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'ic. ; FL '.14 5147' \ Approved ForRelease 2 P80-00926A000200010071-2 COUNTRY USSR SUBJECT Scient5 ft* PLACE ACQUIRED DATE ACQUIRED 4.91, Milt SF -u01.0Scii OVA 01710 OF .5pu_R_cir COMPLETELY LIREELtruLLLYE 1 Fr iEL ?;Eiftrtstr,.E. 0,,,y1rocrlit[r: fIABLE TiJ -TRUE 4 _ F ? A. O. IC_ID. I , OF F,'" ? ' SJPPiliftEi\a nEroRT 25X1A 14;ccoll 1,94k; ;!"?.; SPIPKVADIAI,ITTITIUn'Mrtaff'..E.P. 1 TEM &Maids! COATAINS INFOr..21,TION AF FPCT;i?, tkl'; ;PATIOUL OF MS IMMO SYMMS tlfacA tifiT tr,...m,;u; at 1"..- E.-a,'?IOSE ,-1:'-i 1 1 U. s C.. 21 AltO 12, AS AFICtrAS' a, trc; MAPISMI;S:R,P; ,A ifig ?.; GP; Mt Gen:1MM IN ANY AlitIV;;;;EA 10 ,,.11 rakIPAYPAPRO_Pil %;;;;I iflOiTIO LP IcA14. AAPRCC.U;;;At P..4 Iii;S FOA IF -r,Or-,0,11?) ?:`,, EVE,* 4lifOOP110101t COIIIPLWAC- ItPG '40.1/P CV 'IRS P,Iliz: AS agEPAILO;...;ak.nv S't ;:liitt Atef VIRPP., ACZNP,'!, ,P- , 1?;.:,..M22M4-'27ETEMFAMITIVIVII/-rErgiiii171:::1;;..7....,74,,;.174.: `?',P;46 SOURCE LOCUMMTARY, STATE L 02, filo r.U2":21,A Enndvm clur ad 1,A4,64. uf,? ,71,7,T10 , 7}-117 Uotherrattxpes M azirrf?-V4m. Oppator with the -oetielea,ny-12adr:x Un? ot) , NN Lbbodev. Sur forzulo , G PieVfer, dr,; 17A?leua.0 dtn fl.ule.70 d 1Sul? les equatiwit n.:i734LWA d i.--Zaeobi en 31,704.-JamiAers aur 1.7r.LITO'Citit p4:4rtiolle,1 o'l?dre 16":voi(24,r.-sCi, Ncoulq,ue Deo Fluidea AN Keluogoroff, kicaber of the i tLi lox of ResintacoeLz C.(..An of TUr-N::t Fadw tbrough Snnuth -Tutea , , AzitroneEiie OJbCh1At, Tiember- On Law of Planetary Distances Physique IG Hj.Li 3c t t,c;-?, de2 acouotiquez dew:7, ife .Tfq17'. iwZ,:viicius--oau et diceol ethyliqu(o--(1. , , , , ? liergui10? The ved cal T7f:-.dper tien of Antimeuycaoo:Am , ?. , 0 0 if. Physique Appliqaea Tchkba4v, 1:mp2bre dt: 1'Aoada6de. Tranoslsain de 1e17.,? chalew PCY 741 tae ,r,71aJrictue at une sphert daau 'courant de. Chimie Physige VI Blinov. On thc, Lamine Aieh 7:4 SZ liozirsky, CerrezpoudiTAE (Y.Z AB shokhtEr and 3e1;1-Aceova. AiinrrV41;Mr107iL(.; Study of the Ageir,r-x of 1i CLASSFF f CAPON ,7;.-7-tit;',11;rc?ir MAVY X FISPE; ; . . ',. ; t AIR 13( Approved For Release :g/JA :PRIDP80-00926A000200010071-2 ? 4- W;i:3TEICTED ' Approved For Rdlease 201Mittel5P8M0926A00020001 Conteno ???14+1?0,-.... ? Tomahov. Cathodic. rroeez, in totallio Corrosion Geologic ? Brujewicz, Changoe in tilk Lulo :--efiintation in the Caspian Sea within ilistoricaa Time . VP Kaziarinov, An Attempt it a (,itlw C1ul3ification of Fire Clays anr.. ;efraertor7 Clu? Karabik, Typeu of Nickc). Oopovit of t:Ic Pezhev Kegion (Uiedle Uraia),, Hydrof;eolocie ? Keuznetzoi.,, 'J.c! tharEe;!enl, caRpolLtion des e).ux Eovtevrainn,, Cu kcrel rbol,dore lore de leur me:ange, 0 0 9 a 0 Genetique EJ redo.rova, Oytolou of Folp1oid :Sytrid3 traria grndifIor I F.elatior tnd their Feyti:L4. Botanique IV (irus1Nits17. helice of the TiTtzLary Flora of the Uosue. Region. Phyaiologie Veuetale 5J Zafnen. On the Theory of GZ-AtiniAgEi.iic Itish in Provitamin A... ? ,,cp,,foo.fp C. 0 0 DM Novocruday, On th-, Lolstre Gontmtt /oisture- , holdin7 Catacity and flydrophily of Mry Lltter of the Loaf Series in aoat . ? Uorphologie Facerimentalo Vinnikov. Transformation ond I'vollfevation of? Flemente of the Eye T.,na in TiF$un Culturoa. YA -?oronzowa and IL 1.4.osn9r. ;,,,1121r:tion Povier of the Caudal Bud in Rana tsmoraril Embryos, Zoolocie YI keashikov. On Geolphir0.. Vprit1;11.1ityn Oorezonne muksun (Pallas). .o ?. , UN Ta1i. Ancestors cd? th Cottod in 'Alpo- Zipiki Lnkes? (Vitim-river uatc;tEm, Zlasin of the Lena) FA Ohzmov and VR Dubinin, A Ni Er6.mic from the .,;ounttins of Central Asia, Agama pawlowskii sp nov (hept11ia2.3aurie) A A OSs s, ? et 9 9. 9. a 0 9 25X1A 0071-2 n:cr,C1.2. 07 729 741 Approved For Release itUR1cID-RDP80-00926A000200010071-2 if Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80-00926A001920901007?-9X1A COMPTES RENDUS (DOKLADY) DE EACADEMIE DES SCIENCES DE tURSS NOUVELLE SiRIE 1946 VOLUME LII N2 8 EDITION DE VACADEMIE DES SCIENCES DE VURS S IvIOSCOU Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80-00926A000200010071-2 25X1A Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80-00926A000200010071-2i AVIS AUX AUTEURS Les .Crimptes Rendus ,DnIziacly) (le l'Academie des Sciences de l'URSSII pa- raissent tons les dix lours. Neuf numerns crimposent un volume pourvu d'une table des matieres. If y a ouatre volumes par armee. Les .Comptes Rendus de l'Acadimie des Sciences de PURSS? en de courtes communications precisent l'essentiel des travaux en preparation. Ces articles, ne de- passdrit pas en regle generale quatre pages. sont donnes en anglals on en francais. lis min-assent les sciences mathimatiqueA physiques. naturelles et applIquees, mettant ,Itir ies resultats de recherches scientifiques en cours ou qui viennent d'?e aihcves et representant ainsi les plus re-.7entes donnees de l'Investigation scientifique. ..'airteur a droit A 100 exemplaires de son article. idl?,c7 les manuscritc A la Redaction des *Comptes Rendus*. Moscou, \Vol- iionl.m. 14 Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80-00926A000200010071-2 Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80-00926A000200010071-2 20 Jain COMPTES RENDUS (DOKLADY) DE L'ACADiMIE DES SCIENCES DE L'URSS. COMITE REDACTION . D. Benankin, de FAcademie, V. Chopin, de FAcaddmie, A. Prumkin, de FAca- ddmie, A. Kolmogoroff, de PAcademie (vice redacteur), L. Orbeli, de FAca- ddmie ,(vicp rddacteur), A. Richter, de FAcademie, S. Soboleft, de FAcaddmie," S. Vavilov, de l'Acaddmie (redacteur en chef) NOUVELLE SERIE 14-me armee Paraissant tons les dix jours 11) 4 (-; VOLUME LH, Al 8 TABLE DES .MATIE ES ? Pages MATIOEMAT1QUES M. Krein. Concerning the Resolvents of an Hermitian Operator with ? the Deficiency-index (rn m) 651 N. N. Lebedev. Sur une formule d'inversion 655 G. Pfeiffer, de PAcademie des Sciences de PUkrainu. Sur les equations, systemes d' equations semi-Jacobiens, semi-Jacobiens genkalises aux derivees partielles. de premier ordre a plusieurs fonctions inco-nnues 659 31 ECANIQUE DES FLUES A. N. Kolmogoroff, Member of the Academy. On the Law of Resistance in the Case of Turbulent Flow through Smooth Tubes 663 ,:ISTRONOMIE 0. J. Schmidt, Member of the Academy. On the Law of Planetary Distances 667 PHYSIQUE I. G. lifikhallov et S. B. Gourevitelt. Absorption des ondes ultra- acoustiques dans les m?nges alcool methylique---eau et alcool ethylique--eau N. D. Morgais. The Optical and Photoelectrical Properties of An limony- caesium Cathodes 673 675 Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80-00926A000200010071-2 Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80-00926A000200010071-/ PHY.Y 1QU E APPLIQUEE Z. F. Tchnkbanor, menibre correspondant de PAcademie. Transmission do la chalcur par un tube cylindrique et one sphere dans to cou- rant de gaz G79 CHIMIE PHYSIQUE V. I. Blinov. On the Burning of Ash Coal Il 683 S. Z. Boginsky, Corresponding Member of the Academy, A. It. Shekhter :Ind S. V. Sahharova? An Electron Microscopic Study of the Ageing of Smoke Deposits 6g7 N. D. Tomusbov. Cathodic Processes in Metallic Corrosion 691 GEOLOGIE S. W. Drujewiez. Changes in the Mode of Sedimentation in the Caspian Sea within Historical Time V. P. Kazarinev. An Attempt at a Genetic Classification of Fire Clays and Refractory Clay ? in West Siberia 699 M. A. lisrasIk. Types of Nickel Deposits of the Rezhev Region (Middle Urals) 703 695 ii YLIOGEOLOGIE A. M. KuuzEtetzov. Sur to changement de composition des CJIIX souter- rallies du Perinien et du Carbonifere lors de leur m?nge 707 ? GENi:/./QUE N. J. Federova, Cytology of Polyplen' Hybrids Fragaria grand/lora x h'. e atir and their Fertility 711 BOT..4NIQUE I. V. Grushvitsky. Itches of the Tertiary Flora of the Ussuri Region . 713 P1IYSI0LOGIE VEGE i.t LE S. J. Zafren. On the Theory of Obtaining Hay Rich in Provitamin A . 717 D. M. Novegrudsky. On the Moisture Content, Moisture-holding Capa- city and Hydrophily of Dry Matter of the Leaf Series in Wheal 721 MORPHOLOGIE EX PERI ME _V TA LE J. A. VinnIkey. Transformation and Proliferation of Elements of the r:ye Lens in Tissue Cultures 725 M. A. Woronzowa and L. D. Liosner. Regulation Power of the Caudal Bud in Rana lenapyraria Embryt', 729 ? ZOOLOGIE M. I. MenshIkov. On Geographical Variability in C.regonas (Pallas) 7,33 D. N. Talley. Ancestors of no )3ik,1 C,ltuidei in Zipo-Zipikan Lakes (Vitim-river system, Basin of the Lena). ......... . . . 737 S. A. Chernoy and V. B. Dubinin. A New Endemic from the Mountains of Central Asia, Agarrol i?aw),,,vskti sp. nov. (Re pit/ ia, Sauna) 741 Traductions redig6es par D. lt akhman ov et T. Rogali na tdition de l'Aidemie des sciences de VURSIS Mos-cou 194G Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80-00926A000200010071-2 Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80-00926A000200010071-2 Comptes Rendus (Doklady) de l'Academie tics Sciences de l'URSS 1946. Volume LIT, S MATHEMATICS CONCERNING THE RESOLVENTS OF AN HERMITIAN OPERA ?0 WITH THE DEFICIENCY-INDEX (7n, in) By M. KREIN (Communicated by A. N. kolmogoroff, Member of the Academy, H. H. 1946) In one of my preceding papers (1.) I have indicated a metLod for obtainina all generalized resolvents R, of an Hermitian operator A defin- ed in the Hilbert space * with a domain of definition 1) (A) dense in * and with the deficiency-index (1,1) *. In the present note I generalize this result and find the general form of the resolvent Rz of an Hermitian operator A in the case where its deficiency-index is (m, m), m being an arbitrary natural number. If the operator A is positive (i. e. (Af, f) 0 for f E (A)), then for it there will be resolvents 11,, the whole spectrum of which is situated in the interval (0, co); I determine also the general form of all these resolvents. 1. if the operator A has the deficiency-index (m, m), then for every non-real z the equation A*cp ? zcp = 0 (A* being the operator maximally adjoined to A) will have exactly m (and not more) linearly independent solutions c,c), (z), (p, (z),..., cp. (z) which we shall construct in a special manner as vector-functions of z. Let A? be a certain self-adjoined extension of the operator A, and = (A? ?zlr (Im z 0), the corresponding resolvent. Then the linearly independent solutions < p (z) (f=' 1,2, ... , in) of the equation A* cp ? =-- 0, where z is an arbitrary non-real point, or even an arbitrary regular point of the resolvent R, may be constructed in such a way that for any two regular points z and 7, (z) (C) (z ? (j=1, 2, ? ? ? , in) (1) To this end for some 7,o (Im Co 4, 0) we choose an arbitrary system of linearly independent solutions p .....p of the equation Ap-0p=0 and then putting in (1) = cpi (C0) = cpui CI =1, 2,..., m) determine thence the cpi (z) (j =1, 2, ... , m) for every regular point z of the operator R. Consider the matrix-function of the in-th order Q (z) = qj. (z) = ((z zo) (z) + y0pi cz*0), Pk (zo )) where z? = x0+ iYo is an arbitrarily chosen regular point of the resolvent R. By means of (I.) it may be easily shown that the marix-functions (z) corresponding to different choices of the point zo can differ from one another only by an Hermitian, matrix not depending on z. Another solution of this problem was given by M. Neumark (2). 651 Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80-00926A000200010071-2 Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80-00926A000200010071-21 Denote by 9Z?, the class of all holonnurphic in the upper half-plane m > 0 matrix-functions F (z)==li (z) hr possessing the property that for. mlY complex Za, ? ? trt 111 I (.!?41;(*). fik (z) ikEi) 0 (Im: >0) . And j, It is easily seen that Q(z)ET?, and, moreover,: that the Hermitian form un (!i?Q (z) E) corresponding to it, is strictly positive for Im z > 0. Using the well-known integral representation of fwictions 1(z) bolo- morphie in and representing thc upper half-plane on a part, of it, (cf., for instance (s), p. 52), we may obtain -a general formula for an arbitrary matrix F (z) E 9.1?,. Denote by 9-tn, the class wn, complemented by infinite matrix-functions F (z) of the form F (z)=.5" CP(19s (2) 0 I,, N\ here C,, (z) is a, certain finite matrix-function from 9'4; I,,, the unit matrix of order y; S. a hon-singular numerical matrix of order in; and S', the matrix, Herniae adjoined to S. If F (z)E9Zn, and for at least one z (Im z > 0) the Hermitian form m (Z*F (z) t) is strictly positive. then the same will hold also for arbit- rary z (lm z > 0); in this case the matrix F(z) is non-singular and - F-1 (z)E Thus, if F (z)E9i, the matrix-function (F (z) Q (z))-' (1m z > 0) always exists. If F (z) is of the form (2), then we shall put (F (z)? Q())-1 =, hint (Ft (z)+ Q (z)r (Im z > 0) where Ft (z) is obtained from F (z) by replacing in (2) the symbol of infinity by I. This definition has always a sense and it will be readily found how this limit is calculated. Recall. now that by the spectral function of an operator A is under- stood (',4) an one-parametric family E (? oo < X < ,r) of bounded self-aijoined operators, possessing the property that for any /E (E (X)1, 1) is a non-decreasing function of (i.)1 is a function of continuous from the left, E (A) 0 for t ? and E (l)f / for t and, besides, for any / E Z (A) (Al, ?L' d(E ().)1, It, Af dE (L) f To the spectral function E, (it.) correspoads a certain generalized resol- vent IL (Im z > 0) of the operator A R .1 S (IL (All (/E) - - and t he functioa F Inj is completely determined by R, for hit z >0. Theorem 1. The aggregate of silL ;generalized resolvents R, of the operator A is given by the formula * Ji--.