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Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80-01065A0003000/248ECRET No 4 of 10 es. 41.111N/MOMMONYI DEPART:JUT 0 STA2E T A SECRETARY 170R PUbLIC APPAIRS TO establish anpropaganda position,based on existing information, Which is to be taken at present re- garding the possible succession to Ztsltn, and in future in the eventuality of Staling* dee bACKORUUND: The scope of this paper is limited to sst*lishment of an interim position. Sufficient informstion does not exist in organised form to serve as basis for a policy which would exploit this subject to the full extent of the possibilities which it could offer. Pending acquisition of such information, guidance is limited to the opinions of those who have intimate knowledge of the Solid t system and the power position at its apex. Reeo ition must b? taken of the inhibiting street of the lack of firm knowledge of the attitude* of tne individuals involved or of the power mechanisms which they control, The following discussion prieents the best available line of informed reasoning upon which a propaganda position say be based. Ohs State Dept. declassift.014M41 MPftgegiV4vvFlAa 65A000300070068-4 taPeY,tii5iERDCp1-180E-01:10 TOP SECRET Approved For ReIgese 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80-01065A000300070068-4 ? is no conclusive eviaencs that Stalin hes summer, in spite of some conspicuous ebe scow for considerable periods in the years and in epite of rumors or ill health, tkuire Is also no evidence that illness or Iva has reduced hia_. -- bold on the supreme power, Stalin Is seventy old, but his constitution is rugged and the leorgian strain Is notably long-lived, 2 e nature of the Soviet system, a personal die- ta o hip, diaguited under various wraps party rule Soviet rule, rule of the proletariat,ru].e of the masses * personal dictatorship without any egitimete ruli family* or "legitimate heir,* makes a constitutionrSUcces- _, lion extremely difficult, Even In Lenin's day, before the Party and the Soviets had been so completely drained of all political content and porkers it proved impossible to arrange a suooession by purely peaceful and "normol" =OAS' without struggle between potential heirs. 3. Lenin got throe solemn warnings of death, in the form of partial cerebral parslytic strokes. Only after the second did be begin to try to create a "legal" succession through his *political testament." ftecognisinc that de facto his personal authority and prestige had become excessive, he sought to reverse the process of personal power by proposing a collective leadership otter his death. His testament was a knock for each close associate (to keep him from becomtns per- sonally dominant) and a boost (to keep him free amine elim- lusted completely). bat Stalin began to gether the reins of organizational power, adisloyelly," while Lenin was helplessly paralyzed. Lenin tried to offset this by a last-minute codicil proposing the removal of Stalin from the key organisational post of General zeeretary. This was not carried out. A strug gle for succession ensued, involving purges, expulsions, ul- timate blood purges, and Stalin emerged as the absolute dic- tator in a sense that Lenin had not been. Lenin defeated his party opponents in argament? then tried to selvage their per- sons and dienity. Stalin besmirched his associates, made them blacken themselves, then killed them. Lenin possessed more morel authority, Stalin possesses more physical immer. The extravagant cult of Lenin's person was distasteful to him and opposed by him while he lived, It grew up only *round his esbelsed corpse. Stalin, on the other hand, exacts the cult of his person, demands that It bottom* aver more extravagant. Millions involuntarily admired Lenin. The entire nation Is compelled to pay fantastic tribute to Stalin. The difference Approved For Release 20arr St.43 TO-01065A0003000bOttr" s 8.004 humiliatingly likely to bind the mess of his v Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80-01065A000300070068-4 TOP SECRET 1 e was unable to bind his r his death. The exacted, ship of Stalin is even less and his party, much less their relatives. 4. The eztrsvaace of the Stalin cult,increasing- ly the cult of en omnipotent, omniscient, oinicopet.nt living god, dwarfs the Whole of Soviet society, the Party end the Politburo. 