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*Ar; p roved F o neRe6m1R14?149616 ka.F5F82-004HRIA-2?80
w CD NO.
NTRY Cidle
SUBJECT Labor Organizations in chile
DATF. OF INFO. Prior to 1 /lamb 1949
25X1 A2 g
The following report furnishes background information on the present situation
of organised labor in Chile as it is affected by the division within the
Confederacion de Trabajadores de Chile (CTCh), the emergence of independent
federations, the schisms within the rocialistparty, the repression of Comm.
munist activities, and the increasing interest of other political parties in
labor matters. ?
A. crituataatatiazsgauALIASEU
1. Under the Chilean Labor Codes, the syndicate is the basic and only legally
recognized unit of labor organization in Chile. A syndicate must be composed
of a minimum of 25 people emplcOed in the same industrial or commercial firm
or engaged in like activities. By law, any person over 18 years of age and
not excluded by the restrictions legally applicable to membership in a syndi-
cate is permitted to join such an organization.
2. The first truly national organization of labor syndicates was the CTCh, which
was founded in 1936 through the efforts of the Socialist and Communist labor
loaders. Though by law the syndicate is the only legally recognized labor or-
ganization? the CTCh proceeded to organize the syndicates into unions and
federations. This organization into unions and federations proceeded aleng-
occupational or vocational lines. In order to achie e greater flexibility in
the coordination of labor activities on a national shale, the CTCh created a
coordinating organization based on territorial rathe than occupational lines.
The baste of this organization was the local council, composed of syndicates in
a specific locality, town or citY. The members of the local council were elected
through the holding of a local congress at which all the syndicates of the locality
were represented.
3. The local council and local syndicates were also subordinated to a departmental
council elected by a departmental congress composed of delegates from ail the
syndicates in the department or county.
4. The next highest echelon was the provincial council of the CTCh. elected through
:the holding of a provincial congress at which all the syndicates within the
province were represented.
---1? I
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rh I Is
5. The national council, however, was elected through the holding of a national
congress every two years at which a varying nuMber of delegntes were present
from each provincial council, and to which each national industrial federation
was entitled to send five delegates.
6. Acting as a consultive organism on the departnental, provinclal and national
levels exist groups known as assemblies of delegates. The deparemental
assembly cf delegates is composed of one delegate from each fyndicate in he
department. The provircial assenbly of delegates is compo ood ef two delecates
from each local and departmental council., one delegate from each syndicate. vitin
the provireel and one delegate from each provincial industrial union. This le
the first level on which delegates from the occupationally grouped labor organ-
izations and the territorielly grouped organizations work in close coordination.
The national assembly of delegates, acting as a consultive organkne for the
national council, is composed of two delegates from each nae5onal federation.
7. With the schism within the CTCh and its subsequent division into two orgaeiza-
tions bearing the same name, but commonlyknoun as the CTCh Socialista and the
OTCh Comunista? several of the more impotent federations previously affiliated
with the CTCh, as well as some in the process of formation, decided to pursue
an independent course and not to affillent themselves with either of the con-
tending OTChs. Thus it is that organized Chilean labor is divided into tlree
groups which at times cooperate and at other times contend with each othee.
8. Furthermore, the breakdown of the CTCh into the CTCh Socialirta end the Cr Ch
Comunista in in itself inconclusive. In the OTCh rocialiete there are steong
Communist factions, which are essentially closer to the CTCh Comunista. The
same is true in the case of the CTCh Comunista with respect to the CTCh
9. Of the two CTOhs, there is reason to con;ider the CTCh Comentsta as the more
powerful because of the nature of the federations affiliated with it. Ho never,
government repression of Coamunism? as well as the politically inclined aetivitios
of the CTCh Comunista leaders have so undermined the strength of this ommization
that it is now considered as being no longer effective.
10. The CTCh flocialista at present has the tacit support of the eresent soverenent
but, just as in the cane of the CTCh Comunista, Bernardo ibalez Aguila and other
socialist labor leadere have apparently neglected purely labor activities in
favor of activities of a political nature. A great number or ,,he Chilean or-
ganized labor leaders are :lease of the debility caused by the schism uithin and
subsequent disintegration of the CTCh. Recently, a growing tendency of tle va?-7our
contending factors to eeek some means of rapprochement has been noticed. The
first group to make such a move has been the Confederacion Gmeral do Trahajadores
The CGT in previous tines collaborated to a certain extent with the CTCh lociahiate.
This collaboration, however, was on a limited scale and only involved meters
pertaining strictly to laber rather than politics, since the 0G7 disapproles of
collaboration with any political group. Despite the exceeangly anti-Comm:to',
stand of the COT, it now seems apparent that this organization is willing to
collaborate with the Communist or Socialist CTCh toward the formation of A new
central labor organization not yet beyond the planning ntecee and emntatisely (tailed
the Central Unica de Trabajadores de Chile. No information is set availaele con-
cerning the possiblitios of success of this movement in the direction of labor
unity. There seems to be considerable reason to believe, however, that this
tendency towards rapprocheeent and regrouping will possibly eccur on the syndicate
and union level rather that on the higher directive levelse
AL -repi
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kgattebehta-L3521,2 (k....2t.14LCrCh
11. Organized labor activity in Chile can be raid to have stantee with the forme-
tion of the Federacion Obrere de Chile (Ft)CH), whech vac comrosed of militart
and mostly Cormunist-dominatod labor cyndicates. The syndiestee had no legal
standing before the law, and they were exceedingly loosele oresanieed. After
the Chilean Labor Code vont into effect, the organizetion of legally recegntzed
labor syndioates progreseed rapidly. At first the Communist Party of Chile (PCCh)
attempted te combat the formstion of such legally constituted eyndicutes, alleg-
ing that they were government-daminated. The Comunists, heeover were unsuccess-
ful in this attempt, and the Party itself became divAed on this issue, The
result wan a Party schiws which for a while rendered the PCCI, practically im
potent. Subseenently the Party decided on a policy of attenr, tire; to gain cen-
tral of the growing labor movement.
12. On 20 November 1931 the Confsderacion de rindicatos Industrielos de Santiago
uns formed. At that time this wne the largest single labor organization 5n
Chile. In June 1932 the Conrederacion de Sindicatos Industrialcs de rantfalo
was joined by the independent Union of Professional 'bears, composed of
barbers, etc. The name was changed to Corfederacion de Sindicatos Industriales
yProfesionales de Santiago. Thir new confederation immediately ttempted to
collaborate with different local confederations and enions existing in various
sections of Chile.
