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CLASSIFICATION " Approved For Release 1999/09/09 : CIA-RDP82-00457 002700440001-7 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT NO. INFORMATION REPORT CD NO. 25X1A2g COUNTRY Costa Rica DATE DISTR. 12 ::: .' 1949 SUBJECT Annual Report of Activities and Status of the Partido Vanguardii Popular (PVP) NO. OF PAGES 4 25X1A2g PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO. 25X1A2g February 1948-February 1949 NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO.. Arnoldo Ferreto'Segura Luis Carballo Corrales `Alfredo Picado Saenz* Carlos Luis Saenz Carlos Luis Fa.llas Sibaja Federico Picado Saenz* ( 3o .The following report covers the activities of the V nguardia Popular Party (PVP) during the period February 1948 to February 1949, concluding with a description of the organizational structure known to source at the present time. Source attempts to trace some of the factors causing the present demoralization of PVF morale and organization, and ventures occasional predictions based upon his personal knowledge of the intentions of PVP leaders, specifically Luis Carballo Corrales and Jaime Cerdas Dora. 1. Activities of the PVP during Presidential Llections of February 1948. The majority of PVPPVP members voted for presidential candidate Dr. Rafael Angel Calderon Guardia 9 in spite of apparent Party support of Humberto Gonzalez e ;ura., The Party worked and voted directly for its own ticket of deputies and municipal candidates filed in each of the provinces. The following deputies were elected. Province of San Jose Pro rince of Alajuela Province of Cartago Province of Heredia Province of Puntarenas Province of Limon 2, Upon learning that the results of the presidential elections were favorable to Otilio Ulate Blanco, the PVP commenced manifestations alleging that many Party affiliates had not voted, owing to irregularities in the electoral system then under the direction of the Ulatista Benjamin?Odio and his associates. Manuel Mora, Secretary-General of the PVP, maintained continual contact with then President. Picado and with Francisco Calderon Guardia., Chief of Action of the National Republican Party., and it was resolved to annul the elections for President of the Republic? which was done in the congressional.session of 1 March 1948? Knowing that the annulment of Ulate's election would mean revolution., PVT members sent their families out of town to prevent reprisals against their wives., sisters, and children. The Party prepared itself for the ensuing revolt by concentrating all its membership in various unidentified clubs NO C 0 DECLAS DDA Mem , 7 Approved For Release 1999/09/09: CIA-RDP82-004 ' 02~9Q 0017 1 ?1.3 3 Date: By: Approved For Release 1999/09/0 457ROO2700440001275X1A2g CENTRAL INTELJ,IGEN CE ,AGENCY YiliLaa Activities of PVPin the hevolufiion of 11 March 1948. The PVP had maintained 1000 armed men, the majority of whom were Nicaraguans brought from the banana zones of the Pacific and Atlantic and. from Puntarenas, in the Bella Vista and Artilleria Cuartelsa These armed militants were assigned to guard the central roads, electric and water plants, and transportation facilities of Costa Rica. Source maintained that the hidden arms and archives of the Party were then and are still. stored in the finca San Jose de la Montana, fifteen kilometers north of HHeredia o The Confederacion de Trabaa3adores de Costa Rica (CTCR) was converted into nw military headquarters for the PVP, and there troops arrived from different parts of the country, were received and exhorted in the Party cause by Mara rand' assigned destinations, 6, Source attributed the apparent lack of interest of the PVP in taking over the government at this time to the possibility that Sonaoza might invade Costs Rica and there would be no room for Communism. PVP leaders deemed It preferable to make an arrangement with the revolutionary forces, which they