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,DIASSIFICATION sEC /CQ1TROL - U.:S~ OFFICIALS CI:LY 25X1A2g Approved For RC,ta QI9 ol;'82-004ftb2g?0 INFORMATICS PORT CD NO. COMM 8pai'ranae SUBJECT Organization and Activities of the Spani NO. OF PAGES Camiat~uist Party 25X1A6a PUS ACQUIRED DATE OF IN 25X1X6 DATE DISTR. 6 Jan 1949 NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO Or anisation'of the Spanish Communist Party 1 The Spanish Communist Party0s directorate is composed of the Central Com- mittee, the Political Bureau, the Central Secretariat? and the Central Control Commission. Within the general frameworks it is deertiod advisable to keep the structure of the Party as flexible as possible so that it may serve, at any given no,aent, as an efficient instrument for the attainment of the Party ?a aims.. 2? The Central Committee: Theoretically, all members of the Central Com- Mtt;e are e eof fit a special plenary session of the Party. Horwver, the plenary session hold in Paris in 1946 authorized the elected Central Committee to designate its owtn new nmmborsa either as replaoemento or as additions. Consequontlyp many of the currently known active members of the Central Committee have not been elected by a plenary session, Mox?oover?, there are members of the Committee who have not been acknowledged publicly as such,, and whose names are being kept secret. Inside Spain, General Juan MODESTO Guilloto is the only one of the five-member Central Committee who has been appointed by a plenary session, Responsibility for various functions is distributed, among Central Committee members. Such functions are: -Central Committee sections,, variable in number and importance; Regional directorates; Political Bureau assistants, in charge of inspection and control and of principal liaisons 4, Ow or more members are attached to ea - section of the Central Committee; when there are several members, they form a commission; for example, the Military Commission and the Agitation and Propaganda Commission,, One person may be responsible for more than one section of the Central Committee. The presidents of the commissions or the "responsible" individuals of the sections are, by virtue of their positions, members of the Secretariat,, together with the members of the Political Bureau.. & As of 6 November 1948 the ?;eoticros of the Central. Commmittee of the Spanish Communist Party were; Matters concerning the Interior (Cara al Interior); Agitation and Propaganda; Youth; Women; Labor Union Action; Finances; Fight against Terrorism; Political Studies; 80'ononic Studies; Social' STATE X NAVY NSR O{$ ------ - -- - ARMY AIR fQ! N i l C E t 1 1 1 a & in CI 3 . p CI ASSIP1ED Islas. C:IAN(2: TOt IS :f DLA ! mo, 4 Apr 77 L1i+A~ 111703 Muth: Date, D18+ Rl UTIO~ . LISTIN?_ :.i~4AUST 8t E PUBLICI 119LEASE OFF T AS DOC T. CON70FE ? c c - Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R002200320007-9 SEC 25X1A2g CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Studies; Military; Uassea; Vigilance within the Party; International Policy. Jurisprud n ss Aid and Solidarity; Action against the Imperi- allot War; Relations (Liaison )l Regulation of the Sale and Distribution of Products of the Party (iaea, the products of-Party-owned enterprises)3 Special Auxiliary 8eotion (for translations,, compilations, and statistics); Cadreas Fight against Anti-Caatmunieez and (for) Unified Rorber Action; Special Sections for Regional Control v five for Western Europe. except 3reat Britain,, Ireland,, Portugal and Spain; Political Information; Se- ourity information on the Party and its Active Members; and Campaign for the Republican Democratic Front4 The following Party leaders are officially members of the CentraX Cocmittees Dolores IBARRURI Gomes Irons do PAWC93 Vicente URIBE Galdeanos Antonio MIJE Garcias Francisco Felix ? TIEL Giuzensz; General Ignacio HIfl&LGO DE CISNEROB; Colonel Enrique LISTER Forjsn; Angel GAIARZA; Esteban VEDA Belinchong Luis CABO Glories Luca DEIAGE; Mauro ARROYO; Fernando CIAUDIN Jiarenog Federico MML HOR; Santiago CARRILLO 8olarea; Francisco ANTCN Sans. ARC(ADA.;, Ifaauel AZGA.W& E Dix (sio) f Angel ALVAREZ Perez g 25X1A6a SexTOS Comment. probably Tomas SANTOS, Departmental Secretary of the s arty for Haute Garonne,, line repa~qauay 0.900 t i t a .s ou a. m 25X1A2 wan eon g Malo and Benigno ALVAREZ,, both of whom are imprisoned in Speine 25X1X6 The following are' members of the Central Committee, although not aoknow a ge o o Way an euohs Colonel Juan "Cessrt? BIAZQUEZ; Jesus, IZCARAYa Manuel GIIEN0g ARGUELLES (fnu) g PRADA Baron, Major GIL Veloso. in North Africa as of early Novomberg and SANCHO (fnu) who, ac- cording to sourcev may now be in the United States. 