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Approved For lease 2004/07/08 : CIA-RDP79T011464PO1300150001-2 SECRET 13 October 1952 OCI No. 9398 Copy No. 2 9 6 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE DIGEST Office of Current Intelligence CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY This digest of significant reports has been prepared primarily for the internal use of the Central Intelligence Agency. It does not represent a complete coverage of all current reports re- ceived. Comments represent the immediate views of the Office of Current Intelligence. ONI, DIA and DOS review(s) completed. SECRET Approved For Rel 6A001~ C T= 5 25X1 25X1 Approved For lease 2004/07/08: CIA-RDP79T011464 01300150001-2 SECRET THIS MATERIAL CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES WITHIN THE MEANING OF THE ESPIONAGE LAWS, TITLE 189 USC, SECS. 793 AND 794, THE TRANSMISSION OR REVELATION OF WHICH IN ANY MANNER TO AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PROHIBITED BY LAW. 1. Poland signs trade agreement with Iran: The trade agreement 25X1 between n an Iran was signed on October in the office of the Minister of National Economy in Tehran, according to an Iranian broadcast. The agreement provides for the exchange of goods valued at 12,000,000 Swiss francs (approximately $525,000) per year. Iranian exports to Poland will include oil and oil products, lead oxide, manganese, hides, cotton, wool, and dried fruit, while such products as dyestuffs, china, pharmaceuticals, textiles, sugar, paper, and cement are mentioned for Polish export to Iran. According to the American Ambassador, no foreign exchange will be used in the settling of accounts. Comment: Negotiations for this agreement have been in progress at leas since the beginning of this year. No details are yet available on the quantity of oil provided for in the agreement, which is probably at least partially political in intent. Hungary and Czechoslovakia have also signed trade agreements this year with Iran. 2. Yugoslavia hints at diplomatic break with Vatican: In re- plying to a suggestion of The French Ambassador at Yugoslav- Vatican relations might be improved if the Yugoslav Government sent a permanent representative to the Vatican, Assistant Foreign Minister said that Yugoslavia had no intention of being represented at the Vatican and it was very likely that Vatican representation in Belgrade would soon be terminated. Ambassador Allen notes that the Yugoslav press had opened a violent campaign against the Acting Papal Nuncio and the Vatican 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/07/08 : CIA-RDP79T01146AO01300150001-2 Approved For lease 2004/07/08: CIA-RDP79T0114W1300150001-2 SECRET for allegedly forbidding the clergy to join government-sponsored priest associations. Allen comments that the government may intend these attacks to lead to a break of such diplomatic relations as now exist between the Vatican and Yugoslavia. Comment: Yugoslav government-sponsored priest associations were successfully organized in parts of Yugoslavia in October, 1950, but it is only in the last two months that the government has attempted to do the same in Croatia, the traditional strong- hold of Yugoslav Catholicism. The vehemence of the Yugoslav press attack on official Church reaction to these efforts indicates that the government is deter- mined to lessen the influence of the Church. These attacks may also be part of a planned campaign against Western influences. 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/07/08 : CIA-RDP79T01146AO01300150001-2 Approved For ease 2004/07/08: CIA-RDP79T011464#01300150001-2 SECRET chefuof,nava.1 o p Navy: 3. as irec edorders Presi e.Rheecontravenes rations to intercept Japanese. fishing vessels in the Korean sea. defense zone and escort them into Pusan,. according to US Charge Lightner. This.. contravenes orders. of the United Nations Command, opera.tional.control of South Korean patrol craft in the area. Lightner believes that Rhee should be told "in no uncer- tain terms" that.thi.s is a UN Command responsibility and that no contravention will be-tolerated. He-notes, however, that an effort to curb Rhee might raise the-question of UN opera- tional.con.tro.l over the South Korean Armed Forces.,.and the equally. delicate problem.of.Japanese civilian personnel used by the UN forces. Comment: The UN Sea Defense Command was recently establNiFT-to preclude threatened.Japanese-Korean. incidents over fishing rights. near the.Koreancoast. The. move has. been incorrectly interpreted by the Koreans as excluding Japanese but not-Korean fishing operations in the designated zone. 25X1 4. North Korean Navy reportedly boats: The North rean Navy recently received . -..orpe .o craft from the Soviet Union, 25X1 These boats, with their crews, are.un er training in Unggi harbor on the Korean. east coast a few miles from the Soviet border. Comment: The. North Korean Navy lost its small patrol- torpeao oa. force at-the beginning of the war as a. result of US naval action. Heightened