130 A labor congress was held on 21 Narch 1934. attended by reprosentativeu of the
different local confederetions. Much deliberation and debate at this cougrss
resulted in the formation of a new labor organization called Confederacion
Nacional de Sindicatos de Chile. This new national confederation was grand
tacit but not legal recognition by the Chilean government. The government per-
mitted the newly formed confederation to choose &locates to participate in the
Pan American Leber Conference held in f7antiago in 197.-6.
The formation of this nestConfederacioa Nacional en indicates de Chile was the
first succeesful step taken toward unifyilee all branches of Chilenn labor. How.
ever, the new confederation eas opposed 'ay the povorfel Union on hesistencie de
la Construccior? as well as by remnants of the Cormueist-domiaated Federaciea
Obrera Chilera.
15. A national labor congress, at which were present 460 delegatee representing
practically all of the Chileen labor organizations? was held in Docenbee 19360
and after ranch deliberation the Confederacion de Tralajadores de Chile (OTC%)
was officially founded on 27 December 1936. The CTCT became no first trule '
national labor confederaeion in Chile, and represented all the vnions and a
majority of the industriel federations of this covntry.
C. 'Je3r_QZCehefid-iti19.2,Tef-9S.2SD;C
16. The newly formed CTCh was an extremely powerful ltbor osganizatior, It oaely
declaration of principles stated that ite aims mere to organize all city end fare
laborers without distinction as to politic i3. creees, nationality, sees, oe aeep
with a vim./ toward conbating enpitalistic exploitetion entil the tocialist etate
should becone a reality. Although not in itself a legally recognized entity-,
since only the syndicates enjoy legal recolnition, the OTCh VA1 able to enforce
Its decisions and to play a vital role in the political as well as the economic
and pocial life of Chile. The power of tha OTCh became so great that in February
1946 it Wes able to carry out an extremely successful national strike.
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Oki r '1-4?T C
17. The national strike of February 1946 marked the peak of strength of the CTCh,
but ,aa also the ?awe of its subsequent division and eventual loss of power.
At that time the Secretary General of the OTCh was Socialist 2erne:m.10 Ibanez
Aguila and the nute.Secretary General was Communiet Bernardo Aja &late. The
Communists, however, considered that they were the most power:nal single
ideological group within the CTCh, and decided to enforce the Party decisions
on this labor organization and convert it into a potent revolutionary otrihing
force. The resulting dissension between the Socialiste and the Communists
provoked the division of the CTCh into tem factions, both bearing the same
name and now commonly known as the CTCh Secialista and the CTCh Comunista.
18. With the division of the CTCh into two factions, many powerful labor organize-
tions belonging to the CTCh refused to align themselves with oither faction and
adopted an independent position. Among them are the following labor groupo:
a. The Federacion Industrial Ferraviaria, composed of approximately 50%
Socialists, 10% Radicals and 30% Communists.
b. The Asooiacion Nacional de Dmpleados Fiscales (AHD), which has some
67,000 members of all political beliefs, and is presided over by Clotario
Blest. This association maintains only a casual connection with either
of the two CTChs and colleborates with them only when considered
c. The Asoolacion Nacional de Empleadoe Semi-Fiscalos (ANESF), which has or-
ganized all of the semi-fiscal workers and maintain an thdependent position.
d. The Federacion Bancaria, which is composed of all the banning and credit
organization workers, and pursues an independent course.
e. The Confederacion de Empleados Particulares de Chile (CE2Ch), which, under
the leadership of Edgard? Maas, and with approximately 113,000 members,
has little contact with either of the CTCh factione.
19. The result of the schism within the OTCh has been that this once powerful
labor organization in no longer an effective force in either ete labor, economic,
or political field.
20. Article 365 of the Chilean Labor Code. recognizes the right, ae stated abovr,
for anyone over 18 yea= of age to join the industrial syndic to organized in
the firm or company by vhich he is employed. The only excepteons are prisoners
or those sentenced for crimes against the internal security of the State, es
well an those who have been excluded from the electoral or emicipal registries.
An attempt is now being made to apply this latter resteiction to Communistr.
However, those so prevented from being voting membern of the eyndioate of the
company in which they are employed may continue to receive their legal are on
the company profits and, if they pay their syndicate membership fees, are also
permitted the use of the cultural, educational, cooperative, and other facilities
offered by the syndicate.
21. The activities of the eyndicates are controlled by representatives of the
Ministry of Labor. Each syndicate is peraitted to elect a board of directors,
but the electione must be witnessed and the minutes of the election meeting
must besigned by an inspector of the Ministry of Labor.
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22. Syndicate !Undo are derived fron payment of membership fees and also from
the previously mentioned Abere in the company profits. This Share hy law
cannot be less than Ft% of the profits nor more than 6% of the total wages
? paid during the year by the firm to the members of the syndicate. These
funds are managed by the president and the treasurer of the 'syndicate, but
any disbursements exceeding 2000 Chilean pesos require prior authorisation
from the Labor Inspector assigned to the syndicate. According to the Chilean
Labor Code a legally recognised syndicate is composed of a minion= of 25
employees of a single firm or factory or of people engaged in like occupations.
The Labor Code does not regulate nor expressly-authorise the formation of in-
dustrial unions. The only mention made of unions is in Artiole 386 of the
Labor Godes which states that joint meetings of industrial syndicates will be
permitted only for educational sotivitiee, for mutual assistance, and for the
establishment of cooperatives. Though no provisions exist for the formation
of unions, and despite the fact that they have no legal standing, the CTCh
grouped syndicates together to form unions and unions to form industrial fader.-
time. The rules and regulations oonoerning the conduct and activities of
unions and federations are not set forth by the Chilean labor Code but by the
regulations of the CTGh itself. According to CTCh regulations, a Minim= of four
syndicates engaged in the same activities is needed for the formation of a union.
The general policy has been to group all syndicates engaged in the same type of
industrial or commercial activities in any one province into a provincial union.
Uhen the provincial industrial Union is composed of more than five syndicates,
an assembly of delegates composed of one delegate from each of the syndicates in
this =IOU in formed to act as a consultive organism for the board of directors
of this provincial industrial union.
