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Document Release Date: 
July 12, 2000
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Publication Date: 
February 25, 1953
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Approved FagJeI a 2000/08/16 :?IDW-R P .A6A6 9 OQy00010114-0 I Security Informnati'O 25 rebnwry 19 3 CgP?6-f ato - 6'j5- 3 PERS O? tPIET, DIRECTOR MMO UM NO. 9?53 a-SUBJECT-. Paymerl for Accrued. nual Leave z " The Lump Surt eve Act (PeL. 52 78th congress) authorizes pay- 41 in a lump sum for all accumulated and accrued annual leave to which an employee is entitled under existing law upon his separation from the Federal ~ervicea However, the Act also provides that if he is again employed under the seine leave system prior to the expiration of the period covered by such lump a mm payment, he must refund to the employing agency an amount equal to the payment received for the period between the date of his reemployment and the expiration of the leave period0 In such cases,, the employee is credited by the employing agency for the period of leave. covered by the refund. 11 All individuals in the Personnel office who are concerned with the processing of appointment actions are cautioned to be especially careful in applying this requirement, whenever a person who has prior Federal service is appointed to a position in this Agency., the dates of his most recent employment will be checked and a determination made as to whether he has received a 1,.=p swim leave payment which would cover a period extending beyond t1 ,,e of his appointment in the Agency, If the refund provision cited nhove is applicable to any cases appropriate action will be taken to obtain proper refund,. The Specia. Processing Section of the Transactions and Records ,reach., PD(C), will pay particular attention to this requirement in processing vases involving conversion from staff employee to staff agent status,; The fact that refund is not required unless reemployment is effected ender the sane leave system could,,, nevertheless, result in a violation of the :-spirit of existing regulations? The fact that an employee whose employment .a continued on a contract basis or by a short term return to active military duty could be eligible for a lump sum leave payment does not in itself E . abuse. however, the Special Contracting and Allowances Staff and the ilitaryy Personnel Division will each exercise particular care in cases processed in their jurisdictions to assure that neither of these devices used for the purpose of obtaining a lump sum payment for an individual whose employment will then be continued without proper refund. , Security Information 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDP80-00679A000100010114-0