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Publication Date:
April 27, 1953
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CIA-RDP80-00679A000100010089-9.pdf | 237.51 KB |
Approved FiwRZI4ase 9!r1 00010089-9
27 April 1953
'TULL DIE3444tiltail NO, 2843
SUBJECT: Prooedures for the Distribution of Security Clearance Information
to Applicamts for Employment with the Agency
1. The following proceduree are eatablished in order to insure that each
Individual understands at the time of first applying far employment with the
Agenoy whet criteria and policies vill govern his selection as =employee or
consultant and that this understandieg will be a matter of record for both the
applicant and the Agency,
a. Applicants. Peraomally Contacting or Contacted by. Reeruiters
When the applicant is ftrelehed copies of the Personal History
Statement during or after his interview with e recruiter, he will alao
be reqpested to read Applicant Information Sheet no. 1 (ettechemmt A)
and Applicant Information Sheet No. 2 (attachment H). The applicant
will then sign Applicant Information Shoot No. 1 on the appropriate line
and retura it to the mere/tar to be filed in the applicant's felner.
The applicant will be permitted to retain a copy of Applicant Ieformation
Sheet No 2 for his oun records as yell as a copy of Applicant Information
Sheet No. 2.
b. Applicants Contactirg the Agency by Vhil
The applicant will be sent two ooples of the Applicant Information
Sheet 'Jo. 1 and one copy of the Applicant Information Sheet NO. 2 at the
same time he is furnished copies of the Personal History Statement by
the Personnel Procurement Division, Copies of the Applicant Information
Sheet no( 2 will not be dispatched =less accompanied by a copy of the
Applicant Information Sheet No. 2. The applicant vI21 be requeeted to
read? sign and return one copy of the Applicant Information Sheet no. 1
to the Agency where it will be filed in the applicant's folder. The ape
plicamat vill be permitted to retain the other copy of the Applicant
Information Shoot No. 1 and the Applicant Wormution Sheet No. 2 for his
own racceds.
2. The procedures described above vill become effectivean soon as the
peinted Information Sheets are available,,
Seourity Information
Approved For Release 2000/08/16 :.CIA-RDP80-00679A00040d010089-9
Approved For Release 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDP80-00679A0001100010089-9
Appiicant information
Sheet No, 1
To all persons applying for employment
with the Central Intelligence Agency
This paper is the first step in applying for employment or consultant
status with the Central Intelligence Agency. No application may proceed beyond
this first step if the applicant is not in agreement with the conditions stated
General Considerations:
1. The National Security Act of 26 July 1947 (Public Law 253, 80t1
Congress) which created the Central Intelligence Agency places upon the Agency
the responsibility:
a. "to advise the National Security Council in matters concerning
such intelligence activities of the Government departments and agencies
as relate to the national security;
b0 to make recommendations to the National Security Council for
the coordination of such intelligence activities of the departments and
agencies of the Government as relate to the national security;
c. "to correlate and evaluate intelligence relating to the national
security, and provide for the appropriate dissemination of such intelligence
within the Government . ;
d. ',to perform, for the benefit of the existing intelligence agencies,
such additional services of common concern as the National Security Council
determines can be more efficiently accomplished centrally;
O , "to perform such other functions and duties related to intelligence
affecting the national security as the National Security Council may from
time to time direct."
Attachment. A
Approved For Release 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDP80-00679A000100010089-9
Thespgelan/19Maig6Pfderila gRaggail 9e;s9AAPPIAV ittlaW (1513 ?Pe-WM-9
maintain correspondingly specie]. employment criteria which may be different
from the routine or normal employment standards of other Government departments
and agencies which do not have the highly sensitive responsibility borne by
the Central Intelligence Agency. It follows that the investigation of applicants
prerequisite to their acceptance is a tine-consuming process which, in addition
to loyalty and security checks, includes evaluation of competence, physical and
emotional fitness, and availability of a suitable position at svca time as
employment may be offered. This is called "clearance" of an applicant.
2. Investigation of an applicant may reveal something which prevents his
clearance - perhaps something of which the applicant is genuinely unaware,
perhaps something which only the special employment criteria of the Agency make
unacceptable. In any event, adverse findings by the Agency are conclusive and
final so far as the Agency is concerned, and no statement of specific reasons
is made to the applicant*
3. Employment by the Central Intelligence Agency is not a right upon
which an applicant can insist. Offer of employment which is subject to fen
clearance does not constitute a commitment on the Agency's part giving an
unsuccessful applicant grounds for any claim against the Agency. Acceptance of
employment upon the condition of clearance is at the applicant's risk, taken
with the knowledge that a very substantial percentage of applicants are not
I have read, understand, and agree to the foregoing General Considerations.
If not accepted for employment by the Central Intelligence Agency, I will make
no claim or demand in conflict with those considerations,
I have also seen and read Applicant Information Sheet No. 2*
Copy of Applicant Information
Sheet No. 1 to Applicant
Approved For Release 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDP80-00679A000100010089-9
Approved For Release 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDP80-00679A000100010089-9
Approved For Release 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDP80-00679A000100010089-9