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Approved For Release 2003/12/16 : CIA-RDP80-01065A000500100020-0 Approved For Release 2003/12/16 : CIA-RDP80-01065A000500100020-0 Approved Fo Fease 2003/12/16: CIA-RDP80-01069*QQO500100020-0 TOP SECRET - SECURITY INFORMATION Copy No. 1 1 PSB M-7 MINUTES Seventh Meeting of the PSYCHOLOGICAL STRATEGY BOARD December 20, 1951, 2:30 p.m* Room 5104, State Department General Walter B. Smith, Director of Central Intelligence, Chairman Honorable William C. Foster, Deputy Secretary of Defense Honorable James E. Webb, Under Secretary of State Mr. Gordon Gray, Director, Psychological Strategy Board Mr. Raymond B. Allen, Director Designate, Psychological Strategy Board 25X1A OTHER PARTICIPANTS: Department, of State Fr. .:c:~aard W. Barrett., Assistant Secretary of State Mr, John M. A 1ison, Acting Assistant Secretary of State (Agenda Item 5 only) Mrs W, Bradley Connors (Agenda Item 5 only) D; 2?r x.,nent of Defense ,7;7.-"ffene rahn A. Magruder (Retired) Joins ":'lief: of Staff Genes rat esmond D. Balmer, USA Cen-t.-r Intelli,genc~ Aged Mutuai Security Administration M John Ohly Agenda Item 2 only) Mr. Robert Eichholz (Agenda Item 2 only) Psyr.hola icall Strategy Bow d C.-lon6l Charles W. McCarthy,, USA Mr, Tracy Barnes Mr-, Wallace Carroll Mr. John Sherman Mr. Charles E. Johnson 25X1A Colonel, USA Executive Officer TOP SECRET - SECURITY INFORMATION Page 1 of 8 Approved For Release 2003/12/16 : CIA-RDP80-01065A000500100020 - 9 i {~ /' Approved For`` WM4ase 2003/12/16 : CIA-RDP80-01065500100020-0 TOP SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION PSB M-7 Benda Item 2, - Pr~,~r,.r,. Orbit Staff Stndy Action A. The Board apL :rr^d FSB D-18 as a : '?rthei action with the following an .,..,i, cents s 1. Add new paragraph 'tb, 2" to the Recomme.,datio:is to read as follows, "To provide the necessary guidance for planning and effecting access to escapees in connection with covert U. S. programs". 2. Make all changes as are necessary in the amounts relating to sources of financing and objects of expenditure set forth in the Discussions and Recommendations to conform with the amounts set forth in the statement provided by the Department of State as followst The lower MSA dollar figure in the PSB budget than in the De- partment's budget results chiefly from the lower per capita estimate for resettlement plus an estimate far available counterpart funds, Page 2 of 8 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/12/16 : CIA-RDP80-01065A000500100020-0 25X1A Approved For wease 2003/12/16: CIA-RDP80-01065 0500100020-0 TOP SECRET - SECURITY INFORMATION PSIS M-7 B. The Board requested the Department of Defense, in coordination with other responsible agencies, to complete and sub- mit to the Board as a matter of urgency a study of the possible military potential in the utilization of escapees for military purposes other than those set forth in the Lodge Bill. Discussion: Mr. Gray stated. that the subject program was being developed, first, to meet the present extremely critical situation and, second, to meat the need for positive means of maximizing the psychological benefits in the escapee ;situation. Mr. Sherwin preseited the staff study. In presenting the study he emphasized the urgency of the recommended action and stressed. the fact that the carrying out of this program is a prerequisite to the success of present as well as any new future policies and programs for the utilization} of escapees. ,Mr. Webb stated that the State Department was prepared to accept responsibility for imralementing the U. S. objectives in this program and, in so doing, for assuring that a suitable organization is established to administer the program. He further stated that the State Department required greater assurances with rosnnect to financing than those now proposed. and suggested that the Psychological. Strategy Board itself should request the Director of Mutual Security for an allocation of '; 4,300,OOO. He also reserved discretion with respect to revising the plans for ex- penditures and me,-..ns of financing. He observed that the State Department may arrange with a arpocial organization to assist in administering the or. ograra. Mr. Ohly pointed out that any funds made available by the Director of Mutual Security Would be from Title I - Military End Item Funds - as authorized by the terms of the Kersten amendment. He raised the question of the Congressional intent with respect to the use of these funds for an escapee program, indicating