8t, Lt4 Colonel Luis BELTRAN Castillo. as of 6 November,, was still under sus- pension as an active member of the Party and as a member of the Central Comaitteec. - 9,- The Political Bureau; members of the political Bureau of the Spanish omanuniat arty who are elected by a plenary session arc also members of the Central Committee.. Political Bureau members can be "responsible" members' of sections and presidents of couanissionap with the exception of - the Central Control Commission, of which they are ox-officio members with a voice but without a vote, In addition, Political Bureau members control the Central Secretariat. the executive organ of the Party, 10? The zxtmober of members of the Political Bureau is variable. A resolution of the plenary session of 1946 permits the Political Bureau, if two-thirds of the members of the Central Committee agree, to inoreaeo o replace, or do- eisass the membership, without hording a plorrary session, Up to catly November this resolution had never been applied., The Political Bureau in responsible for determining the political line of the Party and for making decisions when a meeting of the Central Committee is not feasible., 12. The Political Bureau of the Spanish Coma iat Party is composed of the following members, whose duties as of 6 November were as indicated.- Dolores IBBRIUTRI Gomez, Secretary General Vicente URIBE GaUaano, Secretary General in charge of Political Affairs Antonio MLJE Garcia, Secretary General in charge of organization Francisco ANTON Sans, Assistant to URIBE 25X1X6 Santiago GARRILLO Solaree, Assistant to ULJE 25X1A22a that the funct a noted represent some changes in the duties of the members. (Se. bfor previous information an their duties ) ** -. r rCIALS Ct1LY Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R002200320007-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R002200320007-9 r~-rnrT__ 25X1A2g 12. The Central Control Commissions General Antonio CQRDC iaroia, President o the i cry ss on` as presides over the Central Control Com- mission of the Spanish Communist Party In addition, CORDCbi is responsible for safeguarding the archives of the Party. The Central Control Con iasion is important because of two functions for ahiah it is -responsible: to see that orders from the Directorate are oarried out and to handle questions of discipline, This Commission also must be informed on matters concerning the transfer of cadres to the Interior " Activities of the Spanish Communist Party 13? A quiet movement toward the East has been occurring for two or three months, By early November certain commissions, the Archives and important cadres of the Party had been transferred to and set up in Poland and Czechoslovakia. Some discontent has resulted.among the rank-and-file mamberso who anticipate possible abandonment by their leaders in time of danger. This discontent is most evident amour, the families of the dead or imprisoned guerrillas" 14., The present lack of cadres in the Party is a natter of concern,, Cuba, Mexico and France have in the past supplied most of the leaders to the Interior., General Luis FEIiNANDDZ failed in his mission to Mexico to recruit and train elements which could be sent to Spain as Party cadres and guerrillas,,. Consequently, the Party has been forced to modify its plans and to dip into the reserve in the Soviet Union, where a great many Spanish Communists had been under instruction with a view to the formation of cadres for trade union organizations and for economic and social activity? A school already exists in Rumania, according to source, where a large number of Spanish Communists from the USSR are being trained for direction of the Communist Party inside Spain and for guerrilla leadership,, 16, The Spanish Communist Party as of early November was concentrating on four tasks,, two concerning Spain itself and two of an international nature, as follows s a) insurrectional aotivity and the creation of the Central Council of the Resistance,; b) the creation of a Spanish Republican