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C ASSIFICATION Approved For R T*t19gN4 `IC~l 82-0045 8&6 1 A FOR "RE RT Ala COUNTRY Argentina ` ''H(fJfQ , NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUBJECT Provincial and Territorial Organization of the NO. OF PAGES 6 Communist Party of Argentina PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF I 25X1A 25X1X DATE DISTR. 1 September '194-8 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO.= 25X1A 1? The Provincial Committee of Buenos Aires, whose headquarters is located in the city of Avellaneda, is the only provincial committee which has its seat outside of the provincial capital. The provincial committee is com- posed of the following members: Jose Peter Italo Grassi Julio Gallinal Pedro Tadioli Hilda Schiller Manuel Zembrana Juan Fatolini Oscar Garcia Helen Jauregui Adolfo Maislin Carlos Telmo Gregorio Novelli. Luis Betinelli Ricardo Ezquerra Jacobo Kohan Luis Gimenez Ramon Losilla Julio Dopazo Secretary Gera ral Secretary of Organization Treasurer The secretariat of the provincial committee is Jose Peter Pedro Tadioli Italo Grassi - Secretary constituted as follows: The lawyer Baldomero Juan Valera serves as attorney general for the committees ; ; _`w ; s.`,... In accords oe with tho _. DISTRIBUTION [STAT E NAVY A, TLS ARMY r''` JC L_ ECR~T Approved For Release 1999/0(/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R001800640010-5 rC;iivRa fad U1 C-SFOiitiU i3[iSitlBSn / ~ I I R P 78 from tho I . _ i ~acte of C Coca ? ^t i:i, ence to the CLASSIFICATION - ?Z~j Approved For Release 1999/09/ DP82-00457R001800640010-5. mr)rkR0rR A e-+ For purposes of political direction the committee has divided Buenos Aires Province into the following eight sections: Capital Section -- Seat: La Plata Secretary Generals Olegario Rodriguez Avellaneda Section Seat: Avellaneda Secretary General: Pedro Tadioli Beat: San Martin Secretary General: Luis M. de Salvo North Section - Seat: Pergamino Secretary General: Oscar Garcia Seat: Chivilcoy Secretary Generals Jose Condorelli Seat: Mar del Rata Secretary General: Julio Alfredo Labordeo Seat: Bahia Blanca Secretary General: Juan F. Occhipinti Seats Olavarria Secretary: Americo Pinero 2. No provincial committee exists in the province of Catamarca, in which the CPA has a very small following. Segundo Moreno serves as Secretary of the committee of the city of Catamarca. 3. The Provincial Committee of Cordoba,, which has its seat in the city of Cordoba, is comprised of the following individuals: Hugo Garcia - Secretary General ,Duel Contreras Jose Maria Garcia. Zajario Feldman Norberto de Oro Juan Blatt Carlos Bonano Isaac Blatt Juanita Juarez Oscar Vaca Martinez Luis F. Sanchez Sca Aguello ,Marcelino Roger Sca Roger rinchi CONFIDENTIAL Cruz Ramirez Rolando Gargiulo Juan Garcia Provech Lorenzo Aalmastro Mario Israelson SECRET Approved For Release I 999/0 :CIA-RDP82-00457 R001800640010-5 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : pCI RDP82-00457 R001800640010-5 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY tam 25X1A On the secretariat of the committee: created in January 19L8, argil Hugo Garcia - Secretary Miguel Contreras Jose Maria Garcia The Provincial Committee of Corrientes, located in the city of Corrientes., includes the following: Delfin M. Artieda - Secretary General Hermogenes Ferreyra - Secretary of Organization Sebastian Munoz - Secretary of Press and Propaganda Jose 14. Yr lgoyen Eugenio Nunes Carlos Alegre Jose Miguel Cialzeta Antonio F. Meza Juan B. Nocetti Brigido Chavez Humberto C.'Prieto Luis Rios 5. The Provincial Committee of Entre Rios, whose seat is in the city bf Parana, is composed of the following: Jose T. Cerrudo ?- Secretary General Tomas I. Corsiglia - Secretary of Organization Pedro Zapata - Secretary of Agitatio Andres Biera Adan V. Dhome Vicente Dhorne Osvaldo Nunez Adolfo Elizete Arturo Fernandez Maximo Burgues The Provincial Committee of Jujuy, whose headquarters is in the city of Jujuy, is made up as follows: Vicente Casanova - Secretary General Pedro Nunez Gramajo -- Secretary of Organization ]].ores Darios - Secretary of Press Valerio Luvinka - Secretary of Propaganda Seferino Suruguay -? Treasurer Joaquin Alvarez 7. The Provincial Committee of Mendoza, with its seat in the city of ITendoza, includes the following, members: Esteban Aguirre Angel. B. Alegre Jose Antolin Alvarez Dr. Angel Bustelo Nply Cosarinsky Florencia