23. A federation is composed of the industrial unions of the different provinces,
and as in the case of the unions themselves, the membership of any one federa-
tion is limited to unions of a speoific occupation or commercial activity. In
this manner the syndicates or syndicate factions and the provincial unions are
represented together with the national industrial federations in national con-
gresses of the different trades or professions. Each national industrial federa-
tion has a board of directors sleeted by the respective national congress. This
board of directors is composed of a secretary general, a sub-secretary general,
a secretary of organisation, a treasurer, two strike secretaries, a recording
secretary, one secretary for correspondence, one secretary for education and cul,
ture, end one secretary in charge of sports. Besides these elected members, the
board of directors also includes one direct representative from each of the
provincial industrial unions oomprising the national federation.
24. Like the provincial industrial unions, the national industrial federations also
have a consultive organism known as an assembly of delegates which meets when,
ever called into session by the national board of directors to help consider any
matter deemed of outstanding importance. This assembly of delegates is composed
of representatives of all the different provincial unions.
25. National induetrial federations are also directly represented in the assembly of
delegates acting as a consultive organism for the Board of Directors of the OTCh
F. Organisation or the CTCh
26. The CTCh organisation is of a dual type, since it has a duel chain of command.
This first chain of command or organisation is composed of the previously mentioned
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6frratiattlft 25X1A2g
syndicates, unions, provincial unions and national federations organized along
lines of professional, vocational or occupational activities of the union mem-
bers themselves. For example, in this particular chain of command within the
CTCh, steel workers have no connection whatsoever with miners. However, in
order to extend the power and the influence of the CTCh it was also found
necessary to establish a closely meshing parallel organization along territorial
rather than occupational lines. The basis of the parallel organisation is the
Local Council, which is elected by the syndicates of one locality, village or
town, irrespective of the occupational, professional or vocational activities
of the Members of these syndicates. The important difference between the Local
Council and a local union is that the Council is of a territoriel nature whereas
the union is occupational.
27. For the formation of a Local Council, the syndicates of that locality hold a
congress at which are elected the boards of directors or Council members.
28. The next highest echelons in this chain of command are the Departmental Councils,
or ciininty councils. These councils are composed of a minimum of five members
elected at a departmental congress at which are represented all the different
labor syndicates in the department. The Departmental Council includes one secretary
general, one secretary of organization, one strike secretary, one secretary of
correspondence, and a treasurer.
The Departmental Council also has a conoultive organism called an Assembly of
Delegates, and is composed of two delegates from each syndioate existing within
the department.
30. The next higher echelon is the Provincial Council, composed of nine members, and
elected through the holding of a provincial congress at which are represented all
the syndicates and unions in the province. The Provincial Council is composed of
a secretary general, a sab-seoretary general, a secretary of organization and con..
troll, a treasurer, a recording secretary, a secretary for correspondence, a
strike secretary, a secretary for press and propaganda, and a secretary for edu-
cation and culture.
31. The Provincial Council in turn is aided by a consultive organism known as the
Asseably of Delegates composed of two representatives from each local council and
departmental council, a direct delegate from each affiliated syndicate within the
province, and a delegate from each provincial industrial union.
32. It will be observed that the Assembly of Delegates of the Provincial Council in-
cludes delegates from each provincial industrial union. This is the first case
in the chain of command where a close link exists between the administrative or
political CM organization and the purely labor chain of command previously
shown to be formed along a basis of occupational, professional or vocational
33. Directly above the Provincial Council is the top-ranking CTCh administrative or
directive organism, the National Directive Council. It is composed of 17 membors
elected by the delegates to the national CTCh congress. To this congress are
sent five delegates from each of the national federations affiliated to the CM,
as well as a variable number of delegates sent by' the Provincial Councils. Since
the number of delegates representing the Provincial Councils varies from congress
to congress, the different provincial organizations are advised ninety days prior
to the holding of the congress as to the number of delegates that can be sent,
and are given the rules and regulations governing the activities of the congress.
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These congresses are held every two years, and the resolutions adopted can
only be modified by a subsequent congress. The members of the National
Directive Council elected at the national oongress Include a secretary general,
a first se-secretarygeneral, a second sub-secretarygeneral, a treasurer,
two secretaries of organization and control, two strike secretaries, two
secretaries for correspondence, a secretary fox' press and propaganda, a seo-
peter,- for education and culture, a secretary for sports, and a recording
34. The National Directive Council is aided by a consultive organization known as
an Assembly of Delegates and composed of two direct representatives from each
national industrial federation. The Assembly' of Delegates is expected to
meet every six months, and its decisions are mandatory with respect to labor
conflicts or other labor problems.
35. As has been previously mentioned, the only labor organization with legal status
is the syndicate. However, the unions and the industrial federations have a
certain aspect of legality. The same is not true of the parallel administrative
organization within the OTCh or, basically, of the CTOh as a whole. However,
the CTCh has become tacitly accepted as a result of its care in maintaining the
appearance of engaging in activities along cultural and educational lines while
refraining from stressing the class struggle or other political aspects. The
administrative organization within the CTCh, formed along territorial rather than
occupational lines, was found to be necessary in order to give greater elasticity
in labor struggles. The aotual operation of the =Oh is as follows: Any
syndicate deeming it necessary or convenient to present demands to the firm or
company in which this syndicate functions prepares a "pliego de petioiones" or
a list of demands. If these demands are not met by the company, and no attempt
at compromise gives satisfactory results, the syndicate seeks the support of its
union and of its national industrial federation. At the same time the syndicate,
through the Local Council, seeks the support of the CTCh as a whole. Thus the
request for aid on the part of the syndicate reaches the National Directive Council
of the CTCh through the local, departmental, and provincial councils as well as
through the national industrial federation which hap representatives in the Assembly
of Delegates of the National Directive Council of the CTCh. The CTCh itself never
originates a strike and, though the syndicates, unions, and national industrial
federations are integral parts of the GTCh, they are the only ones Which can de-
clare,a strike within their particular industry. The CTCh as such limits itself
to a position of support or active aid to the syndicates, unions, or federations
on strike.
36. All the political parties of Chile with the exception of the Liberal Party in-
terest themselves to a greater or lesser extent in the Chilean labor movement
and in the CTCh itself. The political parties having the greatest influence
among organised labor and within the OT0h are the Communists and Socialists. The
influence of the Partido Demooratico and of the Falange Nacional is less than that
of either the Socialists or Communists. Recently the Radical Party also organized
a Syndical Department under the leadership of Senator Isauro Torres Ceroceda.
37. As has been previously stated the Communists and Socialists exercise the greatest
control over Chilean organized labor and only through the collaboration of these
two parties was it possible to form the CTCh. Prior to 1935 the Communists had
opposed the formation of any labor organization which the Party would not control.
