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AD1 .RIIV -- I:;T i!:AL USA ONLY Approved For Qelease 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP80-00308P 800100010001-6 MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director for Administration FROM Director of. Training SUBJECT CIA Senior Seminar 1. Action. Requested: This mb?morandum is to b'fig to your atteh.tion anc to suggest discus\ion by the 'Ma Bement CIA Senior. Seminar. The recent experience of thee' Training STATINTL Selection Board with the nominations of "office 7s to attend the course raises serious questions about th overall quality and balance of those attending, particular.], when considered in light of the cost of running the Semin 2 . Basic Data: Front its beginn 'g, the Semi:.lar has been desi ne of supergradc and pro, ising GS-15 officers. in contrast to senior officer courses conducted outside the Agency, the Seminar focuses o-A subjects and issues of direct concern to CIA and to tide U.S. intelligence effort. The quality of presentations ins on a level with th3 National War College, the Senior Seminar in Foreign Policy and the Federal Executive Institu-::e.. As the single greatest source of learning in the Seminar is derived from the inpats and interaction of the member:; , they sl-Lould be very able officers who collectively represen-w the different elements of the Agency and its wide range ol- activities. 3. The first,/CIA Senior Seminar was run in tae fall of 1971. Five Seminars have been held to date and a sixth is due to commence on 22 September. The record of nominations to the Seminar/1's uneven. Except for Seminar One, when 34 officers were nominated, the number of nominees has tended to be/too small to permit the Training Selection Board to pi a consistently strong and balanced group. Attachmen A shows the numbers of nominations and selections from Sem>y: ars One through 5..x; the =data on Seminar Six are, Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP80-00308A000100010001-6 ADISIPIISTiu;i. wi .. I;;T is USE ONLY Approved C1A'-'F'Zb1380nO03'08AA00100010001-6 of course, subject to change. You will note from the table that Seminars Five and Six show a significant decline in the number of nominations from the Operations Directorate with the result that it was not represented in proportion to its overall strength. 4. Attachment B gives a breakout of participants in the Seminar as between GS-151s and supergrades. Although. attendance by supergrades has been given considerable em- phasis by top management, 1. think that this is a less serious matter than is the reed to secure a strong and balanced group, inasmuch as well-qualified GS-15's also make significant contributions. But the record, par- ticularly in the Seminars Four through Six, shows a decided decline in attendance by supergrade officers. 5 , Given the current eonstra:Lnts on resources, we must be certain that our investment of personnel and funds As resulting in a maximum return. The cost of running the Seminar is substantial. Using Sem3:nar Five as the basis , the direct costs to OTR of running the Seminar are as follows: Staff salaries $57,000 Guest speaker fees 41$300 Field trip 6,100 Local travel 600 Miscellaneous 200 TOTAL $67,200 1/ The direct. cost per "student day" of the Senior Seminar Five Was $73; on a comparable ':)axis the cost per student day of the Senior Seminar in Foreign Policy is $63; the Federal Executive Institute is $83; the Harvard AMP was $115; and a typical short AMA course is $176. 6. Staff Position: As shown by the extensive feedback received Strom the a omst LOU officers who attended the first 1/ Not included in this estimate are such indirect costs as the salaries of participants while in the Seminar; the costs associated with CIA and other government speakers; such overhead costs as OTR graphics, library, and audio support; and the cost of facilities used by the Seminar. Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP80-00308A000100010001-6 -2 __.