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Approved For Relea lR bIOMWUi 0P8 6TR002400 FONQ. 70 RTIRLA .SW-. 'OUNTR' Colombia UBJECT VII National Plenum of the -C, ~F ACE ~.CQU1RED :;.ATE OF I 25X1X6 25X1A2g DATE DISTR. 2+ Mar 1949 NO. OF PAGES 2 M10- OF ENCLS. (USTM Snow) SUPPLEMENT TO REPc RT NO. The conflicts existing within thn Confe ler:ation of Colombian :dor' ers (Cr) were (. s early visible d1irinp the VYi Plenu? of the CTC which was held in i3ogota from 20", Jrnuarv to 2 Fcbrwar-.* Ilk. i lost Colombian labor leaders and indivVl,xa1e connected with the Co:l_ex bian labor field are of the onin.ion that the CTC is going through one of the , oo3t poriods in its history as a r-sult of the aancooperativenesa and inccret,atence of its present leaders. The atteosnhere of cordiality w- th which the ''ienu> ononed changed to one of mutual recriminations the sessinns nr_oprPsse+:`.i. The first se ,elons wclr: r f Lnoizatily occupied with oriticisns of various nembere of the xo,-:utive Cor.:~nittet. P enio Latta, Vice President of the CTC and President of the National Federation of Road ;1orkers. was severely criticized for oartzcinsting in leftist-Li foal demonstrations on 16 January 1949. This criticism was instipatec by Pedro J. Abella, Venturi Puentes Vanegas, Carlos ilrtnro :tp?uirre, Victor .1. 'lerchin, ,and 1Klciades 0sorlo, members of" the Communist Party of,a (PCC). The criticism was ostensibly based on the onr inion that Zana:a.1s iececch in&_ied that he was ronresentinp the CTC, but was actually based or. their belief that he was in close contact with Aupustn lh ran Ospino and the Cr), lor'cers Party (PCO). The Liberal ?roJp, led by lictor Julio Silva, CTC President, then criticized calla for nep".octinr E?is duties as CTC Socret3rtr General anr4 spending time travelinf, thrcc the country agitating for Communism. The leaders of the FCC h, id earlier cr.3 ticizrlrl Sil'ra for not allowing Aballa to make a similar trip just before the Plcr_ium. inotlher indication of the conflict between Silva and Abell a is the fact t'i't A?hc lla had not received his monthly salary of 150 pesos for three months . Carlos RozerA i`roya, ."TC Treas'. ?er, was criticized for mishandling the finances, which r. es;f.ted in the tnibi lit,,, of the CTC to mmol y with certain obligations. ,:leeylas ~/'man CTC SE''.!`r3t'1 ^ ^ ry of' and Cwas also censured for the ?eIi ire c G1\ , the ori--tio-ation's ragazine. The sum of 225 pesos was still owed to the E?l.itori?:.l 2;iner7a I tda. fcr nntntina the August 194 issue of CTC. Rozendo Troya ~:ztroducot. a roseL4-tion against Conaaunist interference in the direction of tote CTC, quit It was -iefeatecl by the combined efforts of the FCC CIA S1FICATION S7 ATE NAW ~(~ NSRS 'y : I FBI ~s (,#i)nu:ront is ho:c`)y rogradaj t 3 iii;=i a C' ? AL in ac;co;dre W: er of t i ('etc or 1.77 free no . octor of uentrxl In eiiirenc o the Next Nevie,4pi v%dcrdAelease 2000/05/18: CIA-RDP82-00457R0#4dd4 Approved For Release 2000/05 25X1A2g ,.:_ brs and a eavs iO, JAL i..JoE'le~jnV LVQ member. } j.h i. Roge her the intense o mo 3 ?;ion i?,c omt-unii t domination manifested by othor deiep tes. :.t eed the Govnrnnists ;.c) fcre trirou the election of a now executive Cor itiee. a:Lectio--t ha-i or_p r.a1iy * n schedtaled for the f'orthoortinp National Labor 'aoa ess witch will tai nia.o on 12 Cetober 1849 The I obtained controlling -itions on the Gonmittee. ikrich is oomuoaed of the followinat .ratarv oV urs a,nirsati,on : ?atary o ' roroi t ffa -r Jocretary of Finances s?cretarv for Culture and Frees victor J,ilio Silva. Liberal. previously Jairno Rubio,, FCC member and President of Pedro J. A'belia, FCC member and previously r General of the Committee. Parmenio Zapata, leftist Liberal. President of i..> :a1 ?ederation of Road Corkers and 41 -; #ovi v vice President of the Corriittee. S'cretarv for Justice and Control Itiotor 11. Medina. Liberal. member of Bavaria s v union in r Bogota, r :C sc ret?ry for Rural Affairs Rector Jaimea, FCC member, member of the _ F~i?~rr of Workers of Valle. and renresen- :":.i.-- (~_a k to Dal ?A Union. The CTC also reiterates. its over osition to the Union do Traba._1adores de Colombia (UTC) and urged all its affiliates to support leftist-Libera? programs. It admitted that it was lcr'ally forbidden to en ure in political activities, but urged its members to eio so as individuals. Approved For Release 2000/05/18 : CIA-RDP82-00457R002400410004-0