Fossati Dr. Jose F. Garcia Antulio Lencinas Dr? Benito Marianetti Mateo Rena Anselmo Rinaldi Manuel Ruiz Aquilino Toledo A e~nZara dana f",^ i %.VN F1DENTd L Ufi Approved For Release 199/08: CIA-RDP82-00457R001800640010-5 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA- 2-00457 R001800640010-5 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGE NflD ENTIIL L Members of the committeees secretariat. created in January 1948, are: Dr. Angel l3ustelo Dr. Benito Marianetti Julio P. Liendre Agustin Viadana 25X1A 8, The Provincial Committee of La Rioja is located in the city of La Rioja, David Perez holds the office of secretary of the committee, but because he has been living in the city of San Juan for reaso:fs of health and busi- ness the Party's activities in La Rioja are now controlled by the Provin- cial Committee of Cordoba. Communism plays a very small role in La Rioja. 9. In the province of Salts, where Communism has a very small following, CPA activities are directed by Daniel Pantoja, 10. The Provincial Committee of San Juan, located in the city of San Juan., comprises the following individuals: Santiago T. Lucero -- Secretary General Jose Leonardi ? Secretary of Organization Julio Area Joaquin H., Basanta Lopez Anacleto Barrios A. Capdevila Candido Espeche Pelaytay Miguel Barzola Antonio Pereyra 11. The Provincial Committee of San Luis, located in the city of San Luis., in- cludes the foll g Manuel Esteban Espinosa - Secretary General Mercedes Tr,ncoso Alejandro Chacon Jose Pellegrini Adolfo Pecchia Carlos VT, Fernandez Dr. Luis Dodeiro Blanco Jose Herrera Juan Massa Moises Merlin Jorge Consf.glia Juan Britos Amadeo Bertora 12fl The Provincial Committee of Santa Fe, situated in the city of Rosario., is made up as follows: Cayetano de Paolo - Secretary General Francisco Monaco a Secretary of Organization Victor Vicente -- Treasurer Alejandro Onofrio -- Attorney Florindo A. Moretti Virginio Ottone Alfredo L. Dratman Nicolas Giardina Angel Molessini Dr. Juan Ingalinella Antonio Defays Raul H. S. Rossi Jose Semerene Eh~ i `1T1 Justin. Sosa Guillermo A. Tramontin Ramon Villaverde _ S (R ET Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R001800640010-5 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CI 2-00457R001800640010-5 EERE GENTRAr INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 25X1 A 13. The Provincial Committee of Santiago del Estero, located in the city of Santiago del Estero, includes the followings Dante D. Cesca Secretary General Pastor M. Diez - Secretary of Organization Maria Luisa Enriquez de Cesca Pablo Enriquez Jaime Epstein A. Luna Leticio Suarez Alberto Castelli Armando Brizuela 1L The Provincial Committee of Tucuman was replaced by a Secretariat shortly after the national elections of 7 March 19148. This Secretariat is con- stituted as follows: Valentin Ibarra Rafael Diaz Alberto Galiano Modesto Biassi Secretary General 15, The Territorial Committee of Chaco., with its seat in Resistencia,, is Ricardo Yaza Leguizamon -> Secretary General Donato A. Coscio - Secretary of Organization Pablo S. Cepeda Miguel Bielak Adolfo Luque Simon Dustchasky. Maria de Meza Leguizamon Ramon Lezcano Dr. Angel Alles Atillo Romero 16, go territorial committees exist in the territories of Chubut and Santa Cruz, Paulino Valverde, who lives in Puerto Deseadoa, Santa Cruz., serves as the Party leader for these two territories, 17. The Territorial Coxmi'iittee of Formosa, located in constituted as follows: Elias Tomas - Secretary General Serapio Arias Fructuoso Benitez Justo Saucedo Estanislada de Diela the city of Formosa, is 18, The - Territorial- Cormnit tee of Pr isiones, whose headquarters is in Posadas, Marcos Kaner - Secretary General Aniceto Salinas Aurelio Sanchez Juan Enrique Acuna Dos Santos A. Escobar Mario 0. Herrera Ernesto Yofe ONF1 rr SEC T SCRET Approved For Release 1999/ /08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R001800640010-5 Approved For Release ,jtgfgjA-RDP82-OO457 CENTRAL f r ,I1 U NCE AGENCY 25X1A 19. Party activities in the territories of Neuquen and Rio Negro are directed by the following committee: Mario Agniello -- Secretary General Manuel Leibobich Bernardo Roussillon Esteban Toro 2o. No information has been received on CPA activities in the territories of ins Andes., La Pampa_ and Tierra del Fuegoo CONADE NT $(RET Approved For Release 1999/0.9/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R001800640010-5