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Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040009-1 ' IW SECRET 4(5O75 JUL3119 ' i? i-HUi'.UU DUI TO: Director of Central lntclli ,ence T'l ~ i s Assi ., Cant Director, ' i?epox?i;u and 1-ati.rla'I;cs St1L,: CT : Special. Report on the Defense Project IiEF ZL11C : C. I . G . Directive LIiCLO1311: Pror;ress Report dated 2.3 July 196.7 25X1A 1. On 17 Jul-;- State Depar.tnont (OJ:T:L) iiotificd the C.I.G. Coor- dinator that they 1?1o1'.lc1 be unable to produce al-J. or'ir-:.nai drafts of their Defense Project allocations by 1 Aur ust 1.91,,7. The, C . I . C-. Coordi- nator then; called for a pro[..,-,rem; report (enclosure) from the I.A.D. agencies, which indicated that all drafts would not be received by- C.I.G. unt.?ll 1 October 1947. Since the Planni.nr-. Cmmittec had pre- v:l_ous1y s.et a ^eneral tar; ct c14 to of. 1 Ju1r 196.7, the C.I.C. Coo-r- dinator roc!uestCd a ncetinr; of the PJ.ann?nr, and ~' or1 i_1?[ Comimii;tees to con'si_c1or the current production capab-3.1it'! es of the var7_ous 1. ..U. C?.UcnCies with. Li. view to O;Jtab1i.shir-' a 7. i.nal product' on do a dli ne for the Defense Project. 2. Thc cor,tb:i.l,ed 1'lann rr; and Worlc:lnr Cor:unittees met on 23 July 1947, and, arrived at t1ic fo1iowi nr; urianimous decisions: a:. Established 1 October 196.7 as the f~.nal clead.line for the original drafts of all. chapters and sections of the Defense Project. b. Recommended that the C.I.G. Coordinator i;~__tiate neces- sar~r action to rescind paragraph 6a of C.I.G. Directive since tlic Committee considered the classification of "Top Secret's for the Defense Project itself was, no longer required, a ncl that it should bo classified henceforth b;sections and chapters in accordance with the intelligence materials, container therein. tiQg KEY IIAT?_ 0 P_ BY Q eicc aCMQ nPI, DREG WJ$S PAU 3 &LA33 de JUST NEXT REV Hsi 164 Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040009-1 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040009-1 SECRET c. Requested tho C. J:. C. Coordinator to modify as necessary the I.A.D. a(ency rcqu::rements for copies of the cormpleted Defe~,.;d, Project to avoid duplication in the fieJ.d. (P o 5e: Th..o C.I.G. Coordinator had reciucsted. OCD on '7 July 194'7 to cl_etcrmino cli ssomina- tion rec~uircmon l s for tine Doi.'onse Project.) 3. It is rocomniended that the provisions of parn.,;ranh 2b be sub- mitted by the Director of Central S~~teJ.lir ence to the inte11i t;ence Ac vlso y > oard for a1ppr oval. Assistant Director Report,-, and Estimates 25X1A -CIF". SECRET Approved For Release 2001/03/30 CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040009-1 Approved For Release 2001 /0RDP81-00728R000100040009-1 '3 July 19',.7 Status of fefenso Pro; ect CII~IPTER 1 (Topographic) - ID Section I. I titx oduction erection II. Terrain Estimate Section III. Strategic Swivnary and Map CI111PT'ER 2 (Soc_oioL,ical) - ID Section I. G neral Section II. Y?eglonzal Studies Section Ill . Population and I?."anpower Section IV. Publi r,; Opinion and I-orate Section V. Health and Sanitation CIIAPT', 3 (Political) Section I. (SD) StabL L ttr and Efficiency of Govermi ent Section H. (SD) Political and Civil as AffectixiC, Governmental Stability Section II-1. (S?7) Dorlestic Affairs as Affecting Alat' onal I:elfare and St-Lh-J-1ity Section IV. (SD) I)orii.nions, Colonies I'.1ndates, Protectorates and Gorimunities Abroad Section V. (Si)) Foreign Affairs Section VI. (II)) National Defense Policy Sec-'U--'-on V11. (ID) Intelligence Security CHAPTER t. (Eco1i0I~_1:C) Sect-ion I. (SD) General Section II. (TD) Agrictiture' Section III. (SD) Fish and Fish Products Section IV. (SD) Forests and Forest Products Section V. (SD) Solid Fuels Section VI. (SD) Petroleum Section VII. (SD) Electric Power Section'VIII. (SD) Iron Ore Section IX. (SD) Pig Iron, Ferro-Alloy and Primary Steel I ianufacture SECRET Dun Date Completed Completed Completed Con:ipieted Completed Au Cunt 1 August 1 Completed Completed. Coi:ipleted Cor ~pleted Hot applicable to this SID Au .?ust 1. Auk-u st 1 August 8 September 25 August 15 Completed September 15 Aur'.ist ll!. uiy 2> August 1 Completed September 5 Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040009-1 Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040009-1 SECRET CIIA1-T R 4 (Economic) - cont' d Section X. (SD) ionferrous iNietals and Nonferrous Alloys Section X) . (SD) Ilonmeta11 .c I iinerals Section. X.-CI. (SD) industrial I'iach.:i.neiy Section XIII.. (SD) i:otor VeIh,_-.cles Section ;:IV. (SD) 1. ai].road Equipment Section ..