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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
June 24, 1948
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PDF icon CIA-RDP82-00457R001600420009-3.pdf109.71 KB
;EA?. ,; - Ii(JI Approved For ReIe920001 ' 1 IMAT COUNTRY Poland PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF 25X1X ',0L 'J,-. ~.. J __ . ~;. 25X1A DP8`2-0045780 2 2129?4 DATE DISTR. 24 June 19 NO. OF PAGES Russian. Airb ee near z cin 25X1A 25X1A THIS DOCUMSTIT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL D'FCMSE OF THIS UNITED STATES WIT39IU 10CE fAEANINO OF THE ESPIONAGE ACT SO U. S. C.. 3C AND 32, AS AMEI'IOED. ITS TRANSUISSION OR THE RRVELATION OF ITS CONTENTS IM AVIV MAIINER TO AR UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PTO- 01981TEO BY LAW. REPRODUCTION OF TOMS FORM IS PROHIOITEO. IIOVI- EVER INFORMATION COIIT'ASNEO Ito BODY OF THE FORM MAY 32 UTILISED AS DEEMED NECESSARY BY THE RECEIVING AGENCY. SOURCE '.rd NO. OF ENCLS. 2 s1etcho; (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION FOR THE RESEA-0C 1 USE OF TRAINED INTELLIGENCE ANAL"STS 11 A nev Soviet airbase ',,as been con feted at a point approx:hratol 4 km . SIE of Jarocin (Jarotechin, P52/ 61, 1.00 km. TJJ'E of Wrooln.w) in the forest near iiitasz/ycki (Li.chtenthal.). 'fork was bermn on this site in June 1947 and tats conr.letod about the and of the year. 2. The field was 1 -milt by the 3rd Soviet ,n ;ineer Re ?3.r nt o^ the 8th oSWiet L otorized Inf',ap: ry Division, with its hea !quarters at :JE:LnoJiec (0151A57). ,,./,I .At the time of this report 44.0 borb3rn of the "*A~:oalnja 7" tyre aid 12 fi-*hters of the 9" type were stationed at the field. 4. The con*rander of the ba o an? air is Col. Uicola .Uura'4ew.. with headquarters onthe ;ease. The field root n~trber of the unit i.: 407 K.A.P. - L.700.11.3. 5. The 9th iotori.zed lrfantiy Pe nt of the 27th Infantry division is stationed at Jarocin as rrison for tho Mold. This re iY erAt is .under the cor-rand of Col. Fledor Katchanov, wit!,. ''ead ,rtes , in Jarocin. 6. See the acco Ian yinf- slcetchet for the location and the layout c-f the field" is !,o o'-,Y regraded to TW3 i i I ~^c~ with the r, t ,1. _ r 1 3 i:om the iC.. C C ??,. to the -: ; n Ce et I',_10 t1,litcu Cta es. Arc vict Next Revie,:?f Date: 2038 CC 1 PPDI, U . M. FPTu7:r CLASSIFICATION STATE 3". NAVY SRB ! t31 ! t1TIOM_ 1 1 EXCISED BEFORE PUBLIC RELEASE OF THIS DOCUMENT. CONFIDENTIAL by RT acted LI. Approved For Release 2000/06BE/O:ClA!RDP=r 457R0016004 0 ` ' .;,O ONLY