effectively did. Source was definitely of the opinion that there was a working arrangement between Figueres and the PVP,* '7, Arms in the Possession of the Van card a Po-oulara Despite the confiecetiop of PVP arms by the junta, source maintains that lthe Party has in its possession no less than 500 Mauser rifles, 4 heavy Browning machine gum, 2 116011 mortars, 4 Maxim stationary heavy machine guns 5 Neuhasen machine ,gums, 10 ,45-caliber Rising machine guns, and other Breda and Lewis guns Present Direction of the Vsri iardia Populerc, Accompanied by Carman Lyra, ? arxuel More was forced to leave the country at the reouest of the governing ;junta., Taking refuge in Mexico, More has been in contact with his Party colleagues. One of the principal communications received by the Party from More. is that the Party should rennainneutrAl in all counter-revolutionary attempts against the governing junta? in the 8 December 1948 elections for a Constitutional Convention, the Party left its militants at liberty to vote as they pleased, but recommerLied Who ticket of the Constitutional Party, formed in the, main of capitalists and enemies of the ?VI'* According to source, this recommendation by !ors was ride to extract votes, and in this he succeeded, as the other parties opened a campaign against the Constitutional Party because of Mora's statement which constituted an alliaanc eo Many PVP members, however, prin- cipally those of the banana zone, supported the Social Democratic Party U.cket, tantamount to the revolutionary party in po re 10, According to source, the leaders of the Nicaraguan Liberation P-1ocament have been trained by the FV"P for many yearso Whatever may be the movement against ~omoza, the PVP, rs well as the Socialist Party of Nicaragua and the Confederation of Workers of Nicaragua, will join forces, but their leaders would all be PVP members, Not only the Socialist Party of Nicaragua, but also the Comite Obrero de Liberacion Nicaraguense (CY)LN , have been organized in Costa Rica under the aegis of the PVP. Rosendo Arguello, parennia7. Nicaraguan revolutionarys, has established contact TeLth Efraim liodriguez a organizer of the COLN in Costa Rica. Leaders of the P VP participated in the meetings, and the affiliates for "Liberation" approach about 3000 militants aani. na tion _ of the PVP Owing to the expulsion of P 7P members from private pnter?prises and .frown the government, all the cells connected thereto have ceased to exist, as well as cells in the Pacific Railroad, Public Works, and the municipal worksg Cells now function and are localized in districts. The new organization for the Central Canton of San Jose is as follows: Approved For Release 1999/09/09 : CIA-RDP82-00457R002700440001-7 Approved For Release 1999/09/09 : 0457R002700440001-7 25X1A2g a, Distrito del Carnenn-composed of Barrios Amon, Cuests de Moras, La Fabrica de Licores, A,'torazan, Escalente, Santa Tsresita, Otoys, ranjuez, El Empalme=, and Cal.ifornia0 bU Distrito is Merced-composed of Barrios Paso de is Vaca, Mexico, Peni_tenciaris, Ltncon de Cubillos, Iglesias Flores, Poor as Nads,and La Pi tahaya o co Distrito Hospital composed of Barrios San Francisco de Mate Redonda, Cafe de Menas, Santa Lucia, Republica de Cuba, La Puebla, Los Angeles, Keith la. Constructora, Car;it, Cementerios, Bolivar, Corazon de Jesus, Sian Bosco, La Polvora, El Facifico, Los Pinos, Teodoro Picado0 da Distrito Catedral -composed of Barrios Dolorosa, S.oledad Cuesta de Mora (Sur), Laberinto, Lujan, Casas del Gobierno, Segundo Tubo, Turrujal, California (south side), Plaza Vi.quez, La Cruz, Guell o. Villafranos, Gonzalez Lehmann, Universidad, San Cayetano, and CPpitolio? e? Distrito de Zapote.composed of Barrios Los Mangos, Turrujal, San Dimas, Giudadela Calderon Munoz (east side), and Maria Aguilaro f,, Distrito de San Francisco do Dos Rios--composed of Barrios Los Juanes, GWriega, Cafe Nueva, Los Mendez, and Antolin Fallas4 g. Distrito