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Approved For Release 2000/44 '1CIA-RDP81 200QXOO611 -0 . a, 19090, 25X1A NEGMUM CST tycon Mtg. Cr parry 1030 So. Arroyo Parlay Pasadena 8, California Contract for: See Schedule Mail Invoices to: Administrative Data: This contract lit entered into by and between the United States of America, hereinafter called the Government, represented by the Contracting Officer executing this contract, and the above-rimed Contractor Which is a cor- poration incorporated in the State of Delaware, hereinafter called the Contractor. The parties hereto agree that the Contractor shall furnish the facilities and deliver all supplies ssd perform ali the servi.ees set forth in t# e? attached scbeduls issued hereunder,. for the consideration stated herein. The rights and obligations of the parties to this cant t shall be subject to and governed by the attached schedule and General Provisions. 'In , the event of any inconsistency between the Scheft1,e and the General Visional the Schedule shall control. WITKM t ', the parties hereto have executed this eontraat as 1937 Signatures :: 25X1A aiCCM M. COMPANY Ut2' BUM OF AMERICA 25X1 A By By Title_---Cantraetia, Orrieer 0O AT NO. Target Price Ceiling Price Performance Period See Schsdul* 25X1A Inspection Point : Contractor's P.i.dnt 4ROO12OOO71 Approved For Release 2000/04/18CIA-RDP81 B00'8~10061-~ Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81 B00878R001 0087 O61-0 Contrsct d`o. CERTI,FI CATE 25X1A I, / certify that I as the ,xti /J VICC azecce,r of the C rFcration eame4 as Contractor har.in; that who 25X1 A sign d this ecattract o b.ha]t of the Ccstractor vas then ~?_ . ~ IeESQ ~~v,7 of said Corpor tics; that said cam tract tics duly signed for aad in befit of said Cex oration by authority at its govsrnlag body, cad is within the scope-of its . 25X 1 A porate pavers . (corporate sea,) Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81 B00878R001200070061-0 Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81 B00878RO01 200070061 -0 25X1A Page 8EC?ION A - SUPPLIES AND SWIM TO IN 1 I8EED------- ------_---_--_- SIMOii B '- S ON C - S ON D - SEC ON i ' - S / O N n V '- C NBIM RA ION AND PAY) NT--------------------------~. ii6Nitiiw acmmui ?----------- -.----.--a---------------+..r----- 1 M C19 TI01 --------------------------------------- 5 SPZCULSE RITp3 ~~iRTCTI0 -----------(---~-?-----------------. 7 WAiM OF -.-K m OF GZKXRAL rRYVThIO8S------------- --- 7 'TION H - M TBRIAL INSPEC ION, PACKING AND FSCXVM EXPORT ----------- 7 c?YSM1,i lJ. I - 4UBOONThACTS FOR WORK OR SQL C13----------'-------i--------w-7 SECTION KI - OOVEMIMT PU DWIPKW ------------------------ .wu.r--r 8 APPXNDIX I------------------------------------------------------+---- ------------------------------------------------------------ . 10 Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81 B00878RO01 200070061 -0 Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81 B00878RO01 200070061 -0 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A S ON A - SUPPLUS 8 VTO 8 TO Dp F I The Contractor *ha-'1 perform an pork and services incident to the production of, amt sba.U furnish ad 4sliver, the Ita$ of equip tat set forth in tBe attached APPA= I, such APB being a part of this Schedule under the contract. SgcnOtt I - Ct 33ZR! 0.0 AND PAS In accordance vita 3eation S o tbts Scbejul.e entitled- "Progress Payments", mad, subject to redetors nsti of the price in aaeords a$ vith Section B of this 8cthe t3.e etttit1 d "Price I edeet.r drtatiou" the Qov.ra? meat shall pay the Contractor upon satisfae ry perf ormr nce of this CM- tract, as full pelt for the e at . to be turni*hed by the. Contractor here under, the amt of ibleb smmut is the total of the prices set forth in APPJN= I bereto, copies of the prepaid Shipping nt$ , separate item an Co*traetor's iarotoet sad sbs"11 be supported by rec*ipt.d elet*tinwti: listed below. Such traasportatioc ebarges a1 be U"AASA a VIA". Pasad"a, Cal ifoz'nl -, with trrsportati ou Bbs rges prepaid_ to *bW Deliveries sba33 be made in accordance Frith the delivery schedule set forth in APB I, .hereto, mad shall be mad s f.o.b. C tractor's . SJ CTION C - ! LIYm! =*- SIMON D - !