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MEMORANDUM FOR: Executive Director-Comptroller THROUGH : 1uty Director for Support 2 7 MTSSY 1711 SUBJECT Approved For Release 200 1 ( R .k80-003 Q a;Qq~? .Pi1 . Announcement of the 'Senior Seminar 1. This memorandum contains a recommendation for your ap- proval in paragraph five. 2. Planning and development of the new Senior Seminar are moving steadily ahead and we have scheduled it to commence on 19 September. The outlook is promising and I am confident that it will meet the test of a hard evaluation stipulated by the Director. In order to start the process of nominating and selecting the par- ticipating officers, I would 1_i_ke to. send an announcement and a brief outline of the Seminar to the heads of operating components and training officers throughout the Agency. A copy of the announce- ment and the outline are attached. 3. You will note from the announcement that the length of the Seminar is considerably shorte:. than my original proposal for a three-month course. This reduction in length responds to the views informally expressed by the Director, as well as the advice of the DDP, ADDP and ADDI who believe that making the Seminar shorter will facilitate the nomination of better participants. The IG, ADDP, ADDS, ADDI and EO/DDS&T, as well as a number of other key officers throughout the Agency--close to forty outside OTR to date--have been consulted for their views, suggestions, and re- actions in planning the Senior Seminar. The results of these con- sultations have been taken into account in developing the Seminar's content. 4.. The continuing support of top managers throughout the Agency is an essential ingredient in putting together, as you ad- monished last December, a "first-class program." The focal point of this support now centers on the nomination and selection of well. qualified participants. S. It is recommended that you approve the attached announce- ment and brief outline to be distributed to heads of operating Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP80-00308A000100010017-9 Approved For-Release 2s-v2 CiFP80-00308f000100010017-9 components and training officers in order to get the selection process underway. HUGJI T. CUNNINGI-I Director of Train. i g Concurrence: ~fiohn W. Co_1ey eputy Dire('--for for Suppo: t The recommendation in paragraph five is approved. L. K. White Executive Director-Comptroller Distribution: Orig - Adse (return to O/DTR;i 1 - Ex. Dir.-Compt. 2.- DD/S 2 DTR(1 w/h) /D 9.--~?...-"- 7/ Date Approved For Release 002/05/02: CIA-RDP80-00308A0000001'0d17 19 ` 2. The Seminar's objectives are to update senior officers' knowledge of foreign developments and their future impact on CIA, to develop greater insight into the problems and pressures facing Agency management, and to provide an opportunity for senior officers to renew their sense of personal motivation and appetite for achievemer.t.. The Seminar will draw on experts from academic life and private research organizations, officials from other government agencies, and knowledgeable officers from throughout the Agency. Much of the learning and broadening, however, will result from extensive active participation and sharing of views and insights among the Seminar of- ficers. 1. The Agency's new Senior Seminar, approved by the Director last December, will. be conducted by the Office of Training from 19 September through 24 November 1971. This program is uniquely designed for senior Agency personnel and its content will 1x on a level with that of the Senior Seminar in Foreign Policy, the senior service schools and the Federal Execu- tive Institute. Participation will be limited to twenty officers, minimum Grade GS-15. 25X1A 25X1A 3. The attachment provides a brief outline of the subjects the Senior Seminar will cover. The first week will. be held at the Approved or "'eleaf 066Md/'02' ~ 6A(-RDP80-0ft*4Q-000100010017-9 SENIOR SEMINAR and the :balance of the Seminar ,011 be conducted from new quarters Building. 4. The Office of Training and the various elements in the Agency which are collaborating in and supporting the Seminar are extending every effort to respond to the guidance from top management that the Seminar be a "first-class program." Selection of officers is a key element, as it is ex- pected that participants will play an active role in operating the Seminar. It is essential to select capable senior officers who represent different or--.. ganizational elements and who bring together a range of work and foreign area experience. In order to secure such a variety of backgrounds, quotas, I for nominations will not be established and each Directorate is requested to nominate more officers than might ordinarily be expected to attend on a straight quota basis. Selection from among the total group of nominations will be made by the Training Selection Board with a view to producing a repre- sentative and balanced group. 5. Nominations to the Senior Seminar are requested from Directorates by 9 July 1971. Final selections will be worked out by 23 July. Pre-course preparation--briefings of the participants and distribution of a limited amount of material to be read in advance--will be held in August. HUGH T. CUNNINGHAM AttI~~?