( ? (2)) /44(2) Pr, (z) IA I (1m z > 0) (a) s By (?,Itisk, whet., +E to.. we ilenote the operator eorrel,iting to .!very vector tE4) the vector fj,,Up. 1;52 Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80-00926A000200010071-2 Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80-00926A000200010071-2 where (z) II = (0(z) F (z))' and ? F (z) is an arbitrary matrix-function from the class FR?,. Obsei?ve that formula (3) yields then and only then the resolvent R, of a certain self -adjoined extension X of the operator A.; when (z) is a constant Hermitian matrix. 2. Consider now the case where the Hermitian operator A is positive. in this case, according to our preceding investigations (cf. (5), Theo- rem 2), the operator A possesses two positive self-adjoined extensions Afil) and A(-1), the resolvents of which RV and RS-kr) possess the property that for ,any a>0 and tE fr) (-r..,) f)- 0) and I E the points of the complex plane w of the form w (Rd, I), where R, is an arbitrary generalized resolvent with a non-negative spectrum of an ope- rator A, fill up a certain convex domain bounded by two circular arcs intersecting under the angle Tr?arg z (measured irrside the domain). .T!worern 2 finds some interesting applications in the generalized pro- blem of moments on a semi-axis (`) (of. the Stieltjes type). It-volved 14. H. 1944;. RE FERENC M. Krei n. C. R. Acad. Sc!. URSS, MAIL No. 8 (19M. 2 M. Ne u mark, r,1111. Acad. Sri. URSS, sCr. math., 7, 285 (1944). 3 II. A x n t e p )4 M. I p e g 0 lievoropux nonpocax TeOplat mosieuroa. 938. 4 M. Ne u in a r k, Bull. Acad. Sci. 'MSS, ski'. math., 4, No. 3. 277 (i940). M. K re i n, C. R. Acad. Sc!. 'MSS, XLVIII. No. 5 (19r4). I M. Krei n, ibid.. NUN!, No. c. (194i). Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80-00926A000200010071-2 Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80-00926A000200010071-2 Comptes Rendus (Doklady) de l'Academie des Sciences de l'URSS 1946. Volume MI, Ne 8 MATIMMATIQUES SUR UNE FORMULE DINVERSION Par N. N. LEBEDIENT (ProsentO par A. F. To/A, de l'AcadOmie, le 4. II. 1046) Dans la presente Note nous etablissons une formule analogue a, celle de l'integrale de Fourier a, CO K i,(x) ,c sh7C7 CbC S K 1, () I () 4 11:2 ? 9 o CI ot K,,,(x) est la fonction cylindrique de Macdonald, x > 0, 1(x) est une fonction arbitraire continue ainsi quo sa derivee et verifiant la condi- tion x2/ (x), xf' (x) E L (0 , co)* . Si l'on pose (1) CO f (x) K (x)dx = F (r) le theoreme pout etre ecrit sous la forme d'une formule d'inversion cc, xf ?,; K i,(x) shircF (T) dT. 2 qui donne pour chaque x > 0 l'expression inverse de /(x) au moyen de F(r). Les formules d'inversion du type (2), (3) contenant une integration suivant l'indice des fonctions cylindriques presentent u.n interet parce ,qu'elles sont liees a une classe de problemes de in physique mathema- tique, etudiee par l'auteur on collaboration avec M. Kontorovitch. Dans un article precedemment publie (') les auteurs donnent la demonstration d'une formate d'inversion, qui pout 'etre consideree comme inverse par rapport au tbeoreme de la presente Note, savoir; us demontrent quo dans cerlaines conditions imposees a la fonction F(T) l'egalite (3) entralne regalite (2) **. Les applications diverses sont donnees darts les articles (2,3). (2) (3) *Les conditions imposees a f (a) sont suffisantes, cepend.ant le theorem? pout subsister quand on considere des fonctions de classe plus generale. **Dans nos notations cos conditions sont les suivantes: c F ) est une fonction pair? de la variable complex? p, ? it, hole- , i znorphe clans le domaine ? i (9) 659 Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80-00926A000200010071-2 Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80-00926A000200010071-2 un systerne d'equat ions 0 inAppelons l'equation (8) s( mi-Jaenbiens. Les tolations ? ? , ? (Pk..n-r) ? 1 = I, k, r>1 (Pk? functions arbitraires des arguments, (z?..., .r?..., x?, r?) 11 0'1, (I)2 ? (10) (12) (13) CIF CA, ? ? ? I CPI Vi) parametres presentent l'integrale generale du system( jacobien generalise Xt p? r Zi, * XPki X{Pkt + ? ? ? X r Pk.?-r r) ? - P(?), ? ? ? ilk, Tic.' I-It:1i. ? ? .z,,.1. t> ? - ? Z?k,. X ? ? ? , i) 1)k 74, fk.. ft (El . 2k, 11 ..... 1' " ' 1" XJ) 1.03441.. ? ? n-r) X 1)k+n- Pi) (14 ZA..? - - ? , (15) dont l'integration est equivalent(' A l'integration do systeme d' equations litteaires ltornogi,tiws + .? . +Z+. . + + X (-7-`).,./ 0 ( Pi) T it Eliminant ks parametres (14) des equations (15) on obtient Si h=kr-1 (17) unf? equation f (27., :y, p.:)=0 (18) et si It Ar --in, in > I (I 9) un systeme d'equa(ions ? p?)---- 0 (20) t.= 1, 2, . ,in A ',pylons l'equation (18) et le systeme (20) semi-Jaeobiens generalises. L'application de la metliode speciule &integration (') aux equations (8), (18), aux systitmes d'equat ions (10), (20), ronsiste en deux regles suivantes. ot Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80-00926A000200010071-2 Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80-00926A000200010071-2 La premiere regle - En cberchant sur ].'equation (8), sur systeme d'equations (1.0), le systeme Jaeobien (5), on trouve quo ses coefficients dependent de k ? 1, h, k ? in pararnares. Regardant ces parametres.comnae constan- tes arbitraires et integrant l'equation lineaire homogene (6), on recevra l'integrale generale (1.) de 1:equation (8), du systeme d'equations (10). La douxieme reglo En eliercbant sur 'equation (18), sur le systeme d'equations (20) ,le systerne Jaeobien generalise (15), on. trouve quo ses coefficients depen- dent de h, kr ? 1, h kr ? m parametres. Ayant determine cos para- metres comnie .fonctiou,S des variables et des h constantes arbitraires essen- tielles de telle maniere que le systeme d'equations lineaires homogenes (16) soit complet, on reeevra, en integrant le systeme (16), l'integrale generale (11) de requation (18), du systeme d'equations (20). Ditanuscrit reca le 23. II. 1946. 1,ITTL4IATURE CITEE Pfeifle r, Bull. Acad. Sci. do l'Ukraine, 1, f. I, 41 (1922); C. R., 176, 62 (1923); 10. 11 cl)e li (I) (I) e p, 36ipn. !yam. Inur. MaT. All "SrPCP?M 2, 5 (1939). 661 Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80-00926A000200010071-2 Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80-00926A000200010071-2 Comptes Rendus (Doklady) de rAcademie des Sciences de l'ITRSS 1946. Volume LH, N S FLUID DYNAMICS ON THE LAW OF RESISTANCE IN THE CASE OF TURBULENT FLOW THROUGH SMOOTH TUBES By A. N. KOIMOGOROFF, Member of the Academy In place of the well-known type of formula for the coefficient of resistance lg(ReVr.)+B (1) which has come into general use from Karman's classical works, Konakov, in a note recently published in this periodical ('), suggests formulae of the type i/?e=AlgRe-FB (2) From his tuatment of the measurements made by Nikuradze Kona- kov has been led to propose the following values for the coefficients in (2) 1--ve 1.8 ig Re ? 1.5 This result invites comparison with the formula = 2.0 lg (Re VC) ? 0.8 (3) proposed by Nikuradze for the best approximation of his experimental data within the range of Reynolds numbers he has investigated (from 3070 to 3 230 000). For 125 measurements carried out by Nikuradze the Mean quadratic deviation from theoretically computed values is nearly the same whether formula (3) or (4) is used. In both cases it will be found to equal 0.07. Nor shall we detect any significant advantage of one of these formulae over the other if we were to consider large and small Reynolds numbers sepa- rately and subject the experimental data to a thorough analysis. Therefore it is rather difficult to understand the reason which made Konakov express himself in favour of his formula, as regards its applicability to a wide range of 663 Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80-00926A000200010071-2 Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80-00926A000200010071-2 ? Reynolds numbers. Perhaps he compared it not with formula (fr), but with ;mother formula of Nikuradze 1.9.5 I g (Re): (5) whit IL however, had been recomm oiled by its author for large ReyinibIs numbers only. Still, it must be admitted that formulae of type (2) are easier to use. Within the accuracy of the available observations they may indeed from pu- rely empirical poinI of view ,:laim equality with formulae of type (1). On this ,,onsideration the contribution of Konakov may be only well-corned. Un- fortunately, his PaPer pretends to give a theoretical deduction of formula (2). From his belief in the theoretical soundness of this formula the author arrives :it the conclusion that it should be used in extrapolating to higher Reynolds 'lumbers, and with this one can hardly agree. It will be shown presently that his reasoning, if 4:orrectly completed, would only have led Konakov to the generally adopted formula (1). Let us start from Konakoy's formulae where .V and a are II', / V ?2.); (1- 2.'0 (II (2,N + c)13'' N in Wide. 3/ constants, The quantity ,.cry close to unity. So we need not treat it as a variable (its vari- Ability was neglected also by konakov). Accordiugly, Ow expressions (13) :111,1 (19) may he written as follows , 4* (6) (7) Ii will be obvious that after 111:, is determined from (6) and substitut- ,d in (7) we shall obtain a formula of type (1). Instead of doing ,:41 lionakov assumed U. 4 (8) :ind after substituting in (7) the value of W6 derived from this relation he arrived at (2). However, withik the range of Reynolds numbers consi- dered by him 1/7... varies rather widely, its highest. value being large as its lowest (see the drawing adjoined to his note). Anil according to formula (6) or (13) the variation of the ratio 114fl. is just as wide, too. Therefore the use of (6) instead of (8) is beyond one's comprehension. It. may be remarked, in addition, that the assumption IV; 661 Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80-00926A000200010071-2 Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80-00926A000200010071-2 together with (13), leads to c const or, with good approximation, to the equality = const (9) This is what we have in rough tubes, for which the hypothesis of simila- rity of the flow at different Reynolds numbers (?automodelling?)holds through- out the cross-section of the tube. But in the case of smooth tubes its range of application is confined to relative velocities at different points of the ?turbulent core? of the flow. It will be apparent that Konakov's considerations go only to confirm the theoretical soundness of formula (1) for large Reynolds numbers. Not until Reynolds numbers shrink to thousands or tens of thousands, can we expect to meet with deviations from this formula. Indeed, the experimental data of Nikuradze seem to indicate that the real plot of 1/17C as a function of Ig (Re-VC) is a straight line only for large Re, and shows a slight downward bent for small Re. It is to be regretted that the advantage that may be gained in using for large Re formula (5), which is built on the experimental indication just mentioned, instead of formula (4), which satisfactorily interpolates the observation throughout the range of variation of Re, lies too close to the limits of experimental error. If, however, the downward bent of the curve should be real, it can certainly receive no theoretical explanation on the basis of the foliaceous constructions made by Konakov. Received 8. V. 1946. REFERENCES 1 P. K. Ko n a ko v, C. R. Acad. Sei. URSS, LI: No. 7 (19!i6). 2 C. R. Acad. Sci. URSS, 1948, v. LII, NI 8. 665 ? Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80-00926A000200010071-2 Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80-00926A000200010071-2 Comptes Rendus (Doklady) de l'Academie des Sciences de l'URS8 1916. Volume LH, Al 8 ASTRONOMY ON TILE LAW OF PLANETARY DISTANCES By 0. 3. SCHMIDT, Member of the Academy 1. The distances from planet to planet increase as we move away from the Sun. Is this variation of distance subject to mathematical law, and if it is, just what is the underlying physical reason? The question has long attracted the attention of astronomers. Well-known is oBode's law>>, which was made public in 1772. In terms of the distance between the Earth and the Sun (put at unity) the distance from the Sun to Mercury is approximately 0.4, and the distances to the other planets, according to Bode's law, are expressed by the formula 0.4 + where n is the number of the planet (n =0 for Venus, n=1 for the Earth, and soon). In the table below the figures obtained accord- ing to Boclq are compared with the actual distances: a C.) r. A7-1 ,..9 =a .? .4-> i= I F... i ' 'I A El) c . A ., Saturn i Uranus Neptune .4-> Bode' slaw . . . Actual distance . 0.4 0.39 0.7 0.72 1 1 1.8 1.52 2.6 ... 5.2 5.20 10.0 9.54 19.6 19.19 38.8 30.07 77.2 39.5 In many cases the coincidence is striking, indeed. But there are also consi- derable departures. We find no planet between Mars and Jupiter, though the law requires that one should be present there. The asteroids fill the gap badly, for their total mass is far less than that of any individual planet. Unsatisfac- tory also is the figure for Neptune, and if we refer it to Pluto in order to obtain a better coincidence, we will find it even more difficult to explain why the little Pluto should be admitted to full membership in the series, when much the more massive Neptune is excluded from it. For close on two centuries Bode's law has continued to be a subject of discussion. Some scientists considered it a law of nature, unaccounted-for but none the less real. Others (their number appears to be stronger) looked upon it as a chance coincidence of two sequencies of numbers. Recently WeizsAcker (1) has made an attempt to deduce Bode's law in a simplified form by approximately doubling the distance on transition from one planet to the next. But the premises on which his conclusion is based seem very arti- ficial. Nor is it all that can be said against Bode's law. Its most essential draw- back is that the planets are arranged in a single row without taking account of the fact that they actually fall into two sharply different groups. It is in fact an important feature of the solar system that Jupiter and the planets farther away from the Sun are of much larger mass, compared to the nearer 2* 667 Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80-00926A000200010071-2 Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80-00926A000200010071-2 planets?from Mercury to Mars?not to speak of other differences between these groups. One may hardly expect that, an adequate law of planetary distances can be based on the neglect of this distinction. The author's theory of the origin of planets (2) yields a reasonable inter- pretation at once of the existence of two groups of planets, and of the dis- tance relationships within each group separately. First, we shall consider the qualitative aspect of the problem, then proceed to its quantitative treatment, and, lastly, compare the results of the theory with the known facts. 2. On the author's theory the planets have arisen from a swarm of meteo- rites captured once by the Sun, while it was crossing the central plane of the Galaxy. Afterwards, as a result of collisions, smaller meteorites settled on those of larger mass, thus contributing to the eventual formation of several large bodies, the planets. Let us examine this process in greater detail. The relatively large nuclei of the future planets, which had segregated at the early stages of the process, must, on account of symmetry, have been revolving in the central plane of the swarm along circular orbits. Collision between such a nucleus and a mete- orite occurs when the meteorite which may move in an elliptical as well as circular orbit happens to arrive at its node in the central plane just mentioned at the time that the nucleus is also there (2). Adding its mass to that of the planetary nucleus, the meteorite also imparts to it its angular momentum of revolution about the Sun. Thus, the angular momentum of a planet is the sum (if the angular momenta of the meteorites of which it is composed, and the position of its orbit (its distance from the Sun) is determined by the value of this total angular momentum. All the time mutual perturbations make the meteorites slightly change their orbits, and the neighbour meteorites come to fill the place of those *scooped onto by the planets. Let us see now what is likely to happen in the natural course of events to two neighbouring planet nuclei that are in progress of growth. If close to each other, they will soon exhaust the store of meteorites that stand a chance to get between them. With no meteorites to be raptured from these quarters, the nuclei, provided they do not fuse together, will further increase in mass and momentum at the expense of meteorites from outside of the exhausted interval. This means that one of the planets will now aggregate meteorites revolving nearer to the Sun, and accordingly, having smaller angular momenta in the mean, as compared to thi meteorites that will add to the other planet. As a result, the angular momentum per unit mass will gradually decrease in one planet, and increase in the other, and the difference between their orbital radii will grow correspondingly. This will continue until the planet is drawn into the region where it will have to compete with its neighbour from the other side, which will exert upon it an opposite influence. It, appears there- fore that, the planetary distances have been controlled by the mechanisin the planet growth from meteorites. A methematical treatment of the results of this control will be given in ? i. 3. Before we proceed to it we shall dwell on the fate of the planets initiat- ed in the neighbourhood of the Sun. In eapturing meteorites such a planet lied It) compete not only with its neighbour farther away from the Sun, but with the Sun itself. Certainly, it was itO match for the latter. The major part of lit" meteorites was bound to fall to the Sun and not to the planet on account 'if two factors. First, owing to perturbations, part of the meteorites iwly have assumed orbits with perihelion distant es shorter than the Sun's radius, and such meteorites were destined to fall to thl? Sun on the next revolution.Second: ly, the pressure of Sun light made the particles of matter gradually lose their orbital momentum (4) with the result that numbers of meteorites approa- ched the Sun in a spiral, and eventually fell upon it. The magnitude of ?this effect (time of approach) depends on the size of the partiele and its no rat diatance from the Sun. 668 Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80-00926A000200010071-2 ? Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80-00926A000200010071-2 It will be obvious that the influence of the two factors was particularly strong on meteorites revolving in the vicinity of the Sun. The fall of these meteorites, as will be shown elsewhere, is responsible for the rotation of the Sun on its axis. So in the region about it the Sun itself came in for by far the bigger share of the meteorites present and thus prevented their formation into bodies of respectable size. From the remains of the meteoric mass in the proximity to the Sun only small planets could arise, and the first planet whose mass corresponded to the total mass of the meteorites tevolving in its domain could only be formed at a distance from the Sun, where the influence of the above-mentioned factors was so weakened as not to affect the result materially. This is the reason why we have to-day two groups of planets: the so-called terrestrial planets, not very different from the Earth in size, and the major (distant) planets of much larger dimensions. 4. We are going now to derive a law of planetary distances from the theory. To begin with, let us consider the major planets, to wich we shall assign num- bers in order of distance from the Sun, putting n=0 for Jupiter. The total angular momentum of the system rests invariable, though indi- vidual meteorites may gain or lose momentum by mutual approach. Of course, small changes are more probable than great. At this juncture the law of dis- tribution of these probabilities is of no import to us, and it will suffice to assume that increase and decrease in angular momentum by the same amount are equally probable. We shall speak of domains of meteorites belonging to particular planets and of the boundaries between these domains as of definite notions. For an individual meteorite the chances are in favour of its being brought in the end on to that particular planet whose angular momentum per unit mass differs least from that which the meteorite had upon the formation of the meteoric swarm about the Sun. Together, all the meteorites whose angular momenta in this sense are nearest to the angular momentum of an n-th planet will be described as the ?domain of the n-th planet)). A meteorite which stands equal chances to fall to the n-th or to the (n 1)-th planet is said to be the boundary between the domains of these planets. As a matter of fact, all meteorites of a domain do not necessarily fall to the planet con- trolling this domain. Some may land on an alien planet. But as their own planet is also likely to capture some meteorites from foreign domains, there will be a tendency to equalize the balance, and we may assume, for the sake of simplification, that every planet will in time receive all the meteorites revolving in its domain, and no others. Neither shall we take account of the ( small angle that may possibly exist between different momentum vectors, so that they might be added arithmetically. No further simplification is required for the mathematical deduction of the law. Let an be the angular momentum per unit mass of the n-th planet and my, the total mass of the meteorites in the respective domain. The angular momen- tum of the meteorite revolving at the boundary between the domains n and n +1 will be denoted by uci.The mass of an individual meteorite will be expres- sed as a diferential dm, and its angular momentum per unit mass will be denoted by u. Then, in virtue of the law of conservation of angular momentum, we can write the following expression for the total angular momentum in the domain n U=UL uninn= u dm (1) By the definition of the boundary, the angular momentum tin' differs from u? just as much as from un,i, i. e. un +1 --:141. an' ? Un ? 669 Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80-00926A000200010071-2 Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80-00926A000200010071-2. or. ?u? u?... fin =-- The paper cited above (') contains a deduction of the relation P S + e a = - - 2 1?e which connects the semi-major axis of the orbit with its eccentri- city e for every meteorite captured by the Sun. For the meaning of the quantity p (the limit distance at which capture occurs) the reader is referred to that paper. Here it will suffice to mention that p may taken to be constant in the mean throughout the meteoric swarm. In the cited paper it was shown also that e in this formula can be used with+ as well as with and that all its values from ?1 to +1 are equall y probabl e. In virtue of the latter circumstance the mass of meteorites with e ranging from el to e2 is proportional to the magnitude of this interval. If the total mass of the swarm be denoted by in, we shall have Flt dm de (4) because the interval of variation of e from ?1 to +1 equals two. For any member of the system the angular momentum per unit mass is known to be k (1 ? et) (5) where M is the mass of the Sun, V is the constant of gravitation. Let us so select the units as to have k I. For an n-th planet moving in a circular orbit at a distance 11? from the Sun the angular momentum per unit mass is For the angular momentum a of a meteorite we have, by (3) and (5), the expression a (1 ? ei). 1-2 + e) (6) Denoting eccentricity of the boundary meteorite orbit by e'n we have respectively len --=-? 17.1;.- (1 + (7) Making use of the formulae (4) to (7), we can rewrite the equality (1) as follows P 711 linnin ? -y( de or, after integration, 11 n ? 