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proved For Release 2004/01/20 : CIA-RDP81 800401 R002100010002-9 SECRET 25X1A 1889 17 Mar 78 TALKING POINTS ON SOVIET/CUBAN INVOLVEMENT IN ETHIOPIA I. Cubans A. Total about 14,000 - daily EAL flights bring Cubans from Angola B. About 10,000 ground combat forces 1. Form a division 2. Five generals, some experienced in Angola C. Abou pilots - flew combat missions in Ogaden D. Miscellaneous advisers, garrisons, etc. (Aseb Photo) 1. Assab unit - logistics 2. Intelligence Unit 3. Eritrea a. Less than iI b. Advisers II. Soviets A. Total more than 1,100 B. Their activities 1. Eight generals and their staffs are running the war a. General Petrov is senior 25X1A Makes plans & passes to Ethiopians & Cubans to carry out Final arbitrator of disagreements on conducting war Some Soviet-Ethiopian friction, but not great -J- S E C R E T Approved For Release 2004/01/20 : CIA-RDP81 800401 R002100010002-9 25X1A Approved For Release 2004/01/20 : CIA-RDP81 800401 R002100010002-9 SECRET b. Two generals directing Ethiopians in Eritrea 2. Maintaining billion dollars worth of equipment 3. Training Ethiopians 4. Advising major Ethiopian units in all theaters 5. Supply a.F___Ifflights in last 3 months by Soviet aircraft b. Soviet & Bloc mux- nt. s since last summer c. Soviets flying some in-country ferry flights & Soviet ships moving troops between Assab & Massawa None known to be in combat so far 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/01/20 : CIA-RDP81 800401 R002100010002-9 Approved For Release 2004/01/20 : CIA-RDP81 800401 R002100010002-9 17 Mar 78 The number of Soviet advisers in Ethiopia is over 1,000. --Most of the Soviet advisers are in Addis Ababa or nearby training bases. The Soviets in the capital are assigned to help Ethiopians in high-level positions in the military and Ministry of Defense. They provide guidance on strategic planning, arms requirements, and logistics. --More than 100 Soviets are working with the Ethiopian air fie program, and others are training Ethiopians in the use of other recently acquired Soviet weapons. --General Petrov heads the Soviet military advisory effort and also directs the use of Cuban forces. Seven other Soviet generals are in Ethiopia. --Some Soviets S o v i e t s overseeing the city's fj1 AS and the flow of supplies through the port. --Some Soviets serve as crews for the AN-12 transp ,'ts the Soviets have leased to Ethiopia or internal transport. --During the Ogaden offensive, Soviet advisers manned a tactical --The Soviets are now helping to plan an Ethiopian offensive in- Eritrea. 25X1A 25X1A Approved For ReleaW 4/01/20: CIA-RDP81 B00401 R00~100010002-9 25X1 A Approved For Release 2004/01/20 : CIA-RDP81 800401 R002100010002-9 SECRET/ 25X1A 25X1A 17 Mar 78 SOVIET INVOLVEMENT IN ETHIOPIA There are more than 1,100 Soviet military personnel in Ethiopia, maintaining the weapons and equipment delivered by the Soviets over the past eight months--estimated at one-billion dollars worth--and providing technical services and providing instruction for the Ethiopian Army and advising Ethiopian units. Soviet advis rs are concentrated at the Ministryr of Defense, and some are located with the major units, in all theaters, including Eritrea. Soviet General Petrov was in over-all control of the Ogaden campaign. He and his staff formulate the long- term and strategic plans, which are passed on to the Ethiopians and Cubans to be implemented. General Petrov is also the final arbitrator for disagreements concerning the conduct of the war in the Ogaden. There has been some friction between the Ethiopians and their Soviet mentors, but PMAC Chairman Mengistu usually accepts Petrov's recommen- dations, and the differences have not been great. 25X1 Soviet ships have been active in the Red Sea providing security for the oviet and 25X1 Bloc merchant ships that have called at Ethiopian ports since the sealift began last summer. General Soviet landing t have taasforrax 4_ ;ian troops between Massawa and Assab. There have also been aboutiflights 25X1 by Soviet cargo and passenger aircraft over the past three months, and daily flights by EAL aircraft ferrying Cuban combat troops from Angola. This material has poured in so fast that the Ethiopians had difficulty assimilating it. While the great bulk of communist weaponry and military equipment coming from the USSR, the Rnmiat-alli-ea are also contributing signifi- cant amounts of material sunoort. Besides that, the Fast Germans have undertaken a reorganization of the Ethiopian security services. The PDRY has contributed some military personnel. 