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rKU -- 13 25X1A2 Sanitized - Appr(3.d } &IRMt is aamalAeR 2-0045 OUNTRV Indonesia 25X1A6a rk A-11 UlI CT) No. Qnniwncni-rin~ UBJECT Guerrilla Activities in Sumatra and Java `-'U CE A )QUIRED PATE OF INF NO. OF PAGES 3 f',10. OF ENCLS. GUSTED sELcw) SUPPLEMENT TO 25X1X1X6 }ATE DISTRJ.3 .APR 1949 The defense of Java, as a whole, by the Tentera Nasional Indonesia (TNI) is becoming better organized, The backbone of this defense- i.s formed by the territorial military units, In the terri'l,ories not occupied by the Dutch the people feel the Republican authority,, Moretary problems are solved by the r it l_ngnes s of the, people to guarantee the living of the , T?1I ? The :gut ;h have been acting as terrorists against the people in the same manner as the Japanese. A central information s ervic a has been formed to connect the various regions in Java, In a cablegram to the Republic's representative in Flores., Colonel Nasution said that he is responsible for all military activities in Java, The ziepublican Central Government runs smoothly in Java; except in the largo t:.oi~ns Attacks on Dutch defenses, convoys, and tot-ins such as Lagelang Jogjakarta, Solo, INadiun and ~ediri take place more often, and are better organized Vlany districts have been recaptured, such as the environs of Surabaya., x+ialang and ; ~adur~ A proclamation from guerrilla headquarters in L3.iddle Java said.- 11 If the Dutch do not withdraw all of their army from Indonesia directly, we shall continue our guerrilla warfare until victory is ours' I The non-cooperative principle should be followed by the Indonesian Army and the Indonesian people." 6? It was reported that for the period from 1 February to 5 February 1949, the .cdoyal Netherlands Army (LtNNA) lost eighteen soldiers and officers killed., while the Royal Netherlands Indonesian Army (RNl6) suffered casualties of thirteen officers and soldiers killed, and six officers and men missing., Sumatra NAVY eaSR3 L1 DISTRIDUTlOl~ T 3,_ .~t:lY ~IFiR IX1 o .+E=4 }---I-- I T It was reported from Central Sumatra, that Pasir Pafarajan* was attacked from the air by the Dutch, on 12 February. A hospital and many schools were CI_A`iiSIFICATION CONFIUliNTl.AL/CONTROL ti Ua OFFICIALS 0 s document Is hereby regraded to NFIDENT4AL In acMdaiMCe with the 4- 1079 fM 1 -_er of 16 Oct ector of coni l we"Jligenco uth : zhivist Of tt,e th 3 ed Slats ` BY. d xt Review Sanitize - Approved For Release CIA-l D 02600010005-1 Sanitized - Approved For Ndleasd : CIA- tf g2= J4v` 1 0026086 d 1 ESL & inc.-,g,Iunncd. Some houses of the inhabitants were fired., -it was reported from. 13uki.ttinggiy that because of tension between the ItNTA and the Royal Nether lands i rmy 21.3 PKIR' members, including one captain?wer e s hots at the time General: Spoor was in" Buki ttirggi.a From reliable sources it was learned that the thatch no lorrger trust their soldiers because of the rebellion, Dutch soldiers in this area are nc -'_a~n ter armed with automatic w3eaports, it was reported from South Sumatra on 7.L. February., that several lndonesa.dn.,.a,, who had been evacuated from occupied territory to Republican territory,, wore fired on and imprisoned.,, Four Indonesians vere killed,, Sira .sar action has also taken place in Tjurup, The Dutch in South Sumatra cons de Arabs 1-ndonesians, and Pakistanis their enerny, tt),:; According to reports from Sumatra, seven Dut(:*ffm3n in an auta,,ob .1o ?Ha re attacked by the TNI, on 15 February, at 5 p.m..,. Java time. eat Java Military residents and a military governor of `asst Java have been a?-pol-Vit t rad installed,.. Dr. Ukar was appointed High Ccm missioner of West Java., =)jokomursaid, Secretary of the 6u.nan,, was killed by the Dutch, and L) .. !iohai ate i Yawmin was imprisoned, on or about 11. February 1919: s_:= It was reported on 17 Februar r from Buitenzorg,, that at some prior -date, the r~ailt yr yard of "Cjuning Wolat" estate, rear Tjiladak, was attacked :.rt two successive nights, The firs., night the aitackers wer?e d.rwa;='nded by a military patrol which had been v, rned by phone, The socond the attackers fired from a distance? Before they reached the estate in t: ate early morning, the e s e;a to guard had been