that the program might be interpreted as a welfare program. He TOP SECRET - SECURITY INFOIW4ATION Page 3 of 8 Page revised by Corrigendum of 18 January 1952 Approved For Release 2003/12/16 : CIA-RDP80-01065A000500100020-0 Approved For se 2003/12/16 : CIA-RDP80-01065A9d00100020-0 TOP SECRET - SECURITY INFORMATION PSB M-7 urged that a check be made with key Congressmen on this aspect. He further stated that there were other competing claims on these funds and there is an element of priorities involved. He also indicated that it looked as though this might be the first phase of a program that would lead to a larger expenditure in the future, and asked if thinking had yet developed with respect to this second phase. General Smith said that the Board had not thought through the second phase of the program and was not able at this time to state such further requirements. Mr. Webb pointed out that the estimate of governmental financing had been kept low due to the anticipated tie-in with voluntary refugee organizations and with the plans of other interested coun- tries. It was generally agreed that it was highly important that a thor?augh study be made of the potential military usefulness of the program, both for the purpose of supporting allocation of funds by the Director of Mutual Security and the defense of such allocation in the Congress and also for the purpose of developing the second phase of the program. Mr. Foster made clear his position that in approving the paper for further action he was specifically withholding for further consideration the question of the transfer of funds from Title I, Military End Item Funds, for the purpose. General Smith asked that the staff study be amended to change the language of paragraph 23-b-1 as noted in:the action above. Mr. Webb proposed, and the Board approved, the _nver. pion of a new estimate of the cost of program in paragraph 20 b provide for a request to the Director of Mutual Security for k:,300,000 instead of the proposed request of $2,500,000 contained in the staff study. The text of the Department's budget for handling 18,000 escapees is set forth under "Action" above. Agenda Item 1. - Staff Stud on Publicity with Respect to Certain Weapons 'B D-ld/C) Action: The staff study was approved. The Board authorized the immediate establishment of a committee chaired by a represen- tative of the Department of Defense and a directive to the committee Page 4 of 8 Approved For Release 2003/12/16 : CIA-RDP80-01065A000500100020-0 Approved Fos. eease 2003/12/16 CIA-RDP80-01066VM@6500100020-0 TOP SECRET - SECURITY INFORMATION PSB M-7 to proceed with the drafting of its terms of reference for the approval of the Psychological Strategy Board. The Committee should then address itself as a matter of urgency to the prepara- tion of a national information policy. ---? Discussions Mr. Gray presented the staff study indicating that the title now referred to "certain" weapons pursuant to a suggestion by the Department of Defense. The kinds of weapons covered are defined in the text of the study, Mr. Gray pointed to the difficulties involved in dealing with this rubjec?t due to the presence of both domestic and foreign infcnnation a5pc:.1,s and the fact that the Psychological Strategy Board is not in any way concerned with the domestic aspect. Further there are interdepart- mental difficulties due to divided statutory respot.sibili.ties with respect to the release and treatment of classified irThrrtation. There are other problems arising from the responsibility of the State Deparrinnnt under NSC-59/1. Mr. Webb suggested that the proposed committee be established with instructions to proceed immediately with the drafting of its terms of referee e for the review and approval of the Board. He noted that the Board at this time could not deal with al,? the complications involved, Be further proposed that the . c;a'n ,i ttee could be next i.rxs t?r~. fed to prepare a national information policy guidance under who.