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July 20, 2000
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Publication Date:
October 4, 1974
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14 NJ-M87M0. 237 Use previous editions ~~~ (40)
Approved For Release 2000/08/15 : CIA OOQP80-00773AO001000 0 8-0
Mr Janney
Please note that 4 a - Position
Management - I have mentioned that controversial
approval by Mr Mcflahon of the Investigative Pool
that _ brought up at the 4 o'ciock y-sterdy.
While pointing out there are problems the wording
does of appear offensive to me.
Approved For Release 2000/08/15 : CIA-RDP80-00773A000100010038-0
Approved For Release 2000/Q&15: ~Q91K4jj&0001003W-
,j 0CT 1974
MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director for Administration
SUBJECT : Office of Personnel Report - Week Ending
4 October 1974
attended the Mid-Atlantic College Placement
Conference at Pocono Manor, Pennsylvania, from 30 September to
Z October.
2. Advertising:
a. Response to advertising for Transportation
System Engineers for= has totaled 196 to date.
c. We have had nine responses from physicians
from our listing in Family Physicians for medical officers.
3. Supergrade Report: We have received comments on all
supergrades except those concerning the DDO. We expect to have the DDO's
comments this week and the supergrade report can be submitted to the DCI
soon thereafter.
4. Position Management:
a. A meeting was held with representatives of
the Office of Security, PMCD and Automated Data
Resources Staff to clarify :problems connected with the
recently proposed Investigative Pool in the Office of
Security. Processing and control problems are involved
since under the STAFFING system the location of posi-
tions must be controlled and the Investigative Pool would
not show actual locations.
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MN 00773A00010001(@3~8- PDET Cl by 012752
~r-NTIAE y
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b. A meeting was held with the DDA Career
Management Officer on the reorganization of the Office
of the DD/A.
5. ADP Conversion: In ADP conversion activities, all transactions
for September have been input. One more transaction report has to
be checked and verified.
6. Summer Intern Program: We continue to receive a high
volume of inquiries about the 1975 Summer Intern Program. 25X1A
7. Co-op Virginia State: The trip to Career Day at Virginia
State College on 1 October proved. quite useful. talked
to over 100 students. Several students majoring in Secretarial Science,
Mathematics and Electronic Technology were furnished application
8. Co-op -- University of Houston: Our first co-op applicant
from the University of Houston was here for interview on 3 October
for the minority co-op program in-
9. APP: We have completed the initial consolidation of the
Agency APP in preparation for the Director's review.
10. Lecture: Chief, Review Staff, made a
presentation to the Intelligence and World Affairs Course on significant
changes in Agency personnel management during FY 1973 and FY 1974.
The presentation appeared to be well received.
11. Vacancy Notices: There are 16 active vacancy notices in
circulation (11 professional and five clerical). During the coming week
we will be publishing and listing the first supergrade position -- the
Director of Studies in OTR, GS-16.
12. Handicapped Report: We have received eight applications
from handicapped persons during the month of September, making a
total of 26 since July 1974. Of the 26, three have entered on duty
(one polio victim, 10 Eng., OWI; one deaf mute, Programmer, OJCS;
one nearsighted, 10 Phys. Sci. , OWI). Six have been rejected, five
are in process, nine currently are under review, and three of the
original contacts have not formally applied.
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13. CFC: The Combined Federal Campaign drive has
commenced. Commissioner Andolsek of the Civil Service Commission
spoke to the Keymen in the auditorium on 30 September. His talk was
very favorably received.
14. Physical Fitness Room: During September there were 21.40
employees who used the physical fitness room. This figure includes
1588 men and 552 women. The total is up 60 from August and is 342
higher than one year ago. .
15. Blood Program: Despite some difficulties, including a
shortage of Red Cross personnel and a conflict with our own flu shot
program, our Blood Donor Day was very productive. A total of 173
pints was received. A word-of-mouth announcement that blood could
not be donated within 24 hours of flu shot was effective in getting more
employees to donate blood first and then receive their flu shots.
17. Rehired Annuitant: During the week the Acting Director of
Personnel approved the following rehired annuitant case for the
Directorate of Administration:
-- Office of Training --
Independent Contractor.
Coming Events
1. has accepted
an invitation to address the Law School at Texas Southern University
on 24 October. While we rarely have recruitment requirements for
attorneys, Texas Southern is a traditionally Black school and he would
hope to enhance his contacts on that campus.
2. The Agency Coordinator for Cooperative Programs will be
recruiting at Southern University on 8 October and Grambling College
on 9 October.
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3. Colonel Donald E. Rosenbloom, Deputy Director for
Operations, Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations and
Plans, U. S. Army, will address the Agency Military Reservists on
Monday, 7 October 1974, at 1745 hours in the auditorium. His topic
will be "The Army Combat Division. "
4. We will continue to review and update OPM's and OPN's.
5. The Chief, Military Personnel Branch,
will be at on 5 October 1974 with the group of Agency
Reservistsw o are on active duty there.
6. Work will continue on planning for the implementation of the
single ceiling and on our follow-up study of steps desirable to imple-
ment career systems for secretaries and clericals.
F. W. M. Janney
Director of Personnel
0 & 2 - Addressee
1 - DD/Pers/SP
1 - DD/Peas/R&P
1 - DD/Pers/P&C
1 - C/SAS
,i-:: Subject File
1 - D/Pers Chrono
OD/Pers :jrnm (4 Oct 74)
Approved For Release 2000/08/15 : CIA-RDP80-00773A000100010038-0