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Approved For Release 1999/09/08 CIA-RDP82-00457R001000090004-1 VVIVII 1 25X1A2g CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE GROUP 127 WWWWWWO A- W. COUNTRY i fugal DATE; INFO? SUBJECT Organization of the M.U.D. Youth in northern Extremadura ORIGIN DIST. October 1947 PAGES 3 25X1A2g SUPPLEMENT 1. As a result of numerous arrests in Western Portugal, the P.I.1) X. (secret police) believe that they have a fairly accurate conception of the frame- on which the M.U.D. Juvenil in that section of the country is built. 2, it the apex of the organizational pyramid is a regional committee known as the Comisedo Regional Oeate *, which is composed of seven members, each member representing the committee of a cocgll . Following is a list of the members, together with the c ho which each one represents. M Note: "Oeste" is here loosely used for that part of the province o.Z Extremadura which-lies north of Lisbon The terms denoting geographical divisions of Portugal are given in their Portuguese form in this reports as the English equivalents do It convey their exact meshing. Portugal is composed of 11 provi,ncias (or re ides , 18 distritos. 272 cone hos and 3,795 re;uesjAs. The most nearly corresponding English words would be "province", "region", "district", "council" and "parish", The provi.ncia (or re i is not an administrative unit; it is a loosely used inheritance from the days when Portugal was divided into provinces; consequently, while people still speak of Alentejo and Ribatfjo, and the boundaries are well enough defined, there is no governmental urdly within theme Furthermore, sometimes the region and the province coincic=e, but in other cases they do not; for instance, the "Re a Oeste" is one a part of the provincia of Extremadura. The largest actual administrative unit is the stri which is always named after the largest city in the area. The di st t is divider. into concelhos. The smallest unit is the fre a. Two cities, Lisbon and Oporto have b rros ("wards"), Lisbon having four and Oporto two. As an example of this administrative division, the SUstrito of is in the n,Tovincia of Extremadura, has 17 ice one of which is tk city of Lisbon with its four b r the ditakr t9. conprisee 165 freaue? ,. CLASSIFICATION S&QW&B- Apvgd1 '/t RDP82-004578001000090004-1 Auth Approved For Release 199 CL::TRAL IANTIELLIC MICE GROUP -2- 25X1A2g =117-94.+ Jose Freitas Martins (thought by the police to be a communist) -Leiria Adelino Serrano--Alcobaca Joaquim Augusto da Cruz Carreira--Marinha Grande Valentim Varela Buga--Pombal Armindo Serra a Silva--1dazare Germano Ferreira tdeto---Caldas da Rainha Joao Manuel Ferreira---Dombarral Directly dependent on the Regional Committee is a propaganda section, which was until recently made up of the Alcobaea member (Serrano) and an unnamed member from l arinha Grande who died a few days before the police decided to arrest him. Large quantities of propaganda materials were found in the homes of both. 4. Also :subordinate to the Regional Committee is the Comissao Distrital for the d..~.~s,?' of Leiria. It is composed of Martins and Serrano of the Regional Comrd.ttee, together with Carlos Vicente Barros, a member of the Comissao Concelhia for the concelho of : arinha Grande. 50 The various committees for the seven conce hos within the Regiao Oeste are composed as follows: Jose Freitas Zartins Camilo Oliveira da Silva Jose Fidalgo Marques Pereira Alcobaca adelino Serrano Jose Antonio borda de Oliveira Antonio Jose Marques Moreira Leonel de Jesus Afonso Belo Jorge Albuquerque Furtado Jose 'ntonio Crespo Marinha Grande Jose Henriques Vareda Joaquim Augusto da Cruz Carreira Jose Antonio Marrages (thought by the police to be a communist) Elidio da Silva Carlos Carlos Vicente Barros Idaleto rrancisco Ponibal Valentim Varela 1 uga Raul Pereira Morgado Feliciano Goncalves Samora Fernando Paiva Parada Armindo Serra e Silva Mario Lourenco Simoes Jose Maria Araaro batalha Elpidio da Conceicao Borges Maria da Silva Carvalho Caldas da Rainha Germano Ferreira Neto Francisco Manuel de Sousa Ladeira (resigned) Maria Antonia Maldonado Freitas Eombarral Joao Manuel Ferreira Jose Vinagre Rodrigues 6. Of these seven committees, the most active are those for the consN os of Alcobaca and Marinha Grande. In karinha Grande the membership is almost Approved For Release 1999/09/08 :CIA-RDP82-0 TI~C'~0~(~0~ 0 t1 S#f1 M^1'-I Approved For Release 1999/09/ Nnurlmmum CTNTRAL II ZTLLIGENCE GROUP -3- 11134+ completely mad%, up of workers in glass and pottery, whereas in %lcobaca the members are for the r.:ost part agricultural workers. the nlcobaca committee has already set up committees for the following frejuesias: Alpedriz Pateias Aljubarotta Vestiaria -aiorga Capuchos Coz The Coniseso Regional Oeste of the ,..U .D . Juvenil is in close contact with the committee of the adult L :.U .D . for the dish of Leiria (beaded by Dr. Vasco da Gema Iernandes), and also with the Central Committee of the L.U.D. in Lisbon. 8. The police recently broke up another committee which was closely linked '4th the Regional Committee of the L:.U.L. Juvenil, namely the Caldas da Rainha committee of the National Council of Portuguese '.omen. iLany records were seized. The committee members were the following: Ivone Laria da Conceicao Teles Lavinia #arreto Cle3nentina Uranco !aria dos Anjos irunes Rosa :aria Antonia L.aldonado Freitas Natalia Correia Rodrigues Girao Ermelinda de Jesus Santos :::aria Alice Rosa informa This document contains of the chi ffecting the national deronse of the Espionage a within the meanixg as amended. Its tran U.S.C. 31 and 32 or the revelation of its contents is is prohibited by ]atr. CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R001000090004-1