4verything Is presented as the work of "'Itself Stalin personally, except the errors Pad yesterday's line. These errors and abandoned lines ire the work of traitors ard scapegoats. Thus every other official has a feeling of insecurity, even Politburo members: (of. the Politouro members Who disappeared in the blood purges, and, more recently, chief planner Vosnesentky, who not only has disappeared but now apparently has never existed, has be- come an "unperson"). No one Is secure except insofar es he enjoys the favor of Stalin personally. when a an does enjoy the post of crony (the plebien autocrat's equivalent of the old-time court favorite), he can continue on the sur- face as an apparent big shot even though he be a small potato - example, Molotov. 5 Stalin has killed all his sums r i.e., al the men of the first rink who were coeval and coequal taco- asters of his in Lenin's day. He has surrounded himself only by secondary san, s faction agents, syoophants, cronie and yes- executed even cronies for trivial causes e.g. 7* Some of tIee, given apace en one-sixth of the earth - and time enough, became able executors of his will, just as when he had killed off his entire gdnerel staff, new green officers, after three years of retreat and. the surrender of thirty-nine areas the size of France, be- came an able general staff.. U. But his life history skiowe that he is jealous, envious, suspicious by nature. As oon as any one around him begins to shine, however dimly, by the lijat of his own deeds, Stalin removes him from the stage, shifts him to a minor post, sends him to the provinces. Examples, Zhukov, Timoshenko. Shen Zhdanov seemed too popular as the rewalt of the defense of Leningrad, Stalin unceremonioualy removed him from Leningrad two days before that city wee to be dec- orated for its heroism. Thus he makes it ever herder for any one to grow big enough or acquire the prestige to fill his shoes or don the mantle of the apostolic succession. Approved For Release 2002/48,ak: cattily 065A0oo3000nalivair? i no lUr bt. 1 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80-01065A0003000711104 -4 thing, military science, lithe transfermetion of as else, except the greeteat ell lands end ell times, SECRET A third of a century of bolthevik dictatorship, and a uazter of taljnjst dictatorship hove destroyed all the illusions thet stalin end his group may have once hod as to the popularity of their re1ia.. Their reaction has been ever more force, contiruzoue purge, mass concentration camps, and the extravagant Stalin cult, plus the cult of hatred of all that diminishes or challenges it. file regime is consciously based on fear end force and *mooted worship. On his death, his associates will be torn between fear of the messes, which will tend to force them to "hang to6(Aher" and fear of each other, since only one of the CA4 doe tile mantle of the succession which is required by a regime of per-sone). autocracy without legitimacy or legal heirs. The mantle can be ossumsd by one person and only one. The other aspirants will never thereafter be trusted nor long survive. 10. When Stalin dies, the first attempt of the Polit- buro will likely be to establish the illusion - or perhaps the reality - of a collective leadership to fill the vacuum. U. But such a transformetion of the eersonol reeime, even Lenin could not enforce at his death, in a more fully organ zed and more vitally functioning party. aenee? it the very moment they are adopting the above attitude, the men In the Politburo will be eyeing each other and maneuvering,- for PD sition. 12, he only man wno ZI0V0 muted or open strug. le are those the real power levers which const government. *hence in that ensuing o are in possession of tute the real organs of Molotov, he is still alive end still in in not unlikely elven his record for survival, w become prosier, but can not conceivably become is an irsemediably socond-rater? and his aesoeie Stalin was boos when he had no state titles, arid could not become boss though, he were loaded with titles, HO IS as unfit as Kilian for the role o looking even Xalininos personal popularity, The real power posts and power levers are or, which possibly Oee? he know it, ?tow t50.1 boss, Iwo. it a) Control Approved For Release 2002/01/xurallE065A000300070068-4 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80-01065A00030070p-SEeDET 11 I a) Control of the Secret Pollee at p t Berle b) Control of the party lieehine - at present Malenkov e) Control of the Am, if the Army cm be rallied around a single person, or if the ?Motors' corps vill close its ranks