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Approved For Releas~e~001/x/11.4 CC1 -RDP80-00773A000100 50031-3 MM.E~IORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director for Administration F. W. M. Janney Director of Personnel SUBJECT Office of Personnel Report -- Week Ending 21 November 1978 1. (U) Iranian Student Demonstration: MIS recruiter, reports that Iranian students demonstrated against the Shah, against CIA's presence in Iran, and against his presence on the campus of Florida State University at Tallahassee, Florida on 15 November. Sixty policemen handled a crowd of 500 demonstrators and onlookers. The demonstration ended with a counter pro-CIA demonstration by the FSU students. reports that in all of his career in recruitment he has never seen such an outpouring of s3ntiment for CIA. Also, stated that the Agency outdrew all other Federal agencies represented at the Federal Career Day and that he had spoken to approximately 400 FSU students; 180 are scheduled for interviews. 2. (U) Testing Restriction: Recruiter , Washington area recruiter, has been advised t at Prince Georges County schools will not allow tests to be administered on the premises unless parents have given written authorization. will have as many of the students as possible come to the Ames Building for testing, but if he runs into problems with that request we will draft a letter of authorization to be completed by the parents. As far as we know, Prince Georges that the Agency will receive numerous applications from officers applying for the Career Training Program because of the deactivation of certain specialized Army units in the near future. County is the only one in Maryland with this requirement. 3. (U) Recruitment - Fort Bragg: Recruiter re orts that he recently visitedwwith Agency liaison o- ices, , at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. It is anticipated E 2 IMPDET CL BY 012752 This memorandum may be downgraded to CONFIDENTIAL when separated from - 1A Approved For Release 2001/08/4 C C-RDP80-00773A0001 ~Ov bQ3~lnnt . Approved For Release,2001/O ft1T4-:CClA- 'DPL80-00773A0001U0 50031-3 4. (U/AIUO) Summer-Only Program: As of close of business 17 November 1978, tfie Clerical Staffing Branch had mailed out 268 applications for summer employment in response to requests. Six completed applications have been received. At this time last year, 232 applications had been mailed out and 19 had been returned for processing. 5. (U/AIUO) Project Opportunity: Project Opportunity which is administered by our Clerical Staffing Branch has provided Agency employment to 141 disadvantaged young people over the past ten years. 6. (U) PMCD Course: The Position Management Orientation Course was helE ache- CEiamber of Commerce Building during the period 13-17 November 1978 inclusive. Of the 17 participants, nine were relatively new employees to PMCD, seven were MP Career Service employees assigned either to other components of the Office of Personnel or to operating components external to the Office of Personnel. The remaining participant was a member of the Audit Staff. The next running of the course will be held within the next six to nine months, and will be aimed primarily at component personnel officers. 7. (C) Retirement Activity: The figures shown below depict the tot-al retirement activity for the period 1 July 1978 through 12 January 1979. The figures in the clear show totals. The figures in parentheses represent persons who have opted for discontinued service or "involuntary" retirement. Thus, of 299 persons to go by 12 January, 55 are going under the "liberal" options Civil Service CIARDS Total Retired 66 (21) 96 ( 8) 162 (29) Signed to go 55 (19) 82 ( 7) 137 (26) Totals 121 (40) 178 (15) 299 (55) 8. (U/AIIJO) Association Benefit Plan: The bulk mailing to annuitants explainTing the reasons for t e large increase in the premium rate for the Association Benefit Plan was completed on 21 November. S-E-C-R-E-T - 2 - Approved For Release 2001/08/14: CIA-RDP80-00773A000100050031-3 Approved For Relea~.e 200110 11 I R P 0-00773A000100 50031-3 9. (U/AIUO) Regulations: The proposed revision of Handbook of Required Regulatory Readings, reflecting changes brought about by PL 95-105, has been forwarded to the Regulations Control Branch. 10. (U) Suggestion Awards Program: A memorandum was sent to each Deputy Director escri ing the FY 78 accomplishments of the Suggestion and Achievement Awards Program. In addition, suggested letters of commendation were included for the Deputy Directors to recognize their offices which had out- standing program results. 11. (U) Bumped Passengers: The Civil Aeronautics Board has recently put new rules into effect regarding the bumping of passengers with confirmed flight reservations. A bumped passenger who reaches the original destination within two hours of the originally scheduled time can collect the full amount of his ticket up to a maximum of $200. If the traveler who was bumped from his originally scheduled flight arrives more than two hours behind schedule--four hours on an international flight---he can collect twice the value of his ticket up to $400. Before anyone can be bumped against his will, the airlines must ask for volunteers who will agree to be bumped in return for compensation. If there are not enough volunteers, the airlines may bump passengers according to a priority seating plan approved by the Civil Aeronautics Board. This plan is available at all airline ticket counters and varies with the respective airlines. In a situation where a passenger is being bumped, it is the responsibility of the passenger to determine his or her rights and protect them. 12. (U) Combined Federal Compaign: As of close of business 21. November f978, t the Combined Federal Compaign pledges total $285,558.78, which is 90.1 percent of the goal. Of the total number of pledge cards distributed, 94.5 percent has been retu:c?ned. $33,843.20 has been pledged for the Educational Aid Pund and $6,913 for the Public Service Aid Society. 13. (U) Suggestion Box: No suggestions were received this week. Th_ total num er of suggestions since the program began on 15 June 1977 is 68. S-E-C-R-E-T - 3 - Approved For Release 2001/08/14: CIA-RDP80-00773A000100050031-3 Approved For Release,2001/0?L1 :(94-F~DJP80-00773A000102W50031-3 14. (S) Rehired Annuitants: See attached report. COMING EVENT: () Agency Reserve Meeting: will be the speaker at the Agency Reserve Meetring on Monday, 27 November 1978, in the Headquarters auditorium at 1745 hours. His topic will be "The Potential Agency Support Role in the West." W. M. Janney, lJ Attachment Distribution: Orig 2 - 1 - Addressee DD/Pers/SP I - 1 - DD/Pers/RAP DD/Pens/P&(,- 1 Chief, SAS 1 - D/Pers Chrono 1 - D/Pers Subject File EA-D/Pers/ :rji (21 Nov 78) S-E-C-R-E-T - 4 - Approved For Release 2001/08/14: CIA-RDP80-00773A000100050031-3 Approved For ReleaseJ001/08/14: CIA-RDP80-00773A000100050031-3 W S E C R E T 21 November 1978 WEEKLY REPORT OF REHIRED CIVILIAN ANNUITANT ACTIVITIES FOR THE AGENCY (15-21 November 1978) (U/AIUO) 1. (S) The following rehired civilian annuitant case was approved as a new hire: - Independent Contractor, OER, effective 1 October 1978. DDS& g rehired civilian annuitant case was approved g Deputy Director for Administration: Independent Contractor, one-year extension. for g rehired civilian annuitant cases were approved tor of Personnel: Independent Contractor, O/DDA, one-year extension. Independent Contractor, O/DDA, one-year extension. Independent Contractor, OS, one-year extension. 1_ S E C R E T E2 IMPDET CL BY: 061749 Approved For Release 2001/08/14: CIA-RDP80-00773A000100050031-3