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With the sudden shift of Communist polioy in 1935 and the acoeptance of the
united or popular front idea, the Communists scuttled the FOCH and aided the
Socialists and other parties to farm the CTCh. Subsequently the Communiete
attempted to utilise the aft for purely Party interests, with the result
that the CTCh definitelyeplit in 1946 into the CTChSocialieta and the CTCh
The CTQhpociagsta
38. With the schiam within the CTCh and with the formation of the Socialist and
Communist labor organisations bearing the same name, many industrial fedora..
tion chose to ally themselves with one or the other of the CTChs wbereae, as
has been previously stated, other federations adopted an independent course.
The National Council of the Cith Socialista ie as follows:
Secretary General
rub-reereters General
Recording Secretary
Secretary of Organisation
Strike Seoretary
Other members of this Council ares
. Bernardo Ibanez Aguas
- Albino Barra Villalobos
Arturo Velasquez Quiroga
- Juan Briones Villavicencio
Carlos Godoy Pizarro
Isidoro Goday Bravo
Nazario Salinas Lopes
Emiliano Soto Jara
Dionisio Gorda Trincado
Raul Orellana Orellana
Luis Varela Varela
Blanca Garcia
Hipolite Saavedra
Luis Gonzalez Olivarez
Graciela Sanchez
Victor Alarcon
Rene Avelos
Maroon Ascui Carrasco
Luis Hormazabal
Carlos Vemegas Hernandez
39. Directly under the National Council and the most important of the provincial
councils of the CTCh Socialists is that of the Province of Santiago, with head-
quarters in the City of Santiago. Al]. of the following members of this Council
were elected on 7 January 1949:
provincial nzharetsmy General
Provincial Sub-Secretary General
Second Provincial Sub-Seoretary
Secretary of Organization
Recording secretary
secretary for Correspondence
Prim Secretaries
Strike Secretaries
. Roberto Perez Nunez
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Secretary for
necretary for
Secretary for
Secretary for
Secretary for
labor Agitation
Cultural Activities
Farm Activities
Housing and Feminine
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The National Board of Directors of the Federacion de Sindicatoe de la
Benefioencia is compoeed of the followings
Julio Ramirez Ortiz
Hosendo Pisarro Salinas
Daniel Herrera Herrera
Jose Oyarzun Cepeda
Carlos Concha Concha
Heriberto Hernandez Hernandez
Manuel Monsalvez
Pedro Pablo Bravo Bravo
- Secretary General, and member of the
Ibanez Aguila faction of the
Socialist Party
? Also a member of the Ibanez Avila
fiction of the Socialist Party
? A meeber of no political party
- The representative of this federation
In Concepcion, Chile
- The representative of this federation
in Valparaiso, and a member aim
political party
45. This federation is formed of syndicates composed of chemical and pbarnamutical
woricare. It is calculated the total membership does not exceed 10,000 in all
Chile. The influence of the Socialist Parte over this federation is relative,
since the number of Socialists within this federation is estimated at appromately
only 15%, whereas the strong Comeunist fractions within this federation are be-
lieved to oontrol approximately 25% of the membere. The rest of the members are
regarded as maintaining only nominal relationships with other political parties.
A strike by this federation oould paralyse all the laboratories, but it is re.
carded as being extremely improbable that a euccessful strike could be engineered
through the influence of any political faction within this federation.
46. The National Board or Directors of the Federacion de Quimica 3r Furmacla is as
Miguel Pradenan Ferias
Pedro Pinto Pinto
Hector Munoz Rodriguez
Mattes Palacioe Rernandee
Raul Valdivieso Quezada
Roberto Morales Gonzalez
Raul Gamboa
Secretary Genera/ and member of the
r'ocialist Party
Sub-sepretary and ember of the
Socialist Party
Net known .to belong to any political
'1. ? ' ? ea... me_
47. This federation is composed of unions and syndicatee of laborers engaged in
port and shipping activities. Included among the nembers of this federation
are stevedores and ship captains. It is calculated that the membership of this
federation in more than 20,000 people.
4. The principal syndicatee farming this federation aro as followst
Pindicato de Lanoheros de Valparaiso
Sindioato de Obreros Maritimos de Valparaiso
ft ft " Talcahuano
r ft Coronel
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. ?
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de Obreroe Maritimos do Dote
II if n Antofagasta
" TquIve
de Pescadores de Valparaiso
II It " Caleta Mecca
/1 San Pedro
Sen Vicente
Puerto Itnrtt
Thin federation is composed of syndicates 'Allah have not joined together to
form unions, as is the case in the majority of the industrial federations.
49. The Socialist Party exerciees predominant oontrel over this important federa-
tion, but it is calculated that approximately 50% of the members are Communists
and working in fraction. However, the Communists to date have made no attempt
to wrest control of this federation fraa the socialists, because of the great
respect which all seem to have for Luis Lopes Villanueva, well known Socialist
leader and mother of the Board of Directors of this federation. It is considered
extremely-unlikely, however, that the control of the Socialist Party is sus*
that it could launch this union into a strike on purely political grounds. An
interesting sidelight with respect to this union is that 3.500 of the 1800
Valparaiso port laborers ware stricken from the electoral reeords for being
Communists and, although publics employees, have been permitted to continua
their activities in order to avoid paralyzation of the port.
50. The Board of Directors of this national federation is composed of the followings
Luis Franco Medina 'Approved ForRelease 1999/09/09 : CIA-RD 82-00457R002500410011-1
Carlos Aguilera
Atil!.o Guerrero
Juan Vargas;
"sail Jara
Ro'selio Rodriguez
Endolfo MRS
Secretary General and member of the
zlocialist Party
Member of the Socialist Party
NU tl
to, l4ember of no political party
U ItIf fp
53. Of the member, of this federation it is calculated that 60 axe oentrolled by
the Socialiets and aprnmcbmtlily 351 by the Communists. Thes most important
of the Comemaist fractions is that in the Sindicato Profesioaal de Mueblistas
de Santiario.
