basis in support of national psychological objectives. From a covert point of view, there is need for forthright exposition and constant repetition of What the U. S. stands for in the present day of inter- national tension. This declaration should reaffirm those principles which characterize our position in the Community of Nations; our respect for the dignity of the human being; our belief in a just economic system which res- pects the rights of private property; free enterprise, which recognizes the responsibilities and privileges of labor and management; recognition of our international responsibilities; our determination not to withdraw from the affairs of Turope; our concern for the cultural, political, and economic integrity of the peoples of Asia; our equal determination to assist the unfor- tunate peoples of the Satellite States in regaining their lost liberties; our friendship for the peoples of the USSR; our dedicated belief in the future of the United Nations; and, finally, our determination to maintain the security of the free -world. This statement of principles is vital at this time to give manning and justification to the activities of Radio Free Europe, as well as other covert activities pertaining to Eastern Europe and the Soviet Orbit in general. Immediately following is a general report by geographicel area of the status and progress of covert activities for the past fiscal year with respect to U. S. national psychological programe. TOP SECRET TS 81909 CorryadoraSopies Approved For Release 2003/07/08 : CIA-RDP80-01065A000400020 05=7- EYES ONLY 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/07/08 : CIA-RDP80-01065A000400020005-7 Next 10 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2003/07/08 : CIA-RDP80-01065A000400020005-7 Approved For Release 2003/07/ I1NAMID80-01065A000400020005-7 D. Tehat are_thluslmAstors whith nag iimvsitzthe-0. aUtt2n4t-91317 neieng-OE*919.g1012-ET2MS? JAPASP-IP the eTttadaLAtAlk2 2-Wir !And ether dolIEZRRAPA-L.OuLM-DX2YellWa420#14/PP 4.1..91.14_graas lingeneliem96eqms*ItigtaloatZ-$4400. IeltIlka.skaALAstadjaaki4 .....1.0.19zomAllausw-axmaraLga.12.gmlimat.lea--theotPndue--..t 2RE_Mtimiel "r2M1491.2d211-Wirwo 1. =Mat a. ligefgzalmi The sucoessful accomplishment of a cold var program is contingent upon the development and maintenanoe of solidarity and cohesive strength of the Western POWTS. Eeeter1411MMDR: The greatest single obstacle to the attainment of our national psychological programs is the presence of powerful contingenti of the RedArmr in East Germany, Austria, Poland, Czechoslovakia, and Hungary, 0. lestigeatan arm' and atalLt1 ganatertat The security police forces are the greatest deterrents for realizing our national psychological program. The Balkan peoples reportedly feel that little can be done by the West with respect to the Communist-contrelled police forces, except under, conditions of war, to free them from the Commuoist yokeq d. JR: The existence of a controlled pollee state Vhich has employed every yknical and technical means to isolate its people from TOP SECRET APSE EYES ONLY Approved For Release 2003/07/0/011A-RDP80-01065A000400020P5g2909 Caluk,of 15 Ortr.!ns , Approved For Release 2003/076i8i9h114DP80-01065A000400020005-7 people from contact with non.CormuDist nations and peopleala mili- tant ideology under firm party'propagatiorg ability under its systam to employ coercion without regard to law; doeumentary controls on ? the Movement -of peoples and concondtant vigilance which such checks affordi.rakes agent reoruitment and utilimtion of indigenous personnel a formidable Obstacle. There are, however, administrative 2. galla gMEt: Valor deterrents to successful prosemtiaa of a national psydhological program in the !addle at area are the rise of irreo. ponsible nationalism, anti.Westernism? anti-colonialism, religious extremism, and zenophebial economic instability and social unrest; racism; regional disputes, such as the Palestine and Kashmir problems; international disputes, such as the Anglo.Egyptian? Anglo. Iranian, and Franco-Tunisian conbroveirsies; and