1 -4- e:02 ? + e, -Os 2 On the other hand, by virtue of (4), i) From (8) and (9) follows 670 Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80-00926A000200010071-2 (8) (9) Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80-00926A000200010071-2 = 11/' 2 2 1. e. u1+ 43 2 (10) Hence using (2) in order to express Uj and u'n through the angular momenta of the planets, we get un = 2 un-1 + 1414.1 And as un for the planets, therefore + Rn+i 2 This equality can be written also in the form R?=17 (12) To put it into words: The difference between the square roots of their distances from the Sun is a constant for any pair of successive planets. This theorem involves the law of planetary distances, as derived from the author's theory. We can, in fact, denote irk, by' a, and the constant difference between the successive square roots by b, to obtain lifF7n=a+bn (13) which means that the square roots of the distances between the successive planets and the Sun form an arithmetical progression. This is precisely the author's law of planetary distances. We have derived it for the distant planets, i. e. for the region where the direct absorption of meteorites by the Sun, discussed in ?3, is a factor of minor importance. The following considerations will show, however, that it holds also for the nearer planets. In the course of time the Sun had absorbed the main mass of smaller particles from the region of the nearer planets, so that only those of relati- vely larger size remained, and their orbits were less sensitive to the influence of light pressure. Moreover, once the meteorites with the longest orbits had fallen to the Sun, the remaining orbits, being more circular, were also less liable to be affected by perturbations. Therefore the action of the two factors mentioned in ? 3 was growing weaker as time went on, and eventually the conditions were created for planets to form from the remains of meteoric matter in the regions lying nearer to the Sun. On this consideration we may expect the above theorem and the law of planetary distances, as expressed by formula (13), to hold for the nearer planets as well, though, of course, with modified coefficients a and b. 5. Let us compare our conclusions with the actual data (the values of R are given in astronomical units). l/Rn+i?iiRn ? ? ? 0.81 1.29 1.10 0.81 Jupiter Saturn TJranus Neptune Pluto 5.20 9.54 19.19 30.07 39.52 2.28 4k.09 4.38 5.48 6.29 671 Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80-00926A000200010071-2 Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80-00926A00020001007112 From the figures of the last row the square root differences appear to be not strictly constant. Yet they fluctuate within a rather narrow range about , a mean value equal to 1.00. We may look opon this coincidence as satisfactory, for the law only expresses I he average tendency in the action of millions of meteorite falls, the process which has not even come to an end as yet. We shall now compare the law j/ ii,, a + bn with actual data. For a we take I he actual value of the first planet of the series (Jupiter), and fur b the mean value of the differew es 1/Rn.1 -/R' i. e. 1.00. Table I Jupiter Saturn Uranus \Neptune 1 Pluto theoret. 2 28 :3.28 4.28 5.28 6.28 1(N actual 2.28 3.09 4.38 5.48 6.29 R thcoret 5.20 10.7t1 18.32 27.88 39.44 R actual . . ? 5.20 9.54 19.19 30.07 39.52 Depa rt are 0 5% -7% Here, in contrast to BodWs law, Neptune and Pluto comply with the gene- ral rule. Let. us turn to the nearer planets. For them the actual differences V R,- Vrin are 0.23 0.15 0.23 the mean value being 0.20. The actinil and theoreti, al figures are brought together in Table 2. Table 2 Mercury Venus Earth Mars 11R theoret. ? 0.62 0:82 1.02 1.22 fr.-R- actual 0.62 0.85 1.00 1.23 tbcoret 0.39 0.67 1.04 1.49 R act ua 1 _ 0.39 0.72 1.00 1.52 Departure 0 -i- 4% - 20/0 Insiitute of Theoretical Geophysics. Received Academy of Sciences of the USSR. 29. IV. 1946. REFERENCES C. F. We izsacke r. Z. f. Astinpliysik, 22 alt). 2 O. 3. Schmid t. C. R. Acad. Sci. URSS. XIX, No. 6 (1944). 3 0. J. Sc h in jilt,ibid., XLVI, No. 9 (19451. II. P. Robe r iso n. Mont. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 87. Nu. 6 (1937). ? 672 Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80-00926A000200010071-2 Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80-00926A0002Q00)10071-2 Comptes Rendus (Doklady) de l'Academie des Sciences de PlittSS 1946. Volume LH, Ne 8 PHYSIQUE ABSORPTION DES ONDES ULTRA-ACOU'STIQUES DAN ? LES 111.PLAN- GES ALCOOL llaTRYLIQUE?EAU ET ALCOOL killYLIQUE?EAU Par I. G. MIRHAILOV et S. B. GOUREVITCH (Presente par A. N. Terenin, de l' Academie, le 18. III. 1946) On salt quo dans certains m?nges bikaires liquides le coefficient d'absorp- tion des ondes ultra-acoustiques depend de la concentration et possede-un maximum bien exprime. Ce phenomene a ete trouve, par exemple, par Bazhulin et Merson dans le m?n- ge acetone?eau (1). 1-, ;0" Un des auteurs de la presente Note a trouve que l'absorption des ondes ultra-acoustiques croit pour certaines concentrations dans un 80 m?nge alcool ethylique?eau (2). Dans la presente Note nous don- 80 nons les resultats des mesures quart- z0 0 50 80 10 Concentra/en de !Woo& methyl/re dans l'eaa, % Fig. 1. 0 20 0 60 80 100 C'oncentratton Iiilcool dans Pew, % Fig. 2. titatives du coefficient d'absorption dans les m?nges alcool methylique? eau et alcool ethylique?eau*. * Lorsque ces mesures ont ? rminee s, nous avons appris de P. A. I3azhulin,rqu' apres la publication de no tre communiqu?2), des me sures analogues oat et?ffectuees:par J. M. Merson, Lombe sur le champ de bataille. Malheureuse molt, ces resulta Ls n'ont pas 6 te publi6s. 673 Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80-00926A000200010071-2 Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80-00926A000200010071-2- Lea mesures ont ete effectuies par tine rnethode mecanique. L'on obser- vait les deviations d'une ailette d'aluminium, qu'elle subissait sous l'action plc la pression sonore. Gelles-ci etaient inesurees au moyen d'un microscope avec un oculaire a micrometre. Bien quo retie methode soit simple, son uti- lisation doit etre suivic de ccrtaincs precautions a! in d'obtenir de resultats satisfaisants. Nous communiquons plus has des resultats qui sont encore pre- liminaires; actuellement nous effectuons l'experience destinee a augmenter I 'exactitude des mesures. Les result ats des mesures de afro pour les melanges indiques sont donnes dans to tableau et sur les fig. 1 et 2. us se rapportent a la frequence 12970 kHz eta la temperature 18'C. Le coefficient d'absorption a est calcule pour l'am- plitude en cncl. La concentration est volumetrique. On voit que les deux melanges possedent un maximum bien net qui est. fonction de la concentra- tibn. ? AlcoA methylique?elu ?..1 Alcool ethylique?eau P. C. volu-a m+Strique 400 P. C. volu- metrique a a, t. o . ? 0.046 27 8 19 0 0.046 27 8 19 39 . . 0.053 31 10.5 20.5 30 . . . 0.065 38 21 17 59 0 063 37 d2.0 25.0 31 0.085 50 24 26 69 0 073 43 13.5 29.5 0.150 88 26 62 74 . 0.076 45 :4 , 81.0 ' EC . . 0.173 102 27.5 74.5 79 0.078 46 15 81.0 71 . . 0.155 91 27 64 84 89 0 075 0 065 44 38 16 17 28 i 21 t't . . . . . . 0.124 . . . 0.105 .73 62 26 24 47 38 98 0 058 34 19 15 Dans le m?nge alcool triethylique?eau les deux composants possedent les coefficients d'absorption a peu pres egaux et le m?nge a un maximum d'absorption aux environs de 80 pour cent. Le coefficient d'absorption pour l'alcool ethylique est deux fois plus grand quo pour l'eau. Le maximum du melange a lieu pour la concentration 60 pour cent. Dans le tableau et sur les figures sont egalement donnees les valeurs calcu- lees par In formule de Stokes en tenant compte de la viscosite ordinaire. Si l'on tient encore compte de In viscosite volumetrique, l'equation de l'absorp- tion prend la forme a 2irs ( 4 a' _La' vs =w 3 7- -I- .+1 (en negligeant la correction de Kirchhoff stir l'absorption due a la conducti- bilite thermique). La difference des ordonniTs qv' et eh' per/net de calculer la part de l'ab- sorption ity/0 due a la viscosite volumetrique. On voit sur les fig. 1 et 2 quo le caractere de variation de l'absorption o'/V1 est determine par la variation de eh en fonction de la concentration. 11 on resulte quo in viscosite volumetrique joue un role principal dans l'absorp- lion des ondes ultra-acoustiques dans les m?nges indiques. Institut de physique de Man crit regu l'Universite de Leningrad. lo 25. II. 1946. bITTERATURE CITEE 1 P. A. Bazhulin et J. M. Me rso n, C. R. Acad. Sci. URSS, XXIV, No. 7 1939). 2 I. G. Mikhail ov , ibid., XXV, No. 2 (1940). 1374 Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80-00926A000200010071-2 Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80-00926A000200010071-2 Comptes Rendus (Doklady) de 'Academie des Sciences de FURSS 1946. Volume LII, Jsrs 8 PHYSIQUE THE OPTICAL AND PHOTOELECTRICAL PROPERTIES OF ANTIMONY-CAESIUM CATHODES By N. D. MODGULIS (Communicated by S. I. Vavilov, Member of the Academy, 8. I. 1946) One of the most interesting sets of questions connected with the problem ,of modern effective photoelectric cathodes-electron emitters which are known to be of a semi-conductor nature?is that of the conditions determining the absorption of light quanta by these emitters, the excitation of photoelectrons, and the kinetics of their subsequent motion towards the emitter surface. The present investigation is devoted to these probleins, the well-known antimony- ceasium, Sb ? Cs, photocathode being selected as the object of study. The expe- rimental results presented below areas yet of a preliminary character. Given a wedge-shaped cathode with a continuously varying thickness d, admitting both direct illumination1 i. e. ordinary illumination from the anode side of the photocell, and reverse illumination, i. e. from the outer side of the glass bulb covered with the Sb?Cs layer; let us assume that we have here a purely volume photoeffect, and that the absorption by the emitters of both light quanta and excited photoelectrons obeys the exponential law ng naoe- (1) where 11 and a are the absorption coefficients of the quanta and the photoelec- trons, respectively. Accepting this law for photoelectrons means, assuming that their absorption results from a single act of adhesion to the crystal lattice and not from the gradual loss of their energy. Thus, from. assumption (1) it is easy to show that the intensity of the photoelectronic current with direct illumination I, depends on the thickness of the photocathode d and the coefficients p. and a in the following way i. e. as d decreases, a maximum, limiting, On the other hand, reverse illumination I, ing dependence I, =-- A a) [1 ? e -(11+) d]. (2) the direct photocurrent I, gradually approaches value which (for d >>1/(p. + a) is equal to h1m= A (v. 0) (3) the intensity of the photoelectronic current with will, under the same conditions, show the follow- 12= A P. .-- re- crd e-t.t.d] (P 0) L (4) 675 Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80-00926A000200010071-2 Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80-00926A000200010071-2 t. e. the reverse photocurrent /2 will have its maximum /2?1 at a certain definite thickness of the layer equal to dm= 41' ?0) These formulae may be utilized for the solution of our problem, which is the determination of the values of p and a for various wave-lengths ). of the light irradiating the phot1cathode; whence we may 'determine the values of 1/1.1. and 1/a which characterize the thickness of the zone where the main absorption of the incident radiation occurs (1)?) and of the zone from It the excited photoelectrons emerge (1/). ln our study, for instance, the value of p was determined from (1) by measur- ing the absorption curve of light quanta at various thickness d; the value of a was then determined from (5) according to the position of the maximum reverse photoeurrent /2?,. In order to carry out, those measurements, special photocells were prepa- red. On their walls a layer of antimony in the shape of a long wedge tapering to a point was deposited by means of evaporation from a sphere made of the metal concerned. This layer was then completely exposed to caesium vapour until an antimony-caesium layer was obtained having normal photo-electro- nic sensitivity throughout its surface. Contact with the Sb?Cs photolayer was obtained by means of two platinized strips placed parallel to the Sb?Cs wedge on either side. In this manner we obviated the distorting effect of the longitudinal resistance of the Sb?Cs layer. Since the source of the anti- mony was a small sphere, the subsequent distribution of the thickness of the antimony layer along our wedge and, accordingly, the distribution of the thickness of the Sb? Cs layer (making the natural assumption that the distension of the antimony layer under caesium vapour treatment is uniform) may be expressed, as can be readily shown, in the following form d, (6) 4 ?cep II+ war ris It +(r/a)93/2 The value of the constant d? may be determined for the Sb?Cs layer by employing some other independent methods. The author, for instance, uti- lized the fact, established for the first time in our laboratory by P. G. Bor- zyak, that the ordinary interference picture may be observed in thin Sb?Cs layers. In our case, on observing this picture in reflected monochromatic light, in the direction of the rise in the value of d from its smallest values, we first see the continuous bright edge of the wedge, passing subsequently into the ordinary sequence of dark and bright interference bands. Hence, it fol- lows that the index of refraction n of the Sb?Cs layer lies within limits of n.