54. This feileration Ls formed by syndicates *reposed of chauffeurs and ticket
sellers of the bus lines operating in Santiago and Valparaiso. It 'm calculated
that he membership of the syndicates composing this federation is o." appridsektel7
8500 people. The National Board of Directors of this syndicate is mvosed of the
Carlos Ibanez Ring
Luis Sannbez Nunes
Agustin Gutierrez GutierTez
Julio Vasquez Cabanas
Julio 74n11er Suarez
Ramon Zapata Morales
LIAO 7illagran Loma
Juan Olate Olate
Jus44 Munoz Munoz
SeFuneto del Real -
Claudio Almeyda Opaso
Member of the Socialist PaFtty
a a n n
II V V to n
it u le n n
Member of the Communist Party
U If 0 n a
" " " " "
II N ff
ft If
ft ft ft
Member of ma political party
55. It is calculated that approcimately 40% of the members of the syndicates cos.
prising this federation are Socialist and an equal number Communist, with the
remainder being of no fired political ideology. This federation bac always
adopted a wsition of considerable independence towards all the different politi-
oal parties. All strikes in which this federation has been engaged have been
for purely/ economic or general labor rather than political motives. It is oon-
sidered *.hat neither the Socialist nor the Communist Party could draw this fed-
eration into a strike for political reasons.
56. This federation in formed by *indicates composed of tramway or streetcar workers.
The largeet of these operates the syndicate of the Empresa Nacional de Transporte
(Ifr.tional Transport Company). Though nominally members of this federation, the
s/ndioates of Concepcion and Valparaieo adopt a markedly independent attitude with
..iespect to the Santiago syndicate. The total number of members of the various
syndicates composing this federation is estimated as not exceeding 3000 people.
57, The only known member of the Board of Directors of this national federation is the
Secretary General, Carlos Briones Villavicencio, a member of the Socialist Party.
. It is calculated that the Communists control approximately 60% and the socialists
some 40% of the members of the syndicates comprising this federation. However,
the syndicates composing this federation aannot go on strike becalm they are for.
bidden to do so by law. At present this federation is in the process of reorganizatior
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9,40,2:414 k. iL
gULD 42 grer919 Vir21=211Q11
59. The Union de Obreros ninicipales in realitar ie neither a union nor a federaga
tion, but an association of all the municipal workers of the communes ?Im.
prising the City of Santiago. At present this association is ?opposed of
approximately MOO individuals, since approximately 850 former membere were
eliminated because of their Communist affiliation. The directors of this
association or union are as follow
Arriagada Arriagede
Meadmo Carrasco Valensuela -
Carlos Concha Flores
Genaro noto Casaree
Pedro Abaroa Rojas
Andres Mosooso Silva
Julio Cerpa Salines
Luis A. Montoya Genesis'
Martial Marin Sambas
Vioe Preeldent
- Pro Secretary
. Treasurer
Pre Treaaurer
. Director
- Director
. Director
O. This assoolation or union ie closely controlled by and readily obeys only the
above listed Board of Directors, though it has closely oollatorated in general
labor movements. These municipal workers are exceedingly well disoiplined,
and their strikes have been very suocessfUl in paralyzing such municipal
activities as street cleaning and garbage collecting.
(1. The National Council of the CTCh Comunista is as follows*
Bernardo Araya Zuleta
Humberto Abarca Cabrera
Luis Sandoval Saes
Juan Santibenez Trinoado )
Guillermo Martinez Quijon)
Ildefonso Aisman Lamm )
Luis Valenzue/a Valenzuela)
Searetery General
- nub-Secretary General
- Recording remotely
- Seoretaries e Organization
Otherymembers of this National Council are:
tone Diaz Iturrieta
Fidel Melia&
Ester Quilodran
Ana Tapia
Salvador Ocampo Fastens
jose Provosts Zavala
Strike secretaries
Guillermo Rodriguez
Salvador Sepulveda
00oar Astudillo Gonzalez
Luis Aleman
Abraham Zambrano, a member of Falange Naoional
Guillermo Sanchez, a member of Partido
All of those listed with the exception of Zambranoand Sanchez are regarded as
being militant Communiets. During the last ipprisonment of Bernardo Aram
Zuleta, one Dominiciano Soto acted as Seoretary General 0 hoe of the CM
11- le
62. The followinr are the industrial federationa controlled by or affiliated with
the OTChOceunistas
Federacion industrial Miners
Federaoion Industrial Netalurgice
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2 5X 1 A2 g
Federaoion Industrial Textil
Federacion Industrial de Gas, Telefono yElectricidad
Federacion Industrial Mainers
Federation Nacional de la Construccion
65. This national industrial federation is one of the most important industrial
federations existing in Chi/e. It is calculated that approximately 50,000
laborers are affiliated with this federation through the various miners'
eyndicates, out or a total of 54,900 laborers engaged in copper, iron, coal
and nitrate mining, pas 1500 engaged in gold mining activities. Te only
iron workers' syndicate is that of El Tao, which is very small.
64. The principal syndicates oomprioing the Federacion Industrial Vinare are the
Coal syndicates at Lota, Schwager, Lirquen, Curani/ahue and Lebu.
Copper syndicates at Chuquicameta and Sewell. The syndicate of
Portrerillos does not belong to the federation.
Nitrate syndicates at Humberton, Mapocho, Victoria, Bella Vista,
Maria Elena, Pedro de Valdivia.
The National Board of Direotors of the Federacion Industrial Minora is as
Secretary General - Galvarino Melo
Secretary of Organization - Juan Valenzuela
Members of the Board . (Juan Garcia
(Jose Diaz Iturrieta
(Mario Barrios
With the exception of Barrios, who is a member of the Falange Nacional, all
others are militant Communists. Jose Diaz lturrieta, a Communist Deputy, is
regarded as being the real power on this Board of Directors.
65. The Federaoion Industrial Miners theoretically could paralyze all basic mining
operations in Chile. However, this could only be done through illegal strikes
since, by application of the law of defense of democracy, some 55 to 60% of the
laborers have lost their syndical rights and could not vote in favor of a
strike. Because of this, the legal majority required for such a veto could not
be obtained since this majority is regarded as being of the number of laborers
-working and not of those with a right to vote. It is calculated that sueh an
illegal strike could paralyze 60% of coal production, 70% of? copper production,
nnd 70% of nitrate production.
66. Furthermore such a strike would seriouely affect the state railroads, since the
majority of the locomotives are of the coal-burning type. It would also
serious/iv affect gas and electricity production es well as the port activities
at Iquique, Tocqpille, Antofagasta, Coquimbo, Los Vilos? Valparaiso, an Antonio,
Talcahuana, Coronel, and Lebue
67. There is reason to believe that the fear of such a strike, as well as the
necessity of constructing adequate storage facilities, has influenced the govern-
ment in its decision to build coal deposits near Santiago having an estimated
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. ?