~T. (A-2/ID) Aircraft Production Section XVI, (c a) Shipbufildin ; Section *,"VI!. (II)) Industrial (;nema.cals and Cheini a;i. h'ertI.iizers Section YV]:TI.;;(ID) Explosives, Industrial and i''i:l.itaiy Section XIX. (ID) Manufacture of Cuns, Explosive Devices, and Armunition Sect ~.on) :. (SD) Precision Equipment Section X XI. (1D) l'eIecorrunirn'_cat one, S:i ;nal and T i r;htinc; Equipment sec-'C'.1-011 :,:.: (1:D) 'Tar Gases and Smoke Preparat ons Section I:iscellaneouu I anufactures Section ~~':Iv (Si)) Finance CHAPTER 5 (Scicnt-'.fic) - ID Section I. Electronics Section IT. Physics Section iii. Piolo ical'iarfare Section IV. Chemical Warfare CHAPTER 6 (Armed Forces) Section I. (ID) IDasic i s .li tai r System Sect: on II. (ID) Ground Forces (1-8,11) (Section II.) (92-" LO) Section III. (A-2) Air Forces Section IV. (OPII) Naval Forces CHAPTER 7 (Who's Who) - ID Section I. Who's ,ho 5EQU August 29 l ucust 8 October I August 27 Cor:Apleted August 15 Completed Completed Completed Diu?:ust 1. AuL,ust 1 Completed September 10 Au ,ut;t 22 rCon,1)1 cted C o nlpleted Completed Completed Corpleted Completed August 15 Conpleteci Completed Sub_ ~l_tted, but being revised by State Department Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040009-1 t ? Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040009-1 ry -3- CHAPTER a (Transportation and Communicat .ons) Section I. (SD) General Sect .on II. (SD) Railway Transportation System Section III. (SD) Highway 'T'ransport Section IV. (SD) Pipe Linos Section V. (SD) Inland liaterway Transport (Lakes, Rivers and Canals) Section VI. (O11I) Sunrortg, Harbors and Adjacent Beaches Section VII. (0?.?T) Merchant I arine Section VIII. (ID) Civil Air Section I ~. (ID) Telecoi-ii-inmi, cations tl]]l] ~.~1I~ Agency State Department (U1--L) Intel.l1.r:ence Division, 7MCS lc` :c a .- Department (,: I ) Air Intelligence Division (A-2) September 19 August J,. Septcrniber 30 Au! "Uot L August I August 31 August 1 August 1 Completed Total 25 Total number of sect .ons 56 The former total number of sections was 59. Three sections are not applicable to this SID. Sect. ons Completed Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040009-1 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/03/30 CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040009-1 Mn" 27 COPY NO. (LIMITED DISTRIBUTION) April 11'.-A6 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE GROUP DEVELOPMENT OF INTELLIGENCE ON-U.S.S.R. ORIR GLASS ...._ :~S DNEY W. SLIDERS , Mc:morand um by the Director of Central Into 11 ig?once DR10 COMP .._F?r, Re 01/03/30 :CIA-RDP$-007288000100040009-1 1. By inforrmil ~arr~angemc nt undcsr the coordinnation of the C . I . G. , M. I . S . has s ponsorud the organization of a P1.arining Committc;o, with rcpres:;ntc tion of the C ? I . G. , State; Departrn~:-nt, M.I.S., O.N.I., and A-2, to fc:r~r:ul,~?tc a plan to utilizu thu facil:,.t.i_,.s of all tnte;rustc;d Govarnrnent agc:;ncius for thu produc- tion of tho highest .poss.i..ble: qualit; of i.nt,;lligc ncc on thc U.S.S.R. in th' stiortust possible; tiim,,. It was ag rV'ud that C.I.G. would tak;", over formal sponsorship of th,- project at the earlt,.;st possible momncnt, but that mcanwhiic.: 9ctiv -. work on it would bc; started. 2. The: Planning Committee; has drawn up a plain for Development of In_t-sl.ligence; on the U.S.S.R. which has bc:c'n approved .n- foranall-'- by each of rou. The pl,an provides that after such appr.roval, f'rrr:=al action will bc; arranged for as deemed advisable by C.S.G. ~. Prar,,gr.z-::,ph 3 of N.I:A. Directivic, No,. 1 provides a pro- cc:duM- by which thu necc ssai- formal d1rectiv~.; can be publisl.-I -~d and c_a:rri:d out by unanimous a pprova 1 of the Dirc;cto.r of Central Int--,.lligencc; and tho Intelligt7;ncc: Advisory Board, by the National Intclligencc Authority. 4. A draft of forrn,a l d .rect ivc is enclosed. If all n.c:mnbc. rs of thu Ent;:lligcncu Advisory Board concur in the: draft without substca.ritial change, a mec,tingr will not be nocc:ssary. It is recomn: nded that the draft be approved and that each mc:mbc:.r- of the, Intclli.gc::ncc. Advisory Board arrangc~ for any additional implementation Poqu.irud by his Department. DOC flEY qAr f By 4 -00 I Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040009-1 E N C L 0 S U R E D R A F '.TT PROPOSED C . I.. G . DIRECTIVE DEVELOPMENT OF INTELLIGENCE ON U.S..R. 25X1A M ,ntorandum b~r thu' Director of C' ntr'~.1 In tk-, 11 i With the: Unan mous Coneurr. c;ncc, of thL: Into 11i~roncc. ory Board 1. Th,:.r