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I /~~ Approved For lease 200 'R/ffC R-RDP79T0114?002004 3 T COPY NO. 39 CENTRAL IN"'LLLJ GENC); AGrIvUY OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE Date: APR 3..95j.,_. NOTE: 1. This summary of significant reports has been prepared primarily for the internal use of the Office of Current Intelligence. it does nol. represent a complete coverage of all current report4 in CIA or in the Office of Current Intelligence. 2. Comments represent the vreliminary views of the Office of Current intelligence. 3. Marginal letter indications are defined as follows: "A" - items indicating Soviet-Communist intentions or capabilities "B" - important regional developments not necessarily related to Soviet/ Communist intentions or capabilities "C" - other information indicating trends and potential developments TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2002/09/04: CIA-RDP79T01146A000200030001-7 Approved Ford lease 2002/09/04: CIA-RDP79T011 00200030001-7 TOP SECRET SECTION I. (SOVIET) 25X1 who crossed the Turkish border in January 1951 states that on approac ng his village in March 1950 he was stopped by two men, armed with sub-machine guns, who invited him to join a subversive group "to fight Communists." He also said that he later learned from his father that about 40 well-armed EASTERN EUROPE, BULGARIA, Internal Resistance Grou Reported, peasants from villages near Belene (northeastern Bulgaria) were operating with the support of other peasants and had killed a number of Communist 25X1 officials, COMMENT.- Although no firm evidence of the existence of organized resistance bands in Bulgaria has been received recently, Yugoslav propaganda alleges that Bulgarian peasants are fleeing to the mountains to escape the arbitrary collectivi- zation measures and that Bulgarian army deserters are escaping to the mountains near Sliven, "C" UN Receives charges of Hostile Western Povocataons. For the second time within a month Bulgaria has filed a formal protest with the UN. Secretariat charging hostile Greek provocations against Bulgaria. While the first protest of border violations was leveled only against the Greek Government, the second flatly alleged that the United States and Great Britain through their agencies in Greece directly sponsored, trained and equipped espionage agents who were returned to Bulgaria in the fall of 194.9 and captured by Bulgarian authorities. The protest is based upon the trial of these alleged agents held in Sofia this month, which resulted in the death penalty for two of the defendants 25X1 "C" FINLAND. Communists Threaten I~plearz~er O e O Information contained in a VOA listeners letter from Finnish Iappland indicates that local Communist leaders may be preventing the population from listening to VOA broadcasts. The local Communist leaders a're apparently warning the La land population that listening to VOA is an act hostile to the USSR.- 25X1 COMMENT.- This is the first report o this nature concerning the recently inaugurated VOA program to Finland. Finnish Lappland has been subjected to intensive Communist at- tention, and some of the Party?s recent membership gains have occurred in the area. Finnish governmental authority in the region is tenuous, "B" POLAND. Bierut Visit to Berlin Viewed as Sig_n.ificant. The recent state visit of Polish President Bierut to Eastern Germany may have had specific objectives in addition to promoting Polish-German friendship. The US Embassy Warsaw suggests that the ceremonial visit was made to soothe Polish apprehensions in connection with the rumored activation of twenty- five divisions by the GDR. Bierut was accompanied by the influential Under-Secretary of State Berman and by Minister of Finance Dambrowski. 5X1 COMMENT.- There is frequent evidence that the basic antipa o the Polish and East German populations for one Approved For Release 2002/09/04: CIA-RDP79T01146A000200030001-7 25X1 Approved Fo.lease 2002/09/04: CIA-RDP79T011 000200030001-7 TOP SECRET another remains undiminished despite the efforts of their 7Communist leaders. The structure and top-heavy personnel composition of the East German Alert Police units could permit them to expand, although the anneal size of the enlarged units is not known. POLAND. atican Rumored to Have Accepted Staters Reor nization of Church, US Embassy Warsaw reports that according to rumors from Rome, the Vatican has agreed to accept the ecclesiastical reorganization by the Polish Government of the former German territories now under Polish administration. Last January the Polish Government