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Approved For Rele 2002/01/ CIA-RDP80-01065A00 44, 0 010128-2 (NEM TO KNai ANI G 1. t~ eoti To assist, in Korea and contiguous areas. UN military opearatiOns, 2, Lis~cussio a, In achieving the above objective it is necessary that both overt and covert psychological warfare be employed to the limit of ow capabilities, Such action, however, must be governed by considerations of the politico-military North Korean and CMmunist China situation developing, (1) Detailed plans rust be prepared for engendering or inciting, in the North Korean and Chinese troops and civilians, conduct antagon- istic to the Soviet-led Communist regimes, cmoh conduct to range from non-cooperation through passive resistance and augmented confusion to vigorously prosecuted guerrilla warfare, (2) To insure proper planning and appropriate emecuti.one (a) Detailed planning will be the responsibility, of the Government department or agency having primary reaponsi- bility in execution of the operation concerned. (b) Detailed plans will contain an estimate of the political, economic, military and psychological feasibility, accepta- bility,, and applicability of the operation concerned, (c) Detailed plans trill provide for adequate coordination at all levels and will recamend regarding the situation which should surround the moment of execution for producing maximum . desired effect. (3) cecution of detailed plans must be in accordance with political and military considerations surrounding the developing North Korean situatio * Action Effects Desired a, Interference, confusion, and disruption In all aspects of North Korean and Communist Chinese military operations; and in other activities, military or State Dept. decd ~Yl i~i'~ ef~f~d~s1/~ 14rR ~~IyQ6 00'0128-2 Approved, For Rel 2002/01/03: CIA-RDP80-01065A00~0010128-2 TOP SECRET civilian, where interference, confusion, or disruption would direot3y affect Camamist military operations in Korea. Such action effects might includes (1) Increased guerrilla activity in North Korea and Cr. ninist China. (2) Interference with and disruption of enen r lines of camsatnication and supply ? including destruction of or interference with rail lines, motor transport, telegraph and radio facilities, etce Consideration should be given to inciting attack on cocannications at points of greatest vulnerability, such as motor transport at its scarce of fuel; urging political interference with or actial sabotage of vessels under non-Cc aiai gist flags engaged in supplying Communist China, eta. (3) Confusing of Chinese econ r and civil administration with resultant h fight r: -si k: in W; capon operations in the mIii- taty field. (4) Defection of Chinese Casmmist and North Korean troops. (5) Passive resistance and non cooperation, both military and civilians 4. Psi ogicai Ettects Desired a. Lowered morale of North Korean and Chinese troops and civilian supporting Soviet-led Cam?anis. be Heightened morale of North Korean and Chinese peoples desiring defeat of Soviet-led Camm n stn, a. An' attitude of violent antagonism to Soviot-led C ism in the minds of North Korean and Chinese peoples, d,. Hopelessness An the minds of North Korean and Chinese Comnwist leaders, both military and civilians, regarding the military situation. e. Explosive throe-way distrust between Pyongyang,, fig, and Moscow, f. General confusion in the minds of North Korean and Chinese Ccummist leaders. Approved For Release 2002/01/03 : CIA-RDP80-01065A000400010128-2 Approved For Release, 2002/01/03 : CIA-RDP80-01065A000400010128-2 p m I 5d a, 11* bcaUm listed aaticape am aanaitlered to bawer pe p a appl iaaticcc in R htevli the Obove poa+ahQk iee1 effectai 12) CVett and am= t politi.oal attic,. (2) Qftrt sad eoowt pa? 1 activities. (3) D1a ct static, uneh as a sa aive lead et drop agw3mt Cbias minlend p~opul~aettm .eat r. Onot am eae't eea,aaie activities, Otseorrifa activities,, (6) otbea! *anwt, activities* 6, j2gM ailed Aches The add reooa n ct are deeds reigardixng canes of action a1s beft falloMad; it! a:.cw, dance with c #.abjSsze c aitd ststt,oxt yr ~a Gdeai qg eaddi.ticaal and uotbar than nasal' action is xecomeendeda as Pe1i_aiiiMA... Rat"m (1) Thin for, rod at smah ti as it ae r becem politically and Mil.. teri]y feasible end acaeptabis, prep re for and a .cute massive 4.3 Approved For Release 2002/01/03 : CIA-RDP80-01065A000400010128-2 Approved For Release 2002/01/03 : CIA-RDP80-01065A00 4600010128-2 leaflet drop over population centers of the China W r-.land. (sew Appendix (I) to this .Annex for score considerations this opera- Q tion) (2) Develop through estimate stage, and suit to the 4= holes :;ica>. Strategy Board for consideration, additional "other - :'h unialll actions for employment in Korea and contiguous area.n to . as ist UN military operations. Central