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capacity of 200,000 tons. At the present tine it is calculated that the
railroado, the gas company and the electric company have coal stocks
sufficient to last for four weeks.
68. This confederation is composed of all ayndicates of laborers engaged in
the manufacture of metal produots. The total membership of this federation
is calculated as being of approximately 11,000 people. The principal oyndi-
pates comprising the Federacion Industrial Ebtalurgica are the following:
Fundicion Grajales
Fundic ion Libertad
as well as mall syndicates in Concepcion, Valparaico, and Rancagua. It is
probable that the Huachipato Syndicate, the formation of which is now being
planned, will also join this federation. The Huachipato Syndicate will probably
become the largest and most powerful syndicate of all the metal werkers, syndi-
cates of Chile. The National Board of Directors of the Federacion Industrial
Metalurgica is as follows:
Raul Gatica Gajardo
Carlos Oreo Palacios
Jorge Soto Casares
Jose Olmos Villegas
Jose Fuentes Fuentes
Juan Salazar Villages
Hector Saz Diaz
Pedro Paredes Catalan
? Secretary General and member of
the Communist Party
Sdia.Secretary General and member
of the Socialist Party
- Recording Secretary, and member.
of the Socialist Party
- Treasurer and member of the Communist
- Secretary of Press and Propaganda,
and a Socialist
Secretary of Organization, and member
of the Communist Party
A voting member of the Board, and a
member of the Communist Par*.
A voting member of the Board, and
member of no political party
The Federacion Industrial Ebtalurgica is one of the oldest and most disciplined
federations existing in Chile. This federation exercises great control over
its affiliates, and there is no known internal dissension despite a strong
Socialist fraotion sufficiently powerful to elect four membere out of eight on
the National Board of Directors.
69. In case of strike, it is calculated that the Socialist Party could control approxi-
mately 30% of the laborers, whereas some 70% would follow the orders icsued by
the Communist Party. The strike capacity of the Federacion Industrial Netalurgica
Ls exceedingly great since it would have a general effect on industry as a whole.
Such a strike mould paralyze a great percentage of the Chilean industrial plants
as well as bring most construction work to a standstill.
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70. The Federacion Industrial Vatalurgica publishes a periodioal known as
kjaaa2jAaidtabizgiga, which is printed at the Calle Esperanza 49 head-
quarters of the Sindioato Industrial de la Fundicion "Libertad". To date
only two issues of this periodical are known to have been published. The
first appeared on 6 November 1948 and the nocond on 19 November 1948.
71. This federation is composed of syndicates of the textile industry in general,
and includes independent weavers belonging to the Sindicato Profesional de
72. The exact number of affiliates or members of this industrial federation is
not known. The principal syndicates comprising the Federacion Industrial
Textil are as follows*
"El Salto"
Sederias de Vine del Mar
Textil "Vine"
Textil "Chiguayante"
Profesional de.Tejedores
Said of Ouillota
Victoria of Puente Alto
Yarur? which, although one of the most powerful, is
listed as an independent syndicate*
73. It is calculated that a strike called by this industrial federation would
affect approximately 60% of the textile induatry of Chile. Peculiarly enough,
the Socialists control approximately 15% of the members of this industrial
federation, and the Partido Democratic? controls the majority of the rest of
the members. Nonetheless this syndicate is affiliated with the CTCh Coml.:nista
instead of to the =Oh Socialista. The National Board of Directors of this
industrial federation is as followe:
Faust? Navarete Aguilar
Teresa Carvajal
Juan Gutierrez
Belisario Saavedra
Ugo Herrera
Anibal Solis
Mercedes Lopez
Paulina Contreras
Blanca Garcia
.Secretary General, and member of
the Partido Democratic?
Sub-Secretary General and a Communist
- Treasurer and member of the Socialist
Voting member and member of the
Socialista Party
- Voting member and member of the
Communist Party
- Voting member and member of the Com-
munist Party
- Voting member and of unknown political
74. This federation is composed of the syndicates of the gas companies of Santiago,
Valparaiso and Concepcion, of the electric companies of Santiago and Valparaiso,
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ot,,Alar Lomas lAb s
2 5X 1 A2 g
and of the telephone caepavy of Santiago. The rest of the electrical
'syndicates of Chile are not affiliated udth this federation, nor are they
affiliated to the CTCh Socialista. At present this industrial federation
is undergoing a crisis because the telephone company syndicate of Santiago
has announced its intention of retiring from the fedoration.
75. The Federacion de Gas, Telefono yElectricidad peblishos a periodical
waled Dirma.
The Board of Directors of this syndicate is as follows:
Adan Gutiereet Cabrera - Secretary General and "ember of
the Conmunist Party.
Ernesto Moreno Moreno ? Member of the Board, and member
of the Communist Party
Adrian del Rosario Carvajal Araya ? Member of the Board and of the
Communist Party
Carlos Sanchez Reyes ? Member of the Beard, and of the
Euesnio Gonzalez faction of the
Socialist Party
Jose Carlos Reyes Member of the Board,eand of no
known political party
It is calculated that the Communist Party exercises control over approximately
60% of the members and the Socialists over the other 40%. This is true despite
the fact that a great many of the members are of no political ideologrl but are
attracted to and dominated by the two contending organized groupe.
77. A strike called by this industrial federation mould seriously affect the ?canonic
and social life of Chile. This industrial federation could stop the trains
running betueen Valparaiso and Santiago, as well .as the great majority of ine
dustrial plants in the Santiago vicinity. Telephone and telegraphic communications
mould also be interrupted.
Federe40P Trichlekkel
78. This federation is comPosed of organized laborers engaged in working for the
various flour malt and other mills of that type in Chile. It is calculated
that this industrial federation has approximately 15,000 members in the entire
country. The principal syndieates comprising this industrial federation are
as fellows:
"La Estrella"
industrial del Molino "San Cristobal"
Los Molinos "Catz"
La Fabrica de "Fidels Luchetti"
Manner? de San Bernardo
industrial "Ferrer Hermanos"
La eociedad Arrozera Tucapel
This induntrial federation is somewhat different from aey of the others ea far
considered because the Communist Party controls approximately 55% of the nenbers
seele10111W4161Ale ?
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and the great majority of the rest are controlled by the Social Chrietban
faction or the Conservative Party. The Socialists exercise influence over
only a few of the members of thie federation.
79. This federation is composed of the syndicates of laborers engaged in con,.
struction work. It is calculated that the total membership of this federate
tion is of approximately 40,000 people. The syndicate membership pf this
federation is unstable, Awe the syndicates are formed within construction
firms which are active for a while, then frequently mergeor cease operations.
