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Approved For Release 2000/09/01 : CIA-RDP82-00457R000800710002-7 .. , b 106441. CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE GROUP I ITELLIGENCE REPORT 25X1A rV COUNTRY US (IIk :ine) CONFIDENT ' This document is heresy red aided to 25X1 A CONFiDEN?'IAL in accodanoe w tit the INPQe SUBJECT SUPjV*sriion of as orb 1tI&ctober 1078 from the 2 September Westcarzi Ukr?lso Director of Contra; in`eii'go ~~e to the DIST jqLVjkft 1947 Archivist of t:ie United Sales. PAGES 2 ORIGIN ' 25X1 A next rc ,`. Da'e: ~'?C8 SUPPLEMENT 25X1X 1. Until. 194 5, the Soviets were correct in claiming that they did not bother the church,, the clerf , or religious ceremonies in the Western Ukraine. However, 1945 r,arked the ':,ginning of anti-church agitation and persecution :)f leading churebmen. The first anti-church articles arpeared in the Lvov raper, r and w.,re followed by police troop attacks on the Metropolitan's palace and oth,z,r incidents. On 9 May 1945, all bishops and assistants In Galicia were arrested, incarcerated in Lvav, and held incommunicado. Theo- logical students were arrested and taken to Belays. Tserkov; the youxger ores gars sent hor!re and the others were enrolled In the Army. Two priests were murdered In the Lvov area. DECLMStF,S Dt ', ii Class. CFIANG~ TO: TS S CONFIDENT DDA Memo, 4 Apr 77 Auth: DDA R'C. 771 7,F3 Date: By: _ e17 Approved For Release 2000/09/01 : CIA In an attempt IT the Soviets to elemi.nate the Greek Catholic Church, a "Group for the Merger of the Greek and Russian Orthodox Churches" was founded on 28 4ay 1945. Founders of the group were: Dr. Gabriel }oasteln5lc of Lvov, a Greek Catholic priest; Dr. Mikhail Melnik, pastor of Nysharikovich:E (sic); and &ntonii Pe2.7-etzki3, city chaplain of Kopychyntse. Secretary of the or- anization was 3ergei Khru.tzkii. The group was officially recoPnizcxd by the Soviet Government. 3. The group called a con;re of bishor..;s? Since all Greg ir; Catholic b:Lshops had been arrested,, new ones ,:ere appointed by Patriarch Aleksii. On 24 and 25 'Feb- ruary 1946 In Kiev, Axatonli Plalve r '~ ii was jade Bishop of 3tan1sUv &r d Dr- Melnik Bishop of rrve1ry31-b rogob3rch Sa ebor. ?'saril, had been .lade Bishop 25X1 A of Lvov and Tarnopol in April 1945. C cent ? See for 25X1 A these three bis. ops.) At the congress., attended by 216 priests and 3.9 lay- men but not attended by the opposition, the followirwr resolution8? ray passed: 1. Annulment of the Beres t Union of 1.596. 2. Separation from the, Church of Roue. 3. Return to the Orthodox Ancestral Church. 4. Mer er with the old Ru asian. Orthodox Churches in the Soviet Unio:i, CLA.S::iiF'ICATION QVQ 25X1 A CONFI ti Approved For Release 20 / ,9/ A,-I P - rq0457R0008 106441 2-7 Heavy rrocsure tots exerted by the T G3 on priests to join the new church. An TJKOB representa'tivc: for Church nutters, those task tno to suparvi:se church cervices, was appointed for the area. -,;any priests fled, mare deported, or retired to civilian life. The result ~iaW that hardly any priests *. wore loft. The nc,w Orthodox Church tray boycotted by the por>.tlation. 5. Anti.-church action t-.jas undertaken a!7,ain nt nonks also. The nonastory of the Order of Redenptionists, located in the suburbs of Lvov, v>ts seized by the govornnont and the nonke tiara forbidden to hold services. In addition, all hwanch monasteries of the lodonrtioniats wore con_?icce.ted excei:.t the ITolooko i'ionastery near Lvov, ,f.-,ich the order -r as d to retzin. Convents also. were r1ialmded. The mans, however, continued to circulate as nurses in the Car.atho-IPcraine, ?tun ,ry, Czcicho ilrnra1da, and Poland end brought usoftil in- fornation .sac': fran their travels. 6. On 1 Tart 1946, there were sixty priests in Lvov 7-&o ha-3 not joined the Ortho- dox Church. In Septenbor 1946, they tar~ ordered to register with the authorities. 7. In the fall of 1946, c0ur:3os wore strxted in Pocheyev-Volhynian (sic) for the education of now Orthodox priests for Galician Eighty ' orcent of the Voi) 'nian priests of the oprosition wore arrested. Also in the fsll of 1946, a trial .,as instigated in Kiev a.-ainst the croak Catholic archbishops. $lipii, TSetropolitan of Lvov, eras sentenced to eight years in prison. The 31. ,'tor of "tarislcav, Chortyshin, died in the Kiev prison. Vie prelate Kunitzkii and the Priest Galland died in the Lvov prison. In August 1946,12atropoliten Slipii wrote to Lvov from his exile in Kranoyarck, Siberia, that he tas working in a tractoa factory picking wool (sic). Abbot K1er:ens Sheptytzkii 'iao forbidden residence in Lvov and now lives in the Uhniv Cloister. The Abbess of the Studite O:der teas sen- tenced to twenty years in rrinon. 9. A cinilr r fate 1x)fell the Ronan Catholic Church in Lvov. The Ronan Catholic Arch- bishop,Tv :rdovskir zse s. ,'c .,ortecT to : olax4, end the Nolen Catholic churches wore closed. This document contains information affecting the national defense of the United States within the meaning of the Espionage Act 509 U.S.C. 31 and 32 as amended. Its transmission or the revelation of its contents in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. ,IONFIDENTY Ta