=::a;AL USE Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP80-00308A O01000'10001-6 five Senior Seminars, they are unanimous that their attendance has been beneficial to them. in present and prospective job assignments. I think that the value and quality of the pro- gram are well known, and it is not necessary to establish- or belabor that point here. Given the experience with-the nominations to Seminars Five and S::.x, I do not, however, believe that the Seminar is fulfilling Mr. Colby's recommenda- tion of 25 September 1972, that it "be aimed at senior levels who will go to higher respcnsibili-.ies." 7. In the light of the above, several options appear to be open: a. As part of the Anr:,aal Personnel Plan, each Directorate could identify those senior officers selected for attendance in future runnings of the Seminar as part of their executive development. In August 1972, Mr. Colby envisaged that such "programming" for the Senior Seminar and other essential courses could be done up well in advance of actual attendance. If carried out, this course of action would indicate whether the Seminar should be continued on its present basis; b. If candidates for the Seminar are not nominated or cannot be identified through the Annual Personnel Plan in sufficient numbers to provide a strong and ba:_anced group, the Seminar could be discontinued following its sixth running in November; or all:e-rnatively, c. The Seminar cou:.d be transformed, in coopera-? tion with the IC Staff, into a course for senior officers from throughout the Intelligence Community. In order to make it a truly inter agency program, it. would require, in my judg- ment , an inter-agency staff and a reduction in the number of CIA attendees; i.e., the number of Agency participants should be in rough proportion to the Agency's strength within --- ----the total Intelli ;ence Community or about four or five per running." Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP80-00308A000100010001-6 -3 USE ONLY fIINISTF,tMV. INTETUTAb USE ONL Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP80-003081900100010001-6 8. Recommendation: I recommend that you bring the issues raise above to the attention of the CIA Management Committee and to the Director, given his extensive personal involvement in selecting qualified officers and his interest in the Seminar. Alfonso o r- gue Director of Training Distribution: 0 - Adse (w/atts) 2 DDA (w/atts) 2 DTR (w/atts) 2 - OTR/II Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : Cli RDP80-00308A000100010001-6 Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP80-00308A000100010001-6 ADMINISTRATIVE - INFTERI;AL USE ONLY Senior Seminar Nominations and Attendees Seminar One Seminar Two Seminar Three Seminar Four Seminar Five Seminar Six Non. Att. Nom. Att. Nom. Att. Nom. Att. Nom. Att. Nom. Selecte, Director's Area 1 1 2 2 2 i/ 1 1 0 0 Directorate of Administration 7 4 5 52/ 6 4 6 5 6 4 Intelligence 11. 6 6 6 6 5 4 7 6 (6) (6) Directorate of Operations 10 6 41/ 31/ - .7 6 6 6 4 4' 41 (2) Directorate of Science and Technology 6 3 4 4 4 4 7 4 5 5 5 (S) 35 20 21 20 25 20 24 20 23 20 21 CIS, 1/ One nominee withdrawn prior to selection by the Training Selection Board. 2/ One member was withdrawn during the Seminar. 3/ Anticipated on basis of current information. Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP80-00308A000100010001-6 t~:.:._. .. P.. .. :.....:.: :.....". a ~ : .:: Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP80-00308A000100010001-6 l!D2, I?';ISTF TIVE - I_NTERM,'AL USE OYLY Senior Seminar Grades of Attendees Seminar One Seminar Two Seminar Three Seminar Four. Seminar Five Seminar Six I GS-15 SG GS-15 SG GS-15 SG GS-15 SG GS-15 SG )irector's Are a 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 (0) .(0) )irectorate of Administration 1 3 0 5 0 4 3 2 3 1 (2) (4) )irectorate of Intelligence 1 3 3 3 2 1 3 5 2 (4) (2) )irectorate of Operations 6 0 3 0 5 1 5 .1 3 1 (2) (0) )irectorate of Science and Technology 1 2 2 2 1 3 3 1 3 2 (4) (1) 13 7 9 11 9 11 12 8 14 6 12 ./ Anticipated on the basis of current information. Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP80-00308A000100010001-6 J. a. Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP80-00308AS00100010001-6 Background Papers on the Senior Seminar Tab 1 MFR from A/DDS, 17 Dec 19 70 Tab 2 Memo from Ex-Dir Comptr to DTR, 7 Jan 1972 Tab 3 Memo from Ex-Dir Comptr to the Four Deputy Directors, .14 Jan 1972 Tab 4 Background paper prepared for DTR, 3 Aug 1972 Tab 5 Memo from A/DDS to DTR, 14 Aug 1972 Tab 6 Memo from DDS to DTR, 10 Aug 1972 Tab 7 Extract from '%,FR on Deputies Meeting on 19 Sept 1972, 25 Sept 1972 Tab 8 Memo from C/T,,B to the Four Deputy Directors and AO/DC1, 7 June 1974 Approved For Release 2002/05/02: CIA-RDP80-00308A000100010001-6 Approved Fot eleasei20f12/p5/02,:;CIARDP80-00308A,L0010001000r1-6 DD/S 70-4391 StJ"JI CT: New Senior Ssnnir_ar card to t I': a i-:,,t the pro- posed i:o>v --y .: ..