sufficiently to emerge with a military candidate. At present nobody, yet, de- spite Stalin's careful watching or the Army, not an imposelbility. l. Thor. are strong reasons why a fOrtt Cvrzuent should not give any support to any of these three candidates who emerge because they ere In control of and therefore sym- bolise three huge instruments of oppression. insIde tee party hierarchy, apparent support would be the kIss of death for anyone on whom it could be pinned. )utsde the party hierarchy, amone the rank and file and tlati :ernes, we 'would disgrace ourselves by aiding with thee* hated men and hated machines, symbols of tyranny. Even worse, end deservedly so, would be the eompromise of our reputntion in the ranks of op- pressed nationalities the millions In concentretion camp and their nastiest* all friends, and all the popuintions of the restive sabject satellite cauntries. If tee masses thought that we were supporting somebody for "good reason" thmt would arouse feIse hopes in the messes - our one depend- able ally. en the party hierarchy, the one we supported would have to become vst violently antiekmerican end most ardently warlike to prove that we were "slandering" him. even at Lenin's death, one of the methods of attackinga candidete for the succession was to imply that he wase foreign Rgeat or un- consciously eepressed foreign Interests. 14. Protocol wo id normally veuire our expressing, however coldly, condolences at the death state. But in this case there IS too much at stake, and proto- col should be quietly but openly ignored. Josif talln has been en enemy or his own people (they ere his thiefvfotima, day after day, In An unending psychological wax', speedup, ab- stinence, driving into war on their neighbors, unending puree, concentration camp, setting of each yesinst all). ffe 1015 been an enemy of ell neighboring peoples, personally directing the pure** of their leaders. No tRs been the enemy of peece, main- taining the world In a state of unending partial (cold, some- times not so *old) war. Our president can not openly rejoice. But it would be a grievous offense Against the feellnee and the oonscienee of mankind if he should hypocritically express sor- row, his own personal sorrow, or sorrow on behalf of our people, or the Russian people, or Soviet end neighboring peoples, or the world, Our silence would be noted, mad would contribute to the Approved For Release 20102SEGAMO-01065A000300070068-4-riteung I -1 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80-01065A000301r8 ijSECRET i.e. t the reiza. ii hated and Should not be continued, r ends or the Russian people* we can not simultan ve at the death of their greatest oppressor, and greatest tyrants in their entire history. three power levers enumerated above ere not nstrmments but actual organizations involving each s of thouseees, even millions of men. And with nds, yet more millions. Such power levers can not be oved behind the scenes, silently end surreptitious- ly. hovr appeals to tee Party machine must appeal to some traditions, some program, something in the past and preient and sonethin proposed for the future. whoever ppeals to the Army, likewise. And to the Everett Police, likewise. This woad be even more the case insofar as each candidate would have to appeal to brooder numbers, the entire perty, tha trade unions, the workers, the peasants, tlee netionelitiee? the messes. Thus the vents of public life, which iave been plugee up with concrete will be unstopped. After that, anything can happen f we have not made any cardinal mistakesuch as that of alienating the victims by backing one of their guilty oppressors or by expressing r gret at the passing of the chief tyrant, we ean soon beein to play o constructive role in the eneouragement of those who sr* once more called into public action. But to do this we must have acted previously not as conspirators beckine one aspirant to tyranny eesinet another* but we must have acted as democrats who believe in the right of the people to control their own destinies. And we must have acted as friends of the Soviet peoples *maned the men In the Kremlin. 17. There is a big difference between tie Len .n cult and the Amain malt which will redound to otz.r adeantaea? vided we do not fell into the trap of protocol "sympathy_ Lenin opposed the cult- of his person and folend it distasteful, There was no Leninerad until atter he died* nor any automobile named after him. The siteiration for hie at his death was math wider than the. party, ald a spontaneous mess phenomenon. Stain has exacted the cult of his person, The first Incense was burned to him on his. birthday in 1920 (When Lenin was still *live* and. himself rejecting such incenseth hut the cult became a larger and larger instrument of state- after etalin herded, the peasants into the state collative.