25X1 Approved For Release 20(1 p) 25X1A Approved For Release 2004/01/20 : CIA-RDP81 B00401 R002100010002-9 SECRET 17 Mar 78 The total number of Cubans in Ethiopia is estimated to be approximately 13,500-14,500, including some 1,000 advisers and medical personnel. -- The majority of the Cubans ? (about 10,000) are combat troops located in the Ogaden. -- In addition, there is an unspecified number of logistical personnel stationed in Assab. -- A small number of Cubans is also located in in Eritrea. Less than 100. They are general advisors. -- There is also an intelligence unit located in i Ethiopia. Three of the generals have serve Angola. As in Angola, the Cuban Government has sent some of its most competent and experienced generals to serve as commanders in Ethiopia. Approved For Release ZUMUVZUT- 02100010002-9 I 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Release 20 R - 1',p00401 R002100010002-9 25X1A The overall Cuban commander is Division General Arnaldo Ochoa, who arrived in Ethiopia in April 1977. -- The other generals apparently arrived about six weeks ago and probably were handpicked by Ochoa. All have served with him in Cuba or Angola. Division General Julio Casas Requeiro is the second- ranking Cuban officer in Ethiopia and appears to be serving as chief of Cuban logistics there. -- He performed the same function during the buildup of Cuban forces in Angola. Before he arrived, Casas was the chief logistic officer of the Cuban Armed Forces. Ochoa's headquarters is in Addis Ababa,. but he has traveled frequently to his subordinate units. The Cubans have established regional headquarters at Dire Dawa, Jijiga, and the port of Assab. -- Cuban air operations are controlled by the unit in Dire Dawa, which apparently is commanded by Brigade General Sixto Batista Santana. -- He is a Vice Minister of the Cuban Armed Forces and is their chief political officer. His background does not include the combat experience of the other generals. -2- Approved For Release 2004/01/ j - 1600401 R002100010002-9 Approved For Release 2004/0 R - 04-R002100010002-9 F_ I. -- Ground combat operations are supervised by the regional headquarters in Jijiga. Before Jijiga fell on 5 March, this headquarters was located in Harar. -- Casas, in addition to his logistical duties, also is the commanding general at Jijiga. -- The Assab unit controls and coordinates the movement of men and material to and from Cuban bases throughout Ethiopia.. The three mechanized brigades are under the control of the headquarters in Harar. -- One of the brigades is commanded by Brigade General Leopoldo Cintra Frias, who has also served in Angola. Because the Cuban brigades in Ethiopia are heavily augmented by artillery, Cintra's background is ideal for this assignment. -- He has commanded a mechanized infantry division and was chief of artillery for two years. -- His brigade was instrumental in the battle in the China Hasen area and was a key unit in the assault on Jijiga. A second brigade may be under the command of Brigade General Juan Aqustin Mendez-Sierra. SECRET Approved For Rel ase 2004/01/20 : CIA-RDP81 800401 R 02100010002-9 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Rele se 25X1A -- He has served as commander of Cuba's Eastern Army, one of the island's three armies. -- We do not know the identity of the commander of the third brigade. There are about ^ Cuban pilots in Ethiopia. They flew combat missions in the Harar area. SECRET Approved For Rel ase 2004/01/20: CIA-RDP81 BO0401 R 02100010002-9 25X1 25X1 25X1A Approved For Release 2004/01/2iCIJDP81 B00401 R002100010002-9 Soviet Intentions in the Horn and in the Middle East The Soviets are in no mood to compromise following their success in the Ogaden: --unwilling to discuss any reduction in the Soviet or Cuban presence in Ethiopia, --unwilling to discuss stationing of UN--observers- in the Ogaden --willing to help Addis Ababa put pressure on the guerillas in Eritrea in order to arrange a settle- ment on terms favorable to Ethiopia, --willing to increase military support for Mengistu if he fails to reach a settlement with Eritreans, --are already providing logistical support for Massawa and ferrying supplies to Asmara, and --agree with Cubans that Ethiopia must maintain access to the Red Sea. Cuba will also provide assistance to force Eritreans to the bargaining table --will probably fly airstrikes and reconnaissance missions, --may provide security forces to defend key towns that are recaptured from the insurgents In the wake of their success on the Horn, the Soviets will now increase their support for insurgent groups in Rhodesia and capitalize on improved ties with Arab op- ponents of Sadat: 25X1A SECRET Approved For Release 2004/01/20 : CIA-RDP81 800401 R002100010002-9 Approved For Release 2004/01/20 CIA-RDP81 800401 R002100010002-9 SECRET --increase military assistance to Syria, Algeria, and South Yemen, --exploit Qadhafi's willingness to finance S Zr ian purchases of Soviet arms, and --encourage an anti-Sadat, anti-US-front of Arab SECRET Approved For Release 2004/01/20 : CIA-RDP81 800401 R002100010002-9 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/01/20 : CIA-RDP81 800401 R002100010002-9 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2004/01/20 : CIA-RDP81 800401 R002100010002-9 Eritrean Rebel Organizations ELF Leader Eritrean People's Liberation Front Secretary General Eritrean Liberation Front President Eritrean Liberation Front/ Popular Liberation Forces Secretary General h Sabbe l S Major Group Ramadan Mohammed Nur (titlar) Deputy Secretary General Isaias Afework (real) Christians Ahmed Mohammed Nasser Beni Amir Muslims e a Osman Muslims Ideology Marxist Socialist with religious rtones l ib Conservative ove a and tr 000 15 5,000 Fighters 15,000 , No action on'77 agreement Cooperate military, but in principle to unite remain seperate Approved For Release 2004/01/20 : CIA-RDP81B00401 R002100010002-9 Approved For Release 2004/01/20 : CIA-RDP81 800401 R002100010002-9 Sudan Eritrean Insurgency E r i t re4, ELF n . .' 7"' LF Gliondar Red Sea Ethiopia Area of Map Map ADDIS ABABA* Asmaral ) }