preemptorily ousted the temporary Vatican approved administrators for the dioceses in the former German territories, and appointed individuals subservient to the government. According to the same reports, the Vatican will refuse further concessions such as a oint- 25X1 ment of permanent bishops to the dioceses in question. COMMENT: Polish Catholic Primate Wyszynski is visiting the Vatican, with the sanction of the Polish Government, for the purpose of obtaining Vatican approval of the State's reorganization of the diocesan administra- tion. Wpszynski approved the governmental changes in January without prior consultation with the Vatican. If the rumors are correct, the recent Vatican concession is significant. However, there have been no indications that the Vatican is willing to change its position of not formally recognizing the Polish "recovered territories.n YUGOSLAVIA Raw Material Shortages Causing Industrial St~raoes All cotton mills in Croatia and Slovenia representing 77% of Yugoslav capacity are closed as a..result of a critical cotton and coke shortage. Cotton. mills in Serbia will also be forced to close by 5 May unless Greek cotton, for which Yugoslavia is currently negotiating, can be procured immediately. A Yugoslav official has stressed the importance of settling promptly all questions between the US and Yugoslavia regarding the recent US grant of $29,000,000 for industrial raw materials and has presented a list of needed commodities totaling $27,096,000. Many of the items on the list are avail- 25X1 n Western Europe and the Near East. COMMEN The Yugoslavs are critically s or n co on, co e, n us r a fats, newsprint, industrial chemicals and pharmaceuticals. The recent US and UK grants of $29,000,000 and 1,000,000 pounds sterling re- spectively were made to solve temporarily these critical shortages. TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2002/09/04: CIA-RDP79T01146A000200030001-7 Approved Fow lease 2002/09/04: CIA-RDP79T011If 000200030001-7 TOP SECRET SECTION 2 (EASTERN) "B" IRAN. Mossadeg Named Premier Following Parliamentary iLte Expropriatin recommendation of the Lower House and the Senate., the Shah appointed Dr. Mohammed Mossadeq as Iran's new Premier. Mossadeq, National Front, leader, ,: started immediately (29 April) to form a cabinet and draft a arty program. Mossadeq's first official act was to instruct the police not to publish a planned decree banning May Da demonstrations, 25X1 5X1 COMMENT.- Mossadeq's appointment, as Premier illustrates the strength of the move to nationalize Iran's oil. As Premier he gives little promise of bringing stability to Iran. He will not have the Shah's support and it is doubtful that he can retain Majlis support for long.- He himself is an impractical idealist. 'While he is reportedly not opposed to the employment of foreigners to assist Iran in managing its oil industry, he has been one of the leaders in the recent drive to force the immediate nationalization of the Anglo-Iraiian Oil Company. Mossadeq's willingness to permit demonstrations on May Day is indicative of his rather unrealistic political philosophy. Unless he changes, radically,., it is difficult to see how further deterioration of Iran's already critical economic situation can be avoided. "B" NEAR EAST. Conference in Beirut of French Diplomatic Chiefs in the Near East Area. According to US Minister ?erton in Beirut., the French diplo- matic chiefs at t he second Near East regional confer. ence2 Vriiich opened in Beirut on 23 April., have been reviewing the general problems of the area. The French Ambassador to Cairo, M. de Murville, who is chairman of the Beirut conference, has publicly stated to the press that France is primarily interested in the defense of the Near East. Ambassador de M r rille indicated that the conference would discuss the political strate is commercial and' 25X1 cultural aspects of the area problems. 25X1 COMMENT: France has been striving regain its prewar position in the ear East, particularly in Syria and Lebanon, Arab reaction to the recent Moroccan incidents and to French policies in North Africa generally have made this aim more difficult to achieve. The con- centration of the discussions on defense issues may be the result of French ire at being excluded from the recent US-UK strategic talks at Malta, The Beirut meetings will probably attempt to improve and coordinate French tac- tics in the area, particularly those which would strengthen an. independent Syria and forestall any union of Syria with Iraq and/or Jordan, Approved For Release 2002/09/04: CIA-RDP79T01146A000200030001-7 5X1 25X1 25X1 Approved Fo lease. 