Democratic. Front l0br -inter- vention in the administrative sphere; c) an international campaign to combat the idea of the inevitability of war with the Soviet Union; d) the discrediting of the Marshall Plan and of. sal aid conditioned on anti-Communism, 16. Party members attribute great importance to problems of an internal nature such as purging,, formation of oadres, clone contact with the working masses, especially inside Spain, and a oampaiga of justification for the past atti- tude of Party. leaders regarding suoh groups as the Union Naeional (Eepagola), the NEGRIN Socialists and the U*vimiento de Unidad Republicena (Republican Unity Movement),, 17. Ordinarily the meetings of the Directorate of the Party are held in Paris at Number 33 Rue de is Grange-auxxBelles (Maaison des Syndieats)a The meetings of sow comnissionao in particular the Agitation and Propaganda Commission,, are hold at Number 8 Avenue Mathurin-Moreau,, Recently,, some meetings have beeh held fn the offioe-of LOT ante and even in coffee shops owned or managed by Communists, This m io appears to be used a great deal by the Military Conmiissioin, Many meetings of the Political Bureau have been hold recently without the attendanoe of Dolores IBARRURU or Vicente URIBEO All meetings held by the Political Bureau which involve discussion of matters relating to the insurrectional oempai,gn and to the guerrilla campaign are attended by Colonel Enrique LISTER and Irene de FALCCI+i. TJ,SO OFFICIALS ONLY Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R002200320007-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R002200320007-9 25X1A2g CENTRAL INTELLSGEICE AGENCY i8, Individuals who have applied for ac.asion to the party since add-1947 frequently have been asked to avoid becoming known as Co=w ists)es- pecially if they are politically significant in other groups Angel G IARZAD a member of the Central Committee, acts as liaison between the Party and such persons and inatruats them in the special tasks whioh are assigned to them. According to souroea it is possible that some of these individual.' still are members of other groups,such as the Union Qenerai de Trabajadores (Ix T) and the WEGRIM Socialist faction0 Source considers that therm is no doubt that the Spanish Communist Party has also in- filtrated the PRIETO Socialist group and the Contederaoion Nacional del ~S*?ft (CNT). 19` in a country like Franoeo where there are numerous HE ve Communists, the USSR is not likely to use Spanish Communists for espionage since their yield would be small and their activity could create serious problemoa fioweverd source believes it possible that the Spanish Communist Party is being used in Connection with the Yugoslav situation because under the guise, of a08i,opanodYugoslav Society", the Spanish Communists maintains, in the port of Split. warehouses of armament destined for Spain, 20., The Spanish Communist Party has sent arms and other materiel into Spain, especially across the Pyres frontier, Of the two sea bases which also have been used for this purpose, one is located in Marseilles, and the other somewhere in North Africa, Source believes that Major VSRDUN (fnu) may 'be in charge in Marseilles and Captain SOBRIN0 and Commissar FUSTEk may be is charge at the North African base, When the Marseilles base was established several Party military men were sent there, but at present almost all of them have not up their residence in the Department of the Basses Pyrennees? 22.' In.mediately following the Liberation of France$ aecor tng to sourceD the guerrillas established a depot of small transmitters, four of which were later sent to Spain. Some of the remaining transmitters may be in use at the present tiazlb broadcasting from cone Pyrenean forestry development 22. The Communist Party inside Spain is virtually autonomous under the leader- ship of a Central Committee Delegation with extensive liaison officer at present is a former combat lieutenanntwcalledT?6VICENTEF"a2 who replaced Major GIL Veloso,- 234 The Spanish Communist Party is represented in the capacity of an observer at Cominfozm meetings,, Its representative commission in composed of Vicente URSBE General Antonio CQ)( and a certain B&RREi. (Pnu). former Com- missar of the Republican Navy and at present in the USSR, Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA1i482-00457R002200320007-9