(ICS R T ATIUIt (1) Be sue a of the nears of the 'work called for In APPENDIX I of this contract and the greet une,rt4aty as to the cost of perfeuu ese here- under, the parties agree that the eoeEtraet price; ftmd In lJq41K= I hereot may be increased or dsersased in accordance With the provision of this clause, (2) Upon esp ditur. of se ft'-fire per Wit. (750 of the s06tr ct 5 price stated in Section B, the parties shall neg iate to ettsriiaor w'b tJ?mr the ec treat price shah be revUod sad a nev- ace trset pries +estebl sbsd., such new contract price to be fixed and to relpresent the to . t . yable to the Coattradtor for satisfactory perfc e o under this contract (3) As soon as pram; tiee?sble, aM to no ease later than sixty (60) days after exsenditure of the t in4s referrs4 to above, the Co ntraactor shall fu relish to the Contraotiag officer a st$tesa*t in such fora and detail. as the traetiag (r"ftc r aASy preseribe of the cost of rpi0106, the services called for cinder tbU eoatrmet tog ther with such iatoratti?a as say be pertISSAt in the negoti*tie for a rer sed price uausat to this a3ause. each statemnt of cot shall fairly rsflest the soma opera- tions of the? C t'trsator's cost systeda, taktg into account say diev1&tic s frcm such norml cost system as are rewired by the security r'satrictt at placed upm the C raactor by the Gott in .,performaaee. mde r tbis c .tract. The Cce' trectiug Officer shwlt base the right at all re"aftble times to nraka or cause to, be ^rde such esu1atims or audits of the Cm- tractor's books, records and aocouats as be may request. Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81 B00878RO01 200070061 -0 { k : Ppou the filing of the statement and other paw inert is t er a- tion. requi~: ed "by r 3 of this clause, , the Coat at~oar. the. ou- t 4 tit . - i t rat ag iter ? prctly nagotiats - in good faith t agree u3 a . reasonable revises price for the sat .re cant o which, upon the baaia of such et e teztent and other pertinent iaforme-tion, will, constitute. f&ir>and just 0014OW satins to the Con tr ctor for, the perfor ce .for, this per$Qd of this contract. In deter ining the extent of any estimated; a1a.cx ce for profit ' to be taken into cco=t in t. x .ng.such revised price,-; con- siderationi wi3,,l be given tra the axteq~t~. tc which the Cont ,actor .i4s.par 25X1 A forged d r .ng the period stipulated with tf'iciency, eft sin d, i equity, In no event shAl3, the redetd price exceed the sum of She revised price aYu; U be evideaiced, by air .mendaeat q tt ,. tract. povever, i the event that t 4e negotiations for pace revision in accordance, with this clause indicate that tie .u certainty as to the. cast o cos ls#.e . pertcrmetac is still so great a_ tc prevent a realistic + ctsrminatison or the firm price for, the over-au. covqletion for this period, prov .si= may be made fors such , ;it`re - Aeggtiationa as to revision ep ,y be _ &Wo- () If within thirty 30) days after the filing of the atat and other erttneat ,nfoxmation req re4 .by 3 at this the pantie s fail to agree . a re ris in accordance.., w1 % u the p via oaf of, this c anss, 1 % gilure to agree AW, be d to be a llisagre nt as to a question of fact which sha2.i be disposed of in accordance With the clause hereof entitled "I? aputes . " ; co) nor any or the purposes or. the clause of this. contract providing for terstion; at the option oar. convenleuca of the .tvagt3iccliu8 Without limitation, ~computaat.iom of ''the total contrast pr1 ce" .and "tY. contract price. of -work not te=Liu& d" ,the ccu race . pr ce #boll, be st -e.. revised. contrast price agreed upon under paragraph- of ,this 41"e o determined under paragraph 5 of this clause, as the case may be. Progress paysts, which are hereby defined as pmts made )(Wk progresses `undr this contract upon, the basis, of .