2002/09/04: CIA-RDP79T011 000200030001-7 TOP SECRET "B" AUSTRALIA. Liberal-Country Party Returned in House but Split Senate Indicated. The Liberal-Country coalition Government was returned to power in the House by the 28 April election, but indications are that the Senate will be evenly divided with the Labor Party. The Government will have a House majority of 11 - 17 seats in comparison with its previous 27--vote margin. Three House seats are still in doubt. Senate votes are counted under'a compli- cated proportional representation system and the outcome in the upper house may not be known for three weeks. The Communists failed to win a single seat in either house and a eared to be getting only about 2% of the total vote. COM ENT: Election results thus far indicate the Australian vo er was more attracted by Labor?s social welfare program and promises to halt inflation than by the Government's anti-Communist and preparedness efforts. "C" BURMA. Workers and Peasants Party Accused of Communist T. U Kvaw Nyein, a Burmese cabinet member and prominent Socialist leader publicly Pccused the Burma Workers and Peasants Party (BWFP) of being in league with insur- gent Communists, citing as evidence a local Communist broadcast calling on the Burmese people to vote for the BVWPP in the coming elections. Mean- while, it is reported that Burma"s two Communist parties, which have been fighting each other for almost four years, are planning to hold a conference 25X1 in the next few weeks at which the BWPP will also be represented. II 25X1 COMMENT: Kyaw Nyeinas outburst is the first public intimation or - aison. Kyaw Nyein probably had more definite evidence than a Communist broadcast to support his statement, and it indi- cates that the Burmese Government is keeping the BWPP under close surveil- lance. A Communist conference, including the BVWPP, is the logical outcome of reports indicating that the Chinese Communists desire a single Communist party in Burma to deal with before committing themselves to determined intervention in Burmese affairs. "C" CHINA. Anti-Communist Activity in Central-South Area. The Peiping regime admits in a published report that 5,000 of its cadres were killed during "remnant" anti-Communist forces in the Central-South area. I 25X1 COMMENT: The report concedes that the '"remnant" forces are in fact "very great." There are an estimated 250- 300,000 anti-Communist guerrillas still active in the Central-South area, as well as hundreds of thousands of "counter-revolutionaries," and the Peiping regime may be expected to lose a few thousand more of its func- tionaries in the area during 1951. a copy of a 10 January directive, from the CCP Central Committee to the Party HQ in Kwangtung, calling for a purge of the provincial administration and Party in January and February. The directive, noting that most of the Nationalist administrative apparatus had been retained by the Communists in Kwangtung as elsewhere, instructed Approved For Release 2002/09/04: CIA-RDP79T01146A000200030001-7 25X1 C Approved F04W lease 2002/09/04: CIA-RDP79T0111S000200030001-7 TOP SECRET the Party HQ to replace the bulk of these ex-Nationalist functionaries with "the Party's loyal cadres" and to reindoctrinate the remainder judged fit for retention. The document also directed the Party apparatus in Kwangtung--which has the "worst record as far as national Party disci line concerned"--to resume its 'Disciplinary Readjustment' program. 25X1 25X1 COMMENTS The document appears au hen- tic. has long been known a e Communists would replace Nationalist personnel with their own cadres as rapidly as feasible; this program.. has probably been accelerated by the "suppression of counter-revolutionaries campaign" now in process throughout China. It is also likely that the administrative and Party apparatus in Kwangtung are being especially hard hit by current security operations, as there is ample evidence that that province has offered greater resistance to Communist control than any other. "C" 25X1 C Delivery of Railroad Rolling Stock to Korea. 