EIC Subcommittee on Agriculture Annual Report for FY 1960
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Publication Date:
June 24, 1960
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Approved For Releas 000/09/01 : CIA-RDP82-00283RQ00200190018-7
.I i
me 56
? j4fl1 Ui-")UM FOR,, & re r aat, 4conomie Intelligence, Comittee
? ROM o Seexet r ra EAR: n:1 6.Tg?: lttt?1! on A :iiu1t e
5i1BJECP R IC 1ttee on AgriaL&Iture Annual
x7r9; for Pi 1960
Act:rvitles of the Subea ittee wing Fiscal Year.
1. n Review of the Inte11iXtnee Product In the $e amaj,tta ' s Field
The Subca a aittee :lixeus +tvd the pi ned ecamea .e rea ears b
picaym .m& ten Sino- 1et ~.oe agriev-1ture a& presented by
repr senta.tlves fiv t tae Depart it. of Agriculture, the
part t of State asci CIA,
tesea eh and Coli.eetfoa I f elea rtes
a. Research De f ia:le xec ie s
,The Swoca 1ttee ui,d ted Its atateme at on "Priority
Research Deficiencies Si o-Soviet Bloc A. ica1ture",
The Subcomittee ban not prepared any Collection
t icle y staatrmanta is, FY 1960 Late, in FY 1.959 the
Subc tttee ?e -ieved acme of the CIA/C "Gaps 1A
Xcf. ormt ion" ?3tatert ntz. Tbe Sanbco ittee found that
the %taate nts reirieaaed bad been outdated by arubsegaea!at
a.nx ora ,tloa o The 5ubco ttee found that these staat ats.+
after u t , and Subc ttege review aid approts1,
eou d be appropri t, Sub":om Attee s u n'ts, of
"Priority Collection Deficiencies".
Review of Stgstiutive Paapers.
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z., Review os Prop isss1s fc:-v t rnal sear'r;'d.>
Mae u bf?* 'sk,ttee rev:i.e d a proposed extens.Jon P-ad expansion
of a C A-- aponn-;tired rx ]. research ontk .ct on A,gr?icalt.vxe:
In 4Icmvjr_rajsatt M, xira.n The Subcacna,, ttee members wire asked to
'take :ix 4o considerat:?on the reeo net atiou of their E]
sr..irs,ciprssw:i.a In as}tri.tti ? fr cctsa nts ., In all. cases there
,,an either favorable eotment, or no ca nt, ox& the propOs tied
es tern a:j. r=es areb proj et.s
Maintenance f read Basic atat .s"ticse
There have been tnforn> s.l, discunaiosxs azno awe Subcommittee
nknabers3 on eu ?rent. agricultural pr ssction statistics of bloc
Couuytr:j , In most r: aces tber* bas beta ass:bstnntW. agreement
Projects Undertakai2 at the R!.cyzjv. of the JEW or Proposed to
1 fe11 a nce Rea x?ch T'ecllni uss s .
The tecbniques of research on the relation of weather to crop
yle ds, has been dia& ssed by sc Subcor, ittee members.
Special Coordinating Wwxetf,oas of the Subcommittee
Spec isats f"rasra the ?eparaat of State, the Department of
Agriculture, and CIA beve ~egulariv di.sa;ussyed the af'f'ects of
weztber on crop production in the bloc countries.
A statement on ?". ,ieUlture1. Stat;ismtics of the US and East
u^opE:" prepared In sup port of the U- S delegate to a ass et i ng
of an '-E/FAO t orkiA'X Party on :! icult'u sl Statissti.cs.. Was
coor?dii ated with sapeci acts of CT, USDA, and State Depar^tmment.,
9. Evaluation of the Role of the Sub; c ttee .
M isber: s of the Subcommittee feel that the Subc+ ittee bs
been effective as a medium for Interagency review and coo:rdin..-
cation, and as a zn chants m for improving econc1c intelligence
research within its field of f xteresat. vertheies s , it is
Approved For Release 2000/09/01 : CIA- 8 . - 3R000200190018-7
Approved For Releas00/09/01 : CIA-RDP82-0028380200190018-7
felt that there i., a defir:',t.e new for c wos per and sore
frequent Inter-.?cec.~=,nr,y collaboration on matters of r tua:l.
laxt=mrest at the working level..
:put.1ax^e Program of the Subcwmftte^.
NO elmuSes in the ?truct e or in the i`unctica . o the
Su: yea it.tem on Agr . ultsxre are contemplated for 1961.
The St.tbea ni,ttee shou.d cont:inu : to identify saps in research
and call.o tip ~a, appx?owee extem-1 rew ,reh projects, sere as a
coordi ting 1),3dy for all a ;encies and delaar rnent, hs w:?xp
respozssibi.l jtie s in food send agriculture, and aer as a. clearing
bow a for lnfox .tion and data on stern cc mtri e3 wblch could
be useful, in appr. ai,tx1'..z de ve-lop Buts In the SJ.rio-Soviet Bloc o
The., Subcs tte e s bwid also be alert to sizsi,ftees t devel.opss -sats,
activities and. alt-iat,tons in the field of fond and agriculture
throughout t&se world.
:abccw ttear on Agriculture
Approved For Release 2000/09/01 : CIA-RDP82-00283R000200190018-7