> n> 1 where no is the index of refraction of glass, for reflection from the anterior and posterior surfaces of the Sb?Cs layer occurs here with similar phase; since in our case n0 1.52, we assume n 1.4. Hence the thickness of the Sb?Cs layer dk in the position of the. k-th dark interference band is * = (2k ?1) 1;171 where k 1, 2, 3,... (7) Our chief measurements included the determination of the distribution of the optical transparency D, the direct I, and the reverse I, photocurrents along our wedge-shaped Sb--Cs cathode with various wave-lengths of the incident monochromatic radiation X-- 630, 560, 490 and 420 nip obtained by Means of a Leiss monochromator. The relative intensity of the investigat- ? (5) * The questions of the precise determination of the value of n and of the effect of the absorption by the Sb?Cs layer on the position of the interference bands, are deferred for the present. 676 Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80-00926A000200010071-2 Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80-00926A000200010071-2 ed radiation in measurements of the transparency of Sb?Cs layer was deter- mined by means of a blocking-layer sulphur-silver photocell for X =630 and 560 m, and by means of a vacuum Sb?Cs photocell for ?=490 and 420 mp.. The preliminary results of the measurements of the values D, I, and obtained in this manner, for our lamp No. 3, for example, are presented in ? JD ISO ay' hee 242 88 41.8 50 Fig. 1. Fig. 2. Fig. 3. Fig. 4. Figs. 1, 2, 3, and 4 for four wave-lengths X. The results of computations of formulae (11) and (5) using these measurements are presented in the table. 1, mil ll, c111-1 lip., cm dm, .A. a, cm-i. Va, cm 630 8.4 ? 105 1.2 ? 10-5 1100 1.0 ? 105 1.0 ? 10-5 560 1.5 ? 105 6.7 ? 10-5 740 1.5 ? 105 6.7 ? 10-5 490 2.7 ? 105 3.7 ? 10-5 350 3.1 ? 105 3.2 ? 10-8 420 4.1 ? 105 2.4 ? 10-5 250 4.2 ? 105 2.4 ? 10-5 A study of these data leads to the following conclusions. I. The relative slope of the curves of transparency and, consequently, the value of the coefficient of absorption v., as well as the mean opaque zone of the cathode, increase with a decrease in the wave-length X. 677 Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80-00926A000200010071-2 Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80-00926A000200010071!2 2. In Fig. 1 with X=630 ma. we observe at x =12.5 the appearance of some local maximum, which vanishes for other wave-lengths. This shows that this phenomenon can hardly be attributed to any optical or structural properties of our Sb?Cs film at the given place. In the same figure, the line shows the position of the first dark interference band. 3. The direct photocurrent Ii, contrary to expectation, does not always yield a monotonous change with a variation in the value of d; with increase in X and, especially, at X =630 nip. an anomalous character for the changes in the value of I, is observed, the reasons for which are not yet clear. It is interesting to note that, fol undiscovered reason, this anomaly of the direct photocurrent seems to parallel the anomaly of the optical transparency mentioned above. 4. In complete agreement, with expectation, the reverse photocurrent behaves perfectly normally at all wave-lengths X and passes through a maxi- mum at the values of dm given in the table. These values of dm diminish with a decrease in the wave-length of radiation. 5. With a decrease in the value of d the values of both photocurrents I, and I, approach?as follows from (2) and (4)?the same values, which is evi- dence of the fact that here dl/1. and d 1000. Le detachement des tourbillons de la surface cylindrique a lieu pour He 30-50. Il est tout naturel que le caractere du mouvement influe sur la transmission de la chaleur du cylindre au courant. Il est evident quo la transmission de la chaleur dans la partie frontale du cylindre doit satisfaire dans les conditions normales (jusqu'a Re 100 000) requation correspondant a une couche frontiere laminaire, comme cello de Kroujiline (4), par exemple. Al in de l'appliquer pour les buts pratiques ii I aut savoir la variation de 8 en fonction de x. 1 Pour le cylindre et un courant isothermique, Pohlhausen a obtenu les donnees (7) pour 8 le long du contour du cylindre d= 9.75 cm, qui a ete etudie experimentalement par Himentz pour wo =19 cm/sec et Re 185O0. En uti- lisant cos resultats nous pouvons obtenir les courbes theoriques de l'intensite de l'echange de chaleur de la partie frontale du cylindre. Les courbes calculees de cette f acon sont presentees sur la fig. 1 pour les valeurs differentes de Re; de memo on y a donne le changement de Bx suivant le contour du cylindre dans 1' equation Nu =Bx ? Re?.5 (1) 679 Approved -For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80-00926A000200010071-2 Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80-00926A000200010071-2,. On volt que ia coincidence des courbes theoriques avec rexperience sur la fig. 1 est plus clue satisfaisante. Apres Piritegration on obtient pour la partie frontale du cylindre requation ? Nu=0.8 ? ile? 5 (2) Lorsque rangle d'attaque du courant change, Pequation (2) changera de meme car la forme du contour longe par le courant sera modifiee. On peut approximativement* tenir compte de ce changement par le changement Fig. 1. La variation de I 'inte risiti de la transmission de la chateur sui van t in contour du cyl I mire . Les courbesen I ignes continues sont trades traprCs I 'equation theorique de Kroujiline hes oflflt5 e xpkri me ntales: ? K roujillne et Schwab. = 67 200; 2 -- uines auteurs, Re = 52 300; 3.? memes aute ors. Re = 32 600; 4 ? me me8 auteurs. He=21 000: Re = 1 0 000: 6?Joukorsky, KirCev et Cala witeev, Re= 4 000; 7?mme s a ute urs,* Re= 2000. respectif de 14 grandeur caracteristique. Sur la fig. 2 nous drinnons la courbe theorique correspondante, ainsi que les resultats respectifs de Pexperience. Mais quel est alors In caractere de la transmission de la chaleur de la opoupe,? du cylindre dims les conditions de formation des tourbillons? Le domaine du detachernent progressif du courant de la surface du cylindre jusqu 'an moment de formation ditin ,oiiple de tourbillons depend de la di- nut ion de Nu par rapport a sa valour donnee par (2), par suite de rexchision (rune partie de la surface du cylindre de In zone de transmission active de la hale r. A partir de Re 30-50 jusqu 'a Re-., 5000-10000 s'etablit tine relatiton plus an moms unnst ant e entre la panic, frontale pour cent de In surface cylindrique totale) et la opoupe,) (......r15 pour cent de la surface). L'equa- t ion (2) donne la definition de Pintensite dii proressus pour la partie frontale. Le mouvement do courant pre% de In spoupe)) avec des tourbillons mitres)) a lieu avec la vitesse constante suivant le contour du cylindre. Pour vela, en vas oil le couple de iourbillons enveloppe toute la surface (55 pour cent), On petit, probahlement avec line exactitude suffisante, utiliser pour ceite partie du cylindre Pequation do la transmission de la chaleur d 'une plaque on regime larninaire. Or, 1 'etude des photographies de mouvement du * Pour Ia resolution l'xacte du probR!me ii Nut tenir compte dii ehangement du arartkr14 du courant, ear griice a ce,1 le .nouveau profit. n'est plus eylindrique. Cela a unc importanvii surtout pour les petits angles d'attaque, lorsquelc courant rencontrant trans- inept un scut eyfirulre passe en courant lougeant une oplaque,Y. (i80 Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80-00926A000200010071-2 * Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80-00926A000200010071-2 courant mOntre, que l'on a en outro du_ couple principal de tourbillons, des tourbillons supplementaires, situ& entre ceux-ci et le point de leur de- tachement. Ce phenomene no pas de determiner la valeur theorique exacte du coefficient pour Re dans Pequation generale de Pechange de la chaleur du cylindre avec un courant gazeux. Mais la forme de I 'equation cor- respond a (2) Nu. = 0.8 ? 0.45110-5+ b ? 0.55 110.5= a lle?.5 (3) La valeur de b et aussi de a peut etre determinee, si Pon sait celle de Nu pour une seule valeur de Re. La courbe de la fig. 3 nous donne pour Re= DOtle la transmission de la chaleur du cylindre pour Re de Nap Nam. to 0.78 050 025 80 80 70 60 50 0 80 20 70 Fig. 2. La variation de I 'lntensile de la transmission de la chaleur par un cylindre en function de I 'angle d'attaque:. I?les exp6riences de Lok.chine et Ornatsky; 2?celles de Sineinikov et Tchachikhine; 3?celles de Forne m; 4--la courbe the? rique 50 ?-40000 (fig. 3) montre quo la coincidence obtenue avec l'experience est suffisamment bonne. Pour le domaine de Re-10 000-100000, presentant le plus grand inte- rot au point de vue pratique, lorsque le courant se meut suivant la ?poupe? du cylindre avec des tourbillons developpes, l'equation de la transmission de la chaleur pent etre obtenue de la f non analogue a. cello de (3). Dans cc but il suffit de determiner Pequation relative a la ?poupe? du cylindre pour les conditions definies. Tant comme dans le c,as des tourbillons ?laminaires?, la transmission de la chaleur de la ?poupe? en cas des tourbillons developpes sera decrite par Pequation relative 'au courant gazeux longeant une plaque avec une couche frontiere turbulente. Comme nous avons etabli (8), cette equation* alaforme suivante: Nu 0 .022114" (4) Par consequent, Pequation de la transmission de la chaleur d'un cylindre situ.e dans un courant transversal pour le domaine Re =10 000-100 MO se presentera sous in forme Nu = 0.8 ? 0.45 Re?.54- Re 0.82 (5) * Pour une plaque on obtient une approximation plus grande (apres integration) Nu 026 ftex??82. 3 C. 11. Acpct. Sc!. ut-AsS, 1946, v. LII, Ari S. 681 Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80-00926A000200010071-2 Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80-00926A000200010071-2 .determination theurique dee, de menu' quo do h dans Pequation (3), presente un problem(' independant et suffisaminent taimplexe par lui memo. Dans notre eas c est Millie par la valour eonnue de Nu (pour Re donne). Alors l'equation (5) s 'eerit Nu = 0.3; Re" 0.070 11(0.82 (I3) Cate equation est. precisement :retie de la transmission de la rhaleur a 'no 4. yli mire dans le doinaine Re ?10 000-100 000. Dans le domaine dit 4slibcritipie*, oil a lieu la turbulence de la couche frontiere de la partie frontale du tylindre, Pequation -no rontiendra qu'un Zis ???., I I Depres reifeetyen de Pea ezn- Nu'll5a744549/letiss 1.L 15 13 (0 ? inpres 1'4i/ellen ore l'azzL'ea = 0.15Re5 0007Reov ?0 43"- 45 0 20 25 lia=0,36Red".1141feas JO .75 45 1.0 , .L5 fle transmission de la chaleur par one parcellesphe- cigoi e et cube: 1?les experiences de Liakhovsky avec des boules fixes *racier d=2.43-14.8'. mm; 2?cellos do Liakhovsky aver des cubes fixes Wader d=6.15 mm; 3--celles de Loytiansky et Schwab avec ono boule d=70 et r0 mm; I -miles de Vyrou- boffavecuneboule.l.a transmission de la chaleur par un cyIin- dre dans an courant gazeux transversal: 5?les experiences ole !taped avec des tubes normaux; 6?cellos WEigenson. meme cas. soul membre avec Re a la puissiince-...0.82. L'equation de la transmission de la rhaleur par uno sphere a nue forme pareille: Nu = 0.50 + 0.09 Re"! (7) Sur la fig. 3 est donnee la comparaison des resultats quo nous avons otite- nus au moyen des equations deduites, avec ceux de l'experience. Manuscrit reca le 271. III. 1941. 1,1T1IRATtlItE (1TEE ' B. M. A itr y 1,CHH :I. C. F o :1 a 'le ii I u. TCH;1001.3.11.1a H COLMOTH.B.ICIHIC Kon- eerrrintioux uonepXuur100 itarpena. 1938. M. B. I; up to e H. M. A. 141 nxeen .1. C. 11 react) 19'10_ 3 A. C n e 1, o a Fl A. a H - XXII, )K11'(1). 