Intelligence Agency fix) Develop through estimate stage. and submit to JCS A cons .derFation, additional "other than usual," actions for esmploy ner ? :In Korea to assist UN nrstlitary operations4 (2) Develop through estimate stage,, and submit to the P~~ hoio cad Strate Board for consideration, additional "other than uswA. actionze for employment in areas contiguous to Korea to assist UN miitaxy operationso 25X1X8 Approved For Release 2002/01/031 ~`0-01065A000400010128-2 Approved For Rele se 2002/01/036CI RDA 80-01065A0004 9010128-2 j ANNEX G APPENDIX (1) CONSIDERATIONS BEARING ON A LEAFL ? DROP OVER THE MAII'1LAND OF CHINA J~-19-O is A leaflet drop over cities of Communist China might be of very great psychological advantage to the United Nations and th:> United Mates in bringing about a state of mind among the Chinese people so to influence or deter the Peiping Goverment in its courses of actions 20 A main reservation as to the utility is in relation to the consideration that the Peiping Government may have pretty thorough control over public Opinion in Chinao That is to say, it has placed impediments to the formation and focusing of group opinion among the Chinese peopled Thus the regime has made itsAlf relatively independent of sutonanously generated group opinion. The basic con'dideration as to the value of such a leaflet drop therefore is whether it would serve to break through the control now exercised by the regime 3m Such leaflets should carry a dignified and complete statement of the case of the United Nations and the United States0 It should. deal resaectfu7ly with the Chinese peopled It should concentrate on the points that the United Nations and the United States have acted from no aggressive intention but only to repel aggression, that the interests of the Chinese people have been made subject to designs of action which are contrary to their welfare,, that peace is attainable at any time on the basis of true recognition of the motives and the purposes of the United Nations in the Korean struggles It should emphasise the United Nations framework as distinguished from the United States aspects of the interposition in Korea& By indirection it should raise the question in the minds of the Chinese people whether the C3d.nese Government -does not now act in subordination to alien interests. Z. Such a leaflet drop should be undertaken if at aU, only after the G-14 # Approved For Release 2002/01/03 . -01065A000400010128-2 Appr`'o ed For Release 2002/01/03 : CIA-RDP80-01065AO 00010128-2 struggle has entered a new phase in .rhich thr wraps have been taken off air operations b cyond the confines of Korea and Into China proper, It shoWA be borne in mind that the leaflet drop would involve derrogation of air sovereignty over China and would therefore be construable as an act of violencea 5o A relevant question is the question of auspices for the air dropo 1-1hether the authorLty of the United Nations could be stated on the leaflets without recourse to consort from the other governments involved in the Korean-United Nations operation is a question rich would have to be settled in advanced 6a If carried out, such leaflet should aim at maximum coverage in a one-' t'sne operation. he planes should fly as far inland as possible and cover as many cities as po:asibleo It might be particularly important to cover the city of Sian as this is reported to be designated as the Chinese Communist capital in the event of tr. a .ntbreak of a general gar. Such leaflets ebold carry the it messag,) that they might have been bombs rather than leaflets. The impact of sucr a mes.age upon the Chinese people should be carefully estimated by persons cc,==,7ersant 4th the Chinese background and the present situation., 7, The TIE:,-sage should be carefully coordinated by individuals aware of the content of the ~-,~t ed Nati s ? and United. State's g policy and 1nO-1v-! with Chinese i; J.t-ire 'd capable of evaluating Chinese rcactionst. !t w .d be necessary to rut?G ,he in * ap rcpt izat . c.Pi ,.L.,--Was ?a~ e v by individuael > >mpable of dealing' with the nuances both of the policy V.V1 of the Chinese idiom,..,, 8, An imps Cant consideration is as to the precise result to be achieved by such an air cps To gain maximum advantage it should be planned and executed not merely to crate dismay and dissatisfaction among the Chinese people but also to focus their -,.ismay and dissatisfaction in such a i as to bear upon the con.- duct of the Chaise Communist rulersp 1-2 Approved For Release 2002/01/03 : CIA-RDP80-01065A000400010128-2 AA 4 OAR TOP SE., RET SIGNATURE RECORD AND COVER SHEET DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION REGISTRY SOURCE Chas. W.A2cCarthy - n Col UAA i y on CIA CONTROL NO. - l DOC. NO. J-1 DATE DOCUMENT RECEIVED DOC. 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