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Approved For Release' 9/09/21 : CIA-RDP80-01065A000400iV003-2 C O N F I D E N T I A L Security MEMORANDUM FOR: Director Psychological Strategy Board 31 COVY '1 Feb.'uar~~ 13, 1952 D Tnt:TJ : Assistant Director, Office of Plans and. Policy 1, The Weapons Information Guida =e Committee has completed its c't ri; eta a''?vc ib in the Te ': s of JvrV-,vy 1952, suoject, cf Reference for PSB Weapons Information romyrdtt--ie. (Panel 'D') .", 2. Forwarded herewith are the following papers, which were y^zpc.red by the committee; a. Draft Memorandum for: Executive Secretary, National Security Council (Tab "A") b, Draft prototype covering Presidential Letter (Tab "B") c. Draft enclosure to Presidential Letter, "Memorandum on Public Statements With Respect to Certain American Weapons." (Tab "C") . 3. In addition to preparing the above papers, the committee also inquired into the desirability of creating new clearance machinery for the subject statements. The committee concluded that existing procedures are adequate, and that the establishment of new machinery at the NSC or PSB level would be improper, inasmuch as neither agency is designed to deal with day-to-day matters of operational detc.il. However, the co'.rnittee recommended that it remain subject to call of the chairman fog- perioUr? revision of its guidances for public statements with re:spert t, ;.heae :e:'tain American weapons. 4. The ' om,j'.t ee exa.mi.ae_d a list of specific "do's" and"don'ts", as a possible encinsuMe to tha memoran(l.um. at Tab C, The committee con- -11,,lee. t:iat such a list could not be suitable, inasmuch a: 'o-nditions vary too much to justify establish Lng set of general principles. Approved For Release 1999/09/21 : C'$~1~~~@4H0180003-2 CONFIDENT IA A, Page Iof 2 Pagec Approved For Release Md9/09/21 : CIA-RDP80-01065A000400'F$QA03-2 CONFIDENTIAL r r r r r r r r Security Information 5. The committee recommends that when PSB has approved Tab "C" and noted Tab "B".. the men ora}id.um attached at Tab "A" be transmitted to the Executive Secretary, NSC for action. Informal advice from the NSC secretariat indicates that if the memorandum has already received the approval of PSB, plus that of the other interested departments (in this instance the Atomic Energy Cormission and the Federal. Civil Defense A?lministration), the memorandum can be put before a meeting of the NSC without requiring reference to the Senior NBC staff or other NSC staff machinery, 25X1A Security Information 'age 2 of 2 Pages Approved For Release 1999/09/21 : CIA-RDP80-01065A000400180003-2 ^, `? PT 1 PENT~ =` ~, Approved For Release '/09/21 CCbA-1 8p- j126?A,9024R008003-2 D R A F T Security Information 7 Yebruary 1952 PSYCHOLOGICAL STRATEGY BOARD WASHINGTON 25, D.C. MEMORXNAUM.FOR: Executive Secretary National Security Council TA.B "All SUBJECT: PSB Action on Publicity With Respect to Certain American Weapons 1, A series of conflicting statements made last Fall by high officials of the Executive Branch of the government produced considerable public con. fusion as to the facts concerning our atomic and related developments, They raised doubts as to the degree of unity and confidence within the govern- ment on the purposes of these weapons. Particularly, they gave rise to considerable fears abroad, as to U.S. intensions with respect to the use of these weapons, 2. For these reasons, the Psychological Strategy Board at its 4th meeting, October 25, 1951, directed the preparation of a staff study on the problem. At its seventh meeting, December 20, 1951, acting on the recom- mendations contained in the staff study, PSB created a committee chaired by the Director, Office of Public Information, Department of Defense, to prepare a "national information policy" on the subject. 3. It was agreed at the Senior NSC Staff Meeting of November 19, 1951 to refer to PSB for appropriate action, in connection with this projebt, a draft report by the NSC on "Release of Information Regarding New Weapons," dated July 5, 1950, action on.which had not been completed,. 4, The attached memorandum, Subject, "Memorandum on Public Statements With Respect to Certain American Weapons" has been prepared in response to the above board action. a, At its meeting, 195-2 the Psychological Strategy Board approved the memorandum,, recommended that it be transmitted to appropriate departments and agencies as an enclosure to a Presidential directive (draft attached), and directed that its views be communicated to Security Information Page 1 of 2 Pages C O N F I D E N T I A L Approved For Release 1999/09/21: CIA-RDP80-Oi*Obr5A0a0400180003-2 Approved For Release 199/09/21 : CIA-RDP80-01065A000400 4 003-2 C O N F I D E N T I A L Security Information the Executive Secretary, NSC. The Atomic Energy Commission and the Federal Civil. Defense Administrator joined in this approval and these recommendations. b. The committee also examined the question of the adequacy of speech clearance machinery as it relates to statements covering these weapons, It concluded that the machinery created within departments and agencies in response to the Presidential directive of 5 December 1950, "Public Discussion of Foreign and Military Policy," should be used for the enforcement of the attached memorandum rather than that a new clearance pro- cedure should be established. FOR THE PSYCHOLOGICAL STRATEGY BOARD: Security Information Page 2 of 2 Pages C O N F I D E N T I A L Approved For Release 1999/09/21 : CIA-RDP80-01065A000400180003-2 rSB D-l7d/A. Approved For Release. 1999/09/21 : CIA-RDP80-01065A000400180003-2 Washington Prototype for all Departments The Honorable Dean G. Acheson Secretary of State Department of State I am forwarding to you a memorandum, subject "Public State- ments With Respect to Certain American Weapons," which is de- signed to assist you and members of your department in addressing the American public on matters concerning our recent developments with respect to certain-American weapons. I desire that you bring the contents of this memorandum to the attention of key officials of your department, and elicit their full cooperation in carrying out its intent. Sincerely, Harry S. Truman Approved For Release 1999/09/21 : CIA-RDP80-01065A000400180003-2 Approved For Release 1999/09/21 : CIA-RDP80-01065A000400180003-2 D R A F T 7 February 10,52 C O N F I D E N T I A L Security Information TAB "C" MEMORANDUM ON PUBLIC STATEME NTS WITH RESPECT TO CERTAIN AMICAN WEAPONS The fact of American atomic superiority undoubtedly has a deterrent effect on Soviet leaders. Whether unconsidered statements about atomic and other new weapons produce any significant deterrent effect on the Kremlin may be doubted. While well-considered statements on atomic and other new weapons can develop confidence in the determination and strength of the U.S. and the rest of the free world, ill-considered statements on these subjects can be used by the Soviet-led Communists to encourage a belief that the U.S. might use these weapons in a reckless, irresponsible way. Within the U.S. itself, ill-considered statements about these weapons may create a false sense of security, lead to expectation of miracles in war and possibly jeopardize the maintenance of a balanced defense program both military and civil. It follows that we must be extremely careful in our public statements about atomic weapons. The same applies to guided miss-i 1.er,. q.ndd bi