11. 9-1 0 (1941):A. II. 0 p aTctsn. II, Con. noraar4p15ocrpoettue, 94o). ' r. H. 1; p y H n it, ;ETU). VI, 3 (193G). 6 A. A. Fyi a it. tt,nureo- elate ?coma,/ yelmonelpc;mom, 19::4. Modern Development in Fluid Dynamics, Oxford, 1938. H. I'. X all a of ot, llorpaton'tomill caott, 1 936. " Z. h u kita ito v, C. R. Acad. Sci. URSS, X LV111. No. 2 (194). 682 Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80-00926A000200010071-2 Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80-00926A000200010071-2 Comptes Rendus (Doklady) de l'Academie des Sciences de l'URSS 1946. Volume LH, .N12 8 PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY ON THE BURNING OF ASH COAL. II By V. I. BIANOV (Communicated by N. P. Chlzhevsky, Member of the Academy, II. II. 190) 1. The rate of burning of ash coal depends essentially on temperature. It is important therefore to establish what temperature a burning coal will have under given conditions, and how it will change as the process of combus- tion develops. These problems are discussed in the present paper. The distribution of temperature is assumed to be steady at every parti- cular instant, and it is also supposed that the coal, when burnt out, leaves a layer of ash, at the boundary of which the combustion takes place and through which heat is transferred by conduction. The delivery of heat from the coal is supposed to obey Newton's law. There will be deduced the relations determining the temperature in the zone of burning for a wall, a cylinder and a sphere. 2. A wall of ash coal is taken to be bounded by parallel planes. In its middle lies the origin of coordinates, the x-axis being directed perpendicular to the planes bounding the wall. Denote the total thickness of the wall and the thickness of its unburnt part by 2d and 2C, respectively; the absolute temperature iii the zone of burning, at the external surface of the wall and in the surrounding gas medium, by T,, T01 and To; the termal conductivity of the ash layer by X; the heat conductance by a; the specific rate of combustion by ks; the thermal effect of the reaction by q. The temperature distribution in the ash layer should satisfy the differential equation PT dx2 under the boundary conditions dT ? (-df) x=d= (11 ?T 0) From equation (1) and condition (2) follows 5:0 (7' ??T 0) where 1 kco = 1+ + A (1 ? C.) ad1:d NU? ?A ' ? d' k = k .e-- "IR 1., , A = Here k :is a constant of the rate of reaction between coal and oxygen; E is activation energy; R is the universal gas constant; ad is a coeffi- cient characterizing the rate of outward diffusion and analogous to heat 3* 683 Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80-00926A000200010071-2 Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80-00926A000200010071-2' conductance in Newton's law; 1.) is the coefficient of oxygen diffusion through the ash layer; and c, is the concentration of oxygen in the gas medium surrounding the wall. The ratio defining k? is taken from an earlier work ('). It is from equation (3) that we can determine the temperature at which combustion will take place in a wall of ash coal at a steady state. 3. Let us now consider an ash coal cylinder of radius r?,. The radius of the unburnt part of the cylinder will be denoted by r,. In this case the computations lead to a relationship identical with formula (3) except that DONV Iteo 20.= (1 Nu in) - I.', 1. Relation (3) is also true [Or a sphere, but here we have CL0 ?k ; 1 - Null (5) (6) the quantities Nu, A and E are determined in the same way as in the case of a cylinder. 5. Equation (3) may as well be solved by the graphical method formerly used by the author (2)? On the i-axis of a rectangular system of coordinates we lay off T.., and on the y-axis, 7,-= qk, ,-..=1,(T.,?T.) (Fig. 1). The abscissae of the intersection points of the curves thus plotted will give the values of the tempe- rature Ilia becomes established under the gi- ven conditions. According to the conditions under which the process goes on, the curves z1 and intersect at one or at three points. In the former case one definite state of combustion is possible; in the latter, three states, cor- responding to three values of the temperature, 0. and 0,. At 7',?=-0, the process is slow and stable (oxidation), at T..:=0 it is stable and proceeds rapidly (burning). But. at the process Fig. I. will not, he stable. If in fact the temperature has risen above 8,, the balance of heat is positive, more heat being received than lost, and the temperature in the burning zone will increase until it reaches the point 0, when the coal bursts into flame. On the other band, if the temperature remains below 0,, the balance of heat is negative, and the temperature will decrease down to 0,, at, which point the proc_ess of combustion dies out. Therefore 0, is the minimum temperature to which under given conditions the coal must be heated up in order to start burning. In other words, 0, is the inflammation temperature of the coal. 6. As the zone of reaction shifts, :7, and z, do not remain invariable, and accordingly the values 0? 6, and 0, vary also. The portion of z, corresponding to lower temperatures will not be affected by the variation of E. In the case of a burning wall the upper portion of the curve declines continuously as the burning zone moves, while in the case of a sphere or cylinder it either goes Up all the time, or down at first to rise later in aucordance with the ratio of H to A. 6811 Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80-00926A000200010071-2 Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80-00926A000200010071-2 The curve z, will not change in shape, hut the angie y between z,-and the ac-,axis will decrease continuously with in the case of a wail, while it Will either grow all along or decrease at first and increase later in the case of a sphere- -or cylinder. - If z, and z, intersect at three points, 0.3 will decrease with 7 and approach Under certain conditions 0, will coincide with 0,, and the coal in the process of oxidation will, burst into flame spontaneously. 67 Mil With' increasing y.the value of -02 grows towards 0'3, and, if the conditions are suitable, will coincide with it. If the coal is burning, it will now cease to do so. If at the outset only a slow process is possible?oxidation, and afterwards of reaction shifts, the curves z1 and z, come to intersect at three 'points,, then no burning will take place unless there is a layer Of ash of ad- equate thickness. If only stable burning is possible at the outset, and afterwards the curves zi and -; will intersect at three points, then in the presence of an ash layer of sufficient thickness a decrease in the temperature of the burning obje(.t will eventually bring the burning process to an end. Using this graphical -method one can also establish how the process is influenced by the conditions under which it proceeds. 7.- More definite data on the variation of 4,, D2 and 0?3 in a coal sphere, under certain conditions, as the zone of burning shifts, are given in Figs. 2 and 3, where AT? 41-13, 42?T0 and i13 --To are plotted. against The plotting has been made on the assumption that 7, and ad are infinitely great, koco is put at 5.74.'104 (for the air), E=,35 500, and X and D are taken to be equal to the respective values for the air. The curve in Fig. 2 is for a sphere of radius r0 =1 Nil, burning in the air whose temperature is 400 and 480 ?C. The results obtained for a sphere of unit radius are shown. in Fig. 3. The temperature of the air in this case is put 685 Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80-00926A000200010071-2 Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80-00926A000200010071-2 at iSO'C, and the concentration of oxygen in the gas medium at 21, 10.5 and 5.25 per cent. S. It. has been shown above that on self-inflammation of the coal the curves z, and z, toueli at the point 8, ?A,. On the basis of this statement one Fig- :t. may easily show, following the method applied by Semenov (3), that the self-inflammation temperature should satisfy the approximate relation qic?co-Eltri = -E- R.evived ti. It. 19firt. REFEkENCEs ' V. I. B1ino v. C. R. Acad. Sci. tHISS, Lit, Nu. 1, (1946). B. H. B a it an Tp. Bopon. roc. yo--ri. XI, 41.?tt. ova., 11. 3 (1939. 3 H. H. Ce H o H, 1teuutk peitit - mum, 1934, op. 116.- 121. 6St; Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80-00926A000200010071-2 ? Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80-00926A000200010071-2 Comptes Rendus (Doklady) de l'Academie des Sciences de l'URSS 1946. Volume LII, N2 8 PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY AN ELECTRON MICROSCOPIC STUDY OF THE AGEING OF SMOKE DEPOSITS By S. Z. tOGINSKY, Corresponding Member of the Academy, A. B. SHEKB TER and S. V. SAKHAROVA The possibility of directly observing the location and statistical distri- bution of the dimensions of submicroscopic particles in the electron micro- scope has made it possible in principle to observe the variety of changes in structure that are classed under the conventional terms of (ageing)) and ((re- -crystallization)). As an object of investigation we selected the smoke deposits described elsewhere ("-). From the viewpoint of the problem stated above these smoke deposits possess two essential advantages: 1.) they are incompact to such an extent as to show predominance of isolated particles, that are in no contact with other particles but at a few separate points; 2) because of the absence of a supporting film these preparations can be subjected to considerable heating. The main observations were carried out on smoke deposits of gold and silver. In performing the experiments we availed ourselves of the possibility by repeatedly placing the specimen holder into the apparatus to return to the same field of vision, properly chosen and containing the characteristic structural formations. The following procedure was adopted: first, we took photographs of the fresh deposit, then the holder with the mounted preparation was taken out of the apparatus and held at a definite temperature for a certain. period. After that the holder was again placed inside the apparatus and more photographs were taken.. Not in a single case did we succeed to detect any change in the deposit upon keeping it exposed at room temperature. In several cases the preparations were kept in the mounted state for more than a month. When the temperature was raised, each preparation was found to possess a region of its own, in which the .deposit began to undergo an appreciable change. The changes observed in this case were of a varied nature. In the case of a smoke deposit of gold (Figs. I and 2), it could be seen that during the early stages of ageing there was a differentiation of particles according to dimensions: the number of biggest and smallest particles increased,, and the distribution according to dimensions expanded, the middle part undergoing a decrease. The initial spherical shape of the particles was retained. This phenomenon should be taken as a matter of course, being just another example of big particles devouring the small because of the difference in surf ace energy. This takes place at temperatures excluding the possibility :of either evaporation or. fusion. 687 Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80-00926A000200010071-2 Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80-00926A000200010071-2 Thp nutt,7 possible rio,hanaccoloilt iig for the redistribution of mat(,tho -Wilmer lateral diffusion, the inionsily of which must tie g. d,posil of !.401d.:..--;:H!"? Smoke deposi giold al ter ti nig for 211? hours. I ityposi or hotirs. Smoke deposit. 01 sit vol.. x19 sil ver Ill inutes. ote?tderable. triattor h tfte iiir ii hown in Fig. I reprosenis stretc.bed chain, such a change in disoersity is inevitably acconinarticd by horwitthiiiia strain. Tho piW?til!st he Hifi,. r ;t set t ling of the whole !lain SL4 Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80-00926A000200010071-2 Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80-00926AQ00200010071-2 which becomes shorter (as was actually tile case, and is shown in fig. or its break-up into separate links which are drawn together into more compact aggregates. Fig. 3 shows a ease of more advanced ageing. in this case the greater part of the material has collected into large grains. Heated smoke.deposits of silver (Figs. 4 and 5) exhibit a more pronounced similarity with the crystal state. It was noted that silver ages easier than gold. On the contrary, smoke deposits of -zinc oxide and magnesium oxide with- stand much higher temperatures without undergoing any change. In these cases, apparently, Tammann's rule is observed in general, i. e. for the solid bodies of the same type the temperature, at which recrystalliza- tion begins, increases with the temperature of fusion, and is much higher for ionic lattices than for the metals. Section of Catalysis and Topochemistry. Received Institute of Physical Chemistry. 