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Approved For Release 2000/05/12 :J64fp79T01003A002100200001-5 NO FORFZGN a ISS M CI:A/R.RCB 64-74 November 1964 G\FQSTgTESO PMT 117- Copy No 212 INTELLIGENCE BRIEF POSSIBLE CHINESJE COMMUNIST PURCHASES O TE LECOMMUNiCATIONS EQUIPMENT IN JAPAN DIRECTORATE OF. INTELLIGENCE Office of Research acid Reports QROIP 1 0 FOREIGN P S M 1Excluded, from automatic downgrading and Approved-For Release 2000/05/12 d 9T01003A002100 ss' a'ion Approved For Release 2000/05/12 : CIA-RDP79TO1003AO02100200001-5 WARN. TNct This material contains informatio L affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the espionage laws, Title 18, TUC, Secs. 793 and 794, the trans- mission or revelation of which in an.y manner so an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. Approved For Release 2000/05/12 : CIA-RDP79TO1003AO02100200001-5 Approved For Release 2000/05/12 : CIA-RDP79TO1003AO02100200001-5 S-E-C-R-E-T POSSIBLE, CHINESE COMMUNIST PURCHASES OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT IN JAPAN Recent negotiations by Communist China with Japanese firms for the purchase of high-capacity microwave radio relay systems reflect an,.intention to move ahead with plans to modernize its long-distance telecommunications system. The acquisition of this equipment may be only the first step in an extensive overhaul of communications in China. The role of Japan in this probable buildup is not yet known, but the sudden flurry of discussions underway with representatives of Japanese electronic firms suggests that Communist China is prepared to rely on Japan as a major supplier of civil telecommunications equip- ment. The technologically advanced electronics industry of Japan is capable, and probably willing, to meet the wide range of Chinese Com- munist requirements for equipment. COCOM restrictions, which limit the sale of high-capacity telecommunications equipment to Communist countries, may prove to be the only major deterrent to a significant increase in the volume of Chinese Communist purchases of telecom- munications equipment. 1. Scope of Chinese Communist Negotiations Since early in 1964, Communist China has increased steadily its overtures to Japanese firms for the purchase of telecommunications equipment. Current negotiations with Japanese firms have been specifically concerned with the purchase of equipment for the con- struction of a modern, high-capacity microwave radio relay system for mainline routes radiating from Peiping north to Harbin and South to Canton as well as an east-west arterial route connecting Shanghai with Lan-chou. Although the precise technical characteristics of the microwave system under discussion are not yet decided, it is prob- able that a high-capacity system of at least 60 telephone channels is being considered. (For the status of the main radio relay routes in Communist China, see the map. ) Chinese Communist interest in the purchase of telecommunications equipment in Japan has not been limited to the microwave field. Dis - cussions to date also have explored the possible purchase of television relay facilities, automatic telephone and telegraph switching equip- ment, facsimile equipment, high-frequency and very-high-frequency point-to-point radio equipment, and a 1, 000-kilowatt medium-wave radiobroadcasting station. S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 2000/05/12 CIA-RDP79TO1003AO02100200001-5 Approved For Release 2000/05/12 : CIA-RDP79TO1003AO02100200001-5 S-E-C-R-E-T In addition to the attempts to buy telecommunications equipment in Japan, Communist China has shown a continuing interest in developing other Free World sources of supply. Starting in 1960, efforts were accelerated to make purchases of this equipment in Sweden, France, West Germany, and the UK. Although not extensive, deliveries of equip- ment stemming from these efforts have included microwave television relay equipment and teleprinters from West Germany and telephone exchanges from Sweden. As yet, there has been no significant imports of telecommunications equipment from France or the UK. 2. Potential Impact of Increased Purchases of Telecommunications Equipment in Japan on the Telecommunications