For this reason approximately 5000 of the calculated 40,000 meMbers of this
federation belong to no syndicates, but are direct members of the federation.
The Board of Directors of thin induatrial federation is as follows:
Luis Duran Duran - Secretare General, and member of the
Communist Party
Horacio Valdivia - Sub-Secretary General and member of
the Communist Party
Oscar Gonzales - Secretary of organization, and of
unknown political ideology
Jose Arriagado - Strike Secretary, and of unknown
political ideology
Jose Pena Contreras Recording Secretary, and of unknown
political ideology
Juan Pablo Fuentes - Treasurer, and of unknown political
Javier Castro - Voting member, and pf'unknown political
It is calculated that the Communist Parte presently controls 40% of the members
of this federation, and that 30% are Anarchists. The rest of the members are
either Socialists, or belong to the Social Christian faction of the Conservative
Party. Though this industrial federation is affiliated with the CTCh Comunistap
the Communists have continuously faced the necessity of struggling with the
anarchistic Confederacion General de Trabajadores (CGT) for control of this
federation. The CGT? using the predominantly anarchistic plasterers and stuccoers,
Is currently engaged in an attempt to extend its domination over this industrial
O. The Federacion Nacional de la Construccion also publishes two periodicals, one
known as."El Estucadoe, of which the last number (31) appeared on 17 December
1948, in homage to Communist militant Luis Emilio Recaburren. The other
periodical published by this industrial federation is "La Voz de la Construccion".
So far, only t'? iesues of the latter periodical are knowm to have been published.
The last known issue appeared on 3 Deeember 1948. Both periodicals are published
at the Calle Roses 1432 headquarters of the Federacion Nacional de la Construccion.
81. As can be seen from the breakdown of the national industrial federations controlled
by tbe Communist and Socialist MCI's, the Communists have an evident superiority
with respect to the strike capacity and impact of this on the industrial; social
and economic life of Chile. Furthermore, the Conmenist Party is a unified party
whereas the Socialist Party in turn is divided into factions. No attempt has been
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25X1 A2g
made to differentiate between the Socialist groups with respect to Socialist
control of labor organizations. On the other hand, the repressive measures
taken by the present Chilean government have seriously affected Coit
control of the industrial confederations, unions, and syndicates comprising
the OTCh Comunista. At present the Comm:dots are adopting a passive role
-and member of the National Directive Council of the CTCh Comunista are hold-
ing only occasional meetings, while they are apparently lying low. The result
is that the industrial federations affiliated with the CTCh Comunista are tale-
ing a progressively more independent role. The fact that the activities of
these different national industrial federations are not being closely co-
ordinated by the National Directive Council of the CTCh Comunista seriously
impedes any decisive labor movement on their part.
82. Mention has previously been made concerning the existence of independent
industrial federations. Among these are the following:
Federacion Induetrial Ferroviaria
Asociacion Nacional de Empleados Seni-Fiscales
Aeociacion Nacional de Emp/eados Fiscales
Federacion Nacional Bancaria
Confederacion de Empleados Particulares
S3. This federation is comp6sed of all laborere and employees of the state and
privately owned railroads in Chile. This national federation, with approxi-
mately 30,000 members, is not organized on a basis of syndicates but rather
on the heels of zonal associations. The National Board of Directors is com-
posed of the following:
Abelino Aguilera, a
Humberto Soto C. "
Herminio Tamayo "
Enrique Valenzuela
member of the Socialist Party
n to n lo to
n n to . n n
to to n n n
rargio Gomez, a member of the Radical Party
Nibaldo Solis "
Humberto Pizarro n n
Enrique Chateaux
It is calculated that the Socialist Party controls approximately 50(4 of the
members of this national federation and the Co.. at Party controls approxi-
mately 30%, especially in the fourth and fifth zones of Taloa and Concepcion.
The Radical Party controls an estimated 20%. No 'strike could be effective in
the Taloa or Concepcion zones without Communiet support.
84. This association functions exactly like a national industrial federation, but
is not organized on a basis of syndicates; it is organized on the basic of
associations or groups composed of employees of the different institutes, cajas,
and semi-fiscal organizations. It is calculated that the membership of this
national association is approximately 40,000 People. The National Board of
Directors is composed of the following:
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Carloe Alvarez raldivar
Jorge Lillo ?Amadei
Juvenal Martinez
Carlos Gil Mujica
Jorge Fuentes
Maria Delia de Bravo
Jorge Fontaine
Jorge Salazar
Ernesto Jorquera
Octavio Molinari
Victor Reyes
Rene Labarca
Noraeio Wort
Francisco Zarate
- President
- Vice President
- Secretary General
Pro Treasurer
- Recording Secretary
- Secretary for correspondence
Pro Secretary for correspondence
Press Secretary
Secretary of Relations (liaison)
Secretary of the North Zone
11 11
- Secretary of the South Zone
This national association has had no experience at conducting a strike except
in the case of the employees of the Caja de Empleados Particulares. At present
this national association is attempting to reorganize in such a manner as to
enable it to carry out an effective strike. Available information indicates that
the Communist Party controls approximately 15% of the members of this association,
the rocialists approximately 20%, the Radical Party approximately 60% and the
remainder are either members of the Particle Democratic? or are members of no
political party.
85. This national federation, generally known as Asociacion Nacional de Empleados
Fiscales, is composed of all the government employees of Chile. It has no
eyndicates, and is basically a social association. It is estimated that it
has some 67,000 members. The National Board of Directors is as follows:
Clotario Blest Riff?
Bge Pinto
Segundo Inostroza
Juan Goldeack
Raul Bolnitzki
Gonzalo Penalillo
Eduardo Pla
Juan Lascorret
Julio C. Stuardo
Delfina Venegas
Eduardo Becerra
Eduardo Cathalifau
Armando Gamonal
President, and a Social Christian
Vice President
- Secretary
- Secretary
This national federation or association baa had no experience in conducting
strike?. Available information indicates that some 70% of the members are
members of the Radical Party? some 2% are Communists, and the rest are split
up among the different political parties.
86. This national federation is composed of the syndicates existing in the
different banks of Chile. The most important syndicate is that of the Banco
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do Chile and of the Caja Nacional de Ahorros. The remainder are small syndi-
cates whose strength results from union within the national federation. It
is calculated that this national federation has appreximately 13,500 medbers.