+w?:" Approved For Release 2002/05/02: CIA-RDP80-00308A f6O94 1jPfining CO r ~! 31 :__ NTIAL Appro QL ZIP r Relen t 1Th96T.! ;A-RDP8Oi8O8A 1~7 9 6/W'IL1 7 ?. SENIOR SEMINAR : Outline of Content "Pre-course" meetings will be held with participants in August to secure their selection of "electives'", distribute a limited amount of material to be read in advance, and answer questions. I: The Senior Agency Officer (1 week) Seminar Orientation. Current perspectives on CIA. Lectures on management theories and techniques. -C-om-- =-"-ca; i-on-s= r hop Case studies. Electives. II: The Intelligence Busine:,s. -__Today and the Future.( ,__week) The changing structure. A selective look at a number of significant activities throughout the Intelligence Community. New technical systems and problems. The role of Agent sources. How intelligence supports policy. Communications and other- major support. III: Major World Trends and their Significance for Intelligence 2 wee s plus The Nixon Doctrine: Its implications for intelligence. US-Soviet Relations - continuing challenge or divergence. The Strategic Balance. Arms control. Implications of 25X1A arms control for intelligence. Intensive looks at the Soviet and Chinese problems. Latin America, Middle East, Western Europe, technology an power, and population. Electives. IV: Covert Action - The Hidden Side of Foreign Policy 1 2 wee -Pl plus What Covert Action is. Policy guidance and controls. Types of operations. Soviet and Chinese sponsored opera- tions and their role in the conduct of Communist foreign relations. Case studies. Objectives for the Seventies. Electives. V: The Changing Environment of CIA: Official Relationships and2.elevant Domestic iah ng~ weeks) The status of key relationships with the NSC and policy- making agencies. Relations with the Congress. Changing Approved For Releas X1`05' CIA-RDP80-00308A000100010017-9 Approved -Per Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP80-00908A000100010017-9 national priorities and goals. How friends and critics see us--youth, the media, and academia. Trends in American Society. Electives. VI: New Methodologies of Interest to Intelligence (1/2 week plus) New analytical techniques: Delphi, systems analysis, and quantitative decision-making. Futurism. ADP and the Senior Officer. Electives. VII: Domestic Travel (1/2 week) Keyed to the particular interests of officers attending the Seminar. Possibilities are intelligence, intelligence contractor, military or space facilities, or institutions involved in domestic change. VIII: Management of Intelligence in a Period of Change cT wee plus Management of intelligence resources. Personnel manage- ment. Intelligence and policy formulation. Factors in- fluencing intelligence analysis. Intelligence in American Society. Electives. General evaluation of the Seminar. Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP80-00308A000100010017-9 Approved For Release 2002/05/02 CIA-RDP80-003 AQD0100010017-9 DD/S 71-1269 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of T: airing Hugh: Further on my brief conversation with you about the broader university aspects of the Office of Training, I want to confirm that I discussed this with Colonel White. He recalled seeing the outline "A Proposal for the Office of Training" which you dated about November 1968. He agrees that some of this sort of thing properly could go on. He, I think, would agree with us that a change in the regulation probably isn't necessary and might better not be made. Further of course, if anything of major importance or large implication be proposed it probably ought to be sur- faced with the Deputies. He ended by saying "I am inclined to agree that it is time to broaden and deepen OTR's function,". You might be interested in a paragraph in a note I have written to Mr. Coffey on this subject: "In our society the university is both :r. teaching institution and a research center and certainly scholarly objectivity has a place in CIA. OTR is as good a place as any and better than m ost from which to look at how the Agency conducts its business. If, in the process of developing/revising courses or course material, an opportunity be offered to study a policy or practice, I think that opportunity should be seized. As a matter of fact, the very process of seeking in doctrine could be expected to surface anomalies deserving attention. There would be no reason for OTR not to take the lead >- with however the clear dictum that it not decide what the resolution would be that must remain to command. The regulation does not provide for tlos function perhaps it needn't but it would be tidier if it did." With this as a general endorsement, I think we can let the matter rest in any formal sense and as your good judgment and your facilities dictate you might begin rno ' r al in tb!.-z direction. Robert S. Wattles . Approved For Release 2002c 5 Q22o~-c1A-RD N[,ASII EmpprovM.orR Ma 2002/05/02: CIA-RPq80 ff8A0pQ1AQ010017-9[l SECRET ROWING AND RECORD SHEET SUBJECT: (Optional) Announcement of the Senior Seminar FROM: EXTENSION NO. Director of Training 8:L Glebe 3245 OFFICER'S INITIALS COMMENTS (Number each comment to show from whom to whom. Draw a line across column after each comment.) Ex. Dir.-Compt. DT=R` SECRET CONFIDENTIAL El USE ONLY ^ UNCLASSIFIED 7