(1) cosh i red, X31) pereentege 'of c plebes act s fished, or (iii) a part1C? & see . of_ oampletion aiet be nada urn the following terms: &d condi .1046. (1) The Contracting `miter, may, frog time to time, authorize progress Payments totheContractor.Upon property acquired or. produced by it fcsr. the pert or>aarare .: of LLia, c ontrac, i a PSI, D, that such progress p. me a not exceed 9Q%, of the cost to the Contractor of direct labor, material and/or component parts -purchased, direct costs, burden and 3 & A for that property. upon which-, tyment is made, which costs shall ,be determined from evidence submitted by the Contractor and rich must be such as is.aatisfact ry to the Contracting Officer; PR0 4 _. hat in no event Ga- j r the t of unl iqu dates progress payments {see (3) below) and of uallquidao-ted iadvasuce payments if ?anv, made under this contract, exceed 80 percent of the total con- tract price '. f' s pplits still to be delivered. (2l T?p~n the making of any progress payment under this contract, title t- ai.1 par-.a. a: teri.ais, invent,ir tas, work in prcgrre?s and nondnraa: ,e tools thereto?ore toqui i t4 car Rr4daced by the on+ race or for t .e pr..r:':rltaaree of C.i'a~ _ s_ shall f ,tt:vtttt vest i-1 the , vernment; and title tr all like propex?t f t?,,erettfter acquired or produced by the ~Cnn r'ac-t +r for the perfor~-,nee pf this ecrttract and properly %,liaxgea la thereto as aforesaid shall vest in the SECRET Approved For Release 2000/04/.18 : CIA-RDP81 B00878RO01 200070061 -0 ' Approved For F ease 2000/04/18: CIA-RDP8,1 B00878R0MOP 70061-0 i SE91k C?ot trset ao. GovsrSmot fort with upon said wzuiattion or fiction; PR?VtD D, that nothing herein +n}aa3.i drprivs the Contrector of M A,"lb+sr progress or fit:al. ptyaents ue or to beaaas due hereq{ erj or relieve tb ractor or the Clow er*MM t of ' a y of their rss t.ive rests or ablIgStions under this eontrset ~3) in swing pajaeut for the lees furnished hereunder, there Shall be deducted from the contract pil ct therefor a proportionate meant of the progress payneaats theretofore MM to the Contractor, under the authority herein oewtaiaed { #) It is recognized ,that property (ins iu inn, without. 2iaatitati caan, o3aee: ,eted supplies, spare parts, drsxii , isfozaatjoan't panic a ted scrap lies, work in processs, aeaaterisl e, fabricated parts ash other t called for herein) title to which is or air hereafter beo vested in the amt pmt to this clause. will.fras. time to ti . be used by or put in the care, custody or possoesion at the Contractor in connection with the perforsanes of this ea t ract. The Coat r, either before or after iseeipt of notion- of teanias-ttou at the option of the Gav+es~aa' mat o may cure or dispose of property to tahich title is vested in the Goverment Maher this C, C, upon ter amt ove by the *=treating C fia**r -. PROP , that after receipt of notice. of tiexaweitlaation, a my such property that is a part .of termination inventory eaeay be acquired or disposed of only in se- coxdance with the prods ions of the clauae of this coati ac=t entitled Ter- aiegtioa for Cotvemieaase of the Goverment and, applicable laws and reguis- tions. The agreed price, (is ease of acduisitiaa by the Conttaracto r) or the proceeds rectbed by the Contractor (in ease of away otter disposition), s l1. to the extent that such price and proceeds do not exceed the unliquidatad balance of progress pets heir, be paid or credited to the Govern Sent acs the Contrr.ctieg 4 `riser shall direat; and such unii>p .dated bi ee shall be reduced accordingly. Current production scrap my be sold by the Contractor vitb rt approval of the Contracting. Officer but the proceeds will be applied as provided in this paragraph (t) provided that any suc scrap which is a "rt of tsr'*ization inventory may be sold only in accord e wjtb. the provisions of the ?e .i"atica for Convenience of the Gaverraeterxt of this contract and a licable law and rs lattivers. ipan 1ituidation of aU progress its herrunader or upon a ..etton of deliveries *xUed for by this *=treat . title to all property (or the proceeds thereof) :ch has cot bean delivered .to and accepted by the Oov*rmrtnt Baer this contract or which has not been incorporated in supplies delivered to and accepted by the Government under this Santry and to .ch title 1as vested in the Oo'ernje matt u der this clause shall vest in the Contractor. (p) The clause of this contract epgtiM" "Liabilsty for coven t Punished Property" and any other provision of We contract defining llebili- ty for Gavertbeent-!urnisbsd Property shLU be jlicaible to property to Nish the Government shall have d tittle solely by virtue of the pro- visios of this clause. The provisiaes of this ' clams '*hall not