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Approved For Release 2001/08/02 : CIA-Rp. -QQ3.5.ZRQQ9 90 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Personnel 6 June 1972 THROUGH . : Deputy Director for Support SUBJECT : Personnel Movement and Management Program (PMMP) REFERENCE : Memo to ExDir from D/Pers dtd 5 May 72, Same Subject 1. Followir;,; ti].,3 general discussion with the Deputies on per- sonnel at the Dir:~:At -,r's Annual Conference, I believe we are ready to go ahead with refinement of our efforts in this field. As you point out, this relies up.-i: the use of the PMMP. Before circulating the PMMP in the forte. attached hereto, I would like to have a discussion with you and you: staff on the PMMP, in which we might probe a bit into whether it could be expanded in concept to become a counterpart in personnel planning to the annual program and budget in the financial field. There are: a uumber of ways in which it might be expanded or altered to help tLi:: process. 2. The PMMP is aimed at the career services. In some cases these coincide with he directorates, but in others they do not. Do we have a way in which we can be sure that the Deputies are clearly seized of command responsibility with respect to their personnel, even though these in y be divided into different career services? I believe it is es senti-tl to ensure the full participation of the individual Deputies in a command sense if the PMMP is to succeed in its purpose. 3. The forms attached to the PMMP calling for statistical analysis are quite appropriate to analyze some of the statistical pressures faced by the different career services and directorates. However, average - grade planning, separation and promotion rates and entrances on duty (beginner and lateral) could be included within an expanded PMMP, as well as such matters as the use of QSI's, acceptance into career status, etc. i ?xc i i 2, ; ;matis~ Approved For Release 2001/08/02 : CIA-RDP82-00357R000800180040-5 _. ^a ^va\ "aa 1 Approved For Release 20018/02 CIA-R $2rO13357P$180Q,40-5 These could crystalize plans and set goals against which implementa- tion could be measured periodically during the year. 4. The PMMP could also provide the basis for planning for leader- ship selection and development. In other words, the career services could identify by number, although not by name, candidates at each grade level for special leadership development, training assignments, etc. Similarly, it could show the number of individuals the career service proposes to rotate for leadership development to other types of assignment and receive from other career services for leadership development. 5. Form 2 calls for narrative comments on. various problems, certainly appropriate. I think that certain others might be highlighted, however. For example, I think a specific report on preparatory steps being taken in the career service against the day of substantial ceiling reductions would be an appropriate item to encourage the identification of the least productive employees in the service for counseling, early retirement, or even movement out if this should become essential. 6. The average age trend of the career service (and by grade) could also be included, with a breakdown of what steps are taken in terms of recruitment at younger levels and retirement counsel at older levels to compensate for any adverse trends identified. This could in- clude some indication of the proportion of younger officers at grades GS-14 and above and statistical goals for this category in the future. It could also include a presentation of the PRA situation and any prob- lems posed. 7. The PMMP would seem a highly appropriate vehicle through which to implement our EEO program of goals and measurement of progress. 8. Could the PMMP also be a vehicle for a statistical report on the degree to which vacancy notices were issued (over past years) and, secondly, the degree to which they resulted in accessions from outside the immediate office concerned? This could show us the degree to which different offices and career services are implementing this device. Approved For Release 2001/08/02 : CIA-RDP82-00357R000800180040-5 Appro-Ved For Release 200 '8/02 : CI - 2QP82--`( 0W108001800 5 9. The PMMP also, I think, should be the basis for the career services to plan for and report on training. This could bring out the numbers attending the so-called "core" courses, those attending the language courses (or obtaining waivers), and those attending skills courses -- either basic skills general to the Agenc or special skills appropriate to the directorate, office, or job. This. would give us some reflection of the impact of training upon the total career service complement and carry along the idea of ensuring the best possible integration of training with personnel developmenc generally. 10. In perhaps simpler words, what I am suggesting is that the PMMP be the vehicle for an annual planning not only of some of the overall statistical aspects of our personnel situatior.? but also for plan- ning and reporting progress or lack thereof on some of the individual personnel programs of major importance. I thin-.1, c: it as less a report by the career services to the Agency level than an e-.ercise which re- quires each of the career services to analyze its ;;w-: situation and at the same time givesthe Agency level a vehicle to i&,atify units which are achieving particular goals or falling particularly- behind. This is what I think we might discuss with your staff. FOIAb3b W. E. Colby Executive Director- Corrmft roller Approved For Release 2001/08/02 : CIA-RDP82-00357R000800180040-5 Lj UN~ 1 For R SJU0 8/02: CIA-RDP82-000R&f8WbQ?V3A SECRET SUBJECT: (Optional) ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET Director of Personnel 5 E 56 HQ TO: (Officer desigrnt?on, room number, and building) Cot-r2p roller 7E12 E Execut,.ve Director- EXTENSION I NO. COMMENTS (Number each comment to show from whom to whom. Draw a line across column after each comment.) Naturally we look forward to the opportunity of meeting with you to discuss the possi- bility of expanding PMMP. Agree completely that Deputies must beco e mNTe ~ATJL involved. Jack Coffey p ans to do just this at his forthcoming meeting with DDS Office Heads. a so believe Deputies Meeting should identify top 50 or so positions for which they take development responsi- bility. I will defer further comments until after official receipt of your memo and study of your many suggestions. I believe we may be overlo8iing the PMMP exercise if we try to do too much, but perhaps you mean, as we implied in our 5 May 172 memo, that PMMP can serve other purposes. Since PMMP requires a critical assessment of manpower utiliza- tion and problems facing each career service, it is appropriate at the conclusion of the exercise to report on a variety of personnel programs. Some items could he an integral part of ~Ti*W- End FORM otners z" reports. [-! INTERNA r v El UNCLASSIFIE SENDER WILL CHECK C 3SIF{CATION TOP AND BOTTOM Approved For Releast>tm1001/08/0 - ENTIAL SECRETT OFFICIAL ROUTING SLIP Director of Personnel / try Psi- 2'7 'R,12 8 JUN 19 2;i~ ACTION PREPARE REPLY _ DIRECT REPE~ APPROVAL DISPATCH RECOMMENDATION w I i Remarks: 10n RETURN ST - J w1 N STAT NTL ' bj'~A "A FOLD HERE TO RETURM FROM: NAME. ADDRESS AND PHONE NO. Executive Director-Comptroller UNCLASSIFIED CONFIDENTIAL FIAT- 23)J I 7 Use previous editions 1-67 Approved For Release 2001/08/02 : CIA-RDP82-00357R000800180040-5 Approved For Relea. 2001/08/ SEEDER WILL CHECK C' S1FICATION TOP AND BOTTOM IA ~~Sti~ r7R 06"0J$86UPSN'rIAL = SECRET OFFICIAL ROUTING SLIP TO ANDRESS NAME DATE INITIALS I t_] ]r ]I , ~~j 3 +. .1 4 y r ... / ? 6 ACTION DIRECT REPLY PREPARE REPLY APPROVAL DISPATCH RECCi l: NDATION COMMENT FILE RETVAN CONCURRENCE INFORMATION SIWAAT':I(E Remark{s: kCSI V.-tLj-e FOLD HERE TO RETURN TO SENDE FROM: NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE NO. ATF- UNCLASSIFIED CONFIDENTIAL SECRET (40) FORM NO. ~)~)7 Use previous editions 1-67 LJ f Approved For Release 2001/08/02 : CIA-RDP82-00357R000800180040-5