The National Board of Directors for the Federaoion Naoional Bancaria is ac
Edgardo as Jenhsen
Arturo Barrientes
President and member of the
Radical Party
Secretary General and member
of the Radical Party
Gustave-. Cionzalev
Arturo Quirola
Jose, Oeldeack
Armando Williko
livefeerto Saavedra
Roberto Leon Alquinta - A member of the Falange Nacional Party
This national federation is well disciplined, and has successfully engaged in
etrikes uhich lasted for as long as a week at a time. Generally these strikes
have been sufficient to achieve.the ends sought by the strike. There is little
or no Conmunist influence within this national federation. The greateet in.
fluence within th1s. federation is that exercised by the Radical Party and the
Felanee Nacional,
87, rels_oeganization groups toeether all the syndicates of private employees and
ieldependent associations, existing in Chile, and was composed by unification of
Communistecontrolled Federacion Indeeendiente de Empleados Particularise
(FIEP), the Confederacion de Empleados Pteticulares de Chile controlled by the
Radical Party, and the Confederacion Indeeendiente de Etpleados Particulares
controlled by the Socialists. The total lumber of members is calculated as be-
ing approximately 115,000. The National 3oard of Directors is as follow:
Edgardo Mass Jenhsen
Jorge Quilo4ran Roe
Eduardo Pizerro
Armando Arecena
Santiago Arancibia
Osvaldo Figueroa
Mario Ravanal
Francieco Corral
Juan Atala
Ramon rilva Ulloa
Luis Contreras Banados
Luis Humberto Caceres
',ice President
ice President
iecreta.ry General
Mass Jeehsen is also President of the Federacion Nacional Bancaria.
E. The Confederacion de Empleados Particulares de Chile (CEPCh) has only exieted
for nine months, and has had no experience at conducting a strike. Furthermore
the central organization e of private employees haveehad little influence in
previous strikes, and have generally limited themeelves to seeking laws favoring
the private employees. It is of interest, houever? that'the different political
parties are taking a great interest in the CEPCh.
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S9. There is reason to believe that the division of the CTCh into a Socialist
and a Comnunist organization by the same name, as well as the appearance of
independent labor federations, has resulted in the practical impossibility
of any of these factions to provoke a really important national labor move-
ment capable of seriously affecting Chilean life. Theoretically the CTCh
Comunista is the strongest labor organization in Chile because of the nature
of the federations 'which it controls. In reality, however, there is evidence
tending to indicate that the independent federations at preeent have greater
possibilities than either the Racialist or Corananist CTCh with respect to the
achieving of effective labor power. Furthermore, the CTCh Comunista is faced
with a severe shortage of funds, whereas the CTCh Socialiata is reported to
be receiving certain subsidies from the preeent government. This has not rot
been fully confirmed. Both of the CTChe have continued the policy of collet,-
tion of funds adopted at the time of organization of the triginal CTCh. In
general terms, this policy is as follows: Each organization affiliated with
the CTCh issues CTCh carnets or cards with an official stamp issued by the
VationalDirective Council of the CTCh. This card is supposedly valid through-
out Chile, though in reality it is valid only within those organizations con-
trollial by the CTCh issuing this card. The card costs five Chilean pecan, and
this sum for purposes of distribution is broken down as follows:
For the manufacturer of the card 2 pesos ?
For the National Directive Council of the
CTCh 1.40 pesos
For the reepective national industrial
federation 60 centavos
For the reopective Provincial Council
of the CTCh 40 centavos
For the Departmental Council of the CTCh 20 centavos
For the Local Council of the CTCh 20 centavos
For the respective Provincial Industrial
Union 20 centavos
90. The aforementioned stamp issued le, the National Directive Council of the
CTCh costs two pesos. The distribution of each two-peso fee le as follows:
For the National Directive Council of
the =eh
For the respective Provincial Council
For the respective national industrial
For the respective Departmental Council
of the CTCh
For the respective Local Council of the
For the respective provincial industrial
For aid to the farm organization
70 centavos
40 centavos
30 centavos
10 centavos
10 centavos
20 eentavos
20 centavos
The national industrial federations and tha Provincial Councils of the CTCh
sell these stamps to the members) at a price higher than that set by the re-
spective provincial or national congresses. This differential is used to
finance the national industrial federations and provincial councils.
91. Faced by the disintegration of the CTCh? the Communist Party of Chile follow-
ing the 6 March 1949 elections, intends to attempt the reorganization of the
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4 s
t L4 Approved For-Release 1999/09/09 : CIA-RDP82-00457R002500410011-1
?OrCh Comunista. Indications axe that the Communists will be willine to uork
-J1i41 the Confederacion General de Trabajadores with a view towards uniting
all the national industrial federations under a centrel labor organization.
It is interesting that members of the CGT are presently engaged in an
attempt to convince different Chilean labor organizations that such is a
necessity. Available information indicatee that the demand of the Communists
uill be that of labor unity, and that the attempt will be made on the syndi-
cate level rather than on the directive level. There axe indications that the
tactics to be followed by the Communists maybe similar to those adopted in
/935 when the Communist leaders permitted the Socielists to achieve apparent
control of the recently formed CTCh but retained the strategic administrive
positions within the organization ouch as that of rub-Secretary General. The
flecretary General is little more than a figurehead, whereas the Sub-Secretary
Generalship is an important directive post.
92.' Available information indicates that the !boialist labor leaders meld view
any approach on the part of the Communists with favor, believing that the
Communists, convinced of their failure to form an effective central labor ore
eanization, would either submit themselves to Socialist control or at 'mot
would consent to cooperate with the Socialists in a now national labor
93, For the last six months a certain syndical rapprochement has been noted on the
part of the independent sendicates, unions and federations. Furthermore the
various political parties heretofore showing little interest in labor activities
are beginning to give thie matter more serious attention. However, the reorgane
ization of the CTCh or of Chilean labor as a whole into a new central labor
organization has not as yet progressed beyond the first tentative stages.
*Fieeeet. The expression "to work in fraction" means in this case that the
Communists have their own organization within this federation, and therefore
are in some instances much closer to the CTCh Gomunista than to the CTCh
7ocia1ista. However, they have never made an attempt to seize control or to
desert the federation in order to line up with the CTCh Comunista. The general
idea of the Communists seeme to be that of gaining strategic posts within the
federation with a view towarA eventual damnation.
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from the Syndicates
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Delegates from the Syndicates
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Approved For Release 1999/09/09 : CIA-RDP8AMM=0011-1