relieve the Contractor from risk of loss or des uct oan of or deasge to property to Mich title vests in the Covernaut under the provis3 hereof. {6) If this contract (as heretofore or hereafter suppi.em"taatd or s ailed) contains provisions for Advance P>ty meets, and in tdatioan if at the ties Any progress payment is to be made to the Contractor under the provisions of this progress payments elsuse any =liquidated balance. of advance payments is outstan ding, thou notwithstmpd4 any other_provlAlon of the Advance Payments Clause of this contract the net Wit, after c riate deduction for liquidation _of the advaiuanae` of such progress payment shall be paid to the ttractor. Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81 B00878RO01 200070061 -0 Approved For Release 2000/04/18 CIA-RDP811300878R0('1 0 70061-0 The Contractor shall not reveal (i) the specific nature or any details, of the work being performed Wider or (ii) a W infor lttictt whatsoever with respect to Aepartwnt of the Gover t sponsoring this contract and- the work thereunder except as the, Contractor is directed or permitted to reveal such intoreation by the Cntracting Officer or by his duly a- orisea representative for security matters, and notsritbst or section of this cont~xarct. to.the contrary. Contractor shell not interpret any ciee or -section of this contract as requiring or pera-itting divulgos Of such lufor atio n _ to My psrso t, pablic0 or private, or to any officer or department of the Govern eairt without the enress consan-t .of the Contracting Officer or, his duly author:ss4 representative for security, matters. In 1Ti ON F - CU Si tON G - WAIM OF OP G PROYXBIfld'8 t security instructions issued to the Contractor by the Contracting officer in performance of the work under this contract, .aha12 find that the recur- ments of say of the clauses, of the feral Provisions are in contliet with sotwithatandidg the requ,iretnas of any of the Provisions of this contract to. the contrary, ftensoever the Contractor, i or by his duly authorisat rrpreessntativee for. security natters, the Contractor shell salt the attention of the Contrasting Officer to such conflict aid .the Contracting Officer or his duly thorised representative for security jotters shall (1) modify or rescind such security recirsaeents, or (ii) the t tract Officer shall issue to the Contractor a waiver of 'compliance with the require cents of the f oral Provisions conflicting with suck security requirements. Any waiver of +aoetplisnes with the General Provisions of this contract issued by the Contracting officer shall be in writing, except. that the approval by the Contracting Officer of any subcontract issuid he} mAder by the Contractor shall be deemed to constitute approval of waiver of clauses, of the General Provisions in conflict with the stipezli~ti s at such subgontrat t. SI CTION Y =)(AmIAL ThBP m g, Pte AND 3 4 RZPGW: (1) Inspection shall be made by the C ovsr neat at the Co tractor t s Plant. (2) The items delivered under this cwt shall be packed for domestic shipment in accordance with standard scamaersial practices. (3) At the time of each delivery the Contractor shall prepare and fur- nish to the Contracting Officer's representative to be designated hereunder a delivery ticket, in quads lie att., indicating contract nor, consignees, Part umber and quantities. Two Copies of the delivery ticket will bere. ceipted by _tbee Contracting Officer's representative and returned toe the Con- tractor as soon as possible. The C ractor will attach one reeeipted copy of the delivery ticket to its invoice when submitted for payment under this contract. SSCTIO1 I - SECTS PQR )BK OR 8 YtCBS (1) No contract sbs1I be cadre by the Contractor with any other party for furnishing any of time completed or substantially eaaplsted"articles, spare parts or work, herein contracted for, without the written approval of the Contracting Officer as to sources. Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81 B00878RO01 200070061 -0 25X1 A Approved For FIease 2000/04/18 CIA-RDP81 X0878 061-0 25X1A trswt Jo. (2) The Contractor sbatl give o ifie advance notification to the Contracting Officer of any proposed subcontract hernmder which (i) is an a cost or "t'plus-a-fi fee basis or (ii is an A fixed-price ' basis exceeding in dollar amount either Of the total amount of this contract. subcontract price. 