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CLASSIFICATIONS 904, ~O. t GIB U.S. 0- IAALS ONLY 25X1 A9&pproved For ReltV"@9 /A%E 45714 86 25X1A2 #NFOR A COUNTRY Greece SUBJECT KRE and Rebel Axmgr Aativ.Yit Peloporraeews PLACE 25X1A6a ACQUIRED DATE OF IN 25X1X6 NO. OF PAGES 3 NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. I. ShortJ,y after the arrival or the Greek 9 Division in the Peloponnesus, 3 Rebel Division was orclcrs to withdraw toward the IEsinalon, Parnon and Taigotoe areas nndw cover of wamall, d detachments numbering approximate3.y 1,150 men plus an unspec ie number of Civil Guards (Laikoi Politophyrlakoi) whoae instructions were to delay the Greek Army in the coastal and p3aair.; areas for as long as possible. A force of about 1,000 men under the command of Sapetanioe Zacharias was split up into groups of 50 men and detailed to pin down units of the Greek Ara W along the Corinth-Patras..Pyrgcs railroad line (Atha La-.laic and Olympia provinces )s and a task force of about 150 yen under Kapetanios Chryeanthakopoulos was ordered to keep open the gap between Akrata and Derveni to secure 3 Division life of retreat if evacuation became necessary. 2. In accordance with a Politburo decision, Party political organizations in rebel area, were incorporated into the Rebel Army; the Regional Committee of the Peloponnesus, therefore, ceased to exist as a separate organization and now forms the political branch of 3 Rebel Division headquarters. Party political organizations in areas under Greek Army control were not affected by this order,. 3. on 19 December 19148 the political branch of 3 Rebel Division detailed the following duties to all Party political organizations in the Peloponnesus: a. Collection of intelligence on Greek Army movements. b. Acquisition of civilian clothing and identity cards for Rebel Army members forced to take refuge in the towns. Stores of food to be accumulated for the same purpose. a. Organization of evacuation facilities in coastal areas through contacts in shipping or motor firms. d. Rebel Army refugees In tomis and villages to be given every assistance in informing saboteur and i;niper groups. e. Dissemination of defeatist propaganda and alarmist reports among the local populations Vm nt go. u JjA't;uA0Z JLM Li;K... Class. CHANGED TS S (C] >lA li 60 Apr 77 tVJ loth t DA 7711?63 Ne CHANGE In Cissss/cy Approved For Release 1999/09/09: CIA-RDP82-%467R %5 2 /*;1 Approved For 01 09/0.9 : CIA-RDP22-00457R002400660005-2 Co t. Exploitation of diaoorrA measures and Mats amt, i iiw ENTIAL arising from the Greek Armpree security g. Infiltration 01 Pay-ty ctione into all refugee cam and organizations. 14. On 20 Does , aber 194a they foi-LL si ng instructie were received by the City Committee of Me solos on a a .t h is under the Jurisdiction of the Provincial Committee of A..tolcakaxjaa a., Contact was to be iamoa1tely eoteblished with the Com=udst organization of Naupaktoae with whom arraangents were to be made to secure safe house and transit route* along the coast, and especially at Nupalion, Daphnis Antiricn, Zryy I-Cri, Platanos, Agios-Dmetri0a and Paliovouna. b. these places were then t. be guarded by swell detachments of party or Rebel Areow members who ' e *ixld deal with the reception of evacuated men from the Pep aainea axs . no had been ordered to Join +2 Division in Sterea Ellada, es. Ample medical supplies xd an experienced nursing staff were to be held ready to deal with the .~wualties evacuated to western Sterea. Special hide-outs for the snare w e lously wounded were to be secured. d. Stocks of food were to La collected to supply casualties and evacuated troops in transit. a. Stull boats or akiffa were, therefore, to be purchased and made available to 3 Divif; ion at short notice. 5. Steps were immediately taken to implement these instruction:;, and it was agreed that the City Committee of Mesolongion would undertake to provide food, medical supplies, and nursing personnel, while the Communist or- ganization of Maupaktos would provide the evacuation fleet, 6. In a review of the Part, poetical and military situation in the Peloponnesue at the end of December 19148, Panagiota Giarnaropou3.ou (member of the former Regional Committee for the Peloponneaus) gave the following details s a?. EM Panbellenia Youth Or nization Eamike Panellenike Or sin Meolai a _ 'b ianch es ca c in t .h. p 00 ,--w 6,0/ of whom the majority were either Y pe,.earts who had Joined EPON to avoid forcible con- scription into the Rebel Ate, or students who had Joined the supplies services for adventure ra.tr than for any ideological reasons, b. National Solidarity 1; Rth , kf. Alielenglri _ FA) s FA towns existed in name only .-tnd were incorporated organizations in the the Rebel Army Supplies Services in Andarte-.contraUed territory. c. ABER44M P of Greece 1 tikon Rotuma E12adoe - ARE no ): There were 7~ rra ches nc ion in territory. either Government-held or Andarte-held . d. Trades Unions: It had proved difficult to bring workers out on strike, but of irnL`lu ee bad been obtained among builders and tobacco workers at Agrinion, 3hoemtkera in Aitolikon, fishermen, bakery-workers, shoemakers, and builders in Meaolongion. This, however, was because of the efforts of the local brnchea of the "Free Trades Union Movesmente (Kinema Eleutherou S nidSkai . tou - KES) than to the work on the Party factions. rut AIMV' ^"' % a' . "' - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY Approved For Release 1999/09/09 : CIA-RDP82-06457R002400660005-2 Approved For Release 19991' CIA-RDP82-00457ROO2400660005-2 JGF fls ciLtation Cpssittesw had been set up sstsesn + ~ 8 villager. The presidents themselves of 86 ex=unities 2s4 tso n pc.li stied to join. In the towns only 14 ccur- mittesas had been t bli ~~ * c as toll e s taco in Patras, two in igrinion, and one eacb in f T os, galaveyta, Aigion, Corinth, Arias, llaup2ions Sputa, Ga@?r a1 .to 1i, Use Olongion and Aitolikon. ha n forces was RAJ' high, and they ave~Ta tie it W ;u2 t4 -ble to hold their positions In the mountainst but the'e had been a bi g,a t ite of desertion and aarrenchw as0ong the arma2l, rearguard data rnt. t over 10D Civil Onards and ?sobere of Self Defense Groape (c et A~.- t iaynaa s We) s) had surrendered, among whom were Koatas V , Pol sal Commissar for tY' a in the Achaia area, and Oeorgios tssxrop ~alss Civil Guard Caeander for the Province of Eryseanthia* g. arrests 300 ' Part r ra tssxs had so far been arrested as a result of Arar s drive, art Christos Karag3anais (member of the Pro- vincial Coomitte of Acb , *, leader of the CAra in Patras and liaison between the City, Caw ttte of Patras and the Rebel Army formation in Achaia) had been kl,L.ed in a battle with the police in Patera,. Following this clash, 14 ot2 Part; members had been arrested, and with thes- svutzas (fn5), cashier of the City Committee of Patras and "responsible" for financial ent iessa 25X1A6a Coommentt it is paros med that similar orders wanes issued to other or?s sstaos in the oaesta area to the east of ttoa. It is otherwise difficult to unsie4-stand why reception areas should be chosen so far away grog the emotion point. Approved For Release 1999/09/09 : CIA-RDP82-00457R002400660005-2