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Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R000200570010= EN L INTELLIGENCE GROUP i ELIAGENCE REPORT COUNTRY Germny/Iaussian zone SUBJECT Airfields and > at1ti 2 5 ) 1 drv Area OR1G N hereby acco Director of Central Archivist of the 'irnsterwa; Cde 5 1,5 railed to r ~ Jce with the a 3 from the ?3flinence to t? ;ted O'a`L3. INFO. As indicated DIST. 16 January 1947 ES 3 PPLEE 25X1X6 Of th'3 approximately 5.,OOO i7.tassi rks irk F'i.nsteri alde, which now bo gt 18 DO ISOXrn u i bitent-a, 1,000 are infantry troops and came 7,000 are P .r force per sorrel ono tra1, :r c mr ooument No. ve in barracks at the fo;nner GAF airbase sl,l.gnk,iy north- ` i . e ro t o,~ `e b1~ c a dorf (A155) . at of and r th c) According to a `nernber of the c ltd. e a id n3 3trst.1or and also ?c rman workers, the air bass barrack; will soon be completely re- paired. when these accommodations are ready S j;000 additional troops r') Tight security controls exe eliaod by the Russians at &ohacksdorf$ an mall a in Fl nate . alder. prevented source from ?approaching the tk rft3ld. Local residents and air field arnployees, however, state that r.anrw-ys are In perfect condltlon,, .150-60 Pata aircraft are based there, an( there is considerable training activity, o : ncr field, fc z erly used for training German glider pilots, J.s o oour i :c! bat not very active,, It is located on the road from Dobrtlugk (A05) to Finnsterwaldeo The field was under guard when 9bna rved by source on B October. There wee}e five training planes, zt c . Fi ~ k as adoub o-deckar t4', znd two singly-motor pursuit aircraft :- :t the fields. which contained tie, wee barracks buildings and Class. D L.-.TS "" 1 S C 2emo7`4 Apr 775X1A9a Auth: DD RE+)..7711763 FBK t'aata~ (~ iced ~_o xrax troops arid of i esrw3 (some, pf the latter with dependents) .1. . d in the towna All air force BST and some air force FEt1f SPb3s 8 DEP. Q IOTA t F ..~ w ._t (.1 :Jl'~l moo: ,f.itl - Jf.UJ :J19, ..d ..7a L(~l: P Comment: A sketch of the Hcnnersdorf area is attazhed. HIennersdorf and other surrounding communities vere draf feed for work in this dump. The work consists of unloading a miunition from cars on the railroad siding and piling it in large storage roonss c) These workers agree, in var1o s statements .u ads to source, that the deliveries consist of 500 and 1,000 pound aircraft bombs with Russian markings. The bombs have not been given protective paint coatings, and welding seams are clearly visible. bomb damage suffered by the barracks has been ropa Lied b) For three weeks preceding 8 November, German workers Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R000200570010-0 25X1A2g f) Source reports hearing violent detonations during his stay in F'rbsterwalde a These usually occurs ed between 1500 and 1815 'sours. Local inhabitants claim that explosives are being tested at the KBnigsbruck training grounds and that the sound can be heard within an eighty kilometer radius. 25X1A6a 2 a Hennersdorf (A05): a) A former Organization Todt camp now s-ernes as a Soviet ammunition dump. This installation is south of the railroad line between Dobrilugk and Finsterwalele and west of the road from Honners- dorf to Lugau (A05)* It is surrounded by barbed w re and guarded by both soldiers and ?policexner1 accompanied b ,,v dogs. Most of the 3s Kolkwitz-S3d (A47): a) A small ammunition dump is located about 200 meters south of the- railway station in a small wooded area, A road passes through the woods dividing it into two sections. V+haen observe:3 by source, the northern section was empty; the southern section contained a number of aircraft bombs and a stack of cartridge cases. This area was fenced in and under guard. b) Local German civilizr_xus told source that the ami unction in the northern section was loaded on railroad cars four to six weeks earlier and shipped westward. In source&a opinion, the present supply at the dump is too small to be of any Importance. Comment: A sketch of the Kolkwitz S d area is attached. 42 a C ,! p Approved For Release 1999/09/08 :IA-RDP82-00457R000200570010-0 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R000200570010-0 CO X1A2g CJNT11A.L rNT .,LLI :r1C . ,RCUP Kirchhain 0 .E of riiu Pik izer =leg Lug.}. AI.IMTIO N DUMP AT HFUNIPMS ORF 7 -1 -.14 't % IL Highway 115 q qx Sanitarium A-MVIIN TIO DUMP AT KaL 6I'TZ SJ)) 'F 8 CIA-RDP8 Approved For Release 1999/09/0 2-00457R000200570010-0