politica/ ineptitude ta,?Xfrre4ponsibility. represent significant 25X1 25X1 MP SECRET to illennary 1NOWEYES ONLY 1.14 81509 Approved For Release 2003/07/08 : CIA-RDP80-01065A0004S? e - - Copies TOP SECRET 25X1 pprovcd For Rcicasc 2003/07/08 ? CIA 11DP80 01005A000400020005 7 =ad: The rejor disadvantage accruing to the U. S. Government in the Far East is the fact of its over-all position of relative meekness econordcally, and psychological Inability to bring the Korean war to a satisfactory conclusion and the continued threat to Indochina are factors ndlitating against the restoration of sta- bilit3r in the Far East. Present status of recognition andwa-recognition of Ceramist China among the Allied' powers is a special factor impeding S. psychological rrograms; likewise, the conflict in attitudes and objectives in Southeast Asia between the tr. S. 25X1 Britain, and France. Approved For Release 2003/07/08 : CIA-RDP80-01065A00040002Q005-7 25X1C 25X1C 'Approved For Release 2003/69k8SF3TRDP80-01065A000400020005-7 The moven efficiency and extent of Communist administrative and police eontrol are additional restrictive factors to the =mess of U. S. programs. The rationalist espirations of peoples striving for release.fram colonial dominance. (Indochina? Meleya)..and the politi- cal immaturity and ineptitude of those recently released (Indonesia, Burma) are inhibitions which consciously makea them suspeet of U. S. motives and efforts, no matter how well intentioned. The fear in these peoples of economic doming4614 the U. S. has suwseded the fear of 2EWtieal subeervienoe. British and American confliot on pOlioY with respect to China 4. Aztrist: U. S. coneentration on European nutters? and particularly the large quantities of money expanded in that area, have given rise to Latin American chargee that the U. S. is neglecting its natvral and truest friends. This, however? Should have little effect on covert missions, with the possible exception of the mission to combat anti- Americanism in the area. Approved For Release 2003/07/08 : CIA-RDP80-01065A0004 I'Jri.?; 05.47 Co lee 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/07/08 : CIA-RDP80-01065A000400020005-7 RR SECRET 5. ktamatlitag.: Factors that impede the successful prosecution of a national psychoIogiCal program are: a. The continuing inequality ia the distribution of income in We stem Europe, partieularkv Frances, itsly9 and Germanys, and the very limited success that ESA -(and mati) has had in twinging pressure to bear to change this situation. - b. The excessively militaristic and aggressive tone of some or the statements made by OUT Government ()Metals mhich play directly into the hands of the Soviet peace off ensiveo e. The inability of the U. 3, Governmnt oispeeific issues relating to coloniolism to take a. firm and clear stand because of the exigencies of the European:Allem? systemc, 4. The Aehilles heal of the raoial issue in the United. States and the ineffective efforts to date to deal with the exploitation Of this situation by the Gonmunists. e. 1110 McCarron Act and its 'Smiting prohibitions on itmdgra. tion into this country. f. The fact that our tariff structlm) runs directly counter to our efforts to exlend international trade and severely limits the ability or famAgnootmtries to export to this country, 411111K- MCBS ONLY 'MP SECRET 1i819T) 0:1144,0e C'crAls Approved For Release 2003/073487 CIA-RDP80-01065A000400026005-7 Approved FOr ReleasAMIMOWORS6P110-01065A000400020005-7 PART _11 ARRA (COURT .A. 2, What information is available through covert channels to indicate ao Whether Voice of America broadcasts are audible in aTOMatr?4.0.4?0 spite at Russian jamming? b. Whether they are provieg effective in achieving our dbjectivosY co Whether the Soviets have begun to put into effect measures designed to seal off the Rummien radio audience ????Pielbal..,??????????????????41, from my penetration by ogr radio programs? ??,C t.???*?,,...