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Publication Date: 
January 28, 1947
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Approved For Release 1999/0 T CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE GROUP UITELUUGENCE REPORT OU TRY Mongolian People Is Republic 2040 25X1X6 25X1A9a D rectcr ci Cc..? cur:cmt is h reby. rcgrVde' to, G'.". 3 ve t, th3 !c'tor CONE r ) __ ROL Military inf'armationx Disposition of Troops; Ai ition "F"actories 25X1A6a DATE: INFO. 25X1X6 25X1A2g DIST. 2 January 1947 PAGES I SUPPLEMENT The Soviet 59 Air Force, stationed at Tamsog Bulak (117-35, 47--20), .is preseat3.y training the air force of the Mongolian People's Republic. There are some cualified, Mongol pilots, but the majority are Soviets. Half cf the ground force and some of the crew m ambers of the bombing 25X1A6a planes are Mo cs le, ote: Similar information as previously reported by Mongols in Cha ,gehrun. in th course of tratr g, missions are flown northeast toward Hatlar, aoutt - was expanded by Soviet engineers and an a unaition factory was set up under the direction of Soviet toohnici.ansc 4. There is an airfield and an munition factory at Ulan Bator (l06--53, 47.55) both of which were expanded by Soviet technicians, From Ulan Bator an army (designation unknown) which was a combination of Mongol and < ov-iet troops, moved in three columns towards lger Teogtu (106-30, 46-.20), lithe Lide (?(uteh) ,F Dramiin Uude, also known as Wutsh, (111-14, 44-30f, and Darinaganga Saringanga SumaJ (113-40, 45.20). These troopa were supposed to have garrisoned Dariganga in March 1946. 5. At 3khe Lido /rib &niin W07 there is an ammunition factory, but production figures and details regarding the types of aan .unction made there are unknown. There is an at u .tion factory at Khentei ZA"180 known as Hentey Stmt (109.30, 48.10)/arid also one at ?aringanga. These factories are run by citizens of the east toward wa eh~ao i .2 i, 46-05) and south into Inner Mongolia. Headquarters of the Soviet. 29 Army is at Urtuin >rtga Suma, 115-..30, 46-0 ye There is constant liaison between the 29 Arm and the 5,9 Air Force. The 29 Ary is training and.eguipping troops of the Mongolian Peoplele Republic with captured Japanese and obsolete Soviet arms. There is an ordnance depot at Urtuin where arms are raaaired before they are distributed to the Mongols? The airfield there iongolian T'eople's republic, perhaps with Soviet advisors. nR n oo Irf ATlIN 94 C uDwr 9/08 R NO CIIA . f": in,