Communist efforts to de.fend.the east coast were evidenced by MIG-15 interception. of US naval.aircraft over Hungnam on the east. coast on .4.and 7. October, the first such incidents in over a year. 3 13 Oct 52 Approved For Release 2004/07/08 : CIA-RDP79T01146A001300150001-2 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/07/08 : CIA-RDP79T01146AO01300150001-2 Approved For Release 2004/07/08 : CIA-RDP79T01146AO01300150001-2 25X1 Approved For lWease 2004/07/08 : CIA-RDP79T01146 01300150001-2 SECRET 8. Hong with Chinese. Communists. con- ong tinues ve. ..' a zures of smuggled . cargoes y, Hong Kong au or ...ies appeared to be...more numerous. during August than in the.past several months. Unofficial.reports_o.n smuggled cargoes between Hong Kong and Macao and. China show continued interest in steel plate, galvanized iron sheets,. steel strapping., rubber tires, hacksaw blades auto arts and communications equipment. Comment: Seizures by the .Hong.Kbng marine police and the Royal Navy show that. smuggling. from colony continues_on.an_.exte.nsiv.e scale despite .the fairly vigorous measures. taken by.enforcemen.t authorities. In.the case of Macao, have energetic measures to prevent smuggling of . strategic. cargoes to the Chinese Communists, SECRET 5 13 Oct 52 Approved For Release 2004/07/08 : CIA-RDP79T01146A001300150001-2 25X1 Approved Forl lease 2004/07/08 : CIA-RDP79T01146'iimbl300150001-2 SECRET 11. Rivals for Thai premiership seek additional support: While not open y threatening eac o er at the presen ime, Police Director General Phao and Deputy Minister of Defense General. Sarit are actively seeking additional political and financial support, according to the American Embassy in Bangkok. Phao. is reportedly negotiating with leading-sup- porters of former Premier Pridi, while Sarit is believed to be courting pro-Royalist leaders. Meanwhile, both are attempting to improve relations with American Embassy officials. SECRET 6 13 Oct 52 Approved For Release 2004/07/08 : CIA-RDP79T01146AO01300150001-2 Approved For alease 2004/07/08 : CIA-RDP79T01146A&O1300150001-2 SECRET The .Emhass.y.. also _ r.epor. ts. that while... Pr.emier.. Phi.bun' s influence., has..mawkedly decline.d., he, is _ still capable of holding, office. because of.. his . ability, to play upon the Sarit-Pbao...rivalry. Comment: Despite recurrent.rumors of a.. coup d'etat, the po ,.balance. of .power. in Thailand... has. changed.. . little since. the November 19.51. coup..... Until the .Phan,-,..S.arit conflict is..resolved.,..however, the.,possibility remains that it will..:be settled by force. The attempts ofPhao and Sarit to., curry. Embassy favor mark a ..dis.t.inct reversal. of.. their recent.. coolness toward American officials in Bangkok. 12. Phao. denies Thai.. police. knew. of departure of Peiping delegates: Although... asser .ng. ME no was well Informed on the movements of. the . Thai delegates to the. Peiping-Asian Peace Conference.,. police Director General Phao denied that the police had prior, knowledge of the delegates' intent to leave the country illegally, after the government. had refused to issue. them passports. The American. Embassy in Bangkok comments that Phao's statement' indicates that the police'do.'nbt intend to act against the delegates when they return and that they fail to appreciate the dangers of the activities of the Thai Peace Committee, sponsor of the delegation. 13. Means:sought to justify advance billing for visit of American -.officials to Manila: Regretting tihatPresident u r no W-13, or, omes c political. reasons,. magnified: the importance of the, late October of high American-defense officials and Assistant Secretary of State Allison, Philippine Foreign Secretary:Elizalde is seeking a means to make the visit appear: productive. On:his::owninitiative:, Elizalde..suggested to an American Embassy-officer that the conferees::migh:t announce that they had discussed the Communist:threa.t to: Southeast Asia,. and that President.Quirino.had declared the Philippines ready to make the. fullest . possible, contribution in: the event of Communist aggression there. Elizalde hoped that the Philip- pine declaration would cause Thailand and possibly Burma, to make analogous statements. SECRET 7 13 Oct 52 Approved For Release 2004/07/08 : CIA-RDP79T01146A001300150001-2 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For R j ase 2004/07/08 : CIA-RDP79T01146 91300150001-2 SECRET Comment.: Quirino's office in to the press l; a at. Quirino's "request," the United States was sending three high defense officials to. meet Allison in Manila for a top-level conference with Quirino on the defense of the area. The Manila press has implied that the talks may cover defense of the entire Pacific area. Indonesian labor.federation.plans workers' "national frontT".ac c: The .conference being a through October y WS` ridonesia's Communist-led labor federation, and attended by WFTU Secretary Henry Turrell, is not an annual congress but a.s.pecial meeting to discuss strategy and tactics. While recognizing that a people's