* bound the workers to their jobs, sae killed the leaders of the party, state* and army. The bloodier. his deeds* the more he compelled his victims to praise his nee*. A typical example iabis execution of the geneticist V 1ov Approved For Release .21gg8/SKBk1180-01065A000300070068-1 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80-01065A000300070068-4 TOP SECRre Vavilov? and than the exaction from his brother of a le tter praising "the personal care You give to soviet scientists." This phenomenon is multiplied by tons of millions, since overy ono who has a son, or father, or friend, or intL,sto, in a concentration camp is obliged, daily, to praise the name of Stalin. :ust as the malt of the "Little Tsar" proved artificial after the Tsars troops nod on a peaceful procession on bloody Sunday, 1905, so the malt of ntelin be- came odious sifter tho blood purges and concentration camps - hated on a seal* on which no Tsar was ever hated. Tht,Tefore? even If 3talin should finnlly come to believe, In his own death and try to prepare t succession, it Is doubtful if he could swing at tie mord, popular sr e more widely loved Lenin owild not acomplith in a time that was cruel and bloody enough, but mild in comparison with the blood-purge, police and concentration oamp, rind forced-praise reylmo that suc- ceeded. CONCWSI135: The reasoning above sug,sts post tioni 1. Pop the present,references In general terms to the reality of the atrugzle for power, but avoidance of (a) singling out specific individual as participants in or victims of this struFgle unless till) facts aro absolutely ostablished, and (b) any hint that we favor any Individual, clique, or power instrument. 2. The most important etp we can take on the day It Is known that Stalin is dead Is that of violating protocol and remaining ostentatIously silent,?because this Is an un- usual set it will hsve great resonance and will be Interpreted as encouragement to democratic forces and absonce of regret at the passing of a tyrant* It would bo highly desirable to get agreement Approved For Release 2002TOR 4010.-01065A000300070068-4 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80-01065A0003019igq68;.4_ ur SECRET ..8. er governments of the free world to 3. The Voice of Arer1ca can then_ atop- u the inton- sity ts: broadcast* it las been making sgatn t the stalin imes a;7ainot Stalinist aggreesive Amcor alias arid st the Stalinist internal reaction and count4r- u ion. Perts of our Directive which are st preeent rea'ded as Oremature will than be, or will rapidly- Weems ripe for implementation. Ar first sharp cozente can_ *one in the guise of simple re ting of newepaper editorials on Stalin's sinister atif1.oanee in the: life of his people his party and his period, 4 Voice can en before a governmental ency such as the yenything,such organisations se the FREE RUSz-slA3 IN IAILLs with normously increased help and f'cil- ities, and our obvious if carefully restrained aympathy and aupports can begin appeals to put an end to Leith's clique of lioa,enants and to establish a free democratic Russia anly democratic Ruesirns can be used for this purpose lest be maneuvered Into tho appoarence of supporti;i- a of the Monarchy or a new personal dictator raid state. (In this connections the only salutary tive rumors that we can eircul,ite are thoue of parts of the elite to the cause of free and Approved For Release 20 restoration talltarian and construe defections of umocratic Russia, SECRET0-01065A000300070068-4 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80-01065A0WlIw illy t VI Russia. 0 (.1.00r Pt.IBP:epp 21 '4Ity. 11451 I MET or give people the idea that aerie an A SECREI .4., 4 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80-01065A000300070068-4 r ummi u 2-17-50 DEPARTMENT OF STATE 1. MtSAGL. C.t111.11 NIAL NUMISLH i Ct/08/21 : CIA-RDP80-01055A000300070068-4 ' ApplaPonliN r -, inVERET COVER SHEET ,..., 1 4.8RIEF DESCRIPTION OF ATTACHED DOCUMENT on" Papa", ) 1 may 1951 2. CHECK ACTION NUMBER (V) COPY AND INDICATE COPY NUMBER INFORMATION --4.-- 5 FpRWARDED Control Officer 3. 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