25X1A (3) The Contractor shall not, without the prior written ' consent of the Contracting Officer, place any subcontract. which (i) 3s sei a 00" or cost- plus-a-fixed-tas basis, or (ii) is on a fix"-price basis exceeding in` dollar amount either of the total account of this contract, or (iii provides for the fabri'catican, purcbass, 'rants], in- stallstion or other acquisition, of any item of industrial facilities, or of special tooling have a vslas in excess of $1,000, or (IT) ins_ as a bare- and material or labor-hour basis. T Contract ng Otficorr may., to his s eretion, ratify in writing any such subcontract; such antic sbafl coasasti- tut. the consent of the Contrasting Officer as rewired by this pltragraph (3 ),. the Contractor agrees that no subcontract placed der this con- tract shall provide for pat on a Bost-PjU#_&-percentage-of-asst basis. ( ) The C traetiaag Ottieer may* in his discretion, specifically apprc>vo in writing any of the provisions of a subcontract. H over, mush approval or the consent of the Contracting Oti r c taiaed as required by this clause shall not be caaouosstrued to constitute & determin ti of the acceptability of the subcontract price, unless such approval specifically provides that it constitutes a determination of the acceptability of the (6) The Contracting Officer may ipprot+e all or any part of the 0on- Lator's purchasing systaanR fro ar ties to tine rescind, or reinstate such approval. Such approvals .l be deemed-to fulfill the requirements for obtaining the Contracting Officer's consent to wbeontraets as prescribed in paragraph (3) above. ION J - G0 IS= ] ZIT The Government shall furnish the Contractor frith the following equip. ment which shall be referred to as " or' "Cf" throughout this contrast. The equipment sball be subject to the provisions of the clause of this contract entitled " GoveraaaoMt-furnishet Property" (Paragraph 30 of the General Provisions) . Nomenclature 1. Camera, Aircraft, Type g-18 2. Magazine, A- 3. Case, Carryiag,JC-18 4. Case, Carrying, A-f Noustow-Yearless. Koch Koch Leas )dal HL .732 84 Perkin-ffimer plc No. ..,i A? 8600-080 5 A? 8400-5W321 10 AF .8+00-12)583 5 AF 8400?-1199dv 10 50-ooi6 5 r Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81 B00878RO01 200070061 -0 Approved For R Jease 2000/04/18 CIA-RDP81 EQ0878R001m4A0061-0 ~` . SEC' ON K - AW'ICIPATOR? COS' All costs, vtiah has been iaeurred 'bt tbs eoatractor in'antici- Vatic of this contract and prior to its xU&ing, sad which it tbey would b ve been iaeurred after signing aid vould have been conaiderea as allowable iteare of cost for this project, ibsll be considered as a3.lawable items of costs hermm ero Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81 B00878RO01 200070061 -0 Approved For Re4ease 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81 BQQ878R0@j2QA070061-0 1. K-18 Ca, modified as follow C 'Phe ra Body and Lets Coate xilL . be modified in its electrical circuitry to accept end vita include the shut~Aw yodel 38-732. The Lens Cone vill be smabined for sue. 'ieation to accept aAd ill nclu a the Lem and abutter lour i Model 732. V~LU 'iii aprecisions i ebjned casting V tch houses the lea`s.. cells of the 2V f/8 Lens Model 3I'.-7 and the Drawer Type stutter Hotel 19-732. e. The Case Drive Viii be modified to increase: the o, i rate frm 1 cycle )er 3 antes to be l cycle 1:. s..,..as , 1 ,sztne, Model -73244=D This unit is a standard A% )j e modified to include the too `L. 24" f/8 Leas. a Countourod Platen Assembly ?ich Nov Vacuum Ynii a Assembly foe"ie oved air, i lov f required to flatten film Platen Assembly. e. Nev and Improved clutch anVr ? cam to'reduce drive for ace req Ltrement. A built-iu capability t'aecept t1x-base film. and/ schedule. in aecordanc vith ;iZMQI C of-the ? smportati (aoSts . to be reisbursed 25X1A_ item l within six (6) months after receipt Of the G en. within one (1) month after delivsry of the fir 2 t`.. S ea. within one (1) month after delivery of the that 5 as. concurrent With each camera under item 1. Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP81 B00878RO01 200070061 -0 3/ - i ea. (item 1.