~77c :,ez:..: a~. _ .~;t c: sped ti c s~: 'pct i the 1.1 .wi is 1~_~... ?_ 1. 1. ._.i i2 J' J..: was G 7 _ ~? .. i..~..~ t. nD.Completely Sool:i C.ii the,- `'aii __1 i u" t.", e c :. x2 Ii i it-d his a T-nrcva.1 to a lt'_,ni t,7in c. C',...._ a i;~ - _ ^_ii~ r i r'3lU:.t1Gn `?;i-11 132 CCC:;Ir`~: ,v;.1. .'._=.'? I?_.`_~ccto::' l' s %.1:,:~ ..>_:i Cu:hh''''? :';Ciy La'7 y vi tii the d:r. tic ?, Y e is ri,~ tot this i -;cid.~a a ver_~ h: y drain on senior CJ,.ICi. 1s' %__-:".. i 4::t3 c OZ I tcle - ` of trc.i_i1n r 1:3 ,^.?Lo:aij-i. " ca '. c-.r of 1' ':1 t.+ia ti.: 1. ii ~ f t .'~ s r ...,. 7 -, .;.1` a-. ~,. 11 0:_'1 }- :1J as -.he are cailad uvci to s , .:: -y y z to a CGii:.oC'-. ~;3,_l l -'9rii;t`l' ;t2 ESu CL1 tip i r.po; tas:c Of topu zb' _~' ^ Q.az1er a firZ i Class i o~=In for t:: illmt Y uumir.g, of the 1:c:J Senior S. erai. ar. 2. Co1cne1 ti'h to r tr e.sted to Mr. C~ ~~ ^~'Iam t._Yt t:- ,-'r .. ~- .. I,s,?.ectax s remarks indicated the esiraui:ity c.' ccnc~:%~ W-t ious cc'.wa;,C-S m?.::.L.iy h.".Causw"r they have been on the s checiule t_a ic:;:a:ily, 3. ? ~`a .. u ; . Tl a _~~~ t. lie .:as not action since i- fL: with cc-:he of t_l-~ 4:.. o-,t~ ?M y to Cc stride ?,-^ 1~:te. ,, c .,~id,.arcer {. its a- J: ri' Y. i t at t nie his : r-, Iere to -tem i of his oi: i I~ " ',? c.:.LI.1+1 a..i C.._i.. 11'1 Ci':;~ ~~~,' i? ~ 1`'~ n i e yrcd:nis (17 Dec 70) Dissri::'ution: Orig - iJ1D/. Suaject I - L'ircctor of 'i?r :i:nh Jc1:;i Gc~_f4y A~ sictu;;t _ . ? :t;- i:irector for I DD/S o Approved For Releasp- 2002/05/02 '- CIA-RDP80-Q0308A000100010001-6 Approved For Reuse 2002/05/02 :CIA-RDP80-00308A0000010001-6 -fir ... , r'1A) 7 January 1972;.' ' /~~ MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Training REFERENCE : Memo dtd 17 Dec 71 to ExDir-Compt fr DTR, same subject 1. I have read with care your report on the first running of the CIA Senior Seminar and, along with Bill Colby, discussed it with the Director on 6 January 1972. 1. im impressed with the generally lauda- tory remarks in the critiques of the participants, with the scope and relevance of the several blocks of instruction, with the number of Agency and non-Agency guest speakers, and in general with the con- siderable investment in this nine-week program for twenty officers. 2. 1 am confident that these twenty officers did indeed get a great deal. out of the Seminar and that both they and the Agency have profited from it. Without reflecting adversely on any of these officers, I think that, if we are going to snake such an investment in a seminar in which only forty people can participate during a calendar year, we must make certain that those forty are selected with the greatest of care and with serious consider?a.tion as to their potential for and the possibility of their occupying ,,-,von more important posit:'Lons in the years to come. It is my recollection t,,.zat this Seminar was to be de- signed primarily for supergrades, although I note that only seven of the twenty participants were actually supergrades. 3. Approval is hereby given fora second (spring) running of the Seminar, after which the Director should be consulted again before it is incorporated as a regular and continuing part of our training pro- gram. You are asked to consult with the Executive Director-Comptroller concerning the criteria for selecting the participants for the next Semi- nar. L. K. White Executive Director-Comptroller Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP80-00308A000100010001-6 Approvee4 For lease 2002/06fA2)i-q] -RDP80 f0308% 0100010001-6-T O -''').n, DD/S 72-0129 NR 72-362 14 January 1972 MEMORJ\NDUM.-i FOR: Dr_ptiLy Director for Intcll.igcnce Deputy Director for Plana Deputy l-:'irector for Science & Technology Deputy Director for Support SUBJECT : Senior S:. mincer REFERENCE - : Memo for DTR from ExDir dtd 7 Jan 72, Same S.,lbjcct 1. As you know, the Director has approved a second running of the Senior Seminar. This is p1 iincd to run for the nine weeks begin- ning 12 March 1972, the first to be held at -1 the 25X1A remainder of the program to be presented in the Senior S--rriinar space in Chamber of Commerce Fc~ilc.: 2. It is essential that the twenty officers selected !or the second Senior Seminar represent the cream of the Agency,, whose attendance will produce identifiable bcn