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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
February 23, 1949
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PDF icon CIA-RDP82-00457R002400310003-2.pdf101.32 KB
25X1A9a , 0`NT'A`i N 'T?_LIGENCE AGENCY Approved For Release 200 6/08 "CIA-RDP82-00457R00240031 Q 428 1-1 3SIFICATICN 25X1A6a 'I C' VZ' I 4 HF .? NO, t =J NTRY Uruguay/Poland R)ELI' Polish-Ur tayan tC micirciai egotiatiomr s PLACE 6, QWRED 25X1X6 25X1A 25X1A6a RETURN TO (fA Li i'AkY REPORT NO. J., E DISTR. 23 February 1949 NO. OF PAGES 4-1 OF LNOLS:. -LISTED DUMP SJPPLFC`IiFN# T rPO T NO, 25X1A2g I)r. Stanislaw Gal, chief of the Polish commercial mission to A.r. entiina who departed from Buenos Aires by air for Rio de Janeiro on 3949, and Stefan 5zumoviskI,, Polish Minister in Buenos Aires have re- cently conferred with Uruguayan officials in , ontevileo and proposed a threa-Te-ar Po --I, ish-?Ur u ;uayyan agreement involvinf,; an exchange of goods valued at $5.,000,000 during; 1949-* Gal has been in A:'gentina and Uruguay in connection with trade negotiations between Poland and tho.4,,o two countries., Martin Radr. head of PJ COMIL the polish commercial. company in Buenos Aires, departed from $ue nos Aires for Montevideo on ie February !949 to assist Mauicio Mirabel in commercial negotiations with the Uruguayan aoverxi ent0 Radu; Is Sudden trip was motivated by word received by the Polish ligation in Buenos Aires that the aide memoir,,: on the proposed Polish-Uruguayan ctttra orcial. agreement had been lost or misplaced fn Banco do la Republica del, Uruguay. Chile in Montevideo, Raduj wi."ll.. na destigate this incident., 25X1A2g Coymaent. - reported through a 25X1 A iat REDO IN had negotiated a coMmercial transaction with the Uruguayan government but the amount of goods to be exchanged was not known. ,11- SSIFiCATR )N ;. ' Approved For Release 2000/06/08 : C1A-RDP82-00457R002400310003-2