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r. ,SSfFiCATIO~v i~iiiiil~l.L Approved For Release/q$f'E(~I~e~2~$~`fi~0021002~0~}~p(? gyp, ' C{?UfVl RY Argentina DATE DISTR. 2~ I~ovexnber 19Is~ _- 25X1A2g SfSf3,lECT F'j-~c~ Ao~~ties of the Comrunist Party of Argentina {CPA) ~~ OF f?AGESl PLACE ~CQUiRED Argentina N0. 4F ENCLS. wsr~o s~~.ow~ Next Revtew D le The National Finance Committee of the Communist Pa~ty"~?ot" { CP,~ ~ v~a5 a ently rPOrganized and is no~- headed by Benito ~4arianett2 (ufp ~, a 'cell-kno?~n Communist leader and lager. At tt~ same time twenty-four subcamna3.ttees ~rere formed to hand~Le Party finances- 'Lhrou;;hout the coun'cry, the mere important of these being; located iri }tTie Provinces of Buenos Aires, Santa Faa.~ntre Fcios= the Chaco Territory, %n the cities of Cordoba and Mendoza, and i.rz the Federal Capital.. 25X1A2g 25X1A2g 2? Since funds collected locally are not sufficient to meet a~.l the expensesF incurred by the CPAs the Central Committee of the Party irsca~i~tes funds from '~.ontevideo, the actual source of ~:ich is not known. `These funds ? are brou5ht into Argentina by Communists =who travel ex~ressly~'for that purpose. ,3a The CPA handles approximately 300,OC4 pesos per month, a sum barely .~u:~p. ficient to meet all its needs. :It ordinarily receives between,-E~3aOU~J to 80,Q00 pesos monthly from contributions. This sum. is supplcmeta?~d by special financia]. drives such as the one recently concluded (cfr which proved fairly successf~il.. Tts success was due ir` lar~~ par a e fact that the.I'arty arvrkers contacted -all personsq especi"~fiy Jas, ?:~i?4r. 25X1A2g relatives living in the Soviet Clnion and the satellite nations, in addi- tion to business fizms and ~realthy individualsp -' l-tQ Payment to ceii leaders is made in accordance with the size of the con??- tri.butions raised by each particular cell. Cell leaders, a ~,enfi.s, and agitators receive their payments from Geronimo Arnedo 4lvare4z, aecretai=~r General of the Party, ~. Funds arP sent by Argentine Communists to Chiles Bolivia, ~'eru arxd other i,s.tin timerican countries, - The CPA expends sizable sums maintaining the Instituto Cultural t-rgentina- Ituso (Argentine-Russian Cultural Institute). At present the Party is 4pencl?~ ing considerable sums in seektn~; to foment strikes amon4 the 3vorkers of. packing, houses which have 1ar~;e American and British investments? Their ultimate aim is to havo the /,rgentine government seize thQ large packir:~; houses. The Party is also contributinb heavily to the campaign far -re~'orzn of the Argentine Constitution on the basis of Peran9s pramiae that the i'arty ~ri.ll not be outlawed ICATION WARNING NOTICE: THIS DISTRIBUTI UST BE Approved For Release 1999/09/08 :CIA-RDP82-00457R0~~9023Q~~Y 147A By: ~a ~.