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Document Creation Date: 
December 12, 2016
Document Release Date: 
February 7, 2002
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Publication Date: 
June 25, 1954
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PDF icon CIA-RDP80R01731R000500550005-6.pdf51.14 KB
Approved For Release 2002/03/22: CIA-RDP80R01 48000500550005-6 June 25, 1954 Honorable. Henry A. Byroads Assistant Secretary of State Department Washington D.C. With regard to my letter of May 6th, I was 8erprised not to have received an answer from you, considering the importance of the matter involved. Therefore, I am writing you now again in an effort to clarify my interest in the Eichmann matter. It is not my desire only to prosecute Adolf Eichmann, but to rid the free world of his terrible influence, which can only lead to disaster. For many years I have gathered information, documents, pictures and other data to prove a* that Adolf Eichmann, who was an active $S leader since the beginning of the Hitler regime, and other Nazi war criminals, are operating at present in the Middle-East, under assumed names, b. That the inflamatory statement made publicly by King Saudi was influenced by Adolf Eichmann and his henchman, as the language and tactics used are similar to those used by Goebbles and Hitler in their attempt to conquer the world. c, that Adolf Eichman and his friends are bringing the Commu- nists into the picture to achieve their end - world destruction. These facts prove without the shadow of a doubt that Eiohman and his friends are behind the Arabian acts of aggression and should suffice for the American Government to stop the shipment of arms to the Arabian countries until they abandon their warlike intentions and agree to act'and live at peace with Israel and the rest of the nations of the world. Approved For Rel se 2002/03/22: CIA-RDP80ROl731 R09500550005-6