democracy is most suitable for Indonesia and should be observed as the basic objective of their struggle, the. conference suggests that such an aim should be played down.. Instead SOBSI should call. for the establishment of a workers' "national front." It was. also suggested that SOBSI cease toperform the functions. of. a political party. Comment: the largest labor federation in Indonesi~' a, a larger geographic area than any other labor federation, and unlike similar organizations, has. seven seats in parliament. SOBSI lost ground to. non-Communist labor organizations in 1952 and late 1951, however, and in several instances its tactics encountered stiff government resistance.. Apparently its new tactic will be to camouflage its Communist character and to concentrate strictly upon labor activity. 15. Britain sees possible Burmese preparation for nationali- zation o British The British ore gn ice ex- presses..concern that an unfavorable decision by the Burmese Supreme,. Court on the constitutionality of the Burmese Govern- ment's oil venture with.. the Burmah Oil Company might prove to be a preliminary move toward nationalization of the oil com- pany and other British. interests in Burma. The Foreign Office believes that the proposed Burmese financial mission to London will not be sent if the court on the oil venture, .. and. indicates that under these conditions Britain would refuse any postponement or reduction of the first payment on Burma's debt to Britain. 25X1 8 13 Oct 52 Approved For Release 2004/07/08 : CIA-RDP79T01146AO01300150001-2 25X1 25X6 Approved For Wease 2004/07/08: CIA-RDP79T011461300150001-2 SECRET SOUTH ASIA Nehru foresees union of French and Portuguese territories with India: In. -a major address at. - a. ras c-n . October , Prime Minister fehru.complained that recent acts of violence against pro-Indian. ind.ivi.duals `in.. French India had made it impossible to holda free plebiscite there on the. question of union with India. He-stated that French and Portuguese. territories on the subcontinent "must. inevitably belong to the Union of India. We...are riot going to-discuss that basic issue. . any longer.. The only points.we.are.going to. discuss are the details which follow from acceptance of. that issue." Comment: Nehru's statements on such foreign enclaves as Pon c ery and Goa, together with his attitudes on matters affecting South African citizens of Indian extraction, stand in striking contrast to his extreme sensitivity.regarding any potential violation of. India's sovereignty. According. to the American Consulate General in Madras, the Indian_Governm.ent.probably fears that a. free plebiscite would not favor India. Approved For Release 2004/07/08 : CIA-RDP79T01146A001300150001-2 Approved For F ase 2004/07/08 : CIA-RDP79T01146q&1300150001-2 appear to be growing., and. all evidence points to a poor nationalist.showin the UN General Assembly. 25X1 Comment: The present calm in more likely the result o.f improved discipline of Tunisian_ nationalists than the perfection. of security controls. Some public manifestation is certain to coincide with inscription of the Tunisian question on the UN General Assembly agenda. they now-have,the initiative and are, making-headway-against the nationalists.. A.sp.okesman told the.. US Consul General that internal. if feren.ces :among the . nationalist leaders French officials in Tunisia.are confident they control situation: French Residency officials in Tunis believe at SECRET 10 13 Oct 52 Approved For Release 2004/07/08 : CIA-RDP79T01146AO01300150001-2 25X6 Approved For Release 2004/07/08 : CIA-RDP79T01146AO01300150001-2 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2004/07/08 : CIA-RDP79T01146AO01300150001-2 Approved For jlease 2004/07/08 : CIA-RDP79T01146Mb1300150001-2 SECRET 25X6 24, Russians retaliate against Austrian firm subjected to export controTs: American massy officials in Vienna repor t at Soviet occupation authorities are stopping all Western export shipments of mining fuses produced by Schaffler and Company, an Austrian firm located within the Soviet zone. Export shipments awaiting Soviet clearance include two consignments totalling $700,000 destined for France. 25X1 Comment: The Schaffler Company, which produces Title I mining fuses from materials imported in large part from Hungary, has heretofore shipped about half its exports to Hungary, Ruwania, and Czechoslovakia. Soviet officials have occasionally refused permits for the plant?s Western shipments, and Embassy officials fear that if permits for exports to the Orbit are stopped by the Austrian Government in cooperation with COCOM controls the company will also lose the source of its materials in Hungary. An Embassy request for exception from strict enforcement of Title I controls, based on the prospects of Soviet retaliation as well as publicity and unemployment considerations, is still pending. 