25X1 C the Chinese Communist Ministry of Railways 25X1 C ,4 locomotives and 250 freight cars to Korea 25X1 C planned to dispatch 1-4, hina - - - r - - 25X1 A - - - CCIiMENTs Previous reports have indicated that military requirements for railroad transportation in Manchuria preclude sending railway equipment out of that area, although transfer of some rolling stock from China Proper is considered possible. As Korean rolling stock suffers damage or destruction by UN aircraft, replacement from China's railroads, which run on the some standard gauge as Korean railroads, can be made more rapidly than from the USSR, which uses broad gauge rolling stock. "A" KOREA. Communist May be Saving Their AArm for Strategies Reasons. The Intelligence Staff of the US Far Eastern Command, speculating on the "enemy's ^urprising failure to utilize his air arm in coordination with the current ground offensive", believes that, while intensive UN bombing of North Korean airfields and adverse weather conditions may have in- fluenced the enemy's decision, the present enemy air inactivity could be a "deliberate stand-down for mechanical preparation". If this be the case, the enemy may be readying his air arm for "commitment when the for- ward drive of his present ground offensive fails" or for employment "in defense of supply lines as they are automatically extended, and thus countering wL.at in past has proved his foremost vulnerability". 25X1 25X1 COMMENTS Less than 50 Sovie-pe MIG jet aircra were encountered over northwestern Korea during the period of the current Communist offensive. Large-scale enemy air operations over North Korea in defense of lengthened Communist supply lines would serve the dual purpose of protecting the identity of the enemy's pilot personnel and of partially covering one of the enemy's greatest strategic weaknesses - his unprotected, extended lines of communication. Approved For Release 2002/09/04: CIA-RDP79T01146A000200030001-7 Approved Fo.lease 2002/09/04: CIA-RDP79T01110 000200030001-7 TOP SECRET "A" KOREA. Current Lack of Communist Agressiveness Deeepti ea The Intelligence Staff of the US Far Eastern Command in an estimate of the enemy's capa- bilities warns that the enemy's "quiescent attitude" of the pest 48 hours "must not be construed as an indication he has spent his offers ve effort". The estimate continues to say that all evidence points to an early re- sumption of the offensive and offers the extremely heavy southward vehicular movement in the enemy 's rear as an indication of such inter_tionso 125X1 5X1 COP ?ENT?ENT. Experience gained in the ace of previous such ommunis o ensives in Korea indicate that rapid UN disengagement and withdrawal nullifies the enemy's weight of infantry manpower and forces him to regroup his forces before again continuing the offensives 25X6 Approved For Release 2002/09/04: CIA-RDP79T01146A000200030001-7 Approved Foslease 2002/09/04: CIA-RDP79T0110000200030001-7 TOP SECRET SECTION 3 (ullES'TMN) 25X6 "B" FRANCE. Pleven Demands Immediate Popular Vote on Present Foreign Policy. Vice emier Pleven declared unofficially yesterday that Prance can no longer delay a clear popular pronouncement for or against the present foreign policy. He added that the "key issue" in the forthcoming elec- tions will be: 1) the government's program of collective security; 2) solidarity with the US and UK; and 3) unification of Europe. T 1earl- while, according to US Embassy Paris, as long as electoral reform (narrowly defeated in the Assembly on 27 April) has a chance of passage n Approved For Release 2002/09/04: CIA-RDP79T01146A000200030001-7 Approved Foolease 2002/09/04: CIA-RDP79T011000200030001-7 TOP SECRET this spring, the Queuille Government can be expe(,,+.ed to remain in office, 5X1 COINT Previous overnmen demands or early elections 1 .ave een aseoprin-- cipally on the urgent need of a new Assembly for adoption of an adequate anti-inflation program. Pleven's statement, however, calling for a showdown on the more fundamental program of support for the West is far more dangerous politically for the middle--of-the-road coalition parties-because their emphasis on this controversial policy will give the Communists a greater electoral advantage. "C" SPAIN. Police Adopt Extraordinary Precautions for Ma Da . According to press reports, Spanish police in Barcelona, Billbao, Oviedo and Malaga have been reinforced as a precaution against possible May Day demonstrations in those cities. Leaflets calling for May Dar demonstra- tions have been distributed in Barcelona, Bilbao and Ma aga. 25X1 C 1 bAll: sque Nationalist leaders called the Bilbao general strike of 22-23 April in order to insure their control of the situation in the area and to forestall a possible CorumanistLled strike 25X1 A on 1 Mao 25X1 5X1 COI+..SENT s Leaders of. the c'la.n es- ine no ommunis oppose io o 1 pro ably make every effort to prevent May Day workers' demonstrations, as the occurrence of such demonstrations would lend weight to the government's efforts to con- vince foreign and domestic opinion that the Bilbao-and Barcelona strikes were the work