% rwpfte.e,Texsamac.;aa..ksc Information receivod in 1930 and /951 through covert Annnas indicated thmt VGA broadcasts vere audible in the USSR. Tha Areas from vhich these roparts originated covered the Baltic countries end the Ukrainian SSRo Recent intelliGence? houovor? indicates that the aevere jith Liatitu?d by the Soviets has oonsidersibly reduced the auelibility of the VOA broedcastso This is farther sabstentiated by the information obtained from return- ing German Prior e' of Wao? Soviet refngesa and defector*, vho indicate that considerable segments of the USSR population continue to listen to broadcasts despite the jamming And the risk involved. usasginch as the -4111-R5 ON= TS 81909 Copy _kat copieo Approved For Release 2001' Sr MRDP80-01065A000400020005-7 Approved For Release 2 r: 065A000400020005-7 - Parikiftgfria-01065A000400020005-7 Ins3ae2ch as the only intonizence obtained tiff,:ruzli crmert chaelels i tbft VOA broadcasts hlt13 rtmail priparily fecm the Baltic countries eazA e Ukrin:Lan 53110i o1c1 t xje-FA:'fietat to dateraine at thas Urn whikedstr tkna brozideszts E;t1-3 31:triird:6 to enective in achieving our ObjClettirCrie iiirOalatirt3 jbtZille4 theaillgh ti2L3 laterrOa2AolOil or soviet de:kV/eters,. forisaw 6';tridal :ft.:laaners of' War f.,dad reeeetly arrivcd reitgoes csensrall.47 iialicates f..;hat the ViIk broadcasts wit not sufficlentiy formftl, aud that a conmidsrablo tiun of ths yrograms i 170ied to inelova2t uraters which have no df.rect effect on the present etriv' 1)"71843.1 i-bqqaat rola the West. Therz he also been coroiderEW.e cetticism frccs the etbn:',..c Linoritj exiiv% grows, pecetIcularly the iiikzainians, who claim that the Va.t broadcasts sim not cleficiently mpwantstlye of the desivee and eTvloations of tin pcopler":3 the WEAL likrainisn emigre 1ea0ors insist that the 1/014 likrainolan broolcastre sho4d bo rode rare 12atimel in character ma sktNald tea cegalgunee of the Ukrainien strutzle for liberation. graeralt there is sufacient evidole,ne to ir.licate thato t7espite the aAnyent inuarfectiene *i.fhich,L44,ybi inharos:6 in some of thr; VOA wearants, them broadcasts ;,-)lay en important prrecilological Yale in re:,ainclirs the ploplas of the 1j25f1 that there ill; azi aternata , vey of life. Eavir at the arse tire,, providing tlyAa with 4% Lola of er,t-Rate litamtlen fron the tyrrynicel pp to of Vie S34ct Lec0.7..e.9 effectivenoss of therm broadcestsv however:, aitad P-Oi; mee,Arft-rrod in taros TOP SECRET 1116..tue 81909 rc-2 Approved For Release 2003/07/08 : CIA-RDP80-01065A000406620047:7" irCe SECRET Approved For ReleasegiatintritnOWSK120-01065A000400020005-7 be measured in terms of immediate reactions or attainment of short- range Objectives. Their value lies mere in the field of preparation for ? long-range psychological conditiasing which serves to reinforce ell other efforts directed to it the support of the peopaes ofithe USSR to our cause. There is no definitive evidence obtained through covert channels 'Aid) wad indicate that thaeoviets have begun to put into effect measures designollo seal off the Soviet radio audience transom, penetration by vestera radio progress. Obviously, jamming has been instigated for this specific purpose. In addition, there are some unconfirmed reports vhich indicate that the recent models of Soviet mamcfectureti radios are being designed to prevent tubing in to the broadcasts originating from outside the USSR. Approved For Release 2003/07/08 ID42k-RDP80-01065A00040061abibAL-154ies TOP SECRET 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/07/08 : CIA-RDP80-01065A000400020005-7 Next 7 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2003/07/08 : CIA-RDP80-01065A000400020005-7 Approved For Release 2003/07/08 : CIA-RDP80-01065A000400020005-7 Se:amity 7nformation Co COI:MA=421i 10 - What evidence is availelle through covert ch nels_of uhe, effectiveneps of a. Voice of America, and b. Radio Free 11.1.a gettir42E...their e.j_een acrost to 'tale Phine.;%e? CIA has received little evidence through covert channels of the effectiveness of VOA or RFA to data, The scarcity of radios on the mainland and the systeri of controls imposed by the COMMtrafit Golrernmont are, of course, contributing factors; more speoifica13.7 however, our agents or, the mainland at this time are too rear and too busy to handle anything but the highest priority l.ntelligencer, Intalligance.repts inCicate that broadcasts to the main- land of China via RFA only those government officie7s who are al:lowed radios, and official reel? operators. Expansion of faciliAios for broadcasting to the rainland of China would appear to he useless. 