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Publication Date: 
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; she 1999/09/08 : CIA-RD 82-00457R0002007 SUBJECT Political Inforiml of the Tientsin 25X1A6a 25X1A6a NTRAL INTELLIGENCE GROUP 3 iTELLIG CE REPORT dr ' NeB 1- "ii% !. ,r*au w 25X1 X6 DIST. 1`s January 1947 PAGES 2 SUPPLEt1E 15X1 X6 te: The Social Affairs )Bureau of the Tientsin Municipal Government is directly responsible to the National Ministry of Social Affairs, as is the case in all "special. r unic;ipalities" (Wanking, Shanghai, Peiping, aingtao, 3i.ki_ng ,Si.aat Tiara ; siin.. Chungking). In this way the National Government can control all types of civilian enterprises in the special municipalities, such as factories, schools, publications, hospitals, ate.) The erretaryr of the `'ocia"P' Affairs, Bureau of the Tientsin unici.pal govesn- ,=le t t "6 s Yr. _ CHAMTG Jui.' pan ( ' 3 k ) a The bureau consists of the following 41 I/v P ?~ `:,^'qni zat? on and Tr ac-d.r't.1 rc t'z 9rt1CL'.41t - "very tail0r union, as:, C_~2,ation 3 x 3, y other kir.6 of civilian sc,cial, fr l.trrnaaly 'roli.tical, or rrofessiorlal or- --lost .1 be i'E S" . ~`~'E'rf'(" at tkl-7 d@?,'~'I'tr"E'TIt rivinf.,, full `er'c O'tore, "ur'^ese, act;iv t , andd nacre. -). resronsii le rersonnel of it3, organizfa- a:lon,. he dera.rt,:;e~nt i. ;?'a_a1.1yr authorized to Irrrove or disapprove ':he exi.st,ance a y c 'vilinr;. er ec:?r.ercial orrani zat ions in 'I- trs. ,. < r; erce arc in< ustr4- r;c1,t,a?c;:l. De,_artme nt ha n lees the c,p eni r ' are cios- . ng of all local s:'or, and facf,ories, An,, meetinf; or conference by eorra.njes or f .$ctoriess mus?t be f el;~ in the rresence of a rerve scnta' !v:j' of t}t:1s derartrment, y. then 7 a'.se r est) t cns ra s'e0 eft the Confe'r'ence or t~eetinr- are considered Illeca L? O ~'r:f i, r, rr t len Dn Ajt-mPnit hendles various labor rroblerns,, c.a-?cs r?o, zing hoa.rsg labor -caritali.st, eisrutes, etc, Rerresentatives of this saerartment are attach O fro all local factexies to organize and control laborers. ~cs~ t~7 4 ita c~ r m nt handles relief w rkr esjr c'i?ally ir., winter time .,- D tc> ~tura1 and i conomic Affairs s D rartrent takes care of food rrohIems, ... :too, tricesg the orpaaization of .fars ers and trice control of all daily nee'e;rsi- Coa.i. auprl;~7 and coal distribution is rartly under the e ontrol of this section, f c ? ?& sarsram, pie artme t takes care of local AO and HIA -ranl z .t,ion or various ' coorerative associatior'as, articles ?ass ieddirg r of Tientsin :ate also s -onsored by this Derartmento h., G.oclreraciveAsscclations? Adm:iUfs iation~~??aratrent takes care of the or" ;'?"sa,Y~r~ a:~s1t.sa.,Ds?rArrlera, handles the eacarnination of moving pictures, arras F r e ~r r. and the repi.s rrAti.on of newsrf.r-ers, magazines and all printed --. fairs , The el-Fiction of the chief of each PAC an6 CHIA has to be supervvised and a.rrr ora'ac4 by this Clerartw-11t,, TS S. C &L IA~9TCB~ Document No. _J29- By: Tai Approved For Release ' 25X1A2g OP457ROO `r'? ere ar' O many a_' f"7 ix- are "unct- Gds no tineei, +hc c'on r?~) O ~4 f9rs 2X1 X ~' n ~* t VI ~~.i a.'iftn x'71 Social ;iffaio ., '?~"oau - Ile %1{;'',?.~%L.l117 the 'u .. ~v