of Communist agitators. "C" DENMARK. Permission for World Peace Council to Hold Copenhagen Meeting MEFed. The Danish Government's decision to permit the 5--9 May meeting of the Executive Committee of the World Peace Council in Copenhagen was taken after full discussion by the Cabinet. Confronted with pointed inquiries by the US and UK embassies, the Danish Govern- ment informally explained its decision on the ground that the meeting involves only a brief business session without any particular propaganda 25X1 goal. COI4 LENT: Although the meeting is expected to include less an people, it is hardly likely that the Danish Government actually believes that the occasion will be devoid of propaganda value. The government's decision is to be attri- buted rather to the Danes' sensitiveness about their exposed geographical position and their consequent desire to avoid anything which they con- sider likely to increase tension between the East and the West by un- necessarily irritating the USSR and its satellites in secondary matters. There is no indication that the government would allow the World Peace Council to establish permanent headquarters in Copenhagen. TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2002/09/04: CIA-RDP79T01146A000200030001-7 Approved Fo lease 2002/09/04: CIA-RDP79T0111000200030001-7 25X6 "C" IRELAND. Threat to Governmental Coalition Grows. The presentation of the budget on 2 May will occasion a tes of the coalition government's continued ability to command a majority, despite recent defections. The stand of the 17 independent deputies in the 141-member Parliament will be decisive. Prime Minister Costello has made it known that if he does not receive assurance of the support of enough independents to produce a majority he will ask for a dissolution 'Which would cause a general election. 25X1 CO142DMT : The government, roug ou its tenure o over three years has ecepend d upon substantial independent support, as well as upon the cohesion of several politically diverse parties. During most of 1950 its parliamentary position was relatively strong, but in the fall it suffered several defections of independent deputies, and it has most recently been shaken by the resignation of the Minister of Health under controversy-provoking circumstances. The threat of an upset to the government, always present, is thus greater now than at any time since the fall of 1949. The policy questions involved are essentially of a domestic nature, and a change of government at this time would be unlikely to alter Ireland's neutrality policy in any significant way. CHILE. Communist May Day Demonstration Planned. The Minister of Interior as granted permission to the Communist Labor Confederation to hold a May Day demonstration, but has prohibited parading through the center of Santiago. The demonstration will call for unification of labor in one central organization and salary readjustments in accordance with the increase in the cDst of living. Protest will be made against price increases, speculation, the Defense of Democracy Law, and "war pacts". President Gonzalez Videla stated that he had received reports of a plan designed to create violence. TOP SECRET 9 Approved For Release 2002/09/04: CIA-RDP79T01146A000200030001-7 25X1 Approved For Rose 2002/09/04: CIA-RDP79T01146P0200030001-7 TOP SECRET 25X1 on 7 COIvNT: Communist activity ay Day is avore y e pre-e ec ionyear political atmosphere, (2) recent better organized Communist overt operations (3) labor unrest--particularly, in the copper industry and the American- owned Chilean Electric Company in Santiago and Valparaiso, (1.) continu- ing cost of living increases, and (5) an undercurrent of anti-US feeling in Chile. Astute maneuvering by Communists through the recently estab- lished "Committee to Oppose Price Increase,4'has whipped up considerable support for the demonstration. The government's proclamation of a state of emergency in Santiago and Valparaiso as a result of a strike by ? electric company employees and the alerting of troops will militate against the success. of attempted violence on May Day. TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2002/09/04: CIA-RDP79T01146A000200030001-7 Approved Fcelease 2002/g9I4 T, CIA-RDP79T0110000200030001-7 39 CENTBAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY DAILY DIGEST SENT APR 3 0 1951 25X1 49199 Approved For Release 2002/09/04: CIA-RDP79T01146A000200030001-7 5X6 L Approved For Release 2002/09/04: CIA-RDP79T01146A000200030001-7 Next 2 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2002/09/04: CIA-RDP79T01146A000200030001-7