de is Uruca--composed of Barrios Las Animas, Vueltas del Viril.? , La Ceja, Bajo del Rio Torres, Electriona, Callecill.a do Paves, Cello de is estacion0 h. Distrito de Mate Redonda-composed of Barrios Call.e de los Morenos,. Cello del Golf Club, Celle Los Sotos, Calle de Paves, Celle Los Alvarez, Los Anonos, Celle de la Paraguoria, Sabana. i Distrito deg Paves--composed of Barrios Hacienda Rolrmoser, Rincon Grande, Lecherias, San Pedro, Santa Barbara de Paves. Distrito de Hatillo-,-composed of Barrio La, Villaneaa. k., Distrito de San Sebastian--composed of Barrios Peso Ancho, Caecajal, Luna Park. Lotes Mongito-, i2r, The Political Committee or Politburo of PVP. Provisionally, this committee contains the following leaders : Arnoldo Ferrero Segura Luis Carballo Corrales Jaima Cerdas More Carlos Luis Fellas Sibaja Ltd as Gonzalez Rodolfo Guzman Rodriguez Efraim Rodriguez Vanegas Jose Vines Vizoso Provincial Or anAzation of the PVPO The following Secretaries General are d .esignated in their respective provinces Marco Aurelio Soto Alajuela Mario Zuni ga Aguilar Puntarenas Mario M ata, Cartago Edwin Madrigal Bored is Wan Guevara Centeno Guanacaste Rogelio Carlos Mendoza Limon Approved For Release 1999/09/09 : CIA-RDP82-00457R002700440001-7 Approved For Release 1999/09/09: CIA-RD M00440001-7 25X1A2g CENTRAL TTELLIGENCE AGENCY lit. 1,n ardia Popular 11oments Or anizaton, Women members of the PUP have been active in the intelligence service of the Party, also acting as couriers carrying orders and circulating mimeographed sheets of Traba o, the clandestine PVP bulletins. The women's organization of the Party con- tinues to be called Union de Mujeres del Pueblo (U P) 0 l5:, PVP a&,nnda0 The editing and circulation of Traba o is directed by Luisa Gonzalez axed Arturo Montero Vega. l6 Commnaxaicrxtians of the Party According to sources, the Party is in clandestine communication with Manuel Mora in Mexico by means of a short-wave radio station. The location of this station is not yet known, In order to send. eoamsaunications to the exterior the Party is using Russian Poles who help the ?arty in Costa Rica, 17. PVPContacts in Panama. By means of mail in the banana zone on the southern f onti.erc the Party Ins contact with Bpldomero Gonzalez G. in La Chorrea, Panamna0 Daniel Betancourt is another agent of the Party in Panama, 1&9 Conclusions, On the basis of hie observations, source has arrived at the following conclusions: a In spite of the fact that the PVP does not at present take part in public functions, source considers that the actions of the governing junta favor ;future intervention of the Party in the politics of the country. b,: The .PVP can claim whenever they want that they never had the extra- ordin :ryy tax on capital in their program, but as the damage is now done and the principle established, it is possible that in the future the action or politics of the Party will be more stringent than ever against capitals, If., during the present regime, it is not possible to nationalize electricity, it is certain that the campaign for its nationalization will be maintained in the future as a major plank of the Party. c The establishuent of a military junta in Costa Rica will not prejudice the future development of the illegal PVP, because of the fact that oppression creates fanatics and martyrs, dU The FVP has not combo' d the foreign militarists in Costa Rica who organized to attack Nicaragua under the name of the Caribbean Lagion or Army of Liberation, The direct participation of leaders such as Juan Dosch in these military organizations and the necessity of obtaining soldiers .From. the working class bear no good omen for the peace of Central America, sine such organizations as the PVP willl maintain these soldiers on a war footing to prevent the establishment of cons titutio: al order, 25X1A2g Assassinated in December 3.948? Approved For Release 1999/09/09 : CIA-RDP82-00457R002700440001-7