25. Austrian Foreign Minister calls for US action against inde- pendent press: Foreign Minister Gruber has told American of- ficials in Vienna that it would be to the interest of both the United States and Austria if action could be taken to curb the power of the dominant independent press in the Salzburg area. Expressing concern regarding the spring elections in this area, where the local organization of the Peoples Party is weak and sentiment against the coalition is mobilized by independent news- papers, he stressed the "parallel menace" arising from the under- mining of coalition stability and of US prestige. Gruber called in particular for American action against the Salzburger Nachrichten as the "greatest source of local disaf- fection." He suggested that, since US authorities had "founded" the paper, they should either financially penetrate or neutralize it through "legal means." 25X1 13 13 Oct 52 Approved For Release 2004/07/08 : CIA-RDP79T01146AO01300150001-2 Approved For lease 2004/07/08 : CIA-RDP79T01146"01300150001-2 SECRET Comment: Although the city of Salzburg has a Socialist mayor, its independent newspapers, which follow an anti-American line, are a potent force, particularly among radical rightist elements. Gruber?s proposal for US action appears suspicious in light of his recent criticism of American "interventionism" in Austria and fairly reliable evidence that he has connections with the Salzburger Nachrichten. 26. Paris Embassy comments on Pinay?s foreign policy leadership: French Premier nay as succeeded at least temporarily in creating considerable public and parliamentary confidence in his personal ability to handle foreign policy, the American Embassy in Paris reports. The government?s firm stand on Tunisia and its success in postponing a foreign policy debate in the National Assembly is said to have pleased all non-Communist political groups. If this new attitude persists, the Embassy believes, it will assist Pinay in.obtaining parliamentary acceptance of policies which many deputies have previously regarded as mere "Schuman" policies. Comment: Pinay?s new controlling position in the field of foreign po ficy does not necessarily mean that he will or can win parliamentary acceptance of current European integration proposals. He has not yet clearly committed himself on the EDC, for example, and this is one of the principal targets of the extreme rightist political groups whose favor he has obviously been courting. 27. Paris Embassy comments on controversy with French over 1953 budget: American o cials in Paris report that i t s not yet clear w ether the French Government will now refuse to discuss with NATO,as well as with the United States, the size and content of its 1953 military budget. They warn that the French in their present frame of mind could seriously prejudice the NATO Annual Review and might line up other member nations to restrict exami- nation of military budgets. In the opinion of these officials, Premier Pinay, hyper- sensitive on the subject of raising taxes, probably has inferred that the United States is seeking to encourage such a policy. His firm stand against higher taxes is already jeopardized by the concessions he has had to make to demands for increased expenditures in the civil and investment portions of the pro- posed 1953 budget. 25X1 14 13 Oct 52 Approved For Release 2004/07/08 : CIA-RDP79T01146AO01300150001-2 25X1 25X1 Approved For (ease 2004/07/08 : CIA-RDP79T01146}[ 01300150001-2 SECRET Raids expected to strengthen French Government's case against Communists: A Frenc Defense Ministry official as revealed that the recent anti-Communist raids are only the beginning of a series intended to strengthen the government's charge of a "plot against the external security of the state." A primary aim of the government is to lodge charges against the arrested secretary general of the CGT, the Communist-led labor organization, bearing not only on demoralization of the army but also on CGT instructions to prevent shipment of war material. F7 I Comment: The raids are in line with the government's in- creasingly nationalistic spirit. They may have been part of Approved For Release 2004/07/085: CIA-RDP79T01146A001300~'5~0'1-r2 52 Approved Forgtease 2004/07/08 : CIA-RDP79TO1146QO1300150001-2 SECRET Pinay's efforts to bolster his weakening political position, and may have been timed to prevent heightened Communist activity this fall in the port areas, 30. Uruguay may break relations with the USSR on 15 October: 25X1 There is a strong possibility that the Government of Uruguay will break diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union at its next National Executive Council meeting on 15 October. Comment: There is no other evidence regarding the agenda of the National Executive meeting. In recent years government officials and the press in Uruguay have periodically questioned the desirability of continuing relations with the USSR. SECRET 16 13 Oct 52 Approved For Release 2004/07/08 : CIA-RDP79T01146AO01300150001-2 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/07/08 : CIA-RDP79T01146AO01300150001-2 Next 4 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2004/07/08 : CIA-RDP79T01146AO01300150001-2