alarmedc,with the result that the attackers ,,a e disbanded H thin three-quarters of .?.n hour,, 1'3 about the same time. the jeep of the "Linden Agung" estate, south of tikabrzm.4iwas shot at on the road between Bodjondjengkol and t bong tram the teak forests on both sides of the road. The jeep tirh .ch be- ca,ic a ut of control, turned four times and fell itfto a ravine 15 teter?s deep? On 2 December 19AA at about 3 prim,,, three mer were killed and five injured ;_n an attack on a Union Trading Company (UTD) truck, The truck, which contained. individuals who had been trading in the Bandjarsoni. Pasar, trr^:s ra topped at T jikokol on the way to Band jar. by an armed gang, .#ccording to ?Lx ilable information? the truck was not appointed for private transport,. i-5 About the same twine, it was reported that the Chinese diffuculties in Jogjakarta were increasing. Apparently the hutch did not practice their "We have co 1e to secure peace and order". for no action was taken to remedy the situation, 16, Kotagede, Pllered*and their environs were attacked by the Dutch with heavy w eapons,Hon 3 February 1_9L9, 5 a,m.. Java time., After seven hours fighting, against the TNI,, ten soldiers were killed and trienty wounded,, Twenty three inhabitants were wounded.. ~.s~a i''Tl l `f11T Ojj~T CONFIDENTIAL Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00457R002600010005-1 ![ `IB ;NTrn :t,/ '9'%16b AEFY6~'' 1 ?'457R0022m 05-1 Sanitized - Approveor a c""'(0 N FIDE NT-IA-.L--" 17~ On 4 February, at 12 p.m, Java time, the TNI attacked Dutch y litany headquarters in the town of Jogjakarta. The TNI withdrew after 3i,, hours fighting with four injuries, Ten Dutch were. killed and semen injured, 18,. On 8 February, at 5 p.m. Java time, clashes occurred at Bentul? Kc rangcmut (unlocated) and Kotagede, lasting thirteen hours. Thirty Dutch were injured, while no Republican casualties were mentioned, Some ;'capons were captured by the TNI, 19? On 9 February,, Madiun was attacked by the TNI from all directions,, .1, part of the town was burned, One hundred Dutchmen were killed and wounded, 20,, On 11 February, the Dutch attacked V,ionogiri from two directions; specifically, from Klaten and Solo, With two battalions of infantry and paratroops o A.L. this action transpired after the Dutch had given a cease-fire order. On the same day, the mayor of Solo was imprisoned, because he was not willing to cooperate with the Dutch. 21, Pangeran Sur jonuhardjo, son of Pakubucconpas shot by the Dutch because he would not take down the Indonesian flag, The Sunan and the Mang. kunegap a in Wonogiri claim that they did not cooperate with the Butch On 13 February,, from midnight until three in the morning, terrorists looted and burned between seventy and eighty homes in Maos, R.NIA troops stationed at Kesugihan did nothing., On the night of 9 February an armed pane kidnapped nine p ersons,including a market suporintendant, teachers and village officials, from the town Df Maos0 2 Because of the preseance of the Purwokerto Kid..Lllurah (official) behind the Hotel Besar, on the nights of 13 and 14 :re,3ruary, the hotel., in baos, was not looted.. The Legava bridge near Karungluwas was destroyed, as well. as the Karanggandul automobile and railway brifiges, Monday morning, the first train from Purwokerto to Cheribon wwa.a compelled to return to Purpokerto? On 1 February, at 7 a.,m? Java time , fighting occurred between the Dutch Army and the T!' I at Worzokromo, After a two haul= fight the Dutch withdrew with two killed and one wounded. There were no Republican losses t, 25? A clash between the Dutch Army and the TIE at falony (probably Balong), on 2 February, at 9:30 a00m,, Java time , resulted in two Dutch casualties and one 2111 casualty,, Many weapons were captured by the TNIQ, :226, On the morning of 17 February the Surabaya-4 atang railway was blocked by piles of stones at the Bangi3.=-Wonoberto junction, and the rails near 14'o noberto were torn apart A Even though the rails were repaired that day, trains could not run because of Dutch activity in the are,a. The trains ran again on Friday, 18 February,, *Towns unlocated ;ONFIDTNTIAL/CONTROL s U-9 OFFICIALS OMI r Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00457R002600010005-1