Resources of Communist China Currently the long-distance telecommunications systems of Com- munist China operated by civil and military authorities consist of low-capacity open-wireline and high-frequency point-to-point radio networks. The low operational effectiveness of these networks has severely limited their ability to respond to the strategic and economic needs of the country. This ineffectual performance reflects to a con- siderable degree the inability of the electronics industry of Communist China to produce modern long-distance telecommunications systems. Although production during the last 4 years has facilitated some minor improvements in the communications system of Communist China (such as the introduction of semiautomatic transmission modes on radio net- works and the recent installation of a submarine cable connecting the mainland with Hainan Island),its over-all communications capability has not been altered appreciably. Communist China's interest in purchasing increased amounts of telecommunications equipment in Japan indicates that Communist China is preparing to embark on a long-delayed buildup of its poorly developed long-distance telecommunications system. Intentions to construct nationwide arterial microwave radio relay routes indeed may signify only the first step in a general overhaul of communications in China. If abortive pre-1960 plans are reactivated, the program also could include the introduction of high-capacity multiconductor and coaxial cable systems and tropospheric scatter facilities over the next 7 to 10 years. Approved For Release 2000/06bl- : ITEi-RDP79T01003A002100200001-5 Approved For Release 2000/05/12 : CIA-RDP79T01003A002100200001-5 S-E-C-R-E-T 3. Prospects Although the role of Japan in the probable buildup of telecommuni- cations in Communist China is not yet clear, the sudden flurry of dis- cussions underway with representatives of Japanese electronic firms concerning possible purchases of a wide range of telecommunications equipment suggests that Communist China is prepared to rely on Japan as a major supplier of communications equipment. The electronics industry of Japan, which now ranks second in the Free World in terms of total output, is ideally suited for this role. The industry not only is a technological leader in production of equipment sorely needed by Communist China but also is making vigorous efforts to enlarge its trading base with Free World and Communist countries. Any increase in Chinese Com'rxiunist purchases of telecommunications equipment in Japan, however, would be contingent on an easing of COCOM restric- tions, which up to now have effectively limited the overt sale of high- capacity telecommunications systems to Communist countries. Analysts: Coord: ORR 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/0//2"~&A 6P79T01003A002100200001-5 Approved For Release 2000/UMSDM fiRDP79T01003A002100200001-5 COMMUNIST CHINA Status of Main Radio Relay Facilities U. S. S. R. I December 1964 MICROWAVE RADIO RELAY inIIIIIIIIIIIIin In Operation Planned Harbin MONG. VERY HIGH FREQUENCY (VHF) RADIO RELAY In Operation Ch'ang-ch'un, Exact routing of facilities is unknown. 0 400 I STATUTE MILES 'Mukden Chin-chou, NORTH KOREA I PEIPINGQ SOUTH Pao-t'ingKOREA Lan-chou. Cheng-chou Sian Shanghai Nankin g Ping-hu Ning-porTing-hai Wu-han c' Chang-sha .Heng-yang TAIWAN ,Canton Q HONG ' KONG r MACAO (U.K.) (Port.) PHILIPPINES NORTH BURMA VIETNAM 'Fort Bayard Hsu-wei>C Hai-k'ou LAOS HAINAN THAILAND Approved For Release 2000/0'5lf2":'CIA ROP79TO1003AO02 00 --5 Approved For Release 20004AW4TRDP79T01003A002100200001-5 NO FOREIGN DISSEM Approved For Release 2000i95Y~ :' 79T01003A002100200001-5 SE CRE T Analysts: Approved For Release 2000/05/12 : CIA-RdP79f* 66*Ad 00200001-5 -- OFFICE OF RE,3)F. ',R.CH .4. `W REPORTS 3t/P/RR + a'.Arol Section MS/COM 25X1A Control Sheet ~: SECRET s M ~.. NO F DISSEM SE Scries Nt xber RR p Classification of Document _Zj 4 Recipient GROUP 1 Excluded tram automatic downgrading and declassiticatiol Number of Copies 280 Date Approved For Release 2000/05/12 RM679T01 003AO02100200001-5 -p rx .r a :1Z 1 ,x ~ ~$ Arx 7,t'rtit S' .iux 6474, Possible Chinese Communist Purchases of Telecommunications XQUIDrr>