25X1 nr wh da Approved For Release 2003/0g/gMA0F80-01065A000400020005-7 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/07/08 : CIA-RDP80-01065A000400020005-7 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2003/07/08 : CIA-RDP80-01065A000400020005-7 ? . 25X1C Approved For Release 2003/926241?: WEIRMIt01065A000400020005-7 Seenritv Information 25X1A Approved For Release 2003/07/iltigIA-RDP80-0106ZWOMOOO5-7 25X1 C 'Approved For Release 2003/074W CIA-M2.51),40065A000400020005-7 S. EYES OM 81909 Copy of copy Approved For Release 2003/07ThAIA-RDP80-01065A000400020005-7 Jr-o-p !3,....E-C-R,F-T ? 25X1C Approved For Release 2003/07110841CIPEADZa iot. 5A000400020005-7 25X1C ANIL Approved For Release 2003/50: CIA-RDP8e09p T-O-P =nuance. .1:t nrBs 5ACe0401009,05-gorty 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/07/08 : CIA-RDP80-01065A000400020005-7 Approved For Release 2003/07/08 : CIA-RDP80-01065A000400020005-7 25X1 C T-O-P 25xitoproved For Release 2003/07/08 : CIA-14IDP80-01065A000400020005-7 ' (6, of /5? copy ear ...moragol~ Approved For Release 2003/07/9 :39A-RDP80-01065A000400020005-7 25X6 Approved For Release 2003/0ta MAIRDP80-01065A000400020005-7 TOP S10ET NLIDDLFi EAST and LIM ONLY Approved For Release 2003/07/0Wr,e4A-RDP80-01065A000400020r-t9 81S09 C!)FC ? r" 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/07/08 : CIA-RDP80-01065A000400020005-7 Next 7 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2003/07/08 : CIA-RDP80-01065A000400020005-7 Top sEertivr Approved For Release 2496Y8V181:11IPPB*16141065A000400020005-7 PAR EAST A. ,fea.-ea 1. Has the Korean debate led to any conolusion as to the adequacy or maahinery warfare field beth with oivilian and Illav authorities? Coordinating machinery as operating between civilian a military authorities in the field of psychological warfare in Korea has given evidence of certain inadequaeies,. Inasmuch as responsibility for tactical peychological warfare is vested in the military a quasi,Iti, military organisation headed by a designee of the theater commander was established. This organisation has served as a coordinating element in tactical psychological warfare measures operate?oth on the part of the military and CIA D but has failed to include the operations of CUE services in Korea, Two major plaits formulated by the Psychological Strategy .Board regarding the overall propaganda approach to Korea have to this date failed to produce anything concrete as to an agreed upon coordinated effort especially where command and support are concerned. LikewieeD policy with regard to the Korean situation ha a been in ovate in . meeting current and longc=range propaganda requirements. /t has .often en TVS ssary.for the field to formulate its own policy to meet eituati ns as theyarise. TOP SECRET II-29 Has the experience 411011WETES OmIX T, $o NO,, 81e0e Copy h fL:y-Copies Approved For Release 2003/07/08 : CIA-RDP80-01065A000400020005-7 TOP 520RET Approved For Release ktf3IIMOBTRENAMMINX01065A000400020005-7 25X1 3. It is " sible? from guerrilla activities in Korea to paw any useful conclusions which might become practical in other areas Original CIA efforts in Korea wore designed to recruit, train, equip and launch classical guerrilla teams who were assigned the task of organising a resistance organization simultaneously with and at a result of guerrilla operations However, after a year of .directing and supporting this operation, the program was reoriented so that the first objective of the new program would be toward the establishment of a politlealiisyaholopical resistance organization TOP SECRET 1130 41111111t EYES ONLY To Se NOe 81909 C py of4;E-Copies Approved For Release 2003/07/08 : CIA-RDP80-01065A000400020005-7 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/07/08 : CIA-RDP80-01065A000400020005-7 Approved For Release 2003/07/08 : CIA-RDP80-01065A000400020005-7 .OP SECRET Approved For Release 241080114087zettiiiilaNd-01065A000400020005-7 CIA has been able to support the military with battle intelligence? In psychological warfare operational) the Eighth United States Army in Korea and CIA haws for some time worked in close cooperation in implementing their different responsibilities? 