18. II. 1946. Academy of Sciences of the USSR. REFERENCES 1 A. Schechter, S. Roginskyand S. Sakbarova, Bull. Acad. Sci., URSS, ser. china., No. 4 (.1946); A. Schechte r, S. Roginsky and S. Sakh a- r o v a, Acta Phys. Chim.. URSS, No. 8 (1946). (;89 Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80-00926A000200010071-2 Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80-00926A000200010071-2 Comptes Rendus (Doklady) de l'Academie des Sciences de PULS DIG. Volume LII, NI 8 PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CATHODIC PROCESSES IN METALLIC CORROSION By N. b. TOMASHOV (Communicated by A. N. Framhin, Member of the Academy, 2. II. 19,16) An analysis of practical cases of corrosion leads to the conclusion that in. most cases the cathodic process is the chief limiting (or controlling) factor iit'eorrosion. Thus, a change in the rate of corrosion is usually associated with the kinetics of the cathodic process (except in cases of appreciably pas- sivating corrosive systems). The importance of studying the kinetics of cathodic corrosion processes has already been emphasized by a- number of authors (1'). The usual cathodic processes in practical cases of corrosion are either the assimilation of an electron as a result of the ionization of the oxygen dissolved in the electrolyte with the subsequent formation of OH' ions (oxygen depola- rization), or as a result .of the discharge of the hydrogen ion with the subsequent evolution of the gaseous hydrogen (hydrogen depolarization). In so far as the experimental investigation of cathodic processes usually involves the construction and analysis of polarization curves, it is expedient to give a graphic interpretation of the regularities observed in cathodic processes. The figure shows such theoretical polarization curves, plotted by us on the basis of analytically established relations between the potential of the -cathode and the change in the density of the polarizing current for different conditions of operations (6). Curve ABCshowing the overvoltage of oxygen ioniz atio n depicts the variation of the cathode potential with the current density, unless there is concentration polarization. In that case the overvoltage ? of oxygen ionization (4 i. e. the negative shift of the potential as compared to the equilibrium oxygen potential in the same solution, will be connected with the density of the polarizing current (I) by a logarithmic relation analogous to Tafel's formula for the overvoltage of hydrogen. (6-8) * 0.=--a+b lg (1) where a is a constant depending upon the nature of the cathode and depolariz- er and b is a constant determined by' the mechanism of the depolarization process. The coefficient a in our case is taken equal to one volt, this being close to the experimental values of a which we obtained for a copper cathode. Coefficient b is given its theoretical value, equal?like the overvoltage of hydrogen?to 0.117 (for 20?C) (6). Curve_ ADBN showing. concentration polariza- tion, i. e. the curve depicting the change in the cathode potential depending * With the exception of very small curre I. densities (when the cathode potential shifts 30-50 mV from equilibrium), in which case we shall have a linear dependence (7, .8)? 691. Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80-00926A000200010071-2 Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80-00926A000200010071-2 only upon concentration polarization in the total absence of the overvoltage of oxygen ionization, is determined by formula RT ( = In . 1-7; ) (.2) where 4 is the departure of the potential from concentration polarization (the decrease of the oxygen concentration at the cathode due to the limited rate of its transportation). lirre the term RT/ tir is analogous to the similar term in the Nernst formula for calenlating potentials; n = 4 is the number of electrons assimilated by imp rtio1ei ide of oxygen; I is the density of the cathode current when it becomes steady; and Id the limiting current, i. e. the current density under the maximilin rate of oxygen diffusion possible in this case. Like the curve showing the overvolt age of oxygen ionization, the concentr- ation polarization curve takes its origin at the point of the oxygen's equili- Theoretical curves of cathodic polarization. brium potential, but, has an opposite curvet tire. In distinction to the first curve, the growth of the current density in this case cannot exceed a certain limiting value, namely the value of the maximum diffusion current /4. The value of /d is determined by the conditions of the experiment, and to plot this curve /d has been taken in accordance with its values obtained in expe- riments ("), viz. 1.75 ruAtetni. The oxygen polarization curve APFSN was obtained under such conditions of the -Abode's operation, under which the overvolt- age of oxygen ionization was accompanied by concentration polarization (the rate of oxygen transportation was limited). A.-cording to our analysis, in this case the dependence of the potential 's negative shift f)d upon the density of the polarizing current / will 1* determined by the following expression: a+big/?blg(1? -I----) (3) /,? where a auth b are the above-mentioned constants, and /4 is the limiting diffusion current:, For small polarization currents (appreciably smaller I him the limiting diffusion current.) this curve will be near to the overvoltage curve for Oxygen ionization. For polarization currents approaching the value of the limiting diffusion current, the curve of oxygen polarization will be dose to the curve of concentration polarization. An ?increase in the negative potential due to concentration polarization (hiring cathodic polarization cannot continue indefinitely. As soon as the 192 Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80-00926A000200010071-2 Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80-00926A000200010071-2 Characteristic Points and Sections of Cathodic Polarization Curve in Metallic Corrosion Desig- nation ofjpoin or sec- tion Characteristic features of given point or section Location of points on cathodic polarization curve A- P A--F A- Q P Q Q?G 1. The Maximum rate of the reaction of cathodic depolarization is equal to the limiting diffusion rate of the depolarizer to the cathode 2. The concentration of the depolarizer on the surface of the cathode is equal to one half of its concentration in the midst of the solution 3. The resistance to the cathodic reac- tion is equal to the resistance to the pro- cess of oxygen diffusion, i. e. the cathodic process is controlled by the rate of the diffusion of the depolarizer instead of by the rate of the reaction The process of hydrogen ion discharge begins (the beginning of hydrogen de- polarization) 1. The limiting diffusion current, i. e. the current determined by the maximum possible rate of diffusion of the depolariz- er under these conditions 2. The concentration of the depolarizer at the surface of the cathode is equal to zero The rate of oxygen depolarization is equal to -the rate of hydrogen depolariza- tion Section in which cathodic process is chiefly controlled by the rate of the cathod- ic reaction of oxygen ionization Section in which cathodic process is completely controlled by oxygen depolariz- ation Section in which the cathodic process is chiefly controlled by oxygen depolariz- ation Section in which the cathodic process is chiefly controlled by the diffusion of oxygen to the cathode Section in which the cathodic process is chiefly controlled by the evolution of hydrogen (overvoltage of hydrogen) The current density is equal to one half of the limiting current of diffusion. The point potential is equal to the po- tential of the curve of the over- voltage of oxygen ionization for a current densi ty equal to the limiting diffusion current At an equilibrium potential of the hydrogen electrode in the given solution At a current density at which the polarization curve be- comes vertical, or, approxima- tely, at the point of the se- cond inflection of the cathodic polarization curve At the potential at which the curves of oxygen polariza- tion and hydrogen polariza- tion intersect. At a current density approximately double that of the limiting diffusion current ? 693 Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80-00926A000200010071-2 Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80-00926A00000010071-2 potential of any new process is reached (in practice this is usually the dis- charge of hydrogen ions), the further dependence of the cathode potential upon the density of the polarizing current will be chiefly determined by this um process. If in accordance with the well-known logarithmie relation for the hydro- gen overvoltage, VW represent by curve KL. N .11 (see figure) the variaton of the electrode potential with the current density for the process of hydrogen evolution (hydrogen polarization curve)*,. PF,SvC will be the general curve, which for short may be called the curve of oxygen-hydrogen polarization. This ourve may be plotted by a simple summation of curves A PFSN and KLNJI along the x-axis. The numerous experimental curves of 1.,nthodie polarization obtained by he author for various cathode materials are in good agreement (making allowance for a few well founded departures observed) with the calculated curve of cathodic polarization A PFS'QG Our analysis of the cathodic curve of oxygen-hydrogen polarization (') permitted us to define a number of characteristic points and se- ctions of this curve (see table). Such an examination of polarization curves is of considerable practical interest. Indeed, if we know the potential of the cathode in the process of corrosion (for small ohmic resistances it is equal to the potential of the corroding metal), we nifty?on the basis of the curve of cathodic polarization for the given corrosion process?fully charaeterize the cathodic process: determine the relation between hydrogen and oxygen depolarization, the relative value of overvoltage of oxygen ionization and the limiting diffusion current. This is achieved by simple examination of the location of the point representing the cathodic potential during corrosion on the cathodic pola- rization curve, according to data given in the table. In the case where the corrosion process is controlled chiefly by the cathodic process, such a cha- racteristic of the cathodic process is, generally speaking, a characteristic of the corrosion process as a whole. The possibilities offered by the use of polarization curves and their construction from experimental data have been discussed elsewhere in greater detail (1,9). laboratory of Corrosion of Alloys. Received Institute of Physical Chemistry. 12. II. 1o4c, Academy of Sciences of the USSR. REF , :Nt:ES ' E., Evans. li Ji.aiiiiister and S. Britton. Proc.. Hoy. SOc. (A). 131, .:155 (19n). 2 T. P. Uo a r, Trans. Electroch. Soc., 76, 157 (1934 3 T. P. II o a r, Proc. Hoy. Soc. (A), 142, 628 (1933). F. 13. Anum0 B. Tp. 56 (1938). '? A. II. (P p y Mit II a. Tp. 2-fl notoliep. ho itoppoasit mezaonon aim AU CCCP, 104o, crp. ? H 'I' o m a tile in. ;tom.. Anecepraunn, 1942. MXTII IIM. Ntemeaeena. 7 M. V 0 I - me r Z phys. Cheni., (A), 166, SO (1933). % I r u in k i n, ibid., 160, 116 (1932); 164, 131 (1933); Acta Phys. Chins. CHB'S, 7. 475 (1937). II. D. To masho C. Et. Acad. Sd. MISS, XXX, No. 7 (1941); 611, No. 7 (1947;). Concentration polarization is nid of great importance in the process of hydrogen evolution, as the hydrogen forma(' on the surfa( e of the cathode -in case where it is nut immediately removed?may be evolved in the form of gas bubbles without any difficulty. Thus, the curve of polarization occurring at the expe use of the discharge of hydrogen ion's (the curve of the overvoltage of hydrogen evolution, may in the first approximation be identified with the curve of hydrogen polarization. 