-..h the Department of Defense and thc: State Department ccou)d issue their respective types of vi:arna bearing on those matters for which they have statutory or e. ecnt: vro respon- sibility. Mr. Foster thought that through the use of the committee the responsibilities now divided between the Depar=tment of Defense and the Atomic Energy Commission could be coordinated. It was agreed that the committee would be organized as proposed in the staff zt.uu.cy and that it would be requested to draft its terms of .re'.eren:.,e for the approval of the 3osrd and further that it would nrepere a national information policy as a matter of urgency. General Smith designate as the CIA representative. Mr. Foster designated Mr. Clayton Fritchey as the Department of Defense representative. Mr. Webb stated that he would designate the Department of State representative at a later time,, TOP SECRET - SECURITY INFORMATION Page 5 of 8 25X1A Approved For Release 2003/12/16 : CIA-RDP80-01065A000500100020-0 Approved Foar ase 2003/12/16 : CIA-RDP80-01068y4& 500100020-0 TOP SECRET - SECURITY INFORMATION PSB M-7 Agenda Item 3. - Plan fer Conducting Psychological Opeaations Turin General Hostilities D- a) The Chairman inquired as to the status of the comments of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, receipt of which are needed before the Board takes final action on the plan. General Balmer reported that the matter is still under con- sideration by the Joint Chiefs of Staff and that he has been at- tempting to expedite completion of the comments. The Chairman requested General Balmer to inform the Joint Chiefs of Staff that the Board hopes to receive their comments some time during the month of January. Mr. Foster said that he would expedite action and attempt to secure the final comments early in January. Agenda Item ?i. - New Projects Approved the PSB for Staff Action. Mr. Gray reported that this agenda item is for the information of the members of the Board. These three plans have already been approved as projects for work by the P5B staff, He reported that with respect to agenda item It-B the Department of State has sug- gested that the study take the form of an evaluation of the psycho- logical results obtained from the Presidnt's original proposal to the United Nations General Assembly with respect to the reduc- tion and limitation of armaments and with respect to t^e manner in which it has been exploited up to this time. This evaluation would precede any further planning of further exploitation of the proposal. Mr. Gray further reported that agenda 4-C is not con- sidered to be a matter of high priority and it will be so treated. Mr. Gray also stated that another project was considered by the Board members which does not appear on the agenda, i, e., the East-West Trade Problem in connection with the forthcoming Moscow Economic Conference which is set for next April, This matter is also under study as authorized by the Board's members. /AAgenda. Item 6. - Suggestion for a new project General Walter!. Smith. Actions The Board approved this proposal as a new project under the lea ership of the Department of State with the assistance of the PSB staff. General Smith's proposal is as follows: "I suggest that the Board consider on a priority basis a Psychological Warfare Plan for Germany, which will define TOP SECRET - SECURITY INFORMATION Page 6 of 8 Approved For Release 2003/12/16 : CIA-RDP80-01065A000500100020-0 Approved Fo pi ase 2003/12/16: CIA-RDP80-010690 500100020-0 25X6 strategy in regard to two major interlocking problems# 25X6- TOP SECRET - SECURITY INFORMATION Page T of 8 TOP SECRET . SECURITY INFORMATION PSA H-7 (1) (2) There was discussion of Colonel Henry Byroade as Passible chairman and general agreement that he should be the chairman of a panel to be organized under his leadership in cooperation with the staff of PSB. 11 nuu i L-40W%a7 aw v. .. - ---- resent Avai!ba a or Psycho ogicaroperat ons ann r!j.. Mr, Gray reported that there is substantial agreement within the panel with respect to a checklist of resources iftivailable to planners and that it will be submitted to the members of the Board before the next meeting. It will, however, not be submitted for the Board's approval but be made available for the use of planners in the respective Departments and agencies. entat on CE Jean Tcw ___- ends Item $. - Briefin ! De artment of State Staff on Psycho- o c eras ons an o Assure the Font nu ng Mr. John M. Allison in charge of the Bureau of Far Eastern Affairs presented a briefing covering the salient facts with re- spect to Japan. He stated that Japan, although sovereign after Approved For Release 2003/12/16 : CIA-RDP80-01065A000500100020-0 Approved Forase 2003/12/16: CIA-RDP80-01065500100020-0 TOP SECRET - SECURITY INFORMATION P$B M-7 the occupation ends, will still not have the ability to defend herself and the defense of Japan for an indefinite period will be an A;nerican reso,nsib llity. This will create difficult psycho logi(- -,:L. p~ c :ems. We will have to use great tao L and patience in g,;.-4*.