25X1 ? 1E-32 TOP SECRET 4MMOrk. EtEs otax Approved For Release 2003/07/08 CIA-RDP80-01065A0004p008000k7 CoW,62 of L?Gopints 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/07/08 : CIA-RDP80-01065A000400020005-7 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2003/07/08 : CIA-RDP80-01065A000400020005-7 Approved For Release 2003/11710tESISIRDP80-01065A000400020005-7 Seturitt InforgiatteS LATIN AMERICA lo 9p1ans are under consideration to utilise All miscible covert resources to ale& the recent Taglierth et Q2magalLs_m? and be l!Poronismff in certain Latin American countries? ComoUnism. There is a very strong Communist drive thmagbout Latin Arica, It is. aimed not so much at converting the Latin Americans9 but at paralyzing action on their part through deparating what are largely pro-4,4, governments (now more responsive to public opinion than formerly) from the people. COnaunism in general presents its threat through sniarfoe with those nationalistic and social forests on an anti? US basis. The great period of growth of the Conauniet partied, in Latin'Azieride*sa in'the'"three yoats after .V.TA),40? and ? generally '6134aiditg thei'hav&.ciSclined somow'hat in strength and influence -bintei'-theno'.':.!4be 'recent growth", thareibro? is lird.ted as to size and in to Guatemala and to a lesser extent Bolivia and es to. indium:24o -ta:Argentint 'Sad, to.:a leaser extent Chile, The moat basic underlying' influenose be' dealt. with' in Ulan,' Ainaticas heti:avert. "are the tremondene'trives'for natiOnalist ?and 'boast juatiimi. going On-in.thcie-- ? conntrioa as they onergei from isend4eidalissi into the Modern" so0..ial and indeistrial'rSvolutioi.;- .? , 25X1 Approved For Release 2903107/W9A-RDP80-Q1065A00(148(1046Q05-1909 Copy Cp. ofitoot-iiee TOP SECRET 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/07/08 : CIA-RDP80-01065A000400020005-7 Next 5 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2003/07/08 : CIA-RDP80-01065A000400020005-7 25Xla Apiouved For Release 2003/07/00 . CIA-RDP00-0100A000400020005-7 25X1C CoteauApt influence 113P SECRET -111E EYES ONLY syy TS 81909 Approved For Release 2003/07/08 : CIA-RDP80-01065A00031)M4,90.aCopies 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/07/08 : CIA-RDP80-01065A000400020005-7 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2003/07/08 : CIA-RDP80-01065A000400020005-7 TOP SET 1 SI-G-015iVE?TgarairreaMMT NOTICE FOR THE INTRA-OFFICE USE OF 030 & OPC ONLY Detaching Form No. 38-13 for the AS A COVER ATTACHMENT TO FORM NO. 3S-13 purpose of securing this form to Top secret Documents is Prohibited. SWIENTION: ACCESS TO TOP SECRET MATERIAL IS LIMITED TO THOSE INDIVIDUALS WHOSE OFFICIAL DUTIES RELATE TO THE MATE- RIAL. EACH ALTERNATE OR ASSISTANT TOP SECRET CONTROL OFFICER WHO RECEIVES AND/OR RELEASES THE ATTACHED TOP SECRET MATERIAL WILL SIGN THIS FORM AND INDICATE PERIOD OF CUSTODY IN COLUMNS PROVIDED. EACH INDIVIDUAL WHO 6EES THIS TOP SECRET DOCUMENT WILL ENTER DATE OF HANDLING AND SIGN HIS FULL NAME IN THE PROPER COLUMNS. OFFICER DESIGNATIONS SHOULD BE USED IN THE "TO" COLUMN. UNDER EACH COMMENT A LINE SHOULD BE DRAWN ACROSS SHEET AND EACH COMMENT NUMBERED TO COR- RESPOND WITH THE NUMBER IN THE "TO" COLUMN. EACH OFFICER SHOULD SIGN FULL NAME BEFORE FURTHER ROUTING. FROM: -7 OFFICER'S FULL NAME cao/ 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. FORM NO. 38.13A COMMENTS EYES ONLY THIS FORIAMTORredElFallikiSEOReTa0atalle/MMNGGIVP-WitleORWA.A6RW9f2gn/70PC. JUN 1949 TOP SECRET PLEASE RETURN THIS room TO OCCIWITOV