694 Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80-00926A000200010071-2 Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80-00926A000200010071-2 Comptes Rendus (Doklady) de l'Acadinnie des Sciences de FUNS 1946. Volume LII, Jill. 8 GEOLOGY CliANGES IN THE MODE OF SEDIMENTATION IN THE CASPIAN SEA WITHIN HISTORICAL TIME By S. W. BRUJEWICZ (Communicated by P. P. Shirshov, Member of the Academy, 24. IX. 1945) While studying the chemical composition of bottom sediments of the Caspian Sea, the author took and examined in the course of 1935-1940 core-samples at 25 stations. The variations along the vertical of the bottom deposits studied give a picture of the general changes in the physical geogra- phical conditions of the sea. Bringing out a number of regional characters, the vertical run of variation in the components of the Caspian sediments points at the same time to the following alterations, which are of rather general nature. At several stations of the North Caspian, viz. at those of the Tiub-K aragan gulf l'x 81, l'x 83,. l'x 85, l'x 92, at the Lbishchenski shoaly slope (St. 19) is recorded a reducti- on in the content of carbonates in the upper horizons, which is especially con- spicuous in the Tiub-Karagan gulf. This should be taken to mean that the supply of aeolian material from the land has been intensified here during the recent time. The rapidly accumulated fluviogenic sediments of the western part of the Northern, and particularly of the Middle Caspian Sea, are highly homogeneous along the vertical; they do not point to any essential changes in the conditions of sediment accumulation which would have occurred within the recent centuries. ? In the South Caspian, within the area of the sea basin, of the eastern slope and the eastern shelf, there was observed an increase in the content of calcium carbonate and a decrease in that of Fe, Mn and P downwards. In the region of the sea-bed, in the northern basin of the South Caspian (station 26) takes .place a well-pronounced transition from the upper layer, 40 cm thick, with a CaCO3 content of 17-21 per cent only, to the fiftieth centimetre and underlying layers, whose CaCO3 attains 45.6 per cent. In the southern basin of the South Caspian (station 50) the sediments are poor in calcium carbonate, homogeneous, and no underlying sediments high in CaC(3), could be found there within a thickness of 1.10 cm of the core. In the region of the eastern slope (station 28 and l'x 48) the content of CaCO must likewise show an increase down the vertical, though not so clearly pronounced. The thickness of the upper layer is 40 cm. The same phenomenon is observed in the eastern shelf, where it is less sharply pronounced, however. Special interest belongs to the sharp increase in the carbonate content in the under layers in the region of the northern basin of the South Caspian (station 26). The theory of ?landslips from the western slope? should, be flatly dis- carded for the following reason. At the station ?Piksha? 21 (section Kurin- 695 Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80-00926A000200010071-2 Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80-00926A000200010071-2- C tP IF tont of Carbonates and of Fe. Mn and P in an 1114 li,xtract fro HI !?i nil Core.: of the Caspian Sea . r.Z.T. -,. -_ 0 ...... . 1,,--," - l'7, 1-7f *.-oo?....- .....-pcve,,, ;::.,'..t.Z5.A !..1t*.6"11.F. 1 I 3 in% FICI extract in per C1111 to absol. dry 'natter to residue Insoluble in HO 1 Fe Mu 4 IS Fe Mn North Caspian. Tinbdiaragan Golf, 1.X1.19391. St. rx 81: 6.5 n. (toiler of the gulf 0 -17 25.8 ! 53.9 2.07 ! 0.044 0.067 ! 3.86 0.082 : 0.126 17 20 48.6 52.2 1.75 0.042 0.062 3.35 0.081 : 0.119 20 40 28.0 53.8 1.58 0.045 0.063 2.95 0.084 : 0.117 40 50 40.1 48.3 0.85 0.034 0.053 1.76 0.070 ! 0.110 50 83 37.7 49.6 1.32 (L414o: 0.054 2.66 0.093 ' 0.10,9 St. rx 83: 7 to. north of the st. 1'x SI o 7 : :1.1.I 47.5 ' 1.41 0.01:4 0.052 2.95 0.069 0.110 7 15 i 33.8 50.0 1.43 11.em 0.043 I 2.86 0.072 0.086 15 30 1 50.2 41.7 0.30 0.024 0.026 0.72 0.058 0.062 50 60 1 55.4 38.5 0.51 0.02x 0.042 ! 1.32 0.073 0.109 80 92 ; :10.9 41.S 0.54 0.03n 0.041 1 1.29 0.079 0.098 SI. Cx is:,: 8.5 in 0 5 32.3 :e2.7 1.05 0.039 0.030 .1.00 0.07i 0.057 5 10 10 I 201 34.4 52.4 51.2 1.38 0.041 0.030 2.69 38.8 0.58 0.030 ; 0.031 1.50 0.080 0.077 0.057 0.080 30 67 1 58.4 36.9 0.39 0.022 0.031 1.06 0.060 0.084 North Caspian. open sea. Lbishrhenski slimily slope of the N. Caspian. St.. 19: 5 in, 26.VI.1940 0 5 31.6 40.7 ! 1.55 1 0.039 0.041 3.40 0.083 ! 0.087 5- if) 40.2 0.81 0.031 0.029 2.01 0.077 0.072 10 12 44.0 4n.r. 0.51 : 0.030 0.028 ' 1.18 0.069 0.066 Near Chasoyaya bankJ. SL 4'1: 4.3 01. 2.V11.1940 10.9 68.7 2.62 0.074 0.066 3.83 0.108 0.096 13.0 70.1 2.05 0.078 1 0.060 2.92 0.111 1: 0.086 10 2 11,4 73.0 2.15 0.074 1 0.056 2.94 0.101 0.077 20 It N.3 79.1 1.34 0.039 0.043 1.70 0.049 0.054 North the Agrakhon Gulf. S. 47: 8.3 in. 4.VII.1940 11.8 67.3 2.65 0.072 0.055 3.93 1 0.107 . 0.082 5- 10 - 10.5 69.9 2.47 0.100 0.055 3.55 0.144 0.079 50 64 ! 72.4 :1.29 0.077 0.05:1 ; 3.17 0.106 0.073 Middle Caspian. western part., near Makhaeh-liala. St. 1: 19 in. 9.14%1940 11S 5- 10 , 50 64 12.6 ! 68.6 1 2.82 1 0.065 0.058 ! 12.6 66,2 ! 3.36 1 0.080 I 0.054 ELI 70.4 2.08 0.052 0.051 1 4.10 5.08 2.96 0. 95 ' 0.121 ; 0.074 !. ! 1 .0.084 0.082 0.072 Noah-east of the kaliaLin spit. St. 130: 258 m. 28.1 V.1140 0- 5 : 14.4 : 65.6 : 2.68 1 0.061 0.064 1 4.10 ; 0.093 0.097 5- 15 ; 11.1 68.4 2.78 1 0.075 0.072 : 4.06 0.124 0.105 45-. fa, ; 11.9 70.4 2.77 -1 0.067 0.068 ; 3.92 0.095 ; 0.096 Eastern shelf, WNW of Gulf Synghyrli. over shell limestone. St. 13; 114m. 1.V.1940 5 15- 13 -29 ! 57.6 %3.$ 31.6 ! i 25.6 47.7 57.6 ! 0.60 0.79 1.60 : I ! 0.020 il.025 0.050 0.037 0.031 0.053 I ; 2.34 1.53 2.89 F 1 0.078 0.054 0.087 0.144 0.065 0.092 South Caspian. western part of section Island Zhiloi--Cone St. 16; 100 ro, 15.v.194.0 0 , 119.2 -- I 3.72 1 0.074 1 0.096 1 -- -- I - 5- 10 ! 31.2 1 56.3 1.90 ! 0.053 1 0.044 ! 3.37 0.094 ; 0.078 10- 20 ; 16.5 69.7 : 2.74 1 0.054 1 0.053 ! 3.93 0.077 t 0.076 20 38 12.0 1 75.4 ! 2.48 1 0.061 e 0.062 i 3.30 0.081 I 0,082 696 Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80-00926A000200010071-2 Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80-00926A000200010071-2 ,I 100,;,11(111 extract in per cent 75-t, N0soz,-- - 0-5 . 5-15 15--35 .Same, in to aloatt. .1 ry mall er Fe 3 I, 5 ii Same, western part. St. 17, 172 m, 21.2 65.6 9,92 0.029 0.109 16.3 71.2 3.14 0.031 , 0.066 18.1 70.7 2.22 0.035 1 0.066 lo residue- insoluble CI Fe 7 4.V.1940 5.05 4.40 I 3.15 0.044 0.166 0,044 0.092 0.040 0.093, the troughcutting the submarine Apsheronian ridge. St. 18; 200 in, 14.V.194,0 0,-5 13.6 73.1 2.44 0.052 5-15 13.1 76.7 2.72 0.059. 15--3Q 11.8 72.8 .1.94 0.050 0.056 3.33 0.085 0.076 0.041 2.55 0,077 0.053 0.038 2.65 0,081 0.052 Northern basin of the South Caspian section Knrinski Kamen-Ogurchinsk . St. 26; ? 0 -10 10-20 20-30 90-40 40-50 50-60 Average 960 m, 31.V.1940 21.2 03.6 289 0.086 0.055 17.5 56.6 9,99 0.108 0.056 20,7 64..2 2.25 0.139 0.052 20 9 60.3 2.53 0.095 0.045 28.6 53.1 2.30 0.118 0.047 45.6 50.3 1.94 0.105 0.049 4.54 4.05 3.50 4.20 4.32 3.85 4.07 . Southern basin of the South Caspian. St. rx 50; 900 m, 0-15 25-45 00-80 100-110 Average 17.7 21.7 91.4 19.4 64.9 61.5 60.0 63.2 Eustern slope, section 0 -5 5-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 Average 49.8 51.8 54.4 49.8 53.8 67.3 59.1 59.7 37.0 35.0 34.3 35.4 34.1 30.7 27.5 28.7 2.51 2.50 9.41 2.50 0.119 0.064 0.100 0.046 0.091 0.065 0.079 0.066 3.86 4.06 4.07 3.95 3.99 0.136 0.191 0.216 0.157 0.221 0.208 0.188 20.XII. 1936 0.184 0.162 0.150 0.125 0.155 0.086 0.099 4.081 0.074, 0.088 0.097 0.086 0.099, . 0.075 0.107 0.104' A.096 Kurinski Kamen Island-Ogurchinski Island St. 28; 460 m, 1.VI. 940 1.53 1.15 1.14 1.28 0.96 1.04 1.09 0.97 0.086 0.089 0.075 0.051 0.058 0.054 0.052 0.044 0.056 0.057 0.049 0.042 0.036 0.041 0.039 0.023 4.05 3.28 3.32 3.61 9.80 3.38 3.95 3 37 3.47 t3.227 0.254 0.218 0.144 0.170 0.176 0.192 0.453 0,192 0.148 0.162, 0.143 0..119 0.107 0.142. 0.142 0.115 0,135 Same, SW of the Mud volcano shoal. SI. Fx 48 his; 580 in 1.8.XII.1936 0-20 45.5 40.2 00-80 48.9 37.5 80-90 55.8 31.5 0-20 20--40 40-60 60-80 80-97 Average Eastern shelf. 71.8 73.9 76.1 77.4 78.5 1.72 1.48 1.30 0.079 ' 0.046 0.052 1 0.050 0-046 1 0.037 4.98 3.95 4.12 0.196 0.138 0:146 SI. rx 47; 33 en, 17.X1 .1936, west of Zelenyi Bu.gor 17.7 17.6 14.6 14:3 14.4 0 68 0.72 0.61 0.62 0.55 0.020 0.020 0.019 0.019 0.018 0.027 0.027 0.022 0.020 0.025 3.85 4.08 4.17 4.34 3.82 4.05 - 0.113 0.114 0.130 0.133 0.125 0.123 0.114 0.133 0.117 0.152' 0.153 0.151 0.140 0.174 0.154 Same, section Ku inski Ka nen Island-Ogurchinski Island. St. 29; 85 m, 2.V1?10110 0--5 5--10 0-10 I 10-40 I 56.6 61.6 26..6 23.6 0.90 0.40 0.031 0.040 I 3.39 0.018 0.021 I Krasnovodsk Gulf. St. fc7 9.5 in, 43.5 I 35.65 0.97 0.019 0.055 44.9 I 36.96 I 0.87 I 0.019 0.047 C. R. Aced. sci. I1RSS, 1946, v. LIT, N, 8. 0.117 0.150 18.Xl.1935 2.72 I 0.053 I 2.35 I 0.052 0.154 0.128 697 Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80-00926A000200010071-2 Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80-00926A000200010071-2 ski I.-Ogurchinski 1. referred to above, east of our station 26), at a depth of 8(30 in, T. I. Gorshkova observed similar phenomena, viz, a earbonate content of 19.4-17.4 per cent, in the upper 40-cm layer, and of /13.2 per vent beginning with the 0011 centimetre (besides these, no measurements have been made). For the 'landslip* a rise by 100 in is excessive. According to data by G. G. Sarkissian (core samples up to 2.5 in) within the region of the basin of the Middle Caspian, at the deepest layers of the sections Gulf Peschany?Gulf Buynak, and especially Derbent?Sue there occur deposits showing a much higher content of carbonates and a coarser mechanical compositinn. The nature of sediments speaks against the theory of landslips in this case, too. We are thus led to conclude that the phenomenon of decrease of the carbonate content, in the sediments formed during the recent epoch is peculiar to the Middle and South Caspian as a whole, and is not connected with landslips. In so far as under the conditions of sedimentation that prevail in the Caspian Sea the variation of carbonate content points to a variation in a given place or the inten- sity of precipitation of fluviogenic and aeolian talassogenic sediments, the phenomenon here described cannot be accounted for otherwise than in the following way: During the epoch preceding the recent one the zone of expansion of solid matter discharged by rivers has been pronouncedly extended from west to east. This refers both to the sea basin and the lower part, of the eastern slope. The decrease in the carbonate content in the eastern shelf took place because of the prevalence or precipitation of aeolian sediments poor in carbonates and rich in Fe, Mn and P Over the purely talassogeoic deposits high in carbonates, which was due to the intensification of winds blowing from the east. It seems most natural to explain both phenomena by a common cause, viz, by a general increase in the atmosphere circulation, which is supposed to have taken place during the last thousand years. Because of the increased pressure within the area of the Siberian winter anticyclone, the latter phenn- menon is associated with an increase in the Caspian region of winter winds blowing from the east and carrying aeolian matter from Central Asia. On the other hand, any increase in the displacement of the upper water layer of the Caspian westward results in an increase in the eastward compensatory 'movement of the deep waters carrying particles in suspension. The recent epoch of low carbonate content embraces a time interval of about 1000 years; the epoch of transition was a very short one, of no more than 200-300 years. The data available are insufficient to determine precisely how remote was the (Torii of high carbonate content. Received Xl. 1945. REFERENCES S. V.hirujewicz and E. U. Vinogradov a, C. R. Acad. Sci. URS, 1311, No. 9 (194G). 698 Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80-00926A000200010071-2 Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80-00926A000200010071-2 Comptes Rendus (Dellady) de PAcademie dcs Sciences de PURSS. W46. Volume LH, S GEOLOGY AN ATTEMPT AT A GENETIC CLASSIFICATION OF FIRE CLAYS AND REFRACTORY CLAYS IN WEST SIBERIA By V. P. KAZARINOV (Communicated by V. J. Obruchev, Member of the Academy, J. II. 1946) Fire clays and refractory clays are among the products of Meso-Cenozoic weathering crusts widelydeveloped in West Siberia. In the Lower Cretaceous and Lower Palaeogene time processes of chemical weathering which produced the weathering crust went on over a vast